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Forwards News Article Re NRC Concern W/Qa.One Area Previously Unspecified Now Identified as Potential Significant Deficiency Incident 8 Re Common Foundation Mat Radial Cracks Inside Ring Wall
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/03/1983
From: Ridenhour R
To: Fort J
Shared Package
ML19283C096 List:
FOIA-83-624 NUDOCS 8402240156
Download: ML20086N970 (5)


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&l>mxuonamGAMBITPUBLICATIONS Ta. m n C nn-n=m.o

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agMABWect anew Odeems Fankles pF' # jD c<m H5N.3ampath Nee 0dem,14.fam pegaMess .

p [6# 7 sear 3, 1983 '

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Mr. Jim part . i ,,,t a

louisin a Fever & Light

',I F. C. Bar 6308 Wee Orlenas,Isaisiana 70174 2 Jd'

( [. ' t _.'

Dear Jia- '-

< m'l g.

As you any have noticed, we reported in the enciesed article (April 23 - April 29) that the 35tc is leeking into eartata areas of quality assurance at Waterford. We mened tes of these areas, but the third was an unspecified potential significant constructima defi-ciancy. We are now in passessies of ses desumsats specifying that ~

probles. It is identified "petential significant deficioney incident no. 8. Radial cracks - Common Pendation Mat insida Ring Wall."

His infomstion is sentained ta a opuar letter fram D. L. Asse11 to R. E. Stapley and other documents reporttag to Stanpley the emn-tents of a "1"elephone commetisatise" LFSL QA manager A. E. Headoreen l anda at 8:00 as on August 1,1977, to N. G. Habscek of NRC Regian IV.

AccorcLing to the summary contained en the "decumentation of telephens causamiestia: s" fort, Henderson %Wed the fo41 ewing to Mr. Ribacek

- 'Wster seeping fica radial cracks in the Ceeman Foundation Mat with-in the ring wall has been detected. His condition will require eval-untion. A nonconformance has been written describing this condition.'

This was reported as a potential significant deficiency."

We also have a copy of a stop work order, dated 7-26-77, issued under the folleeing heading: "BBAstD Services, quality Engineering,

. Waterford SBS - Unit No 3". Ameseding to this step work order, the '

activity it affected was "the asserete placement and related work with.

in the riagwall underneath the steel castainannt structure." h step j

warh orderofalso

" formation says cracks that with the reassa apparent for the sospego stop w)ork (mosping en the order is the commes Poundatism Mst surface within the ring on11 area. De intest of the 8tep Work Order issued with Repset 33 (5-2627 uns to provost any installation which would make the cracks inescessible." N action recaussaded on the step work order is the "anyping of the cracks with pp anrequired."

evaluation by Concrete Hydraulias Engineering and subsequent repair ,

'4' .

Although these are relatively old documents dealing with a twistively old probles, we are told that the pesbism they indicate is an entremely 8402240156 831209 PDR FOIA

  • j GARDEB3-624 PDR ,

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- rRr. m ' s 14:32 LA P:utRRIGmco nu;Iats un P.m k i

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/ Mr. Jim Port -

Nay 3, 19S3

} Page 2

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> serious. one, a probics which osuld raise profeed questicas about the integrity of the containment vessel itself, especially if the erseks were not properly sealed or if the findamostal assineering probisms of which the cracks ass saly symptoms were not effectively solved.  !

We vauld like you to make available to us semesse fres LP4L's Waterford staff who is familiar with this probles, and the amaner la which it tras solved (providing that it uss). We meerstand that the underlying cause of the eracking beneath the cantaimasat vosas! was i a staber of manticipated engineerlag difficulties revolving aromd l the inability to control hydrostatic pressures in the subseils W the commun fondation nat. Although me are seeking the opinians of <

szpert casultants en the significance of these proklams and their potential for affecting Waterfords's safe operation, we hope that you )

will make availabic to us sensene from D4L's staff dio een provide i


us with D4L's view of these problems and the adequacy of the ammer with dtich yon resolved the questians about them.

We also ask that you pcwride as with a copy of Report N3 @-2627 and any other documents that will further our imderstandtag of this l issue.~,,

s v Pm Ridenhour

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~ M ER M l 4RC % coking into" Waterford Ill

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prosram thet ultimately led to the rejection still awaldna a list of speelfse questions of four crideal safety systems by LPAL, an Udall's staffers have prominas to pmvide.

. du Reguletory Com- NRc ordse to retain the employees of at Gentbit has learned that NRC 6fft: inh mission offid:M, Under Ieen two subcontatms and subnantial involnd in the impaction of LPAL quality

\ PfM from a e I rewode on the four systems at a so.far unspecified cost:

assurance and quality control prosrams during May, June, and July.1982, orisi-nal. 8D b M E5 D e DU i

. - an muspedfied potentially significant netly letanded to impose a larger flee on

f. Oking IntO" thro.'. .nep;trate construction deffdency. LPAL for "deficiendes involving QA i AS Of quality assumng NRC officiels from the Offlee of Rome. records and actual construction pracdoes"

!!Od NUC5tions at LoUISME ter anotheOmmMW at W W m d. N M m W of i and Enforcementhave agreed to pursue the the larger fine, henvuver, and interended in j et and Light Co.mpany's Waterford questions rabad by Udan'e staffinvestiga. the oompany's behalf, sucessifully arguing j mclar power plant on Wednesday

  • tors, according to Joense. Robert Purple, that since LPAL quality assuraner officials j 120, an assittant to NRC Commis- the Deputy Directae of the NRC's Division ortginally broinght the prol 4 ems cited in the
r V&ctor Gilinsky has told GambJr. of Licendag, part of the Omce or Reector Deoseber 6,1982. lavpection report to the j = cording to James Jcwen, technical Regulation, told Gambit that he attended steention of the NRC, the fine should be tant to OHinsky, he taes with nafTla, the meeting and agreed to pursue the ques. reduoed. That process resuhod in the j gatop fran U.S. Rep-em&tive Mor- . tions that were ralped in it, ahhough It is too $20,000 penalty finally levied asalast the

! 'dall s Subcommittee on :he sy and i

, early to en11 his inquiry an "offidal in. sni11ty la JArd,198. LP&L e6st a lecar

! wirironment on Tur*dey. April 19, to - - vestigation." According to Purple, he is to the NRC eding that that penalty also t*e ,

I una possible problems in the qus11ty -

~- -

i rance presram at W uerfod, beated 3 tilem uprive from New OrWits at Ta(t,

.lstana. ,

dall's staff inves'lsntors, who con.

ed that the me-'ine coeurmi, sated the

to loot, into thr*e re ib' prr+1 -n s in the quality a.'sur.*n'e Wrnm at j erford

j contra:t dispute lee *n LP4L and

nanufa:turer of the nu:Hr r~etor at

! erford that may have revultert in a j

opled c u'snty assuren e* rretre.m" d ur.

a critical staae or the recor's deslan menufa:ture, ralshut rerieus quntions at the unit's safety; i otentirtl irregularidet in t}v f:mdllr3 .

i 1 NRC in:poetion repo*t and r*ulting 000 p:mity of LPAL for the break-n or its quality assurance ove-sight -

' Mddints.'Esfycr u

m. g. . n _ a An inquiry, nct an

'ficibiinvestigatlan 4t:rford !!! and the nrrounding

  • 2r satimates that sa many -

00 people c2uld dis in New Crleans s area around Waterford if an sod-e the one that came within minutes arring at Three MUs Island in 1979 hrppen at Waterford. Dlublo Cut.

isnmer and Midlands,nueleat powar in Cr.lifornia, Ohio and Michigan c IOO57c completed as (6.r as cou.

2n is con::traed, have never bwn up and many predi::t that they will actsae. Tnc reason: faul:y quality

.cc programs implemented by the

.ction p:rrnit liolding taliitica have profuuna qbestions regarding their to w2thstand accidenta that could .

substatial loss of life, a:renional statiers are reportedly aed that the quality a.uurance prob- l

,iecified in the Decemb:r 6,19e2, ion report- on Waterford may

.cctive of fer Ihrger probleme. NRC getors have been asked to discoverif pection report knd the reduced fine eLis an attempt to minimize the true nions of the. breakdown in the qual-

.arance program at Wate.-ford.

.D's staff al o asked NRC invettis,a-l ObiLin cop s of all CO!Tc 3)alldcacc I a LP.LL. ELASCO 5:rvaes. Inc.

smbu. tion Engineering dealir.3 the .

of the cc,ntract alspute betv.cun a nd CE over the cost of CE's qudity program for W.ncrford.

umcnu ob dned by Garabis e

i 5

wr.w t-tru-r.wtwrrrears vag; v

i .. urging thnt it be eliminatzd ' that C:mbration Enginearlag told LP&L 'l CE's QA prognan ict WClerford is c !

i .:r. memo from en LP&L QA cuditor r:part-

Region IV, the region reipw.ible ling with Waterford !!!, hn b
en diat they andwould set ofsnanntain thandated quality assurance program for the design manufacture the NRC Water
  • CE's Wuerford *I ing dudng QA psogram the discovery a of serio icci of congressional Investig.tions ' ford's nuclear reactor and other safety- ! Dec.,1976 audit of CE's QA records at :

.he last year for allowing targets of related components for what is called the ' their Chattanooga plant. According to the ve stig ations to change inves:ig ascry nuclear steam supply syssem unless LP&L . memo.CombustionEngineeringpersonnel sent to steer the LP&L/EBASCO auditing I be fore they a re officially published. metCE'sdemands foratleast$4 millionin 4 ce that is in direct contradiction of additlonal payments. Although Combus I team away from " sensitive" areas during -

i quistions. A staff investigator for tion Engineering fre.;uently claimed to be . the audit brought it to a halt when they i

ht and Investigation: Sub:ommit- marting the NRC QA requirements during l discovered the auditors

  • Intention to report

. .nc } louse Committee on Interior the dispute which covemd a period of at - certain deficiencies they were finding.

l a uh.r Affairs, the congresslorial Of Helids imm both LPAL and Combus-least sla and a half tec cnarged with oversight of the j spondencebetween years ki the the companics corre-Gumbir l . tion Engineerir..: have si.mied that any

! - Regulutory Comniiss!on, told has obtained, the last le tter in the sequerice, ! serious problent:, awr o.itted in CE's

th6t LP&L'sintercession to redu;s date LSeptember 16,1977, tells LP&L that Waletford QA progr rr., but they have of th
penahy onginnilyintende.i to CE has always adhered to the QA stan- l refused to provide requestod documenta-J :sse.1 i.galast the company rtLss 'dards agreed to between them in their tion backing up their assertions as well as ueiuons. griginal contract, standards that are far refusing to respand to detailed questions sty mutan::cis a comples pro.r m below those required by the NRC. Further Gumbir lias subinitted to them concerning C1equires allcompaniesinvolvedin . kddingtothedoubtsabouttheadequacyof I thecontroversy. as
.n. manufacture, constructio e or -
an of nuclear power plants,. fusi l . or rsiated components to maintain r to guarantee the safe construction

, err. tion of the plants and protect the igainst serloas accidents. A studyof

.mants .I l An inquirys notan l 'ficialinvestigation j

! aterford I!! and the surrcunding *

{ ir instar.ce, dstsmated that sa many f W people esuid die in New Or* cans

!  : crea around Waterior.d if an acci.

l <c the one that came within minutes

Arring at Three Mile Island in 1979

, heppen at Waterford. Diablo Can.

i irnmer and Midlands. nuclear powar

! in Cnhfornia, Ohio and Michipn j c 200% completed as far ma con-an is conceraod, have never been up had many predict that they will w erm. The tc.tsom fauhy qu lity

.ca. f.o.,,, rana bnpleinmt<.J by the

.cno.. p:rmis-hulding utiiin henvc p3 Dis. 'iJ C,t. 3nons ridarding their tu V ..a. stand .#oensa thist could buldt '.tial lieu of life, gre.. ion:1 si tiers are repr r:c.1ty l