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Final Deficiency Rept Re Leaks in Temporary Water Lines Disturbing Backfill Under Auxiliary & Control Bldgs, Initially Reported 811007.All Temporary Water,Air & Gas Lines Taken Out of Svc.Abandoned Pipelines Will Be Grouted
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1982
From: Van Brunt E
To: Bishop T
10CFR-050.55E, ANPP-21011-GHD, DER-81-35, NUDOCS 8206080330
Download: ML20079G142 (4)


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4 8 amwam $ waan mamow arewxss, P. O. BOX 216 6 6 PHOENIX, ARIZON A 85036 May 20, 1982 ANPP-21011-GHD/BSK go-ctT U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission p _g Region V J Creekside Oaks Office Park 1450 Maria Lane - Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596-5368 Attention: Mr. T. W. Bishop, Chief Reactor Construction Projects Branch


Final Report - DER 81-35 A 50.55(e) Reportable Condition Relating to Leaks in Temporary Water Lines Disturbing Backfill Under Units 1 and 2 Auxiliary and Control Buildings File: 82-019-026 D.4.33.2


(A) Telephone Conversation between Bob Dodds and G. Duckworth on October 7, 1981 (B) ANPP-19405, dated November 5, 1981 (Interim Report)

(C) ANPP-20150, dated February 11, 1982 (Time Extension)

Dear Sir:

Attached, is our final written report of the reportable deficiency under 10CFR50.55(e), referenced above.

Very truly.yours gg CLLL5 h ULL m I

E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.

APS Vice President Nuclear Projects ANPP Project Director EEVBJr'GHD:ske Attachment cc: See Attached Page 2 73-s

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U. S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission

' Attention: Mr. T. W. Bishop, Chief ANPP-21011-CHD/BSK May 20, 1982 Page 2 cc: Richard DeYoung, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 J. A. Roedel.

D. B. Fasnacht G. C. Andognini A. C. Rogers B. S. Kaplan W. E. Ide l J. Vorees l

J. A. Brand A. C. Gehr W. J. Stubblefield W. G. Bingham R. L. Patterson R.~ W. Welcher R. M. Grant D. R. Hawkinson L. E. Vorderbrueggen G. A. Fiorelli Lynne Bernabei, Esq.

l Harmon & Weiss 1725 "1" Street, NW Suite 506 Washington, D. C. 20006 R. L. Greenfield Assistant Attorney General Eataan Memorial Building Santa Fe, New Mexico 87503



PVNGS UNITS 1 AND 2 l I. Description of Deficiency Several temporary water lines in Units 1 and 2 are buried under ,

a portion of the Auxiliary Building (s), and four of the lines l developed leaks. As a result of the leaks, two to three cubic. l yards of soil washed into the space between the Auxiliary Building and the Control Building in each of the Units 1 and 2. Upon dis-covery, the leaking lines were immediately taken out of service, due to concern that the transport of soil may have affected the foundation conditions of the Auxiliary Building (s).

II. Analysis of Safety Implications .

The conditions described herein are considered Reportable under the requirements of 10CFR50.55(e) because, were they to have remained uncorrected (water not shut off), they could have adversely affected the safety of the plant, and they required extensive evaluation to establish the adequacy of the structures to perform their intended safety function.

Two of the leaks (one in each unit) could be considered large leaks, and were detected in the normal course of events. The other leaks were considered small leaks and could have escaped detection, but did not have sufficient force to transport signif-icant quantities of soil. The possibility of a leak large enough to impact foundation conditions but remain undetected is evaluated as extremely remote; the site work was engineered to eliminate the possibility of a subterannean channel developing or permitting any large quantity of soil washing out.

The results of the investigations have shown that the leaks and the two to three cubic yards of soil removed from each of the Units 1 and 2 have not had t .gnificant impact on the Auxiliary Building foundation. It was also determined, by calculations, that the Auxiliary Building can safely withstand a complete loss of soil support under a conservatively estimated area of the basemat in the vicinity where the leakage occurred.

For details of.the investigation program and conclusions, please see the enclosed Engineering Evaluation Report.

Finol Report DER 81-35 Page 2 III. Corrective Action The following actions have been implemented to prevent recurrence:

1. All temporary water, air and gas lines within the area of concern have been taken out-of-service for Units 1 and 2,
2. The abandoned pipelines will be completely grouted, and exploratory holes penetrating the soil in the area of concern will be sealed with grout in accordance with Grout Procedure 81-35 which is in preparation.


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