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Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Issuance Exemption from Requirement of 10CFR55.59(a)(1) to Plant
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/1994
From: Blough A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17332A770 List:
NUDOCS 9506010432
Download: ML17332A771 (5)





50-315 AND 50-316 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) is considering issuance of an exemption from the requirement of 10 CFR 55.59(a)(1) to Indiana Michigan Power Company (the licensee),

for operation of the Donald C.

Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1

and 2, located in Berrien County, Michigan.

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Identification of Pro osed Action:

The proposed action would grant an exemption from the requirement of 10 CFR 55.59(a)(1),

which requires that a requalification program for operator licensees and senior operator licensees be conducted for a continuous period not to exceed 24 months in duration.

The licensee has requested an exemption which would allow it to administer the operating portion of the annual operator requalification examination in the May June, 1994 timeframe rather than at the end of the 24-month requalification cycle in February 1994.

The licensee's request for exemption and the bases are contained in its letter dated October 4, 1993.

The Need for the Pro osed Action:

The proposed exemption is from 10 CFR 55.59(a)(l),

which requires that a

requalification program for operator licensees and senior operator licensees be conducted for a continuous period not to exceed 24 months in duration.

In 950bOi0432 9402i5 PDR ADQCK 050003i5 V



addition, an annual requalification examination must be passed.

The licensee requested an exemption in order to administer the operating portion of the requalification examination from the current 24-month cycle approximately 4 months into the next cycle due to installation of control room modifications.

This would be a one-time exemption and the next examination would be administered on schedule in January

1995, which is consistent with the annual examination requirement cited in 10 CFR 55.59(a)(2).

Environmental Im acts of the Pro osed Action:

The proposed action would allow rescheduling of a portion of the operator license requalification examinations from the current 24-month requalification cycle into the next cycle.

This exemption would not increase the risk of facility accidents.

Thus, post-accident radiological releases will not be greater than previously determined, nor does. the proposed exemption otherwise affect the quantity of radiological plant effluents, nor result in any sign'ificant increase in occupational exposure.

Likewise, the exemption does not affect non-radiological plant effluents and has no other environmental impact.

Therefore, the Commission concludes that there are no significant radiological or non-radiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed exemption.

Alternatives to the Pro osed Action:

Since the Commission concluded that there are no significant environmental effects that would result from the proposed action, any alternatives with equal or greater environmental impacts need not be evaluated.

The principal alternative would be to deny the requested exemption.

This would not reduce environmental impacts of plant operation and would result in reduced operational flexibility.

Alternative Use of Resources:

This action does not involve the use of resources not previously considered in the Commission's Final Environmental Statement related to operation of D.


Cook, Units 1 and 2, dated August 1973.

A encies and Persons Consulted:

The staff consulted with the State of Michigan regarding the environmental impact of the proposed action.

The State had no comments.

FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The Commission has determined not to prepare an environmental impact statement for the proposed exemption.

Based upon the foregoing environmental assessment, the staff concludes that the proposed action will not have a

significant effect on the quality of the human environment.

For further details with respect to this proposed

action, see the licensee's letter dated October 4, 1993.

This letter is available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document

Room, 2120 L Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20555 and at the local public document room located at the Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library, 500 Harket Street, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085.

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 8th day of February 1994.

FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION A. Randolph Blough, Acting Director Project Directorate III-1 Division of Reactor Projects III/IV/V Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation