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Responds to IE Bulletin 79-02,Revision 2.Expansion Anchor Bolts Will Not Be Used in Concrete Block Walls to Attach Piping Support of Seismic Category I Sys.Steel Members Will Not Be Attached Directly to Concrete Walls
Person / Time
Site: 05000516, 05000517
Issue date: 01/11/1980
From: Plaskon R
To: Grier B
IEB-79-02, IEB-79-2, NUDOCS 8002150516
Download: ML19290D033 (1)



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, 17 5 EAST OLD COUNTRY ROAD H IC K SVI LLE, NEW YORK 11801 January 11, 1980 JNRC-245 Mr. Boyce Grier, Director Office of Inspection & Enforcement, Region 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Jamesport Nuclear Power Station - Units 1 & 2 Inspection & Enforcement Bulletin 79-02, Revision 2 Docket Nos. 50-516 50-517

Dear Mr. Grier:

In response to Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin 79-02. Revision 2, we have reviewed the Jamesport Nuclear Power Station (JNtJ) design and submit herein responses to Items 5 and 6. Items 1 through 4 have been previously addressed in LILCO letter JNRC-234, dated July 6, 1979, attached. However, p ase note that construction of JNPS is presently ser 'duled to begin in utid 1982.

Item 5. Expansion anchor bolts will not be used at JNPS in concrete block walls to attach piping support of seismic Category I systems.

Item 6. Technical standards are used by the Architect Engineer, Stone & Webster, to design pipe supports.

The standards for attachment of piping supports to concrete walls with expansion anchor bolts require the use of support base plates. Accordingly, structural steel members will not be attached directly to the concrete wall.

Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact this office.

Very truly yours, b

R. E. Plaskon Assistant Project Manager Jamesport Nuclear Power Station cc: Mr. Victor Stello Washington, D.C. 20545 Mr. H. D. Thumburg Attachment Washington, D.C. 20555 80 02150 !hI(f



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l "/ , I A .1 f . l f) G r.1 U f f i t: Y f(() A f, ,* l( I G I .VI I I I , i s t . *,y Y u ' 6., g g s .j g Jul,, f> , J979 JfMV-234 19.. Doyce Grier, Di);cc to r OFCice of Inspection & 1:n forcenen t , Region I U . f; . :uclear M29ulatory Cc"ce..icuion 631 Park A'/ence King of Pruccia, PA 39406 lt a:c.e sport I!uc3 car Power St:ation - Unito 1 E. 2 Inspaction & l'n Corce:nant Fulletin 79-02; 79--02 nev 1 Packet Hoo. 50-516 50-517 Dcar Mr. Grier:

In reply to Incpection & Pnforcement Ilul1.c t i n 70-02 .to revised on June 21, 1979, Uc h no r aviewed the Jnucts art i<ucicar Power Station (J NPS ) de:ign a n d s ub:c.2. t the followintJ respanac.

The design for attaching pipe support.3 in J:!PS ic baned on erbcdde.d base plates, em. bedded s trip platen and/or bar.c oletes with Richt.:n:ul inserts which are cast in place. The u.:o of dril] cd--in conccate enchorn i:5 not prepla:med. Howevar, in the event tha t sup;>or:t attacim'ont p3atec must na located where ro cebadua.nt or Hichicud i:1scrto t , drilleci-i n concretc anchor belts ma r have to b.' '..uca.

If thic becomco the cane, tha Jt:P5 pipe support ba .: plates will be donigned in accordanca uith Stonc & Mobo te): gene p.:cccdur ec, and inn called by a- d2 ll.l ed -in anchor cpecifica tion ':nich will addreas the four itous of the referenced :U.C aullntin as descro. bed below:

1. A Stenc & Uehnter generi.e procedure has been dernloa d whic:1 '.'111 he n;y.l ied to the J:U';> cc:r. mon pipe nupport base p1 ate c on fi 9 ura ti on s to account for pl.Ec flexibility in determining drilled-in ancho: 'bo3tn dcs.ica l o aO. . In thin proecdure, the f.i nito c] emen t. analyn j <: t e ch n .i t p ._' it used i.o duvalop load factorn uhleh are u pp] i.eci to anchr>r v1 bolt de ;ign loads to prov.ide for the affect:. o li p.l a t.c flexibi.! . t y .

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.n puf- ? .bl l'ago 2 mooel. The element model concider:. pure plate bending, appropriate for the ana}ysis of flexj ble base plates.

The contact boundary conditions at the interface of the plate and concrete, and pla te and drilled -in anchort, are saticfied in the colution. Forces are appljad ac couples and a:cial forces distributed to nodes of the attached member. The ANSYS 3 finite element packagc will be used for analysis.

2. The Project design procedura and specification for drilled-in anchor:s at JMPS will describe the design loads, purchaning requirements and installation for wedge-type anchor holts.

The average ultitaata strength of bolts will be a minimum of four timoc the design value used in the design procedure.

Thic minimunt factor of safety of four is based on the average ultimate capacity dcLorained from static load test conducted by anchor manufacturers in 3000 psi concrete..

n The anchor bolt in s tal le.t ion torquec and ultimate capacity b will be veri'fied from manufacturer'n tent cm.:a and/or on-site tenting. Shell-type anchor bolts will not be used for JNPS Category I pipe support design.

3. To account for cyc]ic loadings, the JMPS design proccdure vil.1 use a conservative c'cuign J ood with a mininum factor of nafety of four uith respect to the average ultiu..te bolt capacity. Conc]ucions of the Past Flux Tent Facil.iLy (FFTP)

Report on " Drilled-In E::pancion Dolto Under Static and Alternating Load" (PP-5853-C 1, dal:cd Janua ry 1975) indiente that peoperly inctalled anchors perform catinfactorily under cyclic . loads. The installation requirements of the crocifi-cation will ensure proper bolt installation.


The J:'PS cpceification for drilled -in anchorn vill require that the mi nirma ins tal.] ation torque for proper setting of the anchora cha]l develop a bolt proload o f a t leant 1.5 timen i:he bolt dnsign load. All Category T anchorn vill be torque f mted to 002 of thin torque value, ar..:uring cyclic load capability.

The JUPS O peci fi ca tion for drilled .in anchor...fi1] requice all bolts to h: ntamped with a mark, vinible after instal-Jation, indi.cating bolt Jcngth. Thi , vi 11 c nabic l' i e ] d

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3 . P.oyce G r
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(' i) ll:C- 2 3 4 Page 3 quality control to determine that the proper Jength bolin have been installed.

Should you require f urther in forr.ntion , please do not hasjtate to contact us.

Very truly yours, po.d.,: . ? .:-... r,,,r

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R. E. Plashon Assis tant Project fanager

. .'i Jan'enpor t Nc i ca r Po'.!cr Sta tion


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, lir . John G. Davis, Director ~



Office of Innpaction & l'n fo rcoraun t U.S. I?uclear Regulatory Com.a3 Scion is f .1/

/, / . f Wanhington, D.C. 20545 i:

bec: Projedt File Engr. File PTS Diatribution 14A 4

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