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Notice of Violation from Insp on 850820-23 & 27-28
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1985
From: Shafer W
Shared Package
ML20133D733 List:
50-295-85-30, 50-304-85-31, NUDOCS 8510090161
Download: ML20133D739 (1)


I Appendix NOTICE OF VIOLATION Commonwealth Edison Company Docket No. 50-295 Docket No. 50-304 As a result of the inspection conducted on August 20-23, 27 and 28, 1985, and in accordance with-the General Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcement Actions, (10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C), the following violation was identified:

Technical Specification Section 6.2.B requires that radiation control procedures shall be maintained, made available to all personnel and adhered to.

The licensee's Chemistry Procedure ZCP 531-7, " Performance Test For the Eberline Model SAC-4 Scintillation Alpha Counter," (Revision 0, May 5, 1985),

requires that the SAC-4 be taken out of service and Chemistry Supervision be notified if a performance test result falls outside limits defined by the designated logbook.

Contrary to the above requirement: daily performance checks on the SAC-4 during June 1985 were outside the acceptable range on 7 occasions with no evidence that the instrument was taken out of service nor that Chemistry Supervision was notified.

This is a Severity Level V violation (Supplement I).

Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 2.201, you are required to submit to this office within thirty days of the date of this Notice a written statement or explanation in reply, including for each item of noncompliance: (1) cor-rective action taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective action to be taken to avoid further noncompliance; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieved. Consideration may be given to extending your response time for good cause siiown.

Datecf 0)-2745 ti)DRLu$u Wi T. Shafer,/ Chief Emergency Preharedness and Radiological Protection Branch 8510o90161 85o92 95 PDR ADOCK 050 DR G

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