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Applicant Proposed Corrections to Prehearing Conference Transcript.* ASLB Ordered That Any Participant Wishing to Propose Corrections to Transcript of 990513 Prehearing Conference Do So by 990527.With Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/27/1999
From: Oneill J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#299-20456 99-762-02-LA, 99-762-2-LA, LA, NUDOCS 9906040042
Download: ML20207D665 (11)


gQ6h 00CKE1E0 USfSC May 27,1999 M JUN -2 P4 :29 OF.



p Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )



(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant) ) ASLBP No. 99-762-02-LA APPLICANT'S PROPOSED CORRECTIONS ,,


In its May 20,1999 Memorandum and Order (Transcript Corrections and Proposed Restatement of Contention 3), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ordered that any participant wishing to proposed corrections to the transcript of the May 13,1999 Prehearing Conference do so by May 27,1999. In accordance with that Order, Applicant Carolina Power &

Light Co. proposes the following transcript corrections:

1. Page 1,line 10: Change " District Court" to " Southern Human Services Center"
2. Page 1,line 11: Change " Orange County Courtroom" to "2505 Homestead Road"
3. Page 1,line 12: Delete " Chapel Hill Post Office Bldg."
4. Page 1, line 13: Delete "179 E. Franklin Street" h
5. Page 4,line 7: Change "53" to "52" under " Identified"

. 6. Page 4,line 10: Insert "129" under " Received" 9906040042 990527 PDR ADOCK 05000400 O PDR }(0) l


i 7' ' Page 6, line 10: Insert "MS. CURRAN:" before "My"

8. Page 7,line 14: Change "Marion" to " Marian" l

l 9. ' , Page 15,line 24: Change " lack" to " lacks"

10. Page 16,line 1: . Change "and for" to "and for a"



11. Page 16,line 4: Change "are county" to "are a county" j

,, J

12. Page 17,line 3: Change "beside" to " cited in" l 13.* Page 17,line 4:-

2 Change " speak and" to speak, and" 6

14. , Page 17,line 16: Change " standing is" .to " standing, is" 15; Page 18,line 2: Change "and" to "but"

' 16. ~ Page 18,line 22: Change " consequences In" to " consequences. In"

17. Page 19,line 8: Change "said in" to "said so in"
l8. Page 19,line 9
Change " cases and" to " cases, and" l
19. Page 19,line 11: Insert "," after " boundary"
20. . Page 19,line 21: Change "not" to "no" l
21. Page 20,line 13; Change "their" to "its" l

, ; 22. Page 20,line 14: Change "in in" to "in"

??3.. Page 21,line 1: Change "posNion" to " petition" 4

24. Page 22,line 11: Change " possibility. They" to " possibility. But !


25. Page 27,line 15: Change "When you referred" to "We refer"
26. Page 27,line 16: Change " board" to " Board"


' 27. Page 27,line 17: Change "5-2, we" to "5-2. We" l 1

28. Page 28,line 21: Change " marshalling" to " marching" l

I 1


i 4

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7 s

29.  ! Page 32,line 19: Change "be having" to "be better than having"
30. . Page 37, line 2: Insert "Dr. Thompson" aAer "says" l
31. Page 52, passim: Change "HOLLOWAY" to "HOLLAWAY"
32. Page 52,line 5: Change "and" to "to"
33. Page 52,line 21: Change "this marked" to "this be marked"
34. Page 53, line 6: Change " received into evidence" to " bound into the record"
35. Page 53,line 8: Change "is" to "has"
36. Page 54,line 13: Delete "a" aAer "about"
37. Page 58,line 1: Change "Shon" to "Shon's"
38. Page 58,line 15: Change " simply" to " simple" f:
39. Page 61,line 4: Insen "we" aAer "says"
40. Page 61,line 6: Change " exchanger, fouling" to " exchanger fouling" 41.' Page 63,line 2: Change "Their" to "The"
42. Page 65,line li Insert "," aAer " longer"
43. Page 65,line 3: Delete " cooling" aAer "on"
44. Page 65,line 8: Change "at the" to "at. The"
45. Page 66,line 24: Change " capacity but again" to " capacity. But again,"
46. Page 67,line 3: Insert "other" before " emergency"
47. Page 69,'line 12: Change "there, and" to "there. And" 48, .Page 69,line 13: Change "well, this" to "while this"
49. l Page 69, line 17: . Change "on" to "off"
50. Page'69, line 25: Insen "at" before "S.6" m, 1 I

i i l

51. - Page'70, line 2: Change " degrees, and" to " degrees. And"
52. . Page 71, line 10: Change "is also valved-out. And when we" to "it is valved-out, and we"
53. Page 71,linel2: Change " manually, there are CCW" to i

" manually. There are two CCW"

54. Page 72,line 14: Insert "of" aRer " purpose" ,
55. Page 74,line 23: Change " basis" to " basic"
56. Page 79,line 13: Change " pleasing" to " pleading"
57. Page 86,line 14: Change " implemented and this amendment l

concerns is the one that says" to " implemented, and this amendment concerns, is the one that says:"



58. Page 86,line 15: Change "following factors, two" to " fouling >

factors, tube"

59. ' Page 91, line 2: Change " received into evidence" to " bound into the record"
60. Page 92,line 8: Insert " element" aAer"burnup"
61. Page 92,line 9: Change " surrounding" to " surrounded"
62. ' Page 92, line 13: Change " sites" to " cites"
63. Page 98,line 6: Change "may" to "must"
64. Page 98,line 13: Change " issue and" to " issue. And"
65. . Page 98, line 14: Insert "we" aRer "think"
66. Page 99,line 2: Change " allows and" to " allows. And" I
67. Page 99,line 3: Delete "other"
68. Page 100,line 3: Change "Therefore" to "therefore"
69. Page 100,line 11: Change "these, as" to "these amendments. As"

p ,,


L c

70. Page 100,line 13: Change "that" to "there" l

l 71. Page 101,line 3: Insert "a" after "not" l


72. Page 101,line 5: Change " amendment, it " to " amendment -- it" 73.- . Page 101,line 18: Change "said" to "say"
74. Page 103,line 1: Change " newer" to "new or" l

'75. Page 104,line 12: Change " allow, to" to " allow. To"

76. Page 104,line 14: Change " burn-up. They're" to " burn-up, they're"
77. Page 104,line 15: ' Change " advocate we" to " advocate that we"
78. Page 105,line 16: Change " contention to - if" to " contention too. If"
79. Page 106,line 11: Change "Mr. HOLLAWAY" to "MS. ZOBLER" I 1: l
80. . Page 106, line 20: Change " include" to "could"
81. Page 106,line 22: Change "that's" to "that"
82. Page 107,line 22: Change "be," to "be"
83. ~ Page 107, line23: Change "is in" to "what is in"
84. Page 116,line 12: Insert "put" after "to"
85. Page 116,line 16: Change "then maybe" to "then, maybe"
86. Page 116,line 23: Change "the Staff document" to "they're I Staffdocuments" l
87. Page 116,line 24: Change" Appeals"to"an Appeal" 1
88. Page 116,line 25: Change " controlling the" to " controlling, the"
89. Page 117,line 3: Change ""The Commission has stated, if" to "The Commission has stated,"if"
90. Page 117,line 7: Change " criteria, and that's particularly true in" to " criteria," and that's particularly true "in" l
91. Page 122,line 19: Change "giving" to "given" l


92. Page 122,line 20: Change "you're on" to "are gone"
93. Page 122,line 22: Change "to do" to "to do it"
94. Page 128,line 21: Change "Any" to "In"
95. Page 129,line 2: Change " sum" to "a time"
96. Page 129,line 17: Change " received into evidence" to

" bound into the record"

97. Page 129,line 25: Change " identification.]" to " identification and bound into the record.]"
98. Page 130,line 1: Change " Pictures" to " Picture's" m
99. Page 130,line 6: Change "with" to "be" ,

100. Page 130,line 8: Change " closes" to " closest" 6 101. Page 130,line 16: Change " commission" to " commissioned" 102. Page 131,line 23: Change " operate" to "will operate" 103. Page 132,line 9: Change "altemate" to " alternative" 104. Page 132,line 17: Change " adequacy." to " adequacy?"

105. Page 133,line 10: Change " cast" to " cask" 106. Page 133,line 20: Change "very, difficult" to "very difficult" 107. Page 133,line 21: Change "do. If" to "go even if" l

108. Page 133,line 23: Change "FASR indicates is not a safety issue.

Why isn't a" to "FSAR indicates is not a safety issue. Why isn't it a" l

109. Page 154,line 7: Delete "the" atler "that" 110. Page 134,line 12: Change " rejection. The Commission's regulations, case " to " rejected. The Commission's regulations wd use" 111. Page 134,line 13: Change " requires" to " require"


rw -

1 I12. . Page 135, line 12: Insert "MR. O'NEILL:" before "Now" l 113. Page 135,line 20: Change "that that " to "that it" i

114. Page 135,line 21: Change "in" to "and" I 115. Page 136,line 4: Change "2" to "2 and" 116. Page 136,line 12: Change "altemate" to "altemative" ,

l 117. Page 136,line 25: - Change " alternate" to "altemative" 118. Page 137,line 12: Insert " report" after " data" 119. Page 137,line 23: Change "in" to "and" l

120. Page 138,line 6: Change "in" to "and" 121. Page 138,line 14: Change " points that" to " points to" g 122. Page 139,line 5: Change "treateed" to " treated" 123. Page 139,line 10: Change " basis that" to " basis in" i l

124.- Page 139,line 11: Change " Petitioners at" to " Petitioner that at" l 125. Page 139,line 14: Change "in" to "and" 126. Page 140,line 10: Change "infrmation" to "information" 127. Page 141,line 12: Change "is acceptable" to "is not acceptable" )

128. Page 142,line 6: Change "nad" to "and" 129. Page 142,line 8: Change "SCR" to "SER" )

l30. Page 143,line 11: Change "if" to "that" ,

l l

131. Page 143,line 19: Insert "something the" after "nonetheless" )

l l- 132. . Page 144,line 2: Delete "that they" 133. Page 144,line 3: Delete "would follow" 134. Page 144,line 10: Delete "MR. O'NEILL" l




4-135. Page;144,line 16: . Change "componetns" to " components" (136. Page 144,line 17: Change " requirement" to " requirements" 137. Page 144,line 18: Change "in the design basis, or replace" to


'.'and the design basis, or replaced" 138. Page 144,line 23: Change " barrier" to " buried" 139. Page 145,line 10: Change "altnemate" to " alternative" 140. Page 145,line 11: Change " contentions go" to " contentions, go" 141. - Page 146, line 3: Change "sorry, didn't" to "sorry, I didn't" 142. Page 151,line 13: Insert "a" after "and" 143. Page 151,line 20: Change " pool" to " pools" .

144. Page 151,line 21: Change " filled," to " filled - "

145. Page 151, page 22: Insert "with" before " demineralized" ,

146. Page 156,line 2: Delete "we'll deal that" 147. Page 162,line 5: Change " Brunswick plant" to "and Brunswick plants" 148. Page 162,line 14: Change "is" to "or"

'149. Page 162,line 18: Change "of contentions" to "of have contentions" 150. Page 165,line 19: Change " lice'nsed exactly they" to

" licensed -- exactly how they" 151. Page 168,line 21: Insert " Waste" after" Nuclear" I

152. Page 168,line 23: Change "there's why we're here today, is" l to "that's why we're here today, it is" 1 153. Page 171,line 9: Delete " admission or" 154. Page 171,line 18: Change " hearing." to " hearing - "

l 155. Page 171,line 19: Change "not, to" to "not. To." l I-L l

FJ l

h l-

'156.' Page 171,line 20: Insert "there has never been" after " knowledge" 157. Page 171,line 22: Change "Beckhoff" to "Bechhoefer" 158. Page 172,line 20: Change "that that" to "that it" 159. Page 173,line 6: Change "there's" to "they're" 160. Page 173,line 7: Change " contention" to " contentions" 161. Page 176,line 8: Delete "would" 162. Page 176,line 17: Change " recessed, to reconvene at 9:30 a.m., I Friday" to " adjourned" 163. Page 176,line 18: Delete i


  • l Res etfully ruba f  !

) i ed,0f '

, r -




John O'Neill, Jr.

William . Hollaway


i Shaw Pi an  ;

treet, N.W.  ;

Washington, DC 20037 -

(202)663-8000 Counsel for Carolina Power & Light Co. ,

i Dated: May 27,1999 1

l l


L 00CKETED USHRC May 27,1999 o9

~ JUN -2. P 4 :29 )



i OFh Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing BoardM' a:

In the Matter of ) )



(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant) ) ASLBP No. 99-762-02-LA CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

, i I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing " Applicant's Proposed Transcript Corrections," dated May 27,1999, were served on the persons > listed below by U.S. mail, l first class, postage prepaid, and by electronic mail transmission, this 27th day of May, j 1999. 6 '

O. Paul Bollwerk, III, Esq., Chairman Frederick J. Shon l Adminirtrative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and I,icensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel l i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4 Washington, D.C. 20555;0001 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 e-mail:' gpb@nrc. gov e-mail: fjs@nrc. gov I

Dr. Peter S. Lam Office of the Secretary Administrative Judge U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Rulemakings and Adjudications Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Staff e-mail: psl@nrc. gov e-mail: hearingdocket@nrc. gov '

(Original and two copies)

Marian Zobler, Esq.

Richard G. Bachmann, Esq.

  • Adjudicatory File Office of the General Counsel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stip O-15 B18 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Washington, D.C. 20555 e-mail: harris @nrc. gov


~f-l Li Diane Curran, Esq. James M. Cutchin, V, Esq.

Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & - Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Eisenberg, L.L.P.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Washington, D.C. 20036 e-mail: jmc3@nrc. gov e-mail: gg l

t sxm aiieeix John . O'Neill, Jr.

l V


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1 2 .


' j k