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EDG Preventive Maint Insp Outage Probabilistic Safety Assessment for August 1995
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1995
Shared Package
ML20092A247 List:
NUDOCS 9509080288
Download: ML20092A261 (177)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ . .

1 Attachment 4 i

O l North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2 l Emergency Diesel Generator l Preventive Maintenance inspection Outage PROBABILISTIC SAFETY ASSESSMENT I


95090B0288 950901 PDR ADOCK 05000338 P PDR



....................................... 4


INFORMATION ............................. 4 2.1 Emergency Diesel Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Emergency Electrical Power System ..................... 7 2.3 Alterna te A.C. Die sel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.0 PSA A N ALYSI S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.1 Comparison to IPE model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3

3.2 Revised EDG Unavailability Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2

3.3 A A C DG TM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.4 AAC DG Base Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.5 Extended EDG Unavailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.6 BOUN DING Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.7 Results ........................................19 5

4.0 ACCEPTABLE RISK INCREASES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.0 CO N C LU SI O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

31 j

APPENDIX A: Fault Trees APPENDIX B: Event Trees i

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' 1 d

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4 1

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1 This report was prepared to document the feasibility of a 14-day outage on-line 4 (Modes 1,2,'3 and 4) for preventive maintenance and inspection of each emergency diesel generator (EDG) once every 18 months. The alternate A.C. diesel generator ,

j (AAC DG) recently installed at North Anna is assumed to be operable during the

' performance of this EDG preventive maintenance and inspection. It has been determined that the increase in risk associated with performance of the 18-month '
diesel preventive maintenance and inspection on-line is acceptably small. Based on i

this conclusion, a request for revised North Anna Power Station Technical 9 Specifications associated with EDG outage time is being proposed. This report is being prepared to serve as an attachment to the licensing package.

Section 2 presents background information on the reason for the request and a summary description of the relevant systems including a description of the AAC DG. -

Section 3 contains a discussion of the PSA analysis performed. Section 4 presents i a discussion of acceptable risk increases, implementation requirements are provided j in Section 5. Section 6 contains conclusions. References are provided as footnotes.


INFORMATION The EDGs installed at North Anna Power Station were manufactured by Fairbanks-Morse. The manufacturer recommends that an extensive inspection of these diesels .

be performed every 18 months. Currently, this maintenance is performed during  !

l shutdown conditions as required by Technical Specifications. Because the inspections require at least ten days to complete, a significant burden is placed on the maintenance crews to perform this work along with the many other tasks that must

, be performed during an outage.

l l Virginia Power has determined that the substantial benefits of performing this i maintenance on-line justify the negligible increase in risk for at-power conditions because of the decrease in risk achieved due:


> to installation of the AAC DG, j > to improved maintenance quality resulting from focused resources on the j EDG maintenance, and l > to less EDG unavailability during shutdown (i.e., Modes 5 and 6) which lowers shutdown risk.

The following sections provide a description of the generators and the power distribution system. This background information is important because it provides an

understanding of the various sources of A.C. power and of the path to the emergency I



! 3 3

2.1 Emergency Diesel Generator The Emergency Generator (EG) System provides a reliable source of emergency electric power to Engineered Safeguards Features (ESFs) and other essential loads in '

the event of a Loss of Off-site Power (LOOP)'. The EG System consists of two 100-percent capacity Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) sets in each unit. Each EDG independently powers a train of safety-related equipment, thereby providing redundancy in the event of loss of an EDG. Each EDG in a unit will automatically start when a safety injection signal from its associated train is present. Each EDG in a unit will automatically start with a pre-set time delay upon sensing either undervoltage or degraded voltage on its associated 4kV bus or an improper 4kV supply breaker lineup.

Then, an EDG output breaker closes, and loads connect sequentially to the emergency bus if the residual voltage on the bus is less than 30 percent, a degraded or undervoltage exists, the 4kV buses are aligned properly, the EDG volts are greater than 95 percent, and the EDG output breaker lock-out and EDG differential breaker relay are reset. Each EDG is initiated automatically or manually and consists of a diesel engine, governor, generator with excitation system, controls, battery and charger, and the following subsystems: starting air, fuel oil, scavenging air and exhaust, lubricating oi!, Jacket cooling, and air cooling.

The diesel engine provides sufficient mechanical power to drive a generator with a 2,000 hr/yr rating of not less than 3,000kW, both mounted on a sub-base. The governor is furnished with an adjustable speed droop, load limit, and remote speed control for 125V de operation The EG System may be operated from the Main Control Room or from the Diesel Generator Rooms. Control circuits are provided for local and remote operation of the engine, generator and generator output breakers. The engine initiation signals are provided from the Emergency Electrical Power (EE) System (under/ degraded voltage) and the Reactor Protection System (RPS) safety injection signal.

The generator and exciter provide a 2000 hr/yr capacity of 3,000 Kw at 4160V,60 cycles. The generator uses a brushless exciter and rectifier assembly to provide excitation to the main generator field. Space heaters are provided for insulation protection.

The EDG battery and battery charger provide power for flashing the generator field, powering the dc fuel oil pump, powering the speed control motor, operating the air starting solenoids, and providing power for EDG control circuits voltage regulation and  !

protective relays.

8 The information in this section is taken from the SDBD ,

document " Emergency Diesel Generator System, North Anna Power Station," SDBD-NAPS-EG, Rev. 1, Section 3.1, 12/31/93 4

1 l

The starting air subsystem for each EDG consists of two independent, separate trains of equipment and piping that deliver compressed air to the diesel engine. Either train is capable of starting the engine without outside electric power.

Each starting air train has an air receiver (tank) that stores a sufficient voleme of compressed air to provide five diesel engine starts without recharge. Each air receiver is kept charged by an electric motor-driven air compressor powered from the Emergency Electrical Power (EE) System. Each compressor has a small diesel engine backup drive that can be manually connected in the event of loss of electric power.

The fuel oil (FO) subsystem consists of underground fuel storage tanks, fuel transfer pumps, and engine delivery and injection components. The fuel oil is stored in two safety-related underground fuel oil storage tanks (one per unit) which contain sufficient capacity to provide continuous operation of one EDG in each unit at fullload for 7 days. The underground fuel oil storage tanks are filled from the aboveground non-safety-related FO System which provides fuel oil for all site needs. For each EDG, one ready fuel oil transfer pump takes suction from one of the two underground fuel oil storage tanks, and one standby fuel oil transfer pump takes suction from the other '

tank. Either transfer pump fills and maintains the proper level of the day tank required for diesel generator operation. The day tank has sufficient capacity to support a fully loaded engine for at least 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

The scavenging air and exhaust subsystem provides pressurized air to the diesel engine cylinders for combustion, and aids in exhausting the combustion gases.

The lubricating oil (LO) subsystem consists of an engine-driven pump, full-flow filter, cooler, strainer, immersion heater, motor-driven prelube pump, and a standby circulating pump. This subsystem provides cleaned and cooled lube oil to the diesel engine and its components during operation.

The air-cooling subsystem consists of an engine-driven pump, a three-way mixing valve, radiators, and aircoolers (aftercooler). This subsystem removes heat from the combustion air in the scavenging air and exhaust subsystem. A three-way mixing valve controls the flow through the radiators. During EDG operation, an engine-driven air cooling pump circulates cooling water through the radiators for cooling and then to the aftercoolers in the scavenging air and exhaust subsystem. Cooling water is also circulated through the radiator fan gear box cooler. The radiator fan assembly provides forced air flow over the radiators in both the jacket cooling and air cooling subsystems by drawing ambient air into the Diesel Generator Room, over the radiator fins, and exhausting through the roof.

5 l

l 2.2 Emergency Electrical Power System The Emergency Electrical Power (EE) System provides a highly reliable power source

! to Class 1E loads and certain non-Class 1E loads during all plant conditions2 . Figures 1 and 2 show one line diagrams of the emergency buses for Unit 1 and Unit 2 i respectively. The EE System consists of two redundant power distribution systems.

One system is referred to as the train A (orange; H) system. The other system is referred to as the train B (purple; J) system. Each EE System train consists of a 4160V switchgear, two 480V load centers, and 480V MCCs, which supply power to motors, motor-operated valves (MOVs), heaters, lighting, and other loads, which are required to be powered during normal and design basis event plant operating conditions.

Each train is normally energized continuously from the switchyard external grid system. This preferred power supply is available from the reserve station service transformers (RSSTs) via the transfer buses. Upon loss of the switchyard " preferred power supply," each EE System train is supplied by a " standby power supply," which consists of an on-site EDG. There are a total of four EDGs at North Anna, two per unit. Each 100-percent capacity EDG is connected to its assigned train and is available to pick up load within 10 seconds after receipt of a start signal. The Class IE loads are loaded onto the EDGs sequentially.

An additional supply source for the Unit 1H bus is the connection from the 1H bus to the 1B bus. The 1B bus may be energized in the startup or shutdown mode from RSST B (Figure 1). In addition, if the main generator breaker is open, the 1H bus may be supplied through the main transformer, the unit station service transformer, and the 1B bus tie, in a similar manner, the 1J bus may be supplied from the 2B bus.

However, the only source of supply to the 2B bus, except for when Unit 2 is operating, is from RSST B.

An additional off-site source of Unit 2 normal station service power can be made available in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> by removing the isolated bus duct disconnect links, backfeeding through the main transformers, and utilizing the normal station service transformers.

The 2B bus then can serve as an alternative power source to power the emergency bus 1J for Unit 1. To minimize low-voltage effects on equipment during an EE System emergency bus transfer from the off-site source to the diesel generators, the 4.16kV Class 1E bus is divided into two sections: the normal Class 1E bus section and the stub bus section, which are connected via the stub bus tie breaker. The stub bus section supplies the component cooling and residual heat removal loads, which are not immediately required during an accident condition. These loads on the stub 2

The information in this section is taken from the SDBD document " Emergency Power System, North Anna Power Station," SDBD-NAPS-EP, Rev. 1, Section 3.1, 12/31/93

, 6

- ~ _ - .- _ - _ . - . ._ - - - . . . . . - - - . . . . . . - - - - - - - .

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j bus are disconnected due to undervoltage on the bus, i.e., during transfer from the [

off-site to the on-site source, and may be reconnected either manually or

) automatically, in addition, when a containment depressurization actuation (CDA)  :

] signal occurs, the stub bus tie breaker is tripped and locked out. 1 1

. For Unit 2, either 4160V emergency bus may be connected to the emergency bus of l j the opposite train, by an administratively controlled bus tie breaker. This connection i j permits Class 1E equipment of one train to be powered by its opposite train {

j emergency bus, which can get its power from either the RSST or EDG. Unit 1 does '

j not have this emergency bus tie breaker installed. r 2.3 Alternate A.C. Diesel i

The AAC DG is a Caterpillar 3612, four cycle, turbocharged, after-cooled, diesel ,

j engine. The AAC DG engine will operate at 900 RPM,4640 horsepower, to produce ,

3300 electrical kilowatts on a continuous basis. In addition, the engine will be j capable of a "2000" hour rating of 3640 kilowatts.  ;

3 The fuel oil system consists of a day tank sized to allow diesel operation for up to four  !

hours without replenishment. The fill system for the diesel engine day tank utilizes

the auxiliary boiler fuel transfer pump with a supply line routed from the Auxiliary L i Boiler Building to the Alternate A.C. (AAC) Building. Filling of the day tank is an i automatic process with pump and valve activation based on tank level. Additionally, j a gravity fed bypass of the pump is available.

l The AAC DG can be started by local operator action or by receiving an auto start i

signal following the simultaneous loss of the D or E and F transfer buses. This logic  ;

l will prevent unnecessary diesel starts when a single emergency bus is lost (one RSST) I i

i on a unit, while providing a diesel start when the potential exists for a station blackout l (i.e., loss of both emergency buses on a unit). After it has started, the diesel will be '

i available for manualloading onto the desired transfer bus and subsequent emergency i 1

bus as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 for Unit 1 and Unit 2 respectively. l i

l Based on the train specific (loads powered from H buses only or J buses only) nature  ;

of some common systems, especially instrument air, it is desirable to power a H and i i

a J bus in order to deal with a station blackout. Therefore, if the H EDG is providing l j

power to the non-blacked out unit, then the AAC DG will, if possible, power the J bus i

! on the blacked out unit. It is possible that an operator can power a J bus on both the blacked out and non-blacked out unit. Then the operator will have to take appropriate  ;

! actions to restore power to an air compressor or to perform necessary actions without '

compressed air.

1 7 j l


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g, 480V BUS 1J1' ii ii O O WS4 58

>4W EI l 114H1 ll14J1 480V BUS 1H 480V BUS IJ l

i Figure 1 - Power Supply to 1H and 1J Emergency Buses 8

l l

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uc oc WIM1 IIMIT A 05M3 ftBET B w au w 0512 IEEET C T -


,e w isoi n ain 6am.i F9 nina nin TRANSFER BUS D TRANSFER BUS E TRANSFER BUS F I I15E3 I I10F4 1 125H11 1 I . 11 STUB BUS 4KV BUS 2H 4KV BUS 2J STUB BUS

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'"'-' ' '~' i 480V BUS 2H1 53 e 5I 480V BUS 2J1 I n an O O 1"'h+( 58

> G' 58 I I24H1 I 124J1 480V BUS 2H 480V BUS 2J Figure 2 - Power Supply to the 2H and 2J Emergency Buses 1


1 Before Station Blackout (SBO) modifications were made the normal off-site feeder breakers from the transfer buses to the emergency buses (15D3,15E3,15F3 and 15F4) were tripped and blocked from closing following a loss of off-site power, a RSST differential trip, a pilot wire trip or a trip of their associated main transfer bus breaker (15D1,15E1 or 15F1). These non-safety related breakers, however, must be closed during a SBO with any or all of the mentioned conditions present. This has been accomplished by adding a " NORMAL /AAC" switch on the AAC breaker control panel for each breaker (15D3,15E3,15F3,15F4). In the "AAC" position, this switch will bypass / defeat the trip and close interlocks stated above. Once the transfer bus breaker is closed, the associated emergency bus breaker may be closed and the desired emergency bus energized. The ability to close these breakers with 15D1, 15E1, and 15F1 open has been proven during start up testing.

The existing electrical separation requirements which pertain to circuits related to the D and E versus the F transfer bus system and its feeders have been maintained. The new switchgear provides isolation of the AAC source from the normally energized transfer buses. This arrangement also minimizes the increase in exposure of the energized transfer buses during normal operation by maintaining them in their associated Switchgear Room.

Diesal control panels are provided in the AAC Building. Three panels are provided by the diesel manufacturer and contain the controls required for manual diesel operation, and the operation of its support equipment as well as recording parameter variation with time. General annunciation is provided remotely in the Control Room to indicate diesel trouble / diesel tripped / diesel running /RSST A paralleled with RSST B/ bus OL and breaker 15F5 alarms. Specific problem annunciation is provided locally to enhance troubleshooting efforts.

A bus relaying panelis located adjacent to the diesel generator monitoring panel. This panelis supplied by the switchgear manufacturer. The panel contains the generator l protection relaying. There is also a control panel installed adjacent to the diesel generator control panels which provides remote control of the new AAC system breakers. These breakers were added to provide the electrical connection between the transfer bus and the AAC DG.

2.4 Description of EDG Preventive Maintenance inspection Once every 18 months each of the EDG undergoes preventive maintenance and inspection appropriate for diesels used for this class of standby service. This l maintenance involves disassembly of the major subsystems in order to clean and inspect components. A list of the components which are included follows:

l l


inspection Covers and Exhaust Manifold Crankshaft Coupler Pointer Check Crank Leak Check Fuel injection Timing Check inspection of Fuel Oil Pump Shaft Seal inspection of Governor and Fuel Pump Drive inspection of Lube Oil Pump and Coolant Pump Drive Gears inspection of Upper Torsional Dampers Inspection of Lower Torsional Dampers inspection of Lube OilInternal Piping inspection of Pistons, Rings, and Cylinder Liners Inspection of Blower Flexible Drive, Timing Gears and Spring Packs inspection of Timing Chain, Sprocket and Sprocket Bearing Measuring Lower Crankshaft Strain on Cylinders No.11 and 12 Upper and Lower Main and Connecting Rod Bearing inspection inspection of Vertical Drive Shaft Gears and Coupling Checking Crankshaft Thrust Bearing Clearance Checking Torque of Crankshaft Coupling Bolts Fuelinjection Nozzle Opening Pressure Check and Seal Leakage Check

, Air-Start Check Valve and Distributor inspection Inspection of Cooling Water Side of Lube Oil Cooler Engine Block Coolant Hydrostatic Test Cleaning and inspection of Crankcase Assembly and Cleaning Oil separator / Breather Lube Oil System Maintenance i Fuel Oil Day Tank Foot Valve Strainer Maintenance

Changing Oil in Woodward EG-B10 Governor Blower Lobe and Housing Clearances Blower inlet Air Filter inspection Installing Exhaust Manifold and Engine inspection Covers Cleaning Standby Lube Oil Heater Refilling Engine Sump (if Drained)

Historically, this maintenance has been performed during refueling outages (i.e.,

Modes 5 and 6) when Technical Specifications require only one EDG to be operable.

A review of the maintenance records, by station personnel, shows that the above list of activities requires about fourteen days to complete in the worst case. On average it takes about ten days to perform this work (i.e., with no unplanned additional activities).

Two crews work to support the EDG maintenance. Obviously, this represents a cost that will be incurred regardless of when the dieselis maintained. However,if the EDG inspection can be performed when the unit is on-line, the crews doing this 11

l I

l maintenance can work on other outage activities during refueling operations. So, more of the outage work can be performed by Virginia Power personnel. This action represents a cost savings because there are fewer contractor personnel required. in addition it is estimated that one day of critical outage time can be realized using this 1 approach.

3.0 PSA ANALYSIS The PSA analysis was performed with a model of North Anna that represents the current operation of the station. The IPEEE model was upgraded and enhanced, including use of the newest version of NUPRA8 . Each stage of the development is summarizad below.

> Upgrade, enhance and solve the IPEEE model using the latest version of NUPRA.(EDG-TM)

> Update the plant specific EDG unavailability data used in the IPE to account for operating practices during the last five years. (NO-AAC)

  • Add the AAC DG to the current model with the updated data. (95 JUNE)

> Increase the maintenance unavailability of the EDG to represent the single 14-day outage per 18 months for each EDG. (EDG-AOT)

> Run a sensitivity case with EDG unavailability extended beyond the 14-day window. (BOUNDING) 3.1 Comparison to IPE model The North Anna IPE model was submitted to NRC in December 1992'. A request for additional information (RAl) was received and the response was submitted on April J

28,1995. 5The IPEEE model, submitted in June 1994', is similar to the IPE model but 3"NUPRA 2.2 Users Manual," NUS Corporation, March 1994.

d" North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2 Response to Generic Letter 88-20 and Supplement 1, Individual Plant Examination (IPE) for Severe Accident vulnerabilities," Letter from W.L. Stewart to USNRC, Serial No.92-774, December 1992 with Final Report as Enclosure.

5" North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2 Individual Plant Examination (IPE), Request for Additional Information," Letter from M.L. Bowling to USNRC, Serial No. 94-740A with enclosure.

12 l


incorporates plant changes and model enhancements since the IPE model was completed. Two minor hardware modifications thought to have significance to prevention of core damage were added to the model. They were a tie-in to the bearing cooling system to create an alternate supply of cooling water to the emergency switchgear room chillers and the capability to use fire water as a backup supply to the charging pump lube oil heat exchangers. The PSA model was solved with these modifications included and the result was a slightly lower overall CDF.

Some model enhancements and event tree structure changes were also made to the IPE model. The model enhancements were made to take advantage of increased computing capability and reduce manualiterations. The primary event tree changes include developed fault trees for equipment from the unaffected unit. The trees affected by this change are loss of seal cooling (T4), loss of service water (T6), and loss of emergency room switchgear cooling, (T8). Table 3.1 summarizes the event trees used in each model.

There are significantly more event trees listed for the IPEEE than the IPE. The number of accident initiators remains the same in both models. The original event trees were spiit into smaller trees with less sequences to improve the utility of the two trees. For example, by splitting the large LOCA tree into two the number of sequences on each page is cut in half and therefore is much easier to read. The accident sequence structure did not change for most accident initiators. However, as mentioned above the structure of the T4, T6 and T8 trees were changed. Each of these trees is discussed below.

The T4 tree modification involves an alternate interpretation of the seal LOCA model.

In the IPE, successful depressurization was assumed to avoid a seal LOCA. Following the IPE solution, it was evident that this depressurization assumption did not significantly affect overall CDF, and a more conservative approach could be adopted.

Therefore, for the IPEEE, the depressurization function was assigned a value of 1.0.

The impact of this change is that core damage can only be avoided if the loss of seal cooling is mitigated using the core cooling recovery strategy given in the emergency response guidelines. The T4 contribution to core damage frequency doubles, relative l to the IPE, to ~ 2E-8/yr. Hence the change is not significant but represents consistent seal LOCA modeling among the event trees.  !

The loss of service water tree (T6) was changed more substantially. Given the loss i of service water there is a loss of RC pump seal cooling and ESGR cooling. Either of I these lead to core damage by causing a seal LOCA unless a different heat sink can be found. Fortunately, another heat sink is available for each component. The use of

'" Individual Plant Examination Of Non-Seismic External Events and Fires, North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2," Final Report Volumes 1 and 2, April 1994.

13 I

l r

{ these alternate heat sinks was developed to support the large service water pipe restoration project at North Anna and are now part of the plant design. As a result, )

the revised loss of service water event tree does not consider the state of the seals but instead considers the probability of recovering the lost heat sink. The T6 1 contribution to core damage increases to ~ 5E-7/yr as compared to 4E-9/yr reported ,

for the IPE. While the difference is about two orders of magnitude it should be noted that the absolute value is still quite small at about 0.9% of total core damage  :

frequency.  ;

The final tree with structural changes is the loss of emergency switchgear room cooling event tree (T8). Once the event occurs it is not an issue of depressurization as much as it is one of needing to provide alternate RC pump seal cooling before it is lost. Since the T8 initiating event affects only one unit, the equipment on the unaffected unit is available to mitigate the loss of seal cooling. Therefore, the tree has been structured to use HVAC from the unaffected unit to cool the affected unit.

There are two ways to accomplish this goal: use fans to blow cool air into the ,

affected ESGR or cross connect the seal cooling equipment from the unaffected unit. '

If the first action fails but the unaffected unit HVAC still functions, it is possible to I use charging and component cooling from the unaffected unit to supply see! injection and seal cooling to the affected unit. As a result of these changes the lots of ESGR cooling initiating event contributes ~ 6E-7/yr to CDF as opposed to ~ 7E-6/yr using the IPE model.

The core damage frequency was nearly the same for both solutions. The IPE core damage frequency is 6.8E-5/yr while the IPEEE core damage frequency was 6.3E-5/yr.

The differences in the results between the two solutions were reviewed and found to be non significant based on a comparison of the cut sets for each function. Some of the IPEEE event trees were used in the analysis of fires as reported in the Non-Seismic IPEEE final report7.

The PSA software used by Virginia Power has evolved as PC hardware capabilities '

have improved. One significant advancement is that NUPRA now allows batch mode solution of the entire PSA model. Therefore, the first step in the analysis of extended  !

allowed outage time was to convert the model to the most recent version of NUPRA.

This conversion must show that the results with the new code version are the same as the previous results or that any differences are understood. The EDG-TM run l

served this purpose, i

i The differences between the IPEEE and the EDG-TM are attributable to several factors i including: the function truncation limits were set at 1E-9 versus 1 E-10; undeveloped l

7" Individual Plant Examination Of Non-Seismic External Events and Fires, North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2," Final Report Volumes 1 and 2, April 1994.


transfers from the earlier models were deleted; and two new functions were added to the T1 event tree, providing status of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 EDGs, to facilitate development of the AAC model. The core damage frequency for the IPEEE modelis 6.3E-5/yr while the EDG-TM model yields a core damage frequency of 5.7E-5/yr.  ;


3.2 Revised EDG Unavailability Data I in addition to conversion to the latest version of NUPRA, the EDG test and maintenance unavailability is updated with recent plant specific data. Improvements  !

in EDG preventive and corrective maintenance practices have lowered the EDG 4 unavailability. A more accurate EDG unavailability is desirable not only to lower SBO l and total CDF results, but also to provide faithful risk ranking for applications such as  !

the 10 CFR 50.65 maintenance rule. The North Anna IPE data analysis methods were '

used to revise the EDG unavailability estimate. Plant records for the 1990 through 4

~ 1994 interval indicate an average EDG unavailability of 97.30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> per EDG per i calendar year. This EDG unavailability rpplies to plant operation in Modes 1 to 4, and i is felt to conservatively estimate at-power EDG unavailability (Modes 1 and 2 only). l Critical-hours from NUREG-0020 were used to estimate EDG exposure for at-power i operation. For the 1990 to 1994 interval, the average unit (or EDG) critical-hour '

exposure is 7601.66 cr-hrs per calendar year. Combining the 1990-1994 EDG unavailability with the EDG exposure yields en unavailability probability of 1.28E-2.  ;

This can be expressed in terms of hours as 112.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> / critical-year or in terms of  ;

days as 4.7 days / critical-year or 4.1 days per calendar year.

The PSA model includes components from Unit 2 systems that can be cross-  !

connected to Unit 1 requiring consideration of opposite unit diesel unavailability. j Furthermore, the opposite unit EDG unavailability must include all modes of operation  !

since the unaffected unit may be down when the affected unit is at power. This is i

accomplished by determining how many hours of diesel unavailability there are when  ;

the unit is in Modes 3 to 6 and adding that to the diesel unavailability during Modes 1 and 2. '

Based on a review of available data and discussions with plant personnel it was I concluded that the total unavailability per diesel is conservatively estimated to have l been 23 days per fuel cycle during 1990 to 1994. Converting 23 days of diesel i

unavailability every 18 months to a 12 month basis results in 23 * (12/18) = 15.3 3

days per calendar year. Adding this to the 4.7 days per critical year of unavailability during Modes 1 and 2 results in a total of 20 days per critical year or an unavailability l of 5.48E-2. This is equivalent to 17.3 outage days per calendar year.  !

t l

The use of this data bounds the expected conditions for the revised operating  ;

strategy. If the EDG maintenance is performed on-line there will be 14 days of j l

opposite unit EDG preventive maintenance and inspection outage plus normal EDG  ;

p 15 /

.-_.-.- - - - - . - ~ - _

l l


' l unavailability. However, the EDG unavailability during opposite unit shutdown will  ;

decrease to 3 or 4 days. Thus, the total days of EDG unavailability should be about the same for either operating strategy.

The impact of the changes in EDG unavailability models can be seen through the reduction in CDF from the EDG-TM model (5.7E-5) to the NO-AAC model (5.4E-5).

, (A summary of all of the results is shown in Table 3.2). Hence the increased j avaliability of the diesels reduces core damage frequency ~3E-6/yr.

i i 3.3 AAC DG TM L

! l The AAC DG manufacturer recommends a major tear down maintenance inspection,

, similar to the 18 month preventive maintenance and inspection of the EDG, but only

once every ten years. The AAC DG is not required to be operable by Technical i Specifications but is required to have a high availability to meet the SBO Rule
Guidelines. There is no readily available operating history to use as a basis for the  !

j AAC DG test and maintenance unavailability. It is reasonable to estimate the AAC DG l unavailability with that used for the Unit 2 EDG TM unavailability when Unit 1 is i j operating. This is conservative to the North Anna IPE generic industry data for EDG j unavailability by a factor of two.

I j 3.4 AAC DG Base Case

, The AAC DG, recently installed to meet the requirements of the station blackout rule, j is now fully operational. This diesel represents an independent source of emergency

) power that can feed any one of the four 4160V emergency buses at North Anna.

l Therefore, it is postulated that this AAC DG can serve as a replacement to the EDG j during the preventive maintenance and inspection outage if it is performed on-line. i

) The 95 JUNE model provides the positive impact of the AAC DG when it is available.

In other words this model provides the estimated core damage frequency given that j the AAC DG is available and the EDGs continue to experience the same number of i hours of maintenance unavailability.

i r

it should be noted that this diesel can not serve as a replacement for an EDG for all i

initiating events because the AAC DG is loaded manually. The need to load the diesel manually is a design feature which is intended to reduce common mode failures as i required by the station blackout rule. It is assumed that it takes one hour to start and load the AAC DG. One hour is conservatively chosen since it is the longest time

.! permitted by the station blackout rule.

4 16

A human factors viewpoint is used to evaluate the PSA initiating events to determine which events occur so rapidly that there is insufficient time to load the AAC DG.

Severalinitiating events proceed to core damage in less than one hour without power available including: Large LOCA (A); Medium LOCA (S1); Reactor Vessel Rupture (Rx); interfacing system LOCA; and ATWS (Th). The assumption that AAC DG cannot mitigate core damage for these initiating events is executed by special PSA model logic.

The AAC DG is potentially available for any emergency bus for the remaining initiating events. The PSA modells structured so that only one emergency bus can be powered from the AAC DG. Furthermore, if either of the Unit 2 diesels is failed the AAC DG is assumed to only provide power to Unit 2. This approach conservatively models electric power recovery at Unit 1.

The above restrictions are incorporated by revising certain aspects of the station and unit blackout models. Each of these are discussed below in some detail. The significant changes to the EDG-TM modelinclude common cause modeling and the addition of the AAC DG system model.

The addition of the fifth diesel to the PSA model complicates the EDG common cause model. First, the criterion for the purchase and installation of the AAC DG was to minimize common cause failures between this fifth diesel and the other EDGs.

Second, the PSA model considers only one unit, so the station impact of a five or four diesel common cause failure is not straightforward. Third, the IPE utilizes the multiple greek letter method for EDG common cause failures, and this 11 fault model could become unwieldy with an additional diesel. The 95 JUNE PSA solution chose to simplify the EDG common cause model in a conservative manner, reducing the 11 fault model to a 3 fault model. Two faults are unchanged, the Unit 1 two EDG fault for 1H and 1J diesels, and the Unit 2 two EDG fault for the 2H and 2J diesels. The t remaining two EDG common cause faults and all the three EDG common cause faults are combined with the four EDG common cause fault. This approach is conservative and ailocates the common cause failures among the two units.

The system model for the AAC DG is similar to EDG model. It considers the typical electrical equipment failures that prevent the transfer of electrical energy to each of the three transfer buses. These failures include breaker failures, maintenance unavailability, AAC DG fail-to-start and fail-to-run. The fault tree resulting from the system modelis shown in Appendix A.

The addition of the AAC DG reduces core damage by requiring three failures, instead of two, to fail both 4160 V electrical buses after a loss of off-site power. The 95 JUNE model represents the current plant hardware configuration, and with the addition of the AAC DG, the core damage frequency is reduced by ~1.3E-5/yr to 4.1E-5/yr compared to the NO-AAC model shown in Table 3.2.

1 17 l

3.5 Extended EDG Unavailability For the EDG-AOT model, the EDG unavailability is increased to reflect the assumption of a single, fourteen day maintenance outage once every eighteen months for each EDG. Actually, the 95 JUNE model data is applied to the EDG-AOT model, except for the Unit 1 EDG maintenance unavailability basic events. The 14 day preventive maintenance and inspection outage time is added to the existing unavailability to determine the impact of the proposed EDG Technical Specifications changes. A 14 day outage performed once every 18 months is equivalent to 9.3 outage days, or 224 hours0.00259 days <br />0.0622 hours <br />3.703704e-4 weeks <br />8.5232e-5 months <br />, per calendar year. Adding this unavailability to the 97.30 hour3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> plant data unavailability of yields a total unavailability of about 321.3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. Combining this 321.3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> unavailability with the 7601.66 cr-hrs per calendar year exposure produces a new unavailability probability of 4.23E-2.

The EDG-AOT model solution yields a core damage frequency of 4.2E-5/yr. The 95 JUNE model CDF of 4.1E-5/yr is the base case against which the difference of 1E-6/yr from the EDG-AOT case represents an acceptably small increase.

3.6 BOUNDING Model A final model was created to study the effects of EDG unavailability on CDF. This model is . named " BOUNDING", and represents a sensitivity study on EDG  :

unavailability. The maintenance unavailability was set equal to 40 days per calendar year for all five diesels. The resulting CDF is 4.7E-5/yr.

3.7 Results Each of the five cases produced reasonable results. A summary of the cases is shown in Table 3.2. The CDF contribution from the each initiating event is shown in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 is a listing of core damage frequency sorted by accident group and accident type. The fault trees which have been changed since the IPEEE model was created are included in Appendix A. The event trees for the 95 JUNE model are included in Attachment B. The results show that the electrical transient accident initiators are sensitive to the inclusion of the AAC DG and to varying the EDG unavailability. Other accident initiators are less sensitive to the AAC DG and EDG unavailability.

The LOCA transients shown in Table 3.3 contribute the same to core damage frequency with and without the AAC DG in operation as shown by the subtotal for the "NO-AAC", "95 JUNE" and "EDG-AOT" cases. Also, the EDG unavailability does not impact the contribution of this initiating event group. The same conclusion can be drawn for the general transient group of initiating events. The electrical transients are 18 l

J impacted by both the AAC DG and the increased EDG unavailability. The inclusion of j the AAC DG results in a significant reduction in CDF of ~ 1.3E-5/yr (i.e.,"NO-AAC"-

"95 JUNE"). This reduction is entirely from the electrical transients subgroup. )

4 Thus, the initiating event groups with the largest contribution are the those involving loss of electrical power and include the T1 and T1EE trees. These trees have in 4 common the loss of off-site power as an initiating event. This fact makes the diesel  !

generator arrangement important. In the other trees, a coincident loss of off-site l J

power must occur before any diesel dependencies are realized. Unless the initiating

, event involves a loss of off-site power there is only a small impact from the extended EDG unavailability on the contribution of that initiating event group to core damage frequency.

The T1EE event tree represents the loss of off-site power and failure of the EDGs on j Unit 1; or in other words a unit blackout. This event tree is the largest contributor to l core damage until the AAC DG is added to the model. The AAC DG decreases the i contribution of this initiating event group from about 22% to about 14%. When the

. extended diesel generator unavailability is added the contribution increases only slightly to about 16%. The change in core damage frequency is ~ 1E-6/yr due to this i extended EDG unavailability. This represents an average annual increase but, it

actually occurs over two separate fourteen day intervals; one for the 1H diesel and
one for the 1J diesel. Thus, it is concluded that the AAC DG is an adequate source i

of replacement power for an EDG for the limited outage required to perform the 18-month inspection.

i The PSA models assume that other risk significant equipment is unavailable on an average annual basis. However, it is important that on-line maintenance be performed j in an integrated fashion so that all risk significant components are considered. This

, important consideration is ensured by the administrative controls in place for i performing on-line maintenance. These controls are based on a list of risk significant equipment which was developed from the North Anna PSA model. The controls involve scheduling of on-line maintenance. Scheduling of equipment for on-line

maintenance is to be performed in a way that minimizes simultaneous outages of risk j significant equipment. Special emphasis is given to limiting on-line maintenance when j the electrical distribution system is at less than full capacity.

J e

d 19 1

l 4

Table 3.1 - Comparison of Event Trees Between The IPE and the IPEEE

. Event Tree IPE .IPEEE Large LOCA A A,AD2 Vessel Rupture Rx Rx


Medium LOCA S1 S1,SID1 1

Small LOCA S2 S2,S2D1 Loss of Off-site Power T1,T1Tr,TIA T1,T1Q,T1QFW, T1Hv,TIEG, TIEGQ Transient - Loss of MFW T2,T2Tr T2,T2HV Transient - MFW Recoverable T2A,T2ATr T2A,T2AHv Transient - MFW Available T3,T3Tr T3,T3HV Loss of RCP Seal Cooling T4 T4 l l

Loss of Emergency Power DC Bus 1-I T5A T5A,TSAQ Loss of Emergency Power DC Bus 1-III TSB TSB,TSBQ '

Loss of Service Water T6 T6 Steam Generator Tube Rupture T7 T7,T7D1 Loss of ESGR Cooling T8 T8 Loss of Emergency Power - Bus 1H T9A,T9ATr T9A,T9AQ,T9AHv Loss of Emergency Power - Bus 1J T9B,T9BTr T9B,T9AQ,T9BHv ATWS TH,TL TH,THMFW,TL l

Interfacing System LOCA VX VX 1 ls i l

l l

4 l

) 1 1

20 -

1i 5- 5- 5- 5- 5 5- 5-by Fr E E E E E E E Cl 8 3 7 4 1 2 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4

_G D A A A 3 3 3 0

/ / /

.C N N N 7 7 7 0 A 1 1 1 4 r

a e


r e

d e


- l a  ;

C 2' 7 7 7 3 3 3 0 s r e

tG k iDn 1 1 1 7 7 7 0 -

u P UE 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 -

s s -

e y -

R a -

f D -

O e y g r

a t a

m u 1 m O i 2 u t G 5 5 5 1 1 4 0 S iD n E 3 0

- 5 5 5 4 4 U 1 4

'2 '

3 l

e b

a T

G ~o DN/ o o o o s s s Cs N N N N e e e Ae Y Y Y AY e

m T G a E M C A E


I E E T- A- D P E A- U N l

e I P G J G d I D O 5 D U o E N 9 E O M B ll llf

. Table 3.3 '

Cofe Damage Frequency For'Esch Accident Group For Each North Anne PSA Model - - '

Accident IAccident ' . 94 Jan D - 92 Dec Group Type: ' BOUNDING EDG AOT 95 JUNE ~ NO AAC . EDG-TM -  :.(IPEEE) (IPE)

LOCA S2 9.87E-6 9.86E-6 9.86E-6 9.89E-6 9.90E-6 9.84E-6 1.01 E-5 T7 7.58E-6 7.57E-6 7.57E-6 7.59E-6 7.60E-6 7.34E-6 7.02E-6 S1 6.76E-6 6.75E-6 6.75E-6 6.75E-6 6.75E-6 6.73E-6 6.64E-6 A 4.06E-6 4.06E-6 4.06E-6 4.06E-6 4.06E-6 4.48E-6 4.09E-6 Vx 1.60E-6 1.60E-6 1.60E-6 1.60E-6 1.60E-6 1.60E-6 1.60E-6 Rx 2.67E-7 2.67E-7 2.67E-7 2.67E-7 2.67E-7 2.67E-7 2.68E-7 T4 2.43E-8 2.43E-8 2.43E-8 2.43E-8 2.43E-8 2.43E-8 1.07E-8 Subtotal 3.02E-5 3.01 E-5 3.01 E-5 3.02E-5 3.02E-5 3.03E-5 2.97E-5 l



k 22

Table 3.3

~ Core Damage Frequency For Each Accident Group For Each North Anna PSA Model Accident  : Accident ' 94 Jan - 92 Dec Group - Type . BOUNDING EDG AOT' 95 JUNE NO-AAC : ' EDG-TM ~ (IPEEE) . (IPE)

Electrical TIEE 8.83E-6 6.53E-6 5.85E-6 1.17E-5 1.32E-5 1.80E-5 7.98E-6 T1 4.14E-6 2.19E-6 1.67E-6 7.82E-6 8.76E-6 9.89E-6 4.60E-6 T9AHv 2.66E-7 2.13 E-7 2.01 E-7 3.87E-7 4.37E-7 2.26E-7 3.26E-6 T98 2.17E-7 1.62E-7 1.47E-7 3.25E-7 3.54 E-7 3.38E-7 5.81 E-7 T9A 1.59E-7 1.17E-7 1.06E-7 2.40E-7 3.42E-7 2.50E-7 4.15E-7 T1Hv 2.58E-7 1.04 E-7 7.70E-8 7.53E-7 1.15E-6 1.50E-6 7.27E-6 T9BHv 7.01 E-8 7.01 E-8 7.01 E-8 7.03E-8 7.10E-8 7.48E-9 6.78E-8 TSA 2.35E-8 2.04 E-8 1.96E-8 2.95E-8 3.10E-8 2.95 E-8 1.11 E-7 TSB 1.77E-8 1.77E-8 1.77E-8 1.81 E-8 1.84E-8 3.52E-8 1.09E-7 Sub-total 1.40E-5 9.42E-6 8.16E-6 2.13E-5 2.44E-5 3.03E-5 2.44E-5 23

I Table 3.3 -

Core Damage Frequency For Each Accident Group For Each North Anna PSA Model

- Accident Accident 94 Jan 92 Dec


General T8 6.53E-7 6.17E-7 6.17E-7 7.04E-7 7.90E-7 5.67E-7 6.56E-6 T6 5.39E-7 5.39E-7 5.39E-7 5.39E-7 5.39E-7 5.39E-7 4.52E-9 TH 4.24 E-7 4.24E-7 4.24E-7 4.24 E-7 4.24E-7 4.25E-7 4.20E-7 T3Hy 3.92E-7 3.92E-7 3.92E-7 3.97E-7 4.06E-7 1.19E-7 4.06E-6 T2 3.45E-7 3.45E-7 3.45E-7 3.45E-7 3.45E-7 3.28E-7 8.86E-7 T2AHv 1.57E-7 1.57E-7 1.57E-7 1.59 E-7 1.61 E-7 3.94E-8 1.65E-6 T3 1.68E-8 1.59E-8 1.59E-8 1.96E-8 2.05E-8 2.09E-8 7.61 E-8 T2A 1.45E-8 1.42E-8 1.42E-8 1.54E-8 1.57E-8 1.51 E-8 6.11 E-8 T2Hv 1.39E-8 1.39E-8 1.39E-8 1.39E-8 1.39E-8 2.80E-9 1.44 E-7 TL 4.23E-10 4.23E-10 4.23E-10 4.23E-10 4.23E-10 4.23E-10 0.0 Sub-total 2.54 E-6 2.52E-6 2.52E-6 2.62E-6 2.72E-6 2.06E-6 1.39 E-5 Grand Total 4.67E-5 4.21 E-5 4.08E-5 5.42E-5 5.72E-5 6.27E-5 6.79E-5 l


_ _ _ _ - _ _ . .. ._- _____ ~ __ .___. _ _._-._ _ -_ ___

4.0 ACCEPTABLE RISK INCREASES Virginia Power has determined what constitutes an acceptable risk increase for the proposed Technical Specifications changes. This determination was based on a review of existing documents and the selection of the guidelines most applicable to North Anna Power Station. The pertinent documents are summarized below.

The EPRI PSA applications guide discusses the concept of a permanent modification which is essentially what is proposed herein. The modification is to the Technical Specifications not the plant hardware. The EPRI document states that a permanent risk increase can be determined as a percentage of the base CDF. The calculation for North Anna follows assuming that the base case is the IPE model submitted previously for NRC review.

log ( A,) =-0. 5

  • log (CDFw%) -1 For North Anna the baseline core damage frequency (CDF%)is 6.8E-5/yr. So, the acceptable risk increase (Acor) is given as log (Ay) =-0. 5

Evaluating by reducing the right-hand-side and making both sides an exponent of base 10 gives -

A ,=12.1 h

Hence based on the above formula, a 12.1 % increase in core damage frequency could be justified for a permanent increase. This increase is comparable to the contribution ,

l from the largest initiating event categories. It is larger than the largest contribution l from any sequence.

The Brookhaven NUREG/CR study of risk based technical specification development .

does not discuss risk increases in general but does treat the subject of Allowed l Outage Time increases. The document discusses when a sensitivity analysis can be '

used in lieu of re-solving the model. One of the criteria it gives for the acceptability of sensitivity analysis is if the overall equation has minimal cut sets for the down component that have "a non-negligible contribution, i.e., have a contribution greater  ;

than 1 %."' A complementary statement to this is that those cut sets which '

l contribute less than 1.0% have a negligible contribution. Therefore, another possible l

'" Handbook of Methods for Risk-Based Methods for Analyses of Technical Specifications," NUREG/CR-6141, page 3-8, December 1994. ,


l acceptable risk increase criterion is 1.0% of the base core damage frequency which for North Anna would be 6.8E-7/yr using the IPE as the base model.

The use of 1.0% of core damage frequency as the cutoff value is similar to the types of cutoffs that have been chosen in other applications. For example, the reporting guidelines for the individual plant examination require core damage sequences greater than 1E-7 per year and within the upper 95 percent of the total core damage frequency to be reported. The NUMARC guidelines for the maintenance rule define risk significant components in several possible ways'. One way is the use of the core damage frequency contribution. Cut sets that account for about 90% of the overall core damage frequency, with appropriate eliminations, should be used as input to risk determination. Since a cut set can appear in only one sequence this is the same as a sequence requirement and is obviously less restrictive than the 1% number discussed above.

Finally, consider that the screening cutoff for the IPEEE, including FIVE, is 1E-6/yr' .

This is comparable with the 6.8E-7/yr representing 1 % of the core damage frequency as indicated by the North Anna IPE.

As a result of the above discussion it is clear that the use of something on the order of 1% as an acceptable risk increase is within the bounds used by NRC and its contractors for PSA applications. It is also clear that it is more conservative than some of the measures discussed. Based on this review of industry experience,1E-6/yr has been adopted by Virginia Power as the figure of merit for use in the evaluation of the extended EDG outage.

5.0 IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS An implementation plan is necessary to ensure that analysis assumptions are properly incorporated into station operating procedures. The plan presented below has two components: equipment required to be operable during the extended EDG maintenance outage and other safety related equipment potentially available for on-line maintenance.

The off-site power sources and other (i.e., both units) EDGs must be operable during the EDG extended outage when the inspection and maintenance is performed during

'" Industry Guidelines for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants," March 1993.

" Procedural and Submittal Guidance for the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities - Final Report," NUREG-1407, page 4, June 1991.


operation in Modes 1,2,3 or 4. Additionally, the AAC DG must be operable as defined in the Technical Requirements Manual. Operability includes the EDG set and several subsystems, such as the fuel transfer system, in a manner similar to the EDGs. '

Surveillance requirements have been defined for these AAC DG subsystems and some specific components. The AAC DG operability items are listed in Table 5.1. In addition to these operability requirements in Table 5 the AAC DG must be tested within 14 prior to removal of an EDG for its preventive maintenance inspection outage. During this testing the AAC DG must be aligned to the transfer bus associated with the emergency bus powered by the EDG to be inspected, j A procedure must be written to address the use of the AAC DG for each of the EDGs.

The procedure must address the controls for starting the diesel and individual breaker position for providing power to each bus. The procedure should include an equipment load list with priorities for the order in which equipment are loaded onto the bus.

1 1

Performance of additional on-line maintenance concurrent with EDG preventive maintenance during the fourteen day extended outage is governed by existing on-line maintenance administrative controls which rely on a list of risk significant equipment developed from the North Anna PSA model. The administrative controls currently require that only one functional equipment group, FEG, (i.e., all of the subcomponents which must function in order for a major piece of equipment to function) be unavailable for planned maintenance at the same time.

If two or more risk important FEGs for a unit are to be unavailable additional administrative controls may be required. However, during the extended EDG outage if two or more FEGs are to be unavailable at the same time, for any reason, a contingency plan outlining compensatory actions should be developed.

The performance of this inspection outage during modes 3 and 4 has not been specifically analyzed. The at-power PSA model is not appropriate for these conditions. NUREG/CR-5994" considered the effect of EDG maintenance on core damage frequency during various modes of operation. The study concludes that EDG maintenance in shutdown modes prior to an outage should be avoided because decay )

heat generation is highest and steam to power the turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pumps may not be available. {

i l

The administrative controls currently in place preclude on-line maintenance to FEGs on systems important to PSA safety and components important to plant reliability during planned transients. So, this type of maintenance would not be started during a planned evolution into Modes 3 or 4. However, if a unit is forced to enter into these

"" Emergency Diesel Generator: Maintenance and Failure Unavailability, and Their Risk Impacts," NUREG/CR-5994, Chapter 5, November 1994.


i i

t 4

modes while the EDG maintenance is in progress, the increase in core damage i frequency resulting solely from changing modes does not require continued cooldown as long as sufficient secondary heat removal capability exists. Sufficient secondary heat removal capability exists if there are at least two sources of feedwater available.

. The main feedwater system, the auxiliary feedwater system or a combination of the

two could be used for this purpose. The operability assumptions related to the EDG i outage (items 1,2 and 4 above) must also continue to be met. If at least two sources of feedwater cannot supply their respective steam generators the unit should be j brought to cold shutdown.

i I 3

. ' yTablel5.1} . . . ..


. . .Altern' ate A.CiDiesel Operability Requirementsi.- ,
1. Verify that the volume of fuel oil in the day tank is greater than or equal to 850 gallons.

j 2. Verify that the volume of fuel oil in the above ground fuel oil j storage tank is greater than or equal to 45,000.  ;

. 3. Verify that a fuel oil transfer pump can be started and transfers  ;

i fuel from the storage system to the day tank, or verify gravity l l feed flow to the day tank is > 4 gpm, or verify gravity feed flow l l is sufficient to maintain the day tank level while the AAC DG is  !

i loaded > 3250 kw.  !

4. Verify that the AAC DG can start and accelerate to synchronous t l speed (900 rpm) with generator voltage and frequency at 4300 * ,

i 100 volts and 60 1.2 Hz. Subsequently, verifying the l l generator is synchronized, graduelly loaded to an indicated 3250- '

! 3350 kw and operates for at least 60 minutes. t e

l 5. Verify that the AAC DG total battery terminal voltage is greater  ;

j than or equal to 126 volts on a float charge before initiating '

l Surveillance Requirement when operating in Modes i 1,2,3 or 4.

I j 6. Verify that the starting air tank is > 275 psig.  !

7. Verifying that the following A.C. electrical buses are OPERABLE: I
a. 4160 v bus OM
b. 4160 v bus OL


c. 480 v bus OM1
d. 480 v bus OM1-1 28

i l i i l


S  :



Virginia Power has performed an analysis of extended EDG outages. The analysis  ;

included an update of the existing PSA model in order to keep it current with the  !

configuration of the plant. A base case was run with and without the AAC DG model activated assuming the current average annual unavailability for the EDGs. The core l damage frequency for the case without the AAC DG is 5.4E-5/yr while the base case

! CDF with the AAC DG included is 4.1E-5/yr as reported in Table 3.2. When the

! unavailability of each EDG is increased to include a single 14-day outage once every  !

18 months the core damage frequency increases to 4.2E-5/yr. A sensitivity analysis

! performed with even larger assumed EDG unavailability shows that the increase in  ;

, CDF is still much less than the decrease resulting from the addition of the AAC DG.

The decrease in core damage frequency associated with adding the AAC DG is 1.3E- ,

4 5/yr while the increase in CDF resulting from the increased EDG unavailability is 1E-

! 6/yr. This increase in CDF is small and meets the criterion for acceptable risk increase  ;

identified for this project.

The PSA analysis found that the increase in CDF with the additional EDG unavailability i is small. The analysis considered operation in Modes 1 and 2. Administrative .

l procedures preclude performance of the EDG inspection outage coincident with a  !

planned transient. Continued performance of the inspection outage during unplanned entrance into Modes 3 and 4 was evaluated and found to be acceptable as long as
secondary heat removal capability could be demonstrated.
With the EDG maintenance performed on-line it is not expected to be necessary to l
have an EDG in extended maintenance during shutdown conditions. Hence, any

increase in risk associated with the inspection performed on-line is partially offset by the reduced risk of core damage during shutdown. Thus, the overall CDF increase is  ;

j less than the 1 E-6/yr identified above because the units will typically have both diesels j in operation for most of the outage. This means that both EDG's will have higher  !'

availability during loss of off-site power events at shutdown, which will improve

} residual heat removal system availability in these events. In the past, one diesel was i declared inoperable for about half of an outage. Therefore, for half of the outage i

decay heat removal during loss of off-site power events is highly dependent upon a  ;

single RHR pump; the redundant RHR pump is available only if powered by the AAC DG.

A shutdown PSA has not been performed for North Anna. However, a shutdown PSA l analysis was performed for Surry Power Station that is documented in NUREG/CR- ,

614452. The Surry shutdown PSA found only reduced inventory plant operational i j



12" Evaluation of Potential Severe Accidents During Low Power and Shutdown Operations at Surry, Unit 1 - Analysis of Core Damage j Frequency from Internal Events During Mid-Loop Operations,"

i j 29 '

l l

1 l

states were significant contributors to core damage frequency. The study also found that " maintenance unavailability was the dominant cause of equipment unavailability" during the reduced inventory states. In this study the EDGs were defined to be part of the minimum equipment list for reduced inventory situations so they were assigned no maintenance unavailability.

The above shutdown PSA model was used along with a full power PSA model to look specifically at the impact of EDG maintenance at power and during shutdown. The results of the comparison are reported in NUREG/CR-5994'8 prepared by Brookhaven  ;

National Laboratory. This study shows that the change in CDF due to an EDG being  :

in maintenance is the same as or more significant during most shutdown operational j configurations than when the EDG maintenance is performed at power. While this conclusion indicates that EDG maintenance at power is risk beneficial it should be remembered that Surry has only three diesels and that the North Anna model ,

presented herein takes credit for five diesels. The impact of the AAC DG at shutdown  !

could change the results of the Brookhaven study. Nevertheless, this study confirms  ;

that some shutdown risk is averted by doing the maintenance at power. ,

Based on these results Virginia Power concludes that it is acceptable to conduct the 18 month EDG preventive maintenance and inspection during any mode, and during mode changes, as long as the inspection is performed in a single 14-day EDG outage  ;

once every eighteen months and the AAC DG is operable during this time. -

I Restrictions on the operability of other equipment are also defined. The 1E-6/yr increase in CDF calculated as a result of the increased EDG unavailability meets the criterion for acceptable risk increase defined for this project.

! t i

NUREG/CR-6144, Executive Summary, pp xxxii-xxxiii, June 1994.

j "" Emergency Diesel Generator: Maintenance and Failure i Unavailability, and Their Risk Impacts," NUREG/CR-5994, Chapter 5,

! November 1994.

30 l


APPENDIX A l Fault Trees I The following fault trees are contained in this Appendix.

1D_ Name Descriotion 1EG 1EG Emergency Diesel Generators Unit 16/95 PSA,1 p.

2EG 2EG Emergency Diesel Generators Unit 2 6/95 PSA,1 p. )

l AAC OAAC Alternate AC Power Units 1 & 2 6/95 PSA,1 p. l l

DAM DAM Disallowed Maintenance Unit 16/95 PSA,19 pp.  ;

E1H E1HOO 1H Emergency Electric Power Unit 16/95 PSA,15 pp.

E1J E1JOO 1J Emergency Electric Power Unit 16/95 PSA,12 pp.

E2H E2HOO 2H Emergency Electric Power Unit 2 6/95 PSA,13 pp.

E2J E2JOO 2J Emergency Electric Power Unit 2 6/95 PSA,12 pp.

ESY ESYOO Switchyard Buses Units 1 & 2 6/95 PSA,14 pp.

FFT FFT Functional Fault Tree Unit 16/95 PSA,6 pp.

LR1 LR100 Low Head Safety Recirculation Unit 16/95 PSA,10 pp.

T9A lET9A T9A Loss of 1H 4160 Elect Pwr Unit 16/95 PSA,1 p.

T9B IET9A T9A Loss of 1J 4160 Elect Pwr Unit 1,6/95 PSA,1 p.

l l

i i a

f I

i I

l i

l I

o l t i 2 l

1 3 4 d 4 5 semesoner esen Eserpency D12sel genentors f.e -es-su e 4

O NAPS Unit 1 5/95 PSA U J GtEGt00 amaLv51
mi iest41:ee art: o!H o-os . atvis:si : oe-es-es I I I  !

. Ensa rvent a t 10 ssensper DIEnn. samuser 0:aEL Fast as su t-a46-tu scenarsi sa sa Enaten sw Fa:Ls test s assaienonce IEBtteLLY

  • O l I 61EGtto Fa!L5 TD START 10 stse FOR $ fGSE latevelleellitt '

spes-00-sD*4 alls SEGEO M S-In SEGED W A-tM SEGEDG-Tu-SM t.emesse s.est ear t.aIE4sr 6 8.aN-est i -

I I I  :

f aulte Commen enEasta ssMr To tu ano tJ EDEs maser stMr eaTTrav t-1 falls

, Ens cumtr Massa Eps atttpVT anEanEn 70 BPPLY POIO I

Fall 510 ILDE SpWIIgugLY OPEss

$4Y-e-1 l . ESEG130 SEESKA-FO-tSee IEESKA-SO-SSpe IEESAT-LP-3 jayo ens ess a

t. amass as I

1 i .!

EDGs set SJ pt 2J 'CtesEN Ca4M FaiLTS CINedpf Cam Fa4Lf8 Common tause faulte EINE $N ase sJ SATTEltIn 3 07-6-3 {

j I ase s-ev-0-3 61Est3D sE9EOG-CC-t*-tJ SEESA1-CC-I-III t.EE*ea s eEE eOS


. d EGEas-CC-au.


> 5 t

Emergency Daesel Geneester $J 9-EE-EG-$J I b G1EGt60 I i i 1 MOUEE EVENT
  • t TO E8SIDEeCY 01 EEL i Fa!L EDE SJ tsEsuBCY O! EEL t-EE-56 tJ SEIERATOR tJ KtEmaicA $J f alls NtpensLLY
  • O Test $ ustatenance l 7 FAILS TO Stast?

GtEGIFO 10 sase FOR 6 sosis emovetteettity XHD5 tJ4a lL$~ 1EGEDG48-lJ SEGEDG44-1J tEGEDG-fet-tJ 0.edE400 4.G est 8.3E40f 6 3.M-e88 I

i I Foulte Common I MANEn the WEasci 3SA To $N and tJ EDEs ED$ CUTMff RsEANER e&T7Env s-!!! Fall 5 3pWt[(kgy (ptog TG 3ppLT pguER Fa3LS TO CLE i l0

G11G1P0 SEESCA40-tSJP diet v t-97+3 g

..>..e g ..


g. .

SEE841-tp-III g

g 9 M


I a

J l

i 4


__ . - _ _ _ - - - - .. . -. - __ __- . , _ . _ ~ . - - . - - - .- . . - _ - . . __ . _ _ - -

0 l 1 l 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 c,g>;-> s .r9.ner m e.2 r. u,r.

2EG 1 -

{ a-u se-3H NAPS Un$t 2 8/95 PSA 0 43EGs00 i assatvsi: suf l aE Af sos suft; e><no-os sEvtstoi : o6-o res i i i I IIRE EWs4

  • O FAILS 70 START 70fasePet 8seRIE tenevelletilltv i I G3EGste arts-0G-3W4 AILS EGEntr46-'M E GEOG 4 b 3M EGEDG-786-3M ]

e.eIEm ene a j i I I

] Faulte Casmen OftasER 2Bre WEaflER 3De SATTERV 3-1 FAILS 1 To 3H ens 3J EDEs BOS SUTpVT WEasER WutallRELT Oftes TO SMLT80ER ,

j FAILS 10 CLM 4300 V 2-09 4 -1  ;

I G3EGt30 EEED(A-FO-3See 1 EEss(A-50-ESM3 EEESAT-LP-1 j gage a.= me s.mE as s i.en en es k I I

! EIKse ist 14 St 3J Qe8O4 CatE FanLTS CDeOf Cam FatLT5 i i Camen Cause f aulte E005 3M Asc 3J SATTERIES #4f=0-1 1 J ase 3474-3 i 3 GlEGtAD 3EGEDG-CC-3H-3J SEESAT-CC-3-III ses E.m se. eas 4 _

1 l

4 l 5 1

b i

! Emergency Diesel J 6eneratee 3J 2-EE-EG-2J 6 GMG sE:0


i i i I HREE EVEsa . 3 to EsERKaCY DIENL E8EneDCT DIEEL P-EE 4D-3J FAIL EDS RJ EIERAfem 3J EEIERATOR 3J FAILS Test & seenntenance 3 spe* ALLY = 0 FAILS TO Stant 70 RLos FWt 6 se0Lats toistelleellsty i.

l G2EGt70 Kre05-0G-3J-F AILS 3EGEDG45-2J 3EGEDG4A-3J 3EGEDG-Tee-3J e.euwe s.Au en a s.=c-ene L

3 I I I 4


. To 34 ane 2J EDEs EDS OUTpt/T WEasER setstleRY IPEe6 TO SMLT PouER FAILS TO Q.tX asse v k G2EGt20 3EEDA40-25 2 3EESKA-50-3 WP SEESAT tP-I!!


g tuls oest

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o I t I a i 3 4 1 1 5 l 1

Altraste AC *e="

Alternate AC PDeef-3,,',", $ ,, NAPS Urtits 1 E 2 AA

""{ 4 0 6/95 PSA

  • sAAC 00 etyst: wt l cseAtion cart: es co-os , sevisr> : 06-o t-es I l


Q I 1 1 j

' No Electric Domer D-AAC4KA-9342 0-AAC-mf>8 BIG

asse vaus as v v aus en

_ AAC. -- > ase0,e

,e, .g.nsin en m 4:e9,e,e, Open I GAActic GAAct?0 AACSKA4 0 ISFS AAWA40-0$M2 F ' a.te-ene eas

, ,s.a ._

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i I I he Electets Pease EDEs tot 1.L St 3J j From Of f 41te Commen Cause Faults 2 sesvari i 1 entsta0 l

A- A" 1

Alernete e.AC,Pemer e

trenefer aim at Alteraste..AC.Posee

> trenefoe tuo to s AC ,,

.A.C .

Q Q 1 I I f imit 8 Ems Fall -1 se Electrac poser e-AAC4 n 4tLi tmst 3 Ems Fell see Electrac pause ~ 0-AAC-eum4E3 v

m a.s AAC .t seeke,e

.e e ,um mit s as.e0

. -y p.Lt e.nse ets > 4:e,9,e aus et AAC s,e s esen ni a v Fe e u.0,t,J as.e0

.AAC.m-L v aus ets e , ass,e,e

. .be et co.

GAACle0 SAAC180 AACDEA40-0SL t GAAC943 sAACsE0 7 AAC3IED*tHISL3 3.74-sed f 7 2.74 eed twse past 1 -

i y TNas peet i 1 I ne Electric posee I 1 Emergency Onesol Emersoncy D3esel From Of f-site see Electric Pomer teoreency Olesel foorponcy 03ese3 Generater SH tenerator IJ 1-EE-E6-jN From Of f 4tte generator 3H 8enerater 2J 5 14E46-lJ 2-EE4F3M i sesvias sits:00 24E46-RJ sitois0 otsvias sas 00 sasise tsvee sEs ses tsven aEs as j 8e0 Electric Power

4160 v Sm OLt i 0-AAC-So-Lt b

f g

GAAC360 TF R 10



l i I I ho Electric Peaer D-AAC-Su-cLt FAAC4eHIL1 4t60 v tuo sett 0-AAC-mb-0GL2 0-AAC-M A-OSel3 1est 8 usentenance 43s0 V tus SLI m diec y tuo el  !

0-AAC-Su-Out Unevellentllty m 4800 V be Del Felle let 6 senure Felle Geen Falle Open i GAAC170 A ACBLS-12*HR. 5  ;


","gl0 f.eet aeDe 3.Se cel e t.Pe eed 2.7df-44d


l I I Sao Onesel F AACate-ent FellsAmavelleelle D-AAC40-etni htP4.3 Operetten

~~ '

4100 v b e out On 4160 V be eM Of 0-AAC-05-cM 0-AAC-DG-On Falle set S teours Felle open 30 Diesel <

GAAC12 AACR5-LtHiert I AACSKA40-0Sas *EA-4bCP&' C ess s


I i

- l

  • 3 f elle MD Diesel D-eAC-Open 0-AAC-0G-en 43ternste AC Onese) Alternste AC Dieset l

,eet t etelmtenance Diesel tenerater hermally = 0 taevelleD111ty Felle le Run j

$9 xMOS-0AAC-06-01s- AACEDs-fee-One Felle te steet NS-Oss For 9 teure AA20s=##-Ott 3

e.est. coo eBe t. ass-ese s

O I 2

$ l l 3 i d i 5 na.n mau nc.

0 unu : uns m DAM i Amalv51: 851 l GE41198 DifE: 86-27-97 l 8EV!51D : 06-01-05

BASIC EvDf1 Castos act an.LeED 97 Tras E.ECS ER OfeEle 15A.2 E wet 12 I I gennoc7 oggstL 1 GEeEmaisse En.rCTRICAL mass Diamslos M Law E AD TS TS 75 SAFETT IskECT!st 2 TS 3.5.2.s 004s4212 GDa88122 G0aN312 maNT12 S afdB12

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AUKIL!any rggsmafra I

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l aa i TS 3.T.t.2 CDA 519e4L 1987 ACTuaT20N MOVENA sevaC TS i #

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.. . a.


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1 3

7 i



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I 4

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& l l

i o I I a i 3 4 l

  1. l 5

' D uellowed Maintenance l 0 n as m it i sas m DAM 2  !'

ese4L T57: 851lGEATIgeDATU obEhef IErl$lt : eE-01-e5 EN DIEEL SEEERi?WE

SA88212 1FR 10

  • IO I I I I I l-E-S&3M t-EE-Eb lJ P4E t&-81 74E-tG-aJ test 8 assantenance 0-AAC 6 feet 8 sestatenance feet 8 semantenance Test 8 sestntenance Test 8 Instatenance LmovelleDility unevelleellsty I

tenerellottitty tenevelleellsty tenevelleellsty SEGEOG-Tes-9M SE EDG-fle-1J R GEDG-TM-De E MDG-Tee-2J AACEDG-Tee-On s.eese s.e-on s.m-ear 3

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0 i s i a i 3 i d ( 5 Disellowed Ma11tOnenC3 NAPS Urtit 1 6/95 PSA 0

ANAL YTf: MIT l CEaT3lm DATE: 06-22-97 -

EVIsites : OH t-r5 ELECT 8t2 CAL SUBK1 75 1

EDAK312 tra 10 j

s as I I 1 q

INSWE$ $JSUG St 34 8 2J gus (IECTRICAL WESES i 8 EDES I I i GDA8G23 GOAM323 r, N I

] r 3 y y inas paar 1 1 I I SM BUSKS SJ BUSSES 2MOUSKS IJ BUSKS 1

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GoAx352 tra to / \

3 25


I I I SM BU5 5 1J EDG 1J bu5 & SM EDG 3H OuS 81J EDE 2J M s JM EDG b

GDAM36s (CAM 3E? GOAM363 (manOE,4 I 1 1

an BUSKS $41-G-lJ 1 Test & masntenance RJ SUEEES 24E-EG-3M Unevellacattt, fest 8 Maintenance GOAa.4 s 2 EGur,-TM-1J tmove13eellst, GDAM662 ifEGEDE-ik-2H 8.M HpBf 5.54Bf 1

I BJDsE5 3-EE46-in 2H BUSKS 74E-EG-2J 1est & enantenance fest 8 manntenance thevaileellsty l k Imovelleet tity GOAN512 SE GEDG-Tae-SM GO&as612 NEGEDG-Tle-2J 1.M-cot S.M-eef sw east a past &

4 1

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. . - . . ._ .-. - . -- - _ - - . - ~ . _ _ . . - - . . ~ . . ~ . . . . = . _ . . - _ _ - _ _ _ .

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~ malstreseastE malwissamm snaantpeaNE

3 sEEeus t>-swi-t SEEtus-tse-DC-1 Wased32 SEEGLS-tse-0C-II SEESLS-tm-WD-1 1EE8LS-tm-WD-11 8.eas-ese sea r.ess-ess z.est su r.ase-see q

I I I 1 SEN! v!TaL SUB ta sps! VITAL D2ST ta semi VITAL SUB 8C 400 V SCC 9Mi-3N 400 V eCC 3MS-35 Lese 0ECLLED leeDEDULED f 48SOtEDLLED ISSDERLED 48eDEDLLED sealstronascr sterveensa d seafstrPauCE mterteMastE sentervsmascE i IEEOUE-ule-5 4-ta SEERS-tse45-ta Elassedt SEE3us-t>-SvD-tC SEESLS-488-tM S-Ses

2. set-cos EESLS M M-teet-35 2.esE-end 2.seE=ete f.est end I.est-ce5 I I 480 V aCC SM1-3 400 V eCC SMI-3a trTElfE em i L ofatED i c= mud Mroi nnen

! MaistrEhaNG me!MIDeMa $N asC 2J

! S E EBus-tpe- $H1-3 LEERS-tAe-SMS in G0ased72 2.esE-ets 3. set-00s

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! N i E l


o 1 1 l 2 l 3 1 4 4 5

  • Dis 011oued Melitenance n

NAPS Urtit 1 6/95 PSA me 5 a

apeatvsT: 857 l tRAT10s Dalt: e6-2 M 2 sErlsIsme : 06-09-95 l


t tJ REEE l $



Tra 30 a 4r 13 de

< '!. .!. itJ .a, i

die 0 V B5 tJ dice V STia R5 SJ 400 W 58 IJ tseOER12D emarwrna en e V R8 tJ3 400 V stC tJi-t neariana en p g MIRLED I

MlerftmasG mlerTDenna UmMIM.ED in&Ist!3sassa statarTseasG seatstTtmasCE I $EE$tS-488-tJ IEERSMae-8.STLS E WISE 2 SEED S-tee-tJ-em SEEK s-tm-tJs 1EER S-tse-1Jt-1 s.est-eas s.est eas i.esE=eIO 1.GeEaseB 1.OSE=eBS r I i I I

' 120 V DC R4 3-I!! 155 V BC Sul 1-]V 120 V VITAL 24 III tseOEnt.ED ta mparrasen 120V VITAL Bu5 t-IV E811 VITAL ES 38 emmensna en tempsvas m tempg3LAJD esalarrtenasex mlerfeinscE

' nasstreasastE ma!NTpassa se&Inftsansa 3

stEats-<ae-oc- :: stEaus-tse-oc-IV =aa n SEtsus-iae-Vs-s t a sEESus-tp-VD-IV

2.setged IEERS-tse-5VD-15 2.seE4led 3.seE-eed 2.etE=884 2.seE4e4 1 I I I MN! VITAL DIST se de0v ett IJt-De tas FFBITE m weomusD e V acc IJs-3 40 V aCC SJt-3a i memeDa
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18G6 mag

'] 5


6 l



  1. GDI RMORT ID(ids EMORT 7 tJ 2M GDA8672 GDaa674 5[ YS!

4300 V TmaserER EFFSITE M5 diso V TmasWER

, ,_ , RS SD lsGDEDL420 NH104 SpOni WT5tTE SMS malaripassa Bus tE LeeOERLED est]De mMtutt tJ OR IM nalartaanasez f SENSUS-tse-SO 2 486 82 sEPBu5-sp* tE tJ tui 2M eDatSSP

.g ug .- e g g I

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$ SEftLS-t>-d 1EpstS-tpe-2 g 2.,w 2..

Mm e (*- _._..__w -

i l 0 i s l J l 3 d 6 I 5 Disallowes Maintenance 0 NAPS Urtit 1 5/95 PSA qg .

t assaLv51: sel l UEATImr DaTE- 06-27-92 8Ev!51> ' ob-et-on Y

i 3M M j I SAM 617 IFR 10 / \


"" (,.4 >

, , i 4400 V mA at die 0 v Sha m5 m me v M se nadotaA2D toepEDas 480 V R4 Sei 400 veCC 383-8 1 eseca mA.ED a=-ma rn tasonnu rn teaterfteesss2 matutsameCE 2 ana3NTesensa mINTemsa anatuftseaser NEGLS-t> > suzusa-tM-3'sTL3 mAssat ME3LS-ese-D-deD arress-tm-pes j 2. set ene ns m " = 3M1-1 ehs ens 3.seE4De 2.esE ete



sas v Dc as e-1 sas v aC sus a 11 la v vrTE sus e-2 tseDERAAD 18emenA.ED Sov vrtAL sus e-II aut writ as aa e

anagerftnaNt1 18st9EDaED iseOEDEAD m'n81m8 8m malarTDessG InaINTEstaaG I 3 ateus-sp-0C-1 MAIWT9easCE teaterTEeeafG

~aEGLS4m-CC-!! EAN63P 3EEOLS-tM-WD-I REgts-sp-WD-II 3.em-che f.eE-eed EEtta-tM-Sv5-ta 2.engte 8.seEgas 2.eef4ne


j I I I I I 1

EMI v!TE DIST N 400 V aCC 3eet-3N 1 j tseOED12D 6pSOEDEED 400 VACC atel-N 400 v aCC 345-3 deo y aCC pes-3a j e-a en 49eDERLED 8ealsffEssafG materianant 48sDERRA.D i # N Etus-spe-CD-PA maleff5senas1 materTEleancE entINTEmaser NEBUS-tas-3Mi-age SAM 647 3EEBU5-tM-at:3-35 3EEgu5-tM-3Mi-3 EESIS-tes-3Ms-3a 2.seE40s f.eEE-end 3.esE-404 2.seE*eed 2.esEased


! i i

} 400 v Ncc 2w8-4 0Frstit meets i

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  • l I I j I I 400 V gus 2J I 4100 v STLS SUE EJ 400 Y R2 aJ UN5DERA.ED 48SpeRLED nsepann sn 400 V R4 SJi 400 y aCC 2Ji+1
tog 3EDLLED malwTthaNCE matWTeensE t#GDERAAD malarftennaCE analwTesada searwTranaagr SEE8uS-tas-2J NERS-tM-EJ5fti SAN 672 EE8LS-tm-3J-eeD E E8tS-tse-3Js 2 ooE god 4.tegges EEEBLS-tM-3Jt-t 3.seg=eed 2.seEges 3.est-cod


' l i I I

$75 V DC sus 2-It! 125 v LC aus 2-IV 1

' LsesOERA2D (20 v 4:TAL Sus !!! as IV v 48eDenLED i.Sota at:D v ylinL D a AtentesG ~ nalerfeenaG Km!,G.1TA.LE A.ED R4 3 l

i enaletfteenstk malNTDeasa seaINTreenpEX NE8US-tM-0C-III 3EERLS-Uted)C= J V S assE87 f.coE ood 3EESLS-tae-vD-t !! SEESLS-sp-WD-Iv 3.est-eas EEESLS-tM-Sv5-25 f.esE=ets f.eeE ete 2.eEE-064 t i I de04 uct 2Jt4ee 825~ dE0v aCC 2Ji-3 400 y eCC 3Ji-34 LessOEDIA2D EFFEITE eugN3 leeOEDLLED LaeDEBLA.tB scaleffthaNCE 1912 0 1 SMtfit MatWTDenstF esatwfpeastE l Ill $N As0 SJ MEbut-t>-3Jt-R 3EESUS-tM-3Ji-3

[ a.seE s** r.em-eas 3EEOLS-tse-3Js-3A a.oEE oos GDass473 l .

I r

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. - . .- -- . - - - - .. -u _ . ~ ~ . - - - - . - _ - . . . . ~ - . . - - ~ . ..

i 0 l t l r l 3 i e i 5 a

Disalloues Instntenance NAPS unit 3 nA E/95 PSA wM 7'


, amLTS1: as1 l csta13es O&ft e6-aher 8Ev!SIpe : 06-os-95

! l l

4 i

t Duas3as maps  !

75 1

eDAN7:2 IFE TO i De j "

1 J I Ounstus maps DiassING Maps C

$N SueEs em M EDG 1 I ,

< GDAN721 SO4N7Pd

. r3 m

.y I

I DumEMS map 1C I I

  • DenasteIG M8p5 .

Deanstes Maps sN sugES S EDs $N SS Ase SC m LadotD teaterr. 18 ase 3C 3N anstWTDassa

  • I sealNrteensa 10941-428-3091C SCPPAI*t96* jCfG33C l@ @Ala448-j@$33C S40(73d tm ens 3.m-ees

I 8N N t-EE 46-set 4 test & tentatenance nmosellaellit?

i Saeedst SE E DD-fts-SM

.! 8.Jef 487 PM 4 5

1 2



F 6

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. g*

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, l i

4  !

O I s i 2 1 3 i d i 5 Dira]Iosed M81Xtenance nA 0 NAPS Urtit 1 6/95 PSA UM

__assaLTET: 851 l OEa12das DATE: e6-27-87 i 8Ev!S!9u : O M I-95 Lar e540 BAPITY 3abECT3tM TS I

maset2 Yan


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3 istess-tae-isspia testeEL sealest.

estess-tas-sstens is!Pss-tas-ts! Pia soaness assess-uw-ssrpse anam 3.7E*3 3.7E-003 3.M-ess 3.FM-ess


I I SJ M 94-ED-$J 3M N g.g-gg-sn lest E tentatonance test 8 stalatenance j laeveiletility Isieveilasillty East 512 SE WOS-Tee-ss massast sEGEOG-fee-see s.aul ear s.aer ear

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  • etwessa i

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EMNS12 SEMO&aTIS-1J E288412 j tE KEE-fee-lM s.aeE-est s.ausger 1 -

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, TRAIN 8 3 l r ausiso eDamstas enemiast scamisas

  • toss peg

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' I I SJ BM s446-!J sH B M .

86-ES-SM 1 lost s lentatenmee Test 8 Itasatemente I trievellellity

! t#tevelleilsty i E MM512 SFEE00-Tee-sJ ShasA12 SEN06 Tw-sm g

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i s-es +-se e-es-a-se SOLD TET 4 IIAINT. 488083, h&!Iff.  :

I I 20SPW-Tekl0SP10 80SPSD-4>-10 F18 3*MW 3.M*H3 i i

1 1

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  • E-1 amtvsT: AST l CIEAT3m DATU e0-77-s7 IErlsttee r 06-0905 J

3elaE stC14Diaf!DeIFRAY 75 i


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MANSIP tE M OG-fee-sJ EDAasd12 SEGEDG-Tee-sN 3 1 8 '3"" 8'"*

I 1 E3Elh&ED t#EDERA.83 80 ST985T Pulp leAlef70eAIG 8tAINTEMafG $ 45=P=M teed CL ttAINT.

IRSP 9-fee-945PM 3RSPS8-tse-IRSP20 3 REPS-tm-sWE

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' $634

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Disalltme6 Maintinente p j NAPS Unit 1 6/95 PSA w i 0 mvs7: Ar1 l CutaTIse 0&ft: 06-2iP-82 IEv!sim : 06-09-95 AWILlanY FHDud7EA 75 I



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GOAMi423 Elan 1423 M i425 j r7 ( l '


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  • toeptL malaft, SDt.D T5f 8 IIAleff, speDtB analeff.

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amum: as, l curavsp oam on-no. sei sevision - se ELICTRIC PCIER asser Ens SE M

$4E->-8 EE H2:2 I I I i 80 PDMEA SPPLIED 4800VEnS 95 M ld800 V STL4 kJS $M TO STLS GLS 9M FRIM lsWDEDL120 LOM OF F4mCTION dato y sus su I ana3wresensCE l-EE=9u-l E9H221 1EEk&-tM-9HETW SEEBL5-Lu-147W eas s.ase-eas u l em


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  • i I 5 1H Eategency Electric Power 0 NAPS Unit 1 6/95 PSA ANAL YST: H51 l CM AT3tus DATE: W-3D-1991 Erlston ! 06-09-95 8G ELECTRIC PthG 400 V gus an late *W-1 E SM312 TFTl 10 st 30 i

' 2

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d IC MBER RMLIED # V ES 8Mt 880 V 88 8"1 FRim alle V SS pl "' An Lim F FisCTION I matarreaansa 34E-9-3 EtMd2s $EESt&4M SMS IGalS-L&P-SMS S.M=GN t.38E-9N >

i "

I I I I 5 00 ELECTRIC MRER WEdADt see ThefelpbER $NJ WEdfEgl lets-t 400 V 25 SM 4800 V RS IN NULLC'RT OptsS 3-GE-SN-1 4840 V dlM/dSO V FAILS mfl!GIRYIPDS LMS F FISCTION 9-EE-57-snt eV l 4E-5-1 OEsMllt tEEpth-SO-stes SETFee-LP-sMs IEEalch-M>-sett-t IEEks-Lp-tM-400 a.mE.ess a s.eum > .mE ess > . raw a t

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{ 1 4 3 6 4 - I 5 1H Emergency Electric Power 0 NAPS tmit i 6/95 PSA 4q mani: art l curnisi cart w-mo-sees arvisim : 06-o s-es messee ,0 d.0 V .cc eMi-.

sw-4: .

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I I i 80 PtaEll SLPPLIED_ 400 V IcC $M3-d 400 V 8CC SMI-d F90s 430 V SLS SM 48ectEZLt ED LIES IF FasCTION enalstressaan sNet E 1421 1E h 9Mi-4 SEESLS-Lt>-tot 1-4 s.esswas a I

MD ELECTRIC peutB WEAstER lee 400 V lhAB SM M8t!OEY EPEss 9-tE- AS-1 400 V I GEsH312 SEESMA-50-tdHP s.sur-eas m S

6 7

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I **

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0 1 1 y l 1 3 1 4 l 5 i

1H Emergency E11CtPAC Pouer i

1 0 884PS Urtit 3 5/E PSA E1H 6 AN4L TST: m l Stat 3er Ostt to-> sept IEVISION : 06-09-96 I I

l e aseme see e v IEC 3809-8 8

I IM-80 i Eseta

' TFR TO {

il 30

~ l I i 1 80 010 M IED e y egg sus-3 m V sec 3Ms-3


81418 m V RS $N aasmama en g y fgggTggg asalestmeautE I-tp-eEC-30 W $8621 SEER S486-9Mi-8 1

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] 400 V RS $N M ft!RE.T WEf5 9-EE-N-3 my

,j E SM3SI SEED S- h tmed s.ut e as H

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_ m - _ . . _. . - _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __. _ . .- _ _ .

O i' I 1 l 2 1 3 1 4 l 5 1H Emergency Electric power l

0 ws tan i s/ss Psa D7 i I

anet tsi: sei l e=& ties nart sw-m-sees strzsimi es-on-es i

e sLs
1RtC poeR ass v oc as -t 34p<s-sea sE sMT12

{ TFR 10 /\

9 30 I I i

se mean supplied _ seum EVDff

  • I 70 sat F DC sus 3-1 tal V DC bus t-1 TO SC tas I-I Free FAIL SC Eis 3-2 '- 8 m LDus OF FWICT!dps eaTTEar ist desv as essenEL% O seatsstasensa 2 34Ms-saa E SN72: MMOS-0Ca s-s-! 1Rets-tas-0C-1 SEEBLs-Lu-0C-1 f 7 e.sagese0 a.seE eDe 8.900 e85 N

! " 'T I I I 10 PIRER RMLIED se poser appl 3ED TO CC ILS FRes 10 BC Ds FIWpt se Pois afPLIED '

j sesens de0 v as TO DC as FININ gfysmaatt ago y as DATTrser t I GE$N730 3 3N732 3 gNT3s I

1 FAILipE F GATTERY EXBeef Cam FA4LT SAT 1ERY t-1 FalLE l-! AT TIC IEh85 BATT5 TIES FAIL TO TO 889LY POIER 4 af8LT PenER 3-sy4-t SEE 4AT-I-2656 $EESAT-CC-ALL SEEBAT-LP-1 8.05E eGEO 8.0EE-00s 8.3AE=egs N



! I i 1

fc ELEC'fRIC ptpem WEasp CAL taTTERr Os flER SEANER 12 Eps 9-aP-80 LM F 400 V ICC 3Mi-d CN ICC $Mi-d SC-! FAILS M5 A 2: PafEL t-I FAILS ELECTRICAL PeuEpt

$4>-8C=dt Spn8t!OLELT (Fess 3-St-C-3 70 CLK 125 v OC GE 18632 IEESKA-9(Hee-C 3L

3ESCH-LP-3C-3 IEE98-FO-1-12 *EP-0APio eas N e ast eas N 3.paE-eas s.24-es2


e 3

1 #


{ No ELECTR3C POWER OfEAsER D3, DATTERf DesREER d00 W NCC SMj=d SIEAfER 33 CN eCC SMi-d $ 3 FAILS 2f5 A l'N-41 pist!OUR.T OPEss EPs IC PasEL t-!

6 I-9Y-C4 W%IR10UELY ORDs5 GEsM5:2 IEESKA-SCMed-Da.l suech-LP-I sESKA-50-1-il N s. ass-eas N 3.asE GER N p_ s



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o i i 1 2 3 d 1 1 i 5

$N Emergency Electric Pouer O

NAPS uritt 1 6/2 PSA y g assaLTS1: 8Kt l tsEa13es 0417: 64-30-sets ' #Evis!> : ek ot-95 2 ELECmIC PelER 335 y BC hs 8-11 1-fD CD-sas S

E lfG12 d wm 10 se 30

, i i ao PlW R mppLIED seUK tvEsf1 = 1 TO 135 V DC OL5 t-!! 839 V DC Sus 1-11 4

10 BC sis 3 II Fame FAIL SC OLS 1-gg e-as an La F FiesCTgm )

! eat 188ry lut deov Sus eclusaLLY e e matoffgaansgz i s h im GE sseis DEE-0CSLS-s-!! SEE N -!! errai w -II 7 e.eusees s.aswas u j -

. i

= = = . =R mie = ese me,Lr:0 t 70 DC Em FROM i TO K SS Fluss 10 BE SS FMDI esosemaL deo y sue ALTrepea1E 400 t RS I BATTEuff 8*!!

GEte430 E18837 E teG3d s , ,


.eu sses s. set-eas s.sesgos u -

l -


480 v IICC 3Mi-d Ipe ICC INied 3C-! FAILS 235 &

WEadEER 83 Du 0-W10 LM F 1

8-EP-4C-d t 9mflIOLELY Opfes IE Past.L l-!! FAILS ELECTRICAL PeeER 5 8-GY-C-3 TO CLOK 125 V OC et tes5:2 EEsp-so*ed E so M.p- C-1 Eta m-ro-11-se


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  • EP-oAP 0 g

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! deo V aCC SMs-d ON 3CC 3M3-d g-33 FAILS 3-EP-IIC-A t Ipt DC pasEL s-13 MWI!OUR.Y OPEsf5 l-BY-C-d W'UIIIOLET ORDE j GESMS12 SEEDCR-SO-eed-03R SEE N !!

g s .= - e . . - u SEE8s(A-WII-12 s.- .e. u d

l 4



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O 4 1 2 1 l 3 i d

  • I 5 1H Energency Electric Power O NAPS Unit 1 $/95 PSA *q 4 g assaLT5f: RE1 l CIEa11ts: Daf?; ha-3D-590s i sty!ston : 06-09-95 ND DICTRIC POIER 130 V Vil4L SS s-!

I l-fP G dA 4 eEtwest


r i I se PouER spFLIED 4

120 V VITAL WL4 8 I 330 V V!1AL SUE 8-3 TO VITAL GLS FRist eseDEtuJD AC 051 DC BugE5 LOM F FiseCT!ces 2 Na3NTEssasa $ 4P-CD-ee E spS2s

$EEES-tae-VD-I tEERS e VD-3 7

f.esE4md 8.tst-eIS N I

I 80 P0utR RPPLIED TO VITAL als Filom 10 PUuER SPPLIED DC ks 10 YITAL ans FRast AC RS GE8M930 GESM972 i

-.. facs Past t

l NO ELECTRIC PoutR i OBEastER 13 leWERTER t-]

12S V DC Su5 8-! Maac SNITCM FDR OfEAfER E l On DC E s t t Lees OF FulCT]CN i

t-ffH3-12A 9'UR10uSLV OPENS VilAL SUS 3 1 OW VTTAL k1 1-3 5 t-W0-1-1 F AIL 5 3-VD-t>-SW-1 t.E sM7:2 SPLft!OUILV LMr.4 sEE8KA-SO-I-13 1EE INV-LU-l SEE S==LF-1 1EESKA SD-VBj-3$

3.aE-oo5 N ad a esE-eas 3.ast-coS N





! TO VITAL SLS FR13e 7 AC SUS GE tM972 3

0-AP 80 LDSS OP a0 E1.ECTRIC poser ,

ELECTRICAL POWER BIEastER Cth BfEAstER 35 ae0 V seCC 3Mt 4 spe eCC Int-d MafC SWITCM FOR FAILLfE OF EITIER J I-f>=et-e t CN VITAL ES $*1 VITAL ks,8-!

j0 efp-capto GE lett WPLAtlasLY creeq spUtt0LIELT (PDs FAILS l-VD-P-Su-t 10Kv& fwnAL11L TRasertumERE IEERKR-SO eed-CtR SEEBKR-SD-VB1-2 tt7Em SEEMB--LF-1 EEtH985 3.3st ess M 3.aur-eas > r.est-ess I

fin 48FlWWER 794 TRapptplsER 72 gg 400/830V 98N FAILS 20KVA WOLT SES ago/g30V SpH falls g seKVA VOLT Es sEETFN-op-79A sEETFN t>-79R

. .m- N . .m N

- - _ . . _ _. . - . _ - - - . . . . ~ . . - . - . .

O t i 2 d 1 1 3 I I 5 1H Emergency Electric poe*"

0 NAPS Unit 1 S/E PSA E1H 10 '

as.a m: sus 1ensieme ontt .ao-sees . =visrom : e on-c; no asCinic Posen isov vrig as s-st IM I

GE3M1082 i

1 i e pawn aspLrro naov v274 as -23 to Vite mm rnou saov vrtE ma s-33 a-a en Lams F riscT ss AC 54 CC RMS mA3WftssastE 34843-e I

ESMsoft SEE N G-!! SEEALS-Lp-4-!!

3 2.e5404 5.ast eas N NO PUER Sf' PLIED 70 V11AL RA F8Ebl NO POWR RsPLIED BC RS TO VITE R5 Flutt AC as E SM1030 E 3M3072 I

I i 1 1 1 No ELECin!C Poen i seasen 34 sweentra satt sene sustem ran 125 v DC RS $-!! WEanen a tbs DC RS 3-!! Lags F FUNCTIed Vital Bus 3-!!

1 4 *-(3-830 m attouty cutes t-ve-I-f tbs VITE 28 l-!!

5 FAILS s-ve-en-Su-2 anstletEY IFEss GE Mese Etexa-s0-11-s4 EEInv-Lu-II sEtes--LF-II SEESIS-80-SP-35 3.autges 34 s.w eas se f.est4es eas N rael e 6



se Poutm St8' PLIED TD VITE hs False AC OuS i

GE3M1072 2 ifR 10 ,

1 80 33 I I I I 0-A* 80 L0e5 F 00 ELECTRIC POwn WEasgA Cln I

ELECTRICE Pouth NEastER 2 FAILifE F g! Tem i 450 V NCC $NI-4 EM GCC Sul-4 fea@ SNITOt FOR 348-eC-41 OM V11E ES 3 !! leKva PeAALLEL VITE stb t II i O BR8t!Ot&T Optes m5t!CnRT OPDS

. sES-0apto ThesFDIREIK TAILS 9- h 2 E t* Sit IEESKA-50-*ee-CsR sEESKA-SO-VBP-B 5 Utgo3 EtMtOSd SEEsG-47-!!

3.aut4es N 3.3E-ess as '

2.esE ess WM 794 WM 75 g

4ED/8ast Sptt FA3LS 40/180V SpH FAILS M8 testva RT8E8 SSRya MT ES maawe e 7ea sEvret o -res i.els ess as s.SEE egs N

0 l 2 1 1 1 3 i 4 .l 5 1H Emergency Electric Pouer 0 NAPS Dritt i 6/95 PSA q *qg anate an i mafim oart 04-m>-sou sevist> : or,-Oi-es a

a0 ELEcmic Mnp Nm3 VITAL 35 la I t-tP-Co-ssa 170 v GESN1112 5

  1. I 30 pagER Sm1ED NMI VITAL SLE la E N3 VITAL E 5 $A TO MMI VITAL BLS leeCpESA.1D L0ss F FLsdCTilDi tsume 3M3-3 mAINTEmesa I 3-EE O-96A 170 V GE$Mii21 1EE$L&-tSt-S$-1 A SEEBLS-Ltt-SVD-9 A 2.0E-004 8.itE4s0 N I I I N0 f.LECTRIC P0utR SsEAKER MsR TWWWFDesER 70 BREAREA 35 ON AGO V MCC SMI-1 ON BC $N1-1 KN! VITAL OL5 SA MMI YTTAL k4 la t-EP-uC-tC SplA10 m v Optag deo-370/740v tuva suuR10ET ORDS GEfM612 SEEDC&SO4et-Ms81 SEETF@70 SEESKA-50-1A-26 3.3EE-406 N l.seE=es5 N 3.3E tet N Peef. 6 4



1 5

ND ELECTRIC POWER Nu2 r!TAL DIST 14 1-rP-0D-864 120 V GE SP.2162 I

e l 80 POWER SLPPLIED N N! v!TAL DIST SA KN! VITAL 03ST SA TO SEMI VITAL BLE tseCEDLA.ED LOBS F FasCTION F8e3M IM1-A l malefffaiANCE l-CD-tMD-96A 170 V GE1M1171 1f ESLS-tsi 8 A iEE8Ls-LtHB-3 A t.seE-cod 1.218-0e6 N MO ELECTRIC PDIER EFEAKER DSL 480 yaCC Int-4 TRANIFCFeER !!S SfEAKER 87 Ch (ps NCC SMS-A j 9-ED-4C-41 EN! VITAL 015T la EN! VITAL DIST la Mst!DuBLY (Ptus 400-170/240v skva SPURICUEtY ORDE

! GEIM51P IEED(R-SC>-end-D3L SEEfF M P-510

c. 1EEDKA-50-164-tF 3.3E 006 N 8. set-es5 N 3.3E4e5 N

.f s


l O I 2 3 2 1 1 i d I 5 l

l 1H Emergency E10ctric Power y  !

O NAPS tatt 1 6/95 PSA 8 8 I

tVsi: Rei ; c,E Aires part; e4-30 see . uvis 0N : 06-On-es


1 I


EN! VlfaL 25 AC I SMiGC 130 V E 3M1212 I i y ND PouER SUPPLIED EMI VITAL tus SC ENI VITAL BA SC I TO M Mt V!1AL tus **artarus en Las or FisCTION l N 3Mt-3 OR IJs-t NaistrasensCE SMSGC 120 V I

GE3M1223 IEEBUS-tN-SWD-SC IEEks-Lu-SvD-sc 3

2.eE e04 1.89E 05 N I


- TNas Past J



  1. s i I 880 ELECTRIC pouch estaatER OfA tease $1r!?Oe FON TRaarestER 93

, dao y SCC SMs-4 DM MCC iMI-4 BIEAftER 36 (Ps MN! VITAL BUS SC 9-EP-alC-41 MMI VITAL But SC EN! V!1AL RJE SC mft!OUEV EPENS LOSS OF FL8CTION 400/130-PdOV $80(WA SPLA!OWEY OPtssE GElH512 SEEEKA-50-Me-Dsa SEEH5--tf-sC SEE Tras-LP-93 8EE8KA-50-SC-26 3.3IE-006 24 3.9AEa055 8.9EE =0E5 N 3.3RE-GES 34 past t



! 6 m

70 EN! VITAL RJE 7 FID8 IJs-t GE iM1272 TFR 10 /\

$2 33 i I i i 0-A8-10 LOB 3 QF 88D ELECRIC PoutR 1 SPEARER F3R tease gNITCM FOR TRaseIF0 peer 33 ELECTRICAL PouCR 400 V IICC 1Jt-1 WEAIER JG ON ON NCC tJt-t

} s-E*-sc- s t splat!OuEV OPE 86 MMI VITAL GLS SC LCES (F FUNCTION EN!V!1ALBLE SC de0/230-340V 10KVA EN! VITAL h5 $C,

3 se N 0 SE1J512 SPWi!DugLV Optes 1EESKh-SD-JS-f3R SEErtS--LF
  • SC 1EETFN-LP-93 5 27t 403 1EER R-80-SC-26 ELJeg 3.3m ge5 N 2.tE tes 9.ssE ee6 N 3.3EE105 N I-5 r

l o e i i e i 3 e o l i 3


H Energency Electric Power 0

s on, u.s . E.iH 13 i 1


-rsi: nri i cansou out: n.-zo-toes avision : w ei- ,5 j

l i


8. sue =c 480 y 8C $Mi-3N GE9M1312 I I I 80 POIEA SL8 FLIED 400 W ICC SMS-3N 400 V ACC iMi-2N FROM de0 W SLS SM ISEDEBAID

-> i.-r .. .OF LSES c- . FisCTION GEsM1321  ; m -tse-sMs aDI I N su-sMt-2N 2.8EE-end 8.2st eas N 810 ELECTRIC .0tCR spEAaER seg 400 V SUB SN McEY IFE86 9-EE-BS-3 4g0 y GE SM312 SEElpm-80-8me 3.ssE-Ge5 N 5

6 1

l l

l 7 l

g, sw l

l l 9 f

l 0 1 1 1 2 l 3 i d 5 i

1H Emergency Electric Power

  • j O

NAPS Urtit 1 6/95 PSA ,

amaLYTT: 8IET l Cstafie Daft: 04-30-8991 8Erls!> : 06-os-95 80 ELECTRIC PouGI 4W V aCC gng-3 S M -M GE3M1412

~ _

I 1 I 80 POWER SEMLIED 400 V 8CC SM1-25 40 V IICC SMS-M F D 4W W RA SNj M M lF Flipt'TilM munramact s-Es-ec-ao

GEIMi421 LEERS-tas-3Mt-25 tEESLE-LD-1Mi-25 8.aute 8.attgel N I

NO ElfCTR2C PCIO EfEafCEA lef t-7 de0 VBLS $NI SULIQLM,Y (pggg 1-EZ-95-3 430 V GESMdIP SEEBB@-SO-1dMt=7 3.3K eu6 N 4 5 i

6 3

I 4

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i l


o g i I 2 I 3 4 l .

l 5 ma r erncetrie "

l 0 ws u, ire i sas = EiH 15 assaL TET: 151 l Cpta13m 0 aft; se-3 >.sges IEylsID : 06-01-g5 1 em ELECTRIC FouER e V aCC tett-3 l-t>AC*E

, 1 GEtMIS12

. fra 10 SS 90 e =


80 PoufA 28 PLIED 6 V eEC SMi-3 430 V ICC iMI-3 p Flust 400 V OLE M a m se LIES F FiaCTIM I saalarftenasEI i=fp et-M gE3M3528 j SEE8LS-486-8MS-3 IEE8tS-4#-SM1*3 a.ast eas s.ast ess N

l r"~

no ct:Crair Poma surma see 450 V F.5 3M FULIAS.T IFEIS l

t-GF SS-3 450 V

3 GEsM312 SEED m-80-14H5 3.M-ee6 N pee a i

4 t.,

e J

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1 i

5 I

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8e ELECTRIC P01ER i A00 V aCC $M1-34 1-f>=etC-00 GE$ MIS 62 4

I I 1 BC PosEh 917 PLIED TO 1His eCC Fvspi 400 V ICC SMi-34 40 V IEC iMt-3A eseCBEm&ED IJWB F F4seL*f1M d80 VACC 3Ms 3 sealstytasamM I M -90 CESMiS7I IEE8Ls-tae-3Ms-3A IEtats-t.u-tMi-3A f.est eae 8.tti tes N I

' eso ELECTRIC POIER M AKER A3 400 Y ICC IH13 Itt eCC SMi-3 ga I-EP-88C+32 aciMisi, suuli!Olm.Y EPEss ieE.x M>-o n,

s.m eas N 2 Ee h


_ . - . . . . . . . . _~ . . - . - __ .-. . . - _ . - . . - = - , _ . - . . _ - .. . _ . - . - .

O 1 I i

l 1 2 3 1 d I 5 s

$J M ftCy E)1CIf*1C b

  • 0 maps unit : am ps, EiJ i afe4L v51: E l M ATICBd Daft: gepe-aggs sEvlstiku e obos-95 se ELEC1RIC PouER

) 4s00 V SS SJ s-et-se-r ElJi12 TFR 10 9


4m I I I 80 PERER RJfPLIED # sum EvtNT = $ TO 4800 V R4 SJ 4300 V BUS IJ 70 ha tJ F30s FAIL 4800 V SBS SJ 49eDERA.ID Lim F FLsCTilm 0FFSITE OR EDS -IT=0 malefftneaang I I 3 EE-t>2 E IJ123 ElG-1J-F AILS t N 4J 1EERS-LU-1J

' eas s.ast-eas a teorgency D$ees) IENesAL PEED PVuus

' ALTEmeait 30taux 4

Benerator 3J TRafW ER RS $D FINut STATION s-et-tF sJ EEpwict as as SSE8900 E tJ133 EtJsst 3


issts past

] I 1 se ELECTRIC 70usR summen sans g4WiER ssJat I

4800 V TRefMER Mft!OLET Ras SptAttelET OPE 85 ms 30 ese0 V dsse V

GE5YS$2 1E N tS03 $EEDIS-90-tSJit tsvoo 3.aut ess > 3.3mMes N ALitstea7E 30 putt

'. PIERN STATION Stuwla sus a

! 5 E tJIS2

? irR 8 af to f X

} I I i I 8C (1JCTRIC PouER BREA ER 25010 IDEANER ISJi 0-a#-10 LOSS OF 4160 V R$ 3B FAILS m NILL FAILS (PEft, WILL i ELECTRICAL PouER P-EP-Su-2 NOT CLDE 4940 V 6 NOT CLDE 4100 V GEP2212 M PGsp-PO 25010 1EESK4FO-ISJi _ M -0AP30 EPsee 3.74-end 2.74E end s.24 cos I

i 7 4

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0 l 3 2 I 3 1 4 *l 5 f 1 1J Emergency Electric Powe" NAPS tmit 1 S/95 PSA EiJ 2 O

myst: as1 l Cutailes caft; so.wsses ' sEvtslos : co-os-e5 se pKmtc Peugt 4 4800 V BMS BS SJ

! $4-to-3 S

ESA12 4

I es posta ansettre h i esas y gris gis tJ I

asas y sta u sJ 10 5114 R5 SJ Flung sempgIREED M F FisCTited j

die 87 364 SJ In&3effgannen 3 -EE ->-2 I GE$JEta igERS-tse-1ATW tEEtta-Lu-1ATLS l

5.est eas 3.aste 84 IS ELECTRIC PGER M 3SJt2 4800 V RS $J MI0tET WEes

! s-et-er-7 dsce v I GEtJtt3 i SE N i&Jt2 3.31EW B4 1 4 l

5 i




j. 6 i

i S

1 7 l

4 il i

I e


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o I i l 2 1 3 1 4 l 5 1J Emergency Electric Power i NAPS Urtit 1 6/95 PSA U 0

asiatyst: 851 l OEA13es DATY.: ek > teet 8EVISt> : 06-01-95 IID ELECTRIC POIS deo V ks tJ 1-EE-E-2 K SJ312 fPh 10 8 3D 12 30 I 1 I pc POIO 389 LIED 40 V RE SJ e V SLE tJ 70 THIS Rs Fass tseDEIRLED LDB5 OF FWCTION 4840 V SUS IJ analstrtsenstE 3-Er+2 E J328 IEEk.54m-1.> 400 tEESLE-Lu-1J-400 1.8E6 8.32f 6 m aso ELECTRIC PCIER EppsER 3h4 78nasGFDite SJ EIEANER 84J3 450 V EUS SJ1 4880 V R4 $J ptR!mm.Y 5436 4900/dm V FAILS PLAIMY WDS LINE F FisCTitpd t-EE-D-R 4340 V t-EE-ST-1J eV s-EE-N-d GElJt:2 SEE W A-50-15.2 $Ef fFee-LP-sJ SEEWA-50-idJs SEEOUS-LW 1Jt s.m ess a ess a a s.est-ess a 4

5 4

N e

i 6

i I


F 7




i t

a f


0 1 1 i z I 3 1 4 l 5

- 1J Energency Electric Pouer 0

NAPS urtit 1 545 Pu EiJ 4 afetL V51: E l DEAT)gt DATL 06-Se=3933 fEVISIch: 06-09-95 NO ELECTalIC PEER 6 V ha &Js g

6-GE-5-d K SJeSt I

I I EIID 6 V M $J1 6 V RAE $J3 TO 1NIS RS P5uss namenerna en N F F40CT!dpf diet V gus gJ ant 3st'genassE 3 gE+d g

  1. 8M8 SEER S136 8J1 SEE8tA-Lp-sJs 1 M6 1.8siges as I I I I 80 ELECTRIC PRER WEAdER ISA inafWWBER SJs date V gus $J SEasEN sdJi-t 400 V OLS SJ pulfLIOLALT m doee/dm V FAILS matienRY m La F FisCTION 1-EE-to-2 4000 V se-51-$Js 400 V $4-5-2 GEsJIIP SEEmca- h ts.4 SEETPeH P-sJs IEEsch-M>-idJt-t IEEks-LU-lJ-dSO S.M=e86 N S.m=e89 N 3.E=en N i.38t489 N 5



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o I i l 2 l 3 1 d i 5 1J Emergency Electric

a 5 0

,,,,,,,,,,33,,,,,g ,p p,.,,,, sevistine : opon-n og ELECTRIC POW 4 400 V sa tJt-3 IM-li I E lAtt i

',",1* in a"

.0 . ..

6 S3 30 30 I i I se poup gis' PLIED 400 V stt tJi-1 400 V ICC SJa-$

TO THIS 8CC FRou neeDEM.ID LAN OF FisCT!aN 400 V OLS SJ teaterfteessa $ M -St 2 GEtJ522 sEE p tJt-t SEERS-ue-tJ1-1 ess 1.ast-eas N MD CLECTRIC PSG WEAflER 84J4 400 V SLR tJ ruittonEY aptes 9-tE-SS-2 400 V 3 m,aig ing m go., a


s.sur-ess N 5

num 6

7 Eh i j-l I

-E 4

_. . . _ . _~ , - .

O I  : f 2 3 l 6 4

  • I 5 1J Emer gerity Electr Ac " I 0

NAPS Urtit' 1 6/95 PSA EiJ S l assaLYST: 8tS'1 l DEA 110N DATE: ObH-g ge t EV!510N : Ofr-09 -95 J

80 ELECTRIC PouER 125 V IC 35 t-!!!

14942=IEC 1

E t.212 1FR 10 / \

0 90 I I I 80 PCMER RJPPLIED 8euK EVDn = 1 TO 125 V DC RS S-!!! 125 V DC SUB 1*III TO DC RS !!! FROM FAIL DC SLS t-!!! tseOEIRLED UMB CF rnmCT!tpf SATTERY tri de0v ms temiaLAT . O mAINTE8easG 348-CD-12C GE t A21 ogs-0C&&-t-!!! SEEBS-4M-E-III SEESIA-LL)-OC Ill

.._+ g .__ g t_

g ..

I I I 880 POWER SJuPLIED 80 POIER RPPLIED 80 ptBER SiPPLIED TO OC Ra FREM 70 DC gis FROM esofes4L deo y EE 70 DC as need ALTTsueATE 400 v Sus SAT 1tRT t-I!!


1.085 +e00 1.0eE-tes 1.30E eas N I I I I 80 ELECTRIC "0WER WEANER Ctt PATTER 7 Deasuf8 OBEANEII 10 PAP-10 LNG F 4e0 V NCC tJs-l CN NCC SJt-1 IC-!! FAILS 225A CN OC PasEL s-!!! ELECTRICAL P0utR 1-ED-*C-t t SPWt!0 UGLY OPENS 1-SY-C-4 FAILS TO CLOK GEtJ512 IEEOK84-SO-Js-CIL SEESCPH.P-IC-II 1EE8KbFO-!!!-10 *EP-0 AP 10 3.ast-ess N s. dates N 2.f at-cod S.NE co3


P_ .

l i I sto ELECTRIC POIER BE AKER 91L l BATTERY DeaREER BfEA82R 11 d80 V seCC IJs*l Em NCC IJa-8 t-!!! FAILS 225A t-EP-NC-Il DN OC PA8EL t-!!!


3.3HE-406 N S.408-005 N 3.3IE 400 N l

4 7 1 1

1 8



Ms l il I 1

1 i

0 1 2 l 3 1 3 1 4 l 5 u we ner veau u w O == unu i em m Eid 7 asenLTST: 851 l C3EATJet Oaft ekte-;ges sEvl510m : 06-01-95

, . i I

88 ELECTRIC MIER sm y aC ma s-3v 3 a=f>-CD-82 1

eE s.rrs2

, TFR 10 9 30

I 1

1 1 i 80 Poe Es9 LIED feuK Estaff a 3 TD__ la v DC BLE t-IV 125 V DC SUE t-IV 10 BC h4 3-IV FIpe FAIL OC RS t-IV i LeeDEDLE.ID LXms F FifeCT!DM W TTERf Ob desv gue sensaLLY

  • O j 2 stalNftsansa $4p CD-1E E lJ721 apcs-0C8ta-t-IV in*M O-IV 1EESLS-4.tH3C-I V 7 9.estesse 2.est ess I.ast-ess N

' I I se po e af ,L:En I

1 i a0 ponen as9L2m 80 poER su"PLifo j TO OC mm Fret I

sepenaL 430 y as TO 3C 33 FIel 70 IE SS F3WM  :

4 3 %Truseilt 40 V R2 SATTEIIT f *!V erss30 mapa



{ 1 a , FAIL 4fE F BATTDiv Cenos CAM FA4LT SATitely t-IV FAILS 3-!v af Ts0 fems SATTWt!IS FAIL TO TO SuppLT peutR mf9LY poser t=gyN se -eat-rw-me EEsat-cc-au EEsar-c.e-tv s.setesso i s.est cel 8.seE =es5 N l -


  • I i 1 1 ec ELECTRIC restR NEasan Cat taTTeRr DesReER l WW.ANER S D-AP-30 LeeB F 480 V ICC IJt-t se ecc SJt-1 3C-II FAILS 2254 94>-8C-il et DC PAfEL l-!v ELECTRICAL pleER 5 sostimJELY OPEss 3 ev-C-6 j FA2LS TO CLDEC eE J512 IditA-50-JiCtL SEESC @ lC !! SEEDm40-!v-4 #EP-0aPte 3.ast-eas H a set-see N 2.7at-see S.24-es3 1

peer. s 1

I I fs0 ELECTRIC POIER 3pEAa(Epl gjR 1

SATTERY Deaf 4ER WEAKE3t 9 400 V IECC tJt-t OM SCC tJi-t t-tv FAILS t

1-EP-mC-il De DC pasEL t-IV SPURICUeLY CPENS l-97-C=7 b WUl!OUEY OPENS GE1J512 LEE 8pm-90-Ja-81A SEEacp*LA-IV i g

.. -.sey u ..a y ,

1EE mm-so-Iv-8

, 9 -

i -


{ 7 i

a N

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II 4

~~ - _ . . . . - . . _ . . . . .. - . . . . . . - . . - .. -, -.~ ... ~_ . - . - _ ~ . . - - - _ . . . - _ ~ . .

d O l 1 l 2 l 3 1 4 -f S I

u s - e-ier n .e wie "

EiJ 8 d

0 NAPS Unit i 8/95 PSA asent.VS1: f51 { UEa1194 thnft Ob-pe-test 8EV151tpe : 06-0Y-M


4 se ELEC11t!C PeutR 830 V V!f4 Rs !!!

t-f>O-F E $Att r


] ime soutR supplas0 j

70 VITAL Sta FRisi sao V Vris as til sao V Vria as 21

'" 8 'n LOM OF FIMCTies AC 04 DC RMS entisessansa I 3 49 CD-4C E tAti SERS 450-VD-I!! SEA N VD-!!!

3 i. esses N 4



! K ES 70 V11AL Rs FIEDI 3 EM Etano aE tA72 i

4 i



i i 810 ELECTRIC poser I 1

NEasse 32 leffUtttR l-til name Brittu Fem 325 V DC SUB ta!!] ON Oc m s 3-It! WEas3R 35 LOSS SF FiaCTilbe VTTE SUS t*!!!

t-t>@-tac mftimsLV epos t-Y5-1-3 IDt VITAL 808 t-!!!

FAILS t-VD-GP-to-3 SpWRIOUBLY Optes GE1482 SEE9 8-90-VB3-13 tEElisV-Ltp-!!! SEtte--e.F-111 IEtim-90-VB3-35 3.ast-eal 34 6.64 e68 m f.en-ess 3.ast-eas N 1 past 4 I -

! 6 4

f 2

l =

l l

IID peutR BupFLIED TO VITAL km Falgt s

1 E 1.AiF2 1FR 10 / \

4 S 33 I I 1 I I 0-AP so toss er so ELECTRIC poiER WEasen gtR I ELECTRICAL POWER TRasesreputa 80 480 V SCC $Jt-$ eense SWITOt FOR gpEAfst 35 l2 p p -Oapto t-fD-et-11 CN ICC SJt-t msitamV Opens de0/180V $8% FAILS itKv4 VM.T BESLATE Vits Es 1-!!!


Sput10Lav gutsE E tAtt lEEtim-SD Jt-E tR S.2M-003 SEE TFes-6)-SD SEEIG--L7-III 3.m ess N 3.ges eas SEftim-W>-VSS-E N s 3.3EE tes N past s l

M g l N 3 ..

4 J

j O I 3 2 '

1 1 3 i e i 5 usr cr n.cenc *

, ws we i uns m EiJ 9 asenLV51: 851 l CIEa13m eaTE: e6-pe-sett. 8EVI$ttDt : 06-os-95 e

f e RKC11ttC puuER 13Dv VileL SIS 9-IV

) .



! E tJB12 1 I I I W 80lER MIED $3pv V! tat gig 3 3y gap,ygtag mg 70 VITAL t e FReg na-was a Lg y pegggggg

) g AC MIE RES natsstssesset 3-sp-to-e

, E SAE8 SEE86S=tM-vD-TV SEERS-L&P-gD-!W d

I 3 3.seE=ete '

t ast eas se I ,


10 V!1aL BLE Pse" EM 10 WITE RS FIust i AC RS



I l- 6 i

1 4

i f


3asWERTER 3-19 sea @ D ITOs Fgt WEasgit 5 125 V DC BLS 9 IV 98 BC RS 9-!V LW F FISCfled 14p-CS-130 Suth!OuET spEs4 V!1aL RS t-IV #f VITAL R S l-IV 1-WD-3-4 Fa!LS l-9-09-9-d SIURIOLEY tpEss GE1J7:2 SK SKA-50-IV-ts SEElefV-LD-IV SEteS--LF-IV IEEtch-DVSd-5 3.NE4ES N end W ess N 1 past 7 i

i 6

1 l

5 em POIER hpWLIED 70 YttaL ges FRes E AC RS E $.nTt a

IFR 10 0 33 I I i I I



$49-eE-il gunat!Ol&T Opges ON V!tal 314 $*!T

.O ED-capto E SA12 IEESER-90-Jt-Elm itKva t&T SERLATE SEETFe-LD-80 FatLS s- 9 g> WIP-d plStIREY Eptes 5 2 4 -s03 SEE86- tF-IV IEESEh-StH 9d- B 3.W 408 34 1.gIE-ee M 2.GIE-GES 3.3EE=eE5 W past a i "

j i .$s I

a l


0 1 3 l 2 3 i 1 d i 5 1J Emergericy Electric power

, wsumi uns m Eid 10

_asiat TTT: Art l Cpt&T10N DATE: 09 24-1991 ' 8Ev! stim : c M i-s5 se ELECTRIC MluE71 WN2 VIIAL OLS 30 g 94NSW 120 V E 1J3012


l s 1 IC POWER 8129L120 MN! YITAL BLS $8 EN] VITAL RE SS TO SEMI VilAL h4 SpeDEIRAID LDE IF Ft8dCT!W Femu IJs-3 m&3errtesman 2 $N95 120 V se:Jsori sEEms-oe-svD-s8 SEEaus-Lu-s@-$ B

.am ens  : en ess >

I -

I I I 8s0 ELECTRIC POIER SIEAfWI ESL TRafePlutWI 71 BIEAf2R 25 m deo V seCC SJ3-1 DN NCC IJ3-5 EN3 VITAL ALS IS NMI VITAL R S 10 94 >41C-Il MIOLET OuD6 40>l20/New 39ftv4 I Sput!(REY CPBS

, GElJ5 2 tEEDGt-30-Js-E st IEf fFs><.p-7 3 3EESCR-90-se-75 s.3me-ess a s.ew-ese m s.m-ess a heat 9 t

4 4

i 5

sed ELECTRIC pouER Eu! VITAL 0151 IS 6 sesse 320 v i


i I 80 POWER $17 PLIED R N! VJ74L 015T $8 E N3 VITAL 0257 SS 10 EcL1 VITAL 015T LedBDECIAAD F9tas tJ3-3 LSES IF FtsCT!tri 7 m&IWitseasG t-EP4388 170 y GElJ1078 tEEBLE-tM-(5-18 i 1EEeus-LtH S-tB t.est ees s.itt eas >


I I I too ELICTRJC P0ufR BfEApSt F3. ifWWF0ptER 339 BIEAs2R 17 tpd 400 y eCC 1J1 1 en aCC SJi-1 ERI VITAL 0151 30 g8 1-EM* 1 EE 1J512 PLstitRALY tpEas debt 20/240V 19Kva NN! VITAL DIST 30 SPUIt3aET 9uD6

EEmca-so-Js-FE. SEETFW-LP-3it IEESKA-SO-108-t7 n,

s.w-cos N .sse-es5 N 3.3EE-te6 N Es


o i i e i 3 . . i 3 1J Emer gency Electric Po er-0 _

nes ma i sns m EiJ i1 88e4L v31: fir 1 l CsEATime 0471; eb pe-sees fEv!Sims : 0641-M se ELECTRIC PeuER 400v sa SJt-ass agg g s-em-sc-2s s a2 M 1J3tl2

' ~

I g y W N M IED 400W 8CC SJi-k 525 4aov aCC SJi-m GPS TO THIS aC 71Wie gggDES&E W As SJ W F WIM sujarresenscr s gp.g-33 g 22 E 1Jt121 gggggg gm.ggs.g 8 8E6 1.28EW N l

alD ELECTRIC PonER pgAsen 34,3 400 V BLS sJ mggg,y gygsg 3-EE-SS-2 Ef1J312 SEE634A >

Passt 3 b

d 1

6 1

i n

4 unum r

f sr 5, B


sw e

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_. _ . . _. . _ - - - . . - -. ~. - _. .. _ _- . - . . . _ _ . . .- . . . . . . ~ . . . . .

O I s l 2 1 3 i d

  • 5 I

$J Emergency Electric Pose" 0

NAPS Urtit 1 6/95 PSA iJ 12 asa4Lf57 851 l CBEATIEBd DATL Sb-N-ISBI EEVIE!> SHt-95 l

mas se ELECTRIC pe m ago V stC ass-3 3-fPMIC-33 I

GE8Jitl2 trR 10 St SD v i I Ic pgIER 3LupL3ED 430 W ICC tJs-3 m V 8CC sJs 3 701stig egg ryggs taarnamna m LIM F FisCTiled 400 V SLs tJ si43arrganass 9 M -33 I

Kiss 33: TEE p tst-3 tEEgis-Lu-sJt-3 .ane-ess a I

, 110 ELECTRIC FWIER NE. aller 345 i


$ l-GE-N-2 40 V E lJ38P SEESCR-80-se.4 3.M GN N

  1. EEL 3 4

i i

4 I


< i 4 -

, 5 5

t e

eau IG ELECTRIC POW W V aC SJi-3A i 6 l-EP-8C 68 3

GE1J3268 I I te POWER SIMLIED 400 V ICC SJi-34 400 V MCC SJt 34 m V ICC SJt-34 nameras a Lag y FisCT!dpi 3-to-et-St en43strteensE i i

s-EP4C-St '

GEsss271 1EEhlJ1-3a SEE8LS-Lu-tJs-3a i

', 2.tE-SM 1.ftf-80s M 110 ELECTRIC POIER WEesiER 34 400 V asCC SJs-3 getput IJ3-3 l

l2 8-EP-8C-33 E tJSPIP MAIOLEV estas ,

t sEEtith-50 .13-ed g

3. = ses n 3 (

?! n I

1 i



0 i s I a i a 1 d i 5 EN Emergency Doctric Power ,-

O NAPS unit 3 S/95 PSA i mintesi
sun Icsear:De oarE: e> >- m e arvisim : u -en-es


No ELEC1st!C MNER dato y as 3M M+8 sE D :sa i


- " .i 3E.

I I 1 e amen menLaso must een . : To 1 deep v aus a die 0 v aus 3M 1 TO ma > Paen FAIL 4800 V ha 3M an - armaen Legs SF FisCT!Di i srParft am ses soseauf . e massermenscE l 3 Hr-se-s -


7 e.essesso a.est-eas s.aste se I s I j See.apency Dsesel 1

l fEmeaL PRD PM INW TIE 3M R5 j Genoester > TupaaWWII SIS at l s

P-EE te-3M TO BJ

3 sassoo g

Emiss Ems 73 I

saa en I

eID ELECTRIC petEn IIEasEst 3M3 WEAllER 3411 date V TIWGPER IMRIORY 8 DOS 3RftleET spg6

, Ola St.  :-ED-SIMS 4300 V 430s V l 4 4 ESTSif SE N ISE3 EImp-90-25Mit 88'se 3.sut-ess N 3.3sE-es5 N i

' ~


I 5

l i


l l

s 4 -

9 CROEs TIE D R4 70 BJ l

7 E2M173 tra r0 fX 1 33


I I I MDUE EWE 8n . 010 8e ELECTIllC peugp gl easer stMs 4-ap 80 Lees GF (SWE TIE 3M aft BJ 4800 V Rs 3J FAILS OpWK WILL j sotaaLLv . I p-et-ge-r ELECTRICAL POIER aOf CLIM 4160 V EMD64LE->-8J K assat EESKR-fD-2SMs eEP-eAP30 s.est.ase g saae a.= ow s.m-ses 3_ 4 l

!  !! s l I i l

l 1


- -. - <m -

0 t 1 i P I 3 i d o f 5 2H Energency Electric Power

, NAPS Urtit 2 cou o CCD C 8/95 PSA anum: art i acatim onTt es-s-mi ' sevisim : on,-oi-es se ELICTRIC MulER daa0 V sim aus N P4E-Su-I EbQtt 1

4 -

I ,

I I IC MBEA REBPLIED l 10 ftta 33 N Facn 4940 V Sfs hs 3M 4100 V $7n2 RS M toepgagugg LIES OF FisC71m i

4800 V aus > ma3Wfteenstr 74E-Bo-t E 3H221 EFAS-tM-3D$1Lg agrranaggp-pgits I t GEt4D8 8.88E 810 N 810 E1ICTRIC POIER pg.AsER ESN12 die 0 V R4 > ylstI n t gygag P-tE-te-t 4360 V 3

GE2Hil2 N ESKA-50-25H12 a.ast-ess n i


5 usIIuu S

mammm d

7 ev e


i e


O I 8 l 2 1 3 i d i 5 2H Emergency Electric Power 0 mes unit 2 sie m E2H 3 asiattsT: asi f oratam nave os-n-see . sevisim : 0.-On-es ND RICTRIC POIER 400 V BLE N g P1E-M-t staM3tr rFR 0 st SD

!! E I I I 80 PURER SUFFLIED._ 400 V R4 Dt TO IMIS RJE FlWM 400V44 >

tegDEDLA,3 Lgg gy FgaCT!ted 4:40 W SUS N materflannaEr g -gs.3 GEpoes aEEaus-in-a*-deD 2EE9ub-LU-2M-480 a.aeE=eD8 3.tu-00s N NO ELICrRIC Ponta SIEAEER 23re TRaaWUect De SfEAKER 2ets 480 V SWE Ms 4380 V Aus M 5'tA!OUR.Y CPEss 4340/400 V FAILS SPLAJCLEY 080s LMB 0F FisCTIN 7-EE-to-s 4t60 W P45-51-N 3 400 V P41f-SS-3 sEPMi a K Em m-so-asee EErFo o -an arexa-so-eams aEEaus-Lu-3Mi 3.m eas a ess m S.m ess m s.tMM N L

i I

e 5

6 7

!. 8 sv i

j f

1 l


O l 2 1

l g 3 g 4 g 5

. 2H Emergency Electric h 0

,ues we a sm m E2H A ANAL v51: 851 l OEA1]ge ggft- ch77-sn3 gEV25!Ih ! 06-09-95 i

' es ELEC75 tic poa 400 v 28 Des 1-EE 4 -3 Ebed17 wm to il 30 i I I e noe sweLiro ae9v as mi asev as as TO TM18 hs noe menarnaen Legg y FesCT3gu aseo w ks sie I malstressastE P4E-e>3 E2*6421 PEER S4 M-Det EEOLS-LWW1 s.aste as I i 1 1 no Eacinic pom suasan ame vasaramen as semen sein-: as0 v Rs a 4400 v hs De mft10LE.Y IFEIS 4940/400 W FAILS P GE-h-s esto y mft20LEYORDS LM F FleCTIst P4E-s?-3 eel eV 3 P 4E4-1 GE>ttP 3EEkA-90-25se MEipm-LP-ates 3EED S-90-emes.: arssam-LU-3>-400 3.nHas a ess > 3.ase ess a s.amm se 5

6 7

8 N


0 l 1 2

l l 3 l 4 l 5 EN Emergency Electric poner

, , = = m it a sas . E2H 5 aseALYST: 41 l C5 EAT 30M OArt skP3-3ges SErl$itus : OkOS-95 se ELECm1C PeuER 1

400 V esE El-8 g M*-ec-se ED612 tra to 7 as 9 91  ? St S 30 0 08 s 4 Si 90 m I I I 80 M WEED 430 V IEC m3 3 4g0 V ICC 23-3 ToTMisest m 8 - 8m Less er FisCT1oM g

  1. 'MN analstraseastr W .50 EN8 NESL&4M->t-1 SFrpssw3st-s t.eetgee s.astges m aso gtgC7R3C ponEn sugasen 3ew 400 V ens

, M-88-8 deo y EDGt2 NEDe-SD-peees

, 3.5IE185 3e


l 1

4 4

5 )

I b

l l

4 6



7 i

3 l


!8 n,

1-k9 I

1 4


, o i 1 1 2 1 3 I 4

  • l 5

' Ps Energeticy Electr1C power 0 L-fuPS urist 't '

S/95 PSA


, [patest: Ari l ceatam natt: es-r>-seen Krista. : osoi m

se azCTRIC rem ass y aC as a-!

34P-C> taa I ~

E8612 4

frR 10 t e en 1

i I I

$ IO PWER 28PPLIED peuK EvtW1 = 5 70 125 V DC RS 3-1 135 V DC bus 3-2 10 DC 883 P-3 Fret FAIL SC sus 13 a m ae Les F FasCTIeN taTTERv en mov eus = 0 malWTesenscr s-en-cs-saa I

  • OE3MEtt _mt06-0 CSS-2-1 EESLS-tse-0C-I SEEW S-LLHit-I j 7 e, set *ess a.eut-eas s.ast-ess N I I

' I no routR sprLito se posa aspLIEp }

em poeER asspLIED

,' TO OC RS FRWE samaaL 400 y as 10 K stb FIWI 70 SE RS FUpt aLfyssaaTE 400 V Ols gaTTJer P-I

GE3>630 E3tGN E3043d i E 1


' 2-1 AT Tuo seafS BATTE3 TIES FAIL TO TO SppLT 8eIER 4 RAupLY penER bey 6-1 3EE-SA1-3-30st EESAT-CC-ALL SEIBat-tp-I 1.esE *ese 8.sel eas 8.seE-ess N ,


' I 1 80 ELECTRIC PUEER maser Eam SaTTERT DeaAER M anER 12 as aCC pft-$ D-Am-30 LMs or

," 480 V IICC 3H3-3 24>-eC-10 9%ftlauET (plas 3CI FAILS 225a ON DC PAfEL 2-I ELECTItJCAL PetWI

' P-St-C-3 FAILS 70 (1.0K E2*612 EE9Nst-50-Ht=(dA EESCM-LP-at-l 2EEDS-F0-1-12 *EP-0AP 30 a.ast-ese 34 8.aut-eas N t. tat-end s.tMe Psa s I


{ 400 V asCC Pts-I M alER 12 ON OCC JMj g 3-) FAjLS 3354 lpi DC PAREL S-j l P-EP-mC- 10 SpuRIOUeLY CPE86


4 EE8CM-LP-1 EEDCA-50-1-12 I a.aEm N s. ass ess N s. nee-eas N n m 1

7 e

l l

1 8

W ,



k9 4

5 i

, i I

o I 2 3 d 1 l 1 i 5 3H ESerpency Electric Power S 7

4 0 NAPS Uritt 2 ' S/2 PSA G '

4 asestv51: 8151 l Ota13eu esft et-77-sees IEvtsfou : ab-e n-95

. l

" . I l

2 b

se ELECTIIIC poust I

sas v aC as 3-:: '

pf*4> 85 I

I EBOap ,

k 1Fm 10 / \

99 s


! 1 i IS PleER RFPLIED #SE EVEfff = 3 70 la y E ms 3-II 125 Y E M P-!!

i 10 BC Sts 3-!! Fless FAIL DC hs 3-33 ama en La y FtpICited sat 7tRv eR deov as sammatty . e i 2 masutusana0E 24m 4lD-tm  !

E 3M72s C " t !I EEGLE-tN-CC-II F 7 EE8 h 4 HIC-Il e.eseges a.emges s.ast-ess >



] 70 BC RS FRWI TO E Sts FIps 89 PRER 98 FLIED i

papunaL 400 v ALS 70 IC SE FIWN

  • aLissesaTE 400 V hs SaTTEsif P !!

GE3M730 E3tF3R E 3pf73d I


  • MTIERY 811 FAILS 3-!! At lec 01385 MT15 TIES FAIL TO TO mesLT peast i

4 4 aselv past 34v44 EE GAT-II-Det EESAT-CC= ELL RESAT tp-!!

s.emeno s.neages

> l I

I i

1 NO E12CTRIC PessR WEANER E4ft 1 l

saTTERY OsanNII 3EasgH SS deO V aCC 3MI-t es alCC 3MS-1 D-AP-90 LW F  !


  1. 49-8C-90 mettaET Optes
5 2-ev-C-3 FAILS 70 ILDE Edent EEssa-so-Ms-E m EEMP-E-1 I EEm #-FO-II-90 *EP-0APl0 3.aut-ess a ess a r. Par eas s.24 eas i

i I I NO ELECTRIt poser afEasER FR j SaTTERf DEARER SfEafER ll 400 W ssCC SMs $ ON 8ECC sne-1 e-Ep-ac-se P-!! FAILS 225a Of DC #AsEL 2-!!

l 6 amm:0uuLT was e-ev-C-4 i mascueLT was f GEbett _3EED S-80-Mt-F M 3EESC#+ Oh-!! 3EttKA-90-12-11 )

3.azgos N s.anE-Ges N 3.InE-tes > 1 1 -

1 7

i j





! I I

i 1

o I i 2 3 1 1 i d of 5 I aws=r.E,le, n.ctrie

  • j o NAPS tatt 3 6/95 PSA E2H 8 AssatVst: str1 l tzE AT3m DaTE: Okt?-sees IEVI51> : 06-On-95 se ELECTRIC Poe 820 V VITAL Rs 7-! j P-EbCD-dA I

E2Pe t2



L20 V Y!TAL pus 2-3 120 V VI1E BLS 2-3 10 VITAL GLs FRm tseDEtna.ED LSES OF Ft8dCTitBd l

AC 04 DC SUES seAINTEsensa P-Ekts-44 i l

4 EDS23 EESLS-ts+-9-I EERKr-tu-WB-1 3 3. TIE-Ged 1.238 4 06 H NO PDER SLf'PLIG TO Y!1AL Sus FflDN eO PUutR RJPPLIED CC gus 10 VITAL Bis FREDI '

AC gLa GE3HR30 GEPH872

, fHis Paa A

l I f 1 1 l 880 ELECTRIC P9ER OPEAKER 13 388vtRTER P 1 senac SWITCH FOR 12S V DC SU5 P-! BEAMER E ON DC R s 2-1 LOSS F FLDCT3tM P-ENCB-laa Y!1AL Rs 2-1 ON VITAL SUS P-1 SPLRIOUELY OPEN$ 7-VD-] = 3 5 cc,,e t a FAILS P-VD-49-$m-1 SPURIOUSLV EM8f5 EEms.-so-1-s 3 EElmu-a Et e F-1 NE p so-ves- n 3.M-00s ta 5.84 404 #4 2.w-oce 3.m-seS ad 80 PouER EppLIED TO VITAL Rs Fium y KM GE2nett 3

I I I i 0-se-10 LDBS W ND ELECTRIC POWER 1 ELECTRICE poser WEARER E4L But.AER 35 480 V ICC SMI-j censo tu! tot FOR FAILL5E OF E!!6 g th NCC 2Ht-t CM VITE Rs 2-1 P4P-et-to SPLft!ESLV Optes VITE Rs 2-1 30KV4 WJW.LEL put!OUELY Oppe FAILS P-VD-954w-t

#ffa-CAPIO GEbett T8bnNffluttus KEOG-50-H t-E dL 2EEam-50-V81-B REP 6--tF-I S.fM dNG 3.3sf 4e5 N ENOS 3.M 486 N 2.8EE-ee6

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2H Emergency Electric Poe*"

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i 0 NAPS tmit 2 E/95 PSA H9 AsenLTET: 851 l tpE A11tte Datt; serbsett . IEFIsles ! epos-95 1


se ELECTRIC PeutR trov VITE als 2-!! l I P-f*-CD-40 4

2 EDet P 4 -

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se POER SPPLIED _ 170V VITE an5 3-13 j

TO V11AL te Feles 189V VITAL BLE Pl!

namnens en tm gF FasCTIDs AC 04 BC SUES nalefitsaum I P48-CE-e E3DG23 SFF u t G_!! EERS-LLP-49-Il f ' t.ast ene t.ast-eas N 3 I i 1 suo POIER SLPPLIED 8e POER kpFLIED TD Y!14L as Fleu EM 10' VITE RS Fluus

, EM SE3H930 E3pg73

- Tests ses 4

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I I 880 ELECTRIC POIER WEAER 34 38WERTER 2-!! pense EMITCM Ftpl 125 V DC M 2-!! 98 OC SWE 2-!! SEAIER 2


P-f >-m-138 WUt!Oua,7 (PENS p-vD-I-2 ON VJf4L SLS Fl!


5 FAILS 7-94>*Su-2 spistteimV EFEsss GEPH7sr EEamm-so-II-14 3EEpe--LF-II EEascA-so-@-5 3.3E-ess N 6. set end N r. alt eas 3.30E-005 N f

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Fa!LS Pvp-em-en-2 SONVA PARALLEL Taassyggens

' ED612 2EESO-St>+ti-E 4L 2EEBO-st>-WBP-B 3Ef4- tF-!! KaMOS 3.aut ceS N 3.35t e58 N f. Opt eBS I

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TRaserseem 7sa TassergesR 73 y dee/13eV $Ne FAILS 400/laOV SPM FA3LS serVA veLT 8Es setVA tu.T 855 EEETFID LS-79A 2EE1FeH,p-7sg


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O i i i 2 1 3 p 4 l 5 2H Energency Electric Pome" 0

NAPS urist 3 6/95 PSA H 10 ase&L TS1: 8ET l C3 EAT 3 tdt DAT!; 8b77-ISB1 sEvlSIse : 06-Ot-M 80 RICTRIC PeuER Mm! VITAL OLE 3A I hl64 130 V GE3M1012 t

1 1

e0 POWER SUPPLIED Mpt! VITAL BLE as 10 MMI VITAL GLS Est! VITE OLE 3A Fftas 341-8 teetBEDLLED LIN OF FlfCTIDd 2 se&3stF3sateEE NtGA 130 V GEaHs021 .

amasLS-UN-8 4-2A REBLS-Lu-SG-Pa 3.seged s.35s-eas N 1

I I se ELECTRIC POIER DEastER ESI TRANF9WER 70-2 efEstER 35 EN doo V aCC anti-t We MCC ENi-l P4> ec-se Eu! VITAL ELE 2A 28! VITAL Sus 34 spur 10ugLT estas aso-130/N99 $SKVA 3 SPUR!aaLY OPOS eED6tf 2EED S-80-M1-EJR 3EffFeH.4 70 M Etta-80-7A-25 3.M-sel N 3.eIE*eg5 N 3.M 05 N 4


, 6 P-EP-IB-lu 130 V I 4 GE2M1062 I

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) 10 M MI VITAL DIST R N! VITAL O!57 2A EMI VITAL DIST 2A PfDt 3Ml-4 nsetMDLA.20 Lais F FisCTied m4Inf7EssasE 747-IS-fGA 130 V GE2H1071 2EEBLS-tN45-2A spramm-tgP.<g-fa i ~

3.e.-e g ...gN I

! l 1 MO ELICTRIC Pouth EIEastER 94R TRANFtpeER $39-2 SfEAf2R 17 (M 480 V MCC 3M1-4 94 NCC 3H3-4 EMI VITAL 0131 24

! gO P-Ep-est-41 SULIOugLT Uites 400/s30-peov senva EMI V!fAL DIST 2A sputicueLT epes GE7M1312 2EEDCA-SO-Md-54R SEETFN-LP-1IS

, n, a ssut#-90-sk -17 3.3W-806 N 1.01E-885 N 3.3E405 I N

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O l 3 2 3 I d 1 1 I D 2H Earrpency Electric power 0 NAPS Unit 2 6/95 PSA q gg mygy: ss1 l tXA13tes oatt: o%27-8008 8E VIt!!> C*-Ot-on no ELECTRIC POutR 400 V aCC Ent->

W -10 GE2H2112


i e E 80 PonER ma' PLIED 400 y sc. 2MI-2N 400 V NCC 3M1-2N TO TWi$ der 711tse LasC3ESAID 400 W pt 2HI Ltas F FWICT!De I suIstriswCE W-89 Ekt 123 NFais.<d att-3e 2EEgLE-Lip-2H t-2M 2.esE=ced 8.28E-GE6 N 800 ELECTR3C PenER efEAfGR 2 ell-3 4

400 V eLS EMS RR10lRV CREJE5 t-EE-SS-3 4e0 v 3

GE2 Met 2 2EEDm-SO-Partl-3 3.3EEdes N 4


! S i

i l

NO ELECTRIC pouER 400 VICC 2MS-2E 2-Ep-sic-20 GEats162 DO POWEA MIED e V IC: 2MS-2$ m y ICC 2Mi-as TO TMIS 8CC F3015 t#eDEDL4.ED Las F W!ced 400 v BU5 2M an3NTE8eA8G W-20 GE2 Hit?l

' 2EE8uS-tM-2H1-25 2EERS-LD-2MS-25 2.e0E-eDe 8.2tE-eg6 24 180 ELECTRIC P0an SIEARER 240 400 y as 3M pungca g y yEse

[: 2-et-ss-s me0 v GE2M332 2EE DA-SO-24*O 3.EIE-ece N I~

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O I 3 l 2 l 3 i d

  • I 5 2H Emer1pency Electric posee

, w s un 2 s/ss Psa E2H 12 assaLV51: art lCsEAT3tas DATT.: Ob s 001 - sEV!sttbv : 06-09-96


se ELECTRIC 90lER 400 V aCC Ws-3 P EMIC-N 2

GE2M3212 EeY

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TO THIS eCC F10pq 400 V ICC MS-3 400 V SCC 29 3 l a-a en LM F FISCTID 400 V SW 3M 2 sealesT3ssastE P ENC-32 GEDt1221 NFAdh 43e=3H3-3 NFRnE-Lip->3-3 a.sel-end 1.R$E es$ N l -

aso ELECTRIC pmER estassa seed 400 V R5 JM mft!aET IFDS P4E-SS-3 d50 V I

E3M312 3EEOsS-80-Peses s.3st ess a pee 3 4

5 l

se ELCTRIC poupt 400 V eCC 3MI-3A P-ENIC-to GEDt1862 I

i i 80 80llER 888 LIED 480 V sEC 3Mi-34 TO THIS sEE FROM 400 V SCC JMs-M INGCsGDA.20 LMS F FlasCTION de0 V eCC pus-s sealstressasEE P-ENC-90 GE2H127s 4 MFa n-4N-EM t-3A MFpta-LU-BM t-3A t.seE eed 1.2tE-eel N I

eso ELECTA 2C poute spEasel A3 400 V eCC 3H3-3 go ICg gug.3g l2 W-3P GE7Mit:2 9'URtaEV tytes EEESKA-9040-43 3.3eE-est N

= Inza Paar

$9 i

f 0 i i 1 2 1 3 i d i 5 2H Emergency: Electric Powe" O NAPS IMit 2 5/95 PSA *3' 1

assuTst: 8ET l CutatIm DaTE: 96-77-3ett sEv2sI> ! e6-01-96 mma eID MCTRIC pelER 400 V ICC 28-d P4PMIC-di

$EDil318 se eh '

I 1 1 8dD POIER SippLIED deo V Iltz 21-4 deD vsICC 3Mi-4 TO IMISIIcc Fion asengIlla.ED LOW OF FtpsCTIm deo V EUS 3M sealenessangE W -et GEDf1321 SFFEn8eMSt-Del-4 EESLS-tWDti-4 f.est eas s.ast-ess N I

  1. sD MCTRIC posta efEMER 2*e 400 V E5 3H WutstIgua.y trtes P-EE-SE-3 400 V GE3M382 3EEmm-so-pepe
s. sere m 4

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2J geer gency Electric power

  • myst: R$1 l CKA1IM DaTE- IMr-thlD91 #EV15!35 : M i-M pe DICTRIC PouER 4:50 V as 2J 24E+2 GE2J112

','* ( \


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  • 3 70 400 V put aJ 4160 V bus 2J TO ES 2J F11 tat FAIL 4160 V Sta 2J tmB3rras rn LDSS OF FLMCTION

_cF7&fft OR IDG schuuv

  • O aWLINTEN48G M -$#-2 GE2J123 AM05-2J-FAILS EEgtJ5-tM-2J 2EE9u5-LU-2J 3 e.seem 2.esE464[ 8.285-908 N I I tarepency Diece) softeAL FEED FRom i

Generster DJ TfwnFER 35 3F P-Erde-#J G2EGt60 GE2J133 so ELECTRIC poudER esEAaza sera yEAsIR 2!Wss Alp V T3WSFSR SPLR!OUR,7 EPDS SLS 3F SPW4!REV (FEI6 dan V 4980 V GE5Y712 lENR-80* t SF 4 N S0-2SJ11 Esvec 3.sut-ses 34 3.3st sos N 5

6 7


5s s


O 1 1 2 1 1 3 6 4 1 5 2J Emergency E1:ctric Power NAPS tmit 2 $/95 PSA g

Mvst: Art IawaTron oatt ow seen arv!sta= : w ot-es se n2cmICPast aseo v sne sus aJ Mr-se-2 EM2 r

i i se pourn su % Ito aseo y sTe aus aJ 10 E1LS SLS SJ FROM 4:eov sus sus as IfGCBEKED LIES SF FuuCTim aseo y sus 2J mAIwrasemaa MI-D-2 E2.423 MERS-tN-2.STLS SEESLS-to-2.Sf3 a.este s.aMg N


f ND titCTRIC Poutil BIEAIER 25J12 dato y ELS 3J mstletaLY IFEm MI-t-2 aseo v I

GE2Js12 M ESKA-SO-2bJt2 3.EEEW H s

6 l

l 7 l



1 5 .

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0 l 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 l 5 a .

2J Emergency ElecttAc power gi NAPS Latit 2 . S/W PSA GV AMaL YST: RFI l CIEATISM Daft: et-77-seen IEv!Sl> : 06-e s-95 i

l se n.rc7Ric Pasa ese V BS 2J g P-et-se-2 staJ312


!in 8C PERER BWLitp e v SS 3J 400 V O s 2J TO THIS R$ Must lSSDERLID Las CF Fl8CT!98 400 V em 2J isalltramasa P4E-sk2 I

GE2J33s EESLS-08-8J-400 2EESLS-tu-2J-400 8.2st-ess N 5 -


TResGFWuER 3J pfEMER 24J3 400 V R 4 f.J1 4100 W RS 3J SUt!OUET OfENS 4

P-EE-tet 4100/400 V FAILS mm1SRY 88D8 LIES 1F FLACT!Ise 4300 V 1000/1339tVA eV 3 P4E-N-4 eE2Jsla aEE9 8-80-2EJB 2EETFan >-as EEmn-go-Pass 2Fra m-Lp-3Js

s. net eas a ess a eas a s.2m-ess a 4



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o I i 2 3 4 1 l 1 1 5 2J Energency Electric Power 0 NAPS tmit 2 6/95 PSA E2J 4 assaLV57
H51 l DE ATim DATE: 0 % 27-1981 ' 8EVI52m : 06-01-95



} e v M ut 24E-96-4 I

K2J432 I I ND POWER SWPLIED 400 V SLS 3J3 4A0 V M 2Js TO THIS Es Fvuu 1

3 aseDEDLA.ED Less F FuuCTim diec V BUS 2J malarrgassag 34I-3-4 i GE2J428 SFFanE4N-2Js KESLS-Lp-2J1 a.em-sed s.ese-eas se 80 ELECT 8.!: POIER WAslER 2h4 TRMWWWER 2J1 4100 V RS 2J NEARER 24JS-1 e V 015 2J mft!OLEY apEss 4800/400 y ratus Est3tRRYOpDE Lms F FimCTips P-EE-Bu-2 4100 V 7tesva deo V pdf- s-2 GE2Jil2 2EESCR-50-2k2 2EETPu-LP-2J1 EEDS-R>-24J1 - 8 3EERS-LU-2J-400 3.1EEW M 3.esE6 M 3.M-ess > 1.2st-ess N 4

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_amat yst: sus 1 l CIEAT30a 047t; EMb-27-1991 fEV35th : Obot-95 se ELICTRIC PDEER 480 v eCC 2Jt-t g P-EP-eC-li M2A12

'.*J  ! a 'i n I

tu :D 1 I 4 POWER M IED_ deo y aCC 2J1-1 AGO V aCC 2J1-1 70 THIS eCC FIgles N N F W ilips de0 V gus 2J g esaladTEssaastE t GE2422 ElgLs.g36 2J1-1 EEOLE-Lp-2Jt- s 2.0EEW 3.23-0E6 N i

aC ELECTRIC poser gegAgn au A00 V BLs 2J pyR3otsty yE8EB P-E-SS-2 400 V GE2J382 2EER R-So-24Je 3.sur-eas a P_ .

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i o i 1 i e i 3 i d i 5  !

l 3 2J Energency Electric Power .t

kJ 0 88APS Uritt 2 ~ 8/95 PSA -

amattst: sg1 l Cora11m Dart; ob-77-see s sEv!ston : 06-01-95 1

j - a se 3LECTRIC POER 125 V DC SS FI!!





I I I ND Ponta mapLIED peuK fvEff! * $ 70 125 V DC RE 3-!!! 125 V DC SWE bl!!

10 DC Aus !!3 FnoN FAIL DC SLS 2-!!! 48eDEMAE um gF FLsCTleN j taTTEnv eR aeov eus someauf e maswrusenscE 2 <p-e-12C GE2Afs ENOS-0CSLS-7-III MEBLS-tN-0C-III wraus4tHIC-133 4.sessess a.esE tes 1.RW Ge5 N ND POEM 8LFPLIED se POER mppLIED TO DC BLE FRm se pourn supplied 70 gC RS FRIM 80 teal 400 v SS TO OC SS F14M atasseaTE 40 V RS gaTTEpf FI!!

GE2A 30 K2432 ars.ssu i I I FAIL 4fE F SATTERT CDeeM CALK FatLT esffmy 3 g31 pagL3 2-111 AT Tuo tem E BATipt1ES FAIL TO 70 apply poem apply 80sta


2EE-Sal-!!!-2D81 REsat-CC-ALL 2EEBAT 4p-!!!

t.seE+eet f.est-cos 8.98f-co8 N

) ~

I I I I se ELECTRIC PoutR MAGRClL SATTERY OsaAWA WEAslER 12 400 V NCC 2Ji-l Od NCC 2Jt-i 0-AP=80 LON F 2C-!! FAILS 2254 EM IC Pa8EL 2-!!! ELECTRICAL POIER 2-EP-at-fi SPUt!OUILY OPENE 2-SY-C-6 i 5 FAILS TO CLDE GE2J512 2EE8@-SD-Ji-CIL 2EESCM tP-2C-!! 2EEa @ 40-III-12 DEP-0&P10 3.23r eas N a.aer-eas N r.Nt-sea S.ames


.- e l i

! I seo ELECTRIC POWER Bffa8ER sal BATTEnv CHAAGER afEAKER 11 4e0 y NCC 2Js t > NCC 2Js-3 FEP-NC-il 2-!!! Fa!LS 225a (M DC Pa4L 2-!!!


' 2EEBCh-LP-l!! 2EE8KA-90-Ill-31 g en N e.m en N 3.m en N j -



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  • l 5 2n ,. ,,er o cent
  • NAPS unit 2 6/E5 PSA E2J 7 Ase4L T51: fE1 l CIE AT10M OATE epp-sees EV1510m ? 06-09-95 5

! se ELECTRIC poler s25 V OC OIS 8-IV t-EP-CD-15 l S

! E 3J1tt


I i j t ac POER SUPPLIED peuE EENT e 3 70 335 V OC RS 3-IV 335 Y DC But FIV

' 10 BC tub 7-IV Muse FAIL OC Rs 9-IV iseDEDA.ID LW OF FisICTIIDd SATTEnv gut deov gus -tY.O tlA38ffEstastE 24R-CD-SE E2J72s asts-CCSLS-e-IV EER S-spe-0C-IV EERS6-IV

- e.e..e g .

.e g a I I

  • I 88 P0eER SLPPLIED se POER SpFL1ED TO Sc tus F808 10 PSER SPPLIED 10 SC Rs FNBi 70 DC R5 MWif acusaAL 400 V RS ALTEstuTE 400 V Rs SATTERY P-IV GERJ730 q

E3J732 E3J73s

! I I FAIL 18E F SATTERY COREBd CAN FA4LT SATTERY 3-tv Falla 7-!Y AT ToO 9 elf 5 BATTWIIES FAIL TO TO OlpFLY PEER RFPLT POIER bev 6-d EE-SAT =1T-alen EESAT-CC-aLL 3EESAi-LP=3y s.estges f.easgos s. sos-ess N


I 1, I i 1 1 80 ELECTRIC POER maser CAL SATTERf DeafMR 400 V 3CC 2J3-3 ges ICC 2Jt-2 WEAstER S FAP-10 LW F 2C-!! FAILS RESA 04 BC PafEL 7-IV 5 P4>4C-ti metICUELY (Fess 2-ev-C-4 ELECTRICAL P0eER FAILS 70 ELDE E aJ5:e aEESK4-50-st-CIL RE800-LP-3C-!! 2EE8BS-FO-IV-8 #EP-0AP30

3. sue-ess N e.ast-ess a a. tar-one s.rnges


l i I eso ELECTRIC POER 88EA89 BaR saf7ERY DeastsER sfEAKER B 400 V aCC 3Ji-t tps SCC 2Ji-1 FEP-esc-ti 2-IV FA!&.S 225A CD8 DC PA8EL 2*IV SPut!OUBLT CPEldB P-974-7 6 SPURIOUEY CPENS GE2J512 2EESKR-$0-Jt-82R 2EE80HP-IV EE8KR-90-I V-9 3.3E-oos N s. AsE4e5 N 3.3HE=egt N P- .

7 ge N

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o i 1 2 1 1 3 i d I 5 2J Eser9tacy Electric W 0 NAPS Unit 2 g/95 PSA Jg mygT: arf j GEAT3m naTE. eb-77-stes Ev!stm : 06-o t-M se ELICTRIC POER 830 V Vift M !!!

I PafD-CD-dC E2Alf I


afEDEIRA.ED LM F FlpICTIE 2 AC(ROCtuMS mA3WTsume 748-CD-4C K2J821 a-tN-VD-!!!

' SEES $-LU-VD-!!!

t.seE4ed 8.81E-eEE N i


- IMIs past l



I i i I

NO EMCTA3C PoutA GREAssR 12 400 V ICC 2Ji-1 INVERTER P t!! seWe su!TooFOR SEAMER 35 Of DC Rs 2-!!! LOBS F FisCT3m VITAL Sts >!!!


5 F AILS P-4948-SN-3 BRft!OUg,V cptes E2A12 EEmn-to-III-22 3.35E eOS ante #V-Lu-111 Esis- tFa!!! EE8 G-50-VB3-35 N 4.4440d N 2.eEE-eal 3.3EE-eas to Past S 6


3Y I I 0-AP-10 LOS$ W I i 1 to EMCTRIC POIER NEANER Elft 1


  • ON ICC SJtel SIEAfER N g*0 g E p-CAP 30 P48-et-11 matt 0LaV pres 400/130V SM4 FAILS stava vtLt tas V114 Rs P-I!!

FAILS P-vD ep-er-3 ON VITAL Bis P-!!!

ERAtt mat!OlRV Suges EEGG-SO-Jt-E SA 3EE TFN-t.P-40 EE H F-!!!

S.2M ee3 EEGG-SMSS-B 3.3mge6 N t.9EE6 N 3.EE Go 3.3EE-est N

- Padt S a


__ _ _ _ _ . .. ._._ __ ~ . . __ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ -__ _ _ . _ _ . _

1 0 f 8 2

1 1 3 1 4 1 5 I 2J Emergency Electric Powee L

ws wise 2 sm m E2J,9 ase4LYST: 57 l GEafftDI 0470 05-27-9991 fEVIs!0m 06-09-95 W

, se EECTRIC puiER 830V Vitt SS t-IV 4

3 N


. ' s I W W WIED $30 V VITAL Rs IV 33-V VITAL gus 3-IV 10 Vital ma tame '-' an j AC tpl DC SUES m F wines g seassitassastE m j SE2Ars ag ,ig 43 vD-IV EERS-uP-vD-IV I 8E*8ed 8.88E-GN N I


  • ** mm0 m ,0m mmm0 10 V!1aL mm Ffeu TO V3faL R5 FININ 3 ""


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1 I i I 880 ELECTRIC POIER WEasER 11 IssWEpl1ER Flv 400 V tCC 2J1*l DM OC tut 3-!v entse 9t!TQt Flut WEAalEn N 2

P-EP-asC-li LON F FWCT!Os VITAL RIB P-IV We VITAL SUS P-IV SPWitouBLY O' ENS P-vD-1-4 5 FAILS P-wsm-4 SpuRIeueLV eptsS GEassia aEESKR-80-!V-ss KElasV-Lp-!v EEss--LF-tv EE8KA-90-954- 4 3.3et-885 N end N 2.em-ene 3.aer-cas N Paet a


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ELEC1811 CAL Pouth 18tassFORIER 81>-2 feesc 951700 POR 400 V ICC SJt 2 l: BfEaNER N

~ ~

Os ICC 3Jt-3 400/530V 3804 Fa!L5 e 24fMC-Il mattmat Gutes VliaL RA 2-IV ON VITAL $5 D-IV

-,, itKva VtLT 8ES Fa!LS 7-N4

,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, y _ ,,

suWIIOLEY SPIss n, S 2R4103 ,, m ,_,, , , , _ ,

3.3uges N s. set-eas N 3.ast eas 3.serdes

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. - - ._ . - . - _ _ . . . . . - . . ~- - - . . _ . _ - _ , - . . _ - . .. _ . _ . ~ _ _ . .

J 0 ( 1 g 2 l 3 1 4 1 5 2J Emergency Electric pomec NAPS Unit 2 6/95 PSA 0 Assuvst: 8151 l Mai30N DATE: e6-27-sees Evls!ON : 06-O n-96 i


.a ELECTRIC Poet gul v!!E M N 2-ep-CD-lW SM V GE2J1012




1 I ec PoutR auppLIED TO EMI VITAL tus MMI VTTAL OLS at EMI VITAL M 5 asserwrna e Lam 0F FneCT!cM FRON IJs-1 sealerresanam 249 CD-let 130 V SE2J1023 4 ar.r.mS-tM-SVD-3 M k R-LU-SVS-28

{ 2.est-ced 8.28E-eas m j I I I 1


' 400 V nct 3Jt-1 OM ICC 3Ja-3 EMI VITAL RE E 2-OHiC-t a Suun!Olm,Y tutads M MI VITAL OLS N egov/120-2 der SWV ButstIma,Y 0806 GE2A 12 2EE E R-90-Ja-(sL 2EETF @ 73 2EESKR-50-IV-2S s.m-ess a s.sie-ess a ess m past n

, 4 i






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GE2J1062 1 -

i oc POWEn Su' PLIED l 10 EMI VITAL O!ST EMI V!1AL DIST N EMI v!14L DIST 5 getssna m Lags SF FLsCTISt Fmag 2Ji 23 GE2J1071 an&IsiftMasCE 24945-3 IM V 2EEOLS-tM-2-2B 2EE8ts-L N - B 2.coE-ood 5.2st-cos N no EtzcTR!c postR estAngR Jai 400 V NCC 2Ji-3sE25 inasercamen ase-2 se asER 17 CN 1 OK #CC 3Jt-25 M N! VITAL DIST at 2-D-8C-2f~8 22 *pWR10L4LY ONEIE EN! VITAL 015T M 400/120 240v 19EVA 9'URICUEV 08085

, , GE2J1112 2EEEKR-SO-JP-JER 2EETPm4P-st9 2EER R-SD-186-l?

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as1 l CIEAflen tatt opsesses sEvlsim : epon-o5 r 1

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aantm: et Icuatam one se-ae-ei sevisim owi-es O I eFF141o GFFI431 FFidst eFF1413 FF14 34 FFid tS Ceeslosent F. Casplement For Caelement F. Casolement F r Cassiement F. Ceestement F. Functlen AFu-2 Fisictnen AFu-77Di Functlen IP-Met 3N Finictlen IP-geMIM Functlen EP-leset Function EP-spot 2 c.g ,.2 c-AFu-770s c-ES-3eMIN c-EP-eoesim c-EP-toret

e. sea ses c4>-Det e.4m-sei s.m-se s.est es: e.eeses e.ser est 3

l d arma art.c wri.4, eFFi.43 erft. wiri C ,_t F. C e,_t F. C e,_t F. _ ,_t F. e,_t F. C C e,_t F. Functlen EP-3en-v Funetten EP-een-v Functsen EP-seM-v Functlen EP-tsM-v Functlen Cet Functlen 30ceCC 5 c.ep-samaw-v c-EP-oom!w-v c4p-som-v c-EP-sspa-v c-cos c-acMsce s.serei 3.m-esi 2.aee-se a.m*: e.seces e.sete: 6 V F147o GFF1413 WF1472 VF1473 7F1474 Camelement F. Cae lement For Camelement For Camelesent For Caelement Fee Funetten o802 Functsen 0$05 Fametten ole 6 Function D200 Functlen D100 IB c-once c-osos c-osos c-osos c-esos e es.mi s.ct-sos e.see eos e ce-ees e. set een 1-U t

0 I  : l 2 1 3 6 4 l 5 i l Functions) Fault free ! O MAPS Latit 1 5/95 PSA T5 . anas.fst 851 l tita13e Ostt; sa-pe-sa 8Evls!> ? 06-on 95 1 4 j - .I I GFFfSto FFTSa n GFFTS12 FFTSt3 GFFTS3d e._tF- -_t F . t_, F. -_t,. a. ._t ,. Functsen 0302 Funettm D304 Fametten FMp3 Functsen Ms03 Functlen Mjed 2 C-0302 i c-0304 c-FMDI C-Ms03 c-ees04 9.M1es e.asE-tet d. set-est 9.etE-est 8.8EE 001


3 d GFFfbd0 GFFTSdj FFTSd2 GFFTSd3 FFT5dd i _._... _ ._tF. __.F. _ _ F. _,_.F. Functsen M305 Functlen M196 Functlen vel Functsen 8003 Penctlen seed 5 c-clos c-wio6 c-vos c-H203 c-naod ' e seE cot 9.e eot s.aut-ell 9.3dE401 0.SIE-003 i 6 4 GFF7570 GFFf573 GFFTS72 GFFTS73 FF TS74 j 1 Coeonearnt f or Emap)earnt For Complement For Function H705 Cmaplement Fr Casplement F. Functlen M306 Famctlen 4WOS Functaan ste-TM Func,tsen aE01 ,, , l0 s oriet c-"20S c-"206 c-owoS c-esF=-in cwon s.ess-eos y, ,,,,, ,,,,g. 3 .- 1 h i 1 a9 4 1 - 1 I

O I I l 2 l 3 1 4 6 I Fasnctional Fault free 0 - NAP 5 Unit 1 8/95 PSA TS Avet. set l CIEAf tter omft: 37-3e-e3 stv!$!se r 06-ci-e5


l 1 l I FFf616 FFT611 F FT612 FFf613 FFT634 Ceestement for Caelement For Cenolomont For Ceeplement Fr Ceglement For Functnen eel functlen o02 Fenictaan seeps i Functaen eos Fanctlen eos 2 c.005 C-#02 C-M101 C-003 C4100 ons e.en ees en ee 3 d WF1640 FFT&d t FFf642 FFf643 FFf6dd i Comenement For Cassiement For Ceaniement For Caes)esent For Caes)ement Per Function eS03 Function good Fwittlen see5 l Functaan esos Functlen M2st t C-0503 C-0504 C-OSOS C-Oe06 C-sC20s e esee , o.armi s. dues e.e-ess s.en-ee: { 6 1 i i 7 F FT670 FF f 673 FFitu2 GFFT673 FF f674 b) b) b) b) b) Ceestement For Cesenement For Functson flC302 Casolement for e.wonement For Cessnement For Functsen IIC303 Functten IE403 Functsen TfDs Functlen, ylet , j8 C-sitaca C-sic 30s C-siCdo s C-170s s.7ami i C-vion een emes i.est-ess l 1-


w b l . l l l

C \ l D_ I 3 [ 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Low Head Safety Recif*Cu)*tlin LRi ~ 0 NAPS unit 1 6/95 PSA i _ ANAL f$1: 581 l CNEaf 3D Daf(- e6-JD-ISDe 8Evl51> : 06-0$-95 E FAILifE OF US3 sEctsIDLAT3m 70 TNE HCB CMLD 1.E08 8.R1112 t 3-sI-81 SS S SB FAILM TO KT FLes Fall C3ases Psat EITegm Les] ptsp TRAIN IS!CMV-CC-830609 GLil1123 F 7 . I 1 { FAILLsE TO KT Flaw FAILifE TO ET FLON ' FRON Lis! TRAIN A FIDI US! PLAP 3 TRatu 8 ' R.R$1Et E R8212 4 rFR 10 94

          "                                                                                                                         pea #



} 4 wru rLos GLR 1712 ISleIDwa#G-895dA R.R1382 ELRJdi2 E Riled

0. tee-eN 13 40 7 jay 0 PW F
         -                                                                     PAGE. 3                   PW 4 I                                                    I FAIL 4sE F FLON tause Event
  • 1 If TefWWGH N]N FLON ICS Preseire & LNE!

List TRAIN A hae test Nure

  • 1 GLR 1152 le(15438tCSP8ESS l "

I i i I 1-51-Rv- 804a t-SI-esDV-30854 3-SI-eev-seeBC 1-51*12 ma stellerated Flugs 3-CD>l2 & at Coens Early P3uss Fella Clases Fall C3eerd 6 Cammon Cause Faults SLISv- *C-38 6A tStacDv-PG-sS8ha SSINov Pre-1985C 151CNv-FC-12 3 Tile-te6 1.3EE-ene iSICKW-CC-12429 tsee s. Int GN 3t00 6.M = Gee 6 M-885 h a 1 i l [,


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  - _ _                 -       . . . - -                               .       . . . _ . , . _ _ _ _ . _ _. ___-                      ._m ..                         -                _ _

O i 2 3 i [ g g 4 g 5 Low Me:d Saf3ty Recircu)Ltlin 0 s wiis i em m LRi 2 amusT: sSt icsEAtam cAft: es-ao-sees - sEvlstm : so-on-es d FAILURE TO SET FLDs FInt L883 Map innan s 3 ' a ELAltst 4 " r I


i I , , _ FAILLoE F L8SI-t 8-51-mov-se6eA PWP FMAT5 IN l SuCflow FAlet Pluge SET 3tet FALLTS FAILW F M8P S LAS! TRAIN $ AFFECT!IS TRA]N 3 af 10 IseLMICIDif CorTAsameNT mas' ,  ; mie Flips 2 GLRS6 2 tSteepv-p6-50643 ERISt2 a.As442 GLA1224 8.ast-end 8 Mas yy0 7 emoE s sesE e

                "                                                                                                            oest a I                                                       I FA3 Life F FLSW                                                   seuse Event
  • 1 If fifWist NIN Flaw RCS Pressere > L65!

L3sf - TRAIN O oWIS 9 tee. OleNo

  • I E RS232 BG-0418CW'IESS e.eeeeeen I I I I l-53-8tv itdeC t-5I-eev-seeds sa4I-sco-sem NJecolierette a-SI-as 8-Cs*12 5 at Pluge P)uge esene F.arat Felle C3 esse Fell C3 eses
               #                                                                                                                                 Consen Cause Faulte SSISv==4eC-tedSC     t$leeDv-#9-igg 33             353acDv-#G-aggSD                           SSICRv-FC-NB              is10tv-CC-13629 3.7548e               8.3eE-end            2:40     s.3eMed                             2:s0                   8 ast-ess                                    t 5

umahn 6 7 g, - . - .  ;


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o i 1 i 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Low Me:0 Sefety ABC1PCulet$1n 0 == unit i em m LRi 3 _meurst: wT icstatsm onit: es-ae-tool 8Ev!$!0N : e6-pl-e5 ) = MAP Fal&f5 IN a us! TR&3N & I Eetl312 Ify* I I i I i S-SI-9 M8P FAILUBES s-Oke C 36 Peugt FALL 15 Felle Cleans 3-$1+ $4 Fall Closes nameneeules Ceeson Cause Faulte Nonntenance , 2 GLA1321 SSICKv-CC-9C26 a.415: SSIPS-tm-ta ! 4.M ses s.Mm 4.este  ! I

                                                                                              -e I

3-53 4 -14 3-83 4 -34 8 8 t-53+sa l Fella fe Start Felle le Start Feste To sta Commen Ceres Feelte I ISIP5848-1 A ISIPM-CC-lAES fSIP58 6 -la 4.eme 4.en-eaa a4 1 b A i i 1 WoutR FA4LTE ) GLAIM3 i- trR to f x a as r I NO ELECTRIC POWER ND ELECTRIC POWER j laSV CC R4 s-I 4s00 V SLS su 5 ! cein7:e seinine i. i d '" A '" 1 1 1 7 l g, f W l-4 ad i

l 0 i 1 l 2 3 1 1 4 - 1 5 1 Law Head Saf 3ty FMAPCulatign 0 = : unn - sem m LRi 4 . estatist- f51 l UgatION shsft: g>33.sges fry 2stt> : es-en-95 mctled FatLT5 AFFECfles 1sula a ERl412 im 70 3 d3 8E


I I 3-SI*306 i Plupe 34I-est-ss34 3 3 I 4 Plugs P3mpe I .! ss!Nv--pG-305 sgleIDv-85-s062A legetv--etr-3B t.ui ep ases s.3mEm tsee 5.7EE-els sGEB

3 J

i ( - aCTIOf Falais J AFFECfjes faulu 3 d E Rsd42 i IE 10 b s im i

I s-s -sos a-s)-se 1

P3ues s-s -sov-sena s-as-m ' Felle C3 eses Plupe P3upe 5 ssimv--ps-306 istcxv4C-se ssiaev-es-tesas sosev--pG-as s.W-op 2see s.M ow s.EE4N PMle 6.7EE em seep s - 6 i i 4 ui j 7  : 4 g - - - .

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    .5 4
    . . _ ~ . . _ . .        . . .          ..-           .. _ . - .                   ~ . -  .               . . - . - , - - . . _ . - . - . . . . . .                                 . . . . . . . . . . . . - _             . .

l 0 l i l i l 3 ) d i 5 kowHe!d50ffstyRetircu]Ctirn g NAPS Unit 1 5/95 PSA n 0

                                                                                                                                                ,,,,t ,,,: sis, g i;,,,,,,, o,,g. e n-ises . sevista. : on-es-es 1

f. 1 M8P Fa4LTS 3N J USI fnA3er 3 S R AIS12 tra 10 fx

                                                                                                 ! !! M 1-$l M                     RSP FAILists               9-064 5 N                                         PeutR FALLTS             j*$14-38 Felle C1eees                                               Fell Clones                                                               imachoeules a
 '                                                                                              Cesen Cause roulte                                                             notatenance                                             !

I ISICNv-FC-26 E.AtS2s is!CKV-CC-9CES GLA1SSt 1sipEs-488-is 6.M ene s.m ess 4.see

                                                                                                                                                          ,_ P                                                                       .

I I i l-SI-P-SS l-SI-#-la 8 5 t-814-30 4 Falls To Start Falls le Start Falls To fhan Ceeman Cause Faulte

3 tstess-rs-se assess-cc-sass sslessea-as

, 4.sse es een v.aum se f 1 ., 4 1 4 } 4 j i PousR rattis i 4 l GLR 1SSI 4 TFA 70 SM 1 I NO ELECTRIC P0utR ND ELECTRIC PouER

;                                      dito V Bus 8J                   15v DC gis s-333                                                                                                                                              i E )JI12                           E 1412 ts me                          s me l


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asentygT: 1st l CIEATItal DaTE: e6-3D-less 8Ev!Sles : 06 4 s-05 . FAILifE F L8034 acT stFuse 4 CgNralaeENT map

ERIS12 j Trn 70 h

1 I 4 FAIL 15E F 1985 FAILtfE F Flee j TO CLOE - ase Fame ggNTalestiti , 191 LATE lei 57 map i ) &#1632 EAtGP4 i I O O 3 l


5 I I I IstfoLetx WITN 3-SI-ser-se se ELECTHIC Posit se FLp Tesigues j teses Perspffs esa reine Cleoed 400v ICC $Ji-DAS Cseman Cause FastspDeles PIPE 12*-81 9-353 Blockage Of i d Centenseunt bue stased ssioev4 0-sesas Ensissa etnis44 as sin-cC-sisses esses s.est ess 1 I I i FAILifE F sgace I 341-eev=lmes-LS-2 $41 8 516 3-83-16 FAIL 4fE F SSAes 3 10 SPDe Lees Df Factnen Fall Closes 3 41-eev=taan i Felle C) eses 70 detM Plugo

5 Lielt Setten Ls-3 Cseman cause Faulte GLase64 is!Less-LF-sesos ss!Cuv-cC-iss6 as Cuv-rC-as states 4 8.3eE eed ssesov-Ps-se60s 6.3dE eOS e.M-ch8 Ija 0 3,3gg.ae3 F175 TMis onet

I f I I f FAILifE F S3 SleL s-SI-eev-sence 3-53-sev-tm0A 5 5 Olt 1strtiLotus v!TM 8e ELECTRIC POER l Falle Clases Fell Closes 400v ICC $Jt-31sES Seem Afe SA M Casson Cause Faulte 4 GLRlG62 182eCV-FC-19608 ISI8Cv-CC-198044 E sJsssa 1.eE 888 3.est-sed Esses


} l I 3-51-elov-seset 4 0 1 seet Avtsestatally FAILifE F i De sienustiv openes Jeffgstatus w!TM i,34 g# gags ase O f GL43670 4 f ' GLRS673 r3


)" - 1 I


i i FAILt#E F $1 3-ES-1,3 Trenefer i SleMat Fees IELavs FAIL 4fE F IIf1DLCm Fall 4fE F INTULCm 10 Cale Lee gO assos ase assa G5112944 mec teevnetsen WITH ISEE WITN 9055B


DEP-tES1: 3 . GLRIES3 GLAtSta 4 2 ' I I FAIL 4pE F tm t-SI-eDv-98MK.94 FAIL 48E F sm I-53 eevasm g TO CLOBE Lose Df Feetetten TO CLM Lese Of Functlen M Llett Beltch LS-S Llett Suiten LS4 Entabt 181LeS @ -3005D E RISS3 181L85-LF-10GIS t.anged sed e 4 o. W s

, O I 1 l F I 3 1 4 l 5 Low Head Safety Arcirculttiin 0 w s unit i sm m LRi 7 _ ase4LYST: sgt l CIEATjets ggft; gp39-3933 SEy!SID : 00-09-95 , FAILW F LISI-A RCTIW8 FIEB8 3 Corralesef asp j E Alf!2 i \

                                                                          '%*{Q 8 38 p

. I FAILt#E F SEEaA TO FAILift F FLOm l 4 CLCE Afe 78e8 FluM 23B8fA388DT 190 LATE FEIST SLee' ] E RS722 R.A1724 ) / s 1 l I I I i IstTEBLapt stTM s41-sev-30EFA fe ELECTRIC pipEn se Flee TeeIOUM Ceemen Cause i tasea pgEvtstr$ Fette esse 400 V IEC iM1-35 P18E 12*-83-3-153 Blackage Of VALVE PIEDI CLOBING SeRiel8 Emet SMoD d ERl7dt $$lacDV-FO-lesta E SMad12 E ntF44 SCESTR-CC-SPS'pG  ; est type S.SeE4105 l I 1 I 'i FAILLsE F 30804 843-809-1880-08-2 141 8& 16 343-8 FAILL8E F 8504 341-ecy-speeA I 10 OPEN Lees Of Function Fall C3 eses Falls Cleesc 70 (PEN P)upe d Llatt $siten LS-2 l Ceeman Cause Faulte ' { 5 sLn754 tsttets-LF-se60A ts!Cxv-CC-ssis istCuv4 C-s etas754 tstu0v-as-nes0A 52-end 8.3dE-eas 6.Be ded }py0 s.3st-ess agras tous past

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I 1 I ! ) FAILifE F si sles. s-s!-eev-sesoa s-sJ eev-sesoa s e em Electesc Pouer I Oil IstfflLODES WITM Felle Closes Fall C3esed 400 V ICC $Mt-3h  ! seOSA Afe see5C Ceemen Cause Faulte ' 6 OLR1762 1steIDv4C-1860A islaIOV-CC-1960A8 GEIM3312 s.seE est 3.get-Ged Islee j ~ I I i t-51-siov-senSA 8 C FAILLpE F ! set Auteestically INTEeLOCRS WITH ] > awiuolly Gernes LS4 the tema Ape C 1 } GLR 1770 GL41773 l l 7 r 7 J ' j

         ""                                                                                                     T-I                        1                                                        I                                  I FA]LLSE OF $1 $tget       343-1.3 Trenefer                                                                                                                                  {

FAILLfE F INTDLEX FAIL 4fE F INTE35.CK F81088 IELAYS le Dale Lee NITM taESA ) a630s se a6474 siec trevletten WITM tm , l j

  .                   G5112912                 eEP-tES t: 3                                                 eLRs783                        stat 7sd                                         '

a' j


l I i t-SJ eev-sWha-LD4 FAIL 4fE F 9054 FAILANC F teWC 1-53-eev-tONC-LS-9 Lees Of Fonctleri 70 ELSE TO CLE Laos D' funetten a g Liett Briten LS4 Llett Betten LS4 {' ISIL8tS-LF-10BSA GLR 40Sd ERISSd is! M -t m g im se, g . g . se. 3

    . -- .      --              ..                  ..      .               . _ . . _ .             - - - - . ~ . _ - . _ . .                            _ _ . - . . - . . - - _ - _ - -                                                .    --


  ;                                               O               I                $                             F                  i               3                                             4 l                                                                               l                                 l                 5 1

i.ow Hs:s sefsty nectreus:tson 0 NAPS Imit 1 5/95 PSA Ib 4 assaLT51: sat l CeEAffen caft es-8D-seen IErlstm : es-es-e5 i 4 FAILseE F FL8N j fasemat TRAIN A 4 1 E missa l rpm to 7 l se es i 4 i se Flew Fates em FLes Fuses Les! A fnAIN Las! - inata A I 1seshoe aEaluut l k ht821 ER1825 1 I I I fELIE7 WALUE Mer Fala.75 la RCT3m FanLTS FAILeeE F mer a FAILleE F L8SI-A LIF1 AIC Flee L8SI TRAIN A AFFECTjls 1 RAIN A RE TO IsmFFICIDff SLET3ed Flot i O!WE WItt IIIM FLON I CIDffAIIeOff meeB GLRSSs0 l 1 ER1333 E Redit k Rilde ERIFit FFR.,T0 f 7 e T A 8e5 3 A seK d 8 #E i I I I

                                 .eneus.e                           s-SI elv-stats reeEvent a a If,                                                                                                                          8-SI elDv-SMaa S
                                                                                                                                      .EL3EF WAL.yg                                                                                             !

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F F,.s. FAIL.&oE F A. _TO,E.T

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .r o  FLes    ,

1pIDb-etlRCSPIE5s is1Sv--et-1845A E R1830 isleev-s'9-sG5dA E A1233 c.esEssee 3.7IE=ceS o.2:4 eed 83640

                       ~                                                                                                                 -e._                                                                                   .


'                                                                     etn, 5, etnisse TFA to                                                                                                                                                                            ,

l SW TFD fe / \ 7M l i ~ l  ! 1 I 1 NO ELECTRIC PONEA l-51-sIDv.3003 i 3-33-esov.3e m to eso ELECTRIC POISI 1*EI-elpv-sesta ator mCC sJa-2NGS Felle enen 1*51-mDv-sesSA le ! seat auteeststelly 400 y SCC ems-25 Falls seen O= senuell, amenee set Amstemottently 6 setastsa 9" tienuelly Denes i tslisov-Fo-888SD EA1862 Gestes 412 1sleev4 0-1885A ' ELA1006 E s.esE=est 7 Epee 8.esE-set 3 1 I I I 1 } 8ECOVERa0LE StenAL t 45-3.3 trenster ( A8018ffE8LetE fEcovEmesL2 SlemaL 3-RS 1.3 Trenefor i le Cole Las ele INTER.EK FA4LT FALLTS Artsrtuletsen To Cole Les 7 flectreutetten l a mis 7s e-stst: 3 a nts?4 e-stst: a est

s. sum
  • ~

l 1 I I 1-51-esov-stES-Late -OpeIDv-se55 Lose Of Fwiction FAILleE F SI 3-51-eIDv-SM34-LS-e eWY-8534


Falle Closed fAILLeE F SI 53DL ] l g8 L6ast testen LS-le estLee-o sesas 519eAL FUserfELAf3 us3ee ase k&a7t Lees Of Fwittlen Lielt tuttch LS-9 Felle Clases FIWM IELATE sa30A ase sta7A ssissov 4C-sesas estssoAa ss Las-LF-seasAs ! 1.3K eas ssisev4C-ses3A estsassa sw t.em-est grsee 3.0E ete I.eE set SIsse g_ ,

           .g                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   j e              ,

s , , I. i l I , i, I

o i s 2 I 3 1 4 1 5 I + 1 Low Head Sefity Retir*CU): tion i NAPS Urtit 1 ' S/95 PSA ! O asenyst: serf { DEAflee Oste: 86-as-ages fEv!stou : 06-es-95 1 t 9 1

FAILifE F FLas TesuhetTRa!N S A

1 E Ritst l FFm 70 ' le 94 v i I I FAlupE TO KT FLeu FalufE TO ET FLau F1unt LME1 Teatu e Flust Last 1malN A ? , I Tecumme eEAIER ER19tl E RIS3S I I I I I fELIEF VALVE Eaftf PIA 8' FALAf3 tu RETIlpi FalATS FAILifE F MSP S FAILifE F L861-8 } LIFT AaC FLOW LISI TRAIN g AFFECT 3s4 Th&IN 8 ale TO IseMICIENT SLET3dpf past . D!vtEION NfW FLSW CpffAlastaff mass i 3 eLRisso eLASSIP GLRiddl SLAIE3d E RISSI 7Ef ' d h

                                                                                                           .ee, .                       h   e. .                            h     e I                                         I                                                           I                               I eseuse Event o a If                       9-SI div-se s                                        ELIEF WALVE EdfLT                         l-SI-dW W95 44 l                           IES preeeure > US3                                                                                                                                                    FAlufE TD ET PLSu mnesellerstes                                              LIFT ase FLar                               Fluge                  Fluse tJS! Intim A eues eues. essre = 1                        atone Early                                                  O!vEIStes d

EMD5 483flCEPRESS iS!5v--sC-1845C ER3930 183tIDW-89-10SdB ER 13 e.est eese 1.ver-ess 8.ast-eas saide Tuss past 4 - Past a 1 FatufE F sang FalusE F seeBC i TO CLON 1 TO CLOK ) 4 GLR 1951 ER1954 TFh TO /\ TFA TO /\ SH 7N , i I I 1 as0 ELECTA!C FouER l-51-cov-seest 1-53-sOF-18850 le

to ELECTRIC FouER i-SI-upplenBC 1-51-8EDW50MC le deov seCC SJi-PdSS Felle Open set autenetstelly Felle Open l
400 V IEC $Mi-25 let Auteeststelly I te annually esenes or senuelly esenes '

i 6 GEtJits2 ISleIDv40-sa850 SLR1982 GE stelds2 t$1sIDV-F0-1805C RA1986 l EsJee f.eE-est 3 game s.est-est 7 i ~ i I I I I ) fEcovtmAaLZ $1 anal 3-ES-3.3 Trenefoe j FAULTS Asc leffEsLgC Te Cole Leg IECOWEneaLE SleseaL s-Es-3.3 Trmeser i FanATS asc tuTEsttE To Cels Leg FAIMAE5 Arctreutetten FAILists electreutetten

  • GLRt978 sEP-sEs t: 3 8.RIS74 #EP-SESt: 3 8.85 987 5. abet i

I 1 I Falu8E F El 1-OHOW8852 3-53-80V-1865-L5-9 FAILifE F SI S301L i 3-St-sew 30E3A t-51 eEN-SE34-LSlo SIGNAL FRes AELAYS Falle Closes Lost Df Functten FastIELATS j l O stt308 asc ar647B GS3tP9dd Leelt Seiten LS-g ets3DA AAC R$d7A Falle Clases Lees Of Functlen Llett briten LS-lO ISIMDV4C-10SN ISILeIS-LF-SSS M 9 95112912 SSIfOV4C-SM 3A i IS! Lee-LF-stS3a n, sisse s.seE cor 3. ggt.een s seo 3.e0E-est 8.2EEaeed 4 !s  ! l I i 3 i i  !

                               -_.        .         .                     ~         -  -__.~               _               .,        - - - -                    . -     . . .      - ~~          . . . - . - - - .

I l o i t i e i 3 i 4 - I s s Low Hs 0 Safety Ancir'culatitri NAPS Unit 1 ' S/95 PSA 4n'

                                                                                                                                                                                               =v afuaLYST: Isf l M4130N haft 06-3D-1988 ' EVISIO4 : 06-01-95 Fet, ire is ersten i

To set L80 hetet At 90 semire eLRasost c3

                                                                                             . F,_.    ,0
                                                                                                                    . ...,, C, . .

tec treul.t ten Cseman Cause Faults 2 e - Ess:4 eLR: soar :SICxv-cc-enesos e.ess ens ' t

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__ __ . - . - . . _ - . - . - .. . _ - . - - ~ . . - - - - .- - ..-._.- i l APPENDIX B j Event Trees l 4 ! A: Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) AD2: Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) & Accumulators Fall To  ! l Inject j j Rx: Reactor Vessel Rupture f

S1: Medium Break Loss Of Coolant Accident i l S1D1: Medium Break Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) Without High Head  !

l Safety injection  ! S2: Small Break Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA)

Small Break Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) Without High Head Safety  ;

! Injection  ; i } l T1: Loss Of Off-site Power  ; j T1EE: Unit 1 Station Blackout Loss Of Off-site Power & Failure of Unit 1 i j Emergency Diesel Generators And Alternate AC Diesel l

T1EEQ: Station Blackout (Loss Of Off-site Power & Failure of Diesels to Supply l Power) And Pressurizer PORV Fails Open i T1Hv: Loss Of Off-site Power & Loss Of Emergency Switchgear Room Cooling i T10: Loss Of Off-site Power & Pressurizer PORV Fails Open T10AFW: Loss Of Off-site Power & Pressurizer PORV Fails Open & Auxiliary

, Feedwater Fails i i { T2: Loss Of Main Feedwater i T2A: Recoverable Loss Of Main Feedwater l T2AHv: Recoverable Loss Of Main Feedwater & Loss Of Emergency Switchgear 1 i Room Cooling ' 4 T2Hv: Loss Of Main Feedwater & Loss Of Emergency Switchgear Room Cooling T3: Transients With Main Feedwater T3Hv: Transients With Main Feedwater & Without Emergency Switchgear Room Cooling i T4: Loss Of Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Cooling 1 T5A: Loss Of Emergency Power DC Bus 1-1 T5AQ: Loss Of Emergency Power DC Bus 1-1 & Pressurizer PORV Fails Open T5B: Loss Of Emergency Power DC Bus 1-lll

TSBQ: Loss Of Em:rg:ncy Powar DC Bus 1-Ill & Prcssurizer PORV Fcils Op:n T6: Loss Of Service Water T7: Steam Generator Tube Rupture T7D1: Steam Generator Tube Rupture Without High Head Safety injection ~ T8: Loss Of Emergency Switchgear Room Cooling T9A: Loss Of Emergency Power 4160 V Bus 1H T9AHv: Loss Of Emergency Power 4160 V Bus 1H & Loss Of Emergency Switchgear Room Cooling T9AQ: Loss Of Emergency Power 4160 V Bus 1H & Pressurizer PORV Falls Open T9B: Loss Of Emergency Power 4160 V Bus 1H T9BHv: Loss Of Emergency Power 4160 V Bus 1H & Loss Of Emergency Switchgear Room Cooling T980: Loss Of Emergency Power 4160 V Bus 1H & Pressurizer PORV Fails Open 4 TH: Anticipated Transient Without a Scram ( ATWS) When Greater Than 40% Reactor Power THMFW: Anticipated Transient Without a Scram ( ATWS) When Greater Than 40% , Reactor Power & No Main Feedwater 4 TL: Anticipated Transient Without a Scram (ATWS) When Greater Than 40% Reactor Power , Vx: Interfacing System LOCA ' l l i I 1 l l l


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