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Documents NRR Prof Staff Hours & Contractor Data for Listed Licensees
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf, Susquehanna, Columbia, Diablo Canyon, Callaway  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/21/1985
From: Miller W
To: Solander L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML082420195 List: ... further results
FOIA-90-162 NUDOCS 9102080040
Download: ML20067A924 (12)


_ _ _ _ -. _... _ _ _


.60 275 a

So -3rrt FEB 211985

60. 4 /4


so 483 c.

MEMORANDUM FOR:- Lars T. Solander, Chief Planning and-Resource Analysis Branch-Planning and Program Analysis Staff, NRR FROM:

William 0. Miller, Chief License Fee Management Branch, ADN


NRR PROFES$10NAL STAFF HOUR AND CONTRACTUAL DATA Several reactors received their fu11-(100%) power licenses during calendar i

year 1984 When NRR; issues the full _ power license, LFMB is required to determine the final cost for the operating license (OL)-review and bill the licensee, if appropriate, and close the cost record for the case.

The final OL' cost data for each unit-is shown in the. annual report to:

Congre ss. Please provide this. office with-the NRR professional. regular-staff hours and consultant and contractual. costs expended for the -

reactors shown below (we have contractual data-for-the' period 10/1/83 -

5/31/84 for each-unit). - This would include all OL review time' from -the date of issuance of the construction permit (CP) to the date of issuance-of the-100% operating license.. The NRR professional hours.should not include time spent for contested hearings or time spent to evaluate any l

requests relating to CP or OL amendments for which fees were paid, or are to be paid, under the application for license amendment provisions of l

10 CFR 170.21 and-170.22L (see attached list of paid for. amendments).

For-those cases where the full power OL was issued after June 23,1984, the professional staff hours must be shownifrom CP issue date to June 23, 1984.and from June 24,1984 through issuance of the full power OL,

-Different NRR professional hourly rates are applicable for each period of time.

Construction Permit. = 100% Power

', Previous. Requests Unit Issuance Date Issuance Date to NRR for Data-1.

WMP-2 3/19/73-4/13/84


-7/3/84 2.

Diablo Canyon 10 4/23/68-11/2/84' 7/3/84 3.

Susquehanna 2-11/2/73 6/27/84j 7/3/84 1


Grand Gulf 1 9/4/74-8/31/84-



-.4/16/76 10/18/84:


?$ #U & O 900921 WILLI AN90-162 PDR op rice >

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rac rone ns oo soi Nacu eno -


Lars T. Solander

-2 FEB 21 1985 -

'l J/ NRR data was provided on April 13,1982 (enclosed) for the period ending February 28, 1981.

Please update the data-through November 2, 1984.

Since Catawba 1 received its 100% OL on 1/17/85, please provide NRR staff hour and contractual data for June 24,1984 through January 17,1985.

Data is also requested for Byron 1 since they received a 100% OL on 2/14/85.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Ortr1181 stened by.

V'm O. Millef William O. Miller, Chief License Fee Management Branch Office of Administration


List of Paid for Appls.

for Lic. Amendments DISTRIBUT10ft:

Actual Manpower file CJHolloway (6 cys)

RMDi ggs DWeiss WMaher, RM SBachrach, RM Acabe11 LTremper MGarver,.NRR MKaltman, NRR o"'c' >..MMB.ADM....M W A L..LFMB; yggy,,,,,,,,,,,,,

~ a- > c % owani e.R M,,,gQ F,, -

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_i WNP.21007 4/13/84 P

. Appl Fees JkLLt JbLL1 Subiect

- Approved 9/4/S1

$1,200 Extension of construction' completion;date Order 1/27/82-1/20/84_$8,800-7_changesi

_1m!4 8/14/84 Amf2 7/13/84:

1/20/B4 Exempt Reporting ~ requirements

- Am 5 9/21/84L 3/1/84

$1,200 post.accidentLsampling

- Pending:

j t


.51,200 7 administrative changes-(Table, Jn 610/12/84 delete channel functional test,1 initiation (partial)1 Ji and alarm setpoint, change' monitoring-point,

- backup fuses,' delete valves, organization :

- changes.


3/13/84 $1,200 Operability of 24,1251and 250 volt batteries-kn 6 10/12/84' l

Correct timeLduring which. battery!is capable-of supplying and. maintaining _ actual emergency loads L




.j I



  • 9 we 4

w a 3


-w r

t 7

Diablo Canyon 1 100r 11/P/84 i



-APPROVED' 8/11/78 $1,200

[xtension of construction completion date Order 10/13/78 3/21/79 $1,200 Extension of construction completion; date Order 4/13/79-5/E4/79 $1,200 Extension of construction completion date

. Order 7/11/79-l 11/26/79 $1,200 Extension of.' construction completion date_

Order 2/2/80 8/21/80 $1,200 Extension of construction completion date-Refunded

~No review done-1 10/28/81 Exempt Exemption from 20.501 calendar quarter Letter 12/31/81 12/29/81 $1,200 Post accident sempling, accident monitoring Am l'2/5/82 and instrumentation, instruments +or inadequate letter 12/31/81

, core cooling, calculations for small breat LOCA, physical security issues 6/23/82 $1,200 Valves, EQ dates L?

7/19/82 $4,000 Security Plan Am 6.10/11/83 8/3/82

$1,200 Extend expiration date of license-Am 9'4/18/84.

9/17/82 $1,200 Security Plan Am 210/26/82.

9/20/82 51,200 Change in. emergency support. facilities implementation date 12/17/82 Exempt Modify audit frequency for emergency and security plans 12/21/82 54,000 Relief from 3/4.9.7 to make. mods to fuel AmL3 1/6/83 handling building 12/29/82 $4,000 LC0 for vital AC busses and inverters Am 7-11/10/83 2/25/83 $4,000 E<emption from 10 CFR 73 Am 4 and exemoti 3/11/83-4/29/83 $1,200 Relief extension from 3/4.9.7 of Ts Am 5 5/5/83 5/2/83

$5,200 Cortainment isolation valves, organization and fire protection _ instruments

.Am 7 11/10/83-5/23/83 $4,000 M odified requirements for fire' water supply Am 7 11/10/83 and halon initiator replacement

-6/23/83 $4.000 conttinment spray ti ning Am 7~11/10/83 7/.1/83

$4,000 Ultimate heat sink Am 8 4/13/84 8/8/83

$4,000 FSAR Chapter 17 changes

Diablo Canyon 1 - continued APPL FEES Dall fldll SUBJECT

_ APPROVED 8/16/83

$4,000 Temporary relief from TS 3.4.13b' and i

to perform boron mixing and cooldown test j.



Flood protection - breakwaters-11/4/83

$4,000 Snubber changes 2/29/84

$4,000 Auxiliary feedwater-pump surveillance 2/29/84

$1,200 Exempts the pressurizer safety valves from an LC0 that would prevent required surveillance testing.


$4,000 Snubbers 3/30/84 Exempt Surveill ance. requirements for plant

-response to loss of diesel generators 3/30/84

$4,000 Allows 200 hr/ year containment. purge limitation 8/20/84

$150 Extension of license.


$150 Engineered Safety l Features Response times


1 4


~ ' ' -

.-. ~ -..

.q SUSOUEHANNA 2 DoctrT NO. 60 388 1100% OL on'6/27/84 Appl

QL11, Sub.iect Acoroval

}/23/81 Extension of construction completion date Order 2/28/81-3/ 1/84

-Physical Security Plan changes

_ pending-4/10/84 Operating temperature limits on spray. pond pending.

4/10/84 Modifications to nitrogen makeup system ~

pending 5/4/84 Revise leakage limits and testing,

pending f5/84 Monitoring of APRM and LPRM noise levels pending.





- -. -. ~. -

Grand Gulf 1-1007 8/31/8fi-Appi Fees Ditt EAid_

Subiect Anoroved-8/31/79 $1,200 Extension of Construction comp 1.etion date Order: 10/30/79 -

7/10/79 1,200 Approval of deletion of stage monitoring Am 5 to CP 4/25/L i

'I 4/3/80 4,000 Include South Mississippi Electric. Power AmL6 to CP 10/29/:

Association as coowner-


9/26/80 Exempt-Removal of License Condition re Sediment

Am!7 to:CP 12/23, -j

-1/8/82 1,200 -

Extension of construction' completion date -

Order 5/3/82 6/23/82: 1,200 Secondary containment ventilation system Am 1 6/30/82' automatic isolation: dampers / val'ves.

7/2/82 5,200 One time-exception and.drywell post

- Am '2 8/17/82 and -

j LOCA vacuum breakers

-Am AE10/14/02-l 8/5/P2 1,200

~ Leak: testing of control room' envelope Anb 2 ' 8/17/82'-

y 8/10/82 4,000 Delay of control room envelope' leal Am 2 8/17/82 tightness test 9/13/82 1,200-Non-nuclear heat up and: delete Am-3 9/20/82-

' License Condition 2.C(12)(c):and' add new.

Am 5 12/20/82.

. condition

-1/13/82 5,200 Valve stroke time, keep-filled -pressure

Ani 3' 9/20/82


alarm; containment = spray initiation tiv,

- Am 410/14/82 L

molded case-circuit breaker response:

Am 5:12/20/82 time, and RHR operability' requirenentJ 10/21/82 1,200 ADS logic modification schedule-

-Am'6:2/7/83 12/22/82 4,000 License condition 2.C(42),h re protective sleev-Am'612/7/83 ing;and L'.C. 2.C(42)1 reduce-turbulence during startup source replacement 3/24/83 1,200 Surveillanceprocedurereiew(32 changes)

Amc7 7/1/831 1

Miscellaneous TS changes (8);

am 8.8/8/83L 4/7/83

--1,200 Surveillance procedure review-_

Am 7 7/1/83f and responst. for auditing'of station Am'8-8/8/83' 4/25/83 5,200

-Miscellaneous TS changes Am 7'7/1/83 Am 8 8/8/83-

'Am 12 2/21/84 i

p 5/31/83 1,200 LicenseCondition2.C(10Tdynamictesting Am 13'8/31/84 l

l License-Condition 2.C(18) 151. Program.

License Condition 2.C(30) remote shutdown panel

- i


License Condition 2C(32) interplant conrnon sys t

e j

ll l'

Grand Gulf 1 - continueo 6/9/83 $5.200 Miscellaneous 15 changes Am 8 8/8/83 Am 9 9/15/83-l 6/14/83 1,200 Miscellaneous TS changes Am 8 8/8/83-Am 9 9/15/83 Am-10 9/23/83 6/16/83 4,000 Control room leak tightness test Am 11'9/23/83

'i 6/23/83 13,200*

Miscellanous TS changes

-Am 8 8/8/83-Am 9 9/15/83-Am 10 9/23/83:-

Am 12 2/21/84 j

6/29/83 1,200 11iscellaneous Tb changes Am 8 8/8/83..

Am 9-9/1b/83 7/11/83 5,200*

Relief valves and Miscellaneous-changes.

Am 12 2/21/84 7/19/83 1,200 Administrative 15 chances

.Am 9:9/15/83 8/1/83 1,200 Miscellaneous changes Am-9. 9/15/83 Am 10 9/23/83 8/9/83 1,200 Miscellaneous TS changes Am 9 9/15/83.

8/25/83 4,000*

Inspection relief Pending 8/26/83 4,000*

Inspection relief

Pendin9-8/29/83 1,200 Miscellaneous TS changes Am'9-9/15/83.

9/9/83 1,200 t11scellaneous.TS changes Am 13 8/31/84 9/12/83 4,000 Lower maximum allowable SRM count rate Am 12 2/21/84' 10/7/83 Exempt Mechanical Snubbers

. Order 4/18/84 4

10/11/83 Exempt RLIC changes in minimum operable channel Order 4/18/84 per trip system' 12/14/83 Exempt TS Isolation Actua tion Order 4/18/84 instrument' surveillance requirements 12/28/83 4,000*

. License condition re remote shutdown panel Pending 1/23/84 4,000*

Control room leakage rate Am 13 8/31/84

.3/20/84 Exempt

-Automatic depressurization system valve Order 4/18/84-operability requirements 3/29/84 Exempt.

Mechanical snubbers Order 4/18/841 i

4/7/84 Exempt Channel calibration frequency Order 4/18/84 4/10/84 Exempt Isolation actuation. instrument trip setpointi Order 4/18/84 l-t

  • '-Vv-V ~+






Grand Gulf 1 - contiriggo 4/11/84 Exempt ECCS surveillance requirements Order 4/18/84 5/11/84 4,000*

Relief frr: ASME Code for Preservice Inspection Pendirig of Class I components 5/29/84 $150*

Relief from 11 151 items Pending 7/25/84


10-year 151 Plan Pending

  • fee requested but not yet paid.

l l


e Callaway 1 1000 10/18/84 Appl Fee Qals.

Paid Subject Approved 7/22/81

$1,200 Extension of! construction completion date Order 12/21/81-i 10/28/83

$1,200 Extension of construction ~ completion date Order: 10/28/83 7/6/84

-5100 Change in reporting for QA training Letter-10/18/84 supervisor _ TAC 55389 7/17/84

$150 Containment leakage. surveillance requirements PendingL

. Containment leakage' rete tests-Pending Overpressure protection. system Letter 10/18/84 (pa' TAC'55434 tial approval) 7/31/84-

$150 Exemption. from Appendix J Letter and: Exemptio- -'

' TAC 55453 10/9/84-8/1/84

$150 Table 3.3-1 source range' neutron -

1 11/29/84 monitors IAC 55454 10/3/84

$150 Add two additional batch waste 2 2/4/85 release tanks-TAC 56071 10/8/84

$150 Add Assistant Manager-to-on t'ite Pending review; committee,cnd two' positions:

L l

-in Figure ~6.2-2, TAC 56060 l

1 i-D ll-h

Ca tawba 1 1001 1/17/85 Appi Fees

,p_alg paid Subject Annroved 7/1/80

$4,000 Addtwocompaniesforownershipinterest Am 1 to CP 12/23/;


$1,200 Extension of construction completion date Order 6/4/81 1/23/84

$1,200 Extension of construction compic.lon date revievi done refunded 11/6/84 $150 Revs 2 and 3 to pump and valve program Pending

. TAC 56487 11/21/84 5150 Internal corrosion protection for fuel o,'

Pending-storage tanks TAC EM86 12/17/84 5150 Post fuel loading initial test report Pending Chapter 14 changes TACS 56510 and 56552 I

e 4


i Byron _1_100; Pl]3LB)


DJ1c, lees Paid subicet.

. Approved 8/13/84

$150 Extension of construction completion datt.-

1/1B/85 11 W Add footnote to Table 3.f-I containment i 1/28/85 isolation valves e

c 4


e 5





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wasumotow.o c.rosss cl...,.,~1-(.

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y April 13,1982 ve s p. l L c~pm.., /

}. vad.~


William O. Miller, Chief License Fee Management Branch Office of Administration FROM:

Herbert N. Berkow, Chief Management Analysis Branch i

Planning and Program Analysis Staf f, NRR


PROFES$10NAL MANPOWER EXPENDED AND ASSOCI ATED COSTS FOR DIABLO CANYON 1 & 2 In response to your March 26, 1982 mernorandum, we are providing the professional staff hours and associated costs for Diablo Canyon 1 & 2.

Subsequent to your memorandum we were infonned that it would be suf ficient to just provide data for the period 4/23/68 to 2/28/81.

The consultant contractual cost for the above period was $728,899 for Units 1 and 2.

We were unable to separate the contractual cost by Units.

The total prof essional staf f hours amounted to 75,465, broken out as 3

f oll ows :

Diablo Canyon 1 60,969 54,409 regular and 6,560 non. regular)

Diablo Canyon 2 14.496 12,840 regular and 1,656 non-regular)

Of the total hours, 8,449 were charged to the Diablo I hearing and 3,352 to Diablo 2.

The sna0 power data is preliminary.

MPA has informed us of some discrepancies.

l The data refined by the time we provide final figures for billing the licensee.




Herbert N. Berkow, Chief i

6' Management Analysis Branch


Planning and-Program Analysis Staf f, NRR l

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