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Forwards Updated List of Outstanding Exceptions to Completed Preoperational Tests & Milestone Dates for Closure of Items, Per FSAR Chapter 14 Re Sys
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1985
From: Jens W
To: James Keppler
EF2-70449, NUDOCS 8503280416
Download: ML20100B534 (6)


, Wayne H. Jena Vm Pnsident Nuclear Operations Ferme2 March 16, 1985 6400 North Dixie Highway ion No. port. u,cnigan 4ei6e EF2-70449 f.ucaITY F.cuina IQV (313) ses-4150 f ir~i _fis ni l___

Mr. James G. Keppler kg l13[7 Regional Administrator v 'n Region III k' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  %$h 42ft r ,d o _

799 Roosevelt Road FILL)op.

Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137

Dear Mr. Keppler:


(1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 (2) Detroit Edison to NRC Letter, " Post-Fuel Load Preoperational Testing",

NE-84-1792, January 11, 1985 (3) Detroit Edison to NRC Letter, " Post-Fuel Load Testing", EF2-70394, February 18, 1985


Post-Fuel Load Testing Reference 2 provided a list of the post-fuel load preopera-tional tests and Reference 3 provided a list of test excep-tions to the completed preoperational tests.

Attachment A provides an updated list of outstanding exceptions (Test Exception Disposition Reports) to the completed preoperational tests and the milestone dates for the closure of these items. This current list combined with Reference 2 is a complete list of post-fuel load deferrals of the preoperational tests listed in Chapter 14 of the FSAR. The applicable Reference 2 table is included as Attachment B.

If you have questions regarding this list, please contact Mr. Lewis P. Bregni at (313) 586-5083.

Sincerely, I

f b'

  • cc: Mr. P. M. Byron /

Mr. S. G. DuPont (

Mr. R. C. Knop Mr. M. D. Lynch Mr. L. Reyes USNRC Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 8503280416 850316 PDR ADOCK 05000341 A PDR


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(FSAR Chapter 14 Systems)

TEST NO. DISCUSSION COMPLEPION B2100.001 Nuclear Retest Auto Depressurization Ingic Operational-

~ Boiler System status indicating lights. Condition 2 TEDR #25, 27 (prior to exceeding 150 psi)

E1100'.001 Residual Complete motor operated valve dynamic Operational-Heat Removal System testing requiring flow to reactor Condition 2 TEDR #28 vessel.

T4700.001 Drywell Retest temperature recorder and thermo- Operational Cooling System couple computer inputs. Condition 2 TEDR #6 T48.00.001 Primary Retest Primary Containment Isolation Operational Cbntainment Atmosphere Valves following solenoid replacement. Condition 2 Control and Nitrogen Ocuplete motor operated valve testing.

Supply System TEDR's 13,15 T9200.001' Secondary Retest various door interlocks. Operational Containment Imak Rate Condition 2

- Test - TEDR #5 DDO.PFI.733 PVDEP: Complete Core Spray System vibration Operational Core Spray System - testing requiring flow to. reactor .

Condition 2.

! Exception B vessel.

!: 'C91.00.001 Process Couplete testing of computer inputs 5% power Computer Interface' from Traversing Incore Probe System System - TEDR #197 l T41001001 Reactor Couplete system air balancing. 5% power

! ' Building Heating, Couplete testing of Contaminated Ventilation, and Air Equipment Storage Room Filter Conditioning System L TEDR No.'s 16, 17

U4100.001 Turbine Couplete final system air balancing 5% power Building HVAC System TEDR #11 i N2100.001 Reactor Retest hydraulic operated cpte valves Test Feedwater System Condition 1 TEDR #21


i" N2000.001 Condensate Retest valve F404 and couplete motor Wrranty

' System - TEDR's 17, 22 operated valve dynamic testing. Run


  • Test Exception Disposition Report (TEDR)

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1(FSAR 01 apter 14 Systems)-

TEST 104 DISCUSSION COPELETION Retest.various sanple points following

'P3320.001 Plant Pro . '


-cess Sampling system  ! modifications; couplete' testing of '


.(Reactor Building). ;sunp samples.

TEDR's 4,-5, 7,19.

P3321.001 Plant Pro-. Retest various sanple points when pro- Wrranty

cess Sanpling System per. system water quality and sanple Run

.(Turbine Building). flows are available; retest annunciator TEDR's 14,'17, 18-

P4100.001' General -Retest valve controller and traveling Mrranty LService mter System screens. (bmplete various system per- Run TEDR's 1, 4 thru 9 formance tests when design loads and 1

flowrates are available..

R3600.001 Plant Nor- Retest ~of normal A.C. lighting levels. Mrranty

mal and Bnergency Run Lighting Systems-TEDR 17, 28 U4100.001 Turbine Betest temperature-transmitter for Wrranty Building H@C System Turbine Building steam heating Run TEDR's 6. . control.

H4000.001 enmnumica- Rctest various handsets, . speakers, First Refuel tion System Including .and desksets.- Retest various. speakers ing Outage Evacuation. Alarm where cutput is low and no energency

-System-TEDR's 7, 8,- strobe is visible.

10 -> 12, 15-> 18, 23 -> 34 Pll.000.001' Condensate Retest system interface with Fuel Pool First Refuel i Storage System - Cooling System. ing Outage.

TEDR's #3, 7 T4100.001 Reactor Complete testing of Reactor Vessel Head First Refuel' Building Heating, Ven- Vent System. ing Outage I

tilation and Air Con -

ditioning System TEDR tb. 's 14,16

ATT10DENP B Sheet 1 of 3 -

10ST EUEL IDAD PRBOPERATIONAL TESPING TEST bD. DISCUSSION CDMPIEPION E1000.001 BOCS Wis detection system is only applicable to the IX.CS suction M rranty Run Suction Line Leak from the torus and is not required for_ fuel load or the power Detection (noisture- ascension test program per the Fermi 2 Technical Specifications.

sensitive tape) Identified and unidentified leak detection functions are addressed b/ tenperature and line-f]cw increases, sunp-level changes, and other methods. Wis system provides refined leak detection information to assist coerator response.

Gll20.001 During the interim, a temporary vendor radwaste system will be Mrranty Run ,

Gil25.001 used. The vendor's Pro::ess Control Program and description (Gll35.001),

Gll35.001 details of the system were provided to the NBC by letters EF2-71992 Operational Liquid and Solid (dated October 11, 1984) and EF2-72035 (dated December 18, 1984). Condition 2 Radwaste We temporary system meets all process quality requirements and (Gil20.001, will support the plant needs until the permanent system is Gil25.001) installed and tested. W e portions of the system necessary to support the vendor radwaste system will be couplete before Operational Condition 2.

B3100.001 h e system logic and interlocks, lube oil subsystem and FG sets Operational Reactor Recircu- will have been tested before fuel load, although not required Condition 2

lation' by Fenni 2 Technical Specifications. We flow and puup operation tests will be performed during startup testing due to

, the core-configuration limitation, i.e., core delta P. W e preopera-tional test results will be reviewed and approved prior to Operational Condition 2.

l i

8 h 4:

A'I'DODENP B Sheet;2'of 3 ...

IOST EUEL IDAD PREDPERATIONAL TESTING TEST NO. DISCUSSION COMPIEPION P3323.001 Post- 'Ihe preoperational testing of PASS will be performed'in 5% power Accident Sampling , conjunction with coupletion of related construction activities.

, System (PASS) 'Ihe steps involved with PASS becoming operational have been discussed in detail with NRC Region III and documented in letter U2-70036, dated October 31, 1984.

V4100.001 Rad- We subject HVAC system is necessary to support significant 5% power waste Building rackaste processing operations. 'Ihe preoperational testing

, IWAC should, therefore, be coupleted before exceeding 5% power which

. is the recognized onset of significant fission and activation product generation.

E1010.001 he Primary Coolant Leak Detection Systems are not required until Operational Primary Cbolant criticality in Operational Condition 2. Until that time there Condition 2*

j Imak Detection will be open access to containment for visual detection of leak-age plus any leakage will have minimal or no contamination.

T4804.001 'Ihe system is not required until Operational Condition 2. The Operational Thermal Recom- postulated conditions to produce substantial hydrogen through Condition 2*

biners a metal-water reaction and radiolytic <bm=vwition can not exist 7

1 beforehand.

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1 l

  • W en containment integrity is required a



  • sheet 3 of 3 .


.T5000.001 Primary his system is not necessary unless the plant is operating or Operational Containment bbni- there is irradiated fuel. Condition 2(1),

toring except for 02 concentration

- which shall be operational six (6) months after initial criticality.

C5116.001 The TIP system is used for recalibration of the IPRM detectors Couplete before Traversing In- and for monitoring the APIRGR, IBGR, PCPR and MFIPD. It serves entering Tegt core Probe (TIP) no function until the reactor is in the power range. Cbndition it2)

N6200.001 Off- 'Ihis system has no function unless the main condenser steam jet Couplete before gas air ejectors are in operation. entering Test Condition 1(2)

T2303.001 The containment vacuum breakers are not required until contain- Operational Primary Con- ment integrity is required (i.e., Operational Condition 2). Condition 2(1) tainment Vacuum Breakers T4102.001 Control Center INAC will be operable as required by the Technical Operational Control Center Specification - prior to criticality in Operational Condition 2. Condition 2 INAC System (3)

(1)When containment integrity is required.

(2)See FSAR Figure 14.1-2.

(3) Testing has been completed. Test results package is in review.

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