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Unexecuted Affidavit of MR Bassiouni Re Eddleman Contention 57-C-3 Re Siren Notification Sys.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/02/1984
From: Bassiouni M
Shared Package
ML20094A658 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8411060496
Download: ML20094A674 (12)


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Ot W7ED CC33ES?c;;g5scg gcc i50 U

Nove93er2,1984 e

'84 NOV -5 P 2 :






(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power )

Plant) )


) ss.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts )

M. READA BASSIOUNI, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. I am the founder and Principal Technical Consul-tant of Acoustic Technology, Inc. ("ATI"). My area of spe-cialization is the design and implementation of prompt noti-fication warning systems in accordance with NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, Appendix 3 and FEMA-43. Under my di-rection, ATI has provided technical services to more than 20 i nuclear utilities. A current statement of my professional i

qualifications and experience is attached hereto. My busi-ness address is ATI, 22 Union Wharf, Boston, Massachusetts 02109. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein and believe them to be true and correct. I make this affidavit in response to Eddleman Contention 57-C-3.

8411060496 841102 gDRADOCK 05000400 PDR

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2. Carolina Power & I.ight Company contracted with-ATI to analyze and evaluate the acoustic coverage of the siren notification. system designed to be installed within the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone (" plume EPZ" or "EPZ") of the Harris' Nuclear Power Plant. As principal consultant for ATI, I am preparing a report which documents the analysis of the warning system design to meet the guid-ance set forth in FEMA's regulations at 44 C.F.R. S 350; in NRC's regulations at 10 C.F.R. S 50.47(b)(5) and Part 50, Appendix E, S IV.D.3; in NUREG-0654, Criterion E.6 and Ap-pendix 3; and FEMA-43, the " Standard Guide For The Evalua-tion of Alert and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants" (September 1983).
3. NUREG-0654 and FEMA-43 are the basic guidelines for use by a nuclear licensee in the design of a prompt no-tification system for alerting the public within the EPZ.

These guidelines address the licensee's options for methods of alerting, such as outdoor warning sirens, tone alert ra-4 dios, and automatic telephone dialers. Federal guidance does not require redundant notification systems for the gen-eral public (i.e., siren systems to alert the public when it is outdoors, combined with tone alert radios or automatic telephone dialers to alert the public when it is indoors).

4. The federal guidance does not specify criteria for nighttime alerting. However, it does establish design criteria for public alert systems based on population

' density and ambient background noise -- specified as the av-erage_ measured outdoor daytime-(period between 7 am and 10 pm) ambient sound levels. (one reason that daytime ambient is specified rather than nighttime ambient is because the ambient noise level during the daytime is substantially higher than the level at nighttime) . According to the fed-eral guidance, a siren system may be designed so that the siren sound-level either provides 60/70 dBC acoustic alert coverage (depending on the population density of the area) or provides 10 dBC above the average outdoor daytime ambient sound level.

5. The siren system design within the Harris EPZ con-sists of 62 high-power electromechanical sirens (rated 125 dBC at 100 feet) strategically placed throughout the EPZ to provide optimal alert coverage to inhabited areas.

Twenty-six of the sirens are to be located in Chatham Coun-ty, six are to be located in Harnett County, six are to be located in Lee County, and twenty-four are to be located in Wake County.

6. Evaluation of the acoustic coverage for the siren warning system was accomplished by using a computer model developed by ATI,1/ and field measurements of the ambient sound levels. The acoustic coverage of the siren system de-sign was predicted for daytime summer average meteorological 1/ The utilized computer model has proven to be extremely accurate through extensive field testing.

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, conditions, as specified by FEMA-43. The computer model analysis demonstrates that the siren system'has been'de-signed to provide the required 60 and 70 dBC public alert coverage for most inhabited areas within the EPZ. (Apex and Fuquay-Varina are covered by 70 dBC contours.)

7. An ambient background noise survey was conducted within the Harris EPZ in July 1984 to document the. average measured outdoor ambient sound level in areas located out-


side the 60 dBC contours, in order to assess the siren sys-tem's ability to meet the 10 dB above ambient criterion in areas not covered by 60/70 dBC coverage. Th'e ambient back-ground noise survey was conducted in accordance with the procedures prescribed in FEMA-43. Each inhabited area not covered by a 60 dB signal was investigated individually.

Outdoor daytime ambient sound levels were measured in the range of 24 dB to 39 dB. Therefore, the average measured outdoor daytime ambient sound level for regions outside the 60 dBC coverage was conservatively established as 40 dB, and the 50 dBC acoustic coverage of the sirens was computed.

This analysis clearly demonstrates that the entire Harris EPZ is covered by a 50 dBC siren contour. Accordingly, all areas outside the 60 dBC contours meet the 10 dB above ambient criterion.

8. In summary, the proposed siren locations within the Harris EPZ were evaluated based upon applicable federal guidance. An actual ambient background noise survey and a

computer' analysis of-siren sound propagation ~were performed.

.The results of this study indicate that the proposed siren warning system' design complies with the NUREG-0654/ FEMA-43 guidelines (and the applicable federal regulations) to alert

. essentially 100% of the population within the plume EPZ' within 15 minutes.

M. Reada Bassiouni Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of October, 1984.

I Notary Public My Commission Expires:

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. P.esume of:

Dr. M. Reada Sassiouni Principal Consultant .

Eoucation Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York -

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Major: Acoustics (1976)

Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York -

Selectec courses in Business Acministration Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada -

M.E. in Meenanical Engineering (1972)

Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt -

8.S. in Mechanical Engineering (1,969)

. Technical Societies National Forensic Center -

cnosen as an expert in acoustics, noise and vibration control Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) - member American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) - member American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - member Acoustical Society of America (ASA) - memoer Excerience Record


Present BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Founded Acoustic Technology, Inc. (ATI) and is the principal technical consultant in acoustics, vibration, and noise control for utiUties, manufacturers, and agencies.

His area of specialization has been design and implemen-tation of promot notification warning systems recuired by NUREG-0654/ FEMA REP-1, Appendix 3. As an acoustic expert, he has witnested and conducted various siren perf ormance tests in conjunction with determining the actual siren acoustic capabilities for ut i l,i t i es and siren manuf a ctur-ers. Under his direction ATI developed a computer model for prediction of siren acoustic coverage for varying meteorological and ground conditions.

Also, he has had an active role in field testing installec warning systems including documentation and testifying results for the NRC. Uncer his technical direction ATI has provided consulting services to the following nuclear utilities:


1. Arizona Public Service Company Palo.verce 1, 2, 3, Nuclear Generating Stations
2. Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company Wm. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station
3. Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Power Plant St. Lucie Power Plant 4 GPU Nuclear Corocration Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station
5. Jersey Central Power & Light Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station
6. Louisiana Power & Light Waterford-3 Nuclear Station
7. Mississioni Power & Light l Grano Gulf Nuclear Station E. Omaha Public Power District Fort Calhoun Nuclear Pcwer Station
9. Puolic Service Electric & Gas Company Salem Nuclear Generating Station
10. Rocnester Gas and Electric Corporation R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Station 11 Sacramento Municioal Utility District Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station

( 12. Soutn Carolina Electric & Gas Comoany V.C. Summer Nuclear Power Station

13. Toledo Edison Company Davis-Sesse Nuclear Power Station 14 Virginia Electric & Power Company Surry Station North Anna Station
15. Gulf States utilities Co.

River Bend Station

16. Public Service Indiana

, Marble Hill Nuclear Generating Station

17. Ducuesne Light Company Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station Acoustic TECHNOLOGY lNC.
18. Philadelphia Elec'tric Comoany '

Limerick Generating Station i

19. Duke Power Company "

Catawba Nuclear Station

20. Indiana & Michigan Electric Company Donald C. Cook Nuclear Station
21. Illinois Power Company Clinton Power Station
22. Carolina Power & Light Comoany H. B. Robinson Plant Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant s Additionally, Dr. Bassiouni has been called upon as an expert witness by many legal firms. He has had extensive experience in analyzing hearing damage claims and OSHA violations which require testing and measurements of high-noise levels and cetermination of their ef f ects on humans.

He has also conducted acoustic analyses of tape recordings to identify recorded voices and tape tampering. Dr.

Bassiouni has prepared and reviewed environmental noise impact statements. . His activities include computer analysis and advanced field measurements. He has performed evaluations of airport noise impacts due to changes in air traffic volume.



a. Acoustic Specialist for the Promet Notification System g

required by NUREG-0654/ FEMA REP-1 Aopencix 3.

Responsible for computer modelling and ambient noise surveying and support of siren system design.

b. Noise control engineering for nuclear and fossil-fueled power projects to meet the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) criteria, property line sound level regulations imposed by local regulatory agencies or individual plant criteria selected to prevent noise complaints from the community.
c. Acting as a consultant to diagnostic vibrations and noise measurements to evaluate equipment performance deviation for existing plants.

, d. Preparing noise control specifications for new equipment, limiting the noise to allowable levels such that the resultant sound level in the plant area does not exceed the OSHA regulations.


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e. Casigning and developing noise control devices for dominant noise soisrces witnin the plant.
f. Selecting the acoustical materials to control in-clant y and exterior sound Levels.


g. Measurements, credictions, and evaluation of noise cont rol data.

Dr. Bassiouni performed work for the folLowing clients:

, 1. Cincinnati Gas & Electric W.H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station

2. Baltimore Gas & Electric Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Station
3. Occidental Petroleum I Geothermal Power Plant 4 Great Northern-Pace. Comoany
Millinocket, Maine J l

. 5. Atlantic City Electric Company 4 Deep Water Station - Return to Coal Firing

6. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Reference Nuclear Power Plan: (RNPP)
7. Texaco, Inc."

a Light Olefins Unit, Port Arthur, Texas

8. Sacramento Municipal utility District (SMUD)

Geothermal Power Plant

9. Virginia Electric & Power Company -

North Anna Unit Nos. 3 and 4

10. Duquesne Light Company Beaver Valley Pover Station - Unit No. 2
11. Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation i Nine Mile Unit 2 l


12. Power Authority of the State of New York Greene County Projects l


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I Senior Acoustic Scientist f Duties consisted of the fctLouing: i

1. Experimental acoustic design for Laser systems.

Acoustic elements design and material compatibility and acoustic properties testing.

2. Design and analysis of special design _ acoustic muf flers anc silencers.

1975 TERRY CORPORATION, 1 subsidiary of INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANT WINDSOR, CONNECTICUT Noise Consultant Duties consisted of the following:

1. Developed noise' data for use by marketing ir presenting and guaranteeing noise Levels to customers.
2. Developed practical acoustic enclorare systems for use on tuccine and gears.
3. Analyzed existing products (single and multistage turoines and gear units) to determine compliance with the national noi'e standards.

4 Ensured that OSHA noise standards were met in the new croouct cesign.

5. Reviewed new incustrial noise standards applied to the company procucts.
6. Determined the impact of existing and proposec noise control legislation and regulations on corporate activities.

1972-1975 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY SYRACUSE, NEW YORK Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Duties consisted of the following:

1. Conducted extensive acoustic measurements using various techniques.
2. Performed supporting diagnostic technicues for the associated flow field.


3. Acoustic data reduction method's, data analysis, anc o results reporting.  !

4 Irivestigated and evaluated noise recuction methods. -


Research Assistant - Engineering Department Fields: Fan and compressor accustic tesign anc te'stec acoustic liners Instructor of Mechanical Engineering Full and part-time Consulting Engineer in air conditioning and refrigeration systems, Alexandria, Egypt.

Publications u Authored:

1. " Outdoor Sound Propagation over Grounc wi th Several Impedance Discontinuities"; Acoustical Society of America , Paper; presented Novencer 1982; orlando, Florida Co-autnored the following:
1. "Drompt; Siren Notification System Design" POWER ENGINEERING, March 1983
2. " Prediction and Experimental Verificatien of Fa r-f i e ld sound propagation over Varying G e curic Surf acev' Internoise "83" caper.
3. "Acousti e ' and Flow Characteristics of Cold High-Speed Coaxi al' J ets," AIAA Paper No.78-241, January 1978
4. "Cupus:M c Jct Noise Suppression by Coaxial

- Cold / Heated Jet Flows," AIAA Paper No.76-507, J u l,y 1o74

'5. 5 o me Recent taveira,ents in Supersonic Jet Noise Reduction," AIAA P2per No.75-503, March 1975

6. '.' Potential, of Coaxial Multi-Nozzle Configurations for Reduction of Noise from Hign Velocity Jets," Second Interagency Symposium of University Research in Transportation Noise, North Carolina University, 1974 l 7. " Reduction of Noise from Supersonic Jets by Coaxial Multi-Nozzle Schemes," Eighth International Cong.ess on Acoustics, London, 1974 Acoustic TECHNOLOGY lNC.


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8. " Quarterly Progress Repsets, N:s. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, submitted to office of Neise Abatement, Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. -j
9. "A High-Speed High-Temoerature Flow Facility" Final report under Grant SSF (70)-25, submitted to New York i State Science and Technology Foundation 6

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