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RO 50-219/80-17-1P:on 800516,while Performing Control Rod Interference Checks, green-green Rod Position Indication Remained Illuminated While Withdrawing Rod 10-23.Bypass Jumpers Removed & Control Rod Panels Inspected
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/16/1980
From: Carroll J
NUDOCS 8005230517
Download: ML19323E419 (3)


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I 70; Ecyce H. rrier Di*ec torate cf **'Jula tory Crera tions Pg lan I 631 Park Avarum Kirig or Prussia. Pennsylvania 19406 Fport: i Jersey Central Pw & ftt Crw peny Oyster Creek Naciaar G=nerating Station Orxket No. 50-212 i Forked #1ve,. M*= Jaecey 041731 WAMCT:

Reportable Occurrence Report No. 50/212/RC-17-lP T% following fg s creliminary report belno 1AMttad fri conollance with the Tecrsifcal i Spec W ications, P ragrape 6.9.2.a.(6) .

l Pre 11m1 navy Avventn1:

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.D. 1 Ca rrsi( ) . .ir. /

, 5tation Nnauer 04 fa': 4 Qjfj//_. 1 ec: Mr. Rotler Boyd l





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e' - _. - i initial Tel chone - Data of Report Datet: {//#-/D Occurrence f4 d ( 3 80 N l t io) 'Jr i tten Ti= of Repcet Date:: *7 '~ _,

Ouurma: 000 .__.


l Roonetsbie Occurrence Report No. 54-219/RG-i 7- 1 P IDE FIFICATION Violation of the Terbetical SoeciFications. naragraph 3.9.F.1 Or OCCUERENCE: Refueling interlocks associat.4 with the withdenw=1 n U wn etwitrol rmis ware bypeswed white "ri.1 f < worse in agch ftMI cell turrourwitn*J hoth roris. Thi s corwf i t ion m y have atitted since Feitruarv ?R. 1 9410.

This event is cemsider=1 to be a reportable oce:urr=ncer at defined in the TecNa femi Specif Ic+tions. 04retsraan 6.').y.a(6)_ .

CCMOITfrets pttog 5 toady 5tata l'ower Wontina Shutdsw TC CCCUimCiCE: Hat Stanniby w -ratlan Cold Shutdown Lon<f (bances thirim

)( fie fue i ln q t b.feA m os poutin. Power <Jp, rating 3hstine Startup Other (Sp+cif y)

Operatino IX' SCRIPTIO*t At approvirat*1v 0130 hrs. whi1= perfor lag c<mtrol rod interference OF OCCUPRENCE: ch+rk3. I t w= = an e. i c =4 that th= "Gr=*n d r*en~ co<t positian irwt ica tion rs=== f na=1 illennina tart whila wi thefrwing rod 10-M. An t w iate hv*stletation r aw.e l eri that the rnd blnek hyp*** .1:appert 'nr control ends 10-23 anet 14.15 wre not reved after fewy the control him=(e replamt ornorm arwt whe*<wret to the fuct loadlem; of each of t_4 two (2) associated contrni (gt15.

Th i s c a.wi f t ine rce.u t t. d in ene enuthtiiry t w e i-nc. then ene (1) contcol rW wf(h 8uel getrversic f i ng i r, e ewsid h.sva im wI13xtrawn lo tiver refuellau entse since , wither o f' the im cubier.t erwit withrieenen movela have prevented an addition rtm't f m briec withrJrawn.

e coor rtable Occurreace Psoe 2 ,

i IIeoort Pfo. 60-219/80-IT-1P I

CPPARFMT CAIME Deston Prera< fura Of Oct.URREMCE: R a n g f ar- tu r e Urwavog I Servica Cond1tien


Tr+s tal Ia t lem/ Inc, . 3'nv i reewman ta 1 Construetiun Cen'coernt Vafiurc l X Operatur __

Other (Specffy)  ;


AJ4 ALM 15 CF Al though partial arkinistrative control was lost. procedures CCtvitaDM.E: er= si des tga- t that- IM pe M=nt c.becits of -ad in=*ction orf or - l to cell Inad ing i s acer==cl i shed. These thirri and f mrth levels of vgr 8 rtcatinct ea<esra ? net no fowl it f oeded in a r.=Il unless t% control rod is feelly l eis ec t ar8 even *8wuch lad iv i hea l l refuel irw , m y be hv7=ssed. Surval)1aace pedomi  !

on ttwr tac =t da y, and eta f f y theese(tar in scevtrdance inf P.h Tect'nical So-c i f ica t t rm 4. 9. D, veri f lad t ha t the control rods of rnncaen wert. Ir? fact. ft:11y f risertad with thele tsarroundlao 'uel cells rgloovfed and rearne f Ingerterf therwieJhotat W raes f rwfor of the core relo4st oecicef, ffARECTIVE IMiataly af ten- disenvary. (Pwr bypass ,)umoars se=re ewcovarf ACTION: and all content rod twisi tl<m pa el s argra i n s peec t=<f to < u re on ornee bynast** wer= t a g *.,11,d . The .ge4c. r <wani e tatt 4*r i ri i s t ra t i v e u=*t t r'? 1 < foe.umen ta t l on a v.oc i a terf w f t h con tro l c at) I 41 **ea t f <m e 'or tM Cyr.l. o ralwd i s be t rw; **wi w d for any ad<t i t t nar i d l t c reeaac 8 ** he tw Tec hnica l 'iertwrv isoc. Ts a<*d i f. loei e subcomi tteer of the r84pt On=rmetrwr Evoecience Assets-

==*n t Cn==r i t t = i == r. l od i ng o oera t t an s pertonee l ) is rew imw irvy the incident for approcriate recE. Fations.

This Socident wilf =1*n be rwrigwed by othee Saf ety Review Gremos.

84==d on the ree<re=*ce** e fems of

  • beg e wartryss r*v f sact. 40c opriate
  • Ctfort will be takan to pr= vent a reoccurreace of thie. event.

- . /

Proper =d by: ~

's8 ' ' ' ' 'd ' nata: M "'M J. )iol nar Z

,s .

l Approved by; ,

C . , ~ Ogte;  ; e

~~ ^

r,.a r l U. . .. r n n e s s *<i

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