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Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1980
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/02/1980
From: Willis E
Shared Package
ML20062K331 List:
NUDOCS 8012150086
Download: ML20062K332 (13)



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a ..L eL e t.....l_e.. nie i COMMERICIAL OFERATION -------- -------

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. UNIT SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO. 050-0325 UNIT NAM E Brunswick ::o. 1 D \TE Doce,her 108n COMPLETED ny Foii- A. U i i i t .-

REf' ORT MONTil NOVEMBER 1980 TELEP!!ONE ('ll'O 4 57 u Y1 e.

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!fi Licensee Cause & Corrective <

No. D te g 3 Ej ( Eveni 7 $g% ace,,m to H

dE 5 ~5g t Report # SU 5O Present Re6errence e 0 0

. d 025 801105 S 13.9 H 1 N/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Reduced power for a rod sequen'cc

. exchange. Rod changes are necessary for an even fuel burnup. No corrective action required.

I 2 -

3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method; Ex!nbit G . Instructions S: Schedu!eJ A E ;cipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manu21 for Prepaaimn of Daia D M.:intenance of Test .

2-Manual Scram. Entr> Sheets for Lieernee

. C Refueling 3 Automatic Scram. Eveni Report (LERI Fife (NUREG.

D Regulatory Restriction 4-Other (Esplain) G161)

E Operator Trainingi License Examination F AJnuni>tratise 5 G Operational Errur (Explain) Esinbit t . Same Source

('8!77) Il O:hcr (Explaio)

UNITSliUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO. 050-0325 UNIT N AM E Brunswick !!o. I D STE December 1o90 COMPLETED BY Eul A Uillis REPORT MONTil NOVEMBER 1980 No. Date 3g 3g 3



,s s $

Licensee Event p jg g*,,

p Causc i Corrective A6 tion to i

H jE E ~@g Report # mO 5O Prevent Recurrence e _ u O

026 801108 F 41.7 B 1 N/A IIC llTEXCll Reduced power to leak check 1B' north

. condenser waterbox. Leaking tubes were located by using the helium leak check method. Two tubes were plugged.

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason:

Method: Exhibit G Instructions S: Schedu!ed A Eiluipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Preparation of Dat.:

B M.tintenance of Test ,

2-Manual Scrarn. Entr> Sheets for Licensee

. C R.: fueling 3 Autoinatic Scram. Event Repor (LERI Fi!c (NUREG-D Regu!atory Restristion 4 Other (Explain) 0161)

E Operator Training & License Examination t F Admmisir.itive 5 G Opensional Error (Exnlain) - Eshibit I Same Sousee (4!77)  !! Other (lixplain)

r APPENDIX DOCKET No. 050-0325 UNIT Brunswick No. 1 DATE December 1980 CO:4PLETED BY Eulis A. Uillis OPERATIONS SU:CARY BRUNSWICK NO. 1 Brunswick No. 1 operated at a 100% availab111ty factor for the month of sovember with an 86.8% capacity factor. There were two power reductions this month, both are detailed in Appendix D, the Unit Shutdown and Power Reductions Log.

There are 476 BUR and 154 PWR spent fuel bundles in the Brunswick Unit No. I fuel pool.

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(,'iW E - N E T ) (MWE-NET) 551. 17 575.

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aus .i .,o 698. 19 6.

3 655. 20 459.

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/ / 80.' 23 555.

8 770. 24 667.

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10 6'40. 26 733.

11 4.44. 4/ o//.

12 570. 28 609.

13 10. 29 609.

14 52. 30 720.

leJ 6 5' N e 16 26a.

1.16 - 6 2 i


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  • OVER NEXT 6 MONTH.:. (TYFE, DATE, AND DURATIOf: OF ECCH-Maintenance, 80 12 06, 171 llours

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CorERICIAL OFERATION -------- -------

1.16 - 9

^ . m DOCKET NO. 050-0324

' UNIT SifUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS UNIT NAM E Brunwick 7:o. 2 DSTE Decenber loSO C05fPLETED fly Lolis A. 1:11Iis REPORT MONTil NOVEMBER 1980 TELEP!!ONE (919) 457-9521


- E E

,$? 3 $Y5 Licensee ,E r, y? , Cause 1 Corteetive Assion to No. Date g ~g $ .i ~ $ E<cn Fg c.

u$U H 5 ~ -j = Itcport # (E U Prevent Itecurrence f~ e g O

012 801101 F 11.4 B 1 N/A XX PUMPXX Reduced power for heater drain pump

. . maintenance. Removed motor from pump 2A and placed on pump 2B.

3 4 1 2 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit C - Instructions A 1:quipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Preparation of Data S: Scheduled B. Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. Entr> Sheets for Licensee C Reiucting 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER Fife (NURLC-D R:;utatory Restriction 4-Other (Explain) 0161)

E Oper2:or Training & License Examination F- A d mim>i r.itive 5 C Operational Error (Explain) - Exhibii ! Same Source (9/77)  !! O:her (Explain) ,

m . -s 1 DOCKET NO. 050-0324 UNITSIIUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS Brunswick No. 2 UNIT NAM E DATE Decenber 1030

CO\fPLETED sy Eulis A. Wiliis


REPORT MONTil NOVEMBER 1980 TELEPHONE (919) 457-9321 e.

._ E E

, .5? 3 $ .Y 5 Licensee pt, h Cause & Curres .. e .

No. Date g 3g 5 .3 ~ $ Event ay cl e Action to 5E $ uhO F 3 ;f3 7: Itcpor: # LE O Prevent flesurrence i


. 5 i

013 801111 F 17.6 B 1 N/A 11C llTEXCil Reduced power to leak check 2A south condenser waterbox. Leaking tubes 1 were located by using the heliura leak check method. Two tubes were plugged.

. I 2 3 4

ForceJ Reason: Method: Exhibit C. Instructions S: Scheduled A 1:quipment Failure (Explain) 1 -Manual for Preparaison ol' Data B M.iintenance of Test . .

2-Manual Scram. Erar> Sheets for Licensee

. C.Refee!!ng 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) File iNUREC.

D Regularcry Restriction 4 Other(Explain) 0161)

E. Operator Training & L: cense Examination F Adr .astative 5 C.uperational Error (Explain) Eshibit I - Same Source (9/77)  !! O:hcr (Explain) ,

n . ~

. UNIT SilUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS $ n . . k ::o . 2 DATC DC : .b e r 1u80 COMPLETED BY Eulis A. WllIis REPORT MONTII !!OVEMBER 1980 TELEPHONE (919) 457-95'1

_ . E E jg 3 $Y5 Liecusee E -r, ja. Cause .L Corrective -

No. Date i ~g @ .5 $ Event p p'8 O

Acti.m to H jE $ 3 e gg ;g:

Report a mO o

5 Prevent Recurrence

. C 014 801113 F 34.8 A 3 N/A IA ELECON Reactor scram due to a Reactor'Protec-tion System power supply group. In-vestigation revealed an insulation breakdown and burn-through of the ground cable at a point where the cabic, physically rested against a 120 volt control power relay contact.

Corrective action consisted of repair-ing the damaged insular'.on in accord-ance with plant procedures. The cable was then restrained away from the relay contact to prevent a future reoccur-

. rence.

I 2 3 4 F: F :rced Reason: Method: Exhibit C instructions S: Seheduled A. Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for preparaimn of Data BJ.bintenance of Test .

2-Manual Sersm. . Entr> Sheets for Licemec

. C-Reice:Ing 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report (LER) Fite (NURLG.

D.Regu ato:y Restriction 4-Other (Explain) 0161)

E-0;3erator Trainingi License Examination F-AJministratise 5 C.Cp: rational Error (Exp!ain) - Eshibit 1.Same Soaree Pl!77)  !!-Other (Esplain)



050-0324 UNITSliUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS UNIT NAME Brunswick !.o. 2 pryt DecenSer 1980 COMPLETED BY Eulis A. Willis REPORT MONTl! NOVEFIBER 1980 TELEPl!ONE (919) 457-9521

,$g 3 ."$ Licensec E r, p

o Cause & Currective -

No. Date g g @ .5 3 $ Event gg Action to H RE 5 Report # mu 5' Prevent Recurrence e~ d =2 o 5

015 801115 F 122 B 1 N/A XX PUtiPXX Separated from grid to repair leak in'

- . heater drain pumps. The leak was attributed to a failure of recircula-tion, piping between heater drain pump

- 2C and the deaerator tank. The 21" secti,no of pipe was cut out. and a new section welded in place.

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G -Instructions S: Schedu!cd /vEijoipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Prepar.ition of DJfJ B Maintenance aiTest .

2-Manual Scram. Entr> Sheets for Licensee C.Reiucting 3 Automatic Scram. Esent Repor (LERI File (NUREG-D Rege!.itory Restriction 4-Other (Explain) 0161)

E Operator Training 1 License Examination F-Ada:ini>t ra tive 5 G-Operational Error (Explain) - Estubit I Same Source (9/77) li Other (Explain)

^ . m -



. UNIT SliUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS lirunswick I:o. 2 UNIT N AM E DATE December IW O CO\fPLETED I:Y Fo1is A. Wil1is REPORT MONTl! NOVEMBER 1980 TELEP: LONE (010) 457 05?1 m

- E E

-, jg 3 E5 Licensee j r, E 't Cause & Correesise .

No. Date i 58 4 ,55,5 Event i'd ,h '.j Aseson to U

l-35 5 jdg Report # va O g Prevent Itecurrence

. d 016, 801118 F 37.5 A 3 N/A IIA INSTRU Reactor scram due to a power load unbalance condition sensed by the

, turbine control EllC system. Replaced the c,ontrol intercept valve amplifier and trigger prine.ed wire board.

I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit C. Instruction S: Schedu!cd A 1:quipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of 02 2 Bataintensnce ci Test .

2 Manual Sersm. Entry Sheets iur tien.ce C-Rdueling 3-Automatie Scram. Event Itepart (LERI Fite tNUREG.

D Ite ;utato:y Restriction 4-Other (Explain) 0161)

E Operator Training & License Examination F Adnunisir.:tive 5 C Operational Error (Explain) -

Estubit I : S.ime Source (9/77) Il O:hcr (Explain) ,

f APPENDIX DOCKET NO. 050-0324 UNIT Brunswick No. 2 DATE December 1980 CGMPLETED BY Eulis A. Willis 5



BRUNSWICK NO. 2 Brunssick No. 2 operated at a 69.6% capacity factor for the month of November with an 88.3% availability factor. The unit was separated from the grid three times during the month for various reasons, with two major power reductions. All outages and power reductions are detailed in Appendix D of this report.

There are 264 BWR and 124 PWR spent fuel bundles stored in the Brunswick Unit No. 2 fuel pool.

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