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Annual Operating Rept for 1983 for Implementation of Environ Protection Plan
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1984
From: Diederich G
To: James Keppler
NUDOCS 8404200243
Download: ML20083P905 (25)




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Southern Dwisson

  • Streator o,ctrict Headqu;rtsrs

,(V Frech Street W. cf Hwy. 23

  • Streator, Illinois Telephone 815/672 2101 O

] Address reply to: Post Office Box 518


Streator,litinois 61364 4

April 16, 1934 1


A wP Hr. James G. Keppler

-)/RA JF.

Regional Administrator 4/HA miC*[

Region ill

.>c ceA U.S. Nuc car Regulatory Commission 20 nCp_-

799 Roosevelt Road

. iA dL n

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 7

Fi N hh 1

Dear Mr. Keppler-


EPP Annual Operating Report Appendix B to Far*llty License No. NPF-ll and No. NPF-18 Attached is the Annual Operating Report for the implementation of the Environ-mental Protection Plan as required by Section 5.4 of Appendix 8 to Facility License No. NPF-ll and No. NPF-18.

This report is contained in Attachments I through 4 as Indicated below:

i - Summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental j

protection activities required by Subsection 4.,2.

j - List of EPP noncompliances and corrective actions taken to remedy them. - A list of all changes in station design or operation, tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3 1 which Involve a potentially significant unreviewed environmental Issue. - A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2.

Section 3 2 of Appendix B requires submittal to the NRC of NPDES noncompliance reports which are required by the State of Illinois.

These reports were pre-vlously submitted to the NRC at the time submittal was made to the stats.

Included as Attachment 5 of this Annual Operating Report is a summary of the NPDES noncompliances for 1983.

I l

t g 4 g *43 g ~49416__

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5 J. G. Keppler In accordance with Regulatory Guide 10.1, one copy of this report is provided for your use and 18 copies are being submitted directly to the Document Con-trol Desk, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 20555 Sincerely yours,


1d G

J. Diederich Station Superintendent LaSalle County Station GJD/FRL/bej Attach.


C. W. Schroeder, w/ attach.

NRC Resident inspector, w/ attach.

Envi ronmental Af fairs, w/ attach.

Document Control Desk (18 copies) 4 0



Vegetative Integelty on Cooling Pond Dike The vegetative integrity of the cooling pond dike was inspected in accordance with LaSalle County Station procedure LTS-1000-5 on the following i

dates: March 2, 1983; May 26, 1983; June 29, 1983; July 27, 1983; August 22, 1983; September 29, 1983; october 27, 1983; and November 28, 1983. During these inanections, no problems were noted concerning the vegetative integrity of the cooling pond dike.

J 1

i 1

l DOCUMENT ID 0001h/



. (Continued)


LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 Operational Fog and Ice Observation Report The following is a summary of the data for 1983 of the operational fog and rime ice observations in the vicinity of the cooling pond including an analysis of the data and comparison to the previous year's experience (1982 partial operation, and 1980 and 1981 baseline). This is in 0

accordance with the Environmental Protection Plan, Appendix B, Section 4.2.2 which is part of the operating license for LaSalle County Station Unit 1 and 2.

i Included are:

(a) Attachment 1, which includes all reported incidences of fog which restricted visibility to 1/4 miles or less and rime j

ice observed on station property in 1983; (b) Attachment 2, which consists l

of copies of the four quarterly summaries of fog and rime ice observations for 1983; and (c) Attachment 3, which includes the annual summaries of observations for the years 1982, 1981 and 1980.

In summary, there were 5 days out of the 249 observation days during 1983 where visibility was restricted to less than 1/4 mile. There were no observations of ice build-up occurring off the station property.

There were, however, four cases of on-site rime ice during the year.

Analysis of the five 1983 occurrences of reduced visibility shows that on caly one day, February 15, was there an observetion of reduced visibility which may have been enhanced by the pond.

The report said

" general light fog" as a general condition. The February 15 observation was isolated between observation points 4 and 5 in a wind direction indicating possible pond effect. The water temperature of the cooling pond February 15 was 330F, slightly below the drybulb temperature of 360F and the dewpoint temperature of 340F therefore there should have been little l

contribution of steam fog to the atmosphere from the cooling pond.

l All four 1983 rime ice observations were in a localized area near the circulating water discharge. Rime ice was observed on vegetation and on vertical surfaces. None of the occurrences was reported as heavy or l


Ice was observed only on the early morning inspections and had disappeared by midday. The first two observations, March 22 and 23, occurred during a period after Unit I had been in operation. The water j

temperature was approximately 400F and the air temperature was quite cold, reading 15 F.

The other two rime ice observations were on December 19 and i

December 23 during a period of extremely cold weather. The air temperature was well below zero at -170F and -140F.

Unit I had not been operated for sometime so the water temperature was approximately at the freezing point.

In all cases of rime ice the vegetation was dormant, there was no physical damage and the ice was not persistent.

In view of these factors there is no need for an " Inspection for Environmental Impact of Rime Icing" as specified in Section 4.4.2 (d) of the EPP.


1 2-t The 1983 data had fewer observations of fog causing reduced visibilities than previous years 1982, 1981, and 1980. As shown below there were 5 observations in 1983, 12 in 1982, 11 in 1981 and 10 in 1980.

i Total observations, Visibility Less Than 1/4 Mile i

Year Visibility Less than 1/4 Mile Downwind Only i

1983 5

1 l

1982 12 0

1981 11 1

4-1980 10 0

It is apparent that there was little or no enhancement of local fog conditions that could be attributed to the heat rejected to the cooling i

pond. There was the one observation in February,1983 which was isolated between Points 4 and 5 downwind of the cooling pond. This was only the second time in the 4 years of observations that a visibility reduction under a 1/4 mile occurred downwind of the pond without any similar upwind or cross wind -fog observations. The previous occurrence was on August 21, 1981 at points 2 and 3 both of which were downwind of the pond.

All rime ice observations in 1983 and 1982 were localized to the point where the entrance road crosses the cooling water discharge canal.

In 4

1982 there were two observations which occurred during a period of extremely cold weather in January, 1982, which was before fuel loading. There was one observation in 1981 in late December under conditions which combined very cold air temperatures and an area wide light fog which resulted in S natural


i rime ice formation off site but was apparently not influenced by the cooling


pond. The additional incidences of rime ice formation in 1983 indicate that


localized, short duration occurrences will be more frequent when the units are operating with low ambient air temperatures.

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ATTACitE2rr 1 Fog and Rfme Ice ManItoring Program Summary LaSalle County Generating Station Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation 1983 249_ Days of Observations Fog /Rik Ice Visibility in Feet (lose than

" er1 rations Wind 1/4 mile) at observation Pointe Date Time Direction _

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 Remarks oeneral light togs low 2/15 7:30 a 141 400*

visibility area was n'xnat 1 mile east of Point't.

Hime ice (1/8") near 3/22 7:25 a 234 guardhouse.**

Rime ice (1/B") near 3/23 7:20 s 325' guardhouse.**

4/06 7:00 a 125 400 400 400 400 400 400 400*




6/28 7:15 a o'

Soo 400 soo 60o 6oo Heavy for over mand.

11/17 7:20 a 315 400*

500 400 300 Heavy fog over pond.

Could not see station 12/b4 7:00 a 28io*

400 400 200 200 200 200*


400 400 lights from Points 2. 3.


4, or 5.

Rime ice (1/4") on hand-12/10 7:30 a 333' rails and vegetation near oirculating water dis-i charge.**

i Rime ice (trace) on guard "Y

o 19/21 7:10,


rail and plants near sir-eulating water diseharge.M 8

0 Boeotes Yes Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond

. Spaa Obs.Ft.

  • Dir. Span Obs.Pt.

Dir. Span

    • Rime ice on station site only.


1 3058-828 4'

- 90 A161*

7 197*-339o See map n reverse side for 1 ***1 2

278-858 5

90 -240" 8

278*-351" 8'

3 658-1128 6'


9 286*- 67*

(See Map on Roverse Side)


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Attaohnent 2 Page 1 cf 5 Fog ced Risma Ico Montenrtra Progrnia Sumunary 1.nSulle Cou~ty CeinerrLing Strtfun Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Farinat ion First Quarter, 198J i

62 Days of observations t'

Fug/ Rime Ice Vielh111Ly in Feet (lees tisan ohner'rattune Wind 1/4 millo) at W eervation Pointe

, ]Ja ke Time Direction 1


~3 4

5 6

7 8

9 Bemerke

'2-9 7:15a 145' Deri3Fa I.agnsrugo C E5 7:30s 141*-

Yi"M igIM.*D* O ** P 400*

2-15 4:00p 63*

Light rog 2-16 7 30s 203*

I'IMI #88

_2-18 7:30s 184*'

Light rog ES 7:30a 45*

Light fog b22 7a25a 234*

Rime Iee tva J near suardhouse.**

3-23 7:20s--

325' Rime Ice (Vu") near guardhouse **

e l

O Denotes Fog Formation Downwind of Conting Pond

  • Rime toe on Station site only Obs.Pt.

Dir Span Olau. I't.

Ili r. 5 :14sn Olso. I't.

tilr. Sian t

1 M5"- 82" 4

900-J :31

7 197"-339" 2

270- 850 90"-2400 8

2?8"-351 3

658-112" 6

1880-2620 9

286*- 67*

(See Map on Reverse Side)


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Attaatueent 2 i

Fog cnd Rime Ico Montenring Program Susanary Page 2 cf 5 I

LaSalle County Cencrating Station Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation Second Quarter, 1983 A Days of Observations Fog / Rime Ice Visibility in Feet (less than A er' rations Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Pointe

_ Date Time Direction i

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

Remarke b6 7:00 a 125' 400 400 400 400 400 400 400*



Pbs 4-13 7:30s 171' Lisht fog b13 4:00 p 144' Lisht fos 6-4 7:30 a 306*

Lisht tog

_6-28 7:15 a o*

500 400 500 600 600 Heavy fog over pond



.R 0 Demetes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond h. F't.

Dir Span Oba.Pt.

Dir. Span cha.Pt.

nir. Span 1

3050- 828 4

900-1610 8

7 197 -3390 2

278-858 5

90 -240" 8

278 -351" 3

650-112' 6

1880-262" 9

286*- 67 (See Map on Reverse Side) aJ

8 9.

4 I

l l


l o

7l -



Atteshment 2 Pago 3 cf 5 Fog cnd Rime Ica Monitstring Program Summary 14Smilo Cou-tv Cunerrting Stettun Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation Third Quarter,198) 1 Days of Observations

' Fog / Rime Ice Vietbility in Feet (lese then m -ar<eariems Wind 1/4 mile) et Observ<stion Pointe Date Tt==

Direction 1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

Bemerke (b*183 7:30a 548 Ligns rog. no vaas-bility ras hietinna.

9/2/B'l 7220a 2000 deavy fog over. ".

Licht mamd for awar antire area.

No vie bility restrictions.l 94MB 7:15a 245 Light fog over some 0

low spots. No visi-bility restrictions.

6 O Donetes. Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Obs.Pt.

Dir. Spea Obs.Pt.

  • Dir. Span Obs.Pt.

Dir. Span 1

3050- 828 4

94%1618 8

7 197 -3398 2


5 8

90 -2400 8


,3 658-112*


1880-2628 8

8 9

286 - 67 (See Map on Reverse side)


4 ehm+A.v*-k_E4-.M.4d4&4W-.4 4#44-6 4.e4..r.=E4A n.4m 43_R_-4-WM&M-M. e

.jp.444.*4--4&MA h4A. L hA A 4M 4.

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1, Fog cnd Rime Ic3 Monttering Progree Seamery pese 4 cf 5' LaSalin Cou tv Ceneratina Station lucidence of Fog / Rise Ice Formation F=== =th quarter, 198,)

_60 Days of Observations i

Fag / Rime Ice Vivability in Feet (less then IMi erwartons Wind t

1/4 mile) et Observation Pointe i

_ page Timaa Direction 1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

Remarke 10/

l os/Ih 711%.


Light fog over lake salp 1 10/



7 mon m --

8 14/84 7w 21k


Light tog over read at m.a-* 34.

He visiM11ty restrie=

11 /



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j Light tes.over semeral ammaa. m. we.4 h414 tw _--




v. m s,#

Lisht fas over semeral 2aio*

400 400 200 200 200 200*


400 400 11p te from Fe(ate 2. 3.

04Ah Taaa-ca a4 mes so. es. stem

_4 or 5.


i nsAh 4.nh i

127 ~

in' Some lisht feg, ao vie =

l ihility restadeti 06Ah Ta h 355' Light fog over semeral l

j area, ao visibility i


0 De32tes Fog Formation Downwind of cooling Pond

" M **1 "

  • Obo.Ft.

Dir Span Obs.Pt.

Dir. Spun Obs.Pt, Dir. Span 1

3058-828 4

900-1618 7

197 -3398 8

2 278-858 5

8 90 -2408 8

8 278 -351" 3

658-1128 6


9 286 - 67' 8

(Ses hp on Reverse Side)




Attestument 2 Pese 5 et 5 Fog and utme Ice Monttoring Fragree Summary lasalle County Generatina Station Incidence of Fos / Rime Ice Formatten h =th themrter, 198J A Deye of Observettens Fog /klee 1cu Vielbility in Feet (less then l

tenertrat tona Wind 1/4 mile) et Observation Polate

_ Date fine Direction 1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

Romerks L2/

1T/91 Tam.

1 Tat'

'PBS ever general eres.

I 12/

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j 12/

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ice en hasui raile end vegetetten meer sireulati -

i 12/

ing tseter discherme.**



7, w=

sdn' mame ice en plante end mi/Bi hand rail ma=__= aiw1=t.

ins water steemarge.**

i O Denotes Fog Formstlom Downwind of Cooling Fond Obs.Ft.

Dir, Seen Obs.Ft.

Dir. Span Obs.Ft.

Dir. Span 1

3058-828 4

908-1618 7

8 197 -339*

2 278-858 5

8 90 -240" 8

278 -351*

8 3

658-112' 6

188*-2628 9

286*- 67*

c (See Map on Reverse Side)

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Fog and Rime Ic:2 Mont taring Frogram Suasaary tasatie county Cencratina Station page 1 of 4


Incidence of Fug/R!ame Ice Formation 1982 249 nays or observattone Fes/Zias Ice Vietbility in Feet (lees tisan h'h Wind 1/4 mile) at Observetton Folute hata T*=

Direction 1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

Romerka 1-14 7: 12e 257 Rime ice (1./165)near

,- m m..

1-26 6 59a 279 51** ico (light) ala 9ot**

road =v into =dr s==

2-02 7:03a 125' 50 50 75*

50' 50*

50 50 50 50 2-19 4: 10s 261* -

1000 3-12 7:154 145*



800 6-29 7: 15a 282*

200 200 200 200 400 600*


8-23 7:25e 18' 500*


200 200 250 250 250 500 500*

9-01 8:00m 171*



400 Fog rain 9-02 7:30a 279*

300 200 100 150 150 500 300*


200 9-08 7:30a 90*

900 900 400*


400 400 400 400 900 Light fog-mist 9-09 7:10e 180*

1000 300 9-27 7:00m 59*




100 100 200 200 200 200*

Hea y o er 10:08 7:00s 20*

Fog density 200-40) feet in all directions


O Sonetes Fog Formation Downwir.J of Cooling Fond ebe.Ft.

str. seen

otr. span, otr. span

    • Rise ice on station site only:

1 3058-82*

4 900-161" 7

197 -339a see page 2 of Attachment 2 for 0

2 278-858 5

90*-240 8

278 -35to location.

8 3

658-112' 6

1888-262' 9

286*- 67*

i (Ses lley se Reverse Side)

Fog and Cine Ica Manitoring Program Samanary AttachSSRt 3 14Salle County Cencrating Stat toa page 2 of 4 t

Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation 198a

$ Deye of Observatione Fog /31es Ice Vielb111ty in Feet (less them

- Nettees Wind 1/4 mile) at Observation Fotate mata T a- -

airection 1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

temerke 11:30 7:20s.

135' 800 EO 800 800*

80M 800*

g800 800 800 Fog over entin ares 1

O Demotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond b.Ft, Dir. Span Obs.Pt.

Dir. Span ot,a. Pt.

Dir. Span 1

3058-828 4

908-1618 8

7 197 -3398 2

278-858 5

0 90 -2408 8


3 658-112' 6


9 286*- 67*

(See Map on Meyeree Side)

(. L.-

v Attach =amt 3 Fae 3 or 4 Fog and Eine Ica m at cries Progree Susumary 14Salle County Generating Station Incidence of Fog /11ae Ice Fermatica R Days of Observatione b ring 1981 Fog / Rima Ice Vieibility in Feet (lees than 7 crvattana Wlad 1/4 mile) et Otservation Potato nata Tw Direction 1

L 2

i 3

4 5

L 6

i 7

u 8

9 Banerke 2-17 7.00, 205*

For tw-nm t t y & M-f00 ferr in all airat wa 2-15 7 :1 %


1200 1700 enn eco e.<yi

  • eT*

t occ a 1too soo rn, enrer - e te n ar -


2-27 7:1L 126" rr, m,a,,,,, _.

4-10 7:15e 115 1000 800 1070*

10S3 EM h L, ar e > >1 -


8-21 7:12e 72 1200*



ram 9-14 7:05a 280 200 200 2?5 250 250 250 250*


250 r=,

10-05 NO5e 90" 600 600 600*


600 600 800 (A3 f03 4

1 0-08 7:Osa

'10" 350*


150 400 200 150 200 250 100*

10-15 6:45a 235" 1200 1200 1000 1000 80a*


800 1200 1200 Pea vy f on ev er me r ir e arm 10-16 6:45a 230*

1200 1200 1200 1200 1000*


1000 1200 1200

.rer ever ett tre area 11-04 7:12a 99*

800 600 500 400*


4 00 600 600 800 11-16 7:05a 250" 800 800 800 600 600*


800 800 800 R1me ice at Stat 1saa 3-9; 12-29 7:00m 275*



< 1"

< 1"



< 1" L12ht for over area O Demotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond Obe.Pt, Dir. Span Obs.Pt.

Dir. Span obs.Pt.

Dir. Span 1

3050- 820 4

900-1618 7

197*-3398 2

270- 850 5

90 -2400 0

278 -351*

fl 0

8 3

658-112' 6


9 286*- 67*

lI (See Map om Reverse Side)



Attesemment 3


4 Pnee O or 4 Fog and Cime Ice Mast cring Program Summary LaSalle County Cenerattaa Station


Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Fcrusttom haring 1980 M Deys of Okeerwations Fog / Ries Ice Vie 15111ty la Feet (lees than Dbeervatione niind 1/4 alle) at Observation Fotats Date Time Direction 1

I 2

ll 3

1 4

S 6

u 7

e i

9 Beerts 1-16 4:00F 171*


1300 1300 1300 Pend fresan 2-20 5:304 234' 500 500 200*

500 500 500 Emme 905 freeen 2-21 E 30A 90*

500 1000 1000*

1000 1000 Peas 905 frosen

[200 5-19 7:OtWL 31*



200 200 300 300 300 230*

h aa fog 5 at. east 8-11 7s204 240*

1400 1400 1400 1000 1000*

1000 700*

800 800 ef slaat 4-18 F 07A 332*


700 6SO 800 700 650 730*

730 700 Peg la ent1Fe aree 4-28 7:06&

600 800 800 800 600 600 600 800 800 9-05 7:15A 71*

1300 700 700 750 12-01 bs30F 72*

800 800 800 800 800 am =ty e

i 12-31 7:004 315*

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000*

i O Donetes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Pond

    • Wind direct 10m ladicater met W Obs.Ft.

Dir. Spaa Obs.Pt.

Dir. Span Ob s. Pt.

Dir. Span 1


4 90G-161*

7 197*-339' 2


5 90 -2408 8

8 275*-351'


3 658-112' 6


9 266*- 67*

(See Map on Reverse Side)

_ \\

8 6,

ATTACHMENT 2 EPP noncompliances and corrective action taken to remedy them.


s j


Changes in station design or operation, tests and experiments made in accordance with subsection 3.1 which involve a potentially significant unreviewed environmental issue.


4 l

4 j

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_s DOCUMENT ids 0001h/..._ c'-

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, ~ 3.. 4

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s ATTACHMENT 4 Nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with subsection 5.4.2.


ATTACHMENT 5 Susanary of NPDES noncompliances for 1983. These have been previously reported to the NRC at the time the report was submitted to the State of Illinois. These are not EPP noncompliances.


l 2



of 6

'DVR NUMBER DATF HON-COMPtlANFF rnoorrTsur nerinn Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Provide the option for treatment at the Wastewater 1-1-83-3 3 Jan 83 Total Sus. Solids and Total fron Treatnent Facility.

Refer to Note 1, Pace 6 of 6.

Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Provide the option for treatment at the Wastewater 1-1-83-5 10 Jan 83 Total Suspended Solids Treatment Facility.

Pefer to Note 1, Page 6 of 6.

1-1-83-10 18 Jan 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Provide the option for treatment at the Hastewater Total Suspended Solids T rea tnen t Facility.

Refer to Note 1. Page 6 of 6.

1-1-83-20 26 Jan 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Provide the option for treatment at the Wastewater Total Sus. Solids and Total tron Trea tnen t Facility.

Refe r to Note 1, Pane 6 of 6.

1-1-83-22 7,8 Feb 83 Sani tary Treatnent Plant Effluent Sludga was pumped out of Polishing Ponds on 15 Feb 83.

Total Suspended Solids 1-1-83-30 1 Feb 83 Wastewater Treatment Facility Repaired Mechanical Problem with Alum injection Pumps.

Effluent Total Iron Clearwell was reprocessed.

1-1-83-31 4 Feb 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Provide the opt ion for treatment at the Vastewater Total tron Treatment Facility.

Refer to Note 1, Pace 6 of 6.

1-1-83-32 7 Feb 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Provide the option for treatment at the Wastewater Total tron Treatment Facility.

Refer to Note 1, Pane 6 of 6.

1-1-83-42 14 Jan 83 Radwaste Discharoe Tanks Oil None Taken.

and Grease 1-1-83-43 21 Feb 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank

! Provide the ootion for treatnent at the Uastewater Total Suspended Solids Trea tnen t Facility.

Refer to Note 1, Page 6 of 6.

1-1-83-47 24 Feb 83' Radwaste Discharge Tanks Oil was removed from Laundry Drain Collector Tanks.

Oil and Grease 1-1-83-50 Feb 83 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total Suspended Solids None taken.

LASALLE COUNTY STATION NPDES NON-COMPLIANCES 1983 Pace 2 of 6 DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1-1-83-54 28 Feb 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repai red mechanical failure of Radwaste

1-1-83-55 8 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Paiiwaste Chemical Total tron Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-58 2 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Dralned and cleaned Radwaste Discharge Tanks.

Oil and Grease 1-1-83-59 9 Mar 83 Sanitary Treatment Plant E f fl uent Corrected misfeed of Chlorine Tablets into Fecal Coliform Chlorinator Pit.

1-1-83-66 11 Mar 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tanks Provide the opt ion for treatment at the Wastewater Total Iron Treatment Facility.

Refer to Note 1, Pace 6 of 6.

1-1-83-67 14 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Chemica; Total tron Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-68 14 Mar 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Provide the option for treatment at the Wastewater Total tron Treatment Facility.

Pefer to Note 1, Pace 6 of 6.

1-1-83-69 15 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Iror Repaired mechanical failure of Dadwaste Chemical and Total Suspended Solids Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-79 21 Mar 83 Wastewater Treatnent Facility Discharge was stopped. Clearwell was reorocessed.

Effluent pH 1-1-83-86 16 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Reoaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Chemical Total Iron Waste Concent rator.

1-1-83-88 21 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Sus. Renaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Chemical Solids and Total tron Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-89 21 Mar 83 Wastewater Treatment Facility Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Chemical.

Effluent Total Iron Waste Concentrator.




DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1-1-83-90 22 Mar 63 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Pepaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Chemical Suspended Solids and Total tron Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-91 24 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Waste Concentrator 1-1-83-108 25 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste Suspended Solids and Total tron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-109 26 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total

. Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste' Suspended Solids.and Total Iron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-110 27 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total tron Chemical Vaste Concentrator.

1-1-83-111 27 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Total tron Chemical Vaste Concentrator.

1-1-83-112 28 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste Total Iron Chemical Waste Concent rator.

1-1-83-113 29 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total tron Chemical Waste Concentrdtor 1-1-83-114 28 Mar 83 Wastewater Treatment Facility Oil Absorbant Material was olaced in the Effluent Oil and Grease Effluent Comnartment, t


30. Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total

' Repai red mechanical failure of Padwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-116 31 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste Total tron Chemical Waste Concentrator 1-1-83-117 31 Mar 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Waste Concent rator.

f g a.



  • NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1-1-83-118 Mar 83 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total None Taken Suspended Solids 1-1-83-119 1 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Checnical Waste Concentrator 1-1-83-120 3 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired Nechanical Failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Waste Concentrator 1-1-83-121 4 Apr 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Tanks Suspected of Violatinn NPDES Limits will be Total tron treated at Wastewater Treatment Facility.

1-1-83-122 11 Apr 83 Wastewater Treatment Facility Discharge was stonped.

Clearwell was reprocessed Effluent pH 1-1-83-125 7 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Waste. Concentrator.

1-1-83-126 12 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Iron Chemical Waste Concentrator.


-13 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Pepaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total tron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-137 17 Apr 83 Regen. Vastes Soln. Disch Tank Shif t personnel were instructed on proper set-uo of-No Samole and Analysis Composite Sampler.

I 1-1-83-148 14 Apr' 83 -

Radwaste' Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total.lron Chemical Vaste Concentrator.

1-1-83-149 20 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total tron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-150 21 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks. Total Repaired mechanical failure of Padwaste Suspended Solids and Total. Iron Chemical Vaste Concentrator.


LASALLE COUNTY STATIDN NPDES NON-COMPLIANCES 1983 Pace 5 of 6 DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCF CORRECTIVF ACTION 1-1-83-152 21 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Total Iron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-153 22 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharne Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Vaste Concentrator, 1-1-83-154 25 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Total Iron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-155 27 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste l

Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Haste Concentrator.

1-1-83-177 28 Apr 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repai red mechanical failure of Radwaste Suspended Solids and Total Iron Chemical Maste Concentrator.

1-1-83-178 3 May 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste Total tron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-179 7 May 83 Radwaste Discharge Tanks Total Repaired mechanical failure of Radwaste

' Suspended Solids and Total tron Chemical Waste Concentrator.

1-1-83-185 28 Apr 83 Vastewater Treatment Facility Repaired mechanical failure of Alum Effluent Total Suspended Solids injection Skid.

1-1-83-186 Apr 83 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total None Taken.

Suspended Solids.

1-1-83-208 16 May 83 Regen. Vastes Soln. Disch. Tank Tanks potentially in violation of NPDES Permit Limite Total tron will be treated at Wastewater Treatment Facility.

1-1-83-231 2 Jun 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Tanks notentially in violation of NPDES oermit limits Total Sus. Solids & Total Iron will be treated at Wastewater Treatment Facility.

1-1-83-233 12 Jun 83

- Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank Tanks potentially in violation of NPDES permit limits Total tron will be treated at Wastewater Treatnent Fac i l i ty.



NPDES NON-COMPLlANCES 1984 DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE COPRECTIVE ACTION 1-1-83-232 7 Jun 83 Wastewater Treatrent Facility None Taken.

Effluent Total tron 1-1-83-307 31 Jul 83 Sanitary Treatnent Plant Effluent NPDES Surveillance Program Compliance was emphasized No Fecal Coliform and BOD 5 Sample with personnel.

nr anslucce 1-1-83-354 23 Aug 83 Wastewater Treatment FacIIIty Use of Equalization Tank Mixer was discontinued.

Effluent Total Susnended Solids 1-1-83-401 Sep 83 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total Mone Taken.

Mananenent to observe sampling and analysis Suspended Solids until problen is resolved.

1-1-83-419 16 Oct 83 Wastewater Treatnent Facility Cleared debris from Alum injection System Check Valves.

Effluent Total Suspended Solids 1-1-83-429 24 Oct 83 Uastewater Treatment Facility Discharge was stopped.

Clearwell was pumned to Effluent pH Equalization Tank and neutralized.

1-1-83-435 30 Oct 83' Radwaste Discharge Tanks Instructed Rad / Chem Technicians to save all samples until No Sample and Analysis results have been evaluated.

1-1-83-436 30 Oct 83 Wastewater Treatment Facility Management providing more follow-up of backshif t and Effluent No Sample and Analysis weekend work performed by Rad Chem Technicians.

1-1-83-459 22 Nov 83 Regen. Wastes Soln. Disch. Tank No further discharges will occur. until a tank is cleaned Total Suspended Solids and the Hydrogen Pgroxide installed. Refer to Hnte ?

Pnno nf INOTE1 The option for treatment at the Hastewater Treatment Facility was imolenented 21 March 83.

_N0_TE 2_._ The permanent Hydrogen Peroxide injection System was installed and implemented effective an isn AL.

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