NRC-90-0108, Discusses Deletion of Commitment for Temporary Mod Program, Per Insp Rept 50-341/84-25.Requirement for Operations Engineer to Approve Extensions of Temporary Mods Beyond 30 Days Being Deleted from Procedure FIP-OP1-02

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Discusses Deletion of Commitment for Temporary Mod Program, Per Insp Rept 50-341/84-25.Requirement for Operations Engineer to Approve Extensions of Temporary Mods Beyond 30 Days Being Deleted from Procedure FIP-OP1-02
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/18/1990
From: Orser W
CON-NRC-90-0108, CON-NRC-90-108 NUDOCS 9007240073
Download: ML20055G689 (2)


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~ July ' 18, 1990 NRC-90-0108 U. '8. ~ Nuclear: Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk

. Washington, D.C. 20555 .,


~Referencest (1) Fermi 2-NRC Docke t. No. 50-341 NRC License No. NPF-43 l

4 ' il 3 , (2) Detroit Edison Letter EF2-69712 . i dated September 17, 1984' (3) Detroit Edison Letter NRC-90-0085, dated May 29, 1990 l

Subjects' Deletion of a Commitment for Notice of Violation Response.

BA-2 5-10 '

i; The purpose of this letter i~s to discuss the deletion of a commitment for the Temporary Modification program.

Detroit Edison's letter EF2-69712, dated September 17, 1984, responded

< to Notice of Violation-(NOV) 84025-10. This' violation was for a L' failure to maintain a correct' 'and up-to-date Temporary Modification log in the Tagging Center as required by procedure 12.000.2 5T. : q

" Interim Temporary Modifications Procedure". As one of the corrective '

l_ actions. Detroit Edison committed that there.will only be a 30 day p liferime for. th'e . Temporary Modification Record unless an extension is .l approved by the Operations Engineer. This corrective action was acc omplished. by a revision to procedure 12.000i25T. The procedure  ;

has since been superseded and the corrective action is presently  ;

controlled by the administrative procedure FIP-OPI-02, " Temporary

[' Mod ific a tions". y l

p FIP-OPI-02 currently includes the following requirements for control of Temporary Modifications' at Fermi 2:

o The Operations Engineer and Nuclear Shift Supervisor are required to approve all Temporary Modifications prior to their

, installation and removal.  ;

) '

o All revisions to a Temporary Modification require the Operations Engineer approval and any changes to the field installation of a Temporary Modification require the Nuclear Shif t Supervisor's approval.

o Partial removal of a Temporary Modification is not allowed unless the Temporary Hodification is revised.

9007240073 90071G  !

l' PDR. ADOCK 05000341 O PDC l c n

O 4 -

O. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission July 18,1990 NRC-90-010 8 Page 2 o All Temporary Modification installations and removals are required to be documented in the Nuclear Shif t Supervisors '

Temporary Modification Log.

o All Temporary Modifications are reviewed periodically by plant personnel to provide a plan for removal. The Operations Engineer and Superintendent, Technical Engineering, are required to approve all Temporary Modification periodic reviews.

o The On Site Review Organization is required to review all Temporary Modifications which are to remain installed past their original estimated removal date.

The NOV also stated that processing of a Temporary Modification will he performed only at the Tagging Center. This was to assure a review of the Temporary Modification by the Nuclear Shif t Supervisor. At that time, the Tagging Center was connec ted to the Nuclear Shift Supervisor 's of fice. Temporary Modifications are no longer processed in the Tagging Center because it is now separated from the Nuclear Shif t Supervisors of fice. 11owever, processing of a Temporary Modification will be performed only by the NSS as was the intent of this correceive action.

In addition to the above, Detroit Ed ison 's le t ter NRC-90-0085, da t ed May 29,1990, documents Fermi 2 's plan for reduc tion of Temporary Modifications and our program to reduce the duration of their installation.

Based on the current Fermi 2 Temporary Modification program, it is no longer necessary for the Operations Engineer to approve a Temporary Modification extension if it is to be installed beyond 30 days. This is considered appropriate since the removal date of the original Temporary Modification or any changes to the Temporary Modification are already approved by the Operations Engineer. Additionally , OSRO review is required for any Temporary Modification to remain installed past the original estimated removal date. This approval and review cycle is more extensive than the original commitment. Therefore, this requirement for the Operations Engineer to approve extensions of Temporary Modifications beyond 30 days is being deleted from FIP-OPI-02. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contac t Mr. Joseph Pendergas t, Compliance Engineer, at (313) 586-1682.



cc: A. B. Davis R. W. DeFayette W. C. Rogers J. F. Stang Region III

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