MONTHYEARML20217P7111999-10-26026 October 1999 Informs That Licensee 990330 Response to GL 97-06 Provides Reasonable Assurance That Condition of Licensee Steam Generator Internals Is in Compliance with Current Licensing Bases for Plant ML20217K8541999-10-21021 October 1999 Forwards Revised Pages to ERDS Data Point Library,Per Requirements of 10CFR50,App E,Section VI.3.a.Described Unit 2 & 3 Changes for 2/3R7813 Were Completed on 990924 ML20217K3571999-10-21021 October 1999 Discusses Use of SONGS as Generic Safety Issue 191 Ref Plant.Future Requests for Info & Addl Coordination Activities Be Handled Through D Evans of Organization.With Diskette ML20217L9491999-10-21021 October 1999 Forwards SONGS Emergency Response Telephone Directory, for Oct-Dec 1999 ML20217J8631999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-361/99-12 & 50-362/99-12 on 990808- 0918.One Violation Identified Involving Inoperability of Emergency Diesel Generator in Excess of Allowed Outage Time ML20217E3221999-10-13013 October 1999 Forwards MORs for Sept 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3.No Challenges Were Noted to Psvs for Either Units 2 or 3 ML20217E7671999-10-12012 October 1999 Forwards Rev 62 to NRC Approved Aug 1983, Physical Security Plan,Songs,Units 1,2 & 3, IAW 10CFR50.54(p).Changes,as Described in Encls 1 & 2,do Not Reduce Effectiveness of Plan.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 ML20217B5981999-10-0606 October 1999 Informs That Staff Concluded That All Requested Info for GL 98-01, Year 2000 Readiness in Us Nuclear Power Plants, Provided for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,Units 2 & 3 ML20216H8541999-09-29029 September 1999 Submits Encl Request for Relief from ASME Code,Section III Requirements in 10CFR50.55(a)(3) to Use Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly as Alternate ASME Code Replacement at SONGS, Units 2 & 3 for Period of Operation Beginning with Cycle 11 ML20216H8741999-09-29029 September 1999 Provides Requested Written Response to GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal. Lab Testing of Charcoal Adsorber Samples for Creacus & Pacu Satisfies Listed Requirements ML20212H4461999-09-28028 September 1999 Forwards Suppl Info,As Discussed with NRC During 990812 Telcon,To Support Risk Informed Inservice Testing & GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Movs ML20216J2631999-09-28028 September 1999 Forwards Copy of Final Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) Analysis of Operational Event at Songs,Unit 2,reported in LER 361/98-003 ML20212G5611999-09-24024 September 1999 Informs NRC That SCE Remains Committed to Performing Eddy Current Examinations of 100% of Reactor Vessel Head Penetrations at Songs,Unit 3.Exams Will Not Be Performed During Cycle 11 RFO 05000361/LER-1999-005, Forwards 30-day follow-up LER 99-005-00,describing Loss of Physical Train Separation in Control Room.Any Actions Listed Intended to Ensure Continued Compliance with Existing Commitments1999-09-23023 September 1999 Forwards 30-day follow-up LER 99-005-00,describing Loss of Physical Train Separation in Control Room.Any Actions Listed Intended to Ensure Continued Compliance with Existing Commitments ML20212D9921999-09-16016 September 1999 Informs That on 990818,NRC Staff Completed Midcycle PPR of San Onofre.Nrc Plan to Conduct Core Insps & One Safety Issues Evaluation of MOVs at Facility Over Next 7 Months. Details of Insp Plan Through March 2000 Encl ML20212A4061999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Revised Pages to ERDS Data Point Library.Described Unit 2 Changes for 2R7817 & 2R7828 Were Completed on 990818 & Unit 3 Change for 3R7828 Was Completed on 990903 ML20216E6031999-09-10010 September 1999 Provides Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams, Dtd 990820.Schedule Shown on Attachment 1, Operator Licensing Exam Data, Provides Util Best Estimate Through Cy 2003 ML20217B9011999-09-10010 September 1999 Responds to Which Addressed Concerns Re Y2K Issue & Stockpiling of Potassium Iodide (Ki) Tablets by Informing That San Onofre Nuclear Station Already Completed All Work Required to Be Ready for Y2K Transition ML20211N0261999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.44 & 10CFR50,app A,General Design Criterion 41 in Response to Util Request of 980910,as Supplemented 990719 & SER ML20211K4191999-09-0303 September 1999 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Documents Listed in App a Being Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5 & 7) 05000206/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00 for Occurrence Re Unattended Security Weapon Inside Protected Area.Single Rept for Unit 1 Is Being Submitted,Iaw NUREG-1022,Rev 1,since Condition Involves Shared Sys & Is Applicable to Units 1,2 & 31999-08-31031 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-001-00 for Occurrence Re Unattended Security Weapon Inside Protected Area.Single Rept for Unit 1 Is Being Submitted,Iaw NUREG-1022,Rev 1,since Condition Involves Shared Sys & Is Applicable to Units 1,2 & 3 ML20211H3321999-08-30030 August 1999 Discusses 1999 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Extent of Play & Objectives.Based on Review,Nrc Has Determined That Exercise Extent of Play & Objectives Are Appropriate to Meet Emergency Plan Requirements ML20211J7151999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-361/99-09 & 50-362/99-09 on 990627- 0807.Two Violations Being Treated as non-cited Violations ML20211J5821999-08-23023 August 1999 Corrected Copy of ,Changing Application Date from 970625 to 990625.Ltr Forwarded SE Accepting Licensee 990625 Requests for Relief RR-E-2-03 - RR-E-2-08 from Exam Requirements of Applicable ASME Code,Section XI as Listed ML20211H8561999-08-23023 August 1999 Forwards SE Accepting Licensee 970625 Requests for Relief RR-E-2-03 - RR-E-2-04 from Exam Requirements of Applicable ASME Code,Section Xi,For First Containment ISI Interval ML20210V4271999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Proprietary Certified Renewal Applications for SROs a Harkness,R Grabo & T Vogt & RO D Carter,Submitted on Facsimile Form NRC-398 & Certified NRC Form 396.Encls Withheld ML20210R6681999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC RAI Re SCE License Amend Applications 173 & 159 for Songs,Units 2 & 3,proposed Change Number 485,which Requests Addition of SR to TS 3.3.9, CR Isolation Signal ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20210Q6451999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for SONGS, Units 2 & 3,per TS Were No Challenges to Pressurizer Safety Valves for Either Units ML20210P4681999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards COLR for Cycle 10 for Songs,Units 2 & 3,IAW TS Section, Colr. Changes to COLR Parameters Have Been Conducted IAW Approved COLR Methodologies & All Applicable Limits of Safety Analysis Were Met ML20210P5711999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Amend Application Number 189 for License NPF-10 & Amend Application Number 174 to License NPF-15,replacing Analytical Limits Currently Specified as Acceptance Criteria with Allowable Values,Per Encl Calculation E4C-098 ML20210P6221999-08-10010 August 1999 Forwards Replacement Pages for Attachments E & F of Amend Application Numbers 168 & 154 for Songs,Units 2 & 3.Pages Are Provided to Correct Errors to Pagination & Headings in 970618 Submittal ML20210N9721999-08-10010 August 1999 Responds to Appeal of FOIA Request for Documents Re Osre Issue.No Osre Visit Scheduled for Sept 1996 at Plant,Per 990722 Telcon.V Dricks,In Ofc of Public Affairs Should Be Contacted Re Osre Issue ML20210N0901999-08-0909 August 1999 Informs That 990312 Application Requested Amends to Licenses DPR-13,NPF-10 & NPF-15,respectively,being Treated as Withdrawn.Proposed Change Would Have Modified Facility TSs Pertaining to SONGS Physical Security Plan ML20210N5051999-08-0909 August 1999 Forwards Cycle 10 Update to TS Bases,Which Have Been Revised Between 980101-990630,per 10CFR50.71(e) 05000361/LER-1999-004, Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Automatic Tgis Actuation.Event Affected Units 2 & 3 Equally Because Tgis Is Shared Sys. Single Rept Is Being Provided for Unit 2 IAW NUREG-1022, Rev 1.No New Commitments Are Contained in Encl1999-08-0606 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Automatic Tgis Actuation.Event Affected Units 2 & 3 Equally Because Tgis Is Shared Sys. Single Rept Is Being Provided for Unit 2 IAW NUREG-1022, Rev 1.No New Commitments Are Contained in Encl ML20210L2311999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept,Including Owners Repts of Repairs & Replacements,For Songs,Unit 3.Rept Covers 970916 Through 990509,date Unit 3 Returned to Service Following Cycle 10 Refueling Outage ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams ML20216D9671999-07-29029 July 1999 Provides Response to RAI to Support Proposed TS Change 460 Re Containment Isolation Valve Completion Time for SONGS, Units 2 & 3.Rev 3 to Abnormal Operating Instruction SO23-13-14, Reactor Coolant Leak, Encl ML20210C1821999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Rept Providing Results of Insp of Eggcrate Tube Supports Done on Secondary Side of Sgs,Using Remote Controlled Visual Equipment ML20210B2451999-07-21021 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990615 RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Bldg of SR Power-Operated Gate Valves, for Songs,Units 2 & 3 ML20210B9891999-07-20020 July 1999 Ack Receipt of Transmitting Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure SO123-VIII-1, Recognition & Classification of Emergencies ML20210A2911999-07-19019 July 1999 Submits Withdrawal Request Submitted by Ltr Dtd 990312, Requesting NRC Approval of Revs to Physical Security Plan & Safeguards Contingency Plan Tactical Response Plan ML20209J5241999-07-19019 July 1999 Provides Clarification of Util Intentions Re Disposition of Systems for Which Exemption & TS Changes Were Requested in Licensee .Deferment of Action Re Hydrogen Monitors,Encl ML20210N2881999-07-19019 July 1999 Forwards Rev 61 to Physical Security Plan,Rev 21 to Safeguards Contingency Plan & Rev 20 to Security Force Training & Qualification Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p),for Plant. Screening Criteria Forms Encl.Plans Withheld ML20209G3421999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards Table of 16 Affected Tube Locations in SG E089, Discovered During Cycle 10 Outage Insp,Which Were Probably Not Examined by Bobbin During Cycle Outage Insp ML20209D8051999-07-12012 July 1999 Discusses Licensee Response to RAI Re GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Rc Structural Integrity, Issue on 950519 to Plant. NRC Revised Info in Reactor Vessel Integrity Database & Is Releasing It as Rvid Version 2 ML20209F5681999-07-0909 July 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-361/99-08 & 50-362/99-08 on 990516- 0626.One Violation Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violation,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20196K6721999-07-0202 July 1999 Discusses 990628 Meeting Conducted in Region IV Office Re Status of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Emergency Preparedness Program.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation Encl ML20209C1571999-07-0202 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC RAI Re SCE Submittal Dtd 980710,re GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions 1999-09-03
MONTHYEARML20217L9491999-10-21021 October 1999 Forwards SONGS Emergency Response Telephone Directory, for Oct-Dec 1999 ML20217K8541999-10-21021 October 1999 Forwards Revised Pages to ERDS Data Point Library,Per Requirements of 10CFR50,App E,Section VI.3.a.Described Unit 2 & 3 Changes for 2/3R7813 Were Completed on 990924 ML20217K3571999-10-21021 October 1999 Discusses Use of SONGS as Generic Safety Issue 191 Ref Plant.Future Requests for Info & Addl Coordination Activities Be Handled Through D Evans of Organization.With Diskette ML20217E3221999-10-13013 October 1999 Forwards MORs for Sept 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3.No Challenges Were Noted to Psvs for Either Units 2 or 3 ML20217E7671999-10-12012 October 1999 Forwards Rev 62 to NRC Approved Aug 1983, Physical Security Plan,Songs,Units 1,2 & 3, IAW 10CFR50.54(p).Changes,as Described in Encls 1 & 2,do Not Reduce Effectiveness of Plan.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 ML20216H8541999-09-29029 September 1999 Submits Encl Request for Relief from ASME Code,Section III Requirements in 10CFR50.55(a)(3) to Use Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly as Alternate ASME Code Replacement at SONGS, Units 2 & 3 for Period of Operation Beginning with Cycle 11 ML20216H8741999-09-29029 September 1999 Provides Requested Written Response to GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal. Lab Testing of Charcoal Adsorber Samples for Creacus & Pacu Satisfies Listed Requirements ML20212H4461999-09-28028 September 1999 Forwards Suppl Info,As Discussed with NRC During 990812 Telcon,To Support Risk Informed Inservice Testing & GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Movs ML20212G5611999-09-24024 September 1999 Informs NRC That SCE Remains Committed to Performing Eddy Current Examinations of 100% of Reactor Vessel Head Penetrations at Songs,Unit 3.Exams Will Not Be Performed During Cycle 11 RFO 05000361/LER-1999-005, Forwards 30-day follow-up LER 99-005-00,describing Loss of Physical Train Separation in Control Room.Any Actions Listed Intended to Ensure Continued Compliance with Existing Commitments1999-09-23023 September 1999 Forwards 30-day follow-up LER 99-005-00,describing Loss of Physical Train Separation in Control Room.Any Actions Listed Intended to Ensure Continued Compliance with Existing Commitments ML20212A4061999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Revised Pages to ERDS Data Point Library.Described Unit 2 Changes for 2R7817 & 2R7828 Were Completed on 990818 & Unit 3 Change for 3R7828 Was Completed on 990903 ML20216E6031999-09-10010 September 1999 Provides Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams, Dtd 990820.Schedule Shown on Attachment 1, Operator Licensing Exam Data, Provides Util Best Estimate Through Cy 2003 05000206/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00 for Occurrence Re Unattended Security Weapon Inside Protected Area.Single Rept for Unit 1 Is Being Submitted,Iaw NUREG-1022,Rev 1,since Condition Involves Shared Sys & Is Applicable to Units 1,2 & 31999-08-31031 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-001-00 for Occurrence Re Unattended Security Weapon Inside Protected Area.Single Rept for Unit 1 Is Being Submitted,Iaw NUREG-1022,Rev 1,since Condition Involves Shared Sys & Is Applicable to Units 1,2 & 3 ML20210V4271999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Proprietary Certified Renewal Applications for SROs a Harkness,R Grabo & T Vogt & RO D Carter,Submitted on Facsimile Form NRC-398 & Certified NRC Form 396.Encls Withheld ML20210R6681999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC RAI Re SCE License Amend Applications 173 & 159 for Songs,Units 2 & 3,proposed Change Number 485,which Requests Addition of SR to TS 3.3.9, CR Isolation Signal ML20210Q6451999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for SONGS, Units 2 & 3,per TS Were No Challenges to Pressurizer Safety Valves for Either Units ML20210P4681999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards COLR for Cycle 10 for Songs,Units 2 & 3,IAW TS Section, Colr. Changes to COLR Parameters Have Been Conducted IAW Approved COLR Methodologies & All Applicable Limits of Safety Analysis Were Met ML20210P5711999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Amend Application Number 189 for License NPF-10 & Amend Application Number 174 to License NPF-15,replacing Analytical Limits Currently Specified as Acceptance Criteria with Allowable Values,Per Encl Calculation E4C-098 ML20210P6221999-08-10010 August 1999 Forwards Replacement Pages for Attachments E & F of Amend Application Numbers 168 & 154 for Songs,Units 2 & 3.Pages Are Provided to Correct Errors to Pagination & Headings in 970618 Submittal ML20210N5051999-08-0909 August 1999 Forwards Cycle 10 Update to TS Bases,Which Have Been Revised Between 980101-990630,per 10CFR50.71(e) 05000361/LER-1999-004, Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Automatic Tgis Actuation.Event Affected Units 2 & 3 Equally Because Tgis Is Shared Sys. Single Rept Is Being Provided for Unit 2 IAW NUREG-1022, Rev 1.No New Commitments Are Contained in Encl1999-08-0606 August 1999 Forwards LER 99-004-00 Re Automatic Tgis Actuation.Event Affected Units 2 & 3 Equally Because Tgis Is Shared Sys. Single Rept Is Being Provided for Unit 2 IAW NUREG-1022, Rev 1.No New Commitments Are Contained in Encl ML20210L2311999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept,Including Owners Repts of Repairs & Replacements,For Songs,Unit 3.Rept Covers 970916 Through 990509,date Unit 3 Returned to Service Following Cycle 10 Refueling Outage ML20216D9671999-07-29029 July 1999 Provides Response to RAI to Support Proposed TS Change 460 Re Containment Isolation Valve Completion Time for SONGS, Units 2 & 3.Rev 3 to Abnormal Operating Instruction SO23-13-14, Reactor Coolant Leak, Encl ML20210C1821999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Rept Providing Results of Insp of Eggcrate Tube Supports Done on Secondary Side of Sgs,Using Remote Controlled Visual Equipment ML20210B2451999-07-21021 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990615 RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Bldg of SR Power-Operated Gate Valves, for Songs,Units 2 & 3 ML20210N2881999-07-19019 July 1999 Forwards Rev 61 to Physical Security Plan,Rev 21 to Safeguards Contingency Plan & Rev 20 to Security Force Training & Qualification Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p),for Plant. Screening Criteria Forms Encl.Plans Withheld ML20209J5241999-07-19019 July 1999 Provides Clarification of Util Intentions Re Disposition of Systems for Which Exemption & TS Changes Were Requested in Licensee .Deferment of Action Re Hydrogen Monitors,Encl ML20210A2911999-07-19019 July 1999 Submits Withdrawal Request Submitted by Ltr Dtd 990312, Requesting NRC Approval of Revs to Physical Security Plan & Safeguards Contingency Plan Tactical Response Plan ML20209G3421999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards Table of 16 Affected Tube Locations in SG E089, Discovered During Cycle 10 Outage Insp,Which Were Probably Not Examined by Bobbin During Cycle Outage Insp ML20209C1571999-07-0202 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC RAI Re SCE Submittal Dtd 980710,re GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions ML20210N9871999-07-0101 July 1999 Appeals Denial of Documents Re Sept 1996 Osre for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.Requests Copies of Sept 1996 Osre Rept & Any More Recent Osre Repts ML20209B3571999-06-28028 June 1999 Submits Response to GL 98-01,Suppl 1 Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. GL 98-01 Requested Response on Status of Facility Y2K Readiness by 990701. Disclosure Encl ML20209B4831999-06-25025 June 1999 Requests NRC Approval of Six Relief Requests from ASME Code Requirement for Containment ISI Exams.Six Relief Requests, Provided as Enclosures 1-6,are as Listed ML20196A9801999-06-17017 June 1999 Responds to NRC 990420 RAI Re Proposed risk-informed Inservice Testing & GL 96-05 Programs at Songs,Units 2 & 3. Revised Pages to risk-informed Inservice Testing Program, Encl ML20195G8091999-06-14014 June 1999 Forwards Response to RAI Made During 990511 Telcon Re LARs 184 & 170 for SONGS Units 2 & 3.Amend Applications Proposed Restriction on Operation with Channel of RAS or EFAS in Tripped Condition ML20195K4201999-06-11011 June 1999 Forwards LERs 99-003-00 & 99-004-00 Re Manual Esfas (Reactor Trips) Due to Problems with Main Feedwater Control.Two Events Are Being Reported Separately Because Actual Causes Are Considered Different & Independent of Each Other ML20195H1561999-06-10010 June 1999 Forwards MORs for May 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3.There Were No Challenges to Pressurizer Safety Valves for Either Unit 2 & 3 ML20195E4981999-06-0808 June 1999 Forwards Application for Amends 188 & 173 to Licenses NPF-10 & NPF-15 for SONGS Units 2 & 3,respectively.Amends Would Revise TS 3.5.2,3.1.9,3.7.1 & Re Small Break LOCA Charging Flow & Main Steam Safety Valve Setpoints ML20196L3191999-05-24024 May 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept,Including Owners Repts of Repairs & Replacements for Songs,Unit 2.Rept Covers Period of 970916-990226 ML20207A3831999-05-24024 May 1999 Responds to NRC 990326 RAI on DG Srs.Proposed to Add Listed Sentence to TS Bases for SRs, &,as Result of Discussion with NRC During 990427 Telcon ML20211K4261999-05-18018 May 1999 FOIA Request for Documents Re San Onofre OI Repts 4-98-041, 4-98-043 & 4-98-045 ML20206S7161999-05-17017 May 1999 Forwards MORs for Apr 1999 for Songs,Units 2 & 3.There Were No Challenges to Pressurizer Safety Valves for Either Unit 2 or 3 ML20206N4711999-05-13013 May 1999 Provides Info Requested by NRC Re Reduced Pressurizer Water Vol Change Amends Application 172 & 158 for Songs,Units 2 & 3,respectively.Proposed Change Will Reduce Pressurizer Water Level Required for Operability ML20206M7791999-05-13013 May 1999 Informs NRC of Changes Being Made to Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) at SONGS Unit 3.Revised Page to ERDS Data Point Library Is Provided in Encl ML20206K6891999-05-11011 May 1999 Forwards Approved Amends to NPDES Permits CA0108073,Order 94-49 & CA0108181,Order 94-50 & State Water Resources Board Resolution ML20206M0681999-05-10010 May 1999 Submits Correction to Info Contained in Licensee to NRC Re Proposed TS Change Number NPF-10/15-475.Stated Info Was Incorrect in That Overtime Provisions Were Not Contained in TR at Time of Was Submitted ML20206H0451999-05-0404 May 1999 Forwards Annual Financial Repts for Listed Licensees of Songs,Units 1,2 & 3.Each Rept Includes Appropriate Certified Financial Statement Required by 10CFR50.71(b) ML20206H1931999-05-0303 May 1999 Forwards 1998 Annual Rept, for SONGS Units 2 & 3 & PVNGS Units 1,2 & 3.SCEs Form 10K Annual Rept to Securites & Exchange Commission for Fiscal Yr Ending 981231,encl ML20206C5151999-04-29029 April 1999 Forwards 1998 Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Songs,Units 1,2 & 3. Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept Covers Operation of Songs,Units 1,2 & 3 During CY98 & Includes Summaries Interpretations & Analysis of Trends ML20206E5851999-04-29029 April 1999 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for 1998 for SONGS Units 1,2 & 3. Also Encl Are Rev 13 to Unit 1 ODCM & Rev 31 to Units 2 & 3 Odcm 1999-09-29
[Table view] |
f[5 Southem Califomia Edison Company 23 PAFtKER STREET IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92718 March 20, 1995 wALTen e. uAnss m -.
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.
20555 Gentlemen:
Docket Nos. 50-361 and 50-362 Pressure-Temperature Limit Report Methodology (PTLR)
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3 i
Amendment Applications No.137 and No.121 (PCN 299) for San Onofre Unit 2 and Unit 3, respectively As originally requested by Mr. T. R. Tjader, Review Coordinator for the San Onofre Technical Specification Improvement Program (TSIP) submittal, enclosed is "The Pressure-Temperature Limit Report (PTLR) Methodology."
This methodology will be used at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station when updating its Pressure-Temperature curves.
The PTLR methodology has been formatted to follow the logic of the Table of Requirements taken from the Generic Letter in preparation as provided to the TSIP lead plants. To i
facilitate the timely review of the San Onofre Units 2 & 3 TSIP submittal, Proposed Change Notice (PCN) 299, reference to the PTLR was deleted-and the Pressure-Temperaturc curves re-instated.
Following NRC review and approval of j
the methodology it is Edison's intent to submit a License Amendment Request implementing the PTLR arovisions of NUREG 1432 (Standard Technical Specifications for Comaustion Engineering Plants).
Should you have any comments or questions concerning this submittal, please let us know.
Sincerely, Enclosures 9503220240 950320 PDR ADOCK 05000361 k
- ~~
. Document Control Desk i cc:
.L. J. Callan, Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV A. B. Beach,-Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region IV K. E. Perkins, Jr., Director, Walnut Creek Field Office, NRC Region IV J. A. Sloan, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, San Onofre Units 2 & 3 1
M. B. Fields, NRC Project Manager, San Onofre Units 2 and.
C.;I. Grimes, Chief, NRC Technical Specifications Branch M. W. Weston, NRC Technical Specifications Branch T. R. Tjader, Review Coordinator - CEOG STS, NRC Technical Specifications Branch H. Kocol, California Department of Health Services I
- l
I l
l i
i I
Pressure Temperature Limit Report Methodology V,
- 1. Transport Calculation Methodolozy Used to Calculate Neutron Fluence The transport calculation used at SONGS accounts for differences in neutron energy spectra between surveillance capsule locations and positions within the vessel wall.
SONGS has adopted an energy dependant displacements per iron atom (dpa) function for the radiation analysis as specified in ASTM Standard Practice E-693 (Ref.1). The calculated neutron fluence is validated by comparing the calculated (transport analysis) vs. the measured (surveillance capsule dosimetry) exposure levels at the reactor vessel wall, and normalizing the calculated values to account for the bias between the two.
Specifically, the calculated neutron fluence values at SONGS are determined using two transport calculations which represent two fuelloading geometries. The fuelloading geometries in Cycles 1 through 3 consisted of fresh fuelloaded on the periphery of the core. In Cycle 4, SONGS began using a low-leakage core design (burned fuel on the periphery) which will be used for all future cycles. These two calculations are combined to produce average relative neutron distributions throughout the reactor geometry as well as establish relative radial distributions of exposure parameters (fluence and dpa) through the vessel wall integrated over time. The transport calculations use the DOT two-dimensional discrete ordinate code (Ref. 2) and the SAILOR cross-section library (Ref. 3). The neutron fluence values calculated at the p
i d
surveillance capsule center are compared with the dosimetry results obtained from the surveillance capsule monitors.
The surveillance capsules contain flux monitors, or sensors which are evaluated to yield reaction rates based on the nuclear parameters (for each monitor) and the irradiation history of the vessel. Neutron exposure parameters are then derived from these reaction rates using the FERRET least squares adjustment code (Ref. 4). These exposure parameters represent the neutron fluence at the surveillance capsule center, and establish the means for absolute comparison with the calculated values. The bias resulting from this comparison is then used to normalize the calculated neutron fluence at the vessel inner radius. Fluence values are derived for the current exposure period (ie. the time at which the capsule was removed), as well as key exposure periods relevant to the SONGS P-T curve development, including the end of design life (32 EFPY).
- 2. Description of Surveillance Prorram A description of the wrveillance program is contained in the SONGS 2 and 3 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Section S.3.1 (Ref. S). As described in Section S.3.1, the SONGS 2 and 3 surveillance program adheres to all the requirements of ASTM E-185 73 (Ref. 6), and 10CFR50 Appendix G and H (Ref. 7). The six AU 1
surveillance capsules in each Unit contain beltline plate and weld material. In Unit 2, O
'this consists of plate 6404-2 and a surveillance weld, (weld 9-203, Ref. 8). In Unit 3,
,C plate 6802-1 and a surveillance weld, (weld 9-203, Ref. 8) are used. Material property information for the surveillance program is contained in the SONGS 2 and 3 UFSAR as well as the SONGS 2 and 3 response to Generic Letter 92-01 (Ref. 8).
Evaluation of the surveillance capsules have been performed by Batelle Labs for Unit 2 (Ref. 9), and Westinghoilse for Unit 3 (Ref.10). The fluence values determined by the Westinghouse report were used in the development of the P-T curves in our current Technical Specifications-(TS). As stated above, the fluence values calculated via the transport model were validated by the dosimetry results from the surveillance capsules.
The resulting fluence values are then used to calculate the Adjusted Reference Temperature (ART) for the limiting beltline material. The withdrawal schedule for the surveillance capsules are contained e the UFSAR. Based on updated lead factors obtained from the surveillance capsule evaluations, the UFSAR will be revised as required to reflect a new schedule. Any revision to the withdrawal schedule will be in accordance with ASTM E 185-82 (Ref. 6).
- 3. Methodolozy for Calculatinz LTOP Setpoints The shutdown cooling (SDC) suction relief valve was determined to be a sufficient relieving device with the necessary capacity to provide adequate overpressure protection at low RCS temperatures. An analysis was performed by Combustion Engineering O
(Ref.11) to address the' initiating overpressure events and the effectiveness of the SDC
suction line relief valve (LTOP) to terminate the limiting events. The initiating events that were tvaluated are the following: Safety injection actuation; High pressure safety injection pump actuation; Charging / letdown imbalance (Letdown isolated); One RCP start with positive steam generator to reactor vessel temperature differential; and actuation of pressurizer heaters. For conservatism, the analysis considered the RCS to be water solid, RCS pressure boundaries were considered rigid (no expansion),
negligible heat absorption by the RCS metal mass, no ambient heat loss, letdown flow isolated, and all pumps attain full speed instantaneously. The analysis found that the limiting events were the inadvertent safety injection actuation, and the RCP start transient. The analysis determined that the SDC relief valve setpoint specified in the Technical Specifications sufficiently mitigates the limiting overpressure events, and precludes fracture of the reactor vessel material.
As part of the P-T calculation update, the temperature at which the LTOP valve is enabled during heatup and cooldown is determined. The temperature below which the LTOP valve shall be operable is the greater of a coolant temperature of 200 F, or a coolant temperature corresponding to a metal temperature of RTmyr+90 F at the beltline location (per Ref.12). This temperature is then adjusted for instrument uncertainties and the difference in temperature between the coolant and the crack location. The LTOP enable temperature is calculated for both beatup and cooldown 1
. O
conditions at the 1/4 and 3/4 thickness locations. The required temperature below Which the LTOP system must be operable, corresponds to the most limiting temperature h(N calculated for these four conditions. It should be noted that Code Case N-514 (Ref.13) permits the alternative calculation, RTum+50 F, when determining the LTOP enable temperature. Should Code Case N 514 be approved and adopted by the NRC, SCE may apply the procedures therein for calculating the LTOP enable temperature.
- 4. Methodolozy for Calculating the Adiusted Reference Temperature (ART)
The current methodology for calculating the ART follow the guidelines of Regulatory Position 1.1 of RG 1.99 Rev. 2 (Ref.14) explicitly. The methodology described by Regulatory Position 2.1 will be used when the SONGS' reactors have two credible surveillance data sets available for evaluation. The inputs to the ART calculation for each vessel are determined from the following: (1) Initial RTum vahi.es come from I
Reference 8; (2) Neutron fluence comes from surveillance capsule testing (currently Ref.
10; will use the most current testing results in the future); (3) Copper and nickel l
contents come from Reference 8; and, (4) The " Margin" is calculated in accordance with Reference 14. Current results of the ART calculation are contained in Reference 15.
- 5. Methodolozy for Constructing the P-T Curves Usine Fracture Mechanics
The methodology used to develop the P-T curves (Ref.16) consists of the following steps:
1 V
For any given case (heatup or cooldown at a certain rate), the reactor fluid temperature and the temperature distribution in the vessel wall are known functions of time. For a given fluid temperature, the thermal stresses and the corresponding stress intensity factors (K ) are calculated g
for a distance of 1/4 wall thickness from the inside surface (Ref.17 and 18).
The reference stress intensity factor (K g) is calculated in accordance with i
Reference 19 using the given metal temperature and the ART.
is divided by a safety factor of 2 to obtain K p, The difference K cKg i
i which is used to calculate the internal pressure corresponding to the fluid temperature.
For cooldown, the above pressure is compared with the allowable, quasi steady state pressure for the same fluid temperature, and the lower of the two is used.
For heatup, tlie abo'ce pressures are compared with the allowable pressure for a crack at the 3/4 thickness location, and the lowest of three is used.
The above procedure is repeated for various temperatures to construct the P-T curve for the particular case.
_. s P-T curves are developed for various heatup and cooldown cases.
- 6. Apolication of the Minimum Temperature Reauirements of Aeoendix G.10CFR50 The allowable pressures add temperatures determined from the fracture mechanics evaluation (Section 5 above) represent actual values the vessel experiences in the beltline regionc In order to provide operating curves that are useful to the operators in the control room, the pressures and temperatures must be corrected to account for the static head, dynamic head,' instrument uncertainties, and cladding (Ref. 20).
Reference 12 is used to determine the LTOP enable temperature. Reactor vessel flange limits are provided by Reference 21. In the current P-T calculation, flange limits are provided for the heatup curves only, since during cooldown, the beltline region is controlling. For normal operation and inservice testing, flange limics are determined in accordance with Reference 7, using a limiting RT m. value specified by Reference 21.
N Hydrotest temperature and minimum boltup temperatures are determined.in accordance with Reference 19.
- 7. Use of Surveillance Capsule Data in the ART Calculation Q,m As stated above, the ART is current.y calculated in accordance with Regulatory Position 1
1.1. When two or more data sets become available for the reactor in question, the methodology for determining the ART will follow Regulatory Position 2.1 of RG 1.99 Rev. 2 (Ref.14). If the surveillance data yields a higher ART value than that given by the calculational method (Regulatory Position 1.1), then the surveillance data will be used. If the surveillance data yields a lower value, either may be used.
m W
F 1.
ASTM E-693, " Standard Practice for Characterizing Neutron Exposures in Ferritic Steels in Terms of Displacements per Atom (dpa)", in ASTM Standards, Section
12, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA,' 1984.
i 2.
R.G. Soltesz, R.K. Disney, J. Jedruch, and S.L Ziegler, " Nuclear Rocket Shielding Methods, Modification, Updating and Input Data Preparation. Vol. 5--Two-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Technique", WANL-PR(LL)-034, Vol. 5, August 1970.
"ORNL RSCI Data Library Collection DLC-76 SAILOR Coupled Self-Shielded,47-Neutron, 20 Gamma-ray, P3, Cross Section Library for Light Water Reactors".
F.A. Schmittroth, " FERRET Data Analysis Core", HEDL-TME 79-40, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, Richland, WA, September,1979.
San Onofre Units 2 and 3, UFSAR Section 5.3.1, " Reactor Vessel Materials",
Volume 12.
ASTM E-185, " Standard Practice for Light-Water. Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor
. Vessels, E706 (IF)", in ASTM Standards, Section 12, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA,1984.
.j 7.
Code of Federal Regulations,10CFR50, Appendix G, " Fracture Toughness Requirements", and Appendix H, " Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Requirements", U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.
Letter from W.C. Marsh, Manager Nuclear Regulatory Affairs, Southern California
Edison to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory' Commission, " Revision to Supplemental Response to Generic Letter 92-01, Revision 1, San Onofre Nuclear Gericating -
Station Units 2 and 3, dated June 22,1994, 9.
Examination, Testing, and Evaluation of Irradiated Pressure Vessel Surveillance j
Specimens from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2, December 1988.
1 10.
Analysis of the Southern California Edison Company San Onofre Unit 3 React 6r
- Vessel Surveillance Capsule From the 97 Location, WCAP 12920, Revision 2, May 1994.
" Specific Plant Report on Low Temperature Reactor Coolant System Overpressure
~ Protection for San Onofre Units 2 and 3", Prepared by Combustion Engineering, December 15,1977.
e NUREG 0800 Revisi. n 2, November 1988, Addendum: Branch Technical Position o
- 12. _-
RSB 5 2, " Overpressure Protection of Pressurized Water Reactors While Operating at Low Temperatures".'
Code Case N 514, " Low Pressure Overpressure Protection,Section XI, Division 1",
Approved by ASME' Code Committee on February 12,1992.
Regulatory Guide 5.'99, Revision 2, " Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel 14.
Materials", U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 1988.
- 15. -
SCE Calculation N 0220-020, " SONGS 2/3 Reactor Vessel Adjusted Reference Temperature".
SCE Calculations M 0011-062 and M-0011-064," SONGS 2 and 3 P-T Limits".
" Development and Usage of P-T Calculator - A PC Based Computer Program for Constructing P-T Limit Curves", A.Y. Kuo and P.C. Riccardella, Proceedings of the ASME 1990 PVP Conference.
l p
" Stress Intensity Factor Influence Coefficients for Internal and External Surface V
Cracks in Cylindrical Vessels", I.S. Raju and J.C. Newman, Jr., Aspects of Fracture Mechanics in Pressure Vessels and Piping, ed. S.S. Palusamy, and S.G. Sampath, PVP Vol. 85, ASME.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Appendix G,1989 Edition.
SCE Calculation M-0011-063, " Revised P-T Curves for SONGS 2 and 3".
Letter from C.D. Stewart (ABB-Combustion Engineering) to M. Ogawa (SCE),
" Design Basis Reactor Vessel Flange P T Limits", dated January 19,1993.
2 O
6 J
-.m, m
- t. ;
Minimum Requirements to be Included in PTLR
N Provisions for Methodology From Administrative Controls Minimum Requirements to be Information to be in the STS Included in Methodology Information to be Provided in a Provided in the Main
" Developmental 1
Body of the PTLR Resources" Appendix to (Operator User Section) the PILR 3
De methodology shall describe Describe the E.rspeit calculation Primde values of neutron how the neutron fluence is methods including computer codes fluences that are used in the calculated (reference new and formulas used to calculate ART calculation i
Regulatory Guide when issued).
neutron fluence. Provide references.
- 1. Provide the surveillance 2.
He Reactor Vessel Material Briefly describe the surveillance Surveillance progiein shall program. Identify the licensee report capsule withdrr*ral schedule, i
comply with App. H to 10CFR50.
by title and number thst contains the or reference by title and number the documents where
- Ihe reactor vessel material Reactor Vessel Surveillance program the schedule is located.
i irradiation surveillance specimen and surveillance capsule reports.
- 2. Reference the surveillance removal schedule shall be Reference App. H to 10CFR50.
capsule reports by title and provided, along with how the number if ARTS are calculated i
specimen examinatior.s shall be using surveillance data.
used to update the PTLR curves-
- 3. ' Normal and low temperature Describe how the LTOP setpoints are Provide setpoint curves, or overpressure protection (LTOP) calculated by applying setpoint values.
l system lift settmg limits for the system / thermal hydraulics and power operated relief valves fracture mechanics. Reference SRP l
(PORVs) developed using NRC 5.2.2.
l approved methodologies may be included in the PTLR.
The adjusted reference Describe the method for calculating Identify both the limiting ART values and limiting matenals i
temperature (ART) for each the ART using RG 1.99, Rev. 2.
reactor vessel beltline material at the %'
11 %T locations i
(T=vess Itline thickness).
shall be calculated, accounting for radiation embrittlement, in accordance with Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.99, Rev. 2.
i e
.. ~....
~. -
.. ~.... -.
u - s
- 5. 'the linutmg ART shall be Describe the application of fracture Provide P-T curves for
incorporated into the calculation mechanics in constructing the P-T heatup, cooldown, criticality, of the pressure and temperature curves based on App. G to ASME and hydrostatic and leak limit curves in accordance with Code,Section XI, and SRP 53.2.
NUREG.0000 SRP 53.2, l
Pressure-Temperature fimi s.
- 6. 'the mirumum temperature Describe how the minimum Identify minimum requirements of App. G to temperature requirements in App. G temperatures on P.T curves 10CFR50 shall be incorporated to 10CFR50 are applied to the P.T such as minimum boltup temperature and hydrotest into the pressure and curves.
temperature limit curves.
- 7. - Licensees who have removed Describe how the data from multiple Provide' supplemental data and two or more capsules should surveillance capsules are used in the calculations of the chemisay factor in the FILR if the compare for each surveillance ART calculation.
material the measured increase survedlance data are used in l
in reference temperature Describe the licensee procedure if the ART calculation. -
(RTNor) to the predicted measured value exceeds predicted Evaluate the surveillance data increase in RTwar; h the value.
to determine if it meets the predicted increase in RTNm.is credibility criteria in RG 1.99,.
based on the mean shift in When Other Plant Data is Used Rev. 2. Provule results.
Nor P us the 2 standard
- 1. Identify the source (s) of data l
RT deviation value (2a) specified in when other plant data is used.
RG 1.99, Rev. 2. If the measured value exceeds the predicted
- 2. Identify by title and number the value (increase in RT ar + 2a), _
Safety Evaluation Report that w
the licensee should provide a approved the use of data for the supplement to the FILR to plant.
demonstrate how the results OR affect the approved
- 3. Compare licensee data with other methodology.
plant data for both the radiation environments (eg. neutron spectrum, irradiation temperature) and the '
surveillance test results.
4 i.
_, _ _ _ _ _ =. _