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W/970418 Ltr ML17333A8051996-12-31031 December 1996 Number of Personnel & Man-Rem by Work & Job Function ML17334B5801995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-Dec 1995 ML17334B5871995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Environ Operating Rept,Jan-Dec 1995. W/960424 Ltr ML17333A4021995-12-31031 December 1995 Corrected Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML17334B5411994-12-31031 December 1994 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Annual Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 1994 ML17334B5381994-12-31031 December 1994 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-Dec 1994. W/ ML17334B5041993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 1993 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML17334B5031993-12-31031 December 1993 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-Dec 1993. W/940325 Ltr ML17334B4721992-12-31031 December 1992 DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 Annual Environ Operating Rept,920101-1231. W/930421 Ltr ML17331A0721992-12-31031 December 1992 DC Cook Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1992. W/930226 Ltr ML17334B4381992-06-30030 June 1992 DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1992. W/920826 Ltr ML17329A3981991-12-31031 December 1991 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jul-Dec 1991 ML17329A4261991-12-31031 December 1991 Annual Personnel Monitoring Rept for 1991 ML17334B4201991-12-31031 December 1991 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Annual Environ Operating Rept,1991 ML20077S7241991-06-30030 June 1991 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1991 ML17334B3971990-12-31031 December 1990 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jul-Dec 1990 ML17334B4011990-12-31031 December 1990 DC Cook Units 1 & 2 Annual Environ Operating Rept 1990. 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ML20071F0671983-03-0101 March 1983 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jul-Dec 1982 1998-12-31
MONTHYEARML17326A1191999-09-10010 September 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990909,unnatural Turbidity Was Observed at Cook Plant Outfall 001 & 002. Caused by Bentonite Clay Being Fed Into Discharge Vaults During Molluscicide Treatment.Terminated Clay Feed ML17326A0421999-07-0909 July 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990707,sample Taken Showed Residual Clam-Trol CT-2 Value of 0.17 Ppm.Caused by Interruption of Clay Feed to Unit 1 Discharge Vault.Valve Was Cleared & Clay Feed Was re-established ML17326A0431999-07-0909 July 1999 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 990707,unnatural Turbidity Was Observed at Outfall 002.Caused by Bentonite Clay Being Fed Into Discharge Vaults During Molluscicide Treatment.Clay Feed Was Terminated on 990708 ML17325B6131998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for 980101-1231 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML17335A5241998-12-31031 December 1998 Annual Environ Operating Rept for Jan-Dec 1998 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2. with 990430 Ltr ML17326A1241998-12-31031 December 1998 Revised Page 2 to 1998 Annual Environ Operation Rept, for DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Correcting Omission in App I ML17335A1441998-07-31031 July 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980623,ice-making Sys Discharge Line Developed Leak & Oversprayed Containment Spillings Approx 50 Gallons.Caused by Vibration & Wear Against Line.Discharge Line Supports Have Been Redesigned ML17334B8161998-07-0808 July 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980617,discovered Lube Oil Discharge.Caused by Leaking Tubes Due to Corrosion of Tubes.Leaking Tubes Repaired & Established Insp/Preventive Maint Program for Lube Oil Coolers ML17334B7571998-04-27027 April 1998 NPDES Noncompliance notification:980327,boiler Condensate Spill Occurred.Caused by Small Amount of Condensate on Metal Skirting Surrounding Containment Berm.Failed Condensate Valve Was Replaced ML17334A6861998-03-13013 March 1998 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980209,boiler Condensate Spill Occurred.Caused by Failed Sight Glass on Rental Plant Heating Boiler.Replaced Site Glass & Installed Plexiglass Shield Around Site Glass to Protect Operators ML17334A6941997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-Dec 1997. 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W/970418 Ltr ML17333A8051996-12-31031 December 1996 Number of Personnel & Man-Rem by Work & Job Function ML17333A3881996-03-13013 March 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960310,continuous Ph Monitoring of Outfall 00D(turbine Room Sump)Interrupted. Caused by Electronic Failure of Monitoring Instrumentation. Grab Samples Performed & Monitor Recalibrated on 960311 ML17333A3871996-02-28028 February 1996 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960226,continuous Ph Monitoring of Outfall 00D(Turbine Room Sump) Interrupted. Caused by Fouling of Ph Instrumentation Glass Electrode. Electrode Cleaned & Ph Monitor Returned to Svc ML17333A4021995-12-31031 December 1995 Corrected Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML17334B5801995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-Dec 1995 ML17334B5871995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Environ Operating Rept,Jan-Dec 1995. 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W/ ML17334B5411994-12-31031 December 1994 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Annual Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 1994 ML17332A4011994-10-24024 October 1994 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util Request for Approval for Disposal of Licensed Matl Per 10CFR20,section 302 ML17331B3311994-03-30030 March 1994 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 940303,determined HVAC Sys Leaking Water Containing Approx 1,000 Mg/Liter Sodium Nitrite at Calculated Rate of 0.5 Gpm ML17332A7711994-02-0808 February 1994 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance Exemption from Requirement of 10CFR55.59(a)(1) to Plant ML17334B5031993-12-31031 December 1993 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-Dec 1993. W/940325 Ltr ML17334B5041993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 1993 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML17331A8841993-06-0808 June 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930526 Chlorine Exceedance Incorrectly Stated Event Occurred on May 21 Instead of Actual Date of May 19.Licensee Apologizes for Inconvenience Error May Have Caused ML17331A1251993-03-24024 March 1993 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930322,plant Personnel Discovered Small Oil Sheen at North Storm Water Outfall 001S.Oil Residue from Parking Lot Gradually Entered Lake Michigan.Oil Absorbent Booms in Place at Outfall ML17331A1061993-03-16016 March 1993 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util 930115 Schedular Exemption Request from 10CFR50,App E, W/Regard to 1993 Emergency Planning Exercise ML17331A0721992-12-31031 December 1992 DC Cook Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1992. W/930226 Ltr ML17334B4721992-12-31031 December 1992 DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 Annual Environ Operating Rept,920101-1231. W/930421 Ltr ML17329A7341992-12-14014 December 1992 Environ Assessment Re Expansion of Spent Fuel Pool.Proposed Action & Amend Will Have No Significant Impact on Quality of Human Environ ML17329A6821992-11-12012 November 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 921109,review of Records Determined That First Quarter 1992 Samples for Stormwater Outfall 001S Not Collected.Quarterly Sampling Requirement Added to Computerized Tracking Sys ML17329A5521992-07-0202 July 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920630,minor Inadvertent Discharge of Treatment Chemical Clam-trol CT-1 May Have Occurred.Fire Protection Clam-trol Treatment Was Suspended Immediately & Will Not Be Resumed Until Alterations Made ML17334B4381992-06-30030 June 1992 DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1992. W/920826 Ltr ML17329A5481992-06-29029 June 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920624,grab Sample of Outfall 002 Circulating Water Discharge Indicated TRC Concentration of 0.33 mg/1.Caused by Flow Balance Between Plant Sys.Unit 1 in Shutdown Condition ML17329A5401992-06-10010 June 1992 NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 920606,grab Sample of Outfall 002 Circulating Water Discharge Indicated Total Residual Chlorine Above Timits.Caused by Manfunctioning Svc Water Flow Meter.Flow Meter Will Be Replaced ML17329A4111992-03-0303 March 1992 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Supporting Proposed Amend to Revise Provisions of TS Re Section, Criticality - Spent Fuel ML20086T9911992-01-0303 January 1992 Noncompliance Notification:On 911219,approx 400 Diving Ducks Collected in Circulating Water Sys Screenwash Baskets.Caused by Abundant Food Supply Provided by Circulating Water Discharge.Flow Rates Reduced ML17334B4501991-12-31031 December 1991 Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Cook Nuclear Plant,Bridgman, Mi. ML17334B4201991-12-31031 December 1991 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Annual Environ Operating Rept,1991 1999-09-10
[Table view] |
Docket No. 50-315 1
4 8
License No. DPR-58
.,, r, j.o,3jK j
. h 172 6 20704 g y7 \\ S18 \\ 0
.~,F 7912140
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7 INDT RODUCTION This yeport discusses the radioactive discharges from Unit 1 of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant during the first six months of calendar year 1977.
The format presented in Section 5.4.lB of " Appendix B Technical Specifications" for the above-mentioned unit, is fcilowed.
On December 23, 1976, a few days prior to this reoorting ceriod, the Unit was shutdown for its first refueling.
The unit was brought back to power on February 23, 1977 and it was niaced in a power ascension program until April 1, 1977.
From April 1,1977 to the end of this reporting period, the Unit was operated to meet the system load requirements.
The liquid and gaseous discharges, during the first and second quarters of this reporting period remained within one percent of their respective Technical Specification limits.
The doses to individuals and the population in general within a 60 mile radius of the plant, remained well within the limits of 10 CFR Part 50.
4 1578 144 i
1 k
Radioactive Releases Details' of the radioactive discharges from the Unit during the first six months of 1977 are presented in Appendix A, in the format of Section 5.4 of Appendix B Environmental Technical Specifications.
As in previous ' reports, the releases were well within the limits of Appendix B Environmental Technical Specifications.
e e
1578 145 k
Radiological Imoact on Man calculated using the measured effluents and meteorological given in Appendix A and Appendix B of this report, respectively Liquid Releases releases at frequent intervals.The liquid releases consist of several batch releases for the purpose of dose calculations.These were treated as continuous factor of 10 was used for all liquid pathways.
A constant dilution doses to individuals from liquid pathways are given below:
The estimated Pathway Organ Dose in Millirem 1.
Drinking Water Whole Body 4.72 x 10-4 GI Tract
- 5. 71 x 10-4 Thyroid 6.60 x 10-4 Bone 3.07 x 10~4 2.
Fish Consumption Whole Body
- 1. 56 x 10-2 GI Tract 9,49 x 10-3 Thyroid 1.70 x 10~4 Bone 1.14 x 10-2 3.
Shoreline Activities Whole Body 3.29 x 10-4 Skin 3.86 x 10-4 4.
Swimming Whole Body 9.06 x 10 -6 Skin 1.11 x 10-5 5.
Boating Whole Body 4.53 x 10-6 r
-6 5.55 x 10 Gaseous Releases
} }
} Lh b ceriod.
There were 35 batch releases during this reporting using the measured meteorological data at the times of releases. Doses w 3
Quarterly averages of meteorological data were used in estimating the doses from the continuous releases during each of the two cuarters.
The doses received by individuals through the various gaseous patDways are listed below:
Pathway Location Organ Dose (mrem)
Air Submission Worst Sector Whole Body 2 x 10 -3 Site Boundary
-2 Skin 2 x 10 Inhalation a
-2 Thyroid 4.9 x 10 Infant-Cow Milk Hearest Cow 3.7 x 10 ~1 Consumption (1.8 mile ENE)
Infant Inhalation Nearest residence
(.5 mile south) 2.5 x 10 -2 Adult Inhalation Nearest residence
(.5 mile south) Thyroid 2.1 x 10 -2 Adult Leafy Veg.
-1 Consumption 2.2 x 10 The general population, within a 60 mile radius of the pla 2.31 x 10-gt would receive a total whole body dose of man rem and skin dose of 1.08 x 10-1 man rem as a consequence of the gaseous effluents from the facility during the first two guarters of 1977
i l
T573 147 s
h d
<,1 4
Meteorological Data Appendix.B.contains the cumulative joint-frequency distribution of wind speed and wind direction corresponding to various atmospheric stability classes for both quarters.
The meteorological condition during each of the batch gaseous effluent rebases are also furnished in the same appendix.
1578 148
Conclusions During the first two quarters of the calendar year 1977, Unit 1 generated 2,022,170 MWH Gross of electrical energy.-
The operating record for this period indicates that the Unit was operating 68.8% of the time at an average capacity factor of 42%.
This relatively low capacity factor resulted from a fuel conservation program to meet system requirements.
This report indicates that all radioactive effluents released from this Unit remained within one percent of their technical specification i
Further, the radiological consequences to the general populace from these releases were well within the limits of 10 CFR Part 50.
Based on this report and similar reports in the l
past, it is concluded that the Unit performed without causing any l
significant hazard to the health and safety of the public and the environment at large during the first two and a half years of its operation.
This further assures that Unit 1, and Unit 2 when in operation, can be operated as designed, with minimal hazard to health and safety of the general public.
1578 149 m
6 i
l APPENDIX A Radioactive Release Data A
1578 150
.m First Quarter Second Quarter j
Fission and Activation Gases 1.
Total released, curies Batch
@ 3.8291 2 1.770 X 10-2 1.9714 2.8427 X 10-2 Continuous 11.4337 3.534 93.3615 t 1.3754 2.
Average release rate,uC1/sec.
Batch 33.982 63.1859 Continuous 1.4704
,11.8744 3.
Percent of Technical Specification Limit 8
.0575 y
.00680 4.
Totals for each isotope released, curies, elevated Batch Xe-133 3.5523 t 6.963 X 10- 3 1.6288 3.901 X 10-3 Xe-135 4.871 X 10-5 2 1.968 X 10-s
.1902 1.038 X 10-3 Xe-133 m 1.839 x 10-3 2 5.472 X 10-4 1.879 X 10-2 1.496 X 10- 3
@2749 1.017 X 10-2 5.739 X 10-2 8.146 X 10-3 Kr-85
< 7.474 X 10-11 5.305 X 10-2 6.250 X 10- 3 Kr-85m Kr-87
<2.433 X 10-10
< 1.177 X 10-10 Kr-88
<1 844 X 10-10 2.212 X 10-2t 7.377 X 10- 3 Ar-41
<1.513 X 10-10 1.024 X 10- 3 2.192 X 10-4 s
.!i Continuous I
h Xe-133 11.4296 3.5333 92.5232 1.1083 Xe-135 1.980 X 10 3 1.22 X 10-4
.3252 7.950 X 10-2 i
Xe-133m 2.120 X 10 3 6.480 X 10-4 2.120 X 10- 3 6.480 X 10-4 Kr-85
<6.177 X 10+ 3 3.093 X 10- 3 1.259 X 10- 3 y',
<1.259 X 10+1 2.495 X 10-2 1.382 X 10-2 Ar-41
<2,547 X 10+1
.4829 1.719 X 10-1 i
B t
t 1578 151 o
A-1 h
1 J
First Quarter Second Quarter B.
Iodines 1.
Total I-131 released, curies Batch 2.595 X 10 4 t 8.363 X 10-6 1.309 X 10-4 2.447 X 10-6 Continuous 8.'023 X 10- 3 1.702 X 10-3 9.979 X 10-3 t 5.926 X 10-4 2.
Average release rate, uCi/sec.
Batch Continuous
~2.304 X 10- 3 4.196 X 10-3 1.032 X 10- 3 1.269 X 10-3 3.
Percent of Technical Specifications limit
- 4. Total curies of each iodine isotope released Batch I-131 2.595 X 10-4 8.363 X 10-6 1.309 X 10-4 2.447 X 10-6 I-133 <l.962 X 10-13 1.989 X 10-7 t 5.528 X 10-a Continuous I-131 8.023 X 10-3 1.702 X 10-3 9.979 X 10-3 5.926 X 10 4 I-133 1.592 X 10 6 5.924 X 10-7 2.965 X 10-3 6.218 X 10-4 C.
Particulates 1.
Total (half life greater than 8 days), curies
< 2.633 X 10-6
< 2.662 X 10-6 2.
Average release rate, pCi/sec.
< 3.386 X 10-7
< 3.386 X 10-7 3.
Percent of Technical Specification Limit
< 6.095 X 10-s
< 6.095 X 10-s 4.
Total release of each radionuclide, curies Ba-140 <2.633 X 10-6
< 2.662 X 10-6 5.
Gross alpha relecse, curies
< 2.31a X 10-7
< 2.340 X 10-7 i
1 k
1578 152 A-2 b
r First Quarter Second Quarter l
i D.
Total release, c,uries Batch 1.231 X 1013 9.399 X 10-3 9.144 X 10-5 6.981 X 10~6 Continuous 9.461 X 10-2 7.223 X 10- 3 1.023 X 10-2 i7.810 X 10~"
Average release rate. uCi/sec.
Batch 1.093 X 10-2 2.9308 X 10~3 Continuous 1.217 X 10-2 1.3011 X 10- 3 3.
Percent of MPC Limit i
.0498 O
i fk IL i
9 O
i A-3
a i
First Quarter Second Quarter LIQUIDS E.
Mixed Fission and Activation Products k
Total release, curies
.68168 2.863 X 10-2
.1802 7.434 X 10- 3 2.
Average concentration,pCi/mi 2.1454 X 10-a 1,747 x 10-a 3.
Percent of Technical Specification Limit
.2'893 4.
Total for each radionuclide released, curies Gross Beta
.3859 1.708 X 10-2
.1152 2.739 X 10-3 Co-58
.3240 3.125 X 10-3 6.109 X 10-2 t 9.747 X 10-4 Co-60
.1187 1 2.304 X 10- 3
.4.873 X 10-2 8.426 X 10-4 I-131 2.563 X 10-3 t 4.207 X 10-4 7.172 X 10-3 3.051 X 10-4 I-133 4.183 X 10-s 7.978 X 10-6 7.294 X 10-6 3.377 X 10-6 Cs-137 5.457 X 10-2 2.494 X 10- 3 1.299 X 10-2 i 9,404 X 10-4 Cs-134 5.167 X 10-2 2.240 X 10-3 2.441 X 10-2 2 1,074 X 10-3 Mn-54 2.601 X 10-2 1.588 X 10-3 1.313 X 10-2 6.656 X 10-4 Cs-136 3.271 X 10-4 1.251 X 10-4 6.190 X 10-4 2.743 X 10-4 Nb-95 1.447 X 10-2 1.520 X 10- 3 6.069 X 10-3 6.153 X 10-4 Zr-95 5.293 X 10-3 1.633 X 10- 3 1.065 X 10- 3 2.636 X 10-4 Fe-59 8.919 X 10-3 1.982 X 10-3 2.023 X 10-4 6.776 X 10-5 Na-24
< 2.723 X 10-4 9 2.309 X 10-4 3.605 X 10-5 lj Co-57 9.348 X 10-3 5.984 X 10-4 1.582 X 10-4 5.945 ). 10-s L.
Sn-113 8.136 X 10-5 3.9.63 X 10-5 1.070 X 10-4 4.143 X 10-s
'O Cr-51 5.660 X 10-2 9.288 X 10-3 3.458 X 10-3 1.035 X 10- 3 Sb-124 2.459 X 10-3 1.254 X 10-4
< 3.903 X 10-3 2
< 3.903 X 10- 3 3.392 X 10-4 1.283 X 10-4 Ag-110m 6.628 X 10-3 1.149 X 10-3 3.913 X 10-4 1.066 X 10-4 i
Tritium i
E 1.
A Total released, curies
.4959 59.3552
.0941 g
1578 154 A-4 C
h First Quarter L
Second Quarter 4
s 1
Average concentration, pCi/ml f
1.8954 X 10-6 1.561 X 10- 8 5.7537 X 10-6 9.122 X 10-9 f
Percent of MPC Limit
.1918 G.
Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1.
Total released, curies 2.0765 X 10-2 8.740 X 10-4 9.4295 X 10-4 7.139 X 10-5 2.
Average concentration, uCi/ml 6.535 X 10-10 9.1407 X 10-11 3.
Percent of Technical Specification Limit O
4 Total for each radionuclide, curies Ar-41 3.270 X 10-4 1.031 X 10-4 3.467 X 10-s 9.643 X 10-6 Xe-133 1.293 X 10-2 2.954 X 10-4 6.745 X 10-4 4.951 X 10-s Xe-133m 1.835 X 10-3 3.256 X 10-4
< l.172 X 10- 3 Xe-135 2.907 X 10-3 5.588 X 10-5 2.192 X 10-4 1.015 X 10-s Kr-85 2.766 X 10-3 9.406 X 10-5 1.458 X 10-5 2.084 X 10-6 H.
Alpha Radioactivity, curfes
< 3.264 X 10-3
< l.519 X 10- 3 I.
Volumes 1.
Total volume, prior to dilution, liters 3.8152 X 10+6 1.9535 X 10+6 2.
Total Dilution Water, liters 3.1770 X 10+10 1.0314 X 10+10 1573 155 9
s w
V 4,
Solid Wastes 1..
Evaporator Bottord 256.879 cubic meters 31.307 curies
Co-58 Co-60 19 shipments by truck to Sheffield, Illinois 2.
Dry Compressibles e
148.116 cubic meters 42.117 curies Co-58, Co-60 11 shipments by truck to Sheffield, Illinois 1 shipment by truck to Morchead, Kentucky e
e 4
e t
1578 iS6 I
@ Numbers following : are estimated of sampling and analytical error.
(i; All figures that are preceded by < are calculated from the minimum de.tectable concentration which can be seen by the instruments used for analysis.
({j Using 2 X 10-7 uC1/cc as the applicable limit.
(4) Not including 1.3767 curies of Na-24 released during secondary system testing.
(5) Using 3 X 10 3 as the applicable limit d5;' No limit established o
\\513 \\bl e
K A-7
Y t
t ni LAKE WATER SAMPLES The following is a listing of the minimum detectable activities from the samples taken from Benton Harbor, St. Joseph, Lake Township, Bridgman, New Buffalo D. C. Cook Plant intakes and the lake north and south of the plant site.
Isotope pC1/ml I-I31
< 1.17 X 10-7 Cs-137
< 1.62 X 10-7 Cs-134
< 1.44 X 10-7 Co-60
< 1.S4 X 10-7 Co-58
< 1.11 X 10-7
< 1.11 X 10-7 e
< 9.56 X.10- 8 d
< 3.41 X 10-7 For Quarterly Ccmposites Sr-89
< 3.80 X 10-6 Sr-90
< 3.40 X 10-8 H3
< 3.30 X 10-8 y
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