NRC-90-0037, Forwards Completed Questionnaires for Types of Insps,Audits & Evaluations,In Response to Generic Ltr 90-01, Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey.

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Forwards Completed Questionnaires for Types of Insps,Audits & Evaluations,In Response to Generic Ltr 90-01, Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey.
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/05/1990
From: Sylvia B
CON-NRC-90-0037, CON-NRC-90-37 GL-90-01, GL-90-1, NUDOCS 9003160499
Download: ML20012B855 (52)


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                            ,                                                                         March 5. 1990 NRC-90-0037 U..S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
 ,                                Attn          Document' Control Desk Washington, D. C.                20555 Referencest                1) Fermi 2 NRC Docket No. 50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43
2) NRC Generic Letter No. 90-01. " Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey "

dated January 18, 1990 Subj ect :L Response to NRC Generic Letter 90-01 In ' response to the NRC Ceneric Letter 90-01 (Reference 2) enclosed are - i the completed questiowaadre sheets for applicable types of inspectica.- l audit, and evalue' den. Review of the wheets- rhus that a subarantial-

   ,,                             portion of the. department heado' and Plant Mar.ner's tiov.ic spent on                    c inspections,. eudite und ewnuutions. Fot inspections, thu permtego                         ,

of total timo providri in Ita 5 reflects the estimate of time spent  ; on each inspection and ir not on en annual bauis. While some of the J ta estimates. In Ites 5 may be high. significant time ir npent on these i A activities. ,

j. Additionally, considerable engineering rescorcoc are expended in  ;

preparing for and tesponding to NRC inspections and questions.

  • Furthermore, various independent review groups spend significant time  !

on. safety reviews and audits. These groups are Independent Safety Engineering Group (ISEG). Onsite Review Organization (OSRO), and ' i Nuclear Safety Review Group (NSRG).- The ISEG has five dedicated full ] s time engineers on site to provide independent evaluation of various plant activities. The OSRO has several members who usua13y meet at ] least weekly and-the NSRG is comprised of senior level members and consultants and meets at least once per calender quarter to provide , independent review and audit of activities involving nuclear safety.  !

                                 - With such significant resources expended on inspection evaluation and audits, consideration has been given to how to best use them. More eifective.use of resources could be achieved if NRC inspectors concentrated their ef forts on safety-significant items, but without                   l frequently requesting that the licensee justify previously reviewed 9003160499-900305                          '

9 hl -

                 .PDR         ADOCK 05000341                                                                             h     .


                                                              -                                                                i
                                             . PDC w

USNRC March S. 1990 NRC-90-0037 Page 2 design features. Genetic items should be tesolved on a generic basis rather than individually between licensees. and their inspectors. Better planning, scheduling, and forecasting of inspection activities and better coordination between regional and NRR personnel would improve efficiency and als.$ facilitate proper utilization of licensees' resources. A comprehensive licensee self-assessment program.could be taken into account to decrease routine NRC inspection activities. Est ablishing an optimal-inspection process would also help to accomplish the common objective of safe operation and ensure proper utilization of NRC and licensee resources. Although some overlap is unavoidable, ef forts should be made to decrease duplicate faspections. The need for l unannounced inspections could be revisited and some of these inspections could be announced and scheduled ahead of time. Coordination of inspection efforts has improved, but could improve further so that the licensees are provided with breaks between major inspection and evaluation activities. Additionally, only inspection - activities that must be done during tefueling outages should be conducted at that time since refueling outages resu?.t in more managnment t2me spent on current operctional problems. A' major i inspectior. team at the s ee time can only adversely affect perfore nce L by d'. vert ins resort ces. l Dotreit Edison opptociates the opportunity to commert on thece activities and hopes they arc received in the same const ructive mar.ner r( tt ey at a dut endud. If you have ary <;uesticns e please ecntact !!r. Girija Shukla er (313) i 586-/,270. 1 Sincerely. l (th Enclosure cc: A. B. Davis .. R. W. DeFayette l W. G. Rogers J. F. Stang NUMARC i 4 1 1 l

r 's n Enclosure to i - NRC-90-0037 Page 1 9 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: QA Audit - 100% coverage of Technical Specification line items. __
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? 100% coverage every five (5) years.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All Technical Specifications line items. 1

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 4 people, 4500 manhours / year. 5 years.  ;
5. Approximate percentage of total tino (on an annual be. sis) which ,

the following aanagers musc spend-in direct involvement before,  ! during and in rerponse to the activity described in itsu /1.

a. Plar.t Department Heads (number involved) _
b. Plant Manager _
c. Corporate D6 parts.ent Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) __  !
e. Chier Nuclear Officer f NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with j External Agencies.

i I

L .-

  • 9- -t
  • Enclosure to NRC-90-oo37 Page 2 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet
1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Chemistry
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months.

3 operations / Construction areas covered: Operational chemistry.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people, 420 manhours / year.
5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which '

the following managers must spend in direct involvement before,

                    'during and in response to the activity durcribed in Item #1.        ;
e. Plant Department Heads __

(number involved) ,__ b,, Plant Manager , _

c. Corporate Department Heade ,____ (number involved) , _


d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.

O t b k


  • i
     ..     .                                                                             t Enclosure t)

NRC-90-0037 s Page 3 I NRC Regulatory Impact Survey } Questionnaire Sheet , l

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Software Control  ;

(Computer System).

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months. .

3 operations / Construction areas covered: Operations process computer, core physics (new fuel) computer. .

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 2 people.

100 manhours / year.  ;

5. Aporoximate percentage of total timo (on an annual basia) which  :

the folicwing managers must spend in direct involbement before,  : during and in response to the ectivity described in Item #1. -

a. Plant Department Heads __,,_ (number involved)  :
b. Plant Manager
o. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) ,


d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with l External Agencies.

i P


Enclosure to NRC-90-0037 Page 4 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Emergency Operating Procedures / Station Blackout.
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months.
                  '3    operations / Construction areas covered: Emergency Operating Procedures / Station Blackout recovery procedures and training.
4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for hcw long) 3 people, l 420 manhours / year. _ _ _ ,_

l _l 1 3 Approx!. mate percentage of total time (on ao annuni basis) which " the following managcro must spend in direct involvement before,

                        -during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plaut Departrent Hea:Is ___, (nattet involved) _ _
b. P.lant Manager __ ,
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) -
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with .

External Agencies. l

i , .L i Enclosure to NRC-90-0037 Page 5 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Emergency Preparedness (RERP)
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Radiological Emergency Response ,


4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 1 people, 490menhourshear. _

S. Apprcximate percertage of total time (on an annual basis) thich the followi48 managera must spend in direct involvement before, during and in retponse to ttee actJvity described in Itea #1.

a. Plant Lepartsent HotAs _ (nurber involved) __ _ j
b. Pittnt Manager _ i i
c. Corporate Department Heads ,

(number involved)

d. Corporate Vice Presidents ,

(number involved) i

e. Chief Nuclear Officer ~  ;

1 1 NA - All. Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. NOTE: In addition to this QA audit, about 125 people spend approximately 6 hours each in Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness exercises and drills, about 4 times a year.

7c . g . Enclosure to NRC-90-oo37 Page 6 NRC Regulatory Iapact Survey i Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Environmental Protection
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how

! often is this activity conducted? Once/12 month i 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Environmental Protection Plan. II . Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3, people, 300 manhours / year. __



                                       ,        n
5. Approximate percentage ef total time (on an annuel basis) which the followitig au.mgert, wat spend in direct involvement tafere, du.rjng and in response ta the sctivity deteribed in item #1 .
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)  ;
e. Chief Nuclear Officer l

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Ditect Involvement with  ; External Agencies. l l I

         '; 3 ro ,

I k" A xe Enc 15: cura to [ [.h NRC-90-0037 i

          . .m           Page 7 my
, Hl T" p ., { ( ., '

L > NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Evaluation and corrective action.

2.- Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how. often is this activity conducted? Once/6 months (escalated audit frequency). 3 operations / Construction areas covered: Deviation Event Report (DER) program.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3_ people, 340 manhours every 6 months.
                    . 5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity. described in Item #1.
a. Plant Departraent Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number-involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief. Nuclear Officer i

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. e,

v. l s o. K l Encircura to .
  'A             NRC-90-0037-Page 8-                                                                  ,

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey ' Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Fire Protection I
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity-conducted? Once/12 months.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Fire Protection Program. t

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people.

380 manhours /12 months.

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before,
                      'during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time, ho Direct Involvement with External Agencies.


[~ .,_ .. O ;. = P - *- -Enclicura to l

 ,                 NRC-90-0037                         ,

1; Page 9 , y i i n NRC Regulatory Impact Survey ) l Questionnaire Sheet ,


r 1.. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Fitness for duty. ] s.

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? New audit this year. .

l r 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Fitness for duty i 10CFR26.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people,-for how long)

Outside audit-organization w/an audit team leader provided i internally'(Hours - not available). _ _ _ 1 5 Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1. 1

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant-Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer l

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with o External Agencies. l l i

0. .
       ,,     s-.

Encitcure to' NRC-90-0037 Page.10 i NRC Regulatory Impact Survey 6 Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Inservice Inspection
                        'and Testing ISI/IST.
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months, 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: ISI/IST program.
4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 4 people, 500 manhours /24 months.  ;

i q

                                                                                           -j 5    Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item-#1.
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved) .l
l. i
b. Plant Manager-
                       .c. Corporate Department Heads              (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) _

j L e. Chief Nuclear Officer i

                                                                                           -l 1

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with 3 External Agencies. { l l 1 l I 3

g. .  ;

Encircura to NRC-90-0037 Page 11~ NRC Regulatory Impact Survey

                                            -Questionnaire Sheet-                                    ,
1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Leakage Reduction Program.


2. Based on actual experience over the past several years,-about how often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months.

I 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Leakage Reduction Program. ,

4. Extent of the activity 1(how many people,- for how long) 2 people, 500 manhours /24 months.

t e 5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, j during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.  ;

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved) o b. Plant Manager L

c.-Corporate Department Heads (number involved.)  ;

d. Corporate-Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer '

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. 1 i I

E .. )-1.. g> *-

     's I   r.:           Encit ura to E                .NHC-90-0037.

Page 12 4 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Corrective Maintenance.
                - 2. Based on actual experience over'the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months (escalated frequency).

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All corrective maintenance

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 4 people, 420 manhours /12 months.

1 1 I 5 Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number' involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) l
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) <
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.



  • 4 i

( - L  :. *- 1

    ..           Eno10 ura to                                                                    l
                .NP.d-90-0037                                                                   ,

Page 13. i NRC Regulatory Impact Survey 1 Questionnaire Sheet i I

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Preventive Maintenance 1
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months (escalated i

frequency). 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All preventive maintenance. f

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 4 people,. ,

420 manhours /12 months. 5.. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) e.-Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with
                      ' External Agencies.


F, ., o -,. .., { Enclosura to-

'r i                  NRC-90-0037 Page 14 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet
1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Nuclear Fuel Management.
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this' aci,1vity conducted? Once/12 months.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Core management and fuel i cycle planning.

4. . Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 2 people, 200 manhours /12 months.
5. Approximate percertage of tott.1 time (on an annual basis) which j the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, 1 l during and in response to the activity described in Item #1. i
a. Plant Department Heads ., (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents _ (number involved) .f
e. Chier Nuclear Officer q s

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with j

                        . External Agencies.

L , 1 i 1 l l _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ w

t 6 4 g< . :

                                                                                                 .j.i r       -4 ;       s.  .

D* LEncircure-to 1 NRC-90-0037 p Page 15 l i-


NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Plant Operations 1. t

2. . Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Plant operating functions. . f

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 13 people. l 605 manhours /12 months.

i 5.. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the~following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department-Heads (number involved) .-
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.

t 4

v, .; p di Encl :ura to NRC-90-0037,-

               -Page 16
         ,                                                                               i NRC Regulatory Impact Survey                     ,

Questionnaire Sheet Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:. Material Procurement.

                .1. .
2. Based'on actual experience over the past several years, about how this activity conducted? Once/24 months. 4 3.: Operations / Construction areas covered: Procurement of QA1 and QA1 M Materials. >
               '4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people,   ,

200 manhours /24 months.

  .a 5      Approximate percentage of total t.ime-(on an annual basis) which-the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads '(number involved) ,
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) 1
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. .

y . 1

   -{s    W                                                                            -
      ..E    e-t   ?*'        Encitcura to                                                                i NRC-90-0037 Page:17 i

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet l e 1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Radiological Effluents, l Naterial transfer, and disposal.

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how l often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All radiological i effluent discharges, material transfers, and disposal. ii ,

4. Extent of- the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people, 520 manhours /12 months.
5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the-following managers must. spend in direct involvement before,.

during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
                    .b. Plant Manager                                                     ,
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time, No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.

h, ; ,y - *: W Enclo:ura t2  ;

    ,,                  NRC-90-0037
  ;                     Page 18                                                                         5 w.s 5T NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet
1. Type of-inspection, audit or evaluation: Radiological Protection
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how.

often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months. 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Radiological protection in the radiologically controlled areas. I .

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people, 400 manhours /12 months.

l 5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which l- the following managers must spend in direct involvement before,

                            -during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)-

l '

b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) 1'
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) p"" e. Chief Nuclear Officer L

L I NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. 1


R *- p 1. ; 5 8-s e :- h " Enclotura to . NRC-90-0037 ,

                       < Page 19-1 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey                         +
   -                                                  Questionnaire Sheet
1. -Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Regulatory reporting and posting.

2.- Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how i often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months, 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All regulatory reporting and posting. ,

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 2 people, 150 manhours /12 months.  ;

r 5 Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the-following managers must spend in direct involvement before, a 1 during and in response to the activity-described in Item #1. a._ Plant Department Heads (number involved)

b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) l
d. Corporate Vic6 Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. ,

l I




k. >'_.  ;
' - - Encit ure t3'-

( NRC-90-0037 Page 20l , i NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet m

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Safety Review and .
       ,                   Evaluation.
2. Based on actual experience'over the past several years, about how-  :

often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months. '! l

                     .3    Operations / Construction areas covered: All plant safety reviews and safety evaluations.


4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people, 300 manhours /12 months.
5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct: involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant-Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)


d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)

L e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with - External Agencies. - ll o

f, j.--  ; h( v:: Encl 0:ura-to r -NRC-90-0037 f' Page 21 , :t NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection,-audit or evaluation: Security Control and -

Safeguards information control. ,

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months.

3.- Operations / Construction areas covered:-All security controls.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people,  :

290 manhours /12 months.

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis)-which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) _ _ _
e. Chief Nuclear Officer I

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. l l 1 l l l l ____.___m- _


     .4     -
     '* ?        Enclosuro to                                                                 {



Page 22 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey-Questionnaire Sheet

11. . Type of inspection, audit or evaluation:-Special Nuclear Material i

Accountability .

                -2.      Based'on actual experience over the past several years, about how    ,

often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months. ] 3 ' Operations / Construction areas covered: All SNM S 1.0 gram. i l i

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 2 people, 160 manhours /12 months. ,


5. . Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following- managers must spend in direct involvement before,- 1
                       -during and in response to the activity. described in Item #1.      .
a. Plant Department-Heads (number involved)
b. Plant-Manager-
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents. (number involved)
e. Chief. Nuclear Officer l l

l I d 2 NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. et

I gy.- . Encitsurs to- '

                     -NRC-90-0037 Page.23                                                                     ,

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey . Questionnaire Sheet

                       - 1.'  Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Special Processes o


2. Based'on actual experience over the past several years, about how  ;

often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months. f I

                      '3      Operations / Construction areas covered: Special processes such as   l welding, soldering, brazing, coatings, and machining.
4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people, 345 manhours /24 months.


5. -Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which-the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant' Manager  ;

(number " involved) {

c. Corporate Department Heads
d. Corporate Vice: Presidents (number' involved)'
  ,                                                                                              4!

e.. Chief Nuclear Officer 1 NA - All' Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.

z .; ...

             . e                                                                                      a
           *-          ,Enclosura to                                                                     j
           ,            NRC-90-0037 Page 24                                                                          ]

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey ) Questionnaire Sheet l 1

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Unit Staff Training, and Qualifications i
2. - Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how-  ;
                             'often is this activity conducted? Once/12 months.
                                                                                                      -i 3     Operations / Construction areas covered: Training and Qualification        ,

of the Unit Staff, Plant Staff, Operating Staff, and '


Management Staff.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 4 people, 540 manhours /12 months.

1: L . ll 5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, I during and in response to the activity described in. Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)

[ j' b. Plant Manager l c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)

d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All-Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.


y, g , f; . ( a'  ! Enc 10:ura to' i NRC-90-0037 Page 25 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey I Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Design Control  ;


2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months.

3 operations / Construction areas covered: All design control for QA1 and QA1 M equipment.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 5 people, 900 manhours /24 months.

i F l S. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which

, the following managers must spend in direct' involvement before, t during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)


b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)

L e. Chief Nuclear Officer , l NA - All Internal, Routine Time.. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. l l

      %      Encle:ure to NRC-90-0037 Page 26                                                                  ,

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Document Control and ,

Records Management.

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months. .

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All controlled documents and records.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people, t 400 manhours /24 months.


5. Approximate percentage of total time-(on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and-in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads -(number involved) ,
                 'b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) 3
6. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) 3
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with 1 External Agencies.

y --

           . 1:    s o
         ' Ni .         Encittura to NRC-90-0037 Page 27 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet


1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Identification and control of parts, shipping, and handling. __
2. Basad on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months.

l 3.- Operations / Construction areas covered: Control of all QA1 and QA1 M parts.  ; I 1

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 4 people,-  !

200 manhours /24 months. .l q

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which ;j l

the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, ' during and in response to the activity described in Item 11. j

a. Flant Department Heads (number involved) _
b. Plant Manager
c. Cocporate Department Heads (number involved).
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)-
e. Chief Nuclear Officer 4
   .s NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.

a i L. i

=:: .

Enclecura to I, J U NRC-90-oo37 1; y Page 28 1 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey }. *

                                               -Questionnaire Sheet
1.. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Interfacing with Regulatory Agencies. l i
2. Based on-actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months.

i 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Reporting requirements.

                                                                                            .t L


4. Extent of'the activity (how many people, for how long) 2 people, 150 manhours /24 months.  ;
5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item-#1.
a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager.

(number involved)

c. Corporate Department Heads -
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No' Direct Involvement with-External Agencies.

1 l

O En:ilosura to E NRC-90-0037 Page 29 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet ,

 ..             1.   . Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Measuring and Test Equipment.
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how-often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Measuring and test q equipment for safety related work. 4 .- Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 3 people. 300 manhours /24 months. 5.- Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which i' the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, P during and in response to the activity Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads .(number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) ,
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)-


e. Chief. Nuclear Officer I

NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies. L l-l

p._ 7 J. Encl 0 cura to , i NRC-90-0037 Page 30- _l NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Nuclear Fuel ,

Management - Fuel Handling 4

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once per refuel outage.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Fuel handling during refuel outages.

4. Extont of the activity (how many people for how long) 2 people, 200 manhours / refuel outage.

l S. Approximate percentage of total time (on-an annual basis) which-the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described =in Item #1.

                       - a. Plant Department Heads              (number involved)
b. Plant Manager-
c. Corporate Department Heads __ _ (number involved)
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved) p e. Chief Nuclear Officer -(

l NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.- l l i l

i;-i . 1

.s o'

Enclo;ura to NRC-90-0037 Page 31' NRC Regulatory Impact Survey i Questionnaire Sheet ] i

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Procedures, Manuals and Orders
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how-often is this activity conducted? Once/24 months. >

3 Operations / Construction areas covered:-All controlled procedures, vendor manuals, and plant orders. ,

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 2 people,-

240 manhours /24 months. s

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which '

the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in. Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) .
                . d. Corporate Vice Presidents              (number involved)'       .
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with External Agencies.

( y , . *' y J'! 'Enclecura to -j

                                 .NRC-90-0037 Page 32-NRC Regulatory Impact Survey                       i Questionnaire Sheet                           l l
1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: INPO Evaluation / Visits
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? One yearly evaluation, about c

1 to 2 assist visits. 3 Operations / Construction-areas covered: Operations, Maintenance, q

                                             . Technical Support, Training, Ra'diation Protection, Chemistry and operating Experience Review.                                   ,
4. - Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 10 - 20 people, about two weeks for evaluation 2 to 4 people for assist visits.
5.  : Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant. Department Heads < 10% (number involved) 15
b. Plant Manager < 10%
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 2
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5% 1 l

l l l

  .i !?L ' .\

ru "' Enclc;ura to-NRC-90-0037' Page 33

  • i i

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet , 1.: Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Fire, Proparty, Machinery and Liability Inspections .

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? For-all ty9es of inspection /

evaluation about four times per year. l 1 1 D 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Physical plant-Radiation l Protection, Machinery Inspection and Fire Protection evaluation. ,

4. Extent of the activity (how asny people, for how long) About l

2 - 4 people for 2 - 3 days, four times per year. .

5. Approximate percer.tage of total time which the following managers '

must spend in di'.ect involvement before, during and in response to the activitv described in Item #1. a'. Plant Derartment Heads' 5% (number involved) 5

b. Plant Manager < 5%
c. Corporate Department Heads --

(number involved) --

d. Uorporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 1
e. Chief Nuclear Officer --
       ,. e.   ..

J, a .* , n *? Enciscure to NRC-90-00371 1 Page 34 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey 1 _2 Questionnaire Sheet I i

                       -1. . Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: State of Michigan -                q Boiler Division - Nuclear Inspector - ASME Section XI, Tech.

Spec. 4.0.5 Compliance. 1

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how
                             'often is this activity conducted? Monthly - for 2 day period.               j
3. - Operations /Const[uction areas covered: ASME Section XI Code '

l Compliance, State Boiler Laws, Repairs & Replacements Performed,  ! Inspections Performed, Inservice Testing Performed.

                       -4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)        1 person     j 2 days.

5 Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the~following managers must spend-in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Itea #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b.-Plant Manager
c. Corporate Department Heads (number involved)-

1 d.' Corporate Vice' Presidents (number involved) , I [- l e. Chief Nuclear Officer l l 1

                              -      No significant time was spent in direct involvement by persons
                                    .of the above mentioned categories.

l l l 1 l l l I l l


  • Enclosure to i NRC-90-0037 Page 35 j i

i NRC Regulatory Impact Survey , Questionnaire Sheet l l

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Self SALP and l monitoring of key organizational performance indicators.


2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how j often is this activity conducted? Self SALP - approx. semi- l l

annuallyt other monitoring - monthly. . i L 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All relevant functional f f~ j i performance areas associated with operation and maintenance of I of nuclear power plant.  !

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) Self l SALPs - typically 5_to 7 persons for 40-60 manhours each. Other ,

monitoring: 3-5 persons approx. 10 hrs. each. Total 50 ) manhours / month x 12 600 manhours / year. +

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, l during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads 2% - (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager 0.5%  :
c. Corporate Department Heads N/A (number lavolved) N/A f
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 0 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chier Nuclear Officer 0.5%

l i k-

1 c, ,. , Enclosure to NRC-90-oo37 l Page 36 i l i NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet i

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC Special Safety I l

l Inspection - Engineering Team Inspection.  !

2. Based on actttal experience over the past several years, about how .

often is this activity conducted? 1/ year in 1988. l, s 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Effectiveness and Technical capability of onsite engineering organization. . t i

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 5 people, t

75 mandays. , i i

5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers  !

must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heeds ,_10% (number involved) 5
b. Plant Manager < 55 'l
c. Corporate Department Heads < 55_ (number involved) 1  !
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%

i i i

w - c, , 1 0' Enclosure to , l l WRC-90-0037 I [ , Page 37 t .- j NRC Regulatory Impact Survey i Questionnaire Sheet l

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC - roatine l Resident Inspector
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Continuous 1yt 8 reports isaued in 1988.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: All areas

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 2 people, ,

full time and 1-3 additional part-time inspectors. > t i f f

5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response '

to the activity described in item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) 10
b. Plent Manager < 5%
o. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 1
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5%_ (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%


w l 1 b N- . i Encloeure to r NRC-90-0037 Page 38 l i NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet i

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Routine announced inspection of licensee actions to correct deficiencies identified by DET on training and qualification effectiveness.

i Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how ;

2.  :

often is this activity conducted? Only after DET inspections 3 operations / Construction areas covered: Training and , qualification effectiveness. ,_.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 4 people, ,

20 mandays.

5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response ,

to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager < 55
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5%__ (number involved) 1
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2 ,
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%

1 1 l l~ l

g < o e *

  ,          Enclosure to
  .          NRC-90-0037 i

f, Pase 39 s NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Routine, announced inspection of corrective actions from self initiated SALP.
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Approximately once per year.

i e 3 operations / Construction areas covered: sSPI corrective actions i for HPCI system. ,

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) I person, .
                 .7 mandays.
5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers l must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response '

to the activity described in Item fl.

a. Plant Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager < 5%
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 1 ,
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 55_ (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Offleer < 5%

6 l-l

c. -
p. 7v ' ". >

j '~ Enclosure to , 1 E NRC-90~0037 Page 40 1 NRC Regulatory Import Survey j Questionnaire Sheet I

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Systenatic Assessment ,

1 of Licensee Performance (SALP). t

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Once per year. ,

3 Operations / Construction areas covered All areas. i i

4. Extent of the activity (how aany people, for how long) Not ,

available. s

5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers ,

must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response , to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Hends 10% (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager 10%
0. Corporate Department Heads 10% _ (number involved) 2
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 10% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer 10%



, 4 o s

i '. ( 0 Enclosure to ) NRC-90-0037 Page 41 l NRC Regulatory Impact Survey i Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: _ Safety System Outage Modification Inspection (Design) SSOMI ,
 ,          2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how ;

often is this activity conducted? Once i 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Ss0MI  !

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) ,

19 people, 170 mandays.

5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response ,

to the activity described in Item #1. I

a. Plant Department Heads 10% (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager 55
1. Corporate Department Heads 5% (number involved) 2
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5% l l

l t


      < o,                                                                          !

Enclosure to I WRC-90-0037 i- , Page 42 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey l Questionnaire Sheet / l l

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Enforcement Conference f
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? As required.

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: As required.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 16 people, 16 mandays l
5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response '

to the activity described in Item #1. i

a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) 6 ,
b. Plant Manager < 5%
0. Corporate Department Ileads < 55 (number involved) 2
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2 r
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5% >

l l l l,


Gb . Enclosure to NRC-90-0037 r- , Page 43  ! v  !

  !                                 WRC Regulatory Impact Survey                       l Questionnaire Sheet,                          l
1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC Diagnostic i '

Evaluation Team Inspection and Routine Safety Inspection - Resident Inspector Review of DET. . I

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted?

i-  ; 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Diagnostic Inspection l Team Inspection.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)  ;

15 people, 230 mandays. , t I

5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1. Estimates Only  ;
a. Plant Department Heads 10% (number involved) 10 i
b. Plant Manager 10%
c. Corporate Department Heads 5% (number involved) 2 .
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 5% (number involved) 2 i
e. Chief Nuclear Officer 5%

t i L , i i


t, '#, Enclosure to NRC-90-0037

 '? ,          Page 44 NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet
1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation NRC routine safety inspections.
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? 11 inspections in 1989 3 operations / Construction areas covered: 1) Radiation Protection (two inspections) 2) Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing (one inspection) 3) Radwaste/ Chemistry (two inspections)
4) RERP (two inspections) 5) Safeguards (four inspections)
4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)
1) 18 mandays 2) 15 mandays 3) 30 mandays 4) 12 mandays
5) 36 mandays.
5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager < 5%
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 1
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%

l l L j


    .d  ".

[ Enclosure ta l i ' NRC-90-0037 . Page 45 l I NRC Regulatory Impact Survey  ; Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC special safety I inspection.
2. Based on actual, experience over the past several years, about how i often is this activity conducted? l 14 inspections in 1989. (

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: 1) Allegations (three inspections) 2) Inservice Testing Program (one inspection) ,

3) Specific systems (5 inspections) 4) Refueling Activities [

[oneinspection) 5) EQ Activities (one inspection) 6) Maintenance (one inspection) 7) Fire Protection (one  ! inspection) 8) Safety Evaluation Review (one inspection). I

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)
1) 75 mandays 2) 5 mandays 3) 166 mandays 5) 20 mandays
6) 110 mandays 7) 15 mandays 8) 50 mandays
5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response  ;

to the activity described in Item #1. ..

a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager < 5%
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 1 I
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%

l i I 1

  .] # %

F ' Enclosure to , ,9 NRC-90-0037  ! Page 46 l l NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet .

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC special I safety' inspection. I
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? 9 inspections in 1988.  !

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: 1) Technical Specification and Surveillance Procedure Upgrade Programs (two inspections)

2) Training (one inspection) 3) Allegations (three inspections)
4) Specific System Inspections (three inspections)  ;
4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)
1) 145 mandays 2) 8 mandays 3) 90 mandays 4) 53 mandays i

5 Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers-  : must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) to
b. Plant Manager 5%
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 1
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%
     ' O, # 'o
  • Rnclosure to
NRC-90-0037 Page 47 I

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Routine NRC Resident Inspector Safety Inspection.
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Every 6 weeks 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Operational safety, maintenance, surveillances.
4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long) 5 people, 50 mandays 4
5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) 10


b. Plant Manager 5%
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 1
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%

1 i


 *. ? %                                                                              j A       Enclosure to                                                               l
 !-       NRC-90-0037                                                                i y       Page 48                                                                   l 1

NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet i i

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Routine NRC
    .          Safety Inspections,                                                  i
2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? 15 inspections in 1988  ;

3 Operations / Construction areas covered: 1) Generic Letter and IE Bulletin reviews (four irspections) 2) Emergency [ I Preparedness (three inspections) 3) Maintenance Activities l (two inspections) 4) Inservice Testing (one inspection) i

5) chemistry (one inspection) 6) Local Leak Rate Testing (one inspection) 7) Radiation Protection (one inspection)
8) Safeguard Inspection (two inspections)
4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)
1) 56 mandays 2) 24 mandays 3) 35 mandays 4) 3 mandays  !
5) 4 mandays 6) 3 mandays 7) 10 mandays 8) 40 mandays
5. Approximate percentage of total time which the following managers ,

must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1. t

a. Plant Department Heads 5% (number involved) 10
b. Plant Manager < 5% ,
c. Corporate Department Heads < 5% (number involved) 1
d. Corporate Vice Presidents < 5% (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer < 5%

(-- . ,

    . eg f e CL I-- 'l         Enclosure to
 ! I            NRC-90-0037

[ o Page 49 j NRC Regulatory Impact Survey

 <                                         Questionnaire Sheet t

i i

1. Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: Daily Engineering P

Support to NRC Resident Inspectors. l

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how ~

often is this activity conducted? Daily interface as required. 3 Operations / Construction areas covered: Engineering Design and Operational Safety Concerns.

4. Extent of the activity (how many people, for how long)

On average, manhours equivalent to about 2 engineers. l-l 5. - Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which l the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, .i L during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.

a. Plant Department Heads (number involved)
b. Plant Manager
o. Corporate Department Heads (number involved) i
d. Corporate Vice Presidents (number involved)-
e. Chief Nuclear Officer NA - All Internal, Routine Time. No Direct Involvement with i External Agencies.

l l 1 i L 1-l l l 1 's- __ _ _ _ _ . ._ _ . _ . _

U f g f*.tt I Enclosure to o, NRC-90-0037 Page 50 l> e NRC Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire Sheet I 1.- Type of inspection, audit or evaluation: NRC Monthly Management Meeting.

2. Based on actual experience over the past several years, about how often is this activity conducted? Approximately every other month.

3 operations / Construction areas covered: Discussion of plant performance indicators and items of interest to NRC. ii . Extent of the activity (how many people,'for how long) Approximately 8-10 Deco people for 1/2 day meeting.

5. Approximate percentage of total time (on an annual basis) which the following managers must spend in direct involvement before, during and in response to the activity described in Item #1.
a. Plant Department Heads 1% (number involved) 5
b. Plant Manager 2%
c. Corporate Department Heads 25 (number involved) 2
d. Corporate Vice Presidents 25 (number involved) 2
e. Chief Nuclear Officer 2% .

1 l l 1 l-
