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Annual Operating Rept for Implementation of Environ Protection Plan,1982
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1983
From: Diederich G
To: James Keppler
NUDOCS 8304110350
Download: ML20072U557 (22)



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e O ) LaSalla County Nuclear Station -

. ._ ' Rural Routs 41, Box 220 4'


's J Marseilles, Illinois 61341

,(y Telephone 815/357-6761 RA ENF SCS A/R V PA0 )

pgagum. SLO DPMA PC March 16, 1983 p SP DE-ML -

OL IFILE %%. ,

Mr. James G. Keppler Regional Administrator Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Dear Mr. Keppler:

Subj ect: EPP Annual Operating Report Appendix B to Facility License No. NPF-11 Attached is the Annual Operating Report for the implementation of the Environ-mental Protection Plan as required by Section 5.4 of Appendix B to Facility License No. NPF-11. This report is contained in Attachments 1 through 4 as indicated below:

Attachment 1 - Summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by Subsection 4.2.

Attachment 2 - List of EPP noncompliances and corrective actions taken to remedy them.

Attachment 3 - A list t,i all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 which involve a potentially significant unreviewed environmental issue.

Attachment 4 - A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.

This report covers the period from the time of Facility License issue, April 17, 1982, to December 31, 1982. However, the fog and rime ice monitoring includes all of 1982.

Section 3.2 of Appendix B requires subraittal to the NRC of NPDES noncompliance reports which are required by the State of Illinois. These reports were pre-viously submitted to the NRC at the time submittal was made to the state.

Included as Attachment 5 of this Annual Operating Report is a summary of the NPDES noncompliances for the period April 17, 1982 to December 31, 1982.

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8304110350 830316 PDR ADOCK 05000373 R PDR JQ]~(

- . J. G. Keppler March 16, 1983 In accordance with Regulatory Guide 10.1, one copy of this report is provided for your use and 18 copies are being submitted directly to the Document Con-trol Desk,.U.S, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 20555.

1 Sincerely youts,

s. .

G. . Diederich 4 Station Superintendent GJD/FRL/lrw

' Attach.

'cc: ~ C. W. Schroeder, w/att.

NRC Resident Inspector, w/att.

Environmental Affairs, w/att.

Document Control Desk (18 copies)

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Vegetative Integrity on Cooling Pond Dike

- The vegetative integrity on the cooling lake dike was inspected in accordance with LaSalle procedure LTS 1000-5 on the following dates: April 27, 1982;

' June 2, 1982; July 6, 1982; August 4, 1982; and October 28, 1982 During these inspections, no problems were noted concerning the vegetative integrity

- on the cooling lake dike.


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Subj ect: LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 Operational Fog and Ice Observation Program The following is a summary of the data for 1982 of the preoperational'and operational fog and rime ice observations in the vicinity of the cooling pond. This is in accordance with the Environmental Protection Plan, Appendix B, Section 4.2.2 which is part of the operating license for LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2.

Included are: (a) Attachment-1, which includes all incidences of fog which restricts visibility to 1/4 miles or less and rime ice observed off of station property; and (b) Attachment 2, which consists of copies of the four quarterly 1982 summaries of fog and rime ice observations.

In summary, there were 12 days out of the 249 observation days where visibility was restricted to less than 1/4 miles. when compared to 1981, 1982 had one more day of fog where the visibility was restricted to 1/4 mile or less.

There were no observations of' ice build-up occurring off of the station prop-erty. Rime ice was found on the guard rail by the Administration Building and on the access road. Since no ice van observed on vegetation, there will not be an Inspection for Environmental Impact of Rime Icing as specified in Section 4.2.2(d) of the EPP.

During the fourth quarter, Unit I operated at various levels up to 500 mega-watts. During this period, there were two' incidents of fog reported, compared to six incidents in 1981. Neither case of fog during the fourth quarter of 1982 was enhanced by the cooling pond based on wind direction and visibility observations.

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Fog and Rime Ice Monitoring Pdbgram Summary Attachement 1 -

LaSalle County Cencrating Station page 2 of 2 Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation

. Quarter, 198_

Days of Observations Fog / Rise Ice Visibility in Feet (less than Db ervations Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Points Date Time Direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Remarks 11:30 7:20i1 135' 800 800 800 800* 800* 800* 800 800 800 Fog over entire area 0 Denotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Obs.Pt. Dir Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span 1 3050- 820 4 900-161" 7 197 -339" 2 270- 850 5 900-240 8 278"-351 3 650-112" 6 188 -262 9 286 - 67" (See Map on Reverse Side)

l Feg and Rime Ice Monitoring Program Sunusary Attachment 2 LaSal_la County Generating Station page 1 of 7 l i

) Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation 1

First Quarter, 1982_

61__ Days of Observations Fog / Rime Ice Visibility in Feet (less than obscevations Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Points j DatS Time Direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 '. 7 8 9 Remarks i 1-14 7:12a 257 "* ' " ( "***


3 o Rime ice (light) along" 1-26 6 :59a 279 roadway into parking lot **

2-02 7:03a 125 50 50 75

  • 50* 50* 50 50 50 50 l 2-16 11:GOs 45
Fon 2-16 4
27p 45" Fog ,

f 2-18 [_7 15a 36 Light Fog / Drizzle i

2-19 7:25a 279" Light Fog i 2-19 4:10p 261 1000

! 3-12 7:15a 145 800* 800* 800 '

3-12 4:00p 160" Lip,ht Fog i i

!  % 16 7,nA= 126" Light Fog


i %1a 1, i n. 61 0 Fog 0

%10 7?20m 72 Fog 1

0 Denotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Cbe.Pt. Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span se s at

! 1 3050- 820 4 900-161" 7 197'-3390 1  :

2 270- 850 5 90*-2400 8 2780 -351*

3 650-110' I l 6 1880-262" 9 286 - 670 l

(See Map on Reverse Side)

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Attachment 2 i .

page 2 of 7 .


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Fcg cnd Rime I:3 Monitoring Prcgra Sununary Attcchment 2

_LaSalle County Generating Station page 3 of 7 .

Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Fomation Quarter, 198_

Days of Observations Fog / Rime Ice Visibility in F'eet (less than Obe rvations Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Points

- Dats Time Direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ramerks 3-19 5:05p 85 Light Fog

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i 0 Dorotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Ob7.Ft, Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span 1 3050- 820 4 900-161 7 197 -3390 2 270- 850 5 90 0

-240 8 278 -351 0

3 650-112 6 1880-262 9 286 - 67 (See Map on Reverse Side)

3 Fig cnd Rime Ica Monitoring Progrca Summary Attachment 2 LaSalle County Generating Station page 4 Of 7 '

Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Fonnation Second Quarter, 1983.

H Days of Observations a


F;g/ Rime Ice Visibility in Feet (less than ' .

  • Jbe ~rv^ tions Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Points -

__'D'ts Time Direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Remarks 5-28 7: 18a 270 =

Foa. Cover 1 mile) 6-29 7:15a 282 200 200 200 200 400 600* 200*

i' I

_ l' O De ntes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Obn.Pt, Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span A 3050- 820 4 900-161 7 197 -339 2 270- 850 5 900-2400 8 2780 -351 '

3. 650-112 6 1880-262 9 286 - 67 (Se3 Map on Reverse Side)

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c F:g and Rime Ic3 Monitoring Program Sununary Attachment 2 1.aSalle County Generating Station page 6 Of 7 Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation

. Third Quarter,1981 61 Days of Observations


F:g/ Rime Ice Vielh111ty in Peet (lese than Dbservations Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Points Date Time Direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Remarks 9-15 '7:15e 99 Light Fog 9-27 7:oon 59 200* 100* 100* 100 100 200 200 200 200* S nbaf !r E" '


0 Denotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Obd.Pt. Dir. Span, Obs.Pt. Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span

'l 3050- 820 4 900-1610 7 197 -3390 2 270- 850 5 900-2400 8 2780 -351" 3 65 -112* 6 1880-262" 9 286 - 67 (See Map on Reverse Side)

Fog and Rfme Ice Monitoring Program Sununary Attachment 2 LaSalle County Cencrating Station pagg 7 of 7 Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Forination

. Fourth Quarter, 198 2 59 Days of Observations Fcg/ Rime Ice Visibility in Feet (less than

, Db~ervations Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Points i Date Time Direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Remarks 10-8 7:00a 20' Fog Densi1.y 200 -- 400 feet in all ditectioils Mist-fog ,

10-27 7
15a 235' Light fog over lake

! 11-15 7:00a 235' Fog only over lake 11-19 7:15a 165 Very henry fog over lake,overnant-rain 11-24 7:30s 326* Heavy Pog covering ;iervice drive only** -

R gee {1s a r 1 l near main access fmellitv##

11-30 7:20a 135* 800 800 800 000* 800* 800* 800 800 800 Fog over entire area 12,15 7: 10a 300* Light fog / mist 12-23 7:Na 189* Light fog o Denotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Obs.Pt. CD. Span Obs.Pt. Dir. Span Obs.Pt. Dir Span ** Rime ice on station site only 1 3050- 820 4 900-1610 7 197 -3390 2 270- 850 5 900

-2400 8 278"-351 i 3 650-112 0 6 1880-262" 9 286 - 67" (See Map on Reverse Side)


ATTACHMENT 2 EPP noncompliances and corrective action taken to remedy them.


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7-ATTACHMENT 3 Changes in station design or operation, tests and experiments made in accordance with subsection 3.1 which involve a potentially significant unreviewed environ-mental issue.


ATTACmiENT 4 Nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with subsection 5.4.2.


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ATTACIDIENT 5 Summary of NPDES noncompliances for the period April 17, 1982 to December 31, 1982. These have been previously reportcd to the NRC at the time the report was submitted to the State of Illinois. These are not EPP noncompliances.


LASALLE COUNTY STATION NPDES NON-COMPLIANCES Attachment 5 1982 Page 1 of 5 DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION Wastewater Treatment Facility Instituted Manual Control of Polymer and Alum Addition 1-1-82-27 20 Apr 82 Effluent Total tron System.

Wastewater Treatment Facility 1-1-82-28 3 May 82 Effluent, pH Repaired Acid Drain Line in Make-Up Demineralizing Room.

1 Wastewater Treatment Facility Efflu 1-1-82-40 15 May 82 ent pH and Total Suspended Solids No Action Taken.

' Regenerative Wastes Solution Posted Area Around Hakeup Demineralizer Floor Drains to 1-1-82-42 10 May 82 Discharge Tank Total tron Promote Good Housekeeping Practices.

1-1-82-44 14 May 82 Untreated Discharge to Cooling Pond Installed Missing Checkvalve on Wastewater Line.

, Regenerative Wastes Solution Replaced Suction Tubing on Hydrogen Peroxide injection Pump 1-1-82-65 20 May 82 Discharge Tank Total Iron with Thick Walled Tubing.

i Operators Instructed Not to Wash Dirt and Debris Down Floor Wastewater Treatment Fac.lity i Drains in Makeup Demineralizer Room, installation of 1-1-82-66 26 May 82 Effluent Total Iron Permanent Hydroaen Peroxide iniection System.

Regenerative Wastes Solution Operators Instructed Not to Wash Dirt and Debris Down Floor i 1-1-82-109 26 May 82 Disch. Tk Total Suspended Solids Drains in Makeup Demineralizer Room.

Operators Instructed Not to Wash Dirt and Debris Down Floor Regenerative Wastes Solution Drains in Makeup Demineralizer Room. Installation of i 1-1-82-110 26 May 82 Discharge Tank Total Iron Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection System.

! Wastewater Treatment Facility Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection 1-1-82-113 15 Jun 82 Effluent Total Iron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5

! Sanitary Treatment Plant Effluent

. 1-1-82-114 11 Jun 82 Fecal Coliform Reduced Flow to Construction Urinals.

Radwaste Discharge Tanks Samples Work Request Initiated to Automatically Start and Stop l 1-1-82-116 5 Jul 82 Missed Composite Sampler.

Repaired Broken Line from Fuel Oil Storage Tank to Diesel 1-1-82-124 6 Jul 82 Oil Spill to Cooling Pond Fire Pump.

A m


DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION Wastewater Treatment Facility 1-1-82-126 8 Jul 82 Effluent Oil and Grease An Oil Soak Boom Was Placed in the Effluent Compartment.

4 Regenerative Wastes Solution Disch. Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection 1-1-82-127 1 Jul 82 Tank Total Suspended Solids System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 Regenerative Wastes Soluticn Din n. Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection 1-1-82-128 12 Jul 82 Tank Total Iron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 Wastewater Treatment Facility Refer to Note 2,

1-1-82-154 26 Jul 82 Effluent pH Installation of inline pH Monitor. Page 5 of 5 Regenerative Wastes Solution Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide Injection 1-1-82-164 20 Jul 82 Discharge Tank Total tron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 i

4 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired Mechanical Failure with Radwaste Floor Drain 1-1-82-166 1 Aug 82 Suspended Solids and Total tron Evaporator.

Wastewater Treatment Facility l 1-1-82-169 3 Aug 82 Effluent Total Suspended Solids Restarted Alum. Addition Skid.

l Regenerative Wastes Solution installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection 1-1-82-182 29 Jul 82 Discharge Tank Total Iron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired Mechanical Failure with Radwaste Floor Drain i 1-1-82-183 29 Jul 82 fron Evapo ra to r.

Cooling Pond Blowdown Total 1-1-82-188 17 Aug 82 Suspended Solids None Taken.

I Regenerative Wastes Solution Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection 1-1-82-189 10 Aug 82 Discharge Tank Total tron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5

. Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired Mechanical Failure with Radwaste Floor Drain j 1-1-82-190 10 Aug 82 fron _


y- .

, Radwaste Discharge Tanks Sampless Operating Department Was Instructed to Inform Chemistry j 1-1-82-202 16 Aug 2 Missed Technician When Tank Discharge Was Complete, q.a,agg 1

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1982 Page 3 of 5 DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION Regenerative Wastes Solution Disch Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection
1-1-82-203 21 Aug 82 Tank Total Suspended Solids System. Refer to Note 1, Page > of 5


i Regenerative Wastes Solution Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection l 1-1-82-215 24 Aug 82 Discharge Tank Total tron System.

Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 i

Wastewater Treatment Facility Efflu Reduced Hydraulic Loading of Wastewater Treatment i 1-1-82-216 1 Sep 82 Total Suspended Solids Plant.

! Wastewater Treatment Facility Refer to Note 2, 1-1-82-224 9 Sep 82 Effluent Total tron Installation of inline pH Monitor. Page 5 of 5 Regenerative Wastes Solution installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide Injection

] 1-1-82-225 11 Sep 82 Discharge Tank Total tron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 Wastewater Treatment Facility Discharge Was Stopped. installation of inline pH l 1-1-82-226 13 Sep 82 Effluent pH Monitor.

Cooling Pond Blowdown Total 1-1-82-227 3 Sep 82 Suspended Solids Continuous Flush of Sample Line.


, Radwaste Discharge Tanks Oil Repaired Mechanical Failure with Radwaste Floor Drain i 1-1-82-228 10 Sep 82 and Grease Evaporator. ,

Wastewater Treatment Facility Effio Refer to Note 2, 1-1-82-243 14 Sep 82 Total Suspended Solids & Total Iron installation of inline pH Monitor. Page 5 of 5 i

, Regenerative Wastes Solution Disch '

1-1-82-244 14 Sep 82 Tank Total Suspended Solids Cleaned the Regenerative Wastes Solution Discharge Tank.

] Wastewater Treatment Facility Discharge Was Stopped, installation of inline pH

] 1-1-82-246 23 Sep 82 Effluent pH Monitor.

4 Review Adequacy of Flush Time to Obtain a Representative 1-1-82-255 24 Sep 82 Radwaste Discharge' Tanks pH Sample.

Wastewater Treatment Facility

, Effluent No Total Suspended Solids l 1-1-62-263 25 Sep 82 Analysis NPDES Surveillance Form Was Revised.





.i 1-1-82-264 29 Sep 82 Continue to Assess to Determine if Further Treatment May Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Iron Be Needed.

I Wastewater Treatment Facility 1-1-82-265 25 Sep 82 Effluent Total tron The Clearwell Was Cleaned.

4 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total 1-1-82-267 7 Oct 82 Suspended Solids Continuous Flush of Sample Line.

Continue to Assess to Determine if Further Treatment May 1-1-82-284 8 Oct 82 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total tron Be Needed.

Regenerative Wastes Solution Installation of Permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection 1-1-82-285 9 Oct 82 Discharge Tank Total Iron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 Wastewater Treatment Facility The Regenerative Wastes Solution Discharge Tank Was Placed 1-1-82-286 18 Oct 82 Effluent pH Back in Service.

Regenerative Wastes Solution Discharge Tank Total Iron and Provide the Option for Treatment at the Wastewater Treatment 1-1-82-310 29 Oct 82 Total Susoended Solids Facilitv. Refer to Note 3, Page 5 of 5 Regenerative Wastes Solution Provide the Option for Treatment at the Wastewater Treatment 1-1-82-311 20 Oct 82 Discharge Tank Total Iron Facility. Refer to Note 3, Page 5 of 5 Regenerative Wastes Solution Installation of Permanent Hydorgen Peroxide injection 1-1-82-322 5 Nov 82 Discharge Tank Total Iron System. Refer to Note 1, Page 5 of 5 Wastewater Treatment Facility Efflu Discharge Was Stopped. Oil Was Removed from Equclization 1-1-82-323 9 Nov 82 Total Suspended Solids & Total tron Tank.

Wastewater Treatment: Facility O i l Wa s Removed f rom Eq ua l i za t i on Tank . Oil Soak Bags Were 1-1-82-329 12 Nov 82 Effluent Oil and Grease Placed in the Effluent Compartment.

Wastewater Treatment Facility Effluent Total Suspended Solids Oil Was Removed from Equalization Tank. Oil Soak Bags Were 1-1-82-335 16 Nov 82 and Total tron Placed in the Effluent Compartment.

Regenerative Wastes Solution

, Discharge Tank Total Suspended Provide the Option for Treatment at the Wastewater Treatment 1-1-82-360 24 Nov 82 Solids and Total tron Facility. Refer to Note 3, Page 5 of 5


  • NPDES NON-COMPLIANCES Attachment 5 1982 Page 5 of 5 .

DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION Regenerative Wastes Solution The "A" Greensand Filter Was Taken out of Service. Makeup 1-1-82-366 9 Dec 82 Discharge Tank Total Iron Demineralizer Runs Limited to 70,000 Gallons.

! Sani tary Tr eatment Plant Ef fluent 1-1-82-373 6 Dec 82 pH Results Misplaced None Taken.

j Regenerative Wastes Solution Disch Provide Option for Treatment at Wastewater Treatment 1-1-82-380 24 Dec 82 Tk Total fron & Total Suspended Soli ds Facility. Refer to Note 3, Page 5 of 5 2

i 1-1-82-389 27 Dec 82 011 Cooling Pond The Oil Was Removed from the Oil Separator.

2 Note 1: The installation of the permanent hydrogen peroxide

! injection system is expected to be completed by August 1983 i

Note 2: The installation of the inline pH monitor is expected to be completed by April 1983 l Note 3: The option for treatment at the Wastewater Treptment April 1983 Plant is expected to be completed by
