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Part 21 Rept Re Emergency Response Facility Info Sys Mod Design Feature W/Incorrectly Assigned Computer Input Signal from Nuclear safety-related Circuits.Corrections to Mod Should Be Completed by 860131
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/1985
From: Hegener W
To: Taylor J
REF-PT21-86-014-000 PT21-86-014-000, PT21-86-14, NUDOCS 8512160059
Download: ML20138F325 (3)


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,g ; e FOUNDEO6898-

,, 55 E AST MONROE STREET CHICAGO, it11 Nots 60603 . l

<- -W.'G.HEGENER_ (312) 269-2000 r-. . _ _


December 11, 1985


' Carolina, Power &. Light Company . (By Registered Mail

'H.- B.xRobinson Steam Electric Plant- Return Receipt Requested).

Unit" 2. ,

~10CFR21. Report:of.aiDefect Related to

, -the~ Carolina Power &: Light Company, '

L H SB. Robinson,.' Unit 2 4


Mr. James.M.,-Taylor

Director .- .

Office of Inspection'and' Enforcement U..S.' Nuclear 1. Regulatory Commission ,

(Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr.fTaylor:

2In accordance with-the provisions of 10CFR-Part 21, this is to Linform'you--that a defect in a design contained in a modification developed.for H..B. Robinson, Unit 2, has come to my attention.

M- The1 following specific'information is provided in accordance

with .10CFR21. 21(b) (3) :
11. :Name'and address of the: individual informing the Commission:

O.IG.LHegener Sargent & Lundy

55 East Monroe Street Chicago,iIllinois- 60603 (312-269-3853). R
2. LIdentification of the facility which contains the defect:

s H.:B.-' Robinson, Unit 2 Hartsville,= South-Carolina

-3.. Identification ~of the firm supplying the specific design '

~ that contains the defect:

< lSargent & Lundy

-Chicago,. Illinois-1-4. 1 Nature.of the defect and the safety hazard which could s ;bencreated by'such a defect:

JThe Emergency Response Facility Information. System


Modification contained a. design feature f <

i O i 8512160059 851211 PDR ADOCK 05000261 S PDR

~ ;-

CARGENTG LUNDY E N GIN E E RS CHICASO Carolina Power'&. Light Company December 11, 1985 H. B. Robinson - Unit 2 Page 2 Mr. James M. Taylor

U.S. . Nuclear Regulatory Commission in wh'ich certain computer input signals, taken from


nuclear safety-related. circuits, are incorrectly

' assigned to a non-nuclear safety-r, elated multiplexer cabinet. This error was detected and the modification was not completed. 'Had_the modification been

. completed,' possible safety-related consequences could have resulted if.a design basis event caused conductors in the non-nuclear safety-related. multiplexer cabinet to short to each.other and/or to ground and thus disable.

tdua controls of certain motor-operated valves in the Auxiliary and Main Feedwater Systems.

5. The date on which information of such defect was obtained:

In accordance with Sargent & Lundy procedures regar' ding 10CFR21 evaluations, notice was provided to me on November 13, 1985 that a. deviation was being the Sargent & Lundy Nuclear Safety Review Committee regarding its possible reportability under 10CFR21. On December 11, 1985 the Committee reported-to me that their evaluation had been completed and that the deviation was a defect which is reportable under 10CFR21.

6 .- Number and location of all basic components that contained the defect:

The defect is not la a component but is a defect-in-the design for the El.FIS Modification at H.-B. Robinson, Unit 2. The defect is limited to that specific modifica-

' tion.

7. The corrective action which has been taken, the name of the organization responsible for that action, and the length of time that has been or will be taken to complete the action:

Sargent & Lundy has reviewed the design of the ERFIS Modification in detail. Corrections to the modifica-tion design have been identified and are in progress.

These design corrections are scheduled to be completed by January 31, 1986. Corrective actions to preclude l recurrence of this type of error have-'been identified and-Sargent & Lundy procedures are being reviewed to determine the.need for changes. This review will be completed by January 31, 1986.

., i



Carolina Power & Light Company '

December 11, 1985 H. .B. Robinsonz- Unit 2 Page 3 Mr.-James'M. Taylor U.S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission

8. Any advice related to the defect that has been given to the licensees:

Sargent & Lundy~ info'rme'd Carolina Power & Light of the existence of a' deviation in a-telephone conversation on. September 30, 1985.. Carolina Power

& Light was notified'by letter on_ November 15,-1985 that Sargent'& Lundy had formed a Nuclear _ Safety Review Committee to evaluate the deviation and.

determine if it was a reportable defect. Carolina Power & being informed of this 10CFR21 report by. copy.of this letter.

Yours very truly, W. G. Hegen Director of Engineering WGH:emd Copies:

Mr. J. Nelson Grace


Regional Administrator, Region II 3U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, suite 3100'

' Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. A. B. Cutter, Vice President-

. Nuclear Engineering and Licensing Dept.

. Carolina Power &' Light Company

'411'Fayetteville. Street P.O. Box 1551 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602

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