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Final Deficiency Rept DER 83-33 Re GE Model AKR-50 Breakers w/EC-1 Trips Which May Have Generic Defect.Initially Reported on 830429.Bechtel Will Correct Defects Prior to Fuel Load.Also Reportable Per Part 21
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 06/24/1983
From: Van Brunt E
To: Sternberg D
REF-PT21-83 10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, ANPP-24170-BSK, DER-83-33, NUDOCS 8307120529
Download: ML20024C335 (11)


, _ _ . . .


. UGC Arizona Public Service Company P.O BOX 21666 . PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85036

-5 N 1: 39 June 24, 1983 i ANPP-24170-BSK/RQp.3;();g y [f- l k

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission /

-Region V

.Creekside Oaks Office Park 1450 Maria Lane - Suite 210 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5368 Attention: Mr. D. M. Sternberg, Chief l Reactor Projects Branch 1


Final Report - DER 83-33 A 50.55(e) Potentially Reportable Deficiency Relating to GE AKR-50 Breakers With EC-1 Trips May Have A Generic Defect Which Could Cause A Malfunction.

File: 83-019-026; D.4.33.2 Re ference: Telephone Conversation between T. Young and R. Tucker on May 25, 1983

Dear Sir:

Attached is our final written report of the Reportable Deficiency under 10CFR50.55(e), referenced above.

Very truly y urs,


m a E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.

APS Vice President, Nuclear Projects Management ANPP Project Director EEVB/RQT:ru Enclosure cc: See Page 2 7120529 B30624

-P ADOCK 0$000530

, S PDR _

l Ill f ,T 7

a .

U. S. Nuclear Regula' tory Commission Page Two cc: Richard DeYoung , Director -

Of fice .of Inspection and Enforcement -

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 ,

T. G. Woods, Jr.

G. C.'Andognini J. A. Roedel D. B. Fasnacht A. C. Rogers B. S.'Kaplan W. E. Ide J. Vorees J. R. Bynum P. P. Klute/D. D. Green A. C.-Gehr.

W. J. Stubblefield W. G. Bingham R. L. Patterson R. W. Welcher.

.R. M. Grant D. R. Hawkinson L. E. Vorderbrueggen G. A. Fiore11i S. R. Frost J. Self Records Center Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 1100 Circle 75 Parkway - Suite 1500 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 h

r- ,




1. ' Potentia 1' Problem As documented by APS -letter ANPM-16183-JTB/SLK dated 4-29-83 (Attachment '1), General Electric (GE) notified APS' of a generic defect in CE model AKR-50 circuit breakers with an EC-1 trip device which could prevent proper operation of the tripping device. GE had

'previously notified th'e Nuclear Regulatory Commission of this defect per GE to.NRC letter dated 6-15-82 (Attachment 2). Attachment 2 also identifies two additional defects in their model AKR-30 and AKR-50 circuit breakers. - APS was notified of these two additional defects per GE Service Advice 175-CPD 9.11, as indicated in APS letter. ANPM-16317-JTB/SLK dated 5-18-83 (Attachment 3). This Deficiency Evaluation Report was subsequently initiated to evaluate these three defects, which are described in the following:

1.. Failure of AKR-30 and AKR-50 low voltage power circuit breakers to close'upon command due to failure of an incompletely hardened steel part in the breaker -operator.

2. Failure of AKR-30 and AKR-50 low voltage power circuit breakers to close upon command due to failure of the molded case of a switch in .the breaker closing circuitry. The failure is caused by improper curing- of the molded case which encloses. the switch mechanism.
3. Spurious tripping of AKR-50 low voltage power circuit breakers due to failure of ground break relay components. .The failure is caused by -a manufacturing defect in the silicon controlled rectifier used in the' ground break relay..

-The subject 1 breakers are used in the following equipment for each unit at PVNGS:

J Breaker Reference Be'chtel Breaker Equipment Number Drawing (s)

AKR-5 0 .  : Class'IE Battery Breaker- PKA-M4102 13-E-PKA-002 AKR-50 ' Class IE Battery Breaker PKB-M4202 13-E-PKA-005

~AKR-50  ; Class'_IE Battery Breaker :PKC-M4302~ ~ 13-E-PKA-004 1AKR _ Class IE Battery Breaker PKD-M4402 13-E-PKA-007

~AKR Reactor Trip Switchgear. :TCB-1 and. 13-E-SBB-001 and AKR Circuit Breakers TCB-2 N001-13.03-16 6-1 l _.-

t s }

L.J . m i-


Final Report DER 83-33 Page 2

'II.- Approach To'And Status Of Proposed Resolution

1. Defects 1 and 2 The first and second defects described in " Condition Description" (an incompletely hardened steel part in the breaker operator and an imporperly cured molded switch mechanism case, respectively) each result in a failure of the circuit breaker (AKR-30 and AKR-50) to close upon command For the Class IE battery circuit breakers (model AKR-50), FSAR Technical Specification 16.3/ (DC Distribution-Operating) requires all four Class IE battery banks to be energized and operable (i.e. , capable of perfonning its design function) for plant operation. Should the Class IE battery breakers fail to close in preparation for startup, the technical specification would not be met, precluding the plant from starting up. During plant operation, these breakers are normally closed and are not operated.

For the reactor trip switchgear circuit breakers (model AKR-30),

these circuit breakers must be closed before control rods can be

. withdrawn and the plant operated. These breakers are only opened after the control rods have been inserted and the reactor is being shut down.

Since these two defects, if left uncorrected, would not adversely affect the safety of operations of the plant during '

thel lifetime of the plant, they are evaluated as not reportable under the requirements of 10CFR50.55(e).

Defect 3

.The third defect described in " Condition Description" (a -

manufacturing defect in the. silicon controlled rectifier used in the ground. break relay) could result in spurious tripping of the circuit breaker. This defect, which exists in the model AKR-50 breakers,' could result in a loss of a Class' IE battery, which

. provides a backup' source of power for the Class IE 125V DC power system.-

This condition is evaluated as reportable under the requirements L of 10CFR50.55(e) since, if lef t. uncorrected, the operation of


the . safety-related 125V DC. system could. be impaired and the 2 deficiency represents a significant deviation from performance p - specifications.

i y--- a-i g 9 y e '9  %

r-Final Report DER 33 Page 3 III.' Projected Completion of Corrective Action And Submittal of the Final Report sedhtel Construction will use the nonconformance report system te have the three identified breaker defects corrected prior to fuel load in each unit. The process of sequentially repairing the breakers at GE and at the jobsite is outlined in Attachment 3.

The PVNGS Project also considers " Defect 3" to be reportable under

- the requirements of 10CFR Part 21., As indicated by Attachment 2, GE

- has notified the NRC of this defect and this report therefore satisfies 'all project reporting requirements.

- A copy of this_ report will be transmitted to the Bechtel Construction Manager to assure that the corrective action plan is properly coordinated.

y J

-l a , .- ,- . -



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TO: D. B. Fasnacht ste. # 6330 FROM: A. C. Rogers sea. # 3003 E xt. # 6041


Failure of GE Model AKR50 125 Breaker DC File: EM-021 REF: (A) Telephone conversation between D. B. Fasnacht and J. T. Barrow dated April 26, 1983 (B) Telephone conversation between R. Shaw and J. T. Barrow dated April 22, 1983.

As discussed in Reference (A), GE has notified Nuclear Engineering, via Reference (B), that the model AKR-50 breaker with the EC-1 trip (manufactured

( between 1976 and 1983) has be;n determined to have a generic defect. They have notified the NRC and made an industry-wide factory recall. This defect may prevent proper operation of the tripping deveice. We have 14 breakers of this type on site (4 per unit and 2 spares). These breakers are for the battery feeders in the following DC Control Centers:

E-PKA-M41 E-PKB-M42 E-PKC-M43 E-PKD-M44 In order to expedite the resolution of this problem with the least impact on the Project Schedule, we propose that the Unit 3 breakers be removed, packaged, and returned to GE as soon as possible. When repalred and returned, these ,

breakers could replace those in Unit 1. These would be shipped to GE and when returned, would be installed in Unit 2. Then the balance of the breakers could be shipped to GE.

Bechtel Construction has indicated that they can not take action on this matter ,

without a written requrest. We request that the necessary action be taken to -

expedite the shipment of these breakers back to GE since daily delays in shipping could recult in additional weeks to the lead time required to make corrections.

We need to get at the " front of the line" of the many users of these breakers.

A response to our request is required as soon as possible.

ACR/SLK/sp c -


( ATTACHMENT 2toDER(33(2pcges)


o ' S m " "' o "


. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, 41 WooDFoRD AVENUE, PLAINVILLE, CONN. 06052 _ DIVISIO N Phone (203) 747 7 June 15, 1982 Mr. Richard C. DeYoung Director of Office of Inspections U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ,

Office of Inspection and Enforcement Washington, D.C. 20555 *

Dear Mr. DeYoung:

The Distribution Equipment Division of the General Electric Company has determined that reportable defects exist on certain of its Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and on Ground Break Relay Components.

The following is the text of our notification for your use as necessary:

The General Electric Company has recently encountered a limited number of instances where electrically operated AKR-30 and AKR-50 Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers failed to close upon comand. The cause of failure has been traced to a steel part used in these breakers which was incompletely hardened. As far as we have been able to determine, the percentage of breakers exhibiting this reduced life is small.

The General Electric Company has also recently encountered a l limited number of occurrences of a switch used in conjunction with the electrical closing circuitry in AKR-30 and AKR-50 Low-Yoltage  !

Power Circuit Breakers failing to operate as intended. This malfunction occurs as a result of improper curing of t'e molded case which encloses the switch mechanism. The mis-operattori of this .

l switch results in the possibility that the breaker may not close upon '

electrical comand.

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N, .' . ~ SENERALOrtCaic C Mr. R. C. DeYoung June 15, 1982 The General Electric Company has also recently encountered a limited number of incidents where Ground Break Relay Components I caused the associated circuit breaker to trip without a ground fault l having occurred. Tnis erroneous comand results from a latent '

manufacturing defect in the Silicon Controlled Rectifier used in the Ground Break Relay.

While the number of identified failures is small in each instance identified above, and no failures have been reported in Nuclear Class IE equipment, the General Electric Company has decided to correct these potential problems in all affected Class lE applications. In all cases, the correction will consist of replacing the suspect parts or components. General Electric Company is in the process of determining the period of time over which the potentially affected devices were manufactured and will soon be contacting the affected nuclear sites to arrange for the corrections at a mutual convenient time. ,.

If you require any further information, please contact me.

Very Trul Ygrs, dA'P David . Dixon, Manager Quality Assurance clt _

(ll25P) l l


~- 4

% 3/00 ATTACHMENT 3 to DER 83-33 prges) NN  ?. f AITR2MS/A W- IygYmrr! G%EHND@!E (D@5SI RLSST

.!:S 10407 3 3 f ~





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May 16, 1983 EC ' - --

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EATE: ' .. ANPM-16317 - JTB/S1 Jy A %_.1 ..,-

T0; J. Vorees i_ 1*:c N'. _ . - --

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  • so.a A. C. Rogers 3003

' -'----l j j-

  • Ent. # 6041 .

., 1 ~,~ , ,

unenAKR-30 and AKR-50 Electrically Operated Circuit Breakers [r,, _, .f 8

j File: Di-020 .

REF: (A) AKR-30 and 50 Breaker Recall and Service Advice 175-CPD 9.11 (Attached) ~

(B) Letter from Norman David to John T. Barrow, dated May /5, 1983 (Attached)

(C) ANPM-16183 - JTB/SLK, dated April 29, 1963 General Electric (GE) has identified possible defects in their electrically operated AKR-30 and AKR-50 circuit breakers. AKR-30 and AKR-50 contain a defective switch and an improperly heat treated part which could result in failure of the circuit breaker to close upon command, n e AKR-50 has a defect in the ECI trip device which could prevent proper tripping action.

The AKR-50 must be returned to the factory to correct the ECI trip defect, so '

GE will correct all the problems at that time. Bechtel Construction, at the request of Nuclear Construction, has developed a program to return the circuit breakers. The first shipment is on its way to GE.

De balance of time defects not associated with the ECI trip will be corrected on site with tha assistance of a GE field representative. GE will coordin e this ef fort with the responsible parties. -

d ng--- _ Q ., 63/'>

No action or response is required by this letter, other than to provia affected groups in Operations and Startup with this information. If you g. g g have any questions, contact Steve Kasler et extension 828-6056. a a

, g ,. . .

.. *N ues A. C. Rogers K me ausm= ar~



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ACR/SLK/sp aus Attachment ,,

a ec: E. E. cyan Brunt, Jr. (w/a) J. T. Barrow (t " /.; ."i"

" S. G. Gudeman

  • C. C.~ Miller D. B. Fasnacht "

G. C. Andognini b

J. R. Bynum J. M. Allen "

J. E. Kirby " W. F. Fernow Eus

" D. P. Sanchez S. M. Moyers "_ ".'

un 88* nr __

W. H. Wilson " W. J. Stubblefield aw ___

.W .jo ms a .


  • I


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wf1TEAft SUtv>CE DE#44TMENT 70538L PLANT stMvKr.3 L. .s- ...,3

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OtAL COMM e N8C 8*433-1234 -

$$ e1 **' TELE ED:2hY AKR 30150 BREAXER RECALL At:0 SERVICE ADVISE 175-CPD 9.11 70: ff

~ ~ - -

FROM:$ler/w&gj g -,

a ~ _

g -

~ ~

Mr. Steve St. John " " -

Distribution Equipc:ent Divison -

41 Woodford Avenue ?'-

I Plainville. CT 06062

Dear Steve:

9 The following is 'a listing of the AKR30 and AKR50 circuit. breakers at the Palo 'le'rde Nuclear site as of this date.

Item (Init Tag i Type $ rial Number Equip. Class

  • 1 1 ,E-PKA-H41 AK50 NO205740004 1E
  • 2

.. 1 E-PKB-M42 AK50 NO205740001 1E <.

. 3 1 E.PKC-M43 AK50 N0205740003 1E

,.- -

  • 4 E-PKD-M44 1 AK50 N0205740002 1E

. $ .1 E-ten-E01B AKR-MB-50 AK08915 Non IE



.fl" b '

6 1 J-5BA-C03 AK30 N2589500019 lE

. 7 1 J-SB8-C03 AK30 N2689500011 1E N

. . :., s .

  • 8 "~

\..? ,' 2 E-PKA N41 AK50 N2360810002 lE ..

  • 9 2

E-PXB-H42 AK50 N2390480001 1E .



  • 10 2 E-PKC-M3 AK50 n2360810003 1E 1 s: -

l l

  • 11 2 E-PKD-M44 AK50 N2360810001 1E
    • 12 2 E-MBil E01B AKR-NR-50F AK13771 Non IE I


.A .

~ ~

  1. . , ( ' /, P/.GE M._,op]


.: (

Mr. St' eve St. John

  • Hay 5,1983 Page Two 9 .

. Item Unit Tag i Type Scrial Humber Equip. Class

1,A -

  • 15 3 E-PXA-M41 AK50 N6850640001 lE r 4,%. . , ..- .


  • 16 3 E PKS-H42 AK50 N6350640002 lE
  • 17 3 E-.PKC-H43 AK50 N6850640003 1E
  • 18 3 E-PXD-H44 AK50 M6850640004 IE j ,
    • 19 , 3'. E-NB1-E018 AKR-h8-50F AX27927 Non IE

- *** 20 3 J-SBA-C03 AX30 N26895000i7 IE

  • 22 Spare (Bechtel) AK50 N0205740001 1E
  • 23 Spare (Bcchtel) AK50 N2360810004 IE
  • 24 Spare (Gechtel) AK50 N8690840001 lE ,

l r . '


  • 25 Spare (Bechtel) AK50 N8682800001 lE *$.-
4 -
  • 26 Spare (APS) AXR-2BE-50 N066f220001 1E


?.d, . ' .

Note: The serial numbers listed may not still be located in the referenced equipment (tag #) due to removal and replacement

- for normal maintenance. However, the list does reflect an

. accurate count to the best of r/ ability.


  • Asterick indicates breakers to be returned to factory. , ,
    • Indicates field shorting breakers in Genr.erex equipnont.
      • Indicates breakers in Combustion Engineering Co. - reactor trip ,

swi tchgear.


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[ Hr. Steve St. John

. May 5. 1983 Page Three .

Per nur telephone conversation nf this d.dr. you will tw* issnines .i ri* turn authurtratica for 8 f.K',0 breakers listed abuve on items 15. 16. 1/, 18, 22

23. 24 and 25 and will be sending the aut.horization to Bob Shsw. EUSD, Phoenix. . 1 i

' . When these are checked out and returned, they will be swapped with unit

. one and unit two breakers (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 8. 9,10 and 11). These then

(,- -

, will be returned along with item 26 for modification. When you issue your

  • 4+ V -

second return authorization. ,it should be for these 9 breakers. Item 26 __

was received at the site on 4/13/33 as a spare ordered by A.P.S.

l It is our understanding that these returned breakers will have all service i

advices implemented or verified at the factory.

s This#then will. leave items 5. 6, 7,12.13,14.19, 20 and 21 at Palo Verde Nuclear Station, which will have to have Service Advice 175-CPD 9.11 imple-

mented in the field.

I will require 9 sets of parts to implernent this service advice plus instruc- l

' tior.s. This quantity is only for Palo Verde and does not reflect parts re- 1 quired for non-nuclear users. I will generate this list at a later cate.

If you have any questions, or things are not as I have stated please cor.-

tact us.

I Sincerely, pf % 9 A u


Norman P. David .

,.., Field Engineering Specialist

,NPD/ca i- . . zc: 3cb Shaw . -

Paul Rinne R. L. Anderson /

C. R. Rouse e=


.:v.:. .



  • PHOENIK,MZCNA 85021 * (609) 8611991 Hay 3, 1983


Arizona Nuclear Power Project ,


2 APS P.O. Box 21666 Phoenix, Arizona 85036 -

. Attn.: John T. Barrow, Jr...P.E.


AKR-30 and AKR 5C Electrically Operated Circuit Breakers Our records indicate that you have lov . voltage switchgear containing Ceneral Electric electrica M operated lov voltage power circuit -

breskers in Nuclear Power. Plant applications. It has come to our attention that ele:.trically operated AKR-30 and AKR-50 circei: breakers ,

manufactured before May, 1980, may contain a defective switch and an improperly heat treated part which. under certain conditions,.could result in failure of the circuit breaker to close upon co:;=and.

Altheugh we are unaware of any,such failures of electrically operated AKR-30 and AKR-50 circuit breakers in Nuclear Power Plant applications,

. ve intend to modify all affected breakers by replacing the affected i

parts at no cost to you.

We vill contact you in the very near future to schedule the appropriate corrective action and whatever support you require vill be provided by ~

us at no cost to you

. w ' N '.


( N ,

. s s

~ ' '

-Very truly yours, s.

~~ . .


s . '

f)/ n .


,- Norman P. David s Field Engineering Specialist 7,. '-. x 4s- -

s, -


s. <

NOTE: AKR 50 Breakers which are being returned to the factory under another service.' advice because of a defect in the EC1 trip device, vfil have

- this service advice implemented at that time and vill be checked to l insure that all past service advices have bean implemented.

l , .: q ,

cc: Bob Shaw, T.USD ' '

Steve St. John,' CPPD' - '


, -r-Paul Rinnc M.ES, s


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