NRC-90-0013, Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing Check Valves or Valves of Similar Design. Subj Valves Not Used by Util

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Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing Check Valves or Valves of Similar Design. Subj Valves Not Used by Util
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/1990
From: Sylvia B
CON-NRC-90-0013, CON-NRC-90-13 IEB-89-002, IEB-89-2, NUDOCS 9002020294
Download: ML20006B492 (3)


s 1

7 B.Calph Sylvle

, Lenior Vice President Detroit- 6 Edison r-

"=400 North Disse Highway  ;



-J January 26, 1990 NE-90-0013- 1 i

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Canmission ,

Attn: Document Control Desk  :

Washington, D. C. 20555-*  !

Refererces: 1) Fermi 2 f

- NE Docket No. 50-341-NE License No. !FF-43

2) NE Bulletin 89-02, " Stress Corrosion Cracking of High-Hardness Type 410 i Stainless Steel Internal PreloaSed. ',

Bolting in Anchor Darlbg Model S350W 5 Swing Check Valves or Valves of-Similar Design," dated July 19,x1989


Detroit Mison Resoonse to NE Bulletin 89-02 +

Detroit Edison has reviewed the NE Bulletin 89-02 (Reference _2) which :l was received on August 3, 1989. This bulletin requested'us to-identify and take actions on certain types;of swing check valves which .!

t may contain Type 410 Stainless Steel bolting material.

In response to this bulletin, Detroit' B:lison has perforned a review of the plant equipment at Fermi 2 to identify whether any swing check .[

valves of concern are installed in the plant. . This review has - ~

confirmed that Anchor Darling Model S350W swing check valves are not

. installed at Fermi 2. This review also included valves of similar L design with preloaded Type 410 Stainless Steel bolting material, and ,

indicated that no such valves 'are installed at Fermi 2. -

In addition, manufacturers of other safety related check. valves were -

consulted and their documents were reviewed. None of these other' manufacturers used preloaded Type 410 Stainless steel bolting material in their check valves supplied to Fermi 2.

As Detroit Edison does not have Anchor Darling Model S350W swing check valves or valves of similar design with preloaded Type 410SS bolting =

material at Fermi 2, no further actions are required. +

l 90020 D{C O h

? 163p


i r*-


. January 26, 1990-NIC-90-0013 -


If you have any_ questions, please contact Mr. Girija Shukla at (313) l- 586-4270.


t Sincerely, cc A. B. Davis R. W. Defayette

  • W. G. Rogers J. F. Steg I

i 1 +

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s. i
.s . . USNIC

. January 26, 1990- .,

NIC-90-0013 -

I l

1 f

l I, B. RALPH ELVIA, do hersy. affirm that' the foregoing statenents are based on facts and'circunstances which are true and scurate to -i.

the best of ny knowledge and belief. -

.e l &#alAA.

B. RhLPpf MLVJ( .

Senior Vice# resident 1-  ;

L' i

P on this day of Tantutr4 , 1990, before me personally appeared B. Ralph Sylvia,' being first duly sworn and says that he executed the foregoing as his free act and deed.

Vo m 4 dA Notary Public KAREN M. RElb H 4 Notary Public, Monroe Coua4 '

My Commissicn Egirn MA/ N; TMd -i I