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Requests Disclosure of Proper Form & Style to Abate All Prior Preceedings & Begin New Hearings Concerning Licensee Operation of Nuclear Powered Electric Generation Station
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 09/01/1991
From: Dow R, Dow S
To: Selin I
CON-#491-12260 2.206, OL, NUDOCS 9110110040
Download: ML20079H344 (15)


{{#Wiki_filter:- - - - - - - M Disposable Workers of Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,- m. SANDRA (Mi 11M, lulNDEH A CIU IIICllAHU E 11M e did e{llIHlYIUIt / ,. PUVI,W HEI AT ' JollNNIE MIKE Fl ANNilN, CO-lOUNDEH ini gx  ?

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Hon. :/an Seltn, intiman HE: Te xa n U t i l i t i on C'tutta - Ts, 0.b. Nuclear Ecoulatori commission Comanche Peak Facl Lit tini,< 11$55 -ock Pike Docket Non. 50--44 5 67lt?-fr4 h T' e e r.v i l l e , Maryland 20052 Secondary He: SANDHA 1,0NG DOW, dba 01SPOSAllLE WOHKERS OF COMAN-CilE P6AK STEAH Et,ECTHIC STATION, and H. MICKY DOW VS. TEXAS UT1L1T1ES COMPANY, et a1. Civil Action No. 91-12311 U.S. Dintrict Court ior the Went. Dint. of Pa. Lear "r. Chal'lant Fecently came, into our Sancs, a copy of a Request to Evaluate Material Flase Statements Mado cn Behalf of Texas ett11 ties Electric Company During Licensina ana Construction Permit Amenument Proceedings held Eefore an Atomic Safety and Licensinti ll o a r d , lio c k e t Nos. 50-445 OL: 50-446 OL: 50-445 CPA, pursuant 10 C.F.H. 02.206, filed with you by the firm Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, of Washinaton, D.C., Michael D. Kohn, 7cunsel to the National Whiutleblower Center, dated July 30, 1991. With regard to that request (petition) we would request disclos-ur' cf the proper method, procedure (i.e. form and ,tyle) wherein po-t'ition can be made ta the U.S. 'J ut l e a r Reaulatory rammission, not to reopen, but, rather, to re-initiate, the hearinos themselves, We would nake formal request that all prior proceedinos be abated, in that t h e ', were conducted t r. an a t mosphere of fraud, and neceipt. We would illege, and can corroborate perjury, on t t' e parts of toth the appli-cant, and one or more of the intervonor . We can imli ocho the mtate-ments mace by Mr. Kohn, in his pleading, in that the allegations he makes, our evidence, and testimony, will show, are not only true, but that they were, in deed, intentional, and of such a press nature, that were taey naae in a court of law, iniictment for perjury would be swift, as well as certain, n; woulo further aver that the balance of Mr. John's allegations, not o r. l y are fact, they are c<ntinuino, and in all i rot; ability will

                       ;; n t i : ue,  without restraint, unless this commission acts under the vast weight of fact which has been and will again bc presented to it; imeA;ately revokes this license, and conducts a full and complete in-v e s t . :; 5 t i o n into the entire criminal aspects of i +. s operation.                                  In urport of this paraarath alone, we would offer Exhibits                                          1, 2, and 3, wnten we attach hereto, ana incorporate by reference, 'ho same as if full > ,- ta l out her ei f t .


                                ,    On May   1,    1001, !           , "rnonall/,      -fter tNuino 'rior 1rranarnent<

i '3 9110110040 910901 hV POR ADOCK 0500044D - pop O

   -_ _----- _ --- __ n27s Mos:f1M_ AWW_fE , Su l TE 171)                      NOWlil llUff!'Ifdilt)N , PINNSYINANI A 15M2

with the management of the C oma t;c h e Feak f acilit y , went to that Pite ana met with a Lance Terry, Director of Quality Assurance, and a Dave Anorews, whv identified h i ra s- e l f as Chief of corporate Security, al-though he r;e ve r has shown any ident i f icat ion. I presented them with an employee, and his vife, who had worked an the labelino crews for both Units 1 L l therein. He then gave testimony on how the pressure valves, and l i ra i t switches, primarily, had either not been labeled, or had teen mislabeled, on both units. He gave further testimony of how some of the parts were s o st'ia l l , it was impossthle to " dog-taa" them, which requirea taking of design plans sith them when they labeled, and how, not only was this not done, t ut most of the lat+1ers, as well as r-u pe r v i s i o ti staff, could not even read 'he plans. He also gave testi-

                                                                         ,r many of how most                                                             tJe labelina was aone by single men, and there was 70 assurance 2*C                                                            tgen done, or done correctly.

After wait ing two dayo for an answer, teceiving none, I callad Lance Terry to ank him what had 1:cen d'ne about the testimony. He re-sponded that the company (TU Electric) wan not at all concerned about the matter, that it would be handled in due course by way of audit. I then asked him if any toport had been cade to the NRC anc his reply was that "they u.s no need an they would im able to take care of it." f x h a ta t 1 in an exact copy of a tre m o which was intercepted and photo-copled on May E, 1991. ]t in reptofontative of f% (01 less) ni the labeling difficiencies trebented to :" offtrials, t hat they naw no immeo Jte need of addressinq.

2) In September, 1984, memberr of the Office of lovestigations, went to the home of Charles Atchthon, :n Azle, Texas, took a statement in detobition form, and attempted to take possension of 1,000 safety and construction violations that he haa recorded. On that night they only received 100 of those violations, and the other n00 have never been addressed, recorded or investigated, and are in the possension of this writer. Exhibit 2 is a photocopy of one of the paces of the "four notebooks" mentioned in that statement, and the number appearing on it will correspond with one of the numbet n ment ioned trecifically in that statement, to authent.icate the notebooks.
) In 1988 a " Secret Settlement Acreement" was negotiated be-tween the applicant and several "whistleblevers" (Charles Atchison was one of these) which not only raid for their Filence, preventing their revelation of thousands of natety and conntruction violations by the applicant, but also coerced them into v111fu11y breaking the laws of the United States, after duly varning the applicant, by ". . . not voluntarily appearinq as a witness . . . and . . . aqreet that if served with compulsory procer.s neeking 'o compel hit appearance or s olnder . . . he will immediately notify the undelnigned represent -

alive of Brown & Root {TU Electric] . . . and thereatter take all reasonable stepu as may be suggested by tirown & Root, to renist. nuch compulsory proceau femphasis added). This matter was addressed in length by the United ;t at er 9 enate, in May, 1989, by the Subcommittee of Nuclear Requiaiion. At the very Leginning of those hearings, during the course of hin etening state-rnent, The Hon. John Dreaux, the U.S. "enator from Louisiana, and the Chairman, stated with a clarity, and, one would hole, with a finality, "I am most surprised that the legality of these payment s could even be an issue in light of the substantial rody of law that says that aoree-ments of this type ato, in fact, illegal. First, basic ront ract law states that contracts for the supression of t est imony are void as a-gainst public policy. Second, sect inn J10 of the Fr.orqy Peorganira-tion Act prohibits any NHC licensee, or a con t s a< t or , <>t a nut cont r ac lio n . Ivan Selin ._ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ .

1 , tor, f Tom al irlina t lily againEt any employee fof tebt1iyinq or .' ariy (La n n e r a b b 1 d t i n t, Or iJtt1eipatIng in an) ltocedbre u!)d e t the Enetgy Reorganivation Act, cr the Atomic Energy Act. Thub, testifying .: a protected activit) under Loth the statute and the NkC's regulations implement 1r.g that statute. . . . Third, the Feueral Witness Erihery Statute in a A e b it a crime, . . . to uffer a witnesb, or for a witness to accept anything of value for thatInsitness to be absent tro a pro-addition, the Federal st atut es cedure before the recetal agency. dealing with obstruction of agency ;roceedings rna ke n it a crime to corruptly interfere with agency procedures.", and, yet, the NHC, hab done nothirig about thib in a t t e t , forcitia one whibtleblower, Joseph J. Macktel, Jr., to sue in the United States courts, and fittally receive a ruling, iri February, 1991, from the Fif t h Circuit Court of Appeals, In New Orleans, which utrikeb down the validity of those agreements. Yet, this 16 nct the end of thobe problems, nor the tip of the iceberg, as fat ao o tequest for prior proceedings to be abated. Mr. Machtel was neat 1) 111ed, in Wahhington, D.C., under highly suspic-ious c i r c u rn s t a nc e t , :ecaune of the knowlecae he ponsesses. faren Silkwood's ceuth 25 till under 1. u b 1 1 e a e rn a n d for inventigation. Thls writer can thew Atc!ibon's feat ut death, declared to me r* t;e r s of the NiiC , :ctroLotated by nio attorney at the time, D1111e Pirner Gatde, LecauLe ut t r.e b l.a w l e a g e he postenbec, now in the poLLebston cf this writer. The c h a t r ro o n of the HouLe 0! Peptesentattves Override Comrnittee, Dr. hotett Meyet, asked this wtiter to " Lay the words, no we can address that lesue". . . "I *111 ask you again, Mr. Dow, do you be l i eve Mr . 1s tc h i s or, was murdereo?". Many of the other whistleblowers although they are awore of the 5th Circuit decision, are afr-aid to corne forwaro w i t.h their i n f or tna t i on becau se of the threats, and intim-idating actions taken against them; although four of them have now placed that i n f o r n.a t i on in the harids of this writer for presentation. This writer c a rn e to the NHC, firut, with regard to in f ortna t i on he had received from o client, who was a victim of Lexual harrassment at the Cornanche Peak facility, ano had received a vast a rno u n t of viola-tion related rna t e r i a l . Since that titw the NFC hab refused to work in arty possible way with this writer. Their steadfast position hab Leen that they will take possession of all the origina1n of this material, a rid after copying it tuturn it. They have refused to allow anyor e to be present during this procedure. Their position 1u that they must have this Information in order to act upon it, yet they haven't octed on most of the infornatich they have for several years, and none of the reports this writer has made to them yet. This writer has f id litigation in the United States District Court for the Norther. Di,trict of Texas, wherein he has pied this material as evicence to La presented, and tha N 47 gab attempted to usurp the power of the U.S District Court, ths

  • Wocess rights of thib writer by atter.pting .c beize t hi s rna t e r i a l frorn him by virtue of a Subpoena Duces Tecum, that power given to them by virtue of the A-tomic Energy Act, which would not s t arid the scrutiny of any U.S. Dis-trict Court, which, in point of fact, is rio t a suhpoena duces tecum, out, rather, a poor;3 disgulbec discovety tequest for production and inspection, that would certainly te denied t h e rn by a request for iro-tective orders if It were made pu r s u a ri t the F,k.Civ.P. and is a trav-ehty of that process.

Although th16 writer hub repeatealy a t t en.p t ed to work with the NRC he had beeri latassea, t h r e a t. e n e d with enf or cemerit proceedinas vnich coul1 result .- b;s teing jaileo, ut nuffer manbive f i r, a n c i a l penaltiet. r Nelve .uthing in return. l lion. Ivan Selin .

i This writet hab teen interviewed, t u t tua 11 y , .n the offices of the

                                 .         Regioli IV, anu nevet t e e ti given a cop) of t i,e t ranbet i pt of those
;                               3roceedings foi review and approval, although at .ab t.oth requesteo and promised.               Yet material from that 111terview vas made available to u Linda Portet, who r*a t er i all y mi bl epresent ed it to others on deveral
ccablons, In un atten4t to discredit this i n d :, v i d u a l and hit efforts.

After corat i nua l Iretsure f r orn the NEC, the utility, and othern, which contained threato of :uch dulficient weight that reporto were filed

                                 .ith the f.D.1.1 af t er re} orth to the NRC that thlb writer and a col-league believed they had teen exposed to radiation, from their inven-t 1:.,a t i o n a of applicant's illegal dumpb, and no t h a t,g wab done about it, ihlb writer, and his colleaaue were fotced to run, in fear of their cet) liveb, in orte last attemit to bting this matellol to the atten-l l ots of the g ov e r ! fi.ellt .

Du!ing i h a t- 111yht, thib wtiter came into contact wtth a Kay Drey

                                   .nale hidism In l it t ot urqn.                                  Che agreed to act ab an intermedinty, in
                                   ;tuet that, once ayai t , some munner 01 l a i so: could be affected with the NhC.         A sttange werieb et occutances Legan at thib time, in that, u; the NEC agtved with the iear Iactat, ano agtved to change the loca-tion for appeatance ta Wathington, D.C., Lut then rade a Statement
                                   ;not LucauLe thlb writet had tequested the change, Lib expenbes would
  • ot Le reimburoeo.

No requent, ior expenuou of any kind had ever been ende, and why this should even Le inentioned hab no material merit; b) this writer wab ouured that all of his confidential bou 7es would Le sept that way and overy effort would be made to [totect t . .e rn , yet, no me ri t i on , or offer, of similar Kind has ever been made to this individ-ual, who, to teaterate, hab mentioned it on bevoral occasions! and c) in a newspaper article (Dallah Morning News, Thursday, July 18, 1991) NPC officialb were quoted saying that they could corne and get Mr. Dow and his evidence any time they wanted. Still wishing to cooperate with the governitent, this writer made cne final a t t to bring his material to Washington. In telephone

onversations with both Ste} hen Lewis of the Counse! General's office, and Dill Stryker of the Inspector General's office, 'nitially, it was agreed that the tri; could be made and the evidence presented, then
                                     ; opted in a mariner which would preberve it's sanctity.                                                  However, once again, the final statement of Mr. Lewis was that Mr. Dow would not be allowed to be probent during c. n y copying procedures, or transciptions of the tapes.          Shoulo I be vary? Certainly, the 1erbon of Nixon in still too fresh in everyone's mind, and the recotd of the NRC is too
                                      . ell known.         It was at that point I cocided we would go to Canada, approach the U.S. Annabbador, and make one last effort to reach the capitol, if by no othet toute than the State Department.                                                    Upon reach-ing Toronto, and maxing irtitial contact with 4ht '.R. Consulate, to cien the coor, we were told that we had come .f.o i!*trong place, that 11 we sought protection for ourceives, and this evidence, we were def.
                                      .r.ately approaching the wrong people, as they would take it from ud anc turn it over to the NHC. We then told the official from the Coun-

tulate t. hat we haa not eaten in three days, had not had a bath, were

                                       ;ut of f urtdb to even tuy yabollne, and hib response was t h a t. they .ere closed for the weekend, we Should go Sleep in our car on the street nd call Monda) n.orning at 8:15 and they would see then what should te
                                       ;.u n e about ud.

Although we have approached the Catadian government, and they are cery interested in what we have; we have teen able to show it to them

                                       .ithout feat of its teing seized, a t: d attempth are teing made for us Hon. Ivan Selin      _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -            _             _     _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                 __

ta have a u. b ) a c fetum 1 oi ;tetontation, we eti11 !cel that al t hough thia id Inu s e a, 1stue ut internatienal hun on : Aghts, the American ;co-

     ;le nave the inittal right to                .t,   as the lasget iatt of the iroblem 13 there.

With that in mind, these ratt two weekt, we a q u i r. , on our own in-itiative, once a g a i ri , ru d e contact with both 14 i l l Str)ker, and Etephen Lewis, to try and work thlo thing out. I have beer told persona 11) at the headqualteti et the Office of the Inbpector Cerie r a l that they knew b ey 1 C ri lY wob ditt), that the) had known it for t olw t I nie , and have Lever been challenged lay anyone when repeating this o t a t eine n t . But,

     ;. n the ladt two weekb, I have f.ev e r been Luch double-talk and c o ri f u n -

ion, dioplaylrm a complete l a c r. of cooperation, and cornmun i ca t i on , as have leeri through durit.g this period. Suddenly, there in a new player in this sill) gare. Now, I have on !r.dividual who had negotiateo, with the N i< C , to have the g ove r ntne rit py for the t r alise r i p t i or. Lt the 16 reele of tapes f r om Lmanche Peak ana give eser)une a c u[ ) , ano ne act as a third-party to affect this entite process. Mr. N ale, t> u reputable attorrm), and is repr esent-1rw with etiIclene) o . t n t I ra a r In the tome rosition at rny s e l f . I have no l t o t i e n, with t ha t , but, an), ask, 1: all 'lin r.ecenbary when rny r rU}ebul .a 1 1 a l (111g In- 1 Ieen to 211Uw the hhC io 11anbCrihe thebe tapeb

. u t I woulu Le ! resent during *he procebn.- Why doch m orm want rne
     , rederit '

Then, we , u mi back and Iorth to the d o c u rw n t h . Mr. Iowis finally agreed to accept copies, anc, ! agreed to provide them. I honestly tolo him 1 did riot base the f i t.a nc i a l capability to re-produce them and he vaa going to check into 9 0 v e r t. m e n t aboistance. In the interrim I obtained copilog calata11ty, and so adv1 Led h i ru . I i n f or rned him that there was an impending mail Lt!ike here in Canada, and something needed to be d o rte quickly, as he ri?ver han telented on this deadline that they must have all t hi! naterial by Sept ember 7, 1991 to prevent. this vicious en f or ce wnt pr oceed i rig . Yet, everytirae ! call, mostly at my expense when I a ra able, I get Lounced back and forth L'etween both ct thebe g e n t l en,e n t ano each says I need to talt to the other, but that one will not be available for beveral days at a time. The iinal strow c a rne last Fr i day, AuguLt 20, 1991. Although "I. Stryker and I naa ayreea for n.e to call aim that day, he w6s, again, unavailable. I then called Mr. Lewib, who was unavailable the last t i rn e , and a con-serbution of total lunacy followec. I was told that the government was not going to [ay for in f or ma t iori . Once, again, we were involved in the s u rne procedure a rgun ent that th): was not paying for informa-tion, out, in the discovery procesa, which this, in truth, is, that an) } arty of whom a discovery request is made, can request the Court for ;rotective orders tecause the requestityg got' yp i imposing a fin-ancial h a r d s. h i p , and there is not a judge in 4,h 'orld who would not order the requebting party, or his insistance that the information was needed, to buy for the cost of its reproductior. I might add, ana upparenti) Mr. Lewis forcot, that tc pay for the t2anscription

the tapet is the same thing, lie also then said it I could send the
     .na t e r i a l C.O.D.      the g o v e r ri t would relmLurte the cost.           1,  again, reiterated to Mr. Lewit, that I d i a ri' t have mor,ev for food, and C.O.D.

l mailings requireo payment at the bender er o in advance, and I could not co that. lie said he uncerstooo, and remincea nie now close t. h e 'T t h l

      .as.       Finally, in frustration, I stated to him that what was being, in truth, otscutbed, was the n.a t t e r of trust, a rid what f.e was trying very hate not to say, was that ne cidn't want to tiust me with the funds to llo n . Ivan Selin          ~5 l

1 do the mLiilliq. He then said that thia was not the eaLO, judt t ha t. t he 9Cver ntaent does not [ay for in f orma t iott. Thib 1h a vel) timple Isrue, and one that can be r e c.c i v e d with the greatest cf ease, if and when there id cooperatton, t etweert the U.S. Nuclear Fegulatory C omm i b t- i o n , und the citivens of the United Stated. Mr. Fonn, t ri his request of July 20, 1991, haa pita .  : lear and undelstancable tecueSt, bupportec it more than adequately, a t.d request ed telief snlch is the unly available, and viatle alternative. We, strongly, r e l t.e r a te , ; acaqr aph one of Section V therein. Every single thing t ha t- goes en within the boundar'es of the Co-manche Peak Steam Plectric Station, in Glen Hose, Texas, or, for that matter, a rt y nuclear powered generatior facility in the Uniteo States, id a riatter that is Lafety related, and certainly fallL within the im-meolate ;tritdiction of the NPC, as a whole. The intimidation, which incluaed i o t ra of e.tporal iunishment, thacat, beatinus, blackbal1ing, ation, enuract et a t t a s s i r.a t t on and uther telated measures of coer-an, that ue uneu h a s i- teen unea, anc will be used in the future,

           > force }oople to un thin a t ha t their training, and [>e r son a l ethics tel1 t hetu are w t O l aj ,                     11; (it Ge t tO [ ut an (; { a' t a t 1016 " o n - 1 l iit* " wh1Ch call potentiall) ubtto) ,; u b t a l.o u t everithinq around it, wt1*, if nothing elbe desttL t ihe taorale of us et yurte involved in this construction pr o-cens.          Histcr) huh bhown what poor murale does to any constr uctive process, it treeds delibertte ,alutage, it breech lack of profession-alism, it Lieeuw w a s t. u , anu a                          degeneration of the entire process which is what is yulng on at thit i i t. e The record of that matter .5 full of people who have complained, and been K111eo, t hreat ened , or intimidated into silence. T hr. appli-cant hab maae excuses to th16 agency that are 50 ludicroub, even you gentlemen cculd not, and often would not, accept them. When does the majcrity rule?                            Is the Code of Federal Regulations separate from the Constitution of the United States, and d_es it deny the rights of Due Process?                           hoes one inept, corrupt, and aictatorial corporation have
t. he right to usurp the very dictates you were sworn, and empowered to protect,. Fobert Alexander stated, quoted for the record, "We don't a t t.ern p t tc rotect the worker against himself. If he should be so foolish as to select radiation as the way to take hin own life, then he can do that without 12reaking a r' / regulation ", is thib the official position of tne U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Commlbsion?

Sir, ! a rn a loyal American, and so is my wife. I believe in thih way of life with all my heart. I am also not a fool and I know that the true ideal of democracy only exists on paper, that government is run L) men, anc men are fallible mistakes ar" made. I Kno. t he' n are things about this i miu s t r y that the j' u b l i c L' y ' t, be aware of for 4 the overall aafety of the industry, and the per b _ itself. But there are also things which the public has the certain, and guarunteed right to be aware of, anc th's it what is being deniea them. I love my country, as coes m) wife, tut frankly w: are ashamea of it right now, x ana real tarea of de t ' .nd i rm it in a foreign land. We want to ecmo nome, cut ate afruiu to, tecuute we have evidence that L e l o r.g : In the na r.a b uf our neighbots, anu our y overnment want. to -otve it tot itn' d e u t. r u c t i c n . We hate Leen iled to, we have hao a t t e rn p t L r:a ue on our livet, we nave been exposet to radiation, al1 in on atternpt tc ot>tain a f o r u ra tc '1vulge ano examtrm issues, which goLe a 'ers rotten and Hon. Ivan Selin l

j mi s ma tia g ed caIoration, thot is raping the 1-coples of 1:or th Cent t al Texas' lives, wallets, ana futures, una thib coperation, a p p a r e n tly , has the power to Le able to deny this opportunity to ub. The must devastating ex a rnpl e I ca r. g i ve you in t'is antire affair is to tell you how we felt after stand 1% in both to incoln and Jefferson Mem-orials in Washi!;gton, D.C , reading the .. . ,s inscribed in stone there and then hastrig a ';onsertation with R e g l e r- IV, and runnirig in fear from that city, a rio how we felt then. I, aguit, f o r ra a l l y request disclosure of the proper f or m ano style to alate all priot preceedings, and begin new hearings into the atplication of Texas Ut111 ties Company for a license to cperate a .:300 MW nuclear pchered electric generation station. I respectfully remino the colomission that enforrement powers of the U.S. District Courts operate on a two-way habis, and lart of the relief we have tequested therein ., for that vet) thing. We will use the courts and the law or t h i e. gr ea t iano to show o rie c '> t p o r a t i o n it ib no* above e i t lie t . Respectfally,


N' % ! /

                                                                                                                                                             /~n R I Cli A F D E .' DOW, Public Felations, JR.,

Dihto D.W.C.P.S.E.S. of B775 horwin Avenue, Suite 178 North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania


SANDEA LONG DOW, Chief t' (e c u t- 1 ve Officer, D.W.C.P.S.E.S. 8775 Norwin Avenue, Suite 178 North H u n t. i n g d o n , Pennsylvania ec: Davio C. Wi111ams Lawrence J. Chandler, Esquire Inspector General Assistant General Counsel for Nuclear Regulatory Comm. lle a r i ng s & Enforcement, N.R.C. 11555 Bock Pike 11555 Hock Pike Rockville, Ma r y l a rid 20652 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Michael D. i'chn Steve Comley 517 Florida, N.W. P.O. BoxMans 2i7 k g,c, Washington, D.C. Rowley, usetts 01969 Eono) Loftis Stan Jones The Lallas Morning News Fort Worth Star-Telegram E08 Young Street 7th 1 Taylor 9treet Lalles, Texas 75202 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Coll 1r 'icN I C R e l b Fred E r a c r.u n

he Associateo Press CNN Newe
                                                                           '-    enn Plaza, ~4th Floot Gateway Center, Suite                                                                                                   .

5 1ttsturgh, Pa. 15222 New iert, *; e w York 10002 lion . Ivan Selin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ ..

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                                                                                                          .\lAChTAl i. M Citt'T AfW OF I,Af tor                                              f i y r, C* bianer prown:s of Energy lhrge'.

Juseph J. .TI ACHT Al.. J r.. Petitioner, ration Art. %t cauid nnt sact tettkment termt wh cb allPdly violated pur+0 00 0 c,v, afd enforte remamder of settlement. 5ECRETARY OP LA110R. Respondent, u ;eviit ,'rrin ce's and ernrbyerS esn No, 99 1o;9, t ct Er(rpy Ecorgann.itmn Act of M* t i 210. at, 42 U.S.C A. ( 8M1 linited Ft ites Court of Appris 3.1.abur Relations cWOJ l Eifth Circuit

                                                                                                                                                   "%ter:al terms" of proposed withs                     l
p. .m ment of u hatic.t, lower t.ction, whu h $cere-t h mi*p-)-

e,.,% ( mry of L4her nr. net unihrerally n.olify cen9 stent with requirements of Energy , Employee. w bo had allegedly been d.s-I00 Tat'.stwn Act. are those v.hich par- l

c. arged in rttaliate..n for identtfying poten tics ceuld not catarnarily change in ab.

t al prob!cmt m cens'ruction of nuclear scoce of conse-t of other pr.rties to settle-power plant, sought pdie'n! rosew cf deci. n.cnt agrten r Energy Reortamot.on sivn of Secretary et f.aber modif> re and Act of D74. g 40, at timended. 421: S. enicrcing, as mndified a propo*ci sett'e-

                                                                         *     .1#. of  v. t Mle.t I ver r" r$mpl Dr.' nl't irt f
                                                                                                                                                 &k bbI Ec rm.c cn %rds and Pht:,s:s hrmcr empiv)er. The Court of Appc3N                                      I*  d'#      "C       # 0"U N"'0" 5 8 '"3          '

Windam. Cartwt Judge, held that $rcrt tary  %, , n m m of labor e9uid n?t tcver ter na of rcttle rnent which alkgedly violated put>he poarv, 4 tm,r Rd.itionn edu red enforce teraamder of settlement. wah Fmaneial hard; hip due to lou cf ew c parties. enn ert pieyrnent d3cr not con:titute "durco." suf Vacated and rcrmnded ficient to perma former (mployee to evoid settlement of clain.a 5 gainst forrnct em-plc r under w hatie blower preisions of

1. Labor Relations ew.'65 Er.ergy Recrgarur'.ien Act. Energy I'.cer.

Employer and employee could not de- gan;-ation Act of 1974,6210, si amended Secretary of Labor of jur6 diction 4? U C C A ) !J 31. Oir.r employce's complaint undct "w hisde- e c NHoucn Wrds and Phrers I)% cr" prOVISlon3 of Energy Reorg'tr'673* for coher ydicial celuirtictions and de n ru oc h' tan A t by ent< ring mte settlement, after c:mplaint w as tded. and fdmg pnt motmn

                                                                          ': dismiss. En trry Reerranenten Art cf                             5 L dor UrldiO"5 W
                                                                          ; ',,T 4,    ! 210, as nmanded. 42 l'3 C A                               Emphyr cannot withiraw ennn nt to i M5L                                                               pr"pned sett!m nt of ebims gunst m.

pinyer under u hatlMiev er provmn= ef

                                                 ;                        2 1. abor Ittiatione cnK5                                           Fnergy Roorganiution Act unhl Secretary a e.

Seerutary of Labor could either accept of Labor, b fme whom whh, tic Net tr reyct propmcd settlement of nuckTr tien is p<ndin;r. :s fot given oppurtunity to cither necept or re;cet settlement. Energy pwt r phnt errpinyee's ebars under w hi.i. s,r e ,, s, w ..a v. o .e,.,e i<r.. u * , (nPY n tcHT n 't ty W L4r rTBf i1HK ',' " J N y.o, y. g . v.a r. , w -, t . . a

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l$$ AI t is t i d.%%  % %s e y e t*4 g asp s

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                                                                                                                               .g g                        ,p          gy      4g, te) 1.*As   %#I AM'134t        b4*f sk Ihe ar)%sr5 tjel I'W; #68N UW ,'Est8F $8e(etah he $ f4P4'a*9E auf             Om, %, g                     u a p %n., .

tr a u4 ev e eenato sJea vtd. or en' wre . gJg {g hg5 gjggy 9,,A }{4d g,$ argip*1

  • 4 45 tk 'Jepe at t.n , egg 3(.qj U gd ,(_ pg gg, g,yg.,,gg g g p ,g;, f t),

SarY d d fP?t f1May495DS.4 s k MDC3g.I.4dha44*e. garg eye 'pg kr>taapg of0 ?g use A de Inf 8J tt ;#9%4st faert.e4 keer I 45 Stf4.TtFY1 Se It1* LF 4"L  ?!Lat si det d>l fT,4,r? 1. Be4 es.O av,t U+ settJ>sseen vv.s t m. a-wr et. 4 f re< er, eus.y tu co,pk. .s t ee.t she i r t a n east o*sente) but w as unx*1 in ey . U, 5.certary /*<mbi swt te ;,*rtu rimpe.f t.= the .r i.ets *8 ca ert satl 3+ EritL.. askyes that t e atts. rys tAirest b.s a. i attw= vs " W. ailru tJe%. v. Bp.Bla* 11 dsP JtefaaI 'ar QlCftf9tt af g e I, efwet to ord)wtra e 'rw-e re p**ws**,2*arwi MJ lums tanee to creer

  • Our v It
  • ws t De
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  • ei-v6 gg,g.ygp;g g( go, 4,g(g gpg ggz ggggg g gg, s'ert h ****t a st, e' JaMaary. haa evfesemi to be 't! &l t?e !st 9- Of de .,,jeg ge Lag y' , gyoe% ase a sedth e - at <*etrary e s 19* =v -ew- ti i

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 .At *e +mg as &l orhtal rec e r.teil em ta.h                     eeetd t>3 the Fetary nec= $.ar Jy + m                                           a                    e     h

b r,WW ** b Md by,,,,,%,,,,,,u,,,,,,t.,,,,,,o,,, e h m8 h ,e n ee at .e w a 1. m,,. >.s um a.u , i.,tm. o., t,,,, m ; , , , ,, tJf4 K%tRaIff Pe{9(ZsIe, Sfh3 te, 2 g yg gg ,,,yg g,g .pggggg (*Q nj,., M , f6 -4P* t I*f9*'C de FTwthMe.,, Isf fMett td eB*",Ff't , tL~eis rce and leer asipet,eal of th *eti:< ]g g g. + w ut s rie'll '** b. WO k Edu b'e In "' tN sam To so;g rt he g.= gu, y

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                                                                                                                                                                                               %b $ 3&r f==Dggestgy that It ha s 9, A Itai AEefe.g!

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 == fil d th * (J4 434r ser ,ha 1, r st es.d. em                                                                                                                                               3'r*4 reem's t>v V wetars cent J.8 ma*

we ag-e== *e ne % nury % .e..w., t 6 ts., .,,.es n ,t N r,- a . - a v 'r2 y asser; c-est. m. *eaes *U***' "W # *

  • u;but Ji in eg te 4 min ..f el.e % , eta,) mic r,parea the pmater pie a isal ab tarv fear d tht L' tal o Jal .w. et to sh At Ng* waU freif s tltt, [e alh*y he ' t = t esi .64, .etys :tas t:rm., a se,== la erurs e rA=ms t a 4 r, u,,ut weA de of c e Wrary enues m atu,r TN, 4 et.a.. a t u cae. o wi.u.r i
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  • IV-< fMml t.* "' t.* a c' .t a-d to mo *r er e==*e
v. nean e v us a.,4.m.s 4, ,. m m ee7 so por mes.: a os24 E ($# ghtft($ #4 4ett h0C g 914Eh.Dtjhr NM
     >+.e ggg (pgl ,g9pyggger5g         ,gh   y$ g h gg.g fi c 6 *d *'*s Ja , tow an sk arg am es o ra.; p c neJ "a        0        I S Ih"*r M 4, jhst , 4r / O k           ad ygs.gresig gk e9salar
                                                                     $          a94 M s as M f                                         ,g &               ,, yae r, . ,. gg g,,                 p,,, g , gn, 4,,g 4 e w da ru ee s eeJ e w eJr #iraw
  • ires nm ,4.

g g g g , g g g gyig F-

  • Ws eer p *.ee A'ami e f".q d tg f ' Tot e pa , F# .h t A % MMI6) (Wril 1T*I)

Wat. L PT i tt 1** 5.* t N * "'g g U* A.7etw ' e Feutae < e, lai f sd as mg! t y it epenrass es.w .s es.uir S#edned as**4 n m *4 N \c eu** 3%4) 4 .A-* . t.%.s ,% ey es.e,a,e.ed o.a. u, ne m v.a t-. waw,rawce-c-t*

                                                                                  . . .eNr F: ' tak 04                                                                                  w.d .=.ra. as.s.e , A.,

se, re.a w.. . .m , u i,v. . m . . r., ece, t._, so n. .%. ,s - n . mes.a. deu, , wr, , n ae.f><=mert 4 s e. eat F Id 11'FE I!Pi 4 M


b*a 11 5 4'AC A 4} M'*

  • m a p Ca ,a 3 TTTt eser we=p.14-d tou.nar ener t s*.ar tar gnaes -er,no g m,y,m u g,nes}

tr . *s-o nam e be.

  • M arns s% e W .*.e.,s. sanx.

g_,4 , , , pM* W $ ,fJ at 4 ."'F# gg h ,8 eW 4'* I8 ee T IT$eT. 4 esse * ,$lMeana %e.c ,,j,, g ,,,3, gehern f4f 80s a8 45 i+4r 4.str% 0 cas 12 The we4e =reis ===4=e= a e s* e to =ma de *w= v etas, e as=f a m **=hr* +4*** M 6 # i A 4. 6 8 7 F ' sg= It* V. WLwe s.,re.M wepofew m A ,.3,,, a ee+ed f**wa e el saas.4e 5 serv an t- Se TDe wgy g,, A , w p m,g two.o <ms*ar* area . is.qq=us**ug fe' s******"* (*18' Ua f Gdit eff 4 S te t >J % F% it esin ( .e *I"f 88"- gen es as she .,8.vt.s , ed etw we kr 19If larsens e Po,re. (F f~ k '3 4'&_ 473 m go as ear'yiimew eines m p o, 3,, ** *! b#*** *  ? ** i % lE 8'8 Y ) aff J us.f%<sust sy*, MS I 2d 8 I6I ggggge.g gehst 60w ep$.eygg 3 sesygogg gism be #f*'au 46a W m84 -per ,'o'r s o e "as r. s e et ans v.a. avast s S rr t*w # Ears e'r* MA

                                                                                     ,,s ,. a ,,

a?d C*) . a 4 -e=t 4se t o **F,e7 u a m ,,, I I'I N "" II98 # **#I" * * # " lN 4}d <'# 8 BA .538424 tla elaeMa gtV t e g6 8 '*C S* I* I II'I8l


d res, MArMTAI.. M rstfT AH) a W s.Altott alw= v. de Seen1as, coor'mf4 a 13=&s Seetam 240, era h4jabesl< Sce Macheat ratteer than llev.e A Rai,;, dreatd tarv sma3 c-ttn ester Me tJw -M mee e h s de rek ==f f a attrancy=" alleged w b m;9,,ve g W, << ref use to estu meta e t-, ce t.o. ar4 eerices I = =f U.c 34 t:.e e=:

                                                   ,,,, g _ w ,,, ,,,,g, , ., ,,,, wo ,

taam,f or Yathtal's sh:atm*w We canted s.ny llet tite artme rou;Lta,ted as, ale e of trumferal tst rm cf tM arv*cwu =4 sesiv du n., de mat o' MG M kn & M4 g< ygg.A19: ef. di of th- Tetan IV we.1 Rt31 A NIs tha case fee (i.eder o.e. et .ts. c 4its.u nt mim the. <1 o.en

     %Ve la b dut Blas t ta med fire. ore & M.=4 i

t=.. dra'ne1 a vi arm 4 u, a settkewei genJv4'4 *.C te$ 4 Ades tefine, 13 S l'co rt. We 8%Lkbay t'4s. gen.. $a.ra Pawl. Sa.r. l

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