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Applicant First Suppl Response to Board of Commissioners of Orange County First Set of Discovery Requests.* Suppl Provides Addl Responses to General Interrogatories 2 & 3. with Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/24/1999
From: Oneill J
CON-#399-20853 99-762-02-LA, LA, NUDOCS 9909290054
Download: ML20212G008 (17)



'], $

RELATED CORRESPCt!DEMCG 00CKEIED UPIRC September 24,1999 9 SEP 27 P4 :04 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Cir fm Before the Atomic Safety and Licensine Board #' ~

In the Matter of )



(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant) ) ASLBP No. 99-762-02-LA APPLICANT'S FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COUNTY'S FIRST SET OF DISCOVERY REOUESTS Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. Q 2.740(e), Applicant Carolina Power & Light Company

("CP&L") files this supplement to Applicant's responses to the August 5,1999 " Orange County's First Set of Discovery Requests Directed to the Applicant"("BCOC's First {

Discovery Requests"). This supplement provides additional responses to General i

Interrogatories 2 and 3 in BCOC's first Discovery Requests. I GENERAL INTERROGATORY NO. 2. For each admitted Orange County contention, give the name, address, profession, employer, area of professional expertise, and educational and scientific experience of each person whom CP&L expects to provide sworn affidavits and declarations in the written filing for the Subpart K proceeding described in the Board's July 29,1999, Memorandum and Order and the general subject matter on which each person is expected to provide sworn affidavits and declarations for the written filing. For purposes of answering this interrogatory, the educational and scientific experiene of expected affiants and declarants may be provided by a resume of the person attached to the response.

APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: The Applicant supplements its response to BCOC's First Discovery Requests by identifying the following additional persons whom i

1 9909290054 990924 PDR ADOCK 05000400 0 PDR




e the Applicant expects to ps ide swom affidavits and declarations in the written filing for the Subpart K proceeding with respect to BCOC's admitted contentions.

Michael J. DeVoe Project Engineer Nuclear Fuel Services

. Carolina Power & Light Co.

P.O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602-1551-Area of Professional Expertise: Nuclear Science and Engineering Educational and Scientific Experience: A copy of Mr. DeVoe's resume is attached to this response.

General Subject Matter: Contention 2.

Charles H. Griffin

- Engineer Corporate Nuclear Engineering Carolina Power & Light Co.

' 411 Fayetteville St.

P.O. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602-1551 Area of Professional Expertise: Welding and Materials Engineering (

Educational and Scientific Experience: Mr. Griffin worked at the Harris Plant as 1 a welding engineer from 1978 through 1985. He was responsible for welding on large bore piping during Harris Plant construction. From 1986 to June 1990, Mr.

Griffin worked at the Harris Energy and Environmental Center, Metallurgy Laboratories, performing failure analyses for CP&L's fossil and nuclear plants. q Since 1990, Mr. Griffin has worked in Corporate Nuclear Engineering, as a i maierials engineer, providing support to all three CP&L nuclear units. Mr.

Griffin holds a B.S. degree from North Carolina State University.

General Subject Matter: Contention 3.

David L. Shockley l Su;~,rvisor Configuration Management Carolina Power & Light Co.

P.O. Box 165 New Hill, NC 27562-0165 Area of Professional Expertise: Quality Assurance / Quality Control

Educational and Scientific Experience: A copy of Mr. Shockley's resume is attached to this response.

General Subject Matter: Contention 3.

1 1

GENERAL INTERROGATORY NO. 3. For each admitted Orange County contention, identify each expert on whom CP&L intends to rely on in its written filing for the Subpart K proceeding described in the Board's July 29,1999 Memorandum and Order, the general subject matter on which each expert is expected to provide swom affidavits and declarations for the written filing, the qualifications of each expert whom CP&L expects to provide swom affidavits and declarations for the written filing, a list of i all publications authored by the expert within the preceding ten years, and a listing of any l

other cases in which the expert has testified as an expert at a trial, hearing or by deposition within the preceding four years. ] 4 APPLICANT'S RESPONSE: The Applicant supplements its response to


BCOC's First Discovery Requests by identifying the following persons whom the Applicant expects to rely on as experts in its written filing for u. iart K proceeding I with respect to BCOC's admitted contentions.

Stanley E. Tumer, Ph.D., PE Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Scientist Holtec International 230 Normandy Circle East Palm Harbor, FL 34683 Area of Professional Expertise: Nuclear Science and Engineering.

Educational and Scientific Experience: A copy of Dr. Turner's resume is attached to this response.

General Subject Matter: Contention 2.

Publications in the last Ten Years: Dr. Turner's publications are being reviewed and a list will be provided promptly when completed.

Testifying Experience in the last Four Years: None.

Everett L. Redmond II, Ph.D.

Principal Engineer Holtec International Holtec Center 555 Lincoln Drive West Marlton,NJ 08053 Area of Professional Expertise: Nuclear Science and Engineering.

Educational and Scientific Experience: A copy of Dr. Redmond's resume is attached to this response.

General Subject Matter: Contention 2.

Publications in the last Ten Years: Dr. Redmond's publications are listed on his resume, which is attached to this response.

Testifying Experience in the last Four Years: None.

Ahmad Alexander Moccari, Ph.D.

Senior Engineer Carolina Power & Light Co.

Harris Energy and Environmental Center 3932 New Hill-Holleman Rd.

New Hill, NC 27652 Area of Professional Fxpertise: Metallurgical engineering, corrosion, bacteria detection, and failure analysis, including metallurgical, mechanical and  ;

environmentally-induced failure. (

Educational and Scientific Experience: A copy of Dr. Moccari's resume is  !

attached to this response.

General Subject Matter: Contention 3.


Publications in the last Ten Years:

" Development of Controlled Hydrodynamic Techniques for Corrosion Testing," with T.Y. Chin and D.D. Macdonald, Corrosion, Vol. 48, No. 3, March (1992).

" Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors for Component Cooling Water Systems,"

with D.B. Alexander, Corrosion, Vol. 49, No. I1, November (1993). j

" Corrosion Inhibitor Evaluation for Materials Used in Closed Cooling Water Systems," Materials Performances, Vol. 38, No. 9, September (1999).

Testifying Experience in the last Four Years: None.

Respectfully submitted, OfCounsel: John H. O'Neill,V Steven Carr William R. Hollaway Legal Department SHAW PITTMAN CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT 2300 N Street, N.W.  ;

COMPANY Washington,DC 20037 411 Fayetteville Street Mall (202) 663-8000 Post Office Box i551 - CPB 13A2 Counsel for CAROLINA Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-1551 POWER & LIGHT (919)S46-4161 COMPANY Dated: September 24,1999 4

a .,

Michael J. DeVoe



MS Mechanical Engineering - University of California, Berkeley - 1984 BS Nuclear Engineering - University of Wisconsin, Madison - 1978 Physics, Pre-Engineering'- University of Wisconsin, Whitewater - 1976 Professional Affiliations:

Registered Professional Engineer, NC - 1991

' American Nuclear Society Member Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Member Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society Member

Exnerience Prior to Joinino CP&L:

January 1979 - Pronram Fnoineer - General Electric Company, San Jose, California.

September 1982 Participant in General Electric Company's Edison Engineering and Engineering Training Programs. This involved six rotating work assignments of six inonths duration each; one and a half years of company taught applied engineering studies; and nine months of graduate study at the University of California - Berkeley.

September 1982 - Reload Nuclear Engings - General Electric Company, San Jose, California. l June 1984 Performed a variety cf reload nuclear engineering design activities in support of several operating boiling water reactor projects. Work areas included fuel 4 cycle analysis, core design, system transient analysis, and core management.

Exnerience with CP&L:

July 1984 - Senior Fnoineer - Nuclear Fuel Section. Neutronic and Incore Analysis Units.

July 1990 Performed methods development, core and fuel system design, core management, reload licensing, and operations support for the Brunswick Units. Served as Technical / Team Leader for Brunswick reload activities.


' July 1990 - Actino Unit Monmoer - Nuclear Fuel Section. Incore Analysis Unit.

July 1991 Promoted to Project Engineer in September 1990.

July 1991 - Proiect Fnoineer - Nuclear Fuel Section. Incore Analysis Unit.

July 1992. Continued to serve as Technical / ream Leader for Brunswick reload activities. .

July 1992 - Rotatino Ass!anment - Brunswick Site A==ietance Team.

November 1992 Assisted in the development of revised Temporary Modification and CAP Programs.


l November 1992 - Proiect Ennineer - Nuclear Fuels Management & Safety Analysis Section. I June 1996 BWR Fuel Ennineering Unit. Continued TechnicalReam Leader role for I Brunswick reload core design and operations support. Section representative I for the power uprate,24 month fuel cycle, and ITS implementation teams.

Provided failed fuel detection and management guidance.

l June 1996 - BWR Fuel Proiect Enoineer - Nuclear Fuels Management & Safety Analysis j October 1997 Section. Served as reload ESR responsiQ engineer and overall coordinator. l Interfaced with fuel vendor to procure nut- .;ar fuel and related engineering l services. Administered the reload contract as designated single point of j contact. Interfaced with Brunswick on fuel related issues.

j i

October 1997 - Proiect Enoineer- Nuclear Fuels Manneement & Safety Analysis Section.  ;

Present Nuclear Fuel Services Unit. Responsible for determining the acceptability of proposed fuel mechanical design and manufacturing changes (BWR and PWR). Participate in and serve as technical consultant for fuel fabrication surveillances. Perform Owners Reviews of the IF-300 and Pool C & D criticality evaluations - support licensing interactions with NRC Perform Source term evaluations to support E-plan updates and extended operating cycle Chapter 15 evaluations. Monitor fuel performance and provide leaker detection and management recommendations. Participate in poolside examination of discharged failed assemblies and assist in root cause determination.

Relevant CP&L Trainino/Ounlification:

BNP ESP Training (Initial and Continuing)

BWR Neutronics Engineer Training Guide BWR Transient Analysis Engineer Training Guide BWR Fuel Performance Engineer Training Guide Design Verifier Training Design Calculation Training ESR Training HNP Basic Systems Course 10 CFR 50.59 Qualification (BNP, HNP, RNP)

BNP Tech Reviewer OJTCPE Lead Assessor Root Cause Investigation Nuclear Generation Group Supervisory Development Program, Class 94-02.

Nuclear Generation Group Professional Support Assessment Center,6/3/96.


DavidL.Shockley M 1996 - 1999 Carolina Power & Light Co. New Hill, NC Supervisor ConAguration Management: Harris Nuclear Plant a Currently funcbon as Supervisor - Configuration Management subunit, accountable for design document maintenance, the Equipment Data Base System (EDBS) Program and Vendor Manual Program. Currently responsible for 10 CP&L Direct Reports, 5 Temporary CP&L Direct Reports,7 Contract personnel.

m Major Initiatives underway: Funcbon as Project Manager for 3 Tasks ,

within the scope of the Configuration Management improvement initiative I (approx. $1.5 million). The tasks consist of EDBS Enhancement (3 site initia:ive), Design Document ESR Reduction and the Vendor information Control porbon a Currently QualWied Safety Reviewer, Modification Engineer, Technical Reviewer and funcbon as the EOC Representative to Hamett County.

1994 -1996 Carolina Power & Light Co. New Hill, NC Supervisor- Engineering Services: Harris Nuclear Plant n Originally responsible for consolidation of the NED/Techn* cal l Support / Project Manajement Correcbve Achon Programs, Training Programs, Procedures and Administrative Support functions and their controls. Assigned HNP Team Lead assignment for the rollout of the original ESR Program and transition plan developed and implementation.

Key contributor for each of the past thru HESS reorganizations, including procedural and responsibiRty reconciliation's. Functioned as the ESP Training Program Committee Chairman and accountable for bringing program up to required starxiard to survive accreditation renewal by INPO. j i

l 1990 - 1994 Carolina Power & Light Co. New Hill, NC Supervisor - Modificatkin Support Services: Harris Nuclear Plant j

= Responsible for preparing modilicabon installation packages including:

Bills of Material, procurement, Clearance Requests, RWP requests, ,

process control of required inspechons, isometric drawing preparation and )

engineering venficabon inspections. Responsible for the development of l writing generic installation, inspecbon and testing procedures for the Plant l Operating Manual, currently in use today. Promoted to Project Specialist l on 5/4/91. l i



l i

l 1

1979-1990 Carolina Power & Light Co. New Hill, NC Corporate Quality Assurance Harris Nuclear Piarat a 1987-1990 Functioned in a Quality Assurance Engineering role reviewing Modifications for compliance with program, participating in Modification Program / procedure development teams, performing select surveillance activities, funcboning as Refueling Outage Coordinator for Corporate Quahty Assurance during this period. Also responsible for review of plant procedures for QA requirements.

e 1983-1987 Developed and implemented the ASME Section lil "N-5" Program and supporting procedures and databases The objecbve was to ensure all ASME Section lit requirements had been achieved prior to Start-up. Managed contract staff (maximum 40 pemonnel) to accomplish "N" Stamp of all ASME Seebon 111 systems including the "N-3" for the plant.

Responsible for ANI(s) during this penod Key contributor in the development of the Release For Test (RFT) and Final System Tumover (FST) programs. The goal was to orderly trar,sferjurisdiction of each plant system from the Construebon organization to Start-up Group with final  ;

control residing with Operations. Responsible for the development and implementation of the ASME Sechon XI Repair and Replacement Program during the construebon and start-up phase until such time the Technical Support Unit assumed responsibility under Operations program. Qualified VT-1,2,3 and 4 Examiner Levelll.


s 1979-1983 Responsibilities were performing Mechanical inspectons/ tests of installed components, writing QA procedures goveming installation, ,

inspecbon, and testing. 1 i

e Employment history while in Corporate Quality Assurance at the Harris Nuclear Plant 5/17/88 Promoted to QA/QC Senior Specialist 5/11/85 Promoted to QA/QC Specialist 3/5/83 Promoted to QA/QC Technician I 9/5/81 Promoted to QA/QC Technician 11 3/8/80 Promoted to QAInspectori 9/4/79 Hire date as QAInspectorll l

1977 -1979 Danville Community College Danville, VA e Diploma in Drafting & Design 1995 - Present North Carolina Wesleyan College Raleigh, NC a Working toward a B. S. - Business Administration Part-time Honct List.


i I


SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF NUCLEAR SCIENTIST HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION University of Texas Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry (19511 University of South Carolina-B.S. In Chemistry (1945)

Georgia Institute of Technology (1943-44) (1946 47)



HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL Palm Harbor, Florida 1987 1997 Chief Nuclear Scientist 1997-Present Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Scientist SOUTHERN SCIENCE OFFICE OF BLACK & VEATCH I ENGINEERS - ARCHITECTS Dunedin, Florida q

1977-1987 Project Manager / Senior Consultant l

NUS CORPORATION Dunedin, Florida l 1973-1977 Senior Consultant f


Dunedin, Florida 1964-1973 Vice President, Physics GENERAL NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Dunedin, Florida 1957-1964 Senior Reactor Physicist / Project Manager SOCONY-MOBIL RESEARCH LABORATORY Dallas, Texas 1952 1957 Research Scientist U.S. NAVY RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE LABORATORY San Francisco, Califomia 1951-1952 Physicist PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS Registered Professional Engineer (Nuclear)- Florida (1974-Present)

RESUME OF DR. STANLEY E. TURNER PAGE 2 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS / ACTIVITIES Elected Fellow, American Institute of Chemists Member, ANS Standards Committee 8.17 on Nuclear Criticality Safety (1975-Present)

Chairman of ANS 5.3 (Failed Fuel Consequences (1981-1995)) and 5.4 (Fission Product Release (1978-Present))

Formerly a member of the ANS 5 Committee with oversight on ANS 5.1, Decay Heat.

ACADEMIC HONORS Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Lambda Epsilon, ,


1. Union Electric Company, St. Louis, Missouri: Use of CASMO and KENO Codes in criticality j safety analysis.
2. Southern California Edison Company, San Clemente, California: Use of CASMO and KENO Codes in criticality safety analysis. j 1

DRY AND WET SPENT FUEL STORAGE TECHNOLOGY e Developed nuclear analysis techniques for criticality safety analyses.

o Performed criticality safety analyses for numerous wet spent fuel storage rack installations.

  • Performed criticality analyses of numerous fuel designs under normal and accident conditions for the Hi-STAR 100 shipping cask and HI-STORM storage cask.
  • Performed detailed benchmark calculations for KEN 05a and MCNP4a computer codes.
  • Developed and wrote CELLDAN Computer Code to prepare input for NITAWL-KEN 05a calculations.

e' Supervised calculations with the QAD Point Kernst Code for gamma ray shielding.  ;

  • Performed numerous calculations of fission product inventories using ORIGEN, ORIGEN-ll, and ORIGEN-S (ORIGEN-ARP) Codes.
  • Participated in the development of Holtec's thermal evaluation methodologies for wet storage systems.
  • Author of numerous reports on dry and wet storage facilities. l e Designed equipment for and supervised Blackness Testing at numerous power planto and performed measurements on Boraflex and Boral surveillance coupons.
  • Performed R&D programs on Holtite-A neutron absorber materials and on Hi-COAT coatings.
  • Performed wet chemical analyses of Boral samples. )



EDUCATION Massachusetts institute of Technology Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and a Minor in Biology (1997)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.S. in Nuclear Engineering (1990)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology B.S. In Nuclear Engineering (1990)

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL Mariton, New Jersey 1995- Present Principal Engineer i

HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL J Palm Harbor, Florida August 1994 - Spring 1995 Criticality and Shielding Consultant LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY Los Alamos, New Mexico Summers 1993 and 1994 Graduate Research Assistant RAYTHEON Sudbury, Massachusetts Spring 1993 Shielding Consultant NORTHEAST UTILITIES COMPANY '

Hartford, Connecticut Summer 1992 Engineer IDAHO NATIONAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY Idaho Falls, Idaho Summers 1987,1988,1990 Engineer and Co-op Student June 1989 - January 1990 l



  • Developed Holtec's shielding analysis methods for dry cask storage licensing.
  • Developed Hollec's shielding analysis methods and models for performing site boundary dose calculations

, for an ISFSI.

  • Created all computer models of Hi-STAR 100, HI STORM 100,100-ton and 125-ton Hi-TRACs used in the shielding analysis reported in the Hi-STAR SAR and Hi-STAR and Hi-STORM TSARS under Dockets 71-9261,72-1008, and 72-1014 1 '
  • Author of Shielding Evaluation Chapters in the Hi-STAR SAR and Hi-STAR and HI-STORM TSARS under Dockets 71-9261, 72-1008, and 72-1014
  • Primary reviewer for Criticality Evaluation Chapters in the Hi-STAR SAR and Hi-STAR and HI-STORM l TSARS under Dockets 71-9261, 72-1008, and 72-1014
  • Performed criticality analysis for both PWR and BWR spent fuel pool reracking.


  • Served as primary reviewer for numerous enticality analyses for spent fuel pool raracking.


1. E.L. Redmond ll, " Methodology for Calculating Dose Rates from Storage Cask Arrays Using MCNP,"

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.,77,332, (1997)

2. E.L. Redmond ll, "Multigroup Cross Secbon Generation Via Monte Carlo Methods," Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1997).
3. R. Zamenhof, E. Redmond 11, G. Solares, D. Katz, K. Riley, S. Kiger, and O. Harling, " Monte-Carlo-Based i

- Treatment Planning for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using Custom Designed Models Automatically Generated From CT Data," Int. J. Radiation Oncoloav Biol. Phys. 25 383-397 (1996).

4. O.K. Harling, R.D. Rogus, E.L Redmond il, K.A. Roberts, D.J. Moulin and C.S. Yam, " Phantoms for Neutron Capture Therapy Dosimetry," presented at Sixth Intemational Symposium on Neutron Capture Therapy for Cancer, Kobe, Japan, October 31 - November 4,1994.
5. J.C. Wagner, E.L. Redmond ll, S.P. Palmtag, J.S. Hendricks, "MCNP: Multigroup/ Adjoint Capabilities,"

LA-12704, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1994).

6. E.L. Redmond 11, J.C. Yanch, and 0.K. Harling, " Monte Carlo Simulation of the MIT Research Reactor,"

Nuedear Technology,106,1, April 1994.

7. E.L Redmond 11 and J.M. Ryskamp " Monte Cario Methods, Models, and Applications for the Advanced Neutron Source," Nuclear Technology, 95, 272, (1991).
8. R.C. Thayer, E.L. Redmond 11, and J.M. Ryskamp, "A Monte Carlo Method to Evaluate Heterogeneous Effects in Plate-Fueled Reactors," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 63,445,(1991).




9. J.M. Ryskamp, E.L. Redmond ll and C.D. Fletcher," Reactivity Studies on the Advanced Neutron Source Proconceptual Reactor Design," Proc. TopI. Mig. Saffety of Non-Commercial Reactors, Boise, ID, October 1-4,1990, Vol.1, p. 337 (1990).
10. E.L. Redmond ll and J.M.Ryskamp," Monte Carlo Methods, Models, and Applications for the Advanced Neutron Source," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 61,377 (1990).
11. E.L. Redmond it," Monte Carlo Methods, Models, and Applications for the Advanced Neutron Source,"

Masters Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1990).

12. E.L. Redmond 11 and J.M. Ryskamp, " Design Studies on Split Core Models with involute Fuel for the Advanced Neutron Source," NRRT-N-88-034, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (1988).

l l

e ., .



NAME: Ahmad Alexander Moccari

- BUSINESS ADDRESS: Carolina Power & Light Company Harris Energy and Environmental Center 3932 New Hill-Holleman Rd.

New Hill, NC 27562 PHONE: (919)362-3438 EDUCATION: Ph.D. The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, September 1974, Metallurgical ,

Engineering (corrosion)  !

M.S. University of Miami, Coral Gable, Florida, January 1970, Mechanical Engineering f B.S. (Honours) Tehran Institute of Technology, Tehran, June 1964, Welding Engineering JOB EXPERIENCE: l Dec.1982 Senior Engineer, Carolina Power & Light Company, {

until present Harris E&E Center, New Hill, NC j l

Performed corrosion study, failure analysis, and material identification for Nuclear Plants, Fossil Plants, Hyro Plants, j Transmission, and Legal Department. Failure analysis activities included metallurgical, mechanical, and environmentally-induced failure. Corrosion evaluation activities included control of corrosion and scale problem in water-cooled equipment, corrosion of boiler tubes, corrosion inhibitor evaluation, bacteria detection in the field and in the laboratory, field failure analysis of steam drum, corrosion evaluation of condenser tubes and steam generator tubes, and evaluation of surface modification to eliminate the sticking problem of the safety relief valve for BWR nuclear power plants.

1979-1982' Research Associate, Fontana Corrosion Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

. Ahmad Moccari-Page 2 JOB EXPERIENCE:


Conduct research on the stress-corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue of turbine blade and disc alloys in simulated steam turbine environments at room and high temperatures.

Other research carried out during this period included studies of the effect of flow rate on the corrosion behavior of 90/10 Cu-Ni alloy (condenser tube material) in Nacl solution by using A.C impedance, small-amplitude cyclic voltammetry and Tafel extrapolation methods; electrochemical screening of organic and inorganic inhibitors for the corrosion of disc alloy in concentrated sodium hydroxide solution; and corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate ofInconel 600 and Type 304 stainless steel in simulated PWR primary environments.

1974-79 Associate Professor, Shiraz University, Materials Science, and engineering Department, Shiraz, Iran Thought undergraduate co rses in corrosion, physical metallurgy, mechnical metallurgy, thermodynamics, and welding. Other responsibilities included being dean of students of the Engineering School and director of the Material Science and Engineering Department.

1970-74 . Graduate Research Associate, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Carried out research on the corrosion fatigue of Type 304 -

stainless steel in Nacl + H2504 solutionat room temperature and the wear study of metallic and plastic implants in simulated body environment. Professor in charge: R. W. Staehle 1 % 8-70 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gable, Florida Studied the effect of vacuum on the creep-rupture behavior of Type 310 stainless steel.

Professor in charge: B. King MEMBERSHIPS: 1 - The National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) 2 - American Society of Metals (ASM Intemational)





OFA Before the Atomic Safety and Licer. sing Board F1[L ADJUT- .

In the Matter of )


CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT ) Docket No. 50-400-LA  ;

COMPANY ) l (Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant) ) ASLBP No. 99-762-02-LA l

CERTIFICATE OF 3ERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing " Applicant's First Supplemental Response to the Board of Commissioners of Orange County's First Set of Discovery Requests," dated

. September 24,1999, was served on the persons listed below by U.S. mail, first class, postage prepaid, and by electronic mail transmission, this 24th day of September,1999.

G. Paul Bollwerk, III, Esq., Chairman Frederick J. Sht.

Administrative Judge Administrative J, .:ge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 e-mail: gpb@nrc. gov e-mail: f)s@nrc. gov Dr. Peter S. Lam Office of the Secretary Administrative Judge ' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Rulemakings and Adjudications Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Staff e-mail:' psl@nrc. gov e-mail: hearingdocket@,nrc. gov (Original and two copies)

5 Susan L. Uttal, Esq.

  • Adjudicatory File Richard G. Bachmann, Esq. Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O-15 B18 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissior.

Washington, D.C. 20555 e-n ail: harris @nrc. gov Diane Curran, Esq. James M. Cutchin, V, Esq.

Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Eisenberg, L.L.P. .

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Washington, D.C. 20036 e-mail: jmc3@nrc. gov e-mail:

  • by mail only 4illianfR.Toilag 1