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Forwards Outline of Reactor Operation Training Program Scheduled for Early 1970
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island, Crystal River  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/1968
From: Thomas C
To: Rodgers J
Shared Package
ML20085A715 List:
TASK-*, TASK-GB FPC-151, GPU-0519, GPU-519, NUDOCS 8307070074
Download: ML20085A709 (6)


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..r. . T. 5:i_trs, Dirc: tor .

Pover utrirg & C: .-.ruction. Dept. ,

Florics ?:ver.**.:r,cratics P. O. 2c c IL*12 St. . ?ccr:1-= c, 71:rida 33733 p /T y *

  • Sub, ject: 0:7:tsi ?.iver Plant, Unit E:. 3 ,e W

Ess: : c creter Trainiac Frc:-rs= ,0< , _\

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3":L:c?. Pia:T sr/fr, Florih 7c :.- ::r;.:re.-ion,

  • A;ril, 1967 F. R. T, (2) Letter, ??c-18, "creretor crchus 7;:.- a:",

my 5. .wST. ;iUG 261969

~ '

G) Intsce, de-36, "c;erater Trair.1:g Pre rs= ,

July 25, 1967 (1) letter, ??c-93, "cryistal ?.1 rer : .s.=t, nit so. 3 Craisir.c 3 ochure",1:ar:h 12, .*265.* .

(5) Letter ***. C. hy to Fred J. ~~cr:ss .u 2 27, 1968.

i Dcar :*r. 3:!.gers:

On Mrrch CS, ;?GS, Yessrs. R. R. Scach, J. C. Debens, L:t F. Cor:au of EaV presented t: 71:ridt ??.tr Corporation ;cr::::21 the rtatus of AEC reactor t . ,

operr.ter li:t13e rer.: ire ents and* the cf 1*,*J's ;2 ass to procure a

  • trainir.g zi: :In:r. 7:e 3,urpose of the traisi g zi=:.~ ttcr is to replace the
  • y c;ers-ic t*. es,srie: e a.t a ec parable res:ts: rar:irei 17 the AE0 for

\ Q licom. ting. " se sh:1 ster has now been criered 17 17.* f:: '.clivery in lace 1969 asi v'*~ % *-sta.11cd in a new traini:g center ;rtzer.tly bein con-hk structei h 17: hicrg, Virginis. The fa:ility 's -ez,s:ted to be ready for etr!7 i: 1970.

9 In accords :e vhh our previous discussic s vith 7::, 'vc'-a;;;;ose, for your d cencid.::t:i::, -ilizatier. of the B&V ?"J. Si= ~.s--- T&~4 *ynchburg E  ? col ?.*::.:::: **JI) ir. the trsining of ycur c;sruhr ;ers:r.rel who vill' cycrate 0 7: *. 7.iver t.*ait Co. 3. The FP " "* st:: .rthing presra= as i

, e5 k -

resost".y ;*. r. i prev 2 ?' r a ten-ve
?. ect-3e c :t hhs :lt:srcos traini==Tac 4 asi op1rt-ht 31 trahin- using hands-en c;erttic. cf -h*  ?'O. fi ulater.

.cf *g*

. e 8. propcze'. use :f the ~7:chturg Pool Reacter Ir:riie: sterste:/ and cperatic. 1 al trr.ishg h :--:rr.ti:c a:tual reactor c;er. h: h r:~.*-hg .3 q p go y[{$ ,

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Ecbcoch M*.'ibcx .

Fr. J. T. EoJ ,ers .

August 8, loc 8

' reacter sisrtu; , 7ais trainir.c in c:r.Jur.:ti:n with the propoced tr:.inir.c 8 on the 21*** F.7. Si= ulster can fulfill r.ll cf the ree:ter startupc' r: quired by the AI"; f:r licensing of reacter c;crr.tcr:.

We propc:e to provide the tes-veck cou-:a: in T"."' Sir.ulstor traini c .(ped of


Phsse I*.*) cer.erally a,s decerited in atte.:ha.1 ':r.tle 3. starting in . July,1970.

The detc.i* s cf the course *=:terini are sutJ t:t' to clicht modification durir.g.

the final ;r.:pration of instructic: :sterisl. **e a are pleased to quote far this pr:grsr.~s price of t iligi ,h: 2,ar.d.,d:11srs ($200,000) for train,1,gg a 12-::: gr:up._, We furth@cr quote ,a pri:e Of cae h : dred thousand^f.ollars s

($100,CO*u f:r an additional group cf sJx (C) =cn. This quotati'en is sutJcet

,to the esst 'ter=s and cenditions s's~ cur L'utlear Stecs Cupply Cor.trict A12-10S' dated Csycster 10, 1967 The above pricos caly the additienal R&W cei:t for cc:d : ting the fR Si=ulstor trainisc, fr.:le31sc the use of SW facilities, perso, and trainin; r.sterials duri:g the .er.-vech progran. This quotation enlu.ies ths.t pcrtion of the classroc . tre.!:Ir.c ;resently in Phases III and I7 and in:1udei in the present USS Contrs=t. The salaries a .d expenses of FPC persor.nel shall be by Florida Pover. A cn the two-veut program utilizing the Lfnchburg Pool Eeactor as ;rcrc '.ei in Tr.bic 2, " Tentative Course Outlir.e, .Ir.treduction to Reactor 0;sratter.: and Practical Reacter Physics",

  • i vill te ser.*. to you in the near future. .

< 34'J has fatricated's mockup of the console of the powcr.pinr.t si=ulator. **e

  • invite you and your personnel to visit lyt:hturg to inspect this concole =ech-up and to discuss the sir:ulator training yrrgran further as you mey desir'c.

We ree : er.f that you discuss your overal* c;ers.tcr training proces:, including trainia;; cs the B&W PV3 Sisulator, with the C;erator Licensing Branch, USAF.C, (Mr. Tra:1 relly, Branch Chief). I. request thst 3W participate with you'in ,

a.v discussiens that, may take place with this trasch of the AIC.

- Please advice if any 'further infor. stion is required to enable yoe to make an .

early decision on this quotation. ' - . .

I i

RT.SPOSEE '"O yPC I.rl"fFR DATED JU':t 2't,1943:

i Refere:ce (5) requested that ve add.-ess oc.rselves to certain question's when sute.itting thic proposal., Cur res; to iir. F.ay's questi.ons follovs: .

l I

- 1. As the ;rescr.t time, the AEC the d'iffievity that' vill te ex-l perier.:ed in providing. nuclear pover ststics.experiu.ce for the. great nu ter of resetor operators which eill te rcquired by the ele.ctrical .

utilitics. In addition, the ve.lue of tics s; cat in an operating pis=t

  • could be limited, since durinC a:7 four to six-=on'.h period of tice, a ,

ple .t could be base loaded and so site.ificant operating experienee vould he ottained. In discussicas with the AT.0, vertal a;;roval has been diven.

  • for the use of a simulstor as a substitute for power reactor operating exs ericace. . This approval is contir. gest en L&*J pr-viding an adequate ~

si ule.*.! .r. of the pirnt and on the Utility agrcc=: a to send the trainee to a ;;vcr recctor for a short perici cf ot:crvation. This cbservatic.n vil.1 :st require " hands-on" contr:1 of the cperatinc plant. Although


o132 p .* G A 6 D.s}fi,1.iiE.E. . . .

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1 Cab:cchCV.Teox ,

Mr. J. T. Roigers August 8,1963 no written cd:rante: esn he ottsir.<d'fr:: th: ..!>.', I'eW vill ethe ary g

ressenctic =adIficatter.s required to. .he the":10 simulater precrt- .

i a:ccptabic to the. AEt.

2. The schedule for Ei9's siculater is thst .it te c;erstier.?1 and debucccd, in early January,1970.. The.six- ;sried ;rcecedin; the first clas;
  • vill be utill:cd by B57 perscnnel fir their own training in acquaintinC the AEO vith its functicas. Also, any modifications required in hardstre or ;rocrs= ming that =sy toccc.c a;part:t during this period vill also be exac. We feel that hacquate "cushler." has teen provided in the chcedule t . rcure that the ??O procram cr.n te.;rovided duri~ng the tir. period scheiuled. . ..

3 SiW's. sir.ulator facility will Include a rsproccststien of the control console for a siccio unit 352 nue:ctr power stetten with the contrcls J

operating a ec puter instead of the ptver statica ces;onents. ' The ccatrol -

'rocas vill contain the conr. oles for c:r.t.-ol of t,he evercli 800. :m plant -

) and the required operational indicaters and clsr s. The layout of the i . simulator vill te sent to you abcut the first of deptester for use in( .

laying cat the console for the Crystal Siver No. 3 .

h. The entire apprcach in the desic of'the sinulator h:s been ti provide a piccc .of "high fidelity" equipec:t which vill o; crate in real t'ico. We have acecr.plished this eith the equ!p cat purchssed a:d as such, there' are no discernible limitations in the accuracy of si=ulating operation.

There may be, hevcVer, differences in the scope of instrumentation as presented by the simulator and as provided by TPC*and also in the ar- ,

rancement or desi C n of the console. These differences will be slight compared with differences that a trainic vould experience by going into ,

any plant in operatica today or in 1970 when the training vill be required. , ,

q 5 Provision for training the operctors in absorsal c;erating situutions or ,

"casualtics" is quite extensive. Casualties can te introduced either on

  • a procras: sed basis or directly by the instructcrs a.-d are donc in such a manner that the atmosphere of an artifically i=;esci cendition is evcided.

. At the present time, ve are progra==ihg sp;roxi stely 80 casualties which

. involve the control rod drive syste=, nuclear instru=entation syste=,

. reactor coolant system, secondsry pitat turbine ar.d feedvster syster.s, auxiliary syste:s, cnd electrical syytems. In addition to the preceding, the instructor has the ability to i=;oco redundant casualtics concurrent .

vith those progra==ed. It' is anticipated that all of these casualties .

vill be imposed a nu=ber of times, since i=.srove: st in response by the operator to a situation is the =ctns of evaluati=c the operator. .

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0132 % M . O.. .

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h- August 8, 1963 2.*r. J. T. Rcicers

? ??ATIC': mil? 0:* SI'"J!.ATOR ' ?AI~~* i 7", C*.*: *dALL,_"~-:A-*~*: . PR* 0E *.*!

T c MW Trainin Guide,'referen=e (1), deceribes an overall ; recess of training which does not include usc of a ;:vsr plant sir.ulator. The e.v. trial in this doeur.cnt has been discussed with Florida Power 0 prating and ilciscerinc persennel.

The revised p'rocran including sir-4 t:r training is as follows:

, Phase I Tacoretical Trainin; Phase II. **R

. C1.scrvatica .

Phase III in' P'.lR TechnoIc;y Trsinind ,

Phase IV

  • P'O. 0,+raticu Training ,

Phase V. D:-the-Job Training

1. Phase I Theoretier_l'T: sir.irc - Sy Florida Power l


We continue to recc=. cad thst the theoretical training te ccnducted essentia11'y

.as proposed in Section 3 2, ";+scription ar.: Schedule for ?/pical Training Program", pa:es 8, 9, and 10 :f reference ( A), an as ci na in = ore detati in


i our letter FPC-18, reference (2), with one execpt.icn. 'the fetroduction to calculus may be de-e=phasi:ei hy reducing the estiented tira, spcst.on.this subject from 60 to 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />. This is in accordance with our discussions with the AE0 as reported is our letter, PPC-36, refereccc (3).

N 2. Phsse Il PWR Observation - 27 .lorida Power .


\ This is an observation perici at an operating .9:essurized vatcr power reactor to provide the Bractical ba:kgrou d requir:d by the L'C. We believe this residence time of Florida ;crs:: el at an operating reactor can be reduce,d from six (6) months to about three (3) months by use of the 35*/ si=ulator -

in Phase IV. Also,'the require =ent for operation of this pcVer reactor can be eliminated completely if the B&W siculstor, toccther with ten (10) .

rtartupt on the Lynchburg ?cci Reactor, is utilized in Phase IV.

3 f);nse III 'B&W FWR Tech =c1cgy *" raining - By B&W Th!s phase is a classroor. traising program conducted at the Lynchburg truining facility by 3LW s.:1 is included in our present **!S secyc of supply. Utilization of the training simulator in Phas !7 vould chance -

the curriculu:a of this phase ty transferring those items associated with reactor plant operation fre. ?hase III to 7hase IV. The:e include reactor >

opere. tion, fuel handling, I.s.r. of the safety analysis, a .d the startup and test progras. "The curriculu= is listed in Table.1. " Tentative Operr.tsr Training Program Outline, ?'.~.4 ':echnology Training (Phase III)".

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0132 t y.0..E..' F

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t C0bCO !* faYTI!COX .

F.r. J. T. Rodcers August 8, 1963

k. Phs:e IV P'4R Cpcraticn Trr.ininc - P/ E3'l Phase IV is an s;chti:nst truinirc period utilizing e.:. :r:: 1ectures and BW facilitics at lynchlurc, Vircinja, including the iy:' rool Rocctcr and the F'JR Si:.ulator for a cecrdinated traininc effe * **12 ; ver station operation. This period cf traininC is directed to.aris the ut.derstunding and actusl perfor=snee of c;crational proceduren that =27 le en:cuntered in Crysts1 River Unit no. 3 This ph2:e of training cenris r of rix (6) vceks of instrnetion split betvse: clas:rcon and sir.ulator c;e. a-ica, two (2) -

vecks of training on the !?3, followed by four (h) vecks :f thift operatten on the 1"Ja Si ulator including an AEC-type vritten and prating cra :inution.

Traininc durinc 'this ph sc is centered about cetus 1 ce: r:1 of the plant'at the reactor con: ole. The su: lect power station simule. :r vill to a repre:ca-tation of the 21'l ESS utiliti=c the latest in si=uistics ts:1.niquas to re-prcduce opcratica of the p:ver station for operator trd:.!:.c. Af ter first ,

learning the details of ;last design and constractic . ir. 7:ste III .and the (

thcory of operation in the clasrroom portion cf Phase ~", -he operstor is schooled in the practier.1 c::Ju t of plant operatices. Our'sc the four-J vsek period of shif t operations, the trainees vill opree the control rocm as if it verc a tanit in ec::arcial o;crition. Conduct cf ::.sualty and era:rceney procedurcs are pessible to an extent i:practirs . c . ar. cycrating reactor. The instrueger vill probe the level of kncvi dfe cf each operator by interjecting various sycten and cc ;onent failures in.: ;last operaties.

Major casualtics that cann:t to eenducted in : n .oper:.tisc re?.eter vill be a cou-lucted oc the simulater in detail. Acts .1 experience ar.d responsibility vill be greater than that a<ailab' s at a:3 s' power

- reactor station that can te used for training.

The propoced cu/riculu= for the classrcom training assnitted with the P'#a Si=ulator operation is given in Table 3. " Tentative Cutline, Ecactor Subjects During Operational Thase of Opct-stor Training Procrr: (7"sse IV)". .

Optional training at the C::;wy's Kuclear Dcvelop cat "e *.er is described in Section b.3 of the Ti-r.icia; Guide,i reference (1). .e v:uld propose that

  • ~

this porticr. of Phase I7 ts increased from k0 hours te,E , h:,urs in accordance with Table 2 " Tentative ccarse Outline Introductics t= ?.ea:ter Operatiens and Practical Reactor Physics". If this option is sele:ted, trainees vill -

I perform actusi reactor startup and physics experisetts at the LPR. Each trainee vill be expected to c =plete ten (l'0) startu;s : -he LPR thus ful-filling all of the AEC require:ents for actual. reacter :.artups. You r.ny, elect, of course, to =cet the AEC requirement for res:::: ste.rtu;c on ancther ,

power reactor if you do n t vish to utill:e the trainiac a. the LPR. The .

proposed curriculu. fcr.this ;crtien of the procr?.s is give: in Table 2,

" Tentative Course Outline Introduction te Reactor C;ers.-i :s and P:s:tical Reactor Physics".

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.c traf:Ir.C Pro rt r. cn.f;:tti si 1: Or/tts1 F.iver site. f r..elvIr.,, t!.c tcJtirc ;.d i'.ar' otp scti*.It!c.- .-!:*. ::: *:e aftc eted ty ute of the- 7".*

tra*nf .c sInMntor. 'i,t.s F."J ; r.!:::n1: . in this ; I a- inclu!e! i cur or surply in the OE3 0:: .:t.

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- C. E. . *

  • i Projcet Ihnacar C. ...:c.3 .

A*.it:1 - 3 CC: (W/*.ttseh.) . -

R. F. Erlier .

J. k*.* ".la
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300: (7/At'ach.) . ,.

J. C. Dettens R. E. Beach . . .

. 3. Beisel *- .

J. F:Tarland -


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