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Proposed Tech Specs Re Battery Svc & Performance Testing Requirements
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Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/1990
Shared Package
ML20059G018 List:
NUDOCS 9009120089
Download: ML20059G020 (4)



A.2. Under abnormal conditions 4ne1 ding Blich Pignt-et:rtup, one reactor may be.

l} made critical providing the following conditions are met: q a. One 345 KV transmission =line is in service; or the gas turbine is-operating, b. The 345/13.8 liv and_ the 13. 8/4'.~16 KV station auxiliary transformers 'ssociated with the unit to be taken crit,1 cal'are,in service;.or'the-1 sociated 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformer is in: service and the gas turbine is. operating.- c. Reactor power level is limited to 50% rated power until 2 or_more transmission lines are restored to service'.- i d. A80 Volt buses 803 and B04-for;the unit to be _ taken critical' are-energized, e. 4160 Volt buses A03, A04, A05, and A06=for the unit-to be taken-critical are energized.- j f. A fuel supply of 11,000 gallons is available; and both diesel generators are operable. l g. =All four batteries and.their associated'DC systems are operable. h. Four battery chargers are operable with one charger carrying the DC loads of each DC main distribution bus. B.1 During power operation of one-or both reactors, the requirements lof-l 15.3.7.A.1 may be modified to allow'the following arrangements-of systems. n and components: -i If-the 345 KV lines are reduced to only one,-any: operating reactor (s) a. must be promptly reduced to, and limited to,- 50% power. If all 345 KV l lines are lost, any operating reactor (s) will be' reduced to supp1'ying its auxiliary load, until one or more 345 KV transmission lines are again available. I b. If both 345/13.8' KV auxiliary transformers are out of service and only the gas turbine is operating, only one reactor will remain operating and it will be limited to 50% power. The second reactor will be placed u. che hot shutdown condition. 9009120089 900907 ADOCKO'500g6 POR P Unit 1 - Amendment No. 87 15.3.7 March 1, 1985 l Unit 2 - Amendment No. 92

7 . si m.* s 3. Each diesel generator shall be given anLinspection, at 1. east annually - 4l lowing the manufacturer's recommendations for this class of-stand-by service.. 4. Each fuel oil-transfer pump shall. be run monthlyt j ~h The above tests will be considered satisfactory if all applicable 1 equipment operates as designed.. 'B.. Safety-Related Station Batteries b 1 i 1. . Every month the voltage of> each' cell (to the nearest 0.05 volt)', the specific gravity an'd temperature.of a pilot cell in each ' safety-relate'd - -l. battery and each battery voltage shall; be measured'and recorded. 2. Every 3 months the specific gravity, the height of electrolyte, and the f amount of water added, for each cell, and the temperature of every l fif th cell, shall be measured and recorded. -{ 3. At each time data is recorded, new dat'a shall be compared with.old to detect signs of abuse or deterioration. 4. Ex h bett:ry :h:11 b; ;ubjected t: 1;;d test et intervals rece nded by the n=f=tur:r but =t =:= ding fin y=r;. Th; battery velt g; s function Of ti;; : hell b; meniter:d t: ::tabl4h-l th:t th: ::p :ity i: ;ufficient t: ::rry the 10:d: ::. deli =:ted in ISAR Thble 0.2-3 f;r the sp;;ified length ;f _ ti;;;e. All'alectrie:1 crnectien: "m be checked for tight ess.' 4. Each Safety-Related Station Battery shall tie demonstrated OPERABLE: a. At'least once per 18 months (SERVICE' TEST) by that the battery capacity:is adequate to supply and maintain in OPERABLE status all of the actual ~ or~ simulated emergeticy loads for the design duty cycle.* i Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.4.6-2 Unit ? - Amendment No.

p + m c.. y g 1 ^ b.'. At least once per 60 months (PERFORMANCE TEST) by verifying that: the. battery capacity is at.least.80% 'of the manufacturer's: j rating. Thisperformancedischargetest.may.beperformediin; l . lieu of!th'e battery service test. ~ Annual performance discharge tests.of battery capacity shall>be giventto,'any battery that shows signs of degradation or has? reached 85% of the service life expected for'the applicatio'n., Degradation-is' indicated.when the battery capacity; drops more than -10%ofrated' capacity:fromitspreviousperformance' test,/orkis below90%ofthemanufacturer's' rating..lWhenperformanceftests are required, they may-be:performad;in lieu of the bsttery; service u

  • ServiceandPerformancetestingtobeginsubsequent.toins'talla'ionofthel t

swing safety-related battery expected by the end of.1992. Basis l The tests specified are designed to-demonstrate that the diesel generators will l provide power for operation of equipment. They also assure that the emergency generator system controls and the acntrol systems for the ' safeguards equipment-will function automatically in tne event' of a l'ossiof'all normal! ACLstation service power. 7 The testing frequency specifisd will-be often enough to identify and correct any ( mechanical or electrical deficiency before it can result'in' a system failure. l The fuel supply and starting circuits and controls are continuously monitored and any faults are alarm indicated. ~ An abnormal. condition in these' systems would be signaled without having to place the diesel gen'erators themselves on test. Station batteries will deteriorate with time, but' precipitous failure is q extremely unlikely. The surveillance specified is that which has been demonstrated over the years to provide an indication of a cell becoming -unserviceable long'before it fails. 15.4.6-3

U If a battery cell: has deteriorated orrif a' connection is loose ~,lthe voltage' under load will drop excessively indicating replacement.or maintenance. L,; i A Service Test performed at least every 18 months demonstrates adequate battery ) capacity to supply power to loads required during the most demanding duty-i cycle. This design: duty cycle occurs upon a single-unit trip coincident with a loss of all A.C. power. l 4 -A Performance Test conducted at least every 60 months is a constant discharge-rate capacity test which; allows comparison.with the manufacturer's: rating of the battery.. This test is the best indicator of the effect of aging on battery capacity. Provision is made to change this test periodicity to annual when~ the battery is degraded or has reached a point in its service life beyond.which capacity decrease with time is accelerated. Operability is satisfactorily demonstrated by achieving a capacity of at least 80% manufacturer's rating. l l l Reference FSAR, Section 8.2


. i o [. L i I i 15.4.6-4 ,}}