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Affidavit of Ps Miriello Re Falsification of Exposure Records.Related Info Encl.W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/1986
From: Miriello P
Shared Package
ML20210K701 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8604290016
Download: ML20210K704 (10)


_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __. .



AFFIDAVIT OF PATTY S.'MIRIELLO County of / L, State of b Ot/

Patty S. Miriello, being duly sworn according to law, desposes and says as'follows:

u 1. My name is Patty S. Miriello. My address is Post Office Box 28071, Raleigh, N.C.

27611. I was employed be Carolina Power & Light from February 1985 through August 1985 I worked at the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP), New Hill, N.C. and at the ~

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP is a two reactor plant site), Southport, N.C. I was employed as a health physics technician and worked in radiation areas and was are posed to radiation and radioactive contamination in the course of my work at both plants.

2 .The purpose of this affidavit is to state that the official radiation exposure record as provided and maintained by CP&L under the provisions of NRC Regulation 10CFR, Part li which is intended to document my radiation exposure while employed by Carolina Power & '

Light is false. Not only is this record to be maintained correctly;but, I am required at the beginning of every new position of employment in radiation work to certify ~ on a i NRC form 4(att.1)the correct amount of radiation exposure which I have received while being employed as a radiation worker at each and every nuclear facility where I have worked during my lifetime. The radiation ernosure of 0 ren or no dose which CP&L nrovides an official is not eniv annears and I believe it to be che result of record camperina and destruction with malice bY CP&L.

3. This is a matter of concern for the USNKC and the State of North Carolina, and is of concern to all radiation workers employed by CP&L. Not all employees are permitted to carry radiation survey meters. The people permitted to carry the radiation meters and monitor the radiation levels during a job are part of the same health physics department who is to supply accurate radiation dose records. The best way to cover up workers receiving large doses chronically would be to supply false job coverage i documentation in conjunction with false radiation exposure dose records. I was fortunate enough to carry two survey meters and I was accompanied by another technicians therefore, I know what my exposure was, but many employees of CP&L will never know. It could be too i< 1 ate by now.

Accurate dose records and not just dose records are required to be maintained by by all licensees of the USNRC which employ individuals who will receive an exposure to radiation. The legal occupational exposure limits provided in the NRC Regulation 10CFR, Part 20. Therefore, in order to abide by the law and adhere to these limits; the employer.

! and the radiation worker must accurately know the amount of radiation exposure the in-l dividual has received. To allow people to acculaulate more dose while falsifying their i dose records to make the company look good in the eyes of the public is disgusting ar.d l criminal.

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I Page 2 l

l There is risk sssociated with all occupational radiation exposures. It is l 4,

the right of every individual radiation worker to be able to determine the amount cf risk that he or she deems acceptable in his or her job. By CP&L providing fcise radiation record (s); the radiation worker does not have the necessary in; fsraation to evaluate the undertaking of further risk associated with radiation cxposure. The evaluation of this risk is especially important to the female worker, since she is recommended by the National Council on Radiation Protection and by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reg. Guide 8.13 not to receive more then 500 millires (area) of radiation dose if pregnant. This is recommended to protect a possible unborn fetus. Many women often do not realize that they are pregnant f;r the first few weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, in addition to being wise for the worker to protect herself; accurate exposure records protect the unborn fetus cleo. The woman can elect to leave radiation work, if she knows her exposure. If the record is false, then the woman could elect to stay and do the work again.

Especially, as in my case where in being false the record also is zero.

5. I state that the radiation expcsure record which CP&L provided to me which ctates that I received no radiation exposure from 7/1/85 to 8/9/85 (see attach-ment 2) is false. There is a significant amount of radiation dose missing.

12 no way could I have received no dose. I estimate the missine dose or actual anae to be from 400 mram to several thousand mrem which I had rectived while workinn for CP&L in the time eeriod indicated.

A copy of the access control card which is a record of all self reading pocket dosimeter (SRPD) doses obtained during radiation work at BSEP is provided as cttachment 3. Each time a worker enters or exits a radiation area the SRPD dose io read and the remaing dose is calculated and placed in the right nost column of the access control card. By looking at the doses in the dose column and by addition nf these doses a total can be obtained.

8/5/85 I received 20 mrea

  • 8/6/85 I received 1 mrem 8/8/85 I received 40 mrem
    • 8/9/85 Gene Haight wrote in another 40 mrem. I wanted to write in what I saw which was an SRPD reading 3/4 of full scale or greater which was 400 area.

So the total is 61mrea without the 8/9/85 SRPD reading.

Sixty-one area is a substantial amount of radiation dose which should be clearly shown on a worker's thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) which I wore' with my SRPD into all r:diation areas. The official CP&L TLD reading on attachment 2 is zero. Where did all of that dose go?

In addition, Gene *.aight a health physics technician who . interfered with ev work even though I plainly stated my credentials to him and requested that he leave me da my job; took the access control card on 8/9/81 after I stated that I was leaving the cres to get a new SRPD and TLD since the SRPD was 3/4 scale (400 mrem) and Haight filled in 80 for the out dose and 899 for the remaining dose. He then wrote TLD update across the i cecess card. I stated that what was on the dosimeter should be written on the card which L

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e Pcg2 3 i-J l was 400 mrea. However, I didn't want Haight to know that I was looking into radiation

{ problems because another employee had asked me to do so. I was afraid that CP&L would kick me off the site, call me a liar, and cover-up. In addition the other employee might i

30t fired. I wasn't sure how heavy handed CP&L was at that time and I was being very

! ccutious. I also felt at that time that it wasn't wise to go to any supervision at BSEP cr at SHNPP with these safety concerns; since it appeared to me that the supervisors j were all just as able as myself to go out into the BSEP and see the same thing. So I firmly believe they knew and didn't give a damn. It wasn't wise for me to protest further.

i i The point is that: 61 ares plus at least 400 mres which I saw on my SRPD are missing from my dose records. I believe that when I turned in my TLD and SRPD for a reading er cn update on 8/9/85; that the reading was high enough (about 400 mrea) to indicate to the health physics personnel at the BSEP site that I had been looking into high radiation creas which should not ba openly accessible to me nor anyone else. Therefore, I believe that CP&L either read the TLD with a manual reader which wipes out the dose after the TLD is read and put the TLD then through the automatic TLD reader to give me an official fcise reading of 0 or they never read the TLD; but just heated it up (annealed'it) to get rid of the dose and then put it through an automatic reader to get an official dose or

d a technician / supervisor simply manually put in a "ilse reading. There are several p ssibilities .as to how it can be done.


i It must also be noted that when I turned in my TLD since the SRPD was 3/4 scale to get l the TLD read; I was issued another TLD and SRPD and I completed and signed the paperwork 1 . fcr these. Therefore, the second TLD that I was given at BSEP must be read and that reading '

chould have been added to my dose. It appears that this TLD reading is missing from my dose records. Most often TLD's have some reading which would increase and never decrease an in-i dividual's dose. So where is the dose from the second TLD which I had at BSEP7 Even though

the dose access card shows that no dose was acculaulated on the second SRPD which I made ca entry with on 8/9/85 (the last entry on the card) the TLD is more sensitive than an
SRPD and it would probably show some dose. But CP&L states that I received zero dose.
A third TLD reading also appears to be missing from my dose records. From 7/1/85 to 8/9/85 I had a TLD at the Shearon Harris Nucleat Plant. I wore the TLD during the receipt inspection of radioactive materials and during accountibility work. Once again I this TLD would not give a negative dose and it would probably give a value somewhere I chove background. However, CP&L states I received zero dose. For the time period of

. 4/1/85 to 6/30/85 when I handled less radioactivity which included only low activity whole body counter sources; CP&L states that I received a whole body dose or 29 mrem.

H:w can this be? CP&L says I received a dose in low radiation areas; but, when I work j in a radioactive mess like BSEP'CP&L states that I didn't get anything.


6. I believe the dose records were falsified by CP&L when health physics personnel ct the BSEP realized that I had received a substantial dos? and had probably found


  • cneof the open high radiation areas which through their negligence was not locked or posted as such. In addition, 1 herg _was probably malice intended. Lacey Tripp a health ohvsics' foreman at BSEP stated in his office on 8/9/85 that I wad been watched or that i I had been under CP&L surveillance while at the BSEP. Therefore, it is evident that CP&L knew that I was looking at safety concerns. Moreover. Lacey Tripp told me this 4

on 8/9/85 when I was questioning him as to why he didn't want me on site. Before noon j en 8/9/85 I was told by the Radwaste shipping health physics foreman to call David Elkins Cf SHNPP whowas my immediate supervisor. I did. David Elkins said that I would be l


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Page 4 rnturning to the SHNPP a week early because Jim McDuffee his supervisor had received c complaint from Lacey Tripp stating that I was uncooperative with Gene Haight. On 8/9/85 I questioned Lacey Tripp as to why he had gone out on a limb and took Haight's word against mines I was never asked for what happened . Gene Haight sexually harassed me for several days with undue attention. In addition, he asked me to go into a secluded .

crea of the plant te discuss our differences. At that point I flatly refused, threatened to file complaint against Haight, and told him that if he'd leave me alone it would be fergotten. As I see,CP&L pannicked when the TLD reading was high and used a bogus charge that I did not cooperate with a health physics technician with lessor health physics credentials than myself when in fact Gene Haight wanted to play some kind of game in a cccluded plant area. CP&L I believe saw that I was investigating safety concerns and didn't want it to appear to the USNRC or to anyone else that I was being removed from BSEP because I found some serious radiological problems.

T7 further substantiate the claim that my dose records were falsified with malice, I con-tacted a current CP&L employee and asked this person to verify that there was not a com-puter error on the CP&L official dose record which is attached to this affidavit and which ctate zero dose. The double check made in January 1986 confirms:no error. This person 10 afraid to be identified due to fear of retaliation, loss of job, and possible black-listing by CP&L. This individual did confirm other problems with my dose records and

,ctnsequently I believe the dose given to me by CP&L of zero is no accident. This person hcs requested to remain anon mous.

7.CP&L tries to make it appear thatwhole body counting or internal monitoring was done in my case. Attachment 2, the official exposure record which CP&L provided for me states that whole body counting was done. This is a half truth which is there in my case to totally benefit CP&L. I was not given a whole body count before I left B runswick. CP&L was too busy kicking me off the site. From August 9,1985 through August 31,1985; CP&L made no effort to have me ge to any of their facilities for a whole body count. In addition, they,which includes John Ferguson, Jim McDuffee(health physics supervisor)4 ,

Joseph Harness (assistant plant manager at SliNPP), and Joseph Sipp (health physics manager at SHNPP) on August 31,1985 gave me an ultimatum of being fired or resigning and at the same time never said a darn word about an exit whole body count. A health physics supervisor and a health physics ma na ge r should know basic health physics practices at their plant. They must offer or make available an exit whole body count which they didn't. So as the CP&L official dose record, attachment 2 states:1 was given a whole body count. But that count was given prior to my radiation work at both SHNPP and at B SEP.

1 Therefore,that whole body count is totally worthless in assessing any in_t_ernal radioactive contamination which I picked up_at SHNPP or B SEP. It is simply on the official record to_make_CP&L look_ good.

Attachment 4 is my official exposure record from GPU Nuclear at Three Mile 101and. That record plainly shows both the initial and exit whole body counts CPU is not trying to hide anything. Is CP&Li Why doesn' t CP&L states the dates so obviously?

What should bother everyone reading this is that: will the averagewoper ~

over comprehend what is going on? j

[ , .f o and subscribed t e this b day Mg ( at SQr 11 g

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my commiss on expired .

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OCCUPATIONAL EXTERNAL RADIATION EXPOSURE HISTORY See snowwt.eas en sne Best NRC FORM 4 soentire.ation I 8eA484 IPes47 - LAST, fIAST. A40 wiOctti 2 SOCIAL SGCua:Tv mo 3 0474 QF SIRTN (MONTM, DAY, YEAR) 4 AGE IN FULL YE A#5 (N) l occupatioseat empoevas - *eavious wetonv s *etwapus tesPLovweasts swwotvsee acafIsoft e gyweper t eta. sos ce gapoevat aup*04esooy s. accono om Cattutaf ao naosation saposume-ust name Asso itacas foi issesi tessea nt o=t e acenesB08 taspt0ven 10 At w Am sLS li. ACCUMULATED OCCUPAfeONAL 0068



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. Attachoont 2 Carolina Power & Light Company i Shearon Harris Energ/ & Eevironmental Center Route 1, Box 327 New I(i11, North Carolina 27562 August 28, 19e5 l

1 l

A Ms. Patty S. Miriello P.O. Box 2ee71 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 ,

Dear Eirs.

The f ollowing exposure inf ormation is provided f or your records:

Names Miriello, Patty S. Social Security No. 2ee-46-e9s5

! Period of Emp1'ayment at CP&Le from e2/25/e5 to se/e9/e5

1. Radiation Exposure Inf ormation in REMS Extremity EeCled Whele Eedr Rhin WeneC eC LeueC e2/25/s5 to e3/31/es e.ees e.eDe N/M

. e4/et/e5 to se/se/es e.e29 - 8.e33 N/M e7/st/oS to se/e9/e5 geee ... N/M Totals e.e29 a.e33 N/M II. Whole Body Counting and/or Bioassay Information A ._ -- - Mc whole body count or bicassay was performed.

fe. X Whofb. body count and/or bioassay was performed and the resu)(s indicated no significant activity.

III. This report is f urnished to you under the provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulation ieCFR, Part 19.

You should preserve this report for further reference.

N/M - not monitored S. N. Cros11n Technical Specialist Health Physics Form ERC-e32 2/e5 1

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CC 101 v i '10s.L ' S F I LE HEN 11:.i LICEt4II.e iTo ee. ros AsuEu To iac) i

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t s CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that this Request by CCNC and Wells Eddleman for Admissf on of New Contention WB-4 (Falsification of Exposure Records) with Attachment Af fidavit by Patty S. Miriello was served on the following persons by deposit in the U. S. Mail, postage prepaid, or by hand-delivery.

Thamas S. Moore, Chairman (appeals only) M. Travis Payne Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board PO Box 12643 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raleigh, NC 27605 Washington, D. C. 20555 Dr. Richard D. Wilson Dr. Reginald Cotchy (appeals only) 729 Hunter Street Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board Apex, NC 27502 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nashington, D. C. 20555 Wells Eddleman 812 Yancey St.

Howard A. Wilber (appeals only) Durham, NC 27701 Atomic Safety & Licensing Appeal Board US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Richard E. Jones Washington, D. C. 20555 Dale Hollar Legal Department James L. Felley Carolina Power & Light Atomic Safety & Licensing Board PO Box 1551 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raleigh, NC 27602 Washington, D. C. 20555 Thomas A. Baxter Clenn O. Bright Shrw, Pittman, Pot ts & Trowbridge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board 1800 M Street, NW US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20036 Washington, D. C. 20555 Robert Cruber Dr. James H. Carpenter Public Staff--Utilities Commission Atomic Safety & Licensing Board PO Box 991 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raleigh, NC 27602 Washington, D. C. 20555 H. Al Cole, Jr.

Docketing and Service (3 copies) Attorney General's Office Office of the Secretary PO Box 629 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Raleigh, NC 27602 Washington, D. C. 20555 Spence W. Perry (emerg. planning)

Charles A. Barth Associate General Counsel Office of the Executive Legal Director FEMA US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 500 C Street, SW, Ste. 480 Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20740 Bradley W. Jones NRC--Region II !l~' This is the 22nd day of 101 Marrietta Street /@, '}' S April, 1986.

Atlanta, CA 30303 /'

Daniel F. Read / -

PO Box 2151 ~4 ohn Runkle Raleigh, NC 27602 e _

Attorney at Law

