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Proposed Tech Specs Revising Spent Fuel Storage Capacity, to Permit Installation of Sufficient Rack Modules to Bring Spent Fuel Storage Capacity Up to Original Design Value
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/1989
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML19327A820 List:
LCR-89-17, NUDOCS 8910180196
Download: ML19327A821 (8)



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- Reierence: LCl! 89-17 t



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DOCKET No. 50-354


LCR 89-17 DESCRIPTION OF THE CHANGE Revise the spent fuel storage capacity limitation presently stated in Technical Specification, Design Features Section 5.6.3 to read as follows:


. "The spent fuel storage pool shall be limited to a storage capacity of no more than 4006 fuel assemblies."

REASON FOR THE CHANGE Technical Specification 5.6.3 presently limits spent fuel storage capacity to 1290 fuel assemblies. This limit was recently raised f rom 1108 assemblies (the installed capacity ht the time that the Operating License and Technical i Specifichtions were issued) by Amendment 27 to the HCGS Facility Operatjug License. That change, as an interim measure, did not increase storene capacity to the plant design limit of 4006 assemblics, but merely provided sufficient i storage capacity to accommodate the third fuel cycle whilo PSE&D r.oup3rsted a

,', reviet of our long-ringn f uel cycle etrht(gy. PSE&G's current lans-range plans involve ;ho htilization of. the semo futi rack design as that of tha origina racks for all future fuel cycles. Therefore, PSE&G is that TS 5,6.3 .

Le reworded as above to permit the installation of the necessary rack capacity '

for storage of the PSAR design limit of 4006 spent fuel assemblies.

JUSTIFICATION FOR THE CHANGE The criticality, seismic, structural, and thermal / hydraulic analyses remain  ;

bounded by the assumptions and calculations (using NRC approved methods) provided in the FSAR. -

- Assuming the use of fuel assemblies with a Kint value equivalent to, or less than the King of a uniformly enriched assembly with 3.4 weight percent U888, the criticality f actor, Ke t t , will remain below 0.95.

- Our reanalysis of design (16 consecutive ref uelings) and maximum (f ull core off-load after 13 consecutive refuelings) spent fuel pool heat loads, using the same NRC approved calculational methods as for previous FSAR analyses, but taking into account our current cycle energy and fuel design projections, demonstrates that our FSAR-analyzed Spent Puel Pool Cooling and Residual Heat Removal Systems' heat removal capabilities of 16.1 x 106 Blu/hr (design) and greater than 45 x 106 Btu /hr (maximum) are adequate for our conservatively calculated design and maximum gpent fuel heat loads of 16.1 x 106 Btu /hr and 34.0 x 106 Btu /hr, respectively

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(as discussed in UFSAR Furthermore, in a recent design change,

, an additional 27 plates have been added to each Spent Fuel Cooling Ileat Exchanger (plate-type exchangers) which raises the design heat removal capability to 19.0 x 106 Btu /hr...providing even greater margins.

- The racks are of the same design and construction as those originally L installed L

- The racks, as passive, free standing, unanchored components that do not interface with, or impact, plant equiment other than the spent fuel pool

< floor remain seismically acceptable.

i 10CFR50.92 SIGNIFICANT NAZARDS CONSIDERATION ANALYSIS PSEfrG has, pursuant to 10CFR50.92, reviewed the proposed amendment to determine whether our request involves a significant hazards consideration.

Criteria 1 The__ operation of liope Creek Generating Station (IICGS) in accordance with the proposed change _will nqt.Jnyo_1y.e e a,significant increase in the probability or conseguencer of,an accident.previously evaluAt h

'Ite proposed aiwendment involvet, ti.e addition of spent luul storage racks that will bring actual spent fuel pool storage capacity into agreetant with the y original f uel storago design. The original r$1R analyses, a'id cur recent l recalcuistione, have verified that, utilizing f uel assemblies with a Kiet value l equivalcut to, or less than, the Knot of a uniformly enriched assembly with 3.4 weicht peretent 08", the criticality factor, Kott, will remain below 0.95.

The current heat removal capabilities of 19.0 x 106 Btu /hr (design) and greater '

than 45 x 106 Dtu/hr (maximum) of the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and heoidual lleat Removal systems, exceed, with considerable margin, the corresponding design und maximum heat loads of 16.1 x 106 Blu/hr and 34.0 x 106 Btu /hr, as discucced in our Justification for the Change, and are, therefore, adequate for our proposed installation of the original fuel storage design.

Additionally, the racks, which are passive components that do not interface with, or impact, any plant equipment other than the pool iloor, will remain seir.mically acceptable. The existing storage racks, as well as the ones to be added, are !?ee-standing... anchored to neither the fuel pool floor, the pool walls, nor-to adjacent racks.

Based upon the above determination that the criticality, thermal / hydraulic, seismic and structural analyses for our current and future fuel desians, remain bounded by tne assumptions and calculations provided in the FSAR, the proposed TS change, which will increase the maximum spent fuel storage capacity to 4006 assemblies, involves no significant change in the probability or consequences of any accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the Final Safety Analysis Report (TSAR).

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Criteria II The operation of Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS) in accordance with the proposed change will not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.

The requested change will cause no change to plant equipment, procedures or operating parameters from those originally described in the FSAR. The proposed change will increase the spent fuel storage capacity limit specified in the Design Section of the TS to the original design capacity detailed in the FSAR.

With regard to the installation of the rack modules, which are identical to those presently installed and that are physically oriented the same as in the original plant design described in the FSAR...

The polar crane main hook, the auxiliary geared chain hoist and the rack module lifting fixture, which comprise the Heavy Load Handling System (HLHS), are all designed, inspected and tested to single failure criteria in accordance with NUREG 0544, NUREG 0612, and ANSI 14.6 requirements. The design of all HLHS components incorporate a minimum design safety factor of ten. The polar crane t will be operated only by operators who have been trained in accordance with plant procedures. The polar crane limit switch (North West corner), which normally prohibits polar crane travel over the spent fuel storage area, will be bypassed and the crane bumper will be removed temporarily to allow crane travel over the pool. The safe load path for new rack installation will specifically dVoid movement over aMY preVIOu8ly stored spent f uel in the pool (see the modified UP4AR Figure 9.1 - 37, sheet 4 of 13, attached).

Dypascing of the polic cen9e limit switch and the irssic11ation of the rack  !

madelos, utilizing a single failure proof vandling eystem and strict (

actiuittrative centrola, is permissible and discusseu in UTCAR

The polar crane limit switch will be bypessed only while rack modules are being lifted from the caak washdown area and installed in the pool. Within 7 days prior to, and at least once per 7 days during, the operation of the polar craue for lif ting and installing the rac% modules into the r:a.t fuel pool area, the single-tailure proof HLHS will b6 visually inspected and verified operable with regard to the requirements of Techuical 6pecification (TS) surveillanet 4.9. '. t l Also, for the same time duration, when not actively in service in support of the t installation of the rack modules, the polar crane will be safety-tagged out of service f urther ensuring that only trained operators operate the crane while the travel limits are defeated. Following the termination of the rack module installation, the crane limit switch and bumper will be promptly restored to their original configuration and surveillance testing of the crane interlock and travel stops per TS will be performed to demonstrate that normal limits on crane operation have been restored.

Based upon the above, a postulated heavy load drop over the spent fuel is not considered credible during the installation of the proposed additional rack modules and the possibility of a new or different kind of accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety from any previously evaluated is not created.

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Criteria III The operation of Hope Creek Generating Station (9005) in accordance with the pronosed chance does not involve a sienificant reduction in a marein of saf ety.

The proposed change would permit the installation of racks which are identical I to, and physically oriented the same as, our original plant design. Since the-

< structural, seismic, thermal / hydraulic, and criticality analyses for the L proposed installation of the necessary number of racks to provide our original-design spent fuel storage capability are bounded by our original t assumptions and calculations provided in ySAR Section 9.1.2, the margins of safety will remain essentially unchanged.


Based upon the above, we have determined that this proposed change does not involve a Significant Hazards Consideration.


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i CRITICALITY 5.6.1 The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:


a. A k,ff equivalent to less than or equal to 0.95 when flooded with [

unborated water, including all calculational uncertainties and biases  !

as described in Section 9.1.2 of the FSAR.  !

b. A nominal 6.308 inch center to center distance between fuel assemblies I

. placed in the storage racks.  ; The k,ff for new fuel for the first core loading stored dry in the [

spent fuel storage racks shall not exceed 0.98 when aqueous foen moderation '

is assumed.

DRAINAGE 5.6.2 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent i inadvertent draining of the poci below elevation 199' 4". (

CAPACITY 3, 5.6.3 The spent fuel storage pool shall be limited to a storage capacity of no more than y fuel assemblies.

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5. 7.1 The components Idrintifie'l in Table 5.7.1-1 are desi ned and shall ce  ;

maintained within the cycli~ccrtransientlimitsofTabl6N.7.1-1, 3 l


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