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RO-50/219/80/10-1P:on 800220,during Insp Per IE Bulletin 79-14,three Pipe Hangers in Liquid Poison Sys Found Improperly Installed.Hangers Reset.Restraint in Cleanup Sys Under Design Review to Correct Deficiency
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 02/21/1980
From: Hinrichs G
Shared Package
ML19305A763 List:
IEB-79-14, NUDOCS 8002270291
Download: ML19305A765 (2)


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initial Telophona Date of

Report Date

Occurrence: February 20, 1980 Toitial Written Tfma of R: port Date:

Occurrence: 3:50 D.;3.

OYSTER CRFEK 'nJC1. EAR r,ENE9ATING STATION FORKED RIVER, NEW JERSEY 06731 Reportabla Occurr+nce Report No. 50-219/80/10-1P IDENTIFirATION Ouring verificatian af at-huilt conditions for pipe hangers, it OF CCCURRENCE:

was nat'emi that thr== pipe hangers in the liquid Poison System worn not properly installed.

Th h avant is enasiderad to be a ragmrtabla occurrence as defined in tha Tachn ica l Spec i f ica t ions , paragra ph 6. 9. 2.a . (9) .

Hat Starwthy Routina Shutdown Operstion 001,1 Stiutdown Loa <f Changes During X _ Pafnel ing %ut.deman Routine Powar Operation Routina s tartup Other (Specify)

Operation Reactor subcritf<=1.

Reactor maria switch Incit ed in refuel .

Cavity flooded.


On Wadnasday. Feernary 20. ITO, at approximately 3:50 p.m. ,  !

during the inspectinn rmuira<1 for TE Bullatin 7e-14, three pipe bangers wara discovera<t impraparly installad. The pipe hangers that vastra in a vertical section are numbered NP-2-R8A, NP-2-R88, and NP-2-R9. Thase hanger numbers are referenced on Bergen-Patterson Drawings.

Aleo a rattraint, NO-1-R2 on t hg return 1 fne of the cleanup 1 systen was of the incorract design. Tha systen requires restraint of tha pina in tm directions and ND-1-R2 was only capable of one ,

directfocal restraint. I 6PAMMT CAIME Dasion Procedure F OCCURRENCE: Manu fac tura Unusual Service Condition X Ins talla t.f on/ Tnc. Envirnnmental Con 5tructinn Camponant Faf1ure Opera tor Other (Specify) l The pipe hangers warn improperly installed.


80022W M i

2. 9 l

Reportchla Occurennra R: port No. 50-Zl9/80/10-1P Page 2 A.' sat Y319 OF CCCURRENCE:

The plea nanunr. ara u m a<f to rastr,in a pipe frnm oxen.ssive movnmant durino a = I mir avant- The thrae hancers all penvide horirnntal restraint on eartIcal pipe. The hanger wnich consists of a t iva c 1 mn wi th two lugs w ided on the outs ide of tha cl. imp 90~ fena the tilpe cin=p on<f should rest in a square box mada of angle iron.

The fnur aqu idistant externa l points shnuld rest on tha cantar of tha flats of the box. The how is rigidly suonarted to the drywell wall. Thararnre. If properly installed, the oina woul:1 hancars ha a llenva<f were ronn,f min imal hne tzontal movement.

wi t h the The s

e pa clamn incated above the restraining box event.

which would parmit excessive movmant of the pipe in a seismic Tha 1.1qul<l Pnisan Sy5 tam Is a sean<ihy radundant, independent rnnteni tyste for use in t he i ni t kal y ovant tha t the control rod sys tem is innpar=bla.

Tha ifquid "afton System is actuated only by r mote wuinual actinn fram the Control Room and will be used only during extrame amargency condit ions.

The claanup svstam is a riltratson and tonization exchange system for ww intaining the purity or tha water in the reactor vessel and rectre.nlatinn lines. The restr= Int in the return line was only j

capehta of rastraint in ona af f raction, therefore, the pipe '

restraint would be considarmi inoperable in a seismic event. -

RORRECTIVE The ITION: hanuars in the L.iquid Poison Systesn were properly reset in the boxes.  :

The rastraint in the cleanup systemi is urufer a design review to correct the dnf fc f ancy.

ILURE DATA: Not applfcable.

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