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Forwards Insp Rept 50-123/90-01 on 900813-14.Violations Noted.Notice of Violation Not Issued,Per Paragraph V.G.1 of 10CFR2,App C.Record Copy
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Rolla
Issue date: 08/30/1990
From: Knop R
To: Bolon A
NUDOCS 9009110329
Download: ML20059F723 (2)

See also: IR 05000123/1990001



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AUG 3 01990

Docket No. 50-123

e University of Missouri - Rolla

. ATTN: Dr. Albert E. Bolon, D' rector

-Nuclear Reactor Facilitj

Rolla, MO 65401


/" This refers to the inspection conducted by Messrs. A. Dunlop, Jr., and

W. B. Grant of this office, and Mr. M. M. Mendonca of the Office of Nuclear

Reactor Regulations on August 13-14, 1990, of activities at the University-

of Missouri - Rolla Reactor authorized by t'RC Operating License No. R-79 and

to the discussion of our findings with Dr. A. E. Bolon at the conclusion of

the inspection.

The enclosed copy of our inspection resort identifies areas examined during '

the inspection. Within these areas, t,e inspection consisted of a selective

examination of procedures and representative records, observations, and

interviews with personnel.

During this inspection, certain of your activities appeared to be in violation

of NRC requirements. This apparent violation pertains to the failure to

perform a surveillance test per Technical Specification 4.2.?(1) for the .


reactor period scram channel orior to each days operation fully

described in Paragraph 8 of the enclosed insptetion report. This violation has

been categorized at a Severity Level IV/V and a Notice of Violation (Notice) is

normally issued for violations at that Sererity Level. However, the NRC wants

to encourage and support licensee's initiP ives for the self-identification and

reporting of potential corrective action, ucluding thorough root cause

analysis. Further, this violation does not appear to be either repetitive or

, willful in nature. Therefore, in accordance with paragraph V.G.1 of-the

" General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions,"

'(Enforcement Policy) 10 CFR Part ?, Appendix C, the NRC is exercising the

' discretion authorized by the Enforcement Policy and a Notice of Violation is

not being issued for this matter. You are requested to notify us in writing

within 30 days of the date of this letter only if you disagree with our

statement of your corrective action for the violation described in Paragraph 8

-of the enclosed inspection report. Otherwise, a reply to this issue is.not


. required and we do not have any further questions at this time. The corrective

actions whien you implemented as a result of this violation were examined and

determined to be acceptable.

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AUG 3 0 't990



In'accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations 'a copy of this

letter and the enclosed inspection rtpart will be placed in the NRC's-Public -



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We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning th's inspection. '


F Sincerely,

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+E Richard C. Knop, Chief

l: , '

Reactor.. Projects Branch 3 i


Enclosure:-~ Inspection Report '!

No. 50-123/90001(DRP) ,




L cc w/ enclosure: . J




F- Dr. Don Warner, Dean- 1

Schooliof Mines and- -

MetallurgyL ,

Dr. William Vernetson, Director  !

,.. of Nuclear; Facilities ,









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Report No. 50-123/90001(DRP)  ;


Docket No. 50-123- License No. R-79 i


Licensee: University Of Missouri - Rolla f

.l Facility Name: Rolla Reactor

Inspection At: Reactor Building, Rolla, Missouri  ;

, Inspection Conducted: Auge',t 13-14, 1990 ,


Inspector: A. Dunlop, Jr.. ) s. 9 e

                                                                                       Date               i
                                  LO-S J         *
                               W. B. Grant


                                  . Ad f&kM
                               M. M. Mendonca                                             P 774

L Date

                                   . hN%.
                                  1. N. Jackiw, Chief  rfM                               b.?#-Fe
                  Approved By:                                                                           ;
                                  Reactor Projects Section 3A                          Date           ,


                  inspection Sumary                                                                      i
                  Inspection on August 13-14, 1990 (Report No. 50-1?3/90001(DRP);                         ,
                  Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection to review actiot an:
                  followup on previous inspection items (9?701); organization, logs, and                 [
                -records; review and audit functions; requalification training; procedures;
                                                              activitie>; emergency planning;
                . radiation
                   surveillance;  experiments;
                            controls;             fuel handling (40750); transportation activities
                                      radwaste management
                  (86740); and periodic and special reports (90713).                                     ;
                  Results: Of the 13 areas inspected, one non-cited violation was identified.
                 -This pertained to the failure to perform a surveillance test on the reactor
                  period scram safety channel prior to each day the reactor was operated (see
                  Paragra)h 8). The facility is being properly maintained and operated in an
                  accepta)1e manner.
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         1.  Persons Contacted
             University of Missouri - Rolla
             *A. E. Belon, Reactor Director
  .          *D. W. Freeman, Reactor Manager
               R. Bono Director, Environmental Health / Risk Managenent and
                  Health Physic 4='
             *C, Barton, Eleci.      .c Technician / Senior Operator
             *L. Pierce, Senior Secretary
             * Denotes those attending the exit meeting on August 14, 1990.
         2.  General (40750)
             This inspection, which began on August 13, 1990, was conducted to
              examine the research reactor program at the University of Missouri
              - Rolla. The facility was coured shortly after arrival.          The generai
              housekeeping of the facility is good.
             The reactor is used for classroom instruction, training, research,
              and irradiation service. The licensee provides tours of the facility
              to over 2,000 visitors a year. The facility intends to convert to low
              enriched uranium (LEU) fuel when funds from the Departnent of Energy
              become available (scheduled 1991).
              No violations or deviations were identified.
          3.  Action on Previous Inspection Items (90701)
              a.    (Closed) Open Item (173/85002-01): Requalification training
                    evaluations not perforned in accordance with approved program.
                    Senior Operators (50s) were performing the operator evaluations
                    where as the Requalification Training Program required the Reactor
                    Supervitor or Training Coordinator to do the evaluations. The
                    licensee has revised the program to state that the evaluation can
                    be performed by an S0. This item is closed,
               b.    (Closed) Open. Item (123/87001-01):       No prior NRC approval on
                    changes to the operator Roqualification Training Program.
                    Region 111 requested guidance from the Office of Nuclear Reactor
                    Regulations (NRR) as to whether the changes to the program
                     identified by the inspector required prior NRC approval before
                     being implemented.    Per an NRC memorandum, J. N. Hannon to
                    W. D. Shafer, dated February 19, 1988, NRR determined that the
                     changes in question did not require prior NRC approval per
                     10 CFR 50.54 (1-1). As such, this item is closed.
                   c.                   (Closed) Violation (12?/87001-02):      Failure to follow Standard
                                        Operating Procedures (SOP) 600, Laboratory Rules, (Technical
                                        Specification 6.3 violation) regarding not eating, drinking, and
                                        smoking in the reactor bay area or the counting room, or while
                                        handling radioactive materials and bypassing the frisker station
                                        when leaving the bay area. The licensee has made certain additions
                                        and changes to SOP-600 in order to clarify the purpose of the rules,
                                        which prohibit eating, drinking, and smoking in the reactor bay and
                                        the counting room and to add a section about use of the frisking
                                        station. The inspectors reviewed the revised 50P and made
                                        observations in the licensee's facility which indicate the
                                        corrective actions have been effective. See Paragraph 13 for
                                        additional discussion. This item is closed.                                 ;
                   d.                   (Closed) Open Item (123/87001-3): . Desirability of having
                                      ' independent audits performed of reactor. health physics. activities
                                        and that written responses be made to audit findings / recommendations.     .
                                        The inspectors reviewed the most recent audit of *a facility that            ,
                                        was conducted April 3,1990, by members of the Columbia Research             ,
                                        Reactor staff. Written responses to the audit findings / recommendations
                                        have been completed. The Rolla Reactor Manager stated that this policy
                                        will continue. This item is closed.
                   e.                   (Closed) Open Item (123/87001-04):    Licensee does not verify
                                        ventilation system flow rates listed in Technical Spacification              ,
                                        3.5 (4,500 cfm), which requires a ventilation fan to te operating
                                        when the reactor is at full power. Technical Specification 4.5 on
                                        surveillance testing for the ventilation system only requires a            ;
                                        visus 1 monthly check for proper operation. The licensee reviewed
                                        the design specifications of the three reactor building ventilation
                                        fans and verified that each fan is rated greater than the 4,500 cfm          i
                                        requirement. It is not a Technical Specification requirement to
                                        verify the flow rates on a pet 3dic basis, nor does it appear                r
                                        necessary based on the ratings of the three fans and procedural
                                        requirement to have a fan operating. This item is closed.

I f. (Closed) Open Item (123/87001-05): Use of the facility portal

                                        monitor should be improved and its operability checked on a routine
                                        basis. The location of the portal monitor has been changed so that           ,
                                        workers must pass through the monitor in order to exit the facility.
                                        Procedures for the correct use of the portal monitor have been
                                        visibly posted at the. entrance to the monitor. In addition, the-           >
                                        instrument is routinely source checked for operability by the Senior
                                        Electronics Technician. This item is closed.
                    g.                   (Closed) Open Item (123/87001-06): The licensee should eveluate-
                                        the need for extremity dosimetry. TLD ring badges have been .
                                        purchased for extremity dose evaluation of reactor personnel who           ,
                                        perform sample irradiations and reactor maintenance. This item
                                        is closed.
                    h.                   (Closed) Open Item (123/87001-07): Desirability of collecting and
                                        analyzing the constant air monitor (CAM) filter media on a routine         i
                                        basis. The licensee changes the particulate filter on the CAM when
             __ - _______________. - .-                                               -        _-   -  -    -. . .
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                     particulate bui?iup on the filter reduces the air flow. The filters                l!
                     are analyzed for isotopic content and no significant activity, other             -
                     than naturally occurring isotopes have been detected.      This item                l
                     is closed.
               No violations or deviations were identified,
           4.  Oroanization, Logs, and Records (40750)
               The facility' organization was reviewed and verified to be consistent with                -
               the Technical Specifications and Safety Analysis Report (SAR). The minimum
               staffing requirements were verified to be met during reactor operation, and              !
               fuel handling or refueling operations.
               The reactor logs and records were reviewed to verify that:                               j
               a.    Records were available for inspection,
               b.    Required entries were made.                                                         ,
               c.    Significant problems or incidents were documented.                                  .
               d.    The facility was being maintained properly.
               The previous Reactor Manager resigned from his position at the facility
               in August of 1989. The position was filled in May 1990 and the new manager
               is in the process of cualifying for an S0 license. He previously held                     <
               an 50 license at the lniversity of Virginia reactor.
               The inspectors reviewed o 3erator logs, pre-startup checklists (50P-102),                 ,
               hourly operating logs (50)-104), and secure checklists (50P-105). The
               logs were complete and of sufficient detail.                                             ,
               No violations or deviations were identified.
           S.  Reviews and Audits (40750)
              -The licensee's review and audit program records were examined by the
               inspector to verify that:


               a.    Reviews of facility changes, operating and maintenance procedures,
                     design changes, and unreviewed experiments were performed by the                   -
                     Radiation Safety Committee as required by Technical Specifications
                     or SAR.                                                         .
               b.    The safety committee and/or subcommittee were composed of qualified
                     members and tFat quorum requirements and frequency of meetings had
                     been met.

I c. Required safety audits had been conducted in accordance with

                     Technical Specification requirements and that identified problems
                     were resolved.
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                                          The Radiation Safety Comittee met on a quarterly basis' and reviewed
                                     ' appropriate issues (e.g.,- new experiments.- NRC submittals, conversion t0
                                                                                                                                                                     .           l  J
                                         1.EU fuel documents). An independent audit was' performed in April-1990                                                                  '
~y                                        by personnel from the Missouri University Research Reactor at Columbia.                                                            '
                                          Several: comments and recomendations were made in their report. The                                                                      >
                                           license adequately addressed these issues in a June 1990 memo.-                                                                         ,
                                          No vio'ations                       1                    or. deviations were. identified.                                                {
                       6>                 Requalification Training (40750)

F 1: The inspectors reviewed procedures, logs, and training recordst and

                                     = interviewed personnel to verify that the requalification' training program                                                                 '
                                         was being carried out in conformance with the facility's approved plan
                                       'and NRC-regulations. The' inspectors reviewed the licensee's Requalification
                                          Training Program dated May 1988, Revision 2. The inspectors verified through                                                            '
m                                         documentation review that the licensee's -1989 program was complete, including
                                          forms for the conduct of on-the-job training, requalification examination

L results, and operator assessments. The licensee is in the process of. '

                                          completing the 1990 requalification program. No problems were noted.                                                                   g
                                          No violations-or deviations were identified.                                                                                             .
                       7.            -Procedures (40750)

a The inspectors reviewed the licensee's procedures to determineLif i

                                          procedures were issued, reviewed, changed or updated, and approved
                                          in accordance with' Technical Specifications and SAR requirements.
                                         This review also verified:-
                                          a '. -                       That procedure content was adequM e a safely operate, refuel.:

4 :and maintain the facility.

                                          b.                           That responsibilities were clea ly w 'ined.                                                             4
                                          c.                           That. required checklists and fe c were
                                         The inspector determined that the r;                                                     n-.       *es were available
                                 mto.the operators and the contents                                                              i t.: w      dures wer'e found
                                          adequate. Procedures are reviewed e.                                                  <su o i     . sir and revised as
                                          required.                                                                                                                               .
                                          No violations or deviations were identified.
          '          :
                       8.                 Surveillance (40750).
                                          The inspectors reviewed procedures, survc41 9 ce test schedules,
                                          and test records and discussed the surveillance and preventive                                                                          ,
                                          maintenance program with responsible personnel to verify:
                                          a.-                       .That procedures were available and adequate to perform tests.
                                          b. .                         That tests were completed within the required time schedule.
                              . . _ _ ._ _ - . _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . ,                                                                    ..
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                 c.     Test records were available.
                 The" inspectors reviewed selected Technical Specification surveillance,
                 requirements and verified adequate testing was being conducted in all
                 but on5 case. Technical' Specification 4.2.2(1) requires a channel test
                 of each reactor safety system channel be performed each day before the
                 reactor is operated. The ins
                 channel (less than S seconds)pector
                                                   was notnoted
                                                           being that-the reactor
                                                                  tested on       period scram
                                                                            the pre-startup-
                 checklist (SOP-102). The licensee informed the inspectors 6 hat during
                 a training lecture for the Requalification Training Program, the seu
                 deficiency was noted and a revision te UI M 2 was in progress to include
                 this testing. The licensee addressed 5hb 45ue with the operators and            "
                  informed them that this test shodd w performed prior to a reactor startup
                  and documented in the log book at an V tecim process unt " the procedure
                 was revised. The licensee hrs been in a maintenance' outage mi no reactor
                  startups have been performd since the deficiency was identified.
                 Although-the licensee had not been performing this test as required by
                 Technical Specifications'(daily), the test was being Jerformed on a
                 weekly basis with no identified problems. As such, t1ere is no apparent
                  safety significance to this issue since the chance of the channel failingi
                  to perform its intended safety function'was minimized due to the weekly
                  Prior to the. inspectors-leaving the facility, the license had completed-
                   the revision to SOP-102 to include the required testing of the. period.
                   scram function. This revision was reviewed by the inspectors'and
                   determined to be adequate corrective-action.
                   The failure to perform the reactor period scram channel test prior
                   to each day.of reactor operations is a violation (123/90001-01) of
  e              -Technical Specification 4.2.2(1). This licensee-identified violation
                    is not being cited because the criteria specified in Section V.G of
                   the Enforcement Policy were satisfied. This item is closed.
                   The licensee is in the process of-establishing a schedule board that will.
                 . list tests, reviews, reports, and other items with the date scheduled and
                    date previously performed. - Although meeting schedule dates has not been
                    a problem, this will allow operators and managers to be more aware of
                    dates for scheduled items.
                    One non-cited violation was identified.                                          -;
              9.    Experiments (40750)                                                               i
                    The inspectors verified by reviewing experiment records and other
                     reactor logs that:                                                               y
                     a.   Experiments were conducted using approved procedures and under
                          approved reactor conditions,
                     b.   New experiments or changes in experiments were properly reviewed
                          and approved.
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                       c. . The experiments did notiinvolve an unreviewed safety question,                    I
                              i.e., 10 CFR 50;59-                                                              4
                       d. .   Experiments involving potential hazards or reactivity changes
          ;                  .were identified in procedures,
                       e.     Reactivity limits were not or could not have been exceedsd -
                             Jduring,anLexperiment.                                                           '
                       The inspectors reviewed the licensee's 700 series SOPS that control
                       requests and conduct of experiments. The reviewed records' indicated that         1
                       approvals =and conduct of experiments were performed in accordance with
                       the procedural all but a few isolated cases. Several'
                       forms-did'not indicate that samples were surveyed for radiation levels
                                                                                                         l    i
                       as required.1 Based'on the type:of experiments and' associated measurements
                       on previous-similar samples, there a) pears to be no safety significance.              '
                       The. licensee:comitted to evaluate t1ese findings and-take action, e.g.,               ,
                       staff briefing, to assure attention to detail in the completion of required            :
                       information. The inspectors concluded this action is acceptable and no                 ;
                       further action is warranted.                                                           -
                      -No violations or-deviations were identified.
  ,            10. Fuel-Handling (40750)
                       The facility fuel handling program was reviewed by the inspectors.
                       The review included the verification of ap3 roved procedures for fuel
                       handling and their technical adequacy in tie areas of radiation
                       protection,-criticality safety, Technical Specifications, and security
                       plan requirements. The inspector determined by records review and
                       discussions with personnel that fuel handling operations were carried
                      ,out in conformance to procedures. The licensee moves fuel for the

> annual control rod. inspections; no concerns were identified. ,

                       No violations.-or deviations were identified.                                 '
              ill. . Emergency Planning (40750)
                       The inspectors reviewed records and interviewed personnel to determine
                       that the approved emergency plan was being carried out by verifying:
                       a.     That. procedures were in place and required records were being             1
  c                    b.     That-required drills were conducted and evaluated.
                       c.     That required training had been conducted.
                       The inspectors reviewed the licensee's Emergency Plan dated May 15, 1989,
                       Revision 3 and verified that the licensee complies with the plan's
                       requirements. Specifically, the licensee performs a building evacuation              .
                       drill at the start of each school semester. Annual training on emergency            i
                       preparedness is provided to the operators as part of the Requalification
 ! j

s[ 'k

 %                     Training Program. ' Environmental Health / Risk Management provides- training'
                        to campus health-physicists and other local agencies (police, fire, and
                        hospital personnel) required to respond to an event at the reactor,
f                       No violations or deviations were identified.
nT               =12. . Transportation Activities (86740)
                       .The-inspectors reviewed the licensee's shipping program for compliance
                        with the requirements in Department of Transportation (DOT).and NRC
                        regulations, 49 CFR Parts 172 & 173 and 10 CFR Part 71, respectively.
                        Material is occasionally irradiated-in the reactor and transferred'
                        to on-campus users (normally less than ten transfers per year).
                         Irradiated samples are held at the reactor facility to allow
                         short-lived isotopes to decay, then surveyed (direct and smear).
                         prior to being released to users. Samples for use in laboratories-
   .                     on the university campus are transferred to NRC Byproduct Material
                         License No. 24-00513-32. Procedure SOP-604, " Release of Byproduct
                         Material on Campus," provides guidelines for such transfers.
                         Records of transfers were selectively reviewed for 1989 and.1990
                         to date; no problems were noted.
                         No-violations or deviations were identified.
                  13. Radiation Control (40750)     ,
                         The inspectors reviewed the radiation protection activities since
                         the last inspection. Rece ds were reviewed, personnel-were
                          interviewed, and observations were made to verify that radiation
                          controls were being carried out in accordance with' license and NRC
                          Indoctrination Training
                          All reactor-related personnel are given an indoctrination-in radiation-
                          safety before they assume their work responsibilities. Additional'
                          radiation safety instructions are provided to those who will be working
                          directly with radiation or radioactive materials. Students and new
                          employees receive training pursuant to 10 CFR 19.12 by viewing a video
                          tape. Individuals sign a form attesting to their understanding of the
                          material presented in the tape. The video tape was viewed by the
                           inspectors; no problems were noted. In addition, employees are provided
                           and instructed to review Regulatory Guides'8.13. " Instruction Concerning
                           Prenatal Radiation Exposure," and 8.29, " Instruction Concerning Risks
                           From Occupational Radiation Exposure," and they are tested on their
                           understanding of them. They are also instructed in the licensee's
                           SOP-600, " Laboratory Rules."
                                                                                                    . , _
        i       ,
  f4-     & ,;    #
                         Instruments" and Equipment -                                                          <
                         a. : Portable Survey Instruments'                                                        j
                               The licensee appears to have an adequate supply of appropriate                     ,
                               portable survey instruments capable of? measuring beta,' gamma, and~               +
                               neutron radiation. Most portable survey instruments are calibrated
                               by the campus health physicist as authorized by NRC Material License
                               No. 24-00513-32.. Beta /gama measuring instruments are calibrated                   '
                               semiannually using a nominal 100 millicurie Cs-137 source. 'High.
                               range' instruments (ionization chambers) are returned to the               -
                               manufacturer for calibration. _The two neutron measuring instruments               !
                               are typically calibra wd by the manufacturer and response checked
                               by the licensee using their 5 curie Pu-Be source.- Calibration
                               records for 1990 were reviewed; no problems were noted. The
                               inspectors examined several instruments maintained in the reactor
                               facility; each instrument was operable and had a current calibration          ,
                               sticker.                                                                     *


                         b.    Area Radiation Monitors                                                            .
                               In accordance with Technical Specifications, the facility has
                               operable area radiation monitors located on the reactor bridge,
                               at the demineralizer, and .in the experiment room. Operability and
                               alarm setpoints are checked daily using internal check, sources;
                               performance of these checks were confirmed by a selective review-                 ..
                               of daily operational checklists for 1990 to date. In situ monitor

L calibrations are normally performed semiannually.using the L aforementioned Cs-137 standard.

                         c.    Frisking Station and Portal Monitor-
                               A hand held'frisker is located at the reactor bay egress . leading
                               to the counting room. An area posting and laboratory rules instruct
                               workers to frisk prior to leaving the bay area if they have been

L working with radioactive materials. Frisker operability is  ; u periodically verified using a check source;' calibration is performed i using a Cs-137 source. The licensee has one walk-through portal L the facility. The monitor L monitor located in the hallway exiting

                               contains nine conventional G.M. tubes     (three  on each side, one for
                               each foot, and one above the head) linked analog display.
                               Personnel normally walk through the-monitor when leaving the bay

L area, counting room, or control room to leave the facility. E Personnel are instructed to pause for a few seconds in the monitor-

                               and to observe the analog display. The portal monitor is routinely
                               checked for operability using a Cs-137 source.
  • d. Air Particulate Monitor
                               The reactor facility has one continuous air particulate monitor                    -
                                (CAH) located in the reactor bay. The CAM is electronically pulse
                               checked periodically.
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                          Exposure Controls                                                                   ,
                          The' personnel dosimetry services of R.S. Landauer, Jr., and Company-
                          are utilized by the licensee on a bimonthly. exchange basis.1 All               ,
                          nuclear _ reactor facility staff members are provided with whole body               ,
                          film badges capable of detecting beta, gama, fast and thermal neutrons.           -l
                          Self-reading dosimeters are provided to visitors, temporary workers, and'           *
                          other personne1~as warranted. Extremity TLD dosimeters are provided to
                         - selected reactor staff members and used on an as needed basis. The
                           licensee will evaluate extremity exposure data in order to determine the
                          future need.for the dosimeters.
                          The vendor's whole body dosimetry reports were reviewed for 1989 and 1990
                          to date for reactor facility workers. All annual whole body exposures were
                           less than 50 mrem.                                                                 .
                          Pool Sampling

e Pool _ water samples are collected every month and analyzed for tritium H content. The most recent tritium analysis of pool water showed a ,

                          concentration of about 3 E-6 uCi/ml; similar concentrations were-                  4

p determined for. previous samples. Based on this analysis and typical '

                          pool water usage:(evaporation). less than 0.05 mil 11 curies of tritium             ;
                         'is released from evaporation of reactor pool water per year.                       !
                          a.     Area Surveys

1. Direct radiation surveys and smear sampling are performed in

                                 various reactor building areas on a monthly basis by the health
                                 physics staff. Special surveys are performed as needed to evaluate
                                 new or changing experiments; thermal column and beam port experiments
                                 are surveyed after any. modifications. - The licensee relies on their-

!= area monitors for indications of unexpected radiation levels. , 1

                                 The inspectors reviewed records of: smear and direct surveys for 1989      l
                                 and 1990 to date. Smears are counted on the licensee's gas flow
                                 proportional counter; removable contamination is rarely detected.
                                 No problems were noted.
                          b.     Air samples
                                 The facility's CAM also functions as an air sampler. The       .

p -licensee analyses the CAM filter media on a routine basis, no

significant activity other than naturally occurring isotopes

1- .have been detected.

                           No violations or deviations were identified.




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               14. Radwaste Management (40750)'
                    a. : Gaseous Radwaste
                         The principle gastous effluents produced are Ar-41'and neutron

F activated dust particles. These are produced by the irradiation

                         of the reactor pool water and to a lesser extent, air and.airborn'e
                         particles'in-the thermal column and the beam port. The air is swept
                         from the reactor bay snd the experimental areas by three exhaust
                         fans located in the roof of the reactor building. Technical--
                         Specifications require a ventilation fan with-a capacity of at
                         least 4,500 cfm to be operable when the reactor is at full power.
                         Each of the three fans are rated for this capacity.

n The licensee. collects a reactor bay gas sample with the reactor at

                         full power on an annual basis. The Ar-41 concentration in the reactor
                         bay at full-power was determined by the licensee to be.less than
                         2 E-8 uCi/ml. The licensee evaluates airborne releases monthly by
                         comparing operating times of building exhaust fans and reactor power
                         to annual measured air activity at full reactor power. The inspectors
                         reviewed; monthly release data for 1990 to'date. The maximum activity.
                         released'was'38 mil 11 curies in May 1990 at a concentration of less -    -,
                         than 2 E-7 uti/ml (less than 50% of Technical Specification /10 CFR 20       !
                         concentration limits).                                                    j
                    b.   Liquid Radwaste                                                          ';
                         All drains in the reactor bay and equipment areas lead to the

s basement sump. The largest volume of liquid.radwaste is produced-by -


L regeneration of the demineralizer. Resin regenerations are initially 1

                         discharged into two 300-gallon retention tanks and decay,         j
                         The contents of-the tanks are eventually released to the basement            !
"                        sump, pumped to the mid-level sump, and released to the sanitary
                         sewer system if analysis shows that concentrations are within.10 CFR      j
                         20.303 limits. Licensee records show there'were ten liquid releases       -i
                         from July 1989 through June 1990 totaling about 250 uCi-(gross             a
                         activity) in about 6000 gallons.                                             4
                    c.   Solio Radwaste
                         The licensee generates very little solid radwaste. The waste
                         consists primarily of spent resins and filters.which'are stored for .
                         eventual shipment to a licensed disposal facility. According to the        l
                         licensee there are nine 55-gallon-drums containing less-than 4 mci.          ;
                         of'Co-60/Cs-137 in storage awaiting shipment at this time. .-Solid

L short-lived radwaste is held for decay, surveyed, and' disposed of

                         in the sanitary landfill.                                                    !
                    No violations or deviations were identified.                                      (
    .       y.                                                    -
                                                                                   .       .        ,
        ;    . ..
        .                                                                                                !
      x                                                                                                .
                  15. ' Review of Periodic and Special Reports (90713).                                =!
          .             The inspector reviewed the following annual reports for timeliness of            l
                         submittal and adequacy of information submitted:
                         PhogressReport 1987-88                                                       'l
                        Progress Report 1988-89                                                          :
                         Progress: Report:1989-90
                        The reports contained the information required per. Technical
                        Specification 6.6.1.with the exception of several rundowns that were
                       .not listed. This appears to be a problem in transcribing the information         r
                        from the log books into the yearly reports. The licensee does evaluate
                        all scrams and rundowns and documents causes in the log book.                    l
                        No violations or deviations were identified,
 y                16. Violations for Which a " Notice of Violation" Will Not be Issued

a, I- The NRC uses the Notice of Violation (NOV) as a standard method for  !

                       ' formalizing the existence of a violation of?a legally binding requirement.
                        However, because the NRC'wants to encourage and support licensees'
                         initiatives for self-identification and correction of problems, the NRC

i' L will not generally issue a NOV for a violation that meets the tests of - l 10 CFR 2, Appendix C, Section V.G.1. These tests are: (1) the violation l

                       .was. identified by the licensee; (2).the violation would have been
                        categorized as Severity 1.evel IV or V; (3)'the violation was reported

I to the NRC, if required; (4) the violation-will be corrected, including ,

                        measures to prevent recurrence, within a reasonable time period; (5) it-

' l- was not a. violation that could reasonably be expected to have been l' prevented by:the licensee's corrective' action for a previous violation.  ;

                        A violation.of regulatory requirements identified during the inspection

L H for which a NOV will not be issued is discussed in Paragraph.8.

                  17. Exit. Interview (30703)
                        The inspectors met with licensee representatives denoted in Paragraph 1
                         during'and at the conclusion of the inspection on August 14, 1990. The.

y inspector summarized the scope and results of the inspection and discussed

                         the likely content of this inspection report. :The licensee acknowledged.
                        the information and did not indicate that any of the information disclosed.      +
                         during the inspection could be considered proprietary in nature.
 7                                                                                                       i
  l                                                           12                                         3
