NRC Generic Letter 88-20, Individual Plant Examination for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities

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Individual Plant Examination for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities

S5 09/08/1995 -- S4 06/28/1991 -- S3 07/06/1990 -- S2 04/04/1990 -- S1 08/29/1989 -- -- 11/23/1988





November 23, 1988

To All Licensees Holding Operating Licenses and Construction Permits for

Nuclear Power Reactor Facilities



(Generic Letter No. 88-20)


In the Commission policy statement on severe accidents in nuclear power

plants issued on August 8, 1985 (50 FR 32138), the Commission concluded,

based on available information, that existing plants pose no undue risk to

the public health and safety and that there is no present basis for

immediate action on generic rulemaking or other regulatory requirements for

these plants. However, the Commission recognizes, based on NRC and

industry experience with plant-specific probabilistic risk assessments

(PRAs), that systematic examinations are beneficial in identifying

plant-specific vulnerabilities to severe accidents that could be fixed with

low cost improvements. Therefore, each existing plant should perform a

systematic examination to identify any plant-Specific vulnerabilities to

severe accidents and report the results to the Commission.

The general purpose of this examination, defined as an Individual Plant

Examination (IPE), is for each utility (1) to develop an appreciation of

severe accident behavior, (2) to understand the most likely severe accident

sequences that could occur at its plant, (3) to gain a more quantitative

understanding of the overall probabilities of core damage and fission

product releases, and (4) if necessary, to reduce the overall probabilities

of core damage and fission product releases by modifying, where

appropriate, hardware and procedures that would help prevent or mitigate

severe accidents. It is expected that the achievement of these goals will

help verify that at U.S. nuclear power plants severe core damage and large

radioactive release probabilities are consistent with the Commission's

Safety Goal Policy Statement. Besides the Individual Plant Examinations,

closure of severe accident concerns will involve future NRC and industry

efforts in the areas of accident management and generic containment

performance improvements. Additional discussion is provided in SECY-88-147

on the interrelationships among these three areas and the role they play in

closure of severe accident issues for operating plants. The portion of

that document relevant to closure is provided as Attachment 1. Attachment

2 contains a list of references of the IDCOR program technical reports and

also some related NRC and NRC contractor reports.

Therefore, consistent with the stated position of the Commission and

pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f), you are requested to perform an Individual

Plant Examination of your plant(s) for severe accident vulnerabilities and

submit the results to the NRC.

2 November 23, 1988

2. Examination Process

The quality and comprehensiveness of the results derived from an IPE will

depend on the vigor with which the utility applies the method of

examination and on the utility's commitment to the intent of the IPE.

Furthermore, the maximum benefit from the IPE would be realized if the

licensee's staff were involved in all aspects of the examination to the

degree that the knowledge gained from the examination becomes an integral

part of plant procedures and training programs. Therefore, we request each

licensee to use its staff to the maximum extent possible in conducting the

IPE by:

1. Having utility engineers, who are familiar with the details of

the design, controls, procedures, and system configurations,

involved in the analysis as well as in the technical review, and

2. Formally including an independent in-house review to ensure the

accuracy of the documentation packages and to validate both the

IPE process and its results.

The NRC expects the utility's staff participating in the IPE to:

(1) Examine and understand the plant emergency procedures, design,

operations, maintenance, and surveillance to identify potential severe

accident sequences for the plant; (2) understand the quantification of

the expected sequence frequencies; (3) determine the leading

contributors to core damage and unusually poor containment

performance, and determine and develop an understanding for their

underlying causes; (4) identify any proposed plant improvements for

the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents; (5) examine each of

the proposed improvements, including design changes as well as changes

in maintenance, operating and emergency procedures, surveillance,

staffing, and training programs; and (6) identify which proposed

improvements will be implemented and their schedule.

3. External Events (Treated Separately)

Licensees are requested to proceed with the examinations only for

internally initiated events (including internal flooding) at the present

time. Examination of externally initiated events (i. e., internal fires,

high winds/tornadoes, transportation accidents, external floods, and

earthquakes) will proceed separately and on a later schedule from that of

internal events (1) to permit the identification of which external hazards

need a systematic examination, (2) to permit development of simplified

examination procedures, and (3) to integrate other ongoing Commission

programs that deal with various aspects of external event evaluations, such

as the Seismic Design Margins Program (SDMP), with the IPE(s) to ensure

that there is no duplication of industry efforts. Utilities would be

expected to examine and identify any plant-specific vulnerabilities to

severe accidents due to externally initiated events. Therefore, while

performing your IPE for internally initiated events, you should document

and retain plant-specific data relevant to external events (e.g., data from

plant walkdowns) such that they can be readily retrieved in a convenient

form when needed for later external event analyses that may be required.

If a licensee chooses to submit an external event examination at this time,

the staff would review it on a case-by-case basis.


3 November 23, 1988

While current staff efforts are focused on identifying acceptable methods

for examining external events, the staff encourages the industry to propose

a methodology for examining external events that meets the intent of the

severe accident policy; namely, that it is capable of identifying

vulnerabilities to external hazards. We will work with NUMARC in

developing acceptable methodologies for external hazard examinations.

4. Methods of Examination

The NRC has identified three approaches that satisfy the examination

requested by this letter. The methods are:

1. A PRA, provided it is at least a Level I* and uses current methods and

information, plus a containment performance analysis that follows the

general guidance given in Appendix 1 to the is generic letter. The

staff will consider those PRA s that follow the PRA procedures

described in NUREG/CR-2300, NUREG/CR-2815, or NUREG/CR-4550 to be

adequate for performing the IPE, provided the assessment considers the

most current severe accident phenomenological issues (as discussed in

Appendix 1) and the licensee certifies that the PRA is based on the

most current design.

2. The IDCOR system analysis method (front-end only), provided the

enhancements identified in the NRC staff evaluation of the IDCOR

method (to be issued shortly) are applied. Guidance for the back-end

analysis is provided in Appendix 1 and additional guidance will be

issued as described in Section 11 of this generic letter.

3. Other systematic examination methods, provided the method is described

in the licensee response and is accepted by the NRC staff. For those

methods with which the staff is not familiar, a staff review might be

necessary to ensure that the methods are generally acceptable.

For the phase of the evaluation associated with core melting, release of

molten core to the containment, and containment performance, the staff

recognizes that for a few of the phenomena, notably associated with areas

that affect containment performance, there is a wide range of views about

their relative probability as well as their consequences. For these

issues, additional research and evaluation will be needed to help reduce

the wide range of uncertainties. Because of the concern over the ability

of containments to perform well during some severe accidents, the staff is

conducting a Containment Performance Improvements Program. This program

complements the IPE program and is intended to focus on resolving generic

containment challenges. License are expected to correct vulnerabilities

that may be identified by their IPE results but, because of the generic

Containment Performance Improvements Program that complements the IPE, the

____________________ *The PRA levels are defined as follows: Level I -

determination of core-damage frequencies based on system and human-factor

evaluations; Level II -determination of the physical and chemical phenomena

that affect the performance of the containment and other mitigating

features and the behavior and release of the fission products to the

environment; and Level III - determination of the offsite transport,

deposition, and health effects of fission product releases.


4 November 23, 1988

staff does not require industry to make any major modifications to their

containments or other systems that can affect containment performance until

the information associated with the containment performance generic issues

has been developed by the staff. Hence, industry will not be placed in a

position of having to implement improvements before all containment

performance decisions have been made.

Appendix 1 provides the utility with guidance to proceed with the

evaluation of containment performance to identify plant-specific factors

important to containment performance. Following the Appendix 1 guidance

will also enable utilities to understand and develop strategies to minimize

the challenges and the consequences such severe accident phenomena may pose

to the containment integrity and to recognize the role of mitigation

systems while awaiting their generic resolution.

5. Resolution of Unresolved Safely/Generic Safety Issues (Relationship to

USI A-45)

Because the resolution of several USI(s) and GSI(s) may require an

examination of the individual plant, it is reasonable to use the current

IPE process for that examination. For example, Unresolved Safety Issue

(USI) A-45 entitled "Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Requirements" had as its

objective the determination of whether the decay heat removal function at

operating plants is adequate and if cost-beneficial improvements could be

identified. We concluded that a generic resolution to the issue (e.g., a

dedicated decay heat removal system for all plants) is not cost effective

and that resolution could only be achieved on a plant-specific basis. To

implement a plant-specific resolution would require each plant to do an

examination of its decay heat removal system to identify vulnerabilities.

In the IPE, each plant will do an examination of both its decay heat

removal system and those systems used for the other safety functions for

the purpose of identifying severe accident vulnerabilities. Therefore, we

have concluded that the most efficient way to resolve A-45 is to subsume it

in the IPE.

You should ensure that your IPE particularly identifies decay heat removal

vulnerabilities. To achieve this assurance we have extracted insights

gained from the six case studies performed for the USI A-45 program. These

insights are discussed in Appendix 5 to this letter and should be

considered as you con-duct your IPE. In addition, if a utility (1)

discovers a notable vulnerability during its IPE that is topically

associated with any other USI or GSI and proposes measures to dispose of

the specific safety issue or (2) concludes that no vulnerability exists at

its plant that is topically associated with any USI or GSI, the staff will

consider the USI or GSI resolved for a plant upon review and acceptance of

the results of the IPE. Your IPE submittal should specifically identify

which USIs or GSIs it is resolving.

6. PRA Benefits

The NRC recognizes that many licensees now possess plant-specific PRAs or

similar analyses. Use of existing PRA analyses is encouraged in achieving

the objectives of the IPE. In some cases, the licensee may have to confirm

that the existing PRA analyses reflect the current state of the art

regarding severe accidents.


5 November 23, 1988

In addition to being an acceptable method for conducting an IPE, there are

a number of potential benefits in performing PRAs on those plants without

one. Some examples of potential additional benefits are as follows:

Support for Licensing Actions - PRAs have been used to support

arguments to justify technical specification changes, both routine and

emergency. PRAs would also be useful in supporting other regulatory

actions (e.g., design modifications).

License Renewals - PRAs could be a basis for utilities to establish a

program to ensure that risk-significant components and systems are

identified and maintained at an acceptable level of reliability during

the license renewal period.

Risk Management - A PRA could be used to develop a risk management

program that systematically uses the available information about risk

at a nuclear power plant and identifies alternative combinations of

design and operational modifications, ranks these alternatives

according to the relative benefits of each, and selects an optimum

from the alternatives.

Integrated Safety Assessment - The staff believes that by performing a

PRA a licensee would have the benefit of having developed the

technical basis for an integrated assessment. An integrated safety

assessment would (1) provide integrated schedules for licensing,

regulatory, and safety issues on a predictable basis, (2) evaluate

licensing and generic issues on a plant-specific basis such that they

are weighted against all other pending actions, (3) provide a licensee

with the opportunity to demonstrate with its PRA that various issues

that might be applied to other plants are not justified at that

facility, (4) help improve outage planning, and (5) rank issue

importance such that the most important are dealt with first. This

prioritization of actions benefits the licensees and the NRC by

providing a rational schedule for implementation of actions and

provides a basis for the possible elimination of actions determined to

have low safety significance for the individual plant.

7. Severe Accident Sequence Selection

In performing an IPE, it is necessary to screen the severe accident

sequences for the potentially important ones and for reporting to the NRC.

The screening criteria to determine the potentially important functional

sequences* that lead to core damage or unusually poor containment

performance and should be reported to the NRC with your IPE results are

listed in Appendix 2. Appendix 4 describes


  • "Sequence" is used here to mean a set of faults, usually chronological,

that result in the plant consequence of interest, i.e., either a damaged

core or unusually poor containment performance. A functional sequence is a

set of faulted functions that summarizes by function a set of systems

faults which would result in the consequence of interest. Functional

sequences are to be contrasted with systemic sequences. A systemic

sequence is a set of faulted systems that summarizes by systems a set of

component failures resulting in a damaged core or unusually poor

containment performance.


6 November 23, 1988

the documentation needed for the accident sequence selection and the

intended disposition of these sequences.

It is expected that during the course of the examination, the utility would

carefully examine the results to determine if there are worthwhile

prevention or mitigation measures that could be taken to reduce the core

damage frequency or poor containment performance with the attendant

radioactive release. The determination of potential benefits is plant

specific and will depend on the frequency and consequence of the accident

sequence leading to core damage and containment failure.

8. Use of IPE Results

a. Licensee

After each licensee conducts a systematic search for severe accident

vulnerabilities in its plant(s) and determines whether potential

improvements, both design and procedural, warrant implementation, it is

expected that the licensee will move expeditiously to correct any

identified vulnerabilities that it determines warrant correction.

Information on changes initiated by the licensee should be provided

consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and10 CFR 50.90. Changes

should also be reported in your IPE submittal (by reference to previous

submittals under 10 CFR 50.59 or 10 CFR 50.90) that responds to this letter

(see Appendix 4).

b. NRC

The NRC will evaluate licensee IPE submittals to obtain reasonable

assurance that the licensee has adequately analyzed the plant design and

operations to discover instances of particular vulnerability to core melt

or unusually poor containment performance given a core melt accident.

Further, the NRC will assess whether the conclusions the licensee draws

from the IPE regarding changes to the plant systems, components, or

accident management procedures are adequate. The consideration will

include both quantitative measures and nonquantitative judgment. The NRC

consideration may lead to one of the following assessments:

1. If NRC consideration of all pertinent and relevant factors indicates

that the plant design or operation must be changed to meet NRC

regulations, then appropriate functional enhancements will be required

and expected to be implemented without regard to cost except as

appropriate to select among alternatives.

2. If NRC consideration indicates that plant design or operation could be

enhanced by substantial additional protection beyond NRC regulations,

then appropriate functional enhancements will be recommended and

supported with analysis demonstrating that the benefit of such

enhancement is substantial and worth the cost to implement and

maintain that enhancement, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.109.

3. If NRC consideration indicates that the plant design and operation

meet NRC regulations, and that further safety improvements are not

substantial or not cost effective, enhancements would not be suggested

unless significant new safety information becomes available.


7 November 23, 1988

9. Accident Management

An important aspect of severe accident prevention and mitigation is the

total organizational involvement. Operations personnel have key roles in

the early recognition of conditions or events that might lead to core

damage. The availability of procedures specifying corrective actions and

the training of operators and emergency teams can have a major influence on

the course of events in case of a severe accident.

Because the conclusions you will draw from the IPE for severe accident

vulnerabilities (1) depend on the credit taken for survivability of

equipment in a severe accident environment, and (2) will either depend on

operators taking beneficial actions during or prior to the onset of severe

core damage or depend on the operators not taking specific actions that

would have adverse effects, the results of your IPE will be an essential

ingredient in developing a severe accident management program for your


At this time you are not required to develop an accident management plan as

an integrated part of your IPE. We are currently developing more specific

guidance on this matter and are working closely with NUMARC to (1) define

the scope and content of acceptable accident management programs, and (2)

identify a plan of action that will ultimately result in incorporating any

plant-specific actions deemed necessary, as a result of your IPE, into an

overall severe accident management program. Nevertheless, in the course of

conducting your IPE you may identify operator or other plant personnel

actions that can substantially reduce the risk from severe accidents at

your plant and that you believe should be immediately implemented in the

form of emergency operating procedures or similar formal guidance. We

encourage each licensee to not defer implementing such actions until a more

structured and comprehensive accident management program is developed on a

longer schedule, but rather to implement such actions immediately within

the constraints of 10 CFR 50.59.

10. Documentation of Examination Results

The IPE should be documented in a traceable manner to provide the basis for

the findings. This can be dealt with most efficiently by a two-tier

approach. The first tier consists of the results of the examination, which

will be reported to the NRC for review. The second tier is the

documentation of the examination itself, which should be retained by the

licensee for the duration of the license unless superseded. Appendix 4

contains the minimum information necessary for reporting and documentation.

11. Licensee Response

A document that provides additional licensee guidance for the performance

of the IPE (both core damage and containment system performance) and

describes the review and evaluation process that the NRC staff will use for

assessing the submittals will be issued in draft form within the next few



8 November 23, 1988

Following the issuance of the draft document, workshops with utility

representatives will be scheduled to discuss the IPE objectives and to

answer questions that utilities might have on both the IPE generic letter

and the guidance document.

Following the completion of the workshops, the NRC, as appropriate, will

revise its guidance contained in the guidance documents to take into

consideration comments received and will reissue them. Within 60 days of

receipt of the final guidance documents, licensees are requested to submit

their proposed programs for completing the IPEs. The proposal should:

1. Identify the method and approach selected for performing the IPE,

2. Describe the method to be used, if it has not been previously

submitted for staff review (the description may be by reference), and

3. Identify the milestones and schedules for performing the IPE and

submitting the results to the NRC.

Meetings at NRC Headquarters during the examinations will be scheduled as

needed to discuss subjects raised by licensees and to provide necessary


Licensees are expected to submit the IPE results within 3 years. The

Commission encourages those plants that have not yet undergone any

systematic examination for severe accidents to promptly initiate the


Those utilities that choose to use an existing PRA or similar analysis on

their plant should (1) certify that the PRA meets the intent of the generic

letter, in particular with respect to utility staff involvement, (2)

certify that it reflects the current plant design and operation, and (3)

submit the results as soon as the analysis is completed but on a shorter

schedule than 3 years. Utilities with plants that used the initial IDCOR

system analysis in the IDCOR test applications are encouraged to submit

their results on a shorter schedule than 3 years. This will ensure review

and resolution of any items while the utility's examination team is easily

accessible. In this regard, the staff also encourages licensees whose

plants have been extensively analyzed under the NUREG-1150 program to

submit their IPEs on an expedited basis. This will enable the staff to

exercise its review and decision process for determining acceptability of

the IPE, the adequacy of the licensee identification of plant-specific

vulnerabilities, and the associated modifications using insights and

experience from NUREG-1150. Finally, those licensees planning to perform a

new Level II or Level III PRA may need more time. The NRC staff will

consider requests for additional time for such an examination.

12. Regulatory Basis

This letter is issued pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f), a copy of the 10 CFR

50.54(f) evaluation which justifies issuance of this letter is in the

Public Document Room. Accordingly, all responses should be under oath or

affirmation. This request for information is covered by the Office of

Management and Budget under


9 November 23, 1988

Clearance No. 3150-0011, which expires December 31, 1989. The estimated

average burden hours is 8100 person-hours per licensee response, over a

3-year period including assessment of the new requirements, searching data

sources, gathering and analyzing the data, and preparing the required

reports. Comments on burden and duplication may be directed to the Office

of Management and Budget, Reports Management, Room 3208, New Executive

Office Building, Washington, DC 20503.


Dennis Crutchfield, Acting Associate

Director for Projects

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Appendices 1 through 5

w/ attachments 1 and 2





1. Background

The role of the containment as a vital barrier to the release of fission

products to the environment has been widely recognized. The public safe%y

record of nuclear power plants has been fostered by applying the

"defense-in-depth" principle, which relies on a set of independent barriers

to fission product release. The containment and its supporting systems are

one of these barriers. Containment design criteria are based on a set of

deterministically derived challenges. Pressure and temperature challenges

are usually based on the design basis loss-of-coolant accident;

radionuclide challenges are based on the source term of 10 CFR Part 100.

Also, criteria based on external events such as earthquakes, floods, and

tornadoes are considered. The margins of safety provided by such practices

have been the subject of considerable research and evaluation, and these

studies have shown the ability of many containment systems to survive

pressure challenges of two to three times design levels. Because of these

margins, the various containment types presently used in the United States

have the capability to withstand, to varying degrees, many of the

challenges presented by severe accidents. For each type of containment,

however, there remain failure mechanisms that could lead to either early or

late containment failure, depending on both the accident scenarios involved

and the containment types.

This appendix discusses the key phenomena and/or processes that can take

place during the evolution of a severe accident and that can have an

important effect on the containment behavior. In addition, general

guidance on the evaluation of containment system performance given the

present state of the art of analysis of these phenomena is provided. The

evaluation should be a pragmatic exploitation of the present containment

capability. It should give an understanding and appreciation of severe

accident behavior, should recognize the role of mitigating systems, and

should ultimately result in the development of accident management

procedures that could both prevent and ameliorate the consequences of some

of the more probable severe accident sequences involved. The users of this

appendix are referred to Chapter 7 of Volume 1 of NUREG/CR-2300, "PRA

Procedures Guide," for a more detailed description of procedures and

guidance on containment performance analysis. The additional information

provided here summarizes some more recent developments in core melt

phenomenology relevant to containment performance, identifies areas of

uncertainty, and suggests ways of proceeding with the evaluation of

containment performance despite uncertainties,and potential ways of

improving containment performance for severe accident challenges. In this

reloads, the Severe Accident Prevention and Mitigation Features report

(NUREG/CR-4920) summarizes insights gained from industry sponsored PRAs,

NUREG-1150, and IDCOR reference plant analyses. The report identifies

plant features and operator actions that have been found to be important to

either the prevention or the mitigation of severe accidents for a specific

plant containment type. The report indicates what may be important to risk

and suggests potential improvements in various areas of plant design and

operation. These insights and suggestions may be helpful when conducting

the IPE and when making decisions on plant improvements.



The systems analysis portion of the IPE identifies accident sequences that

occur as a result of an initiating event followed by failure of various

systems or failure of plant personnel to respond correctly to the accident.

Although the number of possible core melt accident sequences is very large,

the number of containment system performance analyses does not have to be

as large. The number of sequences can be reduced by grouping those

accident sequences that have a similar effect on the plant features that

determine the release and transport of fission products.

A containment event tree (CET) could provide a structured way for the

systematic analysis of containment phenomena provided:

1. The CET is quantified, i.e., branch point split fractions are

propagated for each sequence based on the most recent data base

regarding important severe accident phenomena including considerations

of uncertainties (e.g., letters from T. Speis, NRC, to A. Buhl, ITC,

"Position Papers for the NRC/IDCOR Technical Issues," dated September

22, 1986; November 26, 1986; and March 11, 1987).

2. The system analysis is integrated with the containment analysis so

that initiating events and system failures (resulting in core damage)

that also impair containment systems are not overlooked.

3. The duration and sequencing of the interacting events are specified,

e.g., the times at which core damage and containment failure occur,

the time of inventory depletion (in particular, as related to recovery

from an accident), the success or failure of equipment or operator

responses, and the failure or degradation of support systems that were

originally available at the onset of the accident.

2. Status of Containment Systems Prior to Vessel Failure

The role of interfaces between the system analysis (front-end) and the

containment performance analysis (back-end) is particularly important from

two perspectives. First, the likelihood of core damage can be Influenced

by the status of particular containment systems. Second, containment

performance can be influenced by the status of core cooling systems. Thus,

because the influences can flow, in both directions between the system

analysis (front-end) and the containment performance analysis (back-end),

particular attention must be given to these interfaces.

To ensure consistency within entire sequences, the analysis should include

a cross-checking sheet of the following by sequence: (1) the sequence

frequency, (2) whether the containment is bypassed, (3) whether the

containment is isolated, (4) the containment system and reactor system

availability, and (5) the approximate source term. This cross-checking

sheet would be reviewed by both the systems analyst and the source term

analyst to provide added assurance that the status of key systems is

treated consistently in the front-end and back-end analyses. Other options

to ensure adequate interfaces can be used instead of the cross-checking

list identified above.

In order to examine the containment performance, the status of the

containment systems and related equipment prior to core melt should be

determined. The first CET nodal decision point is to determine the

likelihood of whether the



containment is isolated, bypassed, intact, or failed (i.e., a branch point

split fraction). This requires analyses of (1) the pathways that could

significantly contribute to containment-isolation failure, (2) the signals

required to automatically isolate the penetration, (3) the potential for

generating the signals for all initiating events, (4) the examination of

the testing and maintenance procedures, and (5) the quantification of each

containment-isolation failure mode (including common mode failures).

In the early phase of an accident, steam and combustible gases are the main

contributors to containment pressurization. The objective of the

containment decay heat removal systems such as sprays, fan coolers, and the

suppression systems is to control the evolution of accidents that would

otherwise lead to containment failure and the release of fission products

to the environs. The effectiveness of the several containment decay heat

removal systems for accomplishing the intended mitigating function should

be examined to determine the probability of successful performance under

accident conditions. This includes potential intersystem dependencies as

well as the identification of all the specific functions being performed

and the determination of the mission time considering potential failure due

to inventory depletion (coolant, control air, and control power) or

environmental conditions. If, as a result of the accident sequence, the

front-line containment decay heat removal systems fail to function, if

their effectiveness is degraded, or if the operator fails to respond in a

timely manner to the accident symptoms, the containment pressure would

continue to increase. In this case, some systems that were not intended to

perform a safety function might be called upon to perform that role during

an accident, If the use of such systems is considered during the

examination, their effectiveness and probability of success for fulfilling

the needed safety function should also be examined. Part of the

examination should be to determine if adequate procedures exist to ensure

the effective implementation of the appropriate operator actions.

3. Phenomena After Vessel Failure

If adequate heat removal capability does not exist in a particular accident

sequence, the core will degrade and the containment could potentially over-

pressurize and eventually fail. Efforts to stabilize the core before

reactor vessel failure or to extend the time available for vessel reflood

should be investigated. For certain accident groups that proceed past

vessel failure, the containment pressurization rate could exceed the

capability of the mitigating systems to reject the energy associated with

the severe accident phenomena encountered with vessel failure. For each

such accident sequence, the molten core debris will relocate, melting

through and mixing with materials in its path. Depending on the particular

containment geometry and the accident sequence groups, a variety of

important phenomena influence the challenges to containment integrity.

The guidance provided below deals with this subject at three levels. The

first provides some rather general considerations regarding the nature of

these phenomena as they impact containment (Section 3.1). The second level

considers the manifestation of these phenomena in more detail within the

generic high and low pressure scenarios (Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2).

Finally, the third level provides some specific guidance particularly

regarding the treatment of certain important areas of uncertainty (Section




3.1 General Description of the Phenomena Associated with Severe Accident


The contact of molten corium with water, referred to as fuel-coolant

interaction, can occur both in-vessel and ex-vessel. If the interaction is

energetic inside the reactor vessel, it may generate missiles and a rapid

pressurization (steam explosion) of the primary system. Early containment

failure associated with in-vessel steam explosions is generally considered

to be of low enough likelihood to not warrant additional consideration

(NUREG-1116). However, smaller, less energetic in-vessel steam explosions

are not unlikely and their influence on fission product release and

hydrogen generation are still under investigation. If the fuel-coolant

interaction occurs ex-vessel, as might happen if molten fuel fell into a

water-filled cavity upon vessel meltthrough, it may disperse the corium and

lead to rapid pressurization (steam spike) of the containment. In any

case, at one extreme, abundant presence of water would favor quenching of

the corium mass and the continued dissipation of the decay heat by steaming

would lead to containment pressurization. Clearly in the absence of

external cooling, the containment will eventually overpressurize and fail,

although the presence of extensive, passive heat sinks (structures)

within the containment volume would delay the occurrence of such an event.

Fuel-coolant interactions can also yield a chemical reaction between steam

and the metallic component of the melt, producing hydrogen and the

consequent potential for burns and/or explosions.

At the other extreme, when water is not available, the principal

interaction of the molten corium is with the concrete floor of the

containment. This interaction produces three challenge to containment

integrity. First, the concrete decomposition gives off noncondensible

gases (CO2, CO) (of certain composition) that contribute to pressurizing

the containment atmosphere. Second, concrete of certain compositions

decomposes and releases CO2 and steam, which can interact with the metallic

components in the melt to yield highly flammable CO and H2, with potential

consequences ranging from benign burns at relatively low hydrogen

concentrations to rapid deflagrations at high hydrogen concentrations.

Third, continued penetration of the floor can directly breach the

containment boundary. Also, thermal attack by the molten corium of

retaining sidewalls could produce structural failure within the containment

causing damage to vital systems and perhaps to failure of containment


Another type of fuel interaction is with the containment atmosphere.

Scenarios can be postulated (e.g., station blackout) in which the reactor

vessel and primary system remain at high pressure as the core is melting

and relocating to the bottom of the vessel. Continued attack of the molten

corium on the vessel lower head could eventually cause the lower head to

fail. Because of a potentially high (approximately 2500 psi) driving

pressure, the molten corium could be energetically ejected from the vessel.

Uncertainties remain related to the effect of the following on direct

containment heating: (1) vessel failure area, (2) the amount of molten

corium in the lower head at the time of failure, (3) the degree to which it

fragments upon ejection, (4) the degree and extent to which a path from the

lower cavity to the upper containment atmosphere is obstructed, (5) the

fragmented molten corium that could enter and interact with the upper

containment atmosphere, and (6) cavity gas temperature. Since the

containment atmosphere has small heat capacity, the energy in the

fragmented corium could rapidly transfer to the containment atmosphere,

causing a



rapid pressurization. The severity of such an event could be further

exacerbated by any hydrogen that may be simultaneously dispersed and direct

oxidation (exothermic) of any metallic components. Depending upon this and

the other factors previously mentioned, this pressurization could challenge

containment integrity early in the event.

The BWR Mark I and Mark II containments are normally inerted. Therefore,

non-condensible gases such as hydrogen and oxygen released following a

severe accident would pressurize the containment, but would not burn or

rapidly deflagrate. If the containment is deinerted, additional

pressurization events or dynamic loads obtained from global hydrogen burn

or detonations must be considered. Local burns are also potentially

important as they may degrade the seals around the various penetrations or

produce a thermal environment that challenges the operability of important


Even with the above limited perspective, it should be clear that given a

core melt accident, a great deal of the phenomenological progression hinges

upon water availability and the outcome of the fuel-coolant interactions;

specifically whether a full quench has been achieved and whether the

resulting particulates will remain coolable. In general, the presence of

fine particulates to any significant degree would imply the occurrence of

energetic steam explosions and hence the presence of significant forces

that would be expected to disperse the particulates to coolable

configurations outside the reactor cavity. Otherwise, the coolability of

deep corium beds of coarse particulates is the major concern. A summary of

how these mechanisms interface and interact as they integrate into an

accident sequence is given below.

3.1.1 Accident Sequences - High-Pressure Scenario

The core melt sequence at high primary system pressure is often due to a

station blackout sequence. The high-pressure scenario also represents one

of the most significant contributors to risk. The initial stages of core

degradation involve coolant boiloff and core heatup in a steam environment.

At such high pressures, the volumetric heat capacity of steam is a

significant fraction of that of water (about one-third), and one should

expect significant core (decay) energy redistribution due to natural

circulation loops set up between the core and the remaining cooler

components of the primary system. Consensus appears to be developing that

as a result of this energy redistribution, the primary system pressure

boundary could fail prior to the occurrence of large-scale core melt. The

location and the size of failure, however, remain uncertain. For example,

concerns have been raised about the possibility of steam generator tube

failures and associated containment bypass. If the vessel lower head

fails, violent melt ejection could produce large-scale dispersal and the

direct containment heating phenomenon mentioned previously. A significant

amount of research in the past has not, yet produced definitive results on

this issue.

Concerns may also be raised about the potentially energetic role of

hydrogen within the blowdown process. The presence of hydrogen arises from

two complementary mechanisms: (1) the metal-water reaction occurring at an

accelerated pace throughout the in-vessel core heatup/meltdown/slump

portion of the transient, and (2) the reaction between any remaining

metallic components in the melt and the high-speed steam flow that partly

overlaps and follows the melt ejection from the reactor vessel. The

combined result is the release of rather large quantities of hydrogen into

the containment volume within a short time



period (a few tens of seconds). The implication is that the consideration

of containment atmosphere compositions and associated burning, explosion,

or detonation potential becomes complicated by a whole range of highly

transient regimes and large spatial gradients.

A recent independent review of uncertainties in estimates of source terms

from severe accidents by an NRC-sponsored panel of experts (NUREG/CR-4883)

provided an additional perspective on these issues and made recommendations

for their resolution. In particular, "if direct containment heating or

containment bypass through steam generator tube failure contribute

importantly to risk, this may indicate a need for a hardware modification

or a procedural measure to ensure depressurization before primary system

failure. An early study of relative merits of the possibilities available

would be valuable." The staff is in favor of adopting the panel

recommendation and has initiated a research program to study the effect of

depressurization on the core melt progression and the potential benefit in

preventing direct containment heating.

3.1.2 Accident Sequence - Low-Pressure Scenario

At low system pressure, decay heat redistribution due to natural

circulation flow (in steam) is negligible and core degradation occurs at

nearly adiabatic conditions. Steam boiloff, together with any hydrogen

generation, is continuously released to the containment atmosphere, where

mixing is driven by natural convection currents coupled with condensation

processes. The upper internals of the reactor vessel remain relatively

cold, offering the possibility of trapping fission product vapor and

aerosols before they are released to the containment atmosphere.

Throughout this core heatup and meltdown process, the potential to

significantly load the containment is small. The first possibility for

significant energetic loads on the containment occurs when the molten core

debris penetrates the lower core support structure and slumps into the

lower plenum. The outcome of this interaction cannot be predicted

precisely. Thus, a whole range of behavior must be considered in order to

cover subsequent events. At the one extreme the interaction is benign,

yielding no more than some steam (and hydrogen) production while the melt

quickly reagglomerates on the lower reactor vessel head. At the other

extreme an energetic steam explosion occurs. It may be possible to

distinguish intermediate outcomes by the degree to which the vessel

integrity is degraded. In analyzing this phase of the accident scenario,

the important tasks are to determine the likelihood of containment failure

and to define an envelope of corium relocation paths into the containment.

The latter is needed to ensure the assessment of the potential for such a

phenomenon as liner meltthrough.

Consideration should also be given to ex-vessel coolability as the corium

can potentially interact with the concrete. The non-energetic release

(vessel lower head meltthrough) and spreading upon the accessible portions

of the containment floor below the vessel needs to be examined. There is a

great deal of variability in accessible floor area among the various

designs for some PWR cavity designs. The area over which the core debris

could spread is rather small given whole-core melts and the resultant pool

being in excess of 50 cm deep. In the absence of water, all these

configurations would yield concrete attack and decomposition of variable

intensity. In the presence of water (i.e., containment sprays), even deep

pools may be considered quenchable and coolable. However, the possibility

exists for insulating crusts or vapor barriers at the corium-water




Both of these two extremes should be considered. The task is to estimate

the range of containment internal pressures, temperatures, and gas

compositions as well as the extent of concrete floor penetration and

structural attack until the situation has been stabilized. In general,

pressurization from continuing core-concrete interactions (dry case) would

be considerably slower than from coolable debris configurations (wet case)

because of the absence of steam pressurization. As a final and crucial part

of this scenario, one must address the combustible gas effect. This must

include evaluation of the quantities and composition of combustible gases

released to the containment, local inerting and deinerting by steam and

CO2, as well as hydrogen mixing and transport. Also included should be

consideration of gaseous pathways between the cavity and upper containment

volume to confirm the adequacy of communication to support natural

circulation, and recombination of combustible gases in the reactor cavity.

4. General Guidance on Containment Performance

In the approach outlined in this appendix, emphasis is placed on those

areas that would ensure that the IPE process considers the full range of

severe accidents. The IPE process should be directed toward developing a

plant-specific accident management scheme to deal with the probable causes

of poor containment performance at each plant. To achieve these goals, it

is of vital importance to understand how reliable each of the CET estimates

are, and what the driving factors are. Decisions on potential improvements

should be made only after, appropriately considering the sources of

uncertainties. Of course, preventing failure altogether is predicated upon

recovering some containment heat removal capability. Given that in either

case pressurization develops on the time scale of many hours, feasible

recovery actions could be planned as part of accident management.

It is the staff's view that the bulk of phenomenological uncertainties

affecting containment response is associated with the high-pressure

scenarios. Unless the licensee can demonstrate that the primary system can

be reliably depressurized, a low probability of early containment failure

should not be automatically assumed. Similarly, for BWRs it should not be

assumed that the availability of the automatic depressurization system

(ADS) in an event will ensure that reactor vessel failure will always occur

at low pressure, since the operability of the ADS, in some plants, depends

on maintaining a requisite differential pressure between containment and

the reactor coolant systems.

Low-pressure sequences, by comparison, present few remaining areas of

controversy. For BWRs, phenomenological uncertainties are associated with

the behavior of combustibles and the spreading of the corium on the drywell

floor. For PWRs, these areas include the coolability behavior of deep

molten corium pools and the behavior of hydrogen (and other combustibles)

in the containment atmosphere. The staff's views and guidance concerning

each one of these areas is briefly summarized below.

The concerns about deep corium pools arose from experiments with

top-flooded melts that exhibited crust formation and long-term isolation of

the melt from the water coolant. Such noncoolable configurations would

yield continuing concrete attack and a containment loading behavior

significantly different from coolable ones. On the other hand, it has been

pointed out that small-scale



experiments would unrealistically not favor coolability. The staff views

this as an area of uncertainty and recommends that assessments be based on

available cavity (spread) area and an assumed maximum coolable depth of 25

cm. For depths in excess of 25 cm, both the coolable and noncoolable

outcomes should be considered. Along these lines the IPE should document

the geometric details of cavity configuration and flow paths out of the

cavity, including any water drain areas into it as appropriate.

With respect to hydrogen, the staff concerns are related to completeness of

the current understanding of hydrogen mixing and transport. In general,

combustibles accumulate very slowly and only if continuing concrete attack

is postulated. For the larger dry containments, because of the large

containment volume and slow release rates, compositions in the detonable

range may not develop unless significant spatial concentrations exist or

significant steam condensation occurs. In general, the containment

atmosphere under such conditions would exhibit strong natural circulation

currents that would tend to counteract any tendency to stratify. However,

condensation-driven circulation patterns and other potential stratification

mechanisms could limit the extent of the containment volume participating

in the mixing process. For those plants with igniters (ice-condenser and

Mark III plants), the buildup of combustibles from continuing

corium-concrete interactions could be limited by local ignition and

burning. However, oxygen availability as determined from natural

circulation flows could limit the effectiveness of this mechanism.

Finally, in all cases inerting/deinerting thresholds and ignition aspects

need additional attention. The staff recommends that, as part of the IPE,

all geometric details impacting the above phenomena (i.e., heat sink

distribution, circulation paths, ignition sources, water availability, and

gravity drain paths) should be documented in a readily comprehensible form,

together with representative combustible source transients.

For normally inerted BWRs, the concerns with combustibles relate to

potential burns and/or explosion events in deinerted Mark I or Mark II

containments or in the secondary containment building following containment

failure. The staff recommends that, unless deinerting can be

satisfactorily ruled out by probability, its occurrence and consequences

should be included in the event trees. Regarding the secondary

containment, the staff believes that consideration of combustibles in it is

essential with respect to the reactor building effectiveness in limiting

the source term.

Finally, uncertainties arise for all plants because of lack of knowledge on

how the corium will spread following discharge from the reactor vessel.

For Mark I containments, such uncertainties impact the configuration of the

corium-concrete interaction process and also the potential for drywell

liner meltthrough. It is recommended that an assessment of the debris

coolability, based on available water sources, should be performed to

determine the possibility for liner meltthrough. For Mark II containments,

uncertainties are associated with the retention of corium on the drywell

floor (and associated corium-concrete interactions) and the extent of

fuel-coolant interactions in the suppression pool. For PWR containments,

the reactor cavity configuration will influence the potential for direct

attack of the liner by dispersed debris, as well as the potential for

basemat failure or structural failure due to thermal attack. The staff

recommends that the IPE document describe the detailed geometry (including

curbs, standoffs) of the drywell floor.



As discussed earlier, a CET provides a,structured way for a systematic

analysis of containment phenomena. Separate CETs representing the

high-pressure and low-pressure sequences deal with uncertainties discussed


In general terms, and consistent with the overall IPE objectives, the staff

guidance on the approach to the back-end analysis can be summarized as


1. The approach should focus on containment failure mechanisms and

timing. Releases should be based on corresponding release categories

and associated detailed quantifications from reference plant analyses

and applied to the plant being examined.

2. All severe accident sequences that meet the criteria of Appendix 2

should be considered and reported.

3. System/human response should be realistically integrated with

phenomenological aspects into simplified, but realistic, containment

event trees for the plant being examined. Allowance should be made

for the probability of recovery or other accident management

procedures (particularly for long-term responses).

4. The quantification of the containment event trees should both (a)

clearly take into account the expected progression of the accident and

(b) aim to envelop phenomenological behavior (i.e., account for

uncertainties). This implies:

a. Identification of the most probable list of potential containment

failure mechanisms applicable to the plant under consideration

(e.g., see Table 7-1, NUREG/CR-2300).

b. Use of existing structural analyses to determine the ultimate

pressure capability of the containment, i.e., the quasi-static

internal pressure resulting in containment failure. These should

be modified as necessary to take into account any unique aspects

that could substantially modify the range of possible failure


c. Use of available separate-effects analyses for the other

potential containment failure mechanisms to determine other

failure modes to which the plant might be vulnerable. As stated

earlier, there are some severe accident phenomenological issues

(e.g., direct containment heating and containment shell

meltthrough) where research has not produced conclusive results

on the challenges that these phenomena could pose to containment

integrity. Consideration must be given to strategies to deal

with those severe accident issues. For example, although there

appears to be no consensus on whether water availability will

fully quench the debris and keep it coolable and hence prevent

Mark I containment shell meltthrough, there is a broad agreement

that the presence of water will scrub the fission products and

could substantially reduce the radionuclide released even if

containment shell meltthrough were to occur. Utilities should be

aware of these insights and experience when conducting the IPE

and should develop appropriate strategies to deal with those

phenomenological issues while awaiting their generic resolution

as discussed in Section 4 of the IPE generic letter.



d. Development of a plant-specific probability distribution function

of failure likelihood for the range of failure pressures.

e. Any claim of decontamination factors for the secondary

containment in the analyses should consider the possibility of no

natural circulation, resulting in less time for aerosol

deposition, as well as localized hydrogen burns causing reactor

building failure and forcing the reactor building atmosphere out

into the environment.

5. Documentation should be presented concerning how any calculation was

performed, what assumptions have been made, and how these phenomena

couple to other aspects of the analysis. Any use of codes within the

IPE to calculate accident progression up to and including the source

term calculation should be described along with the circumstances

under which the code was used, the version of the code used, any code

revisions used, the key modeling and input assumptions, and the

calculated results.

6. The insights gained from the containment performance analysis should

be factored into the utility's accident management program.





Sequence Selection Criteria

The following screening criteria should be used to determine which

potentially important functional sequences* and functional failures (based

on the procedure established in NUREG/CR-2300) that might lead to core

damage or unusually poor containment performance should be reported to the

NRC in the IPE submittal. They do not represent a threshold for

vulnerability. All numerical values given in this appendix are

"expected"** values.

1. Any functional sequence that contributes 1E-6*** or more per reactor

year to core damage,

2. Any functional sequence that contributes 5% or more to the total core

damage frequency,

3. Any functional sequence that has a core damage frequency greater than

or equal to 1E-6 per reactor year and that leads to containment

failure which can result in a radioactive release magnitude greater

than or equal to the BWR-3 or PWR-4 release categories of WASH-1400,

4. Functional sequences that contribute to a containment bypass frequency

in excess of 1E-7 per reactor year, or

5. Any functional sequences that the utility determines from previous

applicable PRAs or by utility engineering judgment to be important

contributors to core damage frequency or poor containment performance.


  • " Sequence" is used here to mean a set of faults, usually chronological,

that result in the plant consequence of interest, i.e., either a damaged

core or unusually poor containment performance. A systemic sequence is a

set of faulted systems that summarizes by systems a set of component

failures resulting in a damaged core or unusually poor containment

performance. A functional sequence is a set of faulted functions that

summarizes by function a set of systems faults which would result in the

consequence of interest.

    • For those cases where only point estimates are generated, the licensee

shall propose a suitable factor that adjusts the overall value to the

"expected" level.

      • lE-6 denotes abbreviated scientific notation for I x 10-6.





There already is an international consensus that the cause and consequences

of a severe core damage accident can be greatly influenced by the

operator's actions. In addition, the ability of essential equipment to

survive the environment resulting from severe accidents is an important

consideration in mitigating a severe core damage accident and managing its

progression. The failure of essential equipment can (1) incapacitate or

remove systems needed to respond to severe accidents or (2) misinform the


The NRC has initiated a research program to examine the efficacy of generic

accident management strategies. We intend to periodically meet with

industry (NUMARC) to compare the results of our respective programs.

However, the staff has done some preliminary work in defining the key

elements of a severe accident management program.

Since your IPE results will ultimately play a significant role in the

development of such a program for your plant, we are providing you with the

results of our work at this time. The main elements of an accident

management program should address: (1) the organizational responsibilities

and structure needed to direct the responses to a severe accident, (2) the

instrumentation, procedures, and alarms needed to diagnose severe

accidents, and the procedures and equipment needed to accomplish the

functions necessary to prevent and to mitigate leading accidents, and (3)

the procedures and training needed for operators to be skilled in possible

remedial actions.

Suggested Elements of an Accident Management Program

1. Organization

The first element of any severe accident management program is to assign

responsibilities for dealing with these accidents and to identify the

necessary organizational structure.

The utility should decide which operators are to be trained to manage

severe accidents or if a separate evaluation team is to be established to

direct the operators. Clear lines of decision making authority should be

established. For example, if containment venting is an option that could

conceivably be considered during the course of an accident to prevent

overpressure failure, then the person responsible for making that decision

should be clearly identified to all involved personnel. Analyses of

ultimate containment strength, the venting pressure, and the advantages,

disadvantages, and potential consequences should also have been evaluated

beforehand, and the decision makers should be properly trained from the

evaluation results to make an informed decision.

2. Instrumentation and Equipment

Practically every aspect of plant operation is likely to be involved in

accident management. Coordination among the various organizational units

is vital for communicating the status and the control of needed equipment.

It should be clear (1) what information is needed to make decisions, (2)

who is responsible



for obtaining the information, (3) what instruments plant personnel can

rely on to determine the status of the plant, and (4) what essential

equipment is needed to mitigate severe accidents and the time interval for

which it is needed. Survivability of specific equipment needs to be

evaluated by establishing whether the qualification of equipment for design

basis events is sufficient to support the assumed performance of this

equipment during severe accidents.

For sequences with a significant potential to progress beyond core melt,

means of maintaining containment integrity is the main goal. Heat removal

from the containment and retention of fission products are the most

important functions. Equipment needed to accomplish these functions should

have been identified and appropriate preparations made. All reasonable

preparations to enable operators to recognize approaching containment

failure, to assess possible remedial actions, and to accomplish the

necessary functions should be provided. Potentially adverse action should

be identified and evaluated. For example, recovery and initiation of

containment sprays after the containment has a substantial quantity of

steam and hydrogen can condense the steam and may leave a detonable mixture

of hydrogen. Similarly, spraying into a containment that has been vented

could result in a vacuum and possible implosion.

If special equipment might be needed to both prevent and mitigate severe

accidents, provisions might be made to ensure its timely availability. The

responsibility to take such action should be assigned, and the individuals

responsible should know where to procure the needed equipment.

3. Procedures and Training

The accident management plan should be developed to accomplish these

functions for each set of the leading accident sequences despite the

degraded state of the plant. There should be consistency and smooth

transition between the emergency operating procedures and the accident

management plan. The plan should be checked against the existing

organizational structure to ensure that responsibilities for managing each

accident are clearly defined and the responsible personnel are adequately






At a minimum, the following information on the IPE should be documented and

submitted to the NRC:

1. Certification that an IPE has been completed and documented as

requested by the provisions contained in this generic letter. The

certification should also identify the measures taken to ensure the

technical adequacy of the IPE and the validation of the results,

including any uncertainty, sensitivity, and importance analysis.

2. A list of all initiating events, the containment phenomena, and the

damage states examined.

3. All function event trees and containment event trees (including

quantification) as well as all data (including origin and method of

analysis). The fault trees (or equivalent system failure models) for

the systems identified, using the criteria of Appendix 2, as main

contributors to core damage or unusually poor containment performance

should also be provided.

4. The support state models for the IDCOR IPEMs, including descriptions

of all applicable findings from the visual inspections.

5. A description of each functional sequence selected by the criteria of

Appendix 2, including discussion of accident sequence progression,

specific assumptions, and human recovery action.

6. The estimated core damage frequency and the likelihood or conditional

probability of a large release. The timing of significant large

releases for each of the leading functional sequences. A list of

analysis assumptions with their basis should be provided along with

the source of uncertainties.

7. Identification of the USI(s) and GSI(s), if applicable, that have been

assessed to estimate their contribution to the core damage frequency

or to unusually poor containment performance.

8. A description of the technical basis for resolving any USI or GSI when


9. A list of the potential improvements, if any (including equipment

changes as well as changes in maintenance, operating and emergency

procedures, surveillance, staffing, and training programs) that have

been selected for implementation and a schedule for their

implementation or that are already implemented. Include a discussion

of the anticipated benefit as well as any drawbacks.

10. A description of the review performed by a utility party not directly

involved in producing the IPE to evaluate or oversee the IPE review.

11. Documentation on the level of licensee staff involvement in the IPE.



Retained Information

The documentation pertaining to the examination that must be retained by

the utility for the duration of the license or until superseded includes

applicable event trees and fault trees, current versions of the system

notebooks if applicable, walk-through reports, and the results of the

examination. In general, all documents essential to an audit of the

examination should be retained. In addition, the manner in which the

validity of these documents has been ensured must be documented. For any

actions taken by the operators for which credit is allowed in the IPE, the

licensee should establish a plant procedure, to be used by those plant

staff responsible for managing a severe accident should one occur, that

provides assurance that the operators can and will take the required

action. Plant owner groups are encouraged to develop generic guidelines

from which utilities can develop plant-specific accident management

programs and/or procedures.





As part of the Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) program, six limited scope

PRAs were performed under the USI A-45 project, "Shutdown Decay Heat

Removal Requirements," to assess the decay heat removal (DHR) function in

existing plants.* The results showed that DHR-related core damage risk is

in a range, on some plants, where attention may be warranted regarding

whether or not such risks can be lowered in a cost-effective manner. The

results also showed that the sources of DHR-related core damage risk are

highly plant specific.

The following insights have been gained as a result of those six PRAs. The

insights are summarized here in order to assist licensees in the conduct of

their IPEs as they relate to their search for potential core damage risk

associated with DHR-related severe accident sequences. Although licensees

are requested in the generic letter to proceed with the examination only

for internally initiated events at the present time, insights from both

internal and external events are provided in this appendix to indicate what

may be important to decay heat removal function vulnerabilities when

performing the IPE for externally initiated events.

Areas where such cost-effective improvements might be possible were

identified for severe accident sequences initiated by transients and

small-break loss-of-coolant accidents and were frequently related to lack

of redundancy, separation,and physical protection in safety trains for

internal fires, floods, sabotage, and seismic events.

Such areas for possible improvement were particularly apparent in plant

support systems. At the support system level, there is often less

redundancy, less separation and independence between trains, poorer overall

general arrangement of equipment from a safety viewpoint, and much more

system sharing as compared to the higher level systems. These situations

suggest the possible need to investigate corrective actions that could

reduce the probability that single events such as a fire, flood, or insider

sabotage could disable multiple trains (or single trains with a multiple

purpose) thereby creating an inability to cool the plant.

_____________________ * See the following NUREG/CR reports:

4448, "Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a General Electric BWR3/

Mark I," March 1987.

4458, "Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a Westinghouse 2-Loop

Pressurized Water Reactor," March 1987.

4713, "Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a Babcock and Wilcox

Pressurized Water Reactor," March 1987.

4762, "Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a Westinghouse 3-Loop

Pressurized Water Reactor," March 1987.

4767, "Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a General Electric

BWR4/Mark I," July 1987.

4710, "Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a Combustion Engineering

Pressurized Water Reactor," July 1987.



Human errors were found to be of special significance. The six studies

modeled errors of omission (e.g., delays or failures in performing

specified actions), and it was found that in many cases the resulting risk

was very sensitive to the assumptions made and to the way such errors were


Consequently, great care is warranted in the development of human error

models. In addition, it is likely that errors of commission are also

important (i.e., where the operator misdiagnoses a situation and takes an

improper action that is not be related to the actual, current plant

situation). Although such "cognitive" errors are much more difficult to

model, efforts to take them into account will result in a more complete

picture of DHR-related risk.

Of equal importance to human errors is the credit that is allowed for

recovery actions, which can have a very significant effect upon the

resulting risk. Some of the more important recovery actions are recovering

offsite power, fixing local faults of batteries or diesel generators,

actuating safety systems manually, realigning auxiliary feedwater steam and

feedwater flowpaths, and manually opening locally failed motor-operated

valves. Considering the importance of such human recovery actions,

considerable effort is justified in the development of the methods and

assumptions used in these areas.

Transient events that are initiated or influenced by a loss of offsite

power were found to contribute significantly to risk. A new rule, 10 CFR

50.63, has been issued June 21, 1988 (53 FR 23203) as a resolution to USI

A-44, "Station Blackout." Implementation of this rule will reduce the risk

from such events.

For PWRs, the ability to cool the plant through "feed and bleed" operations

could have a significant effect upon the DHR-related core damage risk.

However, care must be taken that feed and bleed operations would actually

be undertaken in a real emergency situation in sufficient time to prevent

core uncovery and subsequent damage. In view of the potential benefits,

significant effort might be justifiable in ensuring that procedures and

training are actually in place sufficient to warrant credit for feed and

bleed cooling.

Just as the origins of DHR-related risk are plant specific, the effects of

corrective actions are also quite plant specific and must be evaluated on a

plant-by-plant basis. In choosing which potential corrective actions to

investigate in more detail, a general principle is that the modifications

having the highest potential for reducing the risk, for the lowest cost,

will be those that increase the redundancy or availability of systems

shared between units.

In summary, both the DHR-related risk and the effects of various corrective

actions are highly plant specific. The dominant risks are divided between

internal and external causes, and the areas of support systems and human

response are of particular significance. Studies show that various cost-

effective corrective actions may be possible to reduce DHR-related core

damage risk after its source has been identified.





(Excerpted from SECY 88-147)

The Commission has ongoing a number of programs related to severe accident

behavior in operating light water reactors. Each program addresses a

specific aspect of severe accident behavior and may in fact result in a

proposed specific action on the part of the staff or Commission towards the

regulated industry. However, neither the staff nor Commission has yet

defined for the industry which programs are critical to resolving the

severe accident issues for their plants and what specific steps must be

taken by each licensee to achieve this resolution.

Completion of this resolution process is termed "closure" of severe

accident issues. Actions resulting from two tracks; namely, generic issues

and plant-specific issues, must be taken for severe accident closure.

Closure for generic severe accident issues will be obtained when the

Commission takes action in the form of rulemaking, or states whatever its

required approach is. Closure for plant-specific severe accident issues

will be obtained when each licensee has completed certain evaluations and

implemented certain programs such that events which comprise the dominant

contributions to risk for each plant are identified and that practical

enhancements to the design, procedures, and operation are made such that

further improvements can no longer be justified by backfit analysis

pursuant to 10 CFR 50.109. However, specific plant and operational

improvements may be identified which do not meet the backfit rule, but if

implemented, would significantly alter the risk profile of the plant,

improve the balance of reliance on both prevention and mitigation, or

substantively reduce uncertainties in our understanding. Any such

improvements identified will be brought forward to the Commission with

recommended action on a case-by-case basis. Closure of a single issue or

combination of issues is achieved when the above is satisfied for that

issue or those issues addressed.

It should be noted that "closure" does not imply that all severe accident

activities will cease. Certain activities, such as research in the areas

of severe accident phenomena and human performance will continue beyond

"closure." These activities are designed to provide confirmation of

previous judgments. It is expected that as a result of continuing

research, experience, and other activities, additional issues or questions

regarding judgments related to severe accidents may arise. These will be

considered and disposed of on a case-by-case basis, and are not expected to

bring into question the previous conclusions regarding closure.

The following sections describe in detail the steps that each licensee is

expected to complete in order to achieve severe accident closure for each

of its operating reactors.



1. Completing Individual Plant Examinations (IPEs)

The IPE program is intended to be "an integrated systematic approach to an

examination of each nuclear power plant now operating or under construction

for possible significant risk contributors (sometimes called "outliers")

that might be plant specific and might be missed absent a systematic


Each licensee is expected to perform an IPE using a method acceptable to

the staff. As will be described in the staff generic letter implementing

the IPE, the staff expects that in many cases utilities, in the performance

of their IPEs, may find and will voluntarily remedy uncovered

vulnerabilities by making the necessary safety improvements (conforming to

the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59). However, through the review of IPE

submittals, the staff may find it necessary to employ established

plant-specific backfit criteria to assure that justifiable corrections are


For the phase of the evaluation associated with identification of dominant

core melt sequences (commonly referred to as the "front end" analysis of a

PRA), there is little controversy regarding methods, and we expect the

industry decision process with respect to potential modifications to be

straightforward. For the phase of the evaluation associated with core

melting, release of molten core to the containment, and containment

performance, the staff recognizes that for a few of the phenomena, notably

in areas which affect containment performance, there is a wide range of

views about their relative probability as well as their consequences. For

these issues additional research and evaluations will be needed to help

reduce the wide range of uncertainties. Because of concern over the ability

of containments to perform well during some severe accidents, the staff is

conducting a Containment Performance Improvements Program (for more details

see Item 3 below). This program complements the IPE program and is

intended to focus on resolving generic containment challenges, including

issues associated with the phenomena mentioned above.

The NRC and industry currently have ongoing research programs to address

these few issues. However, until a sufficient understanding of these

phenomena is developed, each licensee will be faced with the need to be

able to understand the potential range of probabilities and consequences

associated with these issues.

Accordingly, we would expect each licensee to implement a Severe Accident

Management Program which provides training and guidance to their

operational and technical staff on understanding and recognizing the

potential consequences of these phenomena.

We do not plan to require a licensee to consider external events in its IPE

at this time. The staff is currently studying methods it would find

acceptable for examining plants for severe accident vulnerabilities from

external events, and will be meeting with NUMARC regarding these methods as

well as the scope of an external event examination. We expect completion

of the methods development within 12 to 18 months. Closure with respect to

external events will be achieved upon completion of an examination of each

plant, as needed, for external event vulnerabilities consistent with the

conclusions of the staff studies described above.



2. Accident Management.

The staff has concluded that significant risk reductions can be achieved

through effective severe accident management. We also believe that the IPE

conclusions reached by licensees for their plants will explicitly rely on

certain operator actions, or on operators not taking actions which could

adversely affect both the probability and consequences of a severe


Hence, a key element to severe accident closure for each plant will be the

implementation of a Severe Accident Management Program. Since information

on severe accident phenomena and effective accident management strategies

will continue to be developed by both NRC and industry over the next

several,years, closure is not predicated on having a "complete" accident

management program in place. Rather, closure is based on each licensee

having an Accident Management Program framework in place, that can be

expanded, modified, etc. to accommodate new information as it is developed.

3. Containment Performance Improvements

As a result of concerns related to the ability of containments to withstand

some generic challenges associated with severe accidents, the staff has

undertaken a program to determine what, if any, actions should be taken to

reduce the vulnerability of containments to severe accident challenges, and

to reduce the magnitude of releases that might result from such challenges.

Staff efforts have first focused on the BWR MARK I containment. The staff

studies are primarily focused on the potential generic vulnerabilities of

these containments, and not plant unique vulnerabilities, which is the

primary focus of the IPEs. The staff schedule calls for an interim report

on BWR MARK Is to be submitted to the Commission in June of this year, with

final recommendations due in the fall of this year. The other types of

containments are to be assessed by the fall of 1989.

The IPE generic letter is now expected to be issued by July of this year,

and licensees will have approximately four months to respond identifying

their plan for conducting the IPEs. Following the four-month period, it is

expected they will commence with their IPEs. It is further expected that

any modifications to Mark I containments that the staff may recommend will

be available to the industry before they start their IPEs. For the other

containment types, the fact that any staff recommendations will not be

available until after they have commenced with their IPEs is a concern.

However, the IPE generic letter will state that the staff does not expect

the industry to make any major modifications to their containments until

the information associated with the generic issues which affect containment

performance has been developed by the staff. Hence, the industry will not

be placed in a position of having to implement improvements before all

containment performance decisions have been made.

4. Use of Safety Goal in the Closure Process

The staff expects to use safety goal policy and objectives, including the

10(-6)/reactor-year "large release" guideline, to assist in the resolution

and 10 closure of severe accident issues. Resolution and closure of issues

are expected to be of two different types, either plant unique or generic.




goals and objectives are to be used only for the resolution of generic

issues, i.e., severe accident issues common to a defined generic class of

plants. Resolution of plant unique issues is to be accomplished on a case

by case basis,using the information developed by Individual Plant

Examinations (IPE) as is described in Section 1.

The staff is preparing a Safety Goal Policy Implementation Plan (Revised)

that incorporates the following, as directed by the Commission (Staff

Requirements Memorandum dated November 6, 1987):

(1) Information on how the staff proposes to implement OGC guidance on the

use of averted on-site costs in backfit analyses.

(2) Whether averted off-site property damage costs should be included in a

more explicit manner in backfit analyses.

(3) Whether $1,000/person-rem remains an appropriate cost/benefit


(4) A discussion of options for defining a "large release."

(5) A discussion of options for specifying appropriate plant performance


(6) Responses to Commissioner Bernthal's questions regarding population

density considerations, and whether it would be acceptable for a plant

to have no containment if it met the large release criterion by

prevention of core melt (core damage) alone.

This plan will also reflect the consideration given by the staff to ACRS

recommendations and the results of several meetings with the ACRS on this


Resolution of severe accident generic issues using safety goal objectives

is expected to proceed as follows. PRA information from a variety of

sources, including both staff generated PRAs, (e.g., NUREG-1150) and

utility generated PRAs (IPE) will be used to make comparisons with

applicable safety goal objectives in accordance with the implementation

plan. The staff will identify the reasons why particular plants appear to

meet or not meet these objectives and assess these reasons in relation to

current regulatory requirements. This assessment will constitute a testing

of the effectiveness of these requirements or their implementation and is

expected to result in the identification of potential changes to regulatory

requirements that, for some plants, would be expected to result in safety

enhancements. These, in turn, will be subject to appropriate regulatory

analysis as provided in the Commission's backfit rule 10 CFR 50.109. Those

that can be shown to provide substantial safety benefit and are

cost-effective will be proposed to the Commission for backfit, possibly in

the form of rulemaking. The staff expects that this process would have no

impact on classes of plants for which there is reasonable assurance that

safety goal objectives are met. This expectation is based upon the intent

to identify those features of design and/or performance that are already in

place at plants meeting safety goal objectives and to structure any new

requirements such that they do not require changes or additions at these




The staff's revised Safety Goal Implementation Plan is scheduled to reach

the Commission in August, 1988. The first application is expected to be

reflected in the staff's recommendations to the Commission in the Fall of

1988 on potential improvements to BWR MARK I severe accident containment


5. Summary of Closure Process

In summary, the steps which each licensee is expected to take to achieve

closure on severe accidents for its plants are as follows:

o Complete the IPEs; identify potential improvements, evaluate and fix

as appropriate.

o Develop and implement a framework for an Accident Management Program

that can accommodate new information as it is developed.

o Implement any Commission-approved generic requirements resulting from

the staff Containment Performance Improvement Program; this should

constitute closure of containment performance generic issues.

While programs for improved plant operations and research in the area of

severe accidents will continue, completion of the above by a licensee is

considered to constitute "closure" of the severe accident issue for the

plant in question. Specific issues that may arise in the future as a result

of ongoing research will be treated on a case-by-case basis and will not

affect the closure process.





IDCOR Reports

Tech. Report No. Title

1.1 Safety Goal/Evaluation Implications for IDCOR

2.1 Ground Rules for Industry Degraded Rule Making Program

3.1 Define Initial Likely Sequences

3.2 Assess Dominant Sequences

3.3 Selection of Dominant Sequences

4.1 Containment Event Trees

5.1 Human Error Effects on Dominant Sequences

6.1 Risk Significant Profile for ESF and Other Equipment

7.1 Baseline Risk Profile for Current Generation Plants

9.1 Preventive Methods to Arrest Sequences of Events

Prior to Core Damage w/Revision 1

10.1 Containment Structural Capability of LWRs

11.1/11.5 Estimation of Fission Product and Core Material


11.2 Identifying Pathways of Fission Product Transport

11.3 Fission Product Transport in Degraded Core Accidents

11.6 Resuspension of Deposited Aerosols

11.7 FAI Aerosol Correlation

12.1 Hydrogen Generation During Severe Core Damage Sequences

12.2 Hydrogen Distribution in Reactor Containment Buildings

12.3 Hydrogen Combustion in Reactor Containment Buildings

13.2-3 Evaluation of Means to Prevent, Suppress or Control

Hydrogen Burning in Reactor Containments

14.1A Key Phenomenological Models for Assessing Explosive

Steam Generation Rates

14.1B Key Phenomenological Models for Assessing Non-Explosive

Steam Generation Rates

15.1 Analysis of In-Vessel Core Melt Progression

15.1A In-Vessel Core Melt Progression Phenomena

15.1B In Vessel Core Melt Progression Phenomena

15.2A Effect of Core Melt Accidents on PWRs with Top Entry


15.2B Final Report on Debris Coolability, Vessel Penetration,

and Debris Dispersal

15.3 Core-Concrete Interactions

16.1 Assess Available Codes, Define Use and Follow and

Support Ongoing Activities

16.1A Review of MAAP PWR and BWR Codes

16.2-3 MAAP Modular Accident Analysis Program User's Manual,

Vols. I & II

16.4 Analysis to Support MAAP Phenomenological Models

17 Equipment Survivability



ATTACHMENT 2 (Continued)

17.5 Draft Final Report: An Investigation of

High-Temperature Accident Conditions for Mark-1

Containment Vessels

18.1 Evaluation of Atmospheric and Liquid Pathway Dose

18.2 Completion of Conditional Complementary Cumulative

Distribution Functions

19.1 Alternate Containment Concepts

20.1 Core Retention Devices

21.1 Risk Reduction Potential

22.1 Safe Stable States

23.1 Uncertainty Studies for PB, GG, Zion, Sequoyah

23.1B Peach Bottom - Integrated Containment Analysis

23.1Z Zion - Integrated Containment Analysis

23.1S Sequoyah - Integrated Containment Analysis

23.1GG Grand Gulf - Integrated Containment Analysis

23.4 MAAP Uncertainty Analysis

23.5 Containment Bypass Analysis

24.4 Operator Response to Severe Accidents

85.1 IDCOR 85 Program Plan

85.2 Technical Support for Issue Resolution

85.3 IPEM A1 Thru B2

IPE Applications PB, Susquehanna, Zion, Oconee,

BWR User's Guide

85.4 Reassessment of Emergency Planning Requirements

With Present Source Terms

85.5A Revised Source Terms

85.5B Source Terms and Emergency Planning

86.20C Verification of IPE for Oconee

86.3A2 IPE Source Term Methodology for PWRs

86.3B2 IPE Source term Methodology for BWRs

86.20G Verification of IPE for Grand Gulf

86.25H Verification of IPE for Shoreham



NRC and NRC Contractor Reports

Tech. Report No. Title

NUREG-0956 Reassessment of the Technical Bases for

Estimating Source Term

NUREG-1032 Evaluation of ion Blackout Accidents at

Nuclear Power Plants

NUREG-1037 Containment Performance Working Group Report

NUREG-1079 Estimates of Early Containment Loads from Core

Melt Accidents

NUREG-1116 A Review of the Current Understanding of the

Potential for Containment Failure from

In-Vessel Steam Explosions

NUREG-1150 Volumes 1-3 Reactor Risk Reference Document

NUREG-1265 Uncertainty Papers on Severe Accident Source


NUREG/CR-2300 PRA Proceed Guide

NUREG/CR-2815 Probabilistic Safety Assessment Procedures


NUREG/CR-4177 Volumes 1-2 Management of Severe Accidents

NUREG/CR-4458 Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a

Westinghouse 2-Loop PWR

NUREG/CR-4550 Volumes 1-4 Analysis of Core Damage Frequency from

Internal Events

NUREG/CR-4551 Volumes 1-4 Evaluation of Severe Accident Risks and the

Potential for Risk Reduction

NUREG/CR-4696 Containment Venting Analysis for the Peach

Bottom Atomic Power Station

NUREG/CR-4700 Volumes 1-4 Containment Event Analysis for Postulated

Severe Accidents

NUREG/CR-4767 Shutdown Decay Heat Removal Analysis of a GE

BWR4/Mark I

NUREG/CR-4881 Fission Product Release Characteristics into

Containment Under Design Basis and Severe

Accident Conditions

NUREG/CR-4883 Review of Research on Uncertainties in

Estimates of Source Terms from Severe

Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants

NUREG/CR-4920 Volumes 1-5 Assessment of Severe Accident Prevention and

Mitigation Features

NUREG/CR-5132 Severe Accident Insights Report