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County Station Environ Protection Plan 1995 Annual Operating Rept
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1995
From: Ray D
NUDOCS 9605070246
Download: ML20108D021 (5)


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Commonwealth IMison Compan)

. 1.a%alle (icnerating Station t

2(sul North list Road Marseilles, II. (il 3 i i @75' l . Tri HI435 6-(i1 1

April 29,1996 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 1


Environmental Protection Plan Operating Report Appendix B to Facility License No. NPF-11 and NPF-18.

Attached is the Annual Environmental Operating Report for 1995 for the Environmental Protection Plan as required by Section 5.4 of Appendix B to the Facility License No. NPF-11 and NPF-18.

l l This report includes information required by the following subsections of Appendix B: l 3.1 Plant Design and Operation 4.2.1 Vegetative Integrity on Cooling Pond Dike 5.4 1 EPP Noncompliances and the corrective actions to remedy them.

5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports Copies of this report are being submitted in accordance wish Regulatory j Guide 10.1.18 0~i0010

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If there are any questions or comments conceming this letter, please refer them to me at (815) 357-6761, extension 2212.

Respectfully, k

D.J. Ray Station Manager LaSalle County Station Enclosure cc: H. J. Miller, NRC Region ill Administrator P. G. Brochman, NRC Senior Resident inspector - LaSalle D. M. Skay, Project Manager - NRR - LaSalle F. Niziolek, Office of Nuclear Facility Safety - lDNS  !

Central File i i

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l Lasalle County Station

! Environmental Protection Plan

1995 Annual Ope 12 ting Report Plant Desian =nd Operation ,

No changes in station design or operation, tests, or experiments which can be classified as a potentially significant unreviewed environmental issue (per Subsection 3.1) were made.

Venetative Intearity on the Cooling Pond Dike The vegetative integrity on the cooling pond dike was inspected in accordance with Lasalle County Station Surveillance LTS-100-5.

Inspections were coupleted on 3/30/95,4/26/95, 5/26/95,6/30/95, 7/28/95, 8/31/95, and 10/27/95. The results of the inspections were as follows:

. The ground cover integrity on the cooling pond dikes remained intact. There is a bare area at the downstream toe between station markers 100 and 180 where clearing of reeds was performed in late 1995. This area will be monitored and reseeded, if required, in 1996.

. Canadian Thistle was present on the cooling pond dike. A program of thistle control will be established in 1996.

No other vegetative concerns were noted during the 1995 cooling pond dike inspections.


EPP Moncompliances =ad Actiems Taken to Ramadv Thee During 1995, LaSalle County Station experienced two noncompliance conditions. These were submitted to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) in accordance with Standard Condition 12 of the station's NPDES Permit No. IL0048151. The following contains a description of the non< urpliance and the corrective actions taken:

l l 1. On February 15, 1995, 'a station Sewage Treatment l Plant (STP) effluent 4 :hemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) analysis resulted in 5 mg/l BOD. This exceeded the BOD daily maximum c- atration limit of 60 mg/1. Both the sampling andi ' aalysis were suspect.

l The sample in question was reanalyzed and resulted in a l BOD of 54 mg/l (method of analysis takes five days).

l This result was still higher than expected and results could not be reported, since analysis was performed ,

i beyond the acceptable holding time.  !

Process Control samples obtained on the same day suggested there may be some unknown interference, since the values were much lower than the effluent results.

A Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) was also performed on the effluent sample. The result also supported that there may have been an unknown interference.

l Additional sampling was performed on February 22nd and 23rd. The 22nd sample resulted in a BOD of 9 mg/l and the 23rd sample resulted in a BOD of <3 mg/1. These l results proved the STP plant is performing it's intended function.

2. On August 9, 1995, the station STP effluent Fecal Coliform analysis resulted in a >l20,000 counts per 100 ml. This exceeded the Fecal Coliform limit of 400 counts per 100 ml. A mechanical failure of the chlorine delivery system was at fault.

The mechanical system was returned to operation and the i effluent was tested for the presence of chlorine. The system was confirmed operational by the presence of a chlorine residual. Subsequent sampling resulted in <2 counts per 100 ml.



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't The following changes were implemented:

3 1. Sampling frequency of the STP effluent chlorine residual was increased to daily.

2. Chlorine delivery is verified by operations.


t 3. The NPDES Permit was amended to eliminate the l Fecal Coliform sampling requirement, t

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1 Nonroutine ReDorts No nonroutine reports were submitted.

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