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Supplemental Affidavit of RG Black on Eddleman Contention 213.Provisions for Alert & Notification of Persons on Harris Lake Obviate Measures Suggested by Contention
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/05/1985
From: Black R
Shared Package
ML20112J975 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8504090294
Download: ML20112K006 (6)



m. ,,

oe April 5,il985 _. . . . . _ _





In the Matter of ) , .. ,

) .-


and NORTH CAROLINA EASTERN ) Docket No. 50-400 OL -



(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power )

Plant) )


) ss.

State of North Carolina )

ROBERT G. BLACK, JR., being duly sworn, deposes and says:-

1. I am the Director - Emergency Preparedness for Appli-cant, Carolina Power & Light Company. In my professional ca-
pacity, I have been personally involved in the development of

{ the onsite emergency plan and procedures for the. Harris plant for the past three-and a half years. Further, I have attended i

numerous industrial symposiums, am active in related profes-sional associations, and have participated in numerous emergen-cy exercises at operating nuclear plants. A current statement 3

of my professional qualifications and experience is attached

! hereto. My business addressfis Carolina Power & Light Company, 4

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P.O. Box 1551, Raleigh, North Carolina 27602. I have personal l knowledge of the matters stated herein and believe them to be true and correct. I make this Supplemental Affidavit in re-sponse to Eddleman Contention 213.

2. As indicated in the January 14, 1985 " Affidavit of Robert G. Black,-Jr. on Eddleman 213," Carolina Power & Light Company contracted with Acoustic Technology, Inc. ("ATI") to


j analyze and evaluate the alerting of swimmers, boaters, and wa-terskiers on Harris Lake, and to prepare a report documenting the anelysis of the warning system design for alerting such

populations. ATI has recently completed its study and has issued its report, " Analysis and Evaluation of Siren Notifica-l tion for Boaters, Waterskiers, and Swimmers On Harris Lake" (March 1985).
3. The March 1985 report describea ATI's proposal to en-

, hance the existing system of sirens installed throughout the Harris plume Emergency Planning Zone, to assure siren notifica-l tion of swimmers,-boaters, and waterskiers on Harris Lake. As l documented in the report, a configuration of ten additional si-i rens (activated for a total of 10 minutes) would provide essen-l tially.100 percent notification to people on Harris Lake within l 15 minutes. CP&L has committed to install these additional ten i sirens.

4. In addition, 15 billboards are being erected in prom-L inent locations around Harris Lake (for example, on roads i

l o .-


leading to the Lake, and at the Harris Visitors' Center, and at each of the public boat ramps) prior to fuel load. The in-structional message on the billboards will advise that upon emergency notification by sirens, or colored smoke or flares, persons are to leave the lake immediately and to turn on radios or televisions for information and instructions.

5. These provisions for the alert and notification of persons on Harris Lake obviate the need for measures such as those suggested by Mr. Eddleman, e.g., limiting the number of boaters, swimmers, and waterskiers on the lake.

<. n Robert G. ~ Black /Jr.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this ( day of April, 1985.> I-

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Notary Public

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My Commission expires: My commh*n ten 2424o i



a' .,

Robert G. Black, Jr.

813 Silver Leaf Place Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 (919) 782-8993 1

Education / Training University of Edinburgh, Scotland (1 year undergraduate study)

BIE Degree at Georgia Institute of Technology 1969 (Major: Industrial Engineering)

Naval Nuclear Power School, Mare Island, California (6 months)

Naval Nuclear Power Prototype (SIW), Idaho (6 months)

Naval Submarine School, Groton, Connecticut Various Naval Courses .

Various Carolina -Power & Light Company Management Training Courses Experience January 1981 to Present - Carolina Power & Light Company Director - Emergency Preparedness Promoted to Director - Emergency Preparedness, responsible for the overall direction and coordination of Corporate level emergency planning activities. This position reports directly to Corporate Management and supervises a staff of emergency preparedness specialists who formulate and recommend Corporate level emergency policies and programs; maintain and distribute the Corporate Emergency Plan (CEP) in compliance with federal, state, and local requirements; evaluate existing plans and emergency preparedness at

nuclear facilities and recommends improvements and modifications to meet expanded regulatory requirements for emergency planning; provide project management support for the design, procurement, and.

construction of emergency facilities and early warning systems; provide support in the selection,' construction, and application of emergency- response information and communication facilities; provide support fcr the development of emergency plans for hydro plants in the ever.t of dam failures; provide meteorological assessments to appropriate personnel within the Company during emergencies as well as during normal operating conditions; provide maintenance support for the Company's meteorological and seismological monitoring program; and serve as primary interface with regulatory agencies on emergency planning and related matters.

Special Assignment - Served as Exercise Director, Lead Controller, and Lead Evaluator on nine emergency preparedness exercises.

January 1977 to January 1981 - Carolina Power & Light Company, Nuclear Licensing Project Engineer Promoted to Project Engineer responsible for the nuclear licensing activities related to Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP),

planned as a four-unit pressurized water reactor plant.


Responsibilities included coordinating activities during the Construction Permit review of the SHNPP which involved respondire to over 200 formal NRC questions in safety, environmental, and financial areas; preparirig testimony to be used before the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards and the Atomic Safety Licensing Board; and representing Carolina Power & Light Company in technical meetings held with the NRC Staff. Emphasis placed on system and plant design, industry codes and standards application, and construction procedures and techniques. A staff of two engineers and four technicians reported directly to me in this assignment..

Special Assignment - Coordinated the development, pub)ication, and submittal of the Operating License Application, Final Safety Analysis Report, and Environmental Report-Operating License Stage, for the SHNPP. ,

Special Assignment - Chairman of Corporate SHNPP Action It'em Management Team charged with the responsibility to ensure that' commitments made to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on the SHNPP project are met.

January 1976 to January 1977 - Carolina Power & Light Company, Nuclear Licensing Project Engineer Promoted to Project Engineer responsible for nuclear licensing activities related to one operating boiling water reactor and to a separate boiling water reactor facility under construction at the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant. Responsibilities included coordinating the development of material obtained from the architect engineer (United Engineers), nuclear steam supply vendor (General Electric) and Carolina Power & Light Company personnel to meeting regulatory and corporate requirements. Particular emphasis was placed upon development of startup procedures, training and retraining programs, and plant technical specifications.

Special Assignments - Company co-representative on industry Mark I fantainment and Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) Owners' Croups.

September 1973 to January 1976 - Carolina Power & Light Company, Nuclear Licensing Senior Engineer Duties included coordination of various licensing activities associated with obtaining Operating Licenses for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant. Areas of responsibility included review of the engineering, construction, and operation of a boiling water. reactor from a regulatory licensing standpoint. Emphasis during this period was placed on final design considerations, preoperational-test procedure and technical specification development; and preparation of material to be presented to the Advisory Committee-on Reactor Safeguards and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff.


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Special Assignment - Represented the mid-east group of utilities including Carolina Power & Light Company and five neighboring utilities on a national committee to interface with the NRC concerning the initial development of Standard Technical Specifications for_ Boiling Water Reactors.

June 1969 to July 1973 - U.~ S. Naval Officer

  • Served as Auxiliary Division Officer, Sonar Officer, First

~ Lieutenant, and Weapons Officer oa the U. S. Flying Fish (SSN673).

Licensed to operate and direct others in the safe operation and maintenance of pressurized water nuclear reactors. Trained in the safe operation, maintenance, and security for nuclear weapons.

Professional Affiliations .

Professional Engineers of North Carolina (registered in North Carolina)

American Nuclear Society Eastern Carolinas Section (Chairman)

American Nuclear Society - National Membership Committee Vice Chairman Naval Reserve Officers Association Commander U. S. Naval Reserve - Military Sealift Command (MSC) (qualified for command of MSC Office)

