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Forwards Final Exercise Rept for 920624-25 Joint Plume & Ingestion Exposure Pathway Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plans site-specific to Plant.No Deficiencies Identified
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 09/24/1993
From: Wingo C
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Congel F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20058M474 List:
NUDOCS 9310050289
Download: ML20058M470 (1)



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(T.1'g a Federal Emergency Management Agency  ;

' ~~' '


gy , ,

4 J~ , SEP 241993 LMr. Frank'J4'Congel, Director 1 *

[,;  : Division of; Radiation Safety W '

, . and. Safeguards

~ Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation q" .

m 'U.S. Nuclear Regulatory / Commission ,

,) . Washington, D,.C.


  • 1

Dear!Mr. Congel:


.Enclosedlisqa copy of:the final-exercise' report'for the

June 24-25, .1992 F joint' plume andf. ingestion exposure pathway

.g iexercise.'of theroffsite: radiological emergency response plans  :

7 tsite-specific:to the Sequoyah' Nuclear Power., Plant., The State of j Tennessee'andjBradley, Hamilton,: Meigs,nRhea,,and Sequatchie j

< ' Counties'in} Tennessee participated in'the exercise.




1 exercise report:was' prepared bylthe Region IV staff of'the L

  1. Federal' Emergency' Management' Agency (FEMA). A copy of this report willibeLprovided to the State of' Tennessee by the FEMA 's

'  ?

. Region lIVEstaff.~

-No[ Deficiencies were~ identified.during this exercise. ..There

'were,.however,f9 AreasJRequiring CorrectiveiAction and 40 tAreas' Recommended for Improvement identified during this'


exercise. ! FEMA: Region.IVfstaff will' monitor the status of .-



Based on the results of the' June 24-25, 1992, exercise, it is '!

.FEMACsfdetermination that there is: reasonable assurance'that

< appropriate; measures can be-taken offsite to protect the. health .

3 and safety of the'publiclinLthe event' of a-radiological emer3ency ,

at thefSequoyah Nuclear Power Plant. .Therefore, the Title 44 '+

lCFR,1 Parte 350,'approvalfof the;offsite? radiological, emergency fresponse plans and preparedness site-specific to the Sequoyah. f NuclearLPower Plant,Jgranted on August 7, 1980, will remain in

'effect. ,


If you.:should have-any questions,-please contact Mr._Megs Hepler, LActing Chief,oRadiological-Preparedness Division,.at

'(202) ,646-2867.



  • - Cr- g S.

Assistant Wif"ociateDire or Office of Technolo ml-HaZar

' Enclosure N


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