NRC-89-0240, Advises That Info in NRC 891010 Ser,Section 4.13 Re Alternate Rod Insertion/Recirculation Pump Trip Initiation Installed on Divisional Basis,Per ATWS Rule,Deemed Correct. Addl Alarm Also Provided for Arm Position of Switches

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Advises That Info in NRC 891010 Ser,Section 4.13 Re Alternate Rod Insertion/Recirculation Pump Trip Initiation Installed on Divisional Basis,Per ATWS Rule,Deemed Correct. Addl Alarm Also Provided for Arm Position of Switches
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1990
From: Sylvia B
CON-NRC-89-0240, CON-NRC-89-240 NUDOCS 9001190086
Download: ML20005G389 (2)


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,' 6400 North Dixie Highway -

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k January 11, 1990 L , NBC-89-0240


U. S. Naclear Regulatory Commission 6 <

' Attn: ' Document Control Desk -

Washington, .D. C. 20555 o


11) Fermi 2 NIC Docket No. 50-341 NIC License No. FPF-43 '
2) NIC letter dated Octcber 10, 1989

- 3) Detroit Edison letter,: NIC-89-0140, data 3 June 15,1989

4) Detroit Edison Letter, NIC-88-0113, data 3 April 20,1988


Anticirated Transient Withont_EcrMLJMFS1 Detroit Edison has reviewed the NIC Eafety Evaluation Report (SER) on L Fermi 2 conpliance with the A'IWS rule that was contained in Refererre

2. The purpose of this letter is to clarify. information contained in' Section 4.13. ~ The information described in the SER regarding the modification installed during the first refueling outage is correct.

~ Alternate Rod Insertion (ARI)/ Recirculation Punp Trip- (PPT) initiation L alarms were installed on a divisional basis. The alarm will actuate  ;

after the level or pressure channels . trip orif the systers are manually initiated. An additional alarm has been provided for the armed position of the ARI/ PPT manual initiation switches. The NIC staff found this design acceptable.

The information regarding the modification was obtained from Reference 3, which was the Detroit Edison report on how the Fermi 2 API and RPT systens will meet the A'lWS rule. This letter stated that it W

superceded the information provided in Reference 4.

Section 4.13 of the SER also mentions that the licensee stata3 that l the low level and high pressure trips are alarmed in the control room and that the NIC staff concluded that this information was not adequate. This information was contained in Reference 4, but was not totally accurate. The configuration was that there van one alarm L window that would annunciate if an A'IWS trip occurred due to either 1 -low level or high pressure.

9001190086 900111 PDR ADOCK 05000341 I

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-January.11, 1990..

P NIC-89-0240 f


.Page'2- ,

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'. ' ~ Reference 3 superceded Beference 4 due to inaccuracies and

. inadequacies that have previously been discussed. Since the NIC _

determined systern acceptability based on the information provided. in  !

Reference 3, the conclusions ~ of the Safety Evaluation Report are I F unchanged.

i, .

.Ms.: Lynne Goodman, Director, Nuclear Licensing at Fermi 2, discussed .,'


- this situation with Mr. John Stang, NIC Project Manager, who requested g- that it be-documented in a letter. .


N LIf there are any questions, please contact Ms. Lynne Goodman at (313) 586-4211.

Sincerely, ,

o cca. A. B.' Davis

_ R. W. Defayette  !

-W.-G. Bogers

-J. F.-Stang

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