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Second Updated Response to Applicant 830713 First Set of Interrogatories.No Good Cause Exists to Extend CP Because Power from Project Will Never Be Needed & Too Costly, Financing Impossible & Extension Unrealistic
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Washington Public Power Supply System
Issue date: 07/14/1983
From: Bell N
Shared Package
ML20093C821 List: ... further results
CON-WPPSS-117, FOIA-84-603 CPA, NUDOCS 8409270376
Download: ML20098D128 (6)


{{#Wiki_filter:1 - 4e E35C97 \\ G E .e w~ .j " T'.,; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA .~ i NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION .s. 1.. :_ EYE 9BE IBE_6IQUIG_E8EEIY_oND_blgggsIgg_ggang -- 2.1G;';l, c. s j.g;pd.. .' 'G,M'9*,(. In the "atter of ) ) WASHINGTCN PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM ) Docket No. 50-460CPA7Vg;/.h Nl.7)$f, M;. et. al. ) C

  • !: ? Y:5

) p h6 "9 h..,; 7,;; (WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 1) ) hr6 5.'.'.N'?.';il FW 4.r.w -, Y. :L., c. IEIEEYs398'.E_EE99E9_ME96IE9_BEEE9EEEE_IQ_6EELIcagI'g_EIBEI EEI_9E 7...f: 4 7,idip 6' '- INIEBB996I9BIEEt_2VLY_12t_1202i r .., O. 9 ex.w + =' r'.J h*2'y$ Jeh, h h ~ . f.s ?iQpg ~ [Qy that Licensee". hee i,[.. INTERROGATORY 11: Why do you contend f o r a n e x t e n s i o n o e.W.N. P.>.. ...?rs. failed to establish good cause ,M .'.'i.)y". %ff% ,N}'~ construction permit? .5:/ @. -:W _IG$


There exists no good cause to ex nd 7 construction permit for WNP-1 because the power from the:progect D { ' e '* * '.. t 'aX '4% will never be needed (in part due to its high cost), financing':$Mp BPAcannotbe[legalif'f.Y[X .%.t.j.QQ for the project will never be possible, <w v . :. W -s. y3 responsible for halting the

project, and the period..of'. tie e d.

.@:. f j :'U ' My . tu'yd requested for the extension is entirely unrealistic and who11 .c....

m.E. 14
  • .N. F.I..S'

W:bk*,Y,MTU7J iaposaib1e for WPPSS to meet. 1&[t'b ~~% G g/.yy.l pirm "$.N, % i;/ %- .g ...i. INTERROGATORY 18: What is the basis for your responsifM6 2W h Yf hfit;y.or interrogatories 16 and 177 . ~. - .. / 9.I.% Mb..y


" Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan".% f,


+ ~ g. -4;. t. ...s) 1983 by the Northwest Power Planning Council',p$*T.d.'. '/ Volume I, April 27,

fdw the " Analysis of Alternatives Related to WNP-3",)Maye;Ja.n Table 6-2,

-{ :'n u.:pl**y*C 26, 1983 by the Bonn.eville Power Adminstration, and page,28 ofyg.., ~ r ;;t.i,.,.,

    • s

'. f.$ Electric Power and Conservation Plan for the Pacificyh{*!. the ""odel

o r.-.

Con servation ~ Act.g;" ' O..' Northwc r' ", November 1982 by the Northwest v. 8409270376 840824 9 d ^- PDR FOIA ,g. ::a COHEN 84-603 PDR W F m- _. _ _ _

.a 'g ,l s ,?. .4 '.- ( z, - e fn ') Coa'it.on. g.,.. l. s.1; - ~ J.'- ih.. ' .s' -:., [.y;-.,,.. 5 .;4.s. %~

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Respectfully submitted, f.%... - J nJ'n.* %i ; i .y yr .:3~y : '\\; h; *;('W24fcT:; As G.,Qi.*,5 )m.~;s .., t .3 :s. ,.n NM%u. ~ .,p < wd. 7...e ;.3 .r.. .,.9,6 ..h .; w h f,.3-2 ~ . ;.,W 7 r$.,l, $.gE Dated this day, the 13th na Be11 y of July., 1983. Coalition for Safe Power. .= . m.. q o.. w..s..:r.,. m... .w .... _.t.m e.. ;;di'.h:4WPSE .. >it W .h W ...... m.+nf&i.:.% J.'_r :

  • :. U, B, 4.s d

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$ :.j.p' . :. 3.7.,L R 3 m,.. x X..ilf.;p;..u. k un.r;...J; = .t 0 f,,1chQ:. sn' q S~ ATE OF OREGON ) ) as.

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s. W,. a,, a ..,,2..- & =.4 *,r 3 . ' f".[M(* * #.' . j MJ,fk ; Nana Swll, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Staff Intervenor of the Coalition for Safe ,4 ;- y -Power, and that the contents of "INTERVENOR'S UPDATED .J,I?".'.'is'?fl RESPONS~~.S TO NRC STAFF'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES, JULY' i.*,4T' % 13, 190,3" and "INTERVENOR'S UPDATED RESPONSES TO APPLICANT'S 'NI.hif *'t! FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES, JULY 13, 1983" are true and 5.,.;f,@.Yi correct to the best of her information, knowledge and . ) j.1},0.'.' belief. All responses therein were prepared by herself and t Ck.. 'M Eugerie Rosolie .4.('re.f.,' d y -s 3 s.., = % .. w* .4-.:, %... \\+4 4 S1gned: . ; ;.;g % *.,,, g y s e .y,)4.o.:v.7,,,, ..4 > c.~. L;/ > ,g

  • . 1 6 w,;,,

,19 bh;;. 7., .. y..g,e,,. g .s.- s .. g r -1rM% _ Nina Bell - -WM..-M. gh 4 i,9, Coalition for Safe Power sp; .g. v. thia / __ __ day of k "- SU " R T B 'I D AND SWORN to before me 4 ..N. ' W C >b 1983. [ 2; y ' :.,. ..1. Y! N ;,7, f i,[$ '.yth a ~ b t.s<n t. e -w .o J.,..... Jr-MyCommissionExpires:$-/[-((i-}{e' t;' Notary P lic for Oregon {.$ j

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! ^ t{'. V, -f. - -.,.w t,: v.c, ?w .s ..' * % %..-) 1 s.u ...a e,, i. <..s c.. .y..h.*W4i.- M ....... ] } ; Q ~J 7-;f:r - l1 4 p>+.6- ,, t 5 TATE OF OREGON ) .,. 0. '. G V... -n...: ) aa. County of Multnomah ) 4/ 4 l 1,%. q ',,! .. Y ' 3.*i4(??h . ;f! 4 h.Pis.yE: iW4F ' ' y 4.ON;iCQ7v Bell, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

4. 'N,.p.'e 4-CO4 N2na the Staff Intervenor of the Coalition for Safe" i J i?4Gi..'1 Thst she is

' N $. 5.A..;I['[ Power, and that the contents of "INTERVENOR'S UPDATED 4 RESPONSES TO NRC STAFF'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES, JULY E.,-./.'-ev f,/ ; 4 gj. c and "INTERVENOR'S UPDATED RESPONSES TO APPLICANT'S }.y Q Q 13, 19 * '3 " INTERROGATORIES, JULY 13, 1983" are true and '4 e d. j FIRST SET OF best of her information, knowledge and $4 responses therein were. prepared by herself and..i.d.y.h,14.ij w correct to the j. belief. All - i. p h '@...k. 'f... '.f..A.,. Eugene Rosolie t -~m,7 .el1,.'O.yE.n?! g- - r -y.. .F 4 /. h' ' ' = e. Si9ned: p.;;;-:tM.,.,e%'. ' ,..s ... m . s m a., e.1


- g ~ c., ..s o 3 ~ .%c'@ m, M_ __ ____ - } $ T.P,Q j'!', ' < ' { 4 E ' "r,.M Nina Be11 .t ' +..,., c Coalition for Safe Power -i.,.,

..Q f Idhik EUPR! BED AND SWORN to before me this /,,,_.,_ day of
4.. :h.b..... . t.*v.

__ _, 1983. v.;c@ -.a 2~ . ;i :~.'y 't../*l

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.~,.- f:.' '.*h Notary P olic for Oregon My Commiasion Expires: 4 -/f-(( '.' "* M '-

9. #-,

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f. *.'.y.'
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1 -4 .c L y 3-1-. / . v. ~ without velidity. Furthermore, continued construction of UNP.'V - c. y.lh i-NI night bankrupt the region. c:. 4 %. Yiw ) g - S

  • k for --: yourf';:.-.a,i ry INTERROGATORY 13:

What la the factual baala p o w e r f r cu n ~l. C :? ~ statement that " Petitioner...does not believe the y.' S' 75".4 YOF J WNP-1 will ever be needed"? n. .s ...... -T.x. :,;.s.r. y c and Electric' Powe.@;;.a. >, [~ j


The " Northwest Conservation t .!a-


-a: Plan", Volume .I, April 27, 1983 by the Northwest Power Planning),gC.'.l'. s m .a.. if A;..;. i P o w e r a n d '. W. .S - ~<

Council, Table 6-1, and the "Model Electric A

Conservation Plan for the Pacific Northwest", Nove mber.'1982, #.' bpf.91Y ~ e f .. Yh.'O '.t,-2 ~.5 s. the Northwest Conservation Act Coalition (page 28). < i.c . w p$.. a v. W. ..., $, s.~y INTERROGATORY 14: la it Your contention that if and when,}the,. W'"E .>s '2 WNP-1 la completed and ready to operate, it will not be oper,ated,rcI,.75; because there would be no need for the power? ...;g j.g%~.@- g.

  • E'l.*<m M" %ju RESPONSE: Yes.

i= ~ e n .e .a You contend are releva.n.t.p< 7- 'NTIRFOGATORY 15: What'factora do 2,: 's.- j,g@.,t[;t 7 an whether power from WNP-1 will ever be needed?, " Northwest Conservat. ion Q,-;.'. i 3. f, 6 RIS?ONSE: The factors listed in the .1 n &. er

i 1983 by. t.h.,e. ', :.?

and E;ertric Power Plan", Volume I, April 27, s ....3 ~ ~ h ' 5.NG...)*:k. Northwes Power Planning Council, the " Analysis of Alternatives}g;;., a . ~.. - 4 - -+.;,# .1,.. Re ated to WNP-3", May 26, 1983 by the Bonneville Powere,. g - k-4 '<bWtlh' Adminstratien, the "Model Electric Power and Conservation. Plan..JA.:#. y; w. ..A for th-Pacific Northwest", November 1982 by the Northwest' 4 -.. W;7'b '.ll C o n s.t r v 3 t :.,n Act Coalition, and the " Analysis of R e s o u r c e $,.>.:: ,s. .....->c. a: A ; t e : r. : *.. v o r." dated April 19, 1982 by BPA. .'.M.y :v M... c-6#.6 .I -n. ,u. l ', Respectfully

bmitted, i

6< s,-. r.- s '. ?l:! ^.w',' 5 l t l .~ l )...,. r. [. 1', C a t e.d .o d..s y, the 13th Nina Bell cf Ju;y,

  • 98?.

Coalition for Safe Power [. i l ! - 5. l..

'f X.- 6. --2 t 1 e, o s., s

f. !
9. O ympia, WA 98501) on or about June 10, 1983.

3 ...".T.. z., - i s A L A B,7 2 2,,.,.'.y,. +, The legal basis identified by the intervenor to date .a.. w ~ < %, : W(. ' onswer to Interrogatory.*.No N. v INTERROGATORY 11(b): If yourset forth and explain fully / ho.wy' y. w. 11(a) is in the affirmative, D I' .T. 4 %jr t, factual basis or legal authority for this contention. m ; t :. h. Q ~t-s N " u l t i m a t e '

  • g o'o'd ?

R* I?


ALAB-722 establishes that the . S.w El I. ; i u.+ t cause" d'etermination is expected to encompass a Judgement:- about r;. 4.;,n .. 4 * + n. '.?; r M 4 ;; 34> .t. not to rest solely uport:rg.;yv ....w.:

fi why the plant should be completed and is

,.,: y .v..a n I, the' applicant's fault for delay", "whether good. y ;,,. g a judgewnt as s.t p p:.

, ~ -
a cause e
u sts to egend the construi: tion completion date".and t at y / '.

continued f'w..i.wh "a u d '3 + m e n t must still be made as to whether T <.i ? A'o .t.; 2 q construe-ion should nonetheless be allowed." The Appeals Board...h r,m ? t. 2

w. -

k ?. M y also discusses the temporary lack of need for power anct lackjof4 g;&c 1 G.,M$b financina ac factors which cause delay with valid businesag,.f.f3 2


a distinction between a " deferral"4 ofl*f'j -!fQ purposes. Intervenor sees s ' r E.n. /f ' W-lack of need or slowing of growth rate,.with yl%:f %. need and a temporary a, 3. + . u. t. the former a more suitable description of the instant case. 4.cfpq f $ :* '.'idC& 5 'l.;&MQ !N'ERROGATORY 12: (a) Do you claim that the actual deferrel.[if ruig in the need for power in the Northwest United States does'. not G I'.jp justify deferring construction of WNP-17 j ac'dm').f (b) E:< plain fully your answer to Interrogatory No. 12(a).F 34:sr.', t is in the p.}CC' te) If your answer to Interrogatory No. 12(a) that l.p:, affirmative, state the relevance of your statement NorthwestUnited,6.'.,p[ will,Al "Potitioner...does not belive the power from WNP-1 needed" to your claim that need for pow'er in the States not justify deferring construction of WNP-1. . j...':. ;;,

  • y... V BESPONSE:

.( a ) Yes. (b) The " deferral of need" austifies N' O.o d, W 5.. e s.. . c ) p.r'.',,- ( canceliction of the project not a deferral of construction. If there as never a need for the plant, the pla'nt should'be C - 'ep,Id rS.) plant's principle purposejis,,t.*c.:/ i cancelled, not deferred, because a 5 '.$9 W to provide needed electricity. The basis for the NRC's decisionl '. W , - e.:.% construction permit has proven to be totally,.';.), to grant WNp-1 a i y.,. s e h ,,,.}}