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Describes Alternative Testing of Reactor Bldg Spray Suction Valves BSV-1 & BSV-8,per Generic Ltr 89-04.At Least One Valve Will Be Disassembled & Inspected During Each Refueling Outage Using Alternate Insp Method
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/24/1990
From: Beard P
3F0590-01, 3F590-1, GL-89-04, GL-89-4, NUDOCS 9005310377
Download: ML20043B843 (2)


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g o n e o n av io s -

e May 24,f1990- ~;

p 3F0590 l TV.S. Nuclear Regulatory C6mmission Attention:L Document Control' Desk-Washington,~D.C..'20555-  :


Crystal' River Unit 3 '

Docket No. 50-302- . t Operating License No DPR-72 l j

Pump and Valve Program

Dear Sir:

FloridacPower. Corporation (FPC) submitted Revision 9 of the Pump.and Valve' Program on

. l0ctober 31; 1989, in L response ;to Generic Letter 04, "Guidt.nce on Developing i

, L Acceptable Inservice- Testing: Programs". Following the provisions of the generic a letter, FPC has determined it is necessary to perform alternate testing for the Reactor 4 Building Spray. suction check valves BSV-1 and BSV-8. This alternate examination' differs- Li

. from the. requirements.of.ASME Section XI, Subsection IWV-3522, which requires closure verification'duringi normal (plant . operation and during cold shutdown. The . ASME-requirements; have .been determined to be impractical based on thelfollowing:

Ll'. Building-Spray Pumps .1A & IB suction check valves, BSV-1 and BSV-8, are required . -

to -prevent backflow of' Sodium Hydroxide (Na0H)!into the Decay-Heat ~ Pump suction headers. The performance of< check - valve closure verification requires the' s

operation of a Building ~ Spray Pump'in one train .in order to pressurize the other J train ,through' thel discharge crosstie connection. During this -operation, the >

1 manually, operated. non-safety related' recirculation line to the BWST is open to-y

, prevent deadheading of the operating pump. This configuration will keep both-the  !

f"A"' and: ". B" . Building _ Spray System trains open to the non-safety related D recirculation line and could prevent adequate flow from reaching the spray nozzles  :

n if,the Building Spray System actuated.

2. ' Performance of this test during cold shutdown conditions would involve the same operation as described in item 1 above. The Building Spray Pump would take suction j .

from the same supply header as the Decay Heat Pump in service for Reactor Coolant System (RCS) cooling. This configuration would pump RCS water into both Building Spray Pump: lines and into the BWST. This is undesirable because it will increase the dose rate in the piping and the BWST.

e, m p&03310377900324ADock 030003o2 M PDC D.

'l Post Offico Box 219

  • Crystal River, Florida 32629 = Telephone (904) 795 3802 ig A Florida Progress Company ,


e u


, a 3F0590-01 May.24, 1990 Page-2 .;

I Building Spray Valves, BSV-1 and BSV-8, are scheduled to be disassembled and inspected  ;

during Refuel 7. At least one of these valves will be disassembled and inspected during  !

each refueling outage. . If the inspected valve is found to be degraded to the extent i it.can not perform its function, then the other valve will be disassembled and inspected

-as described below.

] .

The inspection will assure that the valve disk has freedom of movement and is capable '!

of a: full stroke. Additionally, the general condition of the valve internals will' be


checked for structural degradation including the presence of any loose parts, debris k and abnormal or excessive corrosion products, wear and erosion. This inspection

. includes verification of seating contact.

The maintenance history for these valves has been compiled and reviewed, and it has been-determined that the procedures used for inspection adequately monitor for any recurring

-problems. The~ results of-all inspections resulting from this alternative test method L will become part of the history file for these valves, and any discrepancies noted.

l- during the preceding inspection will be monitored during the next inspection. ,

There is no instrumentation used for this alternative test; therefore, maintenance and' <

calibration data- is not applicable. Additionally, these valves -are currently full-stroke exercised once every three (3) months during normal plant operation, i l

L This letter is provided voluntarily to inform the NRC'of FPC's intentions to utilize an alternate inspection method, as described herein. FPC ic currently following industry developments on check valve non-intrusive testing and will evaluate the .

feasibility for inclusion in the Pump and Valve Program. Should there be any questions, please contact Loretta Cecilia at (904) 563-4546' .




.M. Beard, Jr.

Senior Vice President Nuclear Operations ,

PMB:LVC:wla xc: Regional, Administrator, Region II Senior Resident. Inspector >

