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Requests Clarification on Operational Events Which Occurred During 921024-25 Shutdown at Plant
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/20/1992
From: Muirhead D, Ott M
To: Selin I, The Chairman
Shared Package
ML20065C121 List:
FOIA-93-92 NUDOCS 9301190150
Download: ML20066L120 (3)


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Citizens Urging Responsible Energy a L - _ _ i December 20, 1992 Ivan Selin, Chairman US Nucicar Regulatory Commission 1717 11 Stront - Mailstop 16615 Washington, D.C. 20555 i

Dear Chairman Selin:

Wo attended the November 5th meeting conduct.ed by the Plymouth Nuclear Affairs Committee regarding the operational events which occurred at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station during the October 24/25th, 1992 shutdown. Since many quest,iono still remain unanswered, we ask that you provide clarification of the followings i

1. Ilow many incident reporto vere filed with the NRC the weekend of October 24 & 25, 19927  ;
2. Pleasa provide the log entry times when the containment was purged and/or vented.
3. Were any violationa of NRC or Company technical specifications observed? If so, is your agency considering l enforcement action? I
4. What is the definition of a NRC " reportable event"?  !


5. By definition, which events are assigned " Priority  ;

Attention Required" status on the Region I " Morning R o po r t." ? The October 26, 1992 Region I Morning Report says in part,

                        " Initial review of computer data graphs indicate that the actual magnitude of the "D" instrument spike may have been clightly larger if the instrument had a larger recordable       ~




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6. Wan thero any 'therobserveable o means or fe~c6rded'dat'a l

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7. When and why was the Yarway rack removed from Pilgrim?

Was the rack damaged by a fire in 19817

8. When the Augmented off Gas (AOG) Treatment System is bypassed during shutdown, does it result in unfiltered venting?
9. Was the A0G bypascod during the shutdown? l Bocton Edinon'a radiation cpacialict, Thomas Sowdon, ,

specifically stated that there were_no Dqrlir.:Mlaten,in the omissions reler. sed from Pilgrim. Further, he said Pilgrim vents steam which contains only inert gases such as Krypton, Xenon and Argon which could_be inhi!.1rd_nnLx311Aled wLthout any _ hcalth errect. A growing body of medical evidence indicates that there is no safe level of radiation exposure. What is the NRC's philosphy on radiation health impact? Finally, we have received information that the individual -l heading Doston Edison's program to resolve water level instrumontation problems is, in fact, former NRC inspector, Stephen liudson. We understand that Mr. Hudson testified at a federal proconding rogarding his role in covoring up a massive radioactive spill at the Nine Mile I nuc3 ear plant Now York.

11. When did Mr. Hudson leave the NRC?

Was he terminated by your agency? Does the NRC have a policy with respect to industry employment? These aro matters of great concern to our organization. We would appteciate your prompt response. Sincerely, Rw due G. 62a . luMu/ , .

                                                                                                        .m . s Mary C.         'tt            Donald H. Muirhead, Jr. H . D ._   _ _ _    ..n,
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3 g EDO Principal Correspondence n rol Co t

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DUE: 01/06/93 1 ary C. Ott & -EDO CONTROL: 0008413 i 'itizens Urging Responsible nergy EDonald M. Muirhead FINAL DOC REPLY: DT: 12/20/92 .hairman selin 3 SIGNATURE OF: ** GRN i i

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12/22/92 CONCERNINGSniezek CCURRED AT TaylorEVENTS WHIC GNED TO: Thompson CONTACT: Blaha fl. Knubel

__ Martin Lieberman, OE

'AL INSTRUCTIONS OR REMARKS:                                                                                                                  Jordan, AEOD
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