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ML20029A54612 February 1991Special Rept 91-01:on 910113,inoperable Condenser Bay Sprinkler Sys 2 Not Restored within 14 Days.Caused by Steam Leak in Vicinity of Sprinkler Head.Sprinkler Will Be Replaced During Refueling Outage 13RLocked High Radiation Area
ML20043A79011 May 1990Special Rept 90-03:on 900412,Fire Diesel Pump 1-1 Not Restored to Functional Status within 7 Days.Pump Removed from Svc to Install Mod.Mod Completed,Tested & Returned to Functional Status on 900420
ML20012F5173 April 1990Special Rept 90-02:on 900309,stack Radioactive Effluent Monitoring Sys High Range Monitor Not Repaired within 7 Days,Per Tech Spec 3.13.H.Caused by Acceptance Criteria Test Procedure.Test Procedure Revised
ML19351A30011 October 1989Special Rept 89-03:on 890904,during Weekly Surveillance of Fire Barrier Doors,Door Between Fire Zones RB-FZ-1E & RB-FZ-1F4 Did Not Meet Acceptance Criteria.Door Unable to Latch W/O Assistance.Fire Watch Established & Door RepairedFire Barrier
Fire Watch
ML20028D6517 January 1983RO 82-9:on 821208,temp Sensor Instrumentation Located Upstream of Us Route 9 Bridge Did Not Meet Overall Sys Accuracy Limits.Caused by Downdrift of Temp Transmitter Zero & Span Adjustments.Temp Transmitter Recalibr
ML20028D6637 January 1983RO 82-10:on 821210,during shutdown,364 Dead or Severely Stressed Fish Collected.Caused by Temp in Discharge Canal Below Lethal Temp for Affected Species
ML20050D9992 April 1982RO 50-219/82-20/01P:on 820401,abnormal Degradation of Primary Containment Identified,Based on MSIV Leak Rates Outside of Acceptable Limits.Cause Under Investigation.Msivs Adjusted & RepairedPacking leak
ML20050D5471 April 1982RO 50-219/82-19/01P:on 820331,results of Leak Rate Testing on Main Steam Isolation Drain Valves Identified Abnormal Degradation of Primary Containment.Cause Unknown.Valve V-1-106 Repaired & Valve V-1-111 Will Be Replaced
ML20049H47119 February 1982RO 82-10/01P:on 820218,determined Apparent Deficiency in Safety Evaluation 218.77-81 Re safety-related Sys.Electrical Fire on 820109 Caused Deluge Sys to Actuate.Ac & Dc Ground Faults Occurred Due to Water Damage
ML20041A98211 February 1982RO 82-06/01P:on 811203,control Power Fuses 16F301A,16F302A, 16F303A & 16F304A Removed from Svc for Maint on Electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switch,Rendering Valve a & Automatic Depressurization Sys Inoperable.Switch Replaced
ML20040F4981 February 1982RO 82-01:on 820117,fire Suppression Water Sys Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inoperability of Fire Diesels Due to Extremely Low Temps.Space Heaters Repaired & Returned to Svc.Fuel Oil Temp Problem Under Investigation
ML20040C67318 January 1982RO 219/82-01:on 820117,fire Diesels 1-1 & 1-2 Shut Down for Maint,Rendering Fire Suppression Water Sys Inoperable.Caused by Frozen Cooling Water Lines & Fuel Oil Due to Failure of Two Space Heaters.Heaters Replaced
ML20040C63122 December 1981Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/81-7-1:on 811207, Intake Temp Was 37.3 F & Discharge Temp 61.9 F Resulting in Temp Difference of 24.6 F Exceeding Permit Level of 23 F. Caused by Grass Clogging Intake & Reducing Flow
ML20040C62622 December 1981Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/81-6-2:on 811121, Dilution Pump 1-2 Tripped Leaving Only Dilution Pump 1-1 Operating for More than 15 Minutes & Ambient Water Temp Less than 60 F.Cause of Trip Not Determined
ML20040C61522 December 1981Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/81-4-2:on 811124, Dilution Pump 1-2 Tripped Leaving Only Dilution Pump 1-3 Operating for More than 15 Minutes & Ambient Water Temp Less than 60 F.Cause of Trip Not Determined
ML20040C62022 December 1981Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/81-5-2:on 811202, Dilution Pump 1-2 Tripped Leaving Only Dilution Pump 1-3 Operating for More than 15 Minutes & Ambient Water Temp Less than 60 F.Caused by High Oil Temps Due to Clogged Screen
ML20040C60722 December 1981Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/81-3-2:on 811128, Less than Two Dilution Pumps Were Operating for Greater than 15 Minutes & Ambient Water Temp Was Less than 60 F.Caused by Loose Pump Impeller on Pump 1-1
ML20039B28310 December 1981RO 50-219/81-65-01P:on 811203 & 09,two Isolation Valves for Isolation Condenser Sys Found to Have Defects & Valve V-14-30 Found Inoperable.Damaged Threads in Lower Part of Stem Nut Repaired.Cause Under Investigation
ML20038C7169 December 1981RO 50-219/81-64/01P:on 811203,containment Spray High Drywell Pressure Switches IP-154A,IP-15B,IP-15C & IP-15D Tripped at Value Greater than Tech Specs.Caused by Instrument Repeatability.Switches Reset
ML20010E71328 August 1981RO 50-219/81-42/01P:on 810828,stack Gas Not Continuously Monitored as Required by Tech Spec Due to Trip of Stack Gas Sample Pump B.Probably Caused by Failure of Bearings &/Or Micarta Vanes in Pump
ML20009E34715 July 1981RO 81-030/01P-0:on 810714,during Required Surveillance at steady-state Power Standby Gas Treatment Sys 1 Failed to Start & Reactor Bldg Main Exhaust Valve V-28-22 Failed to Close.Caused by Faulty Tube Flow Sensor
ML20004C8401 June 1981Ro:On 800728 & 1219,data from 10-meter Wind Direction Monitoring Sys Was Lost.Caused by V76 Central Computer Disk Failure & Simultaneous Electronic Failure of Esterline Angus L1152S Recorder.Equipment Repaired
ML19345H25427 April 1981RO 81-001:on 810415 & 16,two Dilution Pumps Tripped & Reserve Pump Would Not Start.Caused by Component Failure. Flow Switch Jumpered After First Event,Lube Oil Cooler Switch Reset After Second
ML19343B43317 December 1980RO 50-219/80-13:on 801204,plant Intake Water Level Reached Critically Low Elevation,Affecting Supply of Cooling Water to Main Condenser,Reactor & Turbine Bldgs.Caused by Environ & Svc Conditions.Dilution Pumps 1-2 & 1-3 Restarted
ML19347C74617 December 1980RO:801121 Fire Diesel 1-2 Removed from Svc to Determine Cause of Failure to Start Automatically on Decrease in Sys Pressure.Caused by Failure of Corrosion Resistor Element in Cooling Water Line Resulting in Diesel Overheat
ML19345C8112 December 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-12:on 801122 During Reactor Shutdown W/Three Circulating Pumps in Svc, Water Temp in Discharge Canal Fell Below Lower Lethal Temp, Resulting in Fishkill.Blocking Devices Considered
ML19350A06425 November 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 80-219/80-11:on 801118, Fish Were Found Dead in Creek.Caused by Apparent Distraction from Fall Migration Due to Warm Water from Facility. Installation of Blocking Devices Under Review
ML19345C34121 November 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-10:on 801111,ETS Limiting Condition Exceeded When Less than Two Dilution Pumps Worked for 25 Minutes W/Ambient Intake Water Temp at Less than 60 F.Caused by Unusual Svc Condition
ML19345B43621 November 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-10:on 801111, Dilution Pump 1-2 Tripped.Caused by Debris in Barnegat Bay Clogging Pump Seal Water Strainers,Reducing Pressure.Lines cleared.Long-term Corrective Action Being Reviewed
ML19340C1796 November 1980RO 50-219/80-49/1P:on 801105,while Removing Isolation Condenser B from Svc to Repair Leak on Isolation Valve V-14-19,valves V-14-1 & V-14-19 Failed to Close.Cause Undetermined
ML19340B5463 November 1980RO 50-219/80-9:on 801026,intake Trash Racks,Ristroph Traveling Screens,Turbine Bldg Closed Cooling Water Heat Exchangers & Main Condensers Were Fouled W/Seaweed & Approx 10,000 Blue Crabs Due to Intense 801025 Northeast Storm
ML19339C0883 November 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-9:on 801026, Intake Trash Racks,Ristroph Traveling Screens,Turbine Bldg Closed Cooling Water Heat Exchangers & Main Condensers Were Fouled W/Seaweed & Blue Crabs.Caused by 801025 Storm
ML19347A74625 September 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-08:on 800910, Second Dilution Pump Placed Into Operation W/Bridge Water Temp Below ETS Requirements.Caused by Insufficient Pump Quota.Damaged Pump Removed & Repaired
ML19338E64525 September 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-8: on 800910, Second Dilution Pump Was Not Placed Into Operation W/Water Temp Exceeding 87 F for Period More Tht 2-h 15 Minutes. Caused by Damaged Inboard Motor Bearing
ML19337A83419 September 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 80-7:on 800901,02 & 04, Four Individual Dilution Pump Trips Occurred During Which Inoperative or Reserve Pump Could Not Be Started within Required 15 Minutes.Caused by Component Failure
ML19344E63326 August 1980RO 50-219/80-5:on 800808,09,11 & 12,during Steady State power,10 Dilution Pump Trips Occurred,Exceeding Limiting Condition Per Tech Spec.Caused by High Lubricating Oil Temp Due to Low Cooling Water Pressure
ML19344E64526 August 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-6:on 800811,at Steady State Power,Condenser Discharge Temp Exceeded 106 F. Caused by Shift in Meteorological Conditions.Load Reduction Initiated & Temp Stablilized
ML19331E05426 August 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-5.Total of Ten Dilution Pump Trips Occurred Between 800808 & 800812.Caused by High Lubricating Oil Temp.Evaluation Completed for Upgrading Cooling Water Sys
ML19338C6637 August 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-4:on 800727-29, Dilution Pump 1-1 Tripped & Could Not Be Restarted within 15 Minutes.Caused by High Lubricating Oil Temp Due to Low Cooling Water Pressure.Sys Mods Proposed
ML19331B6556 August 1980RO 50/219/80-32/1P:while Performing Tour of Reactor Bldg, Discovered Both Doors to Containment Spray Pump Compartments Open.Verification Surveillance to Check Doors Was Not Performed.Pump Room Doors Closed & Dogged Shut
ML19327A25530 July 1980Nonroutine Environ Operating Rept 50-219/80-3:on 800720,w/ Us Route 9 Discharge Bridge Temp Above 87.0F,second Dilution Pump Was Not Placed Into Operation,Which Exceeded ETS Limiting Conditions.Caused by Insufficient Pump Quota
ML19330C28229 July 1980RO 50-219/80-2:on 791125-26,during Routine Startup,Less than Two Dilution Pumps Were Operating for 9-h & 47 Minutes While Ambient Water Temp Was Less than 60.0 F.Caused by Error in Plant Procedures.Plant Procedures Were Revised
ML19321A54017 July 1980RO 50-219/80-27-1P:on 800716,reactor Bldg to Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker Sys Inlet Pipe Was Found Blocked by Plastic Bag.Caused by Personnel Error.Plastic Bag Was Removed from Vacuum Breaker Inlet Opening
ML19323J22216 June 1980Ro:On 800502,during Routine Surveillance Testing of Isolation Condenser Initiation Pressure Switches,False High Pressure Signal Caused Reactor Scram.Caused by Opening of Gauge Valve.Mod Performed on Instrument Line
ML19323H2666 June 1980RO 50-219/80-20-1P:on 800605,following Insp of Fire Barrier, Several Penetrations Found in Degraded Condition.Caused by Delay in Performing Further Fire Watches Attributed to Personnel Error.Fire Watch Being ConductedFire Barrier
Fire Watch
ML19323E41916 May 1980RO 50-219/80-17-1P:on 800516,while Performing Control Rod Interference Checks, green-green Rod Position Indication Remained Illuminated While Withdrawing Rod 10-23.Bypass Jumpers Removed & Control Rod Panels Inspected
ML19323C88313 May 1980RO-50/219/80-16-1P:on 800420,during Surveillance of Generator Load Rejection Sensors,Pressure Switch Psl D Found Defective.Caused by Mislocated Operating Lever in Switch Housing.Switch Removed & Will Be Replaced
ML19290E9287 March 1980RO 50/219/80-13/1P:on 800309,fire Suppression Water Sys Will Be Removed from Svc to Replace Cracked Valve V-9-4.Fire Truck Pumper & Power Supply for Both Core Spray Sys Will Be Available During Repair
ML19305A76521 February 1980RO-50/219/80/10-1P:on 800220,during Insp Per IE Bulletin 79-14,three Pipe Hangers in Liquid Poison Sys Found Improperly Installed.Hangers Reset.Restraint in Cleanup Sys Under Design Review to Correct Deficiency
ML19290D76219 February 1980RO 50/219/80/8-1P:on 800215,during Insp Required by IE Bulletin 79-14,nine Improperly Installed Pipe Clamps Found on Piping to Isolation Condensers.Caused by Installation Error.Corrective Action Will Be Determined