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Provides Case Position for Record Re NRC Contact Concerning Case/Tu Electric/Nrc Joint Stipulation
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/30/1991
From: David Kern
Citizens Association for Sound Energy, TURLEY, W., PC
To: Johari Moore
Shared Package
ML20081H000 List:
CON-#291-11810 NUDOCS 9106140059
Download: ML20081H008 (3)


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1.','!f:0 May 30, 1991 Mn. Janice Moore, Esq.

Officu of Conera1 Counnel U.S. Nuclear Roqulatory Commission Wanhington, DC 20555 RE: comancho peak Steam Electric Station, Unita 1 and 2, Micky Dow Allegations, Docket Hos. 50-445 and 50-446 Dear Ms. Mooret '

CASE received from the NRC a copy of the recent letter from Micky Dow to the commienion dated May 17, 1991, alleging that he han possession of cortain tapen containing information indicativo of "a nituation of duplicity and compromino between (HRC) Region IV and TU Electric, an well as . . . C.A.S.E. (sic)." We are providing CASE's position for the record to you, an CASEIN HRC contact regarding the CASE /TU Electric /NRC Staf f Joint Stipulation.

CASE categorically denios Mr. Dow'n allogationn about CASE and tapes.

welcomes thu Commission'n attempts to make public thouc Becauno CASE has no knowledge of the contents of thone tapon, we cannot expreso an opinion at thiu poitu as to which branch of thu HRC (01, 01G, NRH) would be most proper to review the tapes. However, regard 1onn of which branch performs this task, CASE now goon on record an strongly urging that theso tapen be reviewed by an appropriate branch of the NRC and mado public, security interesto permitting, as quickly as pocnible.

9106140059 910531 FDR ADOCK 0b000445 O UDR


Ms. Janice Moore, Tag.

Hay 29, 1991 pagu Two For the record, CASI: would note that itn entire track '

history in ennpletuly inconnistont with Mr. Dow'n allegationn.

Inaddition,theNRCSta{fhan CASE, and found, in part : "With inventigated allegationn regarding respect to the genural uettlomont agreement betwoon thn partiou to the proceeding, an required by the agreement, CASE han been given and han taken an active sito.

part in monitoring the activities at the Comancho Peak l

which are CASE of conenrn han made to CASE. both TU Elcetric and the NRC awarn of innues Thornfore, the_sntklenentJ1ana .in i' f uk_ r e s 019Ci DJ h w_G Q!tt i ny l.119_rt 00 l Rt i O O_0 L84DAt YJ IW u t s prt u u nt_9 thy.f,AS E , and CrUR's allegation in this area is without perit." (Empnanin added.)

More recently, the HRC rucognized the ynar-plus effortn of l

CASE in regard to the CASE disputn filed regarding neoliny calculations.

Electric and ntated, TheNHCissungaNoticeofViolationtoTU in part t "Thie violation involven a failure of TV Electric'n corrective action program in 1960 and 1907 to assure that allegod deficiencico with scaling documentation for initial sotup and calibration of inntrumentation loops were promptly pursuud and identified. The NRC in concerned that it requirod significant involvement from a former employeu and from CASE over an extended period beforo the doficiencies wit.h scaling documentation were adequatoly identified and corrected." In addition, the NRC in aware of CASE's continued Vork with whistlebloweru, otton on a confident.ial banis, to help annure that their safety-related concerns are addropued and renolved.

As stated previounly, CASE ntrongly urgon that the tapen in the ponusssion quickly an ponnible of Micky no that Dow be reviewod and mado public an the facts can be brought. out.

lang January 30, 1990, letter from James E. Lyonn, Chairman, '

NRC Allegation Review Committee, to Mrs. Hotty Hrink, Hoard Humber, citir.ons for Fair Utility Hegulations (CrUR), Subject Allegation OSP 89-A-0089, pagen 10-13.

2 St3 Tobruary 26, 1991, lettor from Samuol J. Collins, Director, NRC Division of Roactor Projects, to W.J. Cahill, Jr. , TV Electric 445/90-47Exocutive Vice Prouldent, Nuclear, Inupection Roport 50-Christopher I.

50-446/90-47 (see alno Fobruary 27, 1991, lutter from Grimes, Acting Assintant Director for Hoqionn IV and V Reactorm, Divinion of Reactor projects - III/IV/V, itRC Ot fice of Nuclear Hunctor Hogulation, to CASE Prnuident Juanita Ellin.

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, i Ms. Janice Moore. Eng. I May 29, 1991 ,

Pago Thren l i

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i or no.If you have any quantionn, pleano contact either Hrn. Ellin l-With kind regards, j


t. y l DapdL.Korn >

DLK/ao i co Cant Board of Directurn George Edgar  :

Nicky Dow l i


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