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Forwards Crystal River Unit 3 Environ Qualification Status, Per 10CFR50.49
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1983
From: Baynard P
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20071J657 List:
3F-0583-15, 3F-583-15, TAC-42512, NUDOCS 8305270092
Download: ML20071J655 (2)



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Power C O n P O n a y e o se May 20, 1983 3F-0583-15 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555


Crystal River Unit 3 Docket No. 50-302 Operating License No. DPR-72 Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment

Dear Sir:

By letter dated January 11, 1983, the NRC staff issued a safety evaluation (SE) for Crystal River Unit 3 on the environmental qualification of safety-related electrical equipment. This SE was based on a technical evaluation report (TER) prepared by an NRC contractor, Franklin Research Center (Franklin). Your letter on the same subject, dated March 23, 1983, requested additional information be provided to the NRC. The final rule on equipment qualification, as published in 10CFR50.49, called for submittal of data to the NRC concerning environmental qualification. Attached is Florida Power Corporation's response to the above documents and rule. As discussed with our NRC Project Manager on May 19,1983, five (5) copies of the response are attached. This information is being forwarded with the intent of finalizing all outstanding items in the area of environmental qualification with specific recommended actions which should bring J.losure to this subject by the second refueling outage after March 1982, i.e.,

Refuel V, which is currently planned for the spring of 1985.

Florida Power Corporation will provide additional information to the NRC by June 15, 1983, which will bring closure to many of the noted discrepancies and/or deficiencies noted in the Franklin TER. This additional information is the culmination of two years of engineering analysis and calculations, g B305270092 830520 PDR ADDCK 05000302 \)1h ,3 P PDR g 4 to General Office 3201 Thirty-fourtn street soutn . P.O. Box 14042, st. Petersburg. Flonda 33733 813-866-5151 # gH

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. e May 20, 1983 3F-0583-15 Page 2 Florida Power Corporation requests a meeting with the NRC to discuss the content of this environmental qualification submittal to allow any ques-tions to be resolved in a timely fashion.

Sincerely, b -


P. Y, ard Assistant to Vice President Nuclear Operations Thompson (R07)Cl-2 Attachments cc: Mr. J. P. O'Reilly Regional Administrator, Region II Office of Inspection and Enforccment U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommisJion 101 Marietta Street N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30303 1

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