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Annual Environ Operating Rept,Jan-Dec 1995. W/960424 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1995
From: Fitzpatrick E
AEP:NRC:0806P, AEP:NRC:806P, NUDOCS 9604300447
Download: ML17334B587 (351)



REGULATO INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION STEM (RIDS) f ACCESSION NBR:9604300447 DOC.DATE: 95/12/31 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-315 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, Indiana M 05000315 50-316 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Indiana M 05000316 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION FITZPATRICK,E. Indiana Michigan Power Co. (formerly Indiana 6 Michigan Ele RECIP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Pe~g.


"Annual Environ Operating Rept,Jan-Dec 1995." W/960424 ltr. C DISTRIBUTION CODE: IE25D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR ENCL SIZE: A TITLE: Environmental Monitoring Rept (per Tech Specs)




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Indiana h'lichigan Power Company P.O. Box 16631 Columbus, OH 43216 April 24, 1996 AEP: NRC: 0806P Docket Nos.: 50-315 50-316 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 ANNUAL ENVZRONMENTAL OPERATZNG REPORT JANUARY 1 ~ 1 995 g TO DECEMBER 3 1 I 1995 Attached herewith is the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Annual Environmental Operating Report for the year 1995. This report was prepared in accordance with procedure 12 PMP 6010 OSD.001, "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual," section 4.8.1., and Technical Specification, Appendix B, Part 2, section 5.4.1.

Sincerely, uJ 4'.

E. E. Fitzpatrick Vice President bib c'.

Attachment G.

A. Blind Charnoff H. J. Miller NFEM Section Chief NRC Resident Znspector - Bridgman J. R. Padgett 9604300447 95123K PDR ADQCK 050003l5 R PDR L-0100<$

e O. ~ V o

Annual Environmental Operating Report January 1 through December 31, 1995 Indiana Michigan Power Company Bridgman, Michigan Docket Nos. 50-315 & 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 8 DPR-74 g604300447

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Annual Environmental Operating Report January 1 through December 31, 1995 Indiana Michigan Power Company Bridgman, Michigan Docket Nos. 50-315 & 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 8 DPR-74




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TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa<ac Z. Introduction ZI. Changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications IZI. Non-Radiological Environmental Operating Report A. Plant Design and Operation B. Non-Routine Reports C. Environmental Protection Plan D. Potentially Significant Unreviewed Environmental Issues E. Environmental Monitoring-Herbicide Applications F. Macrofouler Monitoring and Control Program, and Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing G. Special Reports IV. Radiological Environmental Operating Report A. Changes to the REMP B. Radiological Impact of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Operations C. Land Use Census and Well Report D. Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems V. Conclusion


~Aeedix Title Non-Routine Reports - 1995 Environmental Screening Reports - 1995 Herbicide Application Report - 1995, IV Macrofouler Monitoring Control Program, and Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing - 1995 Special Reports Demonstration of Acceptability of Increased Heat Addition Toxicity Testing During Molluscicide Treatment Six Week Chlorination Study VI Annual Report: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - 1995 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary - 1995 Data Tables Analytical Procedures Synopsis D Summary of EPA Interlaboratory Comparisons REMP Sampling and Analytical Exceptions Land Use Census Summary of the Preoperational Radiological Monitoring Program Summary of the Spike and Blank Sample Program TLD Quality Control Program

Z. INTRODUCTION Procedure 12 PMP 6010 OSD.001, "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual,"

Section 4.8.1 and Technical Specification, Appendix B, Part 2, Section 5.4.1 require that an annual report, which details the results and findings of ongoing environmental radiological and non-radiological surveillance programs, be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This report serves to fulfill these requirements and represents the Annual Environmental Operating Report for Units 1 and 2 of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant for the operating period from January 1 through December 31, 1995.

During 1995, based on the monthly operating reports for Unit 1 and Unit 2, the annual gross electrical generation, average unit service factors, and capacity factors were:

Parameter Unit 1 Unit 2 Gross Electrical Generation (MWH) 5, 606, 930 8,899,370 Unit Service Factor (0) 66.3 94.4 Unit Capacity Factor - MDC* Net (%) 61.6 92.6

  • Maximum Dependable Capacity IZ. CHANGES TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS There were no environmental Technical Specification changes in 1995.

IZZ. NON-RAD1OLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT A. Plant Design and Operation During 1995, no instances of noncompliance with the Environmental Protection Plan occurred, nor were there any changes in station design, operations, tests, or experiments which involved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental issue.

There were two environmental screenings during the reporting period. Copies of these screenings are located in Appendix II of this report. Zt was concluded that no environmental evaluations were required and that no unreviewed environmental questions existed.

B. Non-Routine Reports A summary of the 1995 non-routine events is located in Appendix Z of this report. No long-term, adverse environmental effects were noted.

C. Environmental Protection Plan There were no instances of Environmental Protection Plan noncompliance in 1995.

D. Potentially Significant Unreviewed Environmental Issues There were no changes in station design, operations, tests or experiments which involved a potentially significant

~l unreviewed environmental issue.

There were two environmental screenings during the reporting period. Copies of these screenings are located in Appendix ZZ of this report. The screenings determined that there were no unreviewed environmental questions. l E. Environmental Monitoring - Herbicide Application Technical Specifications Appendix B, Part 2, section 5.4.1, states that the Annual Environmental Operating Report shall include: summaries and analyses of the results of the environmental protection activities required by section 4.2 of this Environmental Protection Plan for the report period, including a comparison with preoperational studies, operational controls (as appropriate), and previous non-radiological environmental monitoring reports, and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operation on the environment.

Herbicide applications are the activities monitored in accordance with section 4.2. There were no preoperational herbicide studies to which comparisons could be made.

Herbicide applications are controlled by plant procedure 12THP6020.ENV.104.

A summary of the 1995 herbicide applications is contained in Appendix IIZ of this report. Based on observations, there were no negative impacts or evidence of trends toward irreversible change to the environ'ment as a result of the herbicide applications. Based on our review of application records and field observations, the applications conformed with EPA and State requirements for the approved use of ~


F. Macrofouler Monitoring and Control Program, and Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing i)

Macrofouler monitoring and control activities, and whole effluent toxicity testing during 1995 are discussed in Appendix IV of this report. Zebra Mussels remained under control in 1995. Whole effluent toxicity testing studies showed no adverse environmental impact.

Special Reports Three special reports are included in Appendix V. The first il demonstrates the acceptability of increased heat addition to lake Michigan. The second describes molluscicide treatment during toxicity testing. The third presents the results of a six-week chlorination study.

IV. RAD1OLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program annual report is located in Appendix VZ of this report.

5 The objectives of the operational radiological environmental monitoring program are: ~

Identify and measure radiation and radioactivity in the plant environs for the calculation of potential dose to the population.

2. Verify the effectiveness of in-plant measures used for controlling the release of radioactive material.
3. Provide reasonable assurance that the predicted doses, based on radiological effluent data, have not been substantially underestimated and are consistent with applicable standards.

4, Comply with regulatory requirements and Station Technical Specifications and provide records to document compliance.

Changes to the REMP The description and conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program was moved from Technical Specifications to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual during 1995. This move was approved on February 10, 1995, amendment no. 189 to Facility Operating License no. DPR-58 and amendment no. 175 to Facility Operating License no. DPR-74.

Radiological Impact of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Operations This report summarizes the collection and analysis of various environmental sample media in 1995 for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.

The various analyses of most sample media suggest that there was no discernable impact of the nuclear plant on the environment. The analysis of air particulate filters, charcoal cartridges, direct radiation by thermoluminescent dosimeters, fish, water, milk and sediments from Lake Michigan, drinking water, and food products, either did not detect any radioactivity or measured only naturally occurring radionuclides at normal background levels.

The only radionuclide which appears attributable to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant operation is tritium, which was measured at low levels in onsite wells. However, the associated groundwater does not provide a direct dose pathway to man.

Land Use Census and Hell Report The Land Use Census is performed to ensure that significant changes in the immediate vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant are identified. Any identified changes are evaluated to determine whether a modification must be made to the REMP or other related programs. One change was identified during the 1995 Land Use Census. A further discussion of the Land Use Census'can be found in Appendix VI of this report.

D. Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Radioactive 'Waste Treatment Systems There were no changes in the solid, liquid, or gaseous radioactive waste treatment systems during 1995.

CONCLUSION Based upon the results of the radiological environmental monitoring program and the radioactive effluent release reports for the 1995 reporting year, it can be concluded that there were no adverse affects to the environment or to the general public due to the operation of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.



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1995 Non-Routine Events February 5-16, 1995, - Thirty-three (33) wild ducks were entrained in the intake cribs and collected on the intake screens within the screenhouse.

March 1, 1995 - The turbine room sump by-passed its normal flowpath, Outfall OOD and was discharged directly to the intake forebay via the emergency overflow piping.

May 30,,1995 - Approximately 1 gallon of antifreeze (ethylene glycol) was spilled to the ground when meter probes became entangled in the fan blades, puncturing the radiator coils on an engine-powered portable welding machine.

June 20, 1995 - Approximately 1 quart of antifreeze (ethylene glycol) leaked to the ground from the radiator of an engine-driven air compressor.

June 30, 1995 - Approximately 200 gallons of treated sewage effluent leaked to the ground when a flexible pipe coupling failed during excavation.

July 24, 1995 - Daily average and single sample Total Residual Oxidant (TRO) limits for Outfall 001 were exceeded during intermittent chlorination.

August 15, 1995 - An estimated 36.3 gallons of High Expansion Foam, containing 104 pounds I of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether mixed with fire suppression water reached the ground when a lightning strike caused a spurious discharge of the fire suppression system at an onsite warehouse.

August 20, 1995 - Approximately 600 gallons of non-PCB mineral oil were released when the Unit 1 Main Transformer experienced a phase-to-phase internal arc over, which caused a catastrophic failure of the transformer. Of the approximate 600 gallons release, 50 gallons were spilled to the ground.

August 29, 1995 - Approximately 2 gallons of hydraulic oil spilled into the intake forebay, when a hydraulic line on equipment used to remove zebra mussels burst.

August 31, 1995 - Monethanolamine'(ETA) concentration discharged from Outfall OOC (heating boiler blowdown) exceeded the concentration reported in our NPDES application.

September 16, 1995 - Unnatural turbidity was observed during a molluscide treatment at Outfalls 001 and 002. The observed turbidity was caused by bentonite clay being fed into the discharge vaults for Units 1 and 2.

October, 1995 - Outfall OOD continuous pH monitoring was interrupted on October 24, 25 and

31. The interruptions were caused by fouling problems associated with the glass pH electrode.













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There were two environmental screenings during the reporting period. The following documents are copies of these screenings. These environmental screenings determined that there were no unreviewed environmental questions.


Data September 14, 1995 snbgaat Environmental Screening Unit 1 Generator Step-Up Transformer rran W. T. MacRae To J. D. Pollock troductio


Design change 1-DCP-0804 was initiated to replace the Unit 1 Generator Step-Up (GSU) transformer. The transformer to be used is a 950MVA ASEA unit which was a spare at the Amos Plant. This is a temporary condition for once a new 1300MVA transformer can be procured in approximately 12 months, it will be used to replace the ASEA unit. ~

In addition to the installation of the ASEA transformer, the change will modify the instrumentation and control circuits, the fire protection system and the'il containment pit to fit with the new transformer.

This letter documents the environmental unreviewed environmental question exists screening to determine for the design change.

if an eview Act on Take

'he Final Environmental Statement (FES), National Pollutant Discharge ~

Elimination System (NPDES) permit and Appendix B of the Technical Specifications were reviewed in support of this screening to determine the potential environmental impact of this proposed design change.

Will this proposed activity result in a significant increa'se adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES7 No. This proposed design change for the replacement of the GSU in any t

transformer will not result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES. I The FES recognizes the potential effects of the impact of plant operation and construction activities - on land, water, and human resources. The replacement, whereas more oil in it, it does add a transformer with does not change the conclusions from the existing l

FES. The environmental risks associated with the replacement a

transformer remain the same.

Is the proposed activity a matter not previously evaluated in the Final


Environmental Statement2 II-2 Intra-Syatea

J. D. Pollock Page 2 September 14, 1995 No. Similar transformers have been used on the site since the plant was first constructed. This type of use has been accepted by the FES.

Will the proposed activity result in a significant change in the constituent or quantity of effluents7 No. Significant change in the constituent or quantity of effluents is unaffected.

WilL the proposed activity result in a significant change in the authorized power level7 No. The authorized power level of Unit 1 and Unit 2 is unaffected by this change.

Will a previously undisturbed area be impacted by this activity?

No. The replacement transformer will be put into the place for the existing transformer.

Will a initiation or implementation of the proposed activity require modifications to existing permits7 No. The proposed design changes will not require modifications to existing permits.

Conclusio Based on this review of the proposed design change to replace the GSU transformer, Nuclear Licensing and Fuels concludes that an environmental evaluation is not required and that an unreviewed environmental question does'not exist.


1) Unit 1 and 2 Technical Specifications, Appendix B
2) NPDES Permit
3) Final Environmental Statement, August 1973

~Ke o wads GSU transformer Environmental

J. D. Pollock Page 3 September 14, 1995 pit'.

Approved by:

H. Malin, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Fuels cc: S. J. Brewer C. A. Dickey D. M. Fitzgerald/J. Carlson D. H. Malin J. P. Novotny DC-N-6370.1 PRONET

ANE'RlCAN ELKCTRlC POWER Date January 6, 1995 subrace D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units One and Two Environmental Screening: Proposed Secondary Systems Chemistry Control Enhancements, Revision 1 rhea G. P. Aren H. J. O'Keefe Introduction This revision supercedes my December 18, 1994 memorandum to you on proposed chemistry control enhancements. The purpose of this revision is to update the ethanolamine concentrations anticipated at the plant outfalls (001, 002 and OOC) based on calculations provided in your January 4, 1995 memo (reference 12) and correct a typographical error. The changes resulting from this revision do not affect the conclusions reached in the December 18, 1994 memo. All changes have been marginally marked.

In an effort to improve protection of systems surfaces and reduce corrosion in secondary systems (feedwater, condensate, etc.), the plant heating boiler and the auxiliary steam system, the AEPNO Radiological and Chemistry Support Section (NSRP) has developed several chemical additive matri,ces for use at Cook Nuclear plant. The additives proposed in the matrices (hydrazine, carbohydrazide, ammonia and ethanolamine) have already received Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) approval for use at Cook Nuclear Plant. The uses proposed by NSRP would be to vary the concentrations of the previously approve additives to enhance their effectiveness on secondary system chemistry control.

Review Action Taken The Final Environmental Statement (FES), the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, and Appendix B of Technical Specifications were reviewed in support of this screening to determine the potential environmental impact of varying the concentrations of hydrazine, carbohydrazide, ammonia and ethanolamine in secondary plant systems to improve system chemistry control.

In addition to the above documents, reviews were conducted of previous environmental evaluations and communications with the MDNR related to the above chemicals. A brief history of each chemicals approved usage follows:

1) Hydrazine: Hydrazine has been i.n use a Cook Nuclear Plant since initial plant licensing and is discussed in the Final Environmental Statement. The use of high concentrations of hydrazine was approved ior plant use by the MDNR in 1993. Cook Nuclear Plant submitted requests to utilize hydrazine in concentrations up to 150 ppb in the feedwater system. The matrices proposes to increase hydrazine level to 300 ppb for normal feedwater and condensate system operation.


Environmental Screening Proposed Secondary Systems Chemical Contro1 Enhancements Page 2

2) Carbohydrazide: Based on an environmental screening performed on April 13, 1994 (see reference 10), it was concluded that the use of carbohydrazide for oxygen scavenging and the protection of system surf aces at Cook Nuclear Plant did not result in a condition inconsistent with the existing environmental assumptions. The MDNR was notified of carbohydrazide usage on March 25, 1994.

Use of carbohydrazide at the time of the above submittal was limited to the flushing of condensate and feedwater systems. The highest expected level of carbohydrazide in the effluent exiting the plant at outfall 001 was 0.34 ppb and outfall 002 was'0.'005 ppb. Carbohydrazide usage proposed by the matrices would include, the addition of carbohydrazide to the plant heating boiler and steam generators (during layup) and increasing the normal concentration in the feedwater and condensate systems. The maximum concentration of carbohydrazide would be 40 ppm for boiler and steam generator layup conditions and less than 300 ppb for normal feedwater and condensate system operation.

3) Ethanolamine (ETA): an environmental screening (see reference 11) performed in October of 1993 determined that the use of ETA for pH control at D. C. Cook would not result in a condition inconsistent with the existing environmental assumptions made in the Cook Nuclear Plant Final Environmental Statement. The MDNR was informed of the use of ETA in the March 15, 1993 correspondence which included the high concentration of hydrazine notification (see reference 6). The self-imposed limit for ETA in the secondary system in the March 1993 submittal was less than 20 mg/1 (20 ppm). Communications with the MDNR in April of 1994 stated the estimated ETA concentrations at the plant out falls would average less than 10 ppb and not exceed a 100 ppb maximum. The proposed concentration of ETA in heating boiler and steam generators as defined in the matrices is 50 ppm, this would correlate to an estimated 79.4 ppb level (worst case conditions from steam generator starup blowdown) at the plant outfalls.
4) Ammonia: As discussed in your memo of November 29, 1994, ammonia constitutes a thermal decomposition product of both carbohydrazide and hydrazine. Additionally, ammonia is utilized for pH control.

Increases"'in ammonia concentrations as a result of increased hydrazine levels were indicated to the MDNR in the March 1993 memo discussed previously. The increased ammonia concentrations indicated in the matrices remain below the value (50 ppm) approved in the 1990 revision to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit.

Environmental Screening proposed Secondary Systems Chemical Control Enhancements Page 3 Zn accordance with proceduxe 661000-LTG-2200-01, Revision 0, "Preparation and Distribution of Environmental Evaluations, an Environmental Evaluation Check Sheet (Attachment No. 2) was performed. The conclusions of this check sheet follow:

Will the proposed activity result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the Finai Environmental Statement (PES) 2 No The use of hydrazine, carbohydrazide, ethanolamine, and ammonia as a water treatment additives-were not identified as a contributor to an adverse environmental impact in the FES. The FES assumed that.

water treatment additives would be found in the wastes streams of both surface water and ground water at Cook Nuclear Plant. As discussed previously, the use of these chemicals has previously been approved at different concentrations and or applications (e.g., use in the plant heating boiler similar to the steam generator application). The proposed use of these chemicals by the NSRP matxices does not constitute a change in the previously approved uses which would result in a significant, adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES.

Zs the proposed activity a matter not previously evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement 7 No. While carbohydrazide and ethanolamine (ETA) were not originally identified as a water treatment additive in the FES, hydrazine (which is a breakdown product of carbohydrazide at temperatures greatex than 275'ahrenheit) and morpholine (of which ETA is a breakdown product) were identified. Both products provide a similar function in that carbohydrazide acts an oxygen scavenger and ETA is utilized to control pH. As identified previously, the use of both carbohydrazide and ETA has been approved for use in at Cook Nuclear Plant. Additionally, the use of othex'pplications carbohydrazide and ETA has been included in our 1994 application submittal for the Cook Nuclear plant NpDES permit renewal.

Therefore, the use of carbohydrazide and ETA does not constitute a matter not previously evaluated in the FES (i.e., chemical additives for oxygen scavenging and pH control).

Ammonia and hydx'azine, as noted previously, have been utilized at Cook Nuclear Plant since initial licensing. The FES evaluated their use directly.

The potential discharge of these chemical additives via the turbine room sump to the absorption pond has also been addressed in both the original FES and the 1994 NPDES renewal application.

Environmental Screening Proposed Secondary Systems Chemical Control Enhancements Page 4 Will the proposed activity result i.n a significant change in constituent or quantity of effluent 2 No. The use of the proposed chemical additives has been addressed'n both the 1994 applicati.on submittal for the Cook Nuclear Plant NPDES permit renewal and previous communications with the MDNR. The proposed usage levels of hydrazine,, ammonia and ethanolamine are bounded by the steam generator layup concentrations which are provided in the NPDES permit application as follows:

"The layup water contains a maximum concentration of 400 ppm

"" -hydrazine and/or 40 ppm carbohydzazide, 50 ppm ammoni.a and/or ETA and 20 ppm boron." the discharge to groundwater systems, as stated previously, the original FES and the 1994 NPDES permit application addressed the di.scharge of chemical additives via the turbine room sump to the absorption pond. While it is expected initial usage optimization, that the concentration may be higher, the applicati.on states:

"The environmental benefits of these additives include utilization of more benign corrosion control products or products requiring lower effective concentrations."

Therefore, the waste strength of the proposed use of these chemical additives is not expected to exceed the values identified above for surface effluent or groundwater discharge in our NPDES permit appli.cation. As a result, the proposed activity will not result in a significant change in the constituent or quantity of effluent.

Wi.ll the proposed activity result in power level 2 a significant change in authorized i No ~ Author'i.zed power level will not be affected.

Will a previously undisturbed area be impacted by this activity 2 No. The proposed use of carbohydrazide does not result in activities related to site grounds therefore, undistuzbed areas will not be impacted.

Will initiation or implementation of the proposed activity require modification to existing permits 2 No. The NPDES Permit will not be formally changed to allow for the proposed use of hydrazine, carbohydrazide, ammonia or ethanolamine.

The current NPDES appli.cati.on submittal currently contains the proposed uses of these chemical additives, therefore, no change to the NPDES Permit i.s required.

Environmental Screening Proposed Secondary Systems Chemical Control Enhancements Page 5 Notification of the use of caxbohydrazide in the plant heating boiler applications and the increased concentrations of carbohydrazide, ethanolamine and hydrazine to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) in accordance with Part ZZ.A.2 of our permit will be required prior to the proposed use of these additives.

Based on the above screening, it has been determined that the use of the f

use o carbohydrazide, hydrazine, ammonia and ethanolamine for the

,protection of system surfaces at Cook Nuclear Plant does not result in a condition inconsistent with the existing environmental assumptions. In support of this determination, discussions were held with Messrs. M. J.

O'Keefe of the Radiological and Chemical Support Section on December 16, 1994. Based on these discussions and the information provided therein, the use of the above chemical additives in the condensate, feedwaterg steam generator and plant heating boiler systems is considered acceptable.

0 en Item s It was noted in discussions with Mx. M. J. O'Keefe (NSRP) that the MDNR has not been notified, with the exception of our 1994 NPDES application submittal, of the proposed uses of hydrazine, caxbohydrazide, ammonia and ethanolamine as described in the matrices.

If verbal or written approval of the use of these chemical additives, as described in the matrices, has been received from the MDNR as part of their NPDES application review, usage of the additives may begin immediately.

Zf verbal or written approval has not been received, then notification of the use of carbohydrazide in the plant heating boiler applications and the increased concentrations of carbohydrazide, ethanolamine and hydrazine to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) in accordance with Part ZZ.A.2 of our permit will be required prior to the proposed use of the additives.

Conclusion Based on this review of the proposed use of carbohydrazide, hydrazine, ammonia and ethanolamine in the condensate, feedwater, steam generator and plant heating boiler systems, the Nuclear Licensing and Fuels Section concludes that an environmental evaluation is not required and that an unreviewed environmental question does not exist.

Environmental Screening Proposed Secondary Systems Chemical Control Enhancements Page 6 References

1) Unit 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Appendix B
2) NPDES Permit No. MZ0005827, September 20, 1990
3) Final Environmental Statement, August 1973
4) Memo, M. J. O'Keefe to J. B. Kingseed, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Safety Review of Carbohydrazide as an Oxygen Scavenger During Condensate Flushing, April 13, 1994.
5) Memo, D. L. Baker to Mr. Fred Morley, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant NPDES Permit No. MZ 0005827, (Topic: Use of Carbohydrazide), March 25, 1994. T
6) Memo, M. J. O'Keefe to E. E. Fitzpatrick, et al, "Field Evaluation of Ethanolamine for Secondary Side pH Control for Unit 1 and 2",

August 16, 1993.

7) Memo, D. L. Baker to Mr. Fred Morley and Mr. Thomas Leep, "NPDES Permit No. MZ0005827 Cook Nuclear Plant, Bridgman, Michigan"', March 15, 1993.
8) Application Transmittal, D. L. Baker to Mr. William E. McCracken, "Zndiana Michigan Power Company, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant NPDES Permit No. MZ 0005827 Renewal Application." Dated March 31, 1994.
9) Application Transmittal, D. L. Baker to Mr. J. B. Beauboeuf, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Ground Water Discharge Permit Application."

Dated March 11, 1994.

10) Memo, G. P. Arent to J. P. Carlson, "Cook Nuclear Plant, Environmental Screening Memorandum, Use of Carbohydrazide in Condensate and Feedwater Systems." Dated April 13, 1994.
11) Memo, G. P. Arent. to 12-THP 6020.LAB.041, CS-22 Packet, "Environmental Screening Change Sheet No. 22, 12-THP 6020.LAB.041, Datasheet Znstructions." Dated October 25, 1993.
12) Memo, M. J. O'Keefe to J. Carlson, "Ethanolamine Discharge Levels."

Dated: January 5, 1995.

~Rd ords condensate feedwater carbohydrazide hydrazine ethanolamine ammonia npdes permit plant heating boiler Approved by:

. H. a.n, Mana Nucl Licensing and Fuels c: S. J. Brewer D. O. Morey/R. Claes D. M. Fitzgerald/J. Carlson/J. Lewis J. P. Novotny M. J. O'Keefe DC-N-6370 1



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5 IND/ANA MfCHIGAN Date March 1, 1996 POWER subject 1995 Herbicide Spray Report - Cook Nuclear Plant From J.S. Lewis To J.P. Carlson C?~

The following herbicides were applied on Cook Nuclear Plant property during 1995:

~ Trimec 899 Broadleaf Herbicide

~ Oust Herbicide

~ Lesco Pre-M 3.3 EC Herbicide Site areas that were treated with herbicides are highlighted on the attached maps.

t Based on our review of the application records, manufacturer specifications, material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and observations of the treated areas, the herbicides were applied according the manufacturer label recommendations and according to Federal and State requirements. A certified applicator was used as required. No signs of overspray or spillage were observed or noted. No adverse environmental effects occurred.

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Cook Nuclear Plant 1995 Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control Report INTRODUCTION The Plant's Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control Program is presented in the reports that follow.. Chlorine, molluscicides, and mechanical cleaning, remain the zebra mussel control strategy at the Cook Plant. Monitoring efforts continue to assess the threat of zebra mussel infestation and determine the effectiveness of plant control techniques. Zebra mussels which slough from the intake pipelines continue to present a challenge to the screenwash and traveling screen system, service water pump strainers, plant condensers, and the Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water System.

ERADICATION AND CONTROL MEASURES The 1995 control strategy consisted of the use of proprietary molluscicides, (Betz Clam-trol CT-2 and Nalco Macro-trol 9380) continuous and intermittent chlorination of the service water, Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water, and Circulating Water systems, and mechanical cleaning.

MECHANICALCLEANING Mechanical cleaning of the Unit 1 Intake Forebay and Unit 1 Essential Service Water pump bays was performed by divers during the Unit 1 Refueling Outage in 1995. The Unit 1 Main Condenser Inlet Tunnel was inspected and cleaned during the Unit 1 Refueling Outage.

Cleaning and flushing of small bore piping and strainers in the service water systems and low volume water systems was continued in 1995.

.All three intake cribs were cleaned in the fall of 1995 to minimize the impact of the intakes on wild ducks. Contrary to 1994's intake structure cleaning which resulted in the entrainment of thirty-three (33) wild ducks in February of 1995, 1995's cleaning was more effective as only two ducks were reported being entrained into the plant in the winter of 1996.

MOLLUSCICIDE TREATMENT RESULTS A small targeted treatment using Betz Clam-trol CT-2 was performed on the Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water System before it was cross-connected with the Non-Essential Service Water System. Mortality results were 100%. A large scale treatment of the Circulating Water System using Nalco Macro-trol 9380 applied at the North and South Intake cribs on September 16, 1995 was unsuccessful.

CHLORINATIONTREATMENT RESULTS gf A vendor supplied chlorination system was again used to continuously chlorinate the service water and Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water systems, and intermittently chlorinate the Circulating Water System. Continuous chlorination of the service water systems and the Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water System at 0.3 to 0.6 ppm was effective in controlling the settlement of zebra mussels in these systems. Intermittent chlorination of the Circulating Water System at 0.2 ppm for 155 minutes per day was effective in minimizing slime growth in the Main and Feed Pump Condensers. The Non-Essential Service Water System was cross-connected to the Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water System to continuously treat the system. Though the Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water System was continuously chlorinated via the Non-Essential Service Water cross-connection, the system was still plagued by silt and shell fragments which pass through the Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling Water Pump Strainers and plug small bore piping downstream.

FOULING FROM THE INTAKE PIPELINES Zebra Mussels continue to slough from the intake pipelines especially when flow velocities and patterns are changed by cycling the Center Intake Gate Valve WMO-30 and circulating water pumps. This operation presents a challenge to the traveling screens and screenwash system in their ability to handle the influx of zebra mussels sloughing off from the intake tunnels. Any carryover that occurs, must be handled by the service water pump strainers or is impinged on the condenser tube sheets.

Modifications of the traveling screen spraywash system in 1995 from a single to a dual spray header with improved nozzle design effectively removed the debris from the screen mesh when the spray headers and spray nozzles did not plug with shell debris. The installation of spray header blowdown piping to facilitate flushing of the spray header is in progress.

CONCLUSION Weather, plant conditions, water temperature, and other constraints, can confound efforts to remediate juvenile and adult zebra mussels using a proprietary molluscicide in the Circulating Water System. Mechanical cleaning can supplement chemical control methods in the Circulating Water System. Continuous chlorination has proven to be effective in controlling zebra mussels in the service water and the Miscellaneous Sealing Ec Cooling Water systems. A zebra mussel monitoring program utilizing side-stream and artificial substrate monitors along with diver and heat exchanger inspections will continue to be used to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical and physical control measures.


- December 1995 Prepared for:

American Electric Power D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant One Cook Place Bridgman, Mchigan Prepared by:

Groat Lnkos Environmontol Conter 739 Hastings Street Traverse City. Ml 49686 April 12, 1996

TABLE OF C NTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........,".......,.................... j TABLES AND FIGURES....................................... ii EXECUTIVE


..................................... iii INTRODUCTION....... ~............ ~............... ~....... 1 METHODS . ~............. ~..................... 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................... 7


AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................... 15 RE FERENCES o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ o..... 17 FIGURES AND TABLES ...................................... 18 APPENDIX - RAW DATA SHEETS ............................... 36

[Final Report - Page i]

TABLES Table 1. Sampling schedule for zebra mussel monitoring at Cook Plant, 1995.

i Table 2. Zebra mussel veliger density (¹/m ), average size (pm), and size range forebay whole-water sampling at Cook Plant, 1995.

of the Table 3. Zebra mussel density (¹/mz), average size (pm) and size range of settled post-veligers from periodic sampling at Cook Plant, 1995.

Table 4. Zebra mussel density (¹/mz), average size (pm) and size range of settled post-veligers from cumulative sampling at Cook Plant, 1995.

Table 5. Chlorination data for the service systems at Cook Plant (April - December 1995).

Table Sa. Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Concentrations in the Service Water Systems of Units ¹1 and ¹2 and the corresponding residual TRC at Outfalls 001 and 002.

Table 6. Post-veliger density (¹/m ) before,and after molluscicide treatment'nd continuous chlorination in the service systems at Cook Plant, 1995.

Table 7. Results of QA/QC samples collected from Cook Plant (April - December 1995).

Figure 1. Whole-water zebra mussel veliger abundance (¹/m ) in forebay cooling water samples at the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant (April - December 1995).

Figure 2. Post-veliger settlement in forebay periodic settlement samples at D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant (May - December 1995).

Figure 3. Periodic settlement of post-veligers in the MS&C, NESW and ESW service systems at D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant (May - December 1995).

Figure 4. Whole-water veliger density and periodic settlement of post-veligers in the service water system at D.C. Cook Plant (April - December 1995).

i Figure 5. Periodic post-veliger settlement rates and average chlorine concentration in the service water systems at D.C. Cook Plant (May - December 1995).

l Figure 6. Cumulative settlement of post-veligers in the MS&C, NESW and ESW service systems at D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant (May - December 1995).

L Figure 7. Reduction in post-veliger density in cumulative settlement samples after molluscicide treatment at D.C. Cook Plant, 1995.

[Final Report - Page ii]



American Electric Power (AEP) has been monitoring for zebra mussels in the circulating water, essential service water (ESW) and nonessential service water (NESW) at the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant near Bridgman, Michigan since 1991. The objective of the zebra mussel monitoring program is to monitor incoming lake water zebra mussel veliger and post-veliger settlement concentrations and determine the effectiveness of zebra mussel control via mecha'nical and chemical means. The scope of work for this study was developed by AEP, as a continuation of AEP zebra mussel control strategies and monitoring programs.

This zebra mussel monitoring survey for the D.C. Cook Plant was conducted to supplement ongoing, studies and surveys by AEP.

Great Lakes Environmental Center (GLEC) continued the work in 1995 by monitoring the density of veligers in the forebay and the settlement of post-veligers in the three cooling water systems from April through December. Veliger larvae were first observed in the whole-water samples on June 1, and continued to be observed until October 26. Size data for veligers in the whole-water samples suggests that spawning was initiated in the first part of June. Overall, veliger densities were significantly less than previous years and were first noted in the samples at later dates. However, similar trends in the timing and abundance of veligers were observed. Peak spawning activity occurred during mid-August through mid-September which was similar to that observed in 1994. The peak density in the forebay circulating water was on September 28 (5130 / m ).

Settlement in the forebay began on June 15 and peak settlement densities were observed on three consecutive sampling events; July 27 (338,133 / mz), August 10 (177,200

/ m-, and August 24 (226,667 / m~). Peak densities for all of the service water systems (NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2) were observed on September 7, however the average size of settled post-veligers was considerably, less than those observed in the forebay samples during this same period.

Cumulative settlement in the service water systems reached peak density in all systems on August 24. Cumulative densities in the NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 systems during this period were 92,800 / m, 92,800 / m"-, 68,800 / m, and 79,467 / m

[Final Report - Page iii]

t respectively. Molluscicide treatment on September 16 was apparently effective in removing settled veligers, because veliger densities reduced 75.9, 76.5, and 68.9 percent in the NESW-2, ESW-1, and ESW-2 systems cumulative samples, respectively, when densities were compared to the August 24 samples (pre-treatment) and the September 21 samples (post-treatment). Densities in the MS&C remained high in cumulative samples collected on September 21, however, these were likely entrained, planktonic veligers because their average size was 125 pm.

Chlorine treatment (when in operation) was effective in deterring or preventing settlement in the service water systems. Post-veliger settlement rates in the periodic settlement samples was typically less than 1500 / mz / day when the chlorination system was in operation. Peak settlement (based on density and size) in the service water systems occurred between the period of August 24 and September 21, which directly corresponds to chlorine being nearly absent from the service water systems during this entire period.

Therefore, it is important to limit chlorination system outages during periods of high post-veliger settlement. References made in the report to chlorine concentrations were based on data collected at the Cook Plant final discharge after mixing with the circulatory water.

The target for AEP's system chlorination is 0.2 - 0.6 mg/L TRC in the service water systems. The chlorine concentration values reported here are less than the target values because the circulating water had mixed with the service water and thereby diluting the total chlorine prior to discharge.

[Final Report - Page iv]

A ZEBRA MUSSEL (Dreissena) MONITORING SURVEY FOR THE DONALD C. COOK PLANT April - December 1995 INTRODUCTION American Electric Power (AEP) has had an active zebra mussel monitoring program at the D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant (Cook Plant) near Bridgman, Michigan since 1991. The abundance of zebra mussels is monitored in the circulating water, essential service water (ESW) and nonessential service w'ater (NESW) systems. The objective of the zebra mussel monitoring program is to monitor incoming lake water zebra mussel veliger and the post-veliger settlement density to help determine the effectiveness of zebra mussel control via mechanical and chemical means. The scope of work for this study was developed by AEP, as a continuation of AEP zebra mussel control strategies and monitoring programs. This zebra mussel monitoring survey for the Cook Plant was conducted to supplement ongoing studies and surveys by AEP.

The Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program in 1995 involved determining the density of zebra mussels in the circulating water and in the service water systems of the Cook Plant, and subsequently determining the effectiveness of AEP's efforts to control zebra mussels.

Whole-water collected from the circulating water system at the forebay were analyzed to determine zebra mussel veliger density, and artificial substrates were placed in the intake and in four of the service water systems to detect and monitor the settlement of post-veligers.

[Final Report - Page 1j

Io METHODS The specific methods for each task are described below and are based upon the procedures outlined by AEP for this work (dated January 31, 1995). Where applicable, GLEC standard operating procedures (GLEC II-50-00), which are based on procedures published by the Illinois Natural History Survey (Marsden, 1992), were also used for-analysis and enumeration of the samples.

Whole-water Veli er Sam lin The whole-water sampling of the circulating water system was conducted from April 28, 1995 to December 14, 1995, according to the schedule presented in Table 1. The samples were collected from mid-depth in the forebay at a location determined by Cook Plant personnel and consistent with previous studies. Two replicate, 2000-liter samples were collected from the intake forebay immediately upstream of the trashracks by pumping lake water with a submersible pump (Myers, "The Predator", Model¹ 2JF-51-8; approximate pump rate of 45.4 liters per minute) through an in-line flowmeter (Signet Model¹ P58640) and into a plankton net (Wildco, approximately 100 p,m mesh size) for approximately 45 minutes. The flow was directed into the plankton net that was suspended in a partially filled 208-liter plastic barrel. This technique had been used in previous surveys at Cook Plant to prevent the net from overflowing when heavy sediment loads or plankton concentrations were present (Lawler Matusky & Skelly Engineers (LMS), 1994). The sample was gently washed into a one-liter nalgene collection bottle using filtered, circulating water and the volume adjusted to one liter. The first replicate was analyzed within two hours of collection at a nearby off-site location for the presence or absence of veligers, and the second replicate was refrigerated and analyzed immediately following the first sample.

Whole-water samples were pumped from the original location in the forebay from April 28 through June 29, 1995. After the first pump was damaged, whole-water samples were collected from a different position, centrally located in the forebay, using an AEP diving contractors pump which was the same model and had the same pump rate. This pump

[Final Report - Page 2]


was used for samples collected from July 6 through September 7, 1995. On September 14, 1995, samples were collected using a new pump placed in the original location. 'n September 28, 1995, the new pump was again moved to the central location (this was due to too much current). The pumping rate dropped to 30 liters per minute (due to damage to the pump), therefore, the sampling time was increased to approximately 62 minutes to compensate for this new rate. This pump was used at the central location for the remainder of the study.

To insure that each sample was completely mixed prior to analysis, each one-liter whole-water sample was mixed using a commercial, magnetic stir plate (VWR, Model 200).

After three minutes of mixing, ten, one-milliliter sub-samples were removed from the center of the sample with a calibrated pipette. Each one-milliliter sample was transferred to a Sedgewick-Rafter cell for counting. The veligers in the cell were counted at 50-100X using a low-power binocular microscope (Wild) equipped with cross-polarizing light filters. This technique has been successfully used by other researchers to accurately and quickly identify veligers with good success (Johnson, in press and personal communication).

A preliminary-=scan of the entire counting cell was conducted to determine if dilution was necessary prior to counting the veligers in the sample. If less than 60 veligers were present in the sample, no dilution was necessary and all of the veligers on the entire slide were counted. If greater than 60 but less than 100 veligers were present, five, one-milliliter subsamples were counted. If greater than 100 veligers were present, the sample was diluted 1:10 and the entire cell was counted. The number of organisms counted in each subsample, the dilution factor (if any), sample location, sample date, the average number of veligers per milliliter, and the veliger density were recorded on the data sheet. The density was calculated as follows:

Density (¹/m ) = (Average¹

  • DF) / .001L
  • 1L / 2000L ~ 1000 L/m
where, DF = dilution factor; Average¹ = average ¹ per ml.

~ I

[Final Report - Page 3]

lo The duplicate sample was analyzed using the same technique described above.

whole-water samples were not diluted on any sampling event.

In 1995, the Size measurements were recorded for each sample from,no more than 50 organisms.

Veliger length (pm) was measured using an ocular micrometer that was previously calibrated to a stage micrometer according to GLEC standard operating procedure GLEC II-009-00.

Periodic and umulative Artificial Substrate Sam les Settlement of post-veliger zebra mussels in the circulating water forebay, two Essential Service Water systems (ESW-1 and ESW-2), the Miscellaneous Sealing and Cooling (MS&C) system, and a Non-Essential Service Water (NESW-2) system was evaluated using artificial substrate sampling. Periodic and cumulative sampling were performed according to the schedule outlined in Table 1.

Circulating 8'ater Forebay Sampling Settlement in the forebay was determined at a mid-forebay location by monitoring the periodic and cumulative settlement of zebra mussels. Periodic substrate monitors in the forebay consisted of ten microscope slides held within a test tube rack inside a concrete block. The block was suspended directly in front of the trash racks at mid-depth using a rope. Qn each collection date, the block was retrieved and the microscope slides were removed for analysis and replaced with a clean set of microscope slides. Sample enumeration of each slide was conducted by scraping one side of each slide with a razor blade to remove all of the attached zebra mussels and debris to provide an unobstructed view for the other side of the slide. The scraped side of the slide was placed down on the i dissecting microscope stage.

juvenile mussels. If juvenile counted and the number was recorded.

Each slide was densities initially scanned to locate and identify settled were low, all settled mussels If densities on the slide were were high, the slides would be either quartered or halved, depending on the observed densities, and the remaining mussels were

[Final Report - Page 4]



The length (pm)

The density of of the the juvenile zebra mussels (up to a total of 50) was also mussels was calculated by proportionately extrapolating the i

number of mussels counted on the slide to one square meter (m2). The density for each sample was calculated as follows:

Density (1/m~) = Average // per slide * (10,000/18.75) where:

18.75 is the number of square centimeters (cm2) on one side of a slide and 10,000 is the number of cm in a square meter (m ).

Cumulative samples in the forebay were also analyzed to provide information on the accumulated infestation during the season. Cumulative substrate samples in the forebay consisted of two, 15.24 centimeter long PVC pipes with a 6.35 centimeter ID, cut in half lengthwise and held together with a hose clamp. These sample devices were set on April 28 and removed on December 14, 1995 except that one sampler was temporarily removed on September 16 during the time the systems were receiving molluscicide treatment, and submersed in a untreated sidestream monitor. After seven days, that sampler was placed back in the forebay on September 23 after the molluscicide treatment had ended. Cumulative settlement in the forebay was determined by scraping two discrete 6.45 cd (one square inch) sections in the central region of one half section of the pipe sampler. The middle section of each pipe sampler was selected for analysis to maintain consistency with historical sampling at the plant. The average density for the two areas was then calculated and the number of veligers per square meter was extrapolated from the average number of zebra mussels per 6.45 cmz (one square inch) on the sampler.

Service Water Sampling Settlement in the service water systems was monitored in sidestream monitors at four locations; NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 systems. The placement of the monitors was identical to the placement in previous studies. The monitors were covered as in

[Final Report - Page 5]


ly previous studies with a fabric to limit light exposure.

on a regular basis to ensure proper water flow was present.

Plant personnel checked the monitors Periodic sampling devices were deployed on April 28, 1995 in each side stream monitor. Periodic sampling of the service water systems was accomplished by placing 10 slides held in a sampler supplied by AEP in each flow-through sidestream monitor. These slides were retrieved for periodic sampling on each of the scheduled dates (Table 1). On each sampling date, ten slides were removed for analysis and replaced with ten, clean slides.

For the cumulative samples, two test tube racks holding a total of 80 microscope slides were placed inside the same fiow-through sidestream monitors used for the periodic monitoring. Each month throughout the study, a group of ten slides were randomly removed from each rack for analysis and were not replaced.

On each sampling event, all of the collected microscope slides (a total of 40) were placed in a cooler immediately after collection in labelled slide racks and analyzed that same day at a nearby off-site location for attached post-veligers, using a low-power binocular microscope equipped with cross-polarizing filters. The attached post-veligers were counted in both the periodic and cumulative samples by averaging the number of post-veligers found on the 20 slides (10 periodic and 10 cumulative) from each sampling site. The average number of attached post-veligers per slide was extrapolated to determine density per square meter. The density for each sample was calculated as follows; Density (1/m ) = Average 8'er slide ~ (10,000/18.75) where:

18.75 is the number of square centimeters (cm2) on one side of a slide and 10,000 is the number of cd in a square meter (mz).

Shell size was measured to the nearest micrometer using an ocular micrometer calibrated to a stage micrometer. On September 28 and again on November 14, the four sidestream monitors (bioboxes) that held the periodic and cumulative slides for each service water system accumulated approximately 7 and 12 centimeters of sediment due to rough lake.

conditions and were cleaned of dirt and debris.

[Final Report - Page 6]

uali A urance/ alit Contro A total of four samples were reanalyzed by a different staff member to determine the precision and accuracy of our counting procedures. These samples were collected on April 28, June 1, August 24, and October 5, 1995. These samples were shipped to an off-site laboratory and analyzed using the same procedures as the original analyses.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Whole-Water Sam le Whole-water sampling was initiated in the forebay on April 28, 1995 and continued until December 14, 1995. A total of 56 samples (two from each sampling period) were t

collected gable 1). Veliger larvae were first observed in the whole-water samples on June 1, 1995 and continued to be observed until November 16, 1995. On November 2 and December 14 no veliger larvae were observed, however, veligers were present in the November 16 sample.

Peak spawning activity occurred during mid-August through late-September. Figure 1 and Table 2 summarize the results of the whole-water sampling. Peak densities were observed on August 17 (3,050 / m ), August 31 (3,325 / m ) and September 28 (5,150 / m ).

Veliger densities in the forebay were noticeably lower than in previous sampling years. The average whole-water veliger density over the nine month period was 766 / ms, ranging from a low of zero to a high of 5,150 / m . In contrast, the average density over the same nine month period in 1994 was 45,794 / m, with densities ranging from zero to 513,500 / m .

The increase in veliger density in the September 28 sample corresponds directly with the sampling pump location change. At that time the observed pump rate during sample collection was reduced (45.4 lpm to 30.3 Ipm), and the location of the pump in the forebay was moved (from the original location to the center of the forebay). These differences in sample collection and the peak density in the whole-water "sample may be only coincidental since we are unable to determine if the increase is a reflection of a natural veliger population

~ I

[Final Report - Page 7]

peak, residual veligers remaining in the sample collection hose from a previous sample, or a possible spatial variable (such as currents) occurring in the forebay that is reflected by the position of the pump in the forebay. However, a second peak density period is typical for the lower Great Lakes, which normally experience two peak densities during September and October (Garter and Haag, 1990 and LMS, 1995) and it also corresponds with the time lapse between our first observation of settled post-veligers and the time of reported spawning frequency of sexually mature zebra mussels.

Size data for the whole-water sampling indicates that spawning began in the early part of June. Translocators (veliger larvae greater than 600 pm) were found during each sampling month, with the exception of April, May, and December. The average size of the veliger larvae in the forebay whole-water samples ranged from 140 to 903 pm. Of the 28 sampling dates, only 21 percent (6 of 28) of the days had average veliger sizes that ranged between 180 to 250 pm, which is the reported size range in which veligers settle (Marsden, 1992). The presence of translocators in the samples may be the result of natural weather conditions (i.e. wind, waves, temperature) which have been reported to influence veliger distribution and abundance, such as which was reported during the 1993 survey (LMS, 1994).

The data also show a typical population density curve for the growing season, with the noted exception of two peak densities. Previous research on Lake Erie has noted two spawning peaks, in late July and late August (Garton and Haag, 1990). Our data shows two peaks were present in mid and late August, and a third peak occurred in late September (Figure 1).

Peri di A ifi i l am le A total of 70 periodic samples were collected from the five sample locations during 14 sample events from May 11 to December 14, 1995 (Table 3). Each sample contained 10 replicate slides. Post-veligers of settleable size were first observed in the forebay on June 15 and continued to be observed through the December 14 samples (Table 3). A single, adult translocator (2376 micrometers) was found in the June 1 sample. Settled post-veligers were

[Final Report - Page 8]

first observed in the ESW-2 and NESW-2 systems on June 29 and were observed throughout the remaining sampling period. The first settled post-veligers in the ESW-1 and MS&C systems were observed, on July 13 and continued to be observed through the November 16 sample.

The average size of the settled post-veliger larvae in the forebay samples ranged from 243 to 3,754 pm, with 92 percent of the observed post-veligers averaging greater than 250 pm. In contrast, the average number of samples with post-veligers greater than 250 pm for the NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and the ESW-2 systems was 36, 0, 20, and 30 percent respectively. This data suggests that either the growth rate was slower in the service water systems than in the forebay, that translocators were often absent in the service system samples, or that the post-veligers settle and then move on.

The highest density of settled post-veligers in the forebay was observed in three consecutive samples on July 27 (338,133 / m ), August 10 (177,200 / m ), and August 24 (226,667 / m2) (Figure 2) ~ The size of the veliger larvae during those same periods ranged from 120 to 540 pm. In the MS&C, ESW and NESW service water systems, the greatest density of settled post-veligers was observed on September 7 (Figure 3). The density of settled post-veligers on September 7 in the NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 service water systems was 52,800 / m, 64,533 / m 19,733 m/ and 35,733 / m respectively (Table 3). The average size of settled post-veligers for all of the service water systems for the September 7 sampling period ranged from 143 pm in the MS&C system to 192 p,m in the ESW-2 system. The corresponding average size in the forebay was 254 p,m in the September 7 sample. The smaller size of veligers in the service water systems, which is near the reported settlement range, suggests that active settlement was starting to occur in the service water systems with young veligers, whereas in the forebay, settled post-veligers were actively growing and the samples may have contained more translocators.

Typically, veliger larvae attach to a substrate within 8 to 15 days post-hatch. With the exception of the October 5 periodic sample, this general trend was present, with the greatest settlement rates following increased densities in the forebay whole-water samples (Figure 4). However, the variable chlorine concentrations and interrupted chlorine service

[Final Report - Page 9]

Ie confounded the results and made veliger density (Figure 5).

it difficult to correlate periodic settlement with whole-water mul iv Artificial b e am l A total of 34 cumulative samples were collected during 8 sampling events from May 11 to December 14, 1995 (Table 4). Settled post-veligers were first observed in the MS&C system on June 15, and in the NESW-2, ESW-1, and ESW-2 systems in the July 13 sample.

Settled post-veligers were observed in the MS&C and ESW-1 systems through the November 16 sample and in the ESW-2 and NESW-2 systems through the December 14 samples (Figure 6).

The size range of post-veligers in the cumulative samples indicates that chlorination was effective in reducing veliger settlement in the service water systems. Initial settlement in the MS&C on June 15 was not unexpected, since chlorination for that system was not initiated until June 15 (Table 5). Average size data ranged from 120-130 pm in the July samples, which is less than the typical settlement range of 180-250 pm. These data suggest that the planktonic veligers had only recently attached to the slides and that older veligers were not present. Previous reports have suggested that the planktonic veligers had been entrained on the slide upon its removal from the biobox (LMS, 1994 and 1995). However, that would suggest that the veligers can readily attach during chlorination and that they would be evenly distributed throughout the sample. Otherwise, it is likely that the relatively small size of the veligers is an indication that the chlorine is effective at reducing settlement and as a result the veligers that are present are transient in the service water systems.

The August samples had the highest densities and the average size of post-veligers (166 201 pm) was somewhat larger than the size noted in July, suggesting active settlement was occurring during this time period Table 4. However, veligers in the size range observed in the August cumulative samples were still smaller than the typical settlement size (180-250 pm). Again suggesting that they had only recently attached themselves to the cumulative substrate sample slides. Two trends are readily apparent from this data; the increase in post-veliger settlement in August corresponds with some of the greatest numbers of veligers in the

[Final Report - Page 10]

whole-water samples and the increase in post-veliger settlement also corresponds with the interruption of chlorination in the service water systems. Settled post-veliger density in the August 24 samples in all the service water systems (NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 samples) was 92,800 / m, 92,800 / m, 68,800 / m, and 79,467 / m, respectively (Table 4).

, The post-veliger size range in the September samples was very similar to that of the August sample, with the exception of the MS&C system, which averaged 125 pm.

However, the density of settled post-veligers decreased, suggesting that significant mortality had occurred following the molluscicide treatment early in September, and that the settlement afterwards may be due to transient planktonic veligers settling on the slides. It is important to note that Cook Plant conducted a molluscicide treatment on September 16 and that there was a dramatic decrease in settled post-veligers in the September 21 cumulative samples and that decrease continued the rest of the season. Notably, chlorination of the service water systems was reinitiated on September 14. Collectively, the two treatment strategies appear to be responsible for the decreased settlement of post-veligers in the service water systems.

Following treatment of the service water systems on September 16, a 75.9, 12.9, 76.5, and 68.9 percent reduction in veliger density was observed in the NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 systems, respectively, when the August 24 sample was compared to the September 21 samples (Table 6). The 12.9 percent reduction in the MS&C system is misleading, because most of these veligers were not of a settleable size, and were probably just beginning to settle on the slide surface. In subsequent samples the post-veliger density in the service water systems was reduced by at least 97 percent when those samples were compared to the August 24 samples (Figure 7).

In October, post-veliger densities decreased from the September sample density, although the average size was similar and the size range increased, suggesting that possible translocators were present or that some mussels survived previous treatments and were maturing on the sample slides. However, post-veliger growth (as a function of size) in the MS&C and NESW-2 systems during this time period may also be directly correlated to the NESW system being out of service and only the ESW system receiving chlorine for a majority of the time between September 23 and October 3.

[Final Report - Page 11]

In November, the density continued to decrease in the cumulative samples; in fact settled post-veligers were completely absent in the ESW-2 samples. In the service water systems where settled post-veligers were still present, the average size and size range was less than that in the October samples, except for the MS&C service water system where the average size increased to 394 pm and the size range indicated there was larger organisms on the sample slides.

Likewise, the density decreased in the December samples and settled post-veligers and larger organisms were absent in the MS&C and ESW-1 systems samples. Interestingly, settled organisms reappeared in the ESW-2 system samples even though they were absent in the November samples. The density in the December cumulative sample was 160 organisms

/ mz. That number is equivalent to an average of less than one organism per slide (0.3). In fact, any of the density values less than 534 / mz translates to less than one organism per slide, Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that there were organisms" on only a few of the slides, which suggests that the mussels were not evenly distributed among the sample slides.

Because the average size and size range was largest in the December samples,- and because it appears that the organisms were scattered among the sample slides, we suspect that the organisms in the December cumulative samples, and possibly to some extent in the November samples, were older organisms that survived the molluscicide treatment and the earlier chlorination or translocators from turbulent lake conditions. Its conceivable that these organisms were stragglers in the service water systems. The forebay cumulative samples that were collected on December 14 had settled post-veliger densities of 256,526 / mz and 220,100 / mz in the untreated and treated samples, respectively. The average size of the treated and untreated samples were 3264 and 3820 pm respectively. Although the average density and size is lower for the treated sample, we expected that if the control procedures were effective there would be a much greater difference in the two samples based on the cumulative sample data from the service water systems. In fact, a zebra mussel mortality assessment conducted by diver inspections determined that the treatment was ineffective in controlling zebra mussels in the intake pipeline and forebay.

[Final Report - Page 12]


~I As part of their zebra mussel control program, Cook Plant conducts intermittent and continuous dosing of chlorine in the service water systems as an effort to control and minimize zebra mussel settlement. Cook Plant's target chlorine concentration ranges between 0.2 and 0.6 mg/L Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) in the ESW, NESW, and MS&C water systems. Chlorination at the plant was initiated on May 15 and continued until November 21 in the ESW and NESW systems. Chlorination was initiated on June 15 in the MS&C system. A summary of the daily average chlorine concentrations for circulating water discharges Unit 1 and Unit 2 are presented in Table 5. The chlorine concentration values reported in Table 5 are less than the target concentrations of 0.2 - 0.6 because of the mixing of the mixing of the non-chlorinated circulating water with water from the ESW and NESW systems. Between May 15 and July 09, 1995, Cook Nuclear Plant staff also monitored the total residual chlorine (TRC mg/L) in the nonessential service water and essential. service water systems for Units 1 and 2 (Table 5a). Continuous chlorination was interrupted in these service water systems between June 23 and July 02, 1995 due to biofouling of the sampling lines for the chlorine analyzers. In that study, TRC in the Unit 1 NESW ranged between 0.200 and 0.989 mg/L, and between 0.287 and 0.877 mg/L in the ESW. The 40-day average for the NESW and'ESW systems for Unit 1 was 0.483 and 0.558, respectively. The corresponding TRC concentration in Outfall 001 during the same time period ranged from less than 0.001 to 0.004, and averaged 0.002. In Unit 2, TRC ranged from 0.153 to 0.805 in the NESW system and 0.146 mg/L to 0.793 mg/L in the ESW system. The 40-day average for the Unit 2 NESW and ESW systems was 0.437 and 0.501 mg/L TRC, respectively. The corresponding TRC concentration in Outfall 002 during the same time period ranged from less than 0.001 to 0.002, and averaged less than 0.001 mg/L TRC. Post-veliger settlement in the periodic monitoring did not occur in the NESW or ESW systems until June 29 for Unit 2, and July 13 for Unit 1 in the ESW (Table 3). Post-veliger settlement in the cumulative samples was not evident until July 13, 1995 (Table 4).

Between May 15 and November 21, chlorine was not present in the service water systems for 34 of 190 treatment days (18% of the time). A total of 94 percent (32 out of 34)

[Final Report - Page 13]

of these treatment days when chlorination was interrupted occurred from August 19 through September 21, which directly corresponded to the time of peak settlement in the service water systems (Figure 5). During this period, there was no significant difference (P =

0.142) between the median density values in the forebay and the service water systems which excludes the possibility that the difference was just due to random sampling variability. In addition, there was no significant difference (P ~ 0.05) in the average veliger size between the forebay and the NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 service water systems.

Conversely, during periods of active chlorination, there was a significant difference (P <

0.05) between the settled veliger size in the forebay and the average size in the MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 service water systems. There was no significant difference (P R 0.05) in veliger size between the forebay and NESW-2. This suggests that chlorination at the concentrations used in 1995 was effective (when present) in prohibiting post-veliger settlement and growth in the service water systems. This is visually demonstrated by plotting the average chlorine concentration in the final discharge and periodic settlement rates for the service water systems at each sampling period (Figure 5). Further demonstration of the effectiveness of chlorination in the NESW and ESW systems at controlling post-veliger settlement is the absence of settled post veligers in those systems during the chlorination study between May and July.

ualit A surance/ ualit ntrol Sam les The results of the QA/QC samples collected from Cook plant are summarized in Table 7. Zebra mussel density calculated from duplicate QA/QC samples for the four sampling events were not significantly different than the original samples. It should be noted that zebra mussel post-veligers were observed in the overlying water that was used during the shipment of the August 24 QA/QC sample, which may explain the apparent differences in numbers between the original sample and the recounted QA/QC sample. Based on these results, similar data trends from previous years and other Great Lakes research, we are confident that our data collecting procedures were precise and accurate and that the data is acceptable.

[Final Report - Page 14]


AND RECOMMENDATIONS The 1995 zebra mussel sampling at Cook Plant was initiated on April 28 and continued through until December 14, 1995. Peak spawning occurred during August-September as determined from whole-water samples taken from the forebay. In 1995, veliger densities in the forebay whole-water samples were significantly lower than that of previous sampling years. Settlement in the forebay was first observed in the forebay on June 15, and peak density in the forebay occurred on three consecutive sampling periods from a high on July 27 (338,133 / mz) through August 24. In 1994, veliger density was greatest on June 30 with 533,500 / m~.

We observed the greatest peak settlement in all of the service water systems on September 7, with densities of 52,800, 64,533, 19,733, and 35,733 / m"- for NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 systems, respectively. Peak density was observed in the cumulative samples on August 24, with densities of 92,800, 92,800, 68,800, and 79,467 /m for the NESW-2, MS&C, ESW-1, and ESW-2 systems, respectively. The density of settled organisms in the cumulative samples diminished beginning in September.

We correlated the chlorine treatment at Cook Plant (as measured at the final discharge) with the periodic settlement rates in the service water systems and we 'examined the reduction in post-veliger density in the cumulative samples after a molluscicide treatment to evaluate the effectiveness of Cook Plant's zebra mussel control strategies. Interruption in the continuous and intermittent chlorination from August 19 through September 21 seemed to correlate with increased settlement in the service water systems. When total residual chlorine concentrations in the final discharge were less than 0.03 mg/L, settlement in the service water systems markedly increased. Because of the variable dosage of chlorine to the service water systems and because the amount of circulating water mixing with the service water also varies, it is too problematic to back calculate the chlorine concentration in the service water systems. However, it is reasonable to believe that in this instance, chlorine is responsible for maintaining the lower density of post-veligers in the samples because the density in the whole-water samples during these same time periods were the greatest of the H

season. Without chlorination, we would expect corresponding increases in settlement 8 to 15

[Final Report - Page 15)


days after the greatest veliger density was recorded. We suspect that the increase in post-veliger settlement during late August and early September was due to the increase in whole-water veliger density in early and mid-August, and the diminishing chlorine concentrations in late August and early September.

We evaluated the molluscicide treatment at Cook Plant by calculating the percent reduction in settled post-veligers in the cumulative settlement samples. Subsequent counts made with the cumulative samples on August 24, September 21, October 19, and November 16 demonstrated significant reductions in post-veliger densities after Cook Plant treated the service water systems between August 24 and September 21.

Previous research has shown that intermittent chlorination has been effective in control of zebra mussel settlement (Barton, 1993). Cook Plant uses intermittent and continuous chlorination, however, interruptions in chlorination appeared to correspond with increased settlement. A reduction in chlorine costs may be realized by utilizing an intermittent or semi-continuous chlorination program as opposed to both continuous and intermittent treatment. However, future monitoring should include a monitoring design that can effectively compare these two treatment methods both individually and collectively. Last year, LMS reported that settlement in the service water systems depended more on mode of chlorination and its frequency than on the availability of post-veligers. In this study, periods of heaviest settlement corresponded to periods of interrupted and intermittent chlorination and with increases in whole-water veligers. The Massena, New York water plant uses chlorine at their intake at a dose of 2.0 mg/L. They subsequently measure 0.4-0.6 mg/L in their service water systems and report a 100 percent mortality rate at the plant. These data correspond well with the 1995 Cook Plant data.

The reinitiation of chlorination at approximately the same time as the molluscicide treatment appears to have effectively controlled the accumulation of settled organisms in the service water systems. Likewise, chlorination also appeared to limit the accumulation and growth of mussels in the service water systems. Consequently, the combination of chlorination throughout the season and a well planned treatment with a molluscicide that aggressively attacks juvenile settled organisms is an effective strategy for zebra mussel control at Cook Plant.

[Final Report - Page 16]

Barton, L.K. 1993. Control program for zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Lake Erie, in Zebra mussels: biology, impacts, and control, edited by T.F. Nalepa and D.W. Schloesser, Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, c1993, pp. 555-562.

Garton, D.W. and W.R. Haag. 1990. Seasonal patterns of reproduction and larval abundance of Dreissena in western Lake Erie: what a difference a year makes. Page 7 in Proceedin s f the International Ze r M sel Research onferen e, Columbus, Ohio, December 1990. Ohio Sea Grant College Program, Columbus.

Johnson, L.E. In press. Enhanced early detection and enumeration of zebra mussel (Dreissena spp.) veligers using cross-polarized light. Hydrobiologia.

Lawler, Matusky, & Skelly Engineers. 1994. Mollusc biofouling monitoring during 1993, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant: Final Report. 46 pp.

'V Lawler, Matusky, & Skelly Engineers. 1995. Mollusc biofouling monitoring during 1994, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant: Final Report. 52 pp.

Marsden, J.E. 1992. Standard protocols for monitoring and sampling zebra mussels.

Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 138. 40 pp.

[Final Report - Page 17]


[Final Report - Page 18]

Table 1. Sampling schedule for zebra mussel monitoring at Cook Plant, 1995.

ARTIFICIALSUBSTRATE DATE WHOLEWATER X'UMULATIVE PERIODIC April 28 X May 11 K X 25 X June 1 X 8 K 15 X X 22 X 29 X July 6 X 13 X X 20 X 27 X August 3 X 10 X 17 X 24 X X 31 X September X 14 X 21 X 28 X October 5 X 12 X 19 X X 26 X November 2 16 X December 14 X Initial set in April.

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Table 5. Chlorination data for the service systems at Cook Plant (April - December 1995)

DATE Unit 2 Unft 1 Unit 2 COMMENTS m Aver3 Avera e No chlorination 29-Apr45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 30-Apr-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorina&on 01.May-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 02-Mayrf5 0.000 0.000 No chlorina5on 03-May-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 04-May-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorinabon 05-Mayrf5 0.000 0.000 No chlorina5on 06-Mayrf5 O.OM 0.000 No chlorinabon 07-May-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 08-May-95 0.000 O.MO No chlorination 09-May-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 10-May-95 O.QQO 0.000 No chlorinabon No chlorination 12-May-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 13-May.95 0.000 0.000 No chlorine&on 14-Mayrf5 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 15-Mayrf5 0.001 0.001 Chforination initiated (aft boxes except MS&C) 16-May-95 0.001 0.001 All boxes except MS &C 17-Mayrf5 0.001 0.001 All boxes except MS &C 18-Mayrf5 0.003 0.001 All boxes except MS&C 19-Mayrf5 0.003 0.001 All boxes except MS&C 20-May-25 0.003 0.001 All boxes except MS &C 21-Mayrf5 0.003 0.001 All boxes except MS&C 22-Mayrf5 0.000 0.000 No data 24-Mayr)5 O.Q02 0.001 All boxes except MS &C

¹25-May45~Pj.":."..';0.002+~,.".":> ".:,0.001 <"'"'"'""0.001y'.@0.001< All boxes except MS&C 26-Mayrf5 0.003 0.001 All boxes except MS&C 27-Mayrf5 0.002 0.000 All boxes except MS&C 28-Mayrf5 0.001 0.001 All boxes except MS &C 29-Mayrf5 0.002 0.001 All boxes except MS&C 30-Mayrf5 0.028 0.008 All boxes except MS &C 3144 y45 0.025 0.012 0;-:"::-':O.. 1J~5"..F:":;K"'~:O.021'~~~'~~O:009":<CXO<012.'";!'".":-'::'.O..Q05.t 02 Jun@5 0.023 0.006 Aft boxes ~t All boxes except MS&C MS&C All boxes except MS &C 03 Jun@5 0.016 0.004 All boxes except MS &C 05J un'.014 04J un@5 un'.022 0.014 0.005 0.005 All boxes except MS &C All boxes except MS&C


06J 0.007 Alf boxes except MS&C 07Jun45 0.056 0.021 All boxes except MS&C r 4%>~0 078 ~~~4.0.026K%,0.032K~~ ".,O O.,>P: All boxes except MS&C 09Jun-95 0.086 0.026 All boxes except MS&C 10Jun-95 0.072 0.026 Alf boxes except MS&C 11Jun45 0.066 0.016 All boxes except MS &C 12Jun45 0.081 0.011 All boxes except MS &C 13Jun-95 0.072 0.033 All boxes except MS &C 14Jun-95 0.082 0.019 All boxes except MS&C fq,j15Jun4)5 gj'4j>v"'0.071 ",",':,'j~'~i'70.028 "':j ."'t<""."0.078 "">>"'~0.023 All boxes chlorinate (MS&C started) 16Jun-95 0.065 0.034 All boxes chlorinated 17Jun-95 0.037 0.021 All boxes chlorinated 18Jun-95 0.030 0.021 All boxes chlorinated 19 Jun-95 2OJ un'.004 21 Jun-95 0.03Q 0.036 0.017 0.018 0.028 All boxes chlorinated All boxes chlorinated All boxes chlorinated

..;.<;," 22 Jun%5:;g~g <-::;~.,0.082",~~<.:jig~! 0.093~i<""",'0,041 ',:;,:;.."<0,033 All boxes chlorinate 23Jun45 0.113 0.113 All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only 24 Jun45 0.000 0.000 No data 25 Jun-95 0.000 0.000 No data 26 Jun@5 0.127 0.103 All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only 27 Jun-95 0.123 0.123 All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only 28Jun45 0.110 0.113 All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only f";<". 29Jun4f5 ..'.-":."';4~~.""0.170,';~~V"';~0.153".'~~.0.092:, '-"'".0.086, All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only 30Jun45 0.060 0.010 All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only 01 Juf45 0.058 0.042 All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only 02 Jut@5 0.051 0.037 All boxes chlorinated, intermittent only All sampling events ere shaded Page 1 of 4 from Table 5 IV-30

Table 5. Chlorination data for the service systems at Cook Plant (April - December'1995)

DATE Unft 1 m

Unit 2 m A Unit 1

' Unit 2 COMMENTS 034 ul45 0.033 0.019 Aff boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chkxine 044 ul45 0.031 0.026 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine OWul45 0.043 . 0.031 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine

=";~';.~W45':;;:~~~<""';0 ~:"KY;':'-.%0052."F.'.OOS<ZY~O.O3< All boxes chfainated;inter and cont chhrine 074 W45 0.076 0.071 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chforine 08Jul45 0.093 0.086 All boxes chlorinate;inter and cont chkxine 09M ul45 0.097 0.079 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine 104 ul-95 0.094 0.062 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine 114 ul-95 0.076 0.062 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine 124 ul45 0.067 0.071 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine

.", ' 13Juf45 ".:,:;:>:-.'.:.:-'.M1 g"'",".::-'~g 0.031;:-~"..- 0.078 ~~g.-0.066'44 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine uf45 0.061 0.057 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlaine 1Rul-95 0.076 0.054 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chkxine 16M ul45 0.084 0.054 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine 174 ul45 0.004 O.M1 No intermittent; Clam-Trol treatment (MSKC) 1WW45 0.081 0.049 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine 194 ul-95 0.071 0.047 U-2 NESW Not chlorinated

  • Cont. CL2 offat 1155; U-1: Only1 circ pump in operation 214ul45* 0.070 0.056 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine 224 ul45 0.050 0.052 All boxes chlainated;inter and cont chlorine 23M ul45 0.049 0.052 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine 2'45 2&Jul45 0.118 0.054 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chkxine 0.046 0.056 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine 2'l45 0.06S 0.038 All boxes chhrinated;inter and cont chlorine
  • All boxes chlorinated; cont. off 2Mul45 O.QM 0.097 All boxes chlorinated; intermittent only 294 ul45 30M W45 0.000 0.000

'.042 All boxes chlorinated; intermittent only 0.000 No chlaination 314 W45 0.000 0.000 No chlaination 0 Mug-95 0.001 0.051 Continuous CI2 and intennithnt start again 02-Aug45 0.022 0.088 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chfaine 4~ I7 +F%YKO'~4iFx44YcKO'. K6Y~::0.'.OO M~%'w'c'0'.~3 All boxes chlorinated; inhnnittent only 04-Aug45 0.004 0.076 Continuous CL2 Started 0915 05-Aug45 0.004 0.008 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chfaine 06-Aug-95 0.002 ,

0.038 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine 07-Aug45 0.001 0.051 No U-1 Intermittent CL2 08-Aug45 - O.M2 0.037 All boxes chlorfnated;inter and cont chforine 09-Aug45 O.M1 0.156 All boxos chlorinated;inter and cont chhrine


0'Aug@5'4".::gk.0,003 ".'~~~'.0.'101.,;.",."'0.002'!. '",'D.067; U-2 pumps are getting U-1 CL2 doses 11-Aug45 0.002 0.029 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont cMorine 12-Aug-95 0.001 0.050 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chfaine 13-Aug-95 0.047 0.044 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine 14-Aug45 0.007 0.044 All boxes chlorinated;inter and cont chlorine 15-Aug45, 0.001 0.027 All continous CL2 suspended, analyzers OOC.

16-Aug45 0.010 0.037 All boxes chlorinated; intermittent only

'"":17 4g45 ":""""."': ",.'0.010 ":."'g~F><,".0.'070;",".",'",'0.'0'11 ',:;:+'0',04$ 'f.

All boxes chlorinated; intermittent only 18-Aug-95 0.006 0.051 All boxes chlorinated 19-Aug-95 0.000 i 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 20-Aug-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 21-Aug-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 22-Aug-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorinabon - Repair 23-Aug-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair

." >'24-Aug45 f'g~>pjj 0.000 "cpp:":O.OM, "';j<.'0.001;""'" No chlorination - Repair 0;OO'7'5-Aug45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 26-Aug45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 27-Aug45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 28-Aug-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 29-Aug45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 30-Aug-95, O.MO O.MO

';-,"" 3Mvg45";~,",j-"-:'+"j",:0.000, ()::->@";~,0.000 "'~'j";,'O.QOO'~ji:

No chlorination - Repair No chlorination - Repair 0.000 g0.000,'1-Sep-95 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 02-Sop-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 03-Sep45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 04-Sep45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 05-Sep-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair All sampling eveots are shaded Page 2 of 4 from Table 5

Table 5. Chlorination data for the service systems at Cook Plant (Apnl - December 1995)

DATE Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 COMMENTS


m m Avera A 06-Sop45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination -'epair No chlorination - Repair 08-Sop-95 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 09-Sep95 0.000, 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 10-Sop@5 0.000 0.000 No chlorination- Repair 11-Sep45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 124ep95 0.000 0.000 No chlorinabon - Repair No chlorination- Repair No chlorination - Repair 154ep45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair 1LSep-95 No chlorination - Molluscicide Treatment 17~

1~5 Q.QQO 0.000 0.030 Q.QQQ 0.000 0.057 No chlorination - Repair All boxes chlorinated; intermittent only 1~op-95 0.017 0.040 All boxes chforinated; intermittent only 204ep45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination - Repair

~5'4",""':.~000;.": ": ':"..'."'.:".0.000'..": :. 'O.M7":,"'",:.".,0.014 No chlorination - Repair 22~95 0.001 0.001 Started continuous CL2 at 1500; no intermittent 23$ ep45 0.001 0.001 ESW only 24-Sep-95 254ep4$


'.024 0.001 0.026 0.001 0.062 ESW only ESW only; intMmittent only ESW only; intermittent only 27~ 0.026 0.061 0.047

':.:aeipas.'~i~:::.',:.,':; O'02<,::":: -"::::::j~':O'ae<~~Oa<4,::,;::,::i::::OOSSi All boxes chlorinated All boxes chlorinated 294ep45, 0.042 0.091 NESW tagged out; inter and cont. chlorine 30@op-95 0.011 0.084 NESW tagged out; inler and cont chlorine 01~45 0.046 0.082 NESW tagged out; inter and cont. chforine 02~45 0.013 0.075 NESW tagged out; inter and cont chlorine 034ct CI5 0.016 0.057 All NESW/ESW CL2, but NESW leak, may suspend All boxes chforinated All boxes chlorinated 064ct45 0.071 All boxes chforinated 07~

OBOct-95 0.067 0.084 Q.OS4 0.082 0.066 All boxes chlorinated

'tarted U-2 NESW continuous CL2 at 0930 0&Oct@5 0.081 0.058 All boxes chforinatod 10Qct45 0.057 0.052 All boxes chforinated 1Wkt45 0.880 0.043 All boxes chiorinated p'::,':.":12-oaas~<-'>~: o.ooz.::!.'-.-." ";-".'+o'.002):"~,';a;177-,,:;-":o;oss.', Intermittent CL2 off due to circ. pump testing 1$ OcNS 0.002 0.003 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 140ct45 0.002 0.002 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 1$ Qct45 0.003 0.003 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 164ct-95 0.006 0.001 No intermittent U-2 NESW 17~45 0.003 0.001 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 1~-95 0.010 0.001 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only g;'":,':: $ 4@ ~V~."OM3"'"',~"";,ll;:";:.!.";OM2""'.j'O'IIOl'~s!'0002 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 254ct45 0.003 0.002 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 21~-95 0.002 0.002 All boxes chloiinated; continuous only 22~45 0.002 0.001 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 234ct-95 0.002 0.002 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 244ct45 0.002 0.003 U-2 ESW CL2 suspended, U-1 ESW/NESW suspended 2$ 4ct45 0.002 0.001 U-1 U-2 NESW/ESW continuous CL2 started

, 26-Oct4I5 .~'::.'.'0.001;-'j'"".~'0.001

'" '-'.002 ":,0.002 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 27~t-95 O.Q01 0.001 All boxes chlorinated; conbnuous only 28~t45 0.001 0.001 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 2$ 4ct45 0.001 0.002 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 304ct45 0.003 0.004 All boxes chlorinated; conbnuous only 31~t45 0.002 0.005 All boxes chforinated; continuous only 01-No v@5 0.003 0.004 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only

<~%:".02-Nov<5',~" ~K0.003"~.'""l-"'.i.:"'."".,0.020,'('."0.002',Bk~;0;QM. All boxes chtorinatod; continuous only 03-No v@5 0.002 0.005 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 04-Nov-95 0.002 0.005 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 05-Nov-95 0.002 0.002 All boxes chforinated: continuous only 0&Nov@5 0.002 0.003 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 07-No v@5 0.002 0.005 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only I-Nov-95 0.001 0.010 All boxes chlorinated; con6nuous only 09-Nov45 0.002 0.005 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only All sampling events are shaded Page 3 of 4 fram Table 5 IV-32

Table 5. Chlorination data for the service systems at Cook Plant (Apnl - December 1SS5)

DATE Untt 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 COMMENTS m m Avera 'vera 10-Nov45 O.M1 0.001 All boxes cMorinated; continuous only 1W4v45 0.001 O.M1 AII boxes chlorinated; continuous only 12-Nov45 0.001 0.001 All boxes chlorinated; con8nuous only 13-Nov45 0.001 0.001 All boxes chlorinated; continuous only 14-Nov45 0.117 0.080 All boxes chlorinated; conbnuous only 15-Nov45 0.130 0.070 All boxes chlorinated; intermittent only

.'.""'16-No '45,",; ::;,.";..',",";,,'O;000 I,;;:;.',:,:::,:"O.MO '"'"'."'.019"',""':;:!,0 014" no data 17-Nov45 0.002 0.005 AII boxes chlorinated; continuous only 18-Nov45 0.002 0.005 All boxes chkxinated 19-Nov45 0.002 0.006 All boxes cMorina ted 20-Nov45 0.002 0.005 All boxes cMorinated 21-Nov45 0.052 0.002 ALLCHLORINATION STOPPED FOR THE YEAR 22-Nov45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 234ov45 0.000 0.000 No cMorination 244ov45 0.000 0.000 No chkxination 2$ 4ov45 O.MO 0.000 No cMorinabon 26-Nov45 O.MO O.OM No cMorination 27-Nov45 0.000 0.000 No chlorinabon 28-Nov45 0.000 0.000 No cMorinabon 29-Nov45 0.000 0.000 No chkxinabon 30-Nov45 0.000 0.000 No cMorination 01-Dec45 0.000 0.000 No cMorination 02-Dec45 0.000 0.000 No chlorination 03-Dec45 0.000 0.000 No chlorinabon 04-Dec45 O.MO 0.000 No chkxinabon 06-Dec45 O.OM 0.000 07~5 0.000 O.OM No cMorination No cMorination 08-Dec45 0.000 O.MO No chlorination 09-Dec45 0.000 O.MO No cMorination I

10-DecA5 O.OM 0.000 No chlorination 113ec45 12~

13-Dec45 0.000 0.000 0.000 '.000 0.000 O.MO No cMorination No chkxinabon No chkxination F~44-Dec45'%~a".0.'000'F(FR~"'".O.OM '.,>:..:> 'fi."000 "~" No chlorination

ÃO.OOO'hlorine concentration averaged from one sampling event to the next L>>

All sampling events are shaded Page4of4 from Table5 IV-33

')VV, Table 5a. Total Residual Chhkrhke (TRC) Concentrations lu thc Service Water Systcsus og Unks f1 and I2 aud thc Corresponding Residual TRC at Out/elle 001 aad 002 (May July 199S)

QQ)ftti~ ~~pJ WW ihtfglLE?

NESW (mg/L) ESW (mg/L) (mg/L) NESW (mg/L) BSW (mg/L) (mg/L)

Wcck One: 0$ /1$ 8S 0.001 0.1$ 3 0.683 <0.001 05/168$ 0.631 <0.001 0.329 <0.001 QS/17/9S <0.001 OA90 0.787 <0.001 0$ /1885 OA10 0.61 0353 < 0.001 0$ /19/9S OA13 0.38$ <0.001 05/20/95 0.360 0.$ 3 0.493 0.001 QS/2i8S 0.257 0.393 0.001 0.233 OA7 0.002 OS/228$ 0.319 OA22 0.330 OA67 0.001 t

05/23/9$ 0.30S OA33 0.366 0.508 <0.001 ',r'4; 05n4/9S 0.340 0.456 0.490 <0.001 OS/25/95 OA27 0.494 0.002 OA33 0.530 <0.001 OS/26/9S 0.338 0.397 OA02 <0.001 OS/27/9S 05/288$

0.372 0.239 OA43 0.$ 12 0.001 0.358 0.334 OA71 <0.001 Iv.(,',

L 0.146 <0.001 Week 7hrecr 05/29/9S OS/30/9S 0$ /31/9$

OA12 0.649 0.604 0.739 0.218 OA24 0.$ 98 0.758



<0.001 i

06/018 S 0.557 OA43 0.610 <0.001 06/02/95 OA33 OA39 0.002 OA53 <0.001 sV V f5 L

06/038$ 0.439 0.004 0.342 0.47$ <0.001

'P~hV V Wcck Four:

06/04/95 06/0585 0.37$ OA39 0.533 OA17 0.35S y O.S73


< 0.001

vg'X V



,'I 06/06/9$ 0.753 OA55 <0.001 "g%'4 V 06/07/9$ 0.587 OA70 0.617 <0.001 06/08I9$ 0.557 OA33 0.270 <0.001 06f0985 0.$ 70 0.$ 03 0.347 <0.001 06/10/9$ 0.587 0.767 O.S44 OA21 <0.001 06/11/95 0.$ 42 0.$ 70 0.512 0.$ 59 <0.001 Week Five: 06/1285 0.784 OA38 0.001 OA20 OA73 <O.OQl 3P;,

kkv< v 06/138S 0.989 0.64S 0.52S <0.001 ~


V \

vk 06/14/95 0.791 0.730 OA29 OA$3 <0.001 06/1S!95 0.748 OA44 0.416 <0.001 06/16/95 0.639 0845 0.297 0.258 <0.001 06/17/95 OA71 0.382 0.438 < 0.001 )k 06/188$ Q.SS1 O.SSS 0.338 <0.001 kc',;. r Week Shu 07/03/9$ 0.271 <0.001 07I04/95 0.$ 23 0.580 0.003 OA47 <0.001 07/0$ /9S 0.467 0.$ 17 0.002 0.707 <0.001 07/06/95 0.370 0.343 0.001 OA33 0.320 <0.001 07/078$ 0.327 0.287 0.001 0.43 0.307 <0.001 07/0885 O.S40 OA93 0.003 O.S23 0.001 07/09/95 O.S40 0.487 0.001 0.633 0.513 0.001 pg x High: 0.989 0.877 0.004 0.002 0.200 0.287 <0.001 $

0.1S3 0.146 <0.001


Average: 0.483 0.558 0.002 0.437 0.$ 01 <0.001 IV-34 V..V!


Table 6. Post-veliger density (¹ / m~) before and after molluscicide treatmentt and continuous

. chlorination in the service systems at Cook Plant, 1995.

ERVI E Y TE Sample Date NESW-2 MS&C ESW-1 ESW-2

, 24-Aug-95 92800 92800 68800 79467 Ee 21-Sep-95 22400 (75.9%)

80853 (12.9%)

-16160 (76.5%)

24693 (68.9%)

19-Oct-95 1013 1280 1867 1813 (99%) (99%) (97%) (98%)

16-Nov-95 427 533 106 0

(>99%) (>99%) (100%)

Molluscicide treatment was initiated on September 16, 1995.

Percent reduction was calculated from the post-veliger densities observed on August 24 (prior to treatment) and subsequent (post-treatment) sample dates.


~I Table 7. Results of QA/QC samples collected from Cook Plant (April - December 1995).

Sample Sample Sample Onsite QA/QC Date Type Location Density Density Difference April 28 Wholewater Forebay 0 Not signijicant 3une 1 Wholewater Forebay 25 0 Not significant fP > 0.1)

Periodic Forebay 53 0 Periodic ESW-1 0 0 Periodic ESW-2 0 0 Periodic NESW-2 0 0 August 24 Wholewater For ebay 450 350 Not sign'i/cant (P ) 0.1)

Periodic MS&C 44267 0 Periodic ESW-2 12267 0 Periodic~

Periodic Periodic NESW-2 ESW-1 Forebay 18660 19200 226667 2000 18000 0

oI Cumulative ESW-2 79467 2000 Cumulative NESW-2 92800 4000 Cumulative ESW-1 68800 4000 Cumulative MS&C 92800 0 October 5 Wholewater Forebay 475 650 Not significant (P = 0.895)

Periodic Forebay 2933 4267 Periodic ESW-1 2560 2133 Periodic ESW-2 2080 1066 Periodic NESW-2 8053 11200 Periodic MS&C 4853 3200 Difference between onsite and QA/QC density values were calculated from the median value of all samples from each sampling event using t-test procedures.

Suspect veligers fell off slides during transport. Samples were shipped in water.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~

~ ~ 4




~j 7+~

9K K4%.

.;~, x'rg q(4 gg 4


I ~

I ~

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~ g ~ ~


t ~ ~ $ ~



g ~

s: ~ .

~ ~ t I

~ ~

~ ~ ~ g

++5:: .k (p~p


~ ' ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~

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E e I Ill t'II

~ I e ~ I ~ ~

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~

~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~


I ~ I' ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ - - ~

~ . ~: ~; N 4

~ ~ ~ I

~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~

Figure 7. Reduction in post-veliger density in cumulative settlement samples after molluscicide treatment at Cook Plant, 1995 100 80 ll 16-Nov-95 M g 60 H 19%et-95 rD o

@I 21-Sep-95 E3 24-Aug-95 (g(,, <Ac,)L:;h(((c4 p 40 Y ss

,I 20 V F
"si'45%4ol:gm)pc',>>ss.'~s~> s 'z65@MP<q~

0 NESW-2 MSKC ESW-1 ESW-2 eereeere rrereerN tedrccn efrer hNel teeeeerc'

APPENDIX 1 Raw Data Sheets Available upon request

[Final Report - Page 36]









t i




Indiana Michigan Power Company Cook Nuclear P!ant rine Cook Place Bndgman. Ml 49106 616 465 5901 INDMNA NICHIGAN POWER Mr. Asad Quraishi Permits Section Surface Water Quality Division Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources P.O. Box 30273 Lansing, Michigan 48909 April 11, 1995

Dear Mr. Quraishi:

Re: Cook Nuclear Plant NPDES Permit MI0005827.

The March 24, 1995 draft NPDES Permit MZ0005827 contains provisions for increasing the heat rejected to Lake Michigan by the Cook Nuclear Plant. Zn accordance with your directions, attached is demonstration of the acceptability of the proposed increased heat discharge, in fulfillment of Rule 98 of the Michigan Water Quality Standards.

As the attached information describes, the change in heat rejection will allow the uprating of the Cook Plant Units to provide additional electrical generation. This change is in the best. interest of the public, since promotes low electricity rates, and fosters economic it growth in the State of Michigan. This increased generating capacity is also a key element of the Utility Climate Challenge, to reduce, avoid and capture greenhouse gas emissions.

V A-l

April 11, 1995 Asad Quraishi Page 2 Should you have any questions on the demonstration, please call me at 616/466-2546.


,Qcfd(.i +.rc C4 ~~<-

Diane Fi~t erald Environmental, Safety & Health Superintendent Attachments V A-2

April 11, 1995 Asad Quraishi Page 3 I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined an am familiar with the information submitted on this and all attached documents; and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

y,, -~.-~;-)

Diane F erald Environ ntal, Safety 6 Health Superintendent V A-3

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT NPDES PERMIT MI0005827 DEMONSTRATION OF ACCEPTABILITY OF INCREASED HEAT ADDITION In r c ion With some modifications, the Cook Nuclear Units have the capability to generate about 6% more power above current design limits. Indiana Michigan Power is now making plans to uprate Cook Unit 2 (resulting in 60 MW of increased electrical generation), and is evaluating the potential for a Unit 1 uprate.

The uprate of one or both units will result in a negligible increase in heat rejection to Lake Michigan. The NPDES Permit thermal discharge limit will be raised from 15.5 x 10'TU/hr to 16.8 x 10'TU/hr. Modeling studies indicate that this change will result in the calculated mixing zone area to expand from about 593 to 700 acres, an increase of about 18%.

Heat is different from chemical pollutants in that it will not interfere with the designated uses in the receiving stream, nor will it impact the public health or environment. There are no prudent alternatives that would achieve the same results in such an environmentally benign manner; in fact, the proposed modification will have an overall environmental benefit when considered against the alternatives.

Considerable evidence exists in support of our belief that the impact of this change will have a negligible effect on the environment. Indiana Michigan Power conducted 10 years of environmental studies at a cost of $ 12 million dollars to determine the impact of the Plant on Lake Michigan. The aquatic ecological studies conducted as part of the environmental effects studies were summarized in Publication 22'rom the University of Michigan. (This publication was previously provided to the MDNR.) The authors of Publication 22 concluded that while there were measurable effects on phytoplankton and zooplankton directly in contact with the warmest portions of the thermal plume, there was no measurable change to the abundance, diversity, or productivity of biological communities in Lake Michigan near the Plant.

Great Lakes Research Division/Publication 22, 1986. Southeastern Nearshore Lake Michigan: Impact of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Ronald Rossmann (ed.) The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 432pp Publication 22 is a compendium of a ten-year study of the impacts of operation of the Donald C.

Cook Nuclear Plant on water and sediment chemistry, shoreline erosion, ice formation, periphyton, phytoplankton, benthic invertebrates. and fish.

V A-4

The benefits of uprating the Units are sizeable. They include the avoidance of generation of greenhouse gas emissions, and supporting important social and economic development. These benefits are described in more detail in the following demonstration.

V A-5

COOK NUCLEAR PLANT NPDES PERMIT MI0005827 DEMONSTRATION OF ACCEPTABILITY OF INCREASED HEAT ADDITION Part 4 of the general rules of the Michigan Water Resources Commission (Water Quality Standards) contain in Rule 98 provisions for the Commission to determine that the requested increase in heat addition is acceptable.

The following discussion of the applicable sections of Rule 98 demonstrates the acceptability of the requested heat addit'on with no prudent alternative. This discussion pertains to the combined discharge of non-contact cooling water and miscellaneous low volume wast'e streams from the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant near Bridgman, Michigan. The discharges in question are identified as outfalls 001 and 002 in NPDES Permit No. MI0005827.

8~198 2 8&1' 1th, t ty, 18 The proposed heat increases to Lake Michigan will not be injurious to, the public health, safety or welfare. The nearest drinking. water intake, owned by Lake Township, is located approximately 4500 feet to the south of the Cook Plant outfalls.

With the prevailing current normally north, the impact of the additional heat discharged will be very minimal on this municipal water supply intake.

8~298 2 8 8 1' The proposed heat increase will not become injurious to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other uses that are or may be made of the waters in the vicinity of the Plant outfalls. With regard to domestic, commercial, industrial, or agricultural uses, this section of Rule 98 is not applicable, as Lake Michigan water is not a source for these uses in the vicinity of the outfalls to the Lake. The proposed heat increase will have no adverse impact on recreational activities such as boating, swimming or fishing; in fact, the area near the Plant outfalls is a favored site for sport fishing. As indicated in Publication 22, the current discharge has actually increased the populations of some sport fish species due to moderate temperatures year round and the benet.cial aquatic habitat for food sources in the area of the Plant discharges. As stated in Rule 98(2) (a) above, the effluent from the Cook Plant will not affect the Lake Township municipal water intake.

V A-6

2~198 2 V 1 t.'1'ty 8 '9 '

1 d The modification will not have any, significant effect on the adjacent near-shore waters resulting from the requested heat increase to Lake Michigan, nor will it be injurious to the value or utility of riparian lands. The studies performed for the 1973 Final Environmental Statement published by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and follow-up studies reported in Publication 22, indicate the plume remains offshore and there is no impact to the surrounding shorelines.

2~198 2 d 2 2 *' 1 od

  • 8 8' 1 plants.

Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the Cook Plant is not used as a livestock watering source. The shoreline for many miles north and south of the plant are in non-agricultural land uses and are likely to remain in non-agricultural land use in the future.

Land values of Lake Michigan shoreline property are high enough to preclude using Lake Michigan shoreline for the low value cattle grazing and watering land use.

Terrestrial wildlife uses the Lake as a drinking water supply.

The thermal discharge is located about 1,100 ft. from shore. In the unlikely event the plume would reach the shoreline, it would be greatly diluted and nearly ambient tetmperature. Animals would Oi not avoid consuming water that is slightly warmer than ambient temperature.

Several species of ducks and a number of other bird species use Lake Michigan near Cook Plant for resting and foraging.

Increasing the size of the plume by 18% will not affect the behavior of the birds currently using the area.

The ten-year study completed in 1982 (Publication 22) documented the magnitude and scope of the impacts of the thermal plume on Lake Michigan fish, benthos, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and periphyton. Measurable ecological impacts attributed to the thermal discharge on benthos, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and periphyton were not detected. Minor changes in the distribution of several fish species were attributed to the thermal discharge.

Brown trout, common carp, and gizzard shad were attracted to the thermal plume and the warmer water. Brown trout, however, may have been attracted by the crayfish population living'among the rip-rap. Lake white fish and sand shiners were less abundant near the plant than in the reference area. This difference was attributed to these species avoiding the thermal plume. The ecological effect of these changes in local fish distribution is minor. The impacts resulting from increasing the thermal loading V A-7

of Cook Plant by 8% will not change observations made during the ten-year study.

Plants, more correctly ca'lied rooted aquatic macrophytes, are rare to absent in the vicinity of the Cook Plant. The loose sandy substrate is virtually lacking organic material, and the.

wave energy prevents aquatic plants from becoming established.

Therefore, there is no aquatic macrophyte community near the Cook Plant to be impacted by the thermal plume.

8~298 2 1 9 t 9 tt 1 8 g ox; wild1i.fe.

The increase in the Cook Plant thermal plume will have no impact on game and wildlife, as referenced in the discussion under Rule 98(2)(d). Fish populations in the vicinity of the Cook Plant were only slightly altered by the addition of the thermal effluent. The small increase in thermal addition will not measurably vicinity.

8~198 The proposed 2 8 Ag p tl't'.

alter the value of the sport fishery in the Cook Plant heat increase to Lake Michigan the public interest, as explained below.

is reasonable and in D r 1 in In the imminent era of electric utility deregulation, the fundamental change that the industry faces is that consumers will, perhaps for the first" time, have choices. They will decide who supplies them electricity that they use. Electric utility deregulation will begin as an economic development issue, by which the State of Michigan will identify the need to maintain, retain, and recruit new businesses to fuel growth in needed jobs. Low-cost electricity will serve as an impetus for businesses to relocate because of opportunities to save money.

I&M recognizes that Its corporate it must be prepared to compete for customers.

goal is to satisfy customers by affording the best price, value, and service in the marketplace, while operating to protect the environment and health and safety of our customers and employees.

I&M is also obligated to pursue least-cost methods of supplying electricity to meet demand. This is accomplished through an Integrated Resource Plan. Michigan regulators and consumer groups have the opportunity to review this plan to ensure that it is cost-effective and provides adequate customer service.

Lastly, I&M is obligated to consider the cost of alternate types of generating plants. The Integrated Resource Plan results in a combined schedule of generating plant additions, power purchases from independent power producers or on the wholesale market, and a set of demand side measures for business and residential customers.

The proposed change is in the. interest of the public. It enables I&M to continue to provide low-cost electricity, while operating to protect the environment and health and safety of customers and employees.

A~ltd development,

~ A and no d t ~ t 9 prudent alternatives.

d On February 3, 1995, American Electric Power (parent company of Indiana Michigan Power), signed Participation Accords for the Utility Climate Challenge. The Climate Challenge is a voluntary effort by electric utilities to reduce, avoid and sequester l

greenhouse gas emissions. One of the key elements of agreement is increasing the generating capacity of the Company's nuclear-powered units, resulting in CO, emissions savings.

The CO, emissions savings that will result from the proposed capacity modifications are based on the assumption that the i

generation would instead come from coal-fired units on the AEP System. The potential emissions savings are projected to be approximately 1 ton of CO, for each megawatt-hour (MWH) of generation. The annual (1998) estimated MWHs obtained from the 60 MW of increased capability is 465, 600 MWH. Therefore, approximately 465,600 tons of CO, emissions will be saved annually from the new capacity.

1'n T w The estimated capital costs of 60 MW of capacity at the Cook Nuclear Plant with side stream cooling are $ 13,800,000 (1992$ ).

In addition, a closed cycle cooling system will result in an estimated loss in generation capability of about 2% for auxiliary power requirements. The environmental impacts associated with cooling towers include the necessity to use and store various chemicals to operate and maintain the units, icing, condensed fog, consumption of a critical dune area, and potential environmental damage to a critical dune area.

V A-9

E n mic D v 1 m n Po n i 1 increase to Lake Michigan is in the public itheatis The proposed interest as necessary to accommodate important social and economic development. Also, there are no prudent and feasible alternatives to the minor effects that will also allow the benefits of the proposal to be realized.

The proposed capacity modifications at the Cook Plant will result in a net. electric capacity increase of about 6%. Based on energy projections for 1998, after the unit capacity modifications are completed, approximately 465 million kilowatt hours extra could be generated annually. (This assumes continuous plant operation.)

In order to demonstrate the inherent economic advantages of capacity modifications at the Cook Plant, an analysis was conducted of the electric energy production expenses of I&M's large power plants and those of neighboring companies in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana. The Cook Plant produces electricity more economically than 90% of all power plants in the immediate geographic region. Low cost power is one. of the principal factors that new companies will decide whether to locate in Michigan, as demonstrated in the recent North Star Industry site exploration.

As" discussed above in Rule 98 Section (2)(f), a correlation exists between the cost of supplying electricity and the potential for economic development. The proposed capacity modifications at Cook Plant will result in an expansion of low-cost electricity production from I&M for the State of Michigan, thereby fostering economic development.

9 In summary, the proposed heat increase to Lake Michigan is necessary for the capacity modifications at the Cook Plant, which in turn will provide low-cost energy to support future economic development in Michigan.

R~lgg 7 R' 9 Heat is not a substance and is not by definition toxic, therefore, this portion of the anti-degradation policy does not apply. EPA does not regulate heat as a toxin.

lo V A-10









Indiana Michigan Power Company Cook Nuclear Plam One Cook Place Bndgman. Ml 49106 616 465 5901 INDIANA Mr. Greg Danneffel MICHIGAN POWER Michigan Department of Environmental Quality 621 North Tenth Street P.O. Box 355 Plainwell, Ml 49080 October 16, 1995 Re: Cook Nuclear Plant NPDES Permit Ml 0005827

Dear Mr. Danneffel:

This letter is provided in response to Ms. Sylvia Heaton's Special Condition letter of August 7, 1995, regarding Cook Plant molluscicide use and toxicity testing. This also satisfies the requirements contained in NPDES Permit No. MI0005827, Part IA.1, Mass Balance Calculations and Part I J.7, Toxicity Testing during the Molluscicide Treatment utilizing Nalco's Macro t;nl 9380 in place of Betz's Clam-Trol products.



Con;pllance With Effluent Limits On September 8, 1995, the Plainwell District Supervisor was notified of a planned molluscicide treatment. Subsequently a Nalco Macro-trol 9380 application was performed on Septambe",16, 1995, on the Cook Plant's circulating weter system. Macro-trol 9380 was applied from a barge at tl e Plant's north and center Intake cribs.

Macro-trol 9380 was fed at a target concentration of 2 ppm for a 12 hr. period. Bentonite clay was fed and adjusted as necessary to maintain a ratio of at least 12:1 clay/Macro-trol for detoxification of the active Ma~I, Macro-trol concentrations measured at the north and center intake manways were used to provide feedback for the proper MacroWol feedrate. The Methyl Orange Analytical Method was used as required by the MDEQ.

One thousand ten gallons (1,010 gal.) or 7,878 lbs. (7.8 Ibsigal.) of Macro-trol 9380 detoxified by 145,000 lbs. of bentonite clay were used for the circulating water system treatment. All samples taken from Outfalls 001 (Unit 1 Discharge) and 002 (Unit 2 Discharge) were less than detectable (0.1 mg/I.) The maximum discharge limit for Nalco Macro-trol 9380 Is 0.01 mg/I. Mass balance results stated above show that a better than 12:1 clay/Macro-trol ratio for detoxwcation of the active Macro-trol was maintained during the treatment. The results of the lab analyses are presented in Attachment1.

Whok Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing Results The WET testing was conducted using EPA/600/4-90/027F, 'Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effiuent and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms.'est results are presented in detail in Attachment 2. Acute 48-hr. toxicity tests were I

effiuents. The plant discharges consisting of Ma~ol/lake water detoxwed by bentonite clay, as well as a 24 ppm clay/lake water sample were determined to be nontoxic. The ttll t V B-j.

Page 2 Mr. Danneffel Other Significant Events A Unit 2 Outfall sample taken at 1900 hrs. on 9/16/95 indicated 0.14 mg/I. The sample was rerun at 2325 hrs. and was found to be less than the detectable concentration of 0.1 mg/I. The detectable concentration determined from the initial analysis was attributed to analytical error. The laboratory technician inadvertently drew off a small amount of clay concentrate at the water/organic interface in the separatory funnel which when placed in the spectrophotometer, caused a visible light interference yielding a false positive reading.

As reported in my memo of September 21, 1995 to F. Morley, on September 16, 1995 at 0930 hrs., unnatural turbidity was observed at Cook Plant Outfalls 001 and 002 (condenser cooling water and miscellaneous low volume waste.) The observed turbidity was caused by bentonite clay being fed into the discharge vaults for Units 1 and 2 outfalls.

Conclusion The special conditions stated in Ms. Heaton's memo of August 7, 1995 for the application of Nalco Macro-trol 9380 were met. Macro-trol was detected in one outfall sample, but this was determined to be due to analytical error. The results of the whole efiiuent studies demonstrated that the plant discharges were nontoxic, Ifyou have any questions on the information provided, please contact Eric Mallen at 616/465-5901, ext. 1540.

Sincerely, Diane M. Filzgeral Environmental, Safety 8 Health Superintendent

Page 3 Mr. Danneffel I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted on this and all attached documents; and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

A. A. Blind


Site Vice President ld(l7(B V B-3

This page left intentionally blank.

V B-4 V B-5



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~~12 HP 6020 CHM.31&

ATTACHMENT 1 Gzh e)l Sample Location Date Re ewed y Conc.

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~~ . 1%$ Revision 1 V R-8


Qu Sample Locat on Date Reviewed BY Conc.

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++12 TEP 6020 CHM.33.8 ATTACHMENT 1 Sample Locate.on Date

~1 Reviewed By Conc.

Measured Corrected Biocide Sample Time Water Temp Absorhance Absorhance ppm Initials 0 tc3

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12 THP 6020 QR.318 ATTACE EÃI' Sample Location Date Reviewed By Conc.

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~~12 THP 6020 CHN.318 ATTACEKFl'


Sample c o Location

~y/i 6(e s'ate

~I Reviewed By Conc.

Measured Corrected Bioc'ide Sample Time Water Temp Absorbance Ahsorbance ppm Initials

<<v(, c'E'0 w J(> >- I ' ~

l Cit- ~ r4+c ~ IJ r~ ~ <<


/ J>> Page 1 of 1 Revision 1

~~].2 THP 6020 C"-4-31&

ATTAC2&KHT 1 Sample Location Date Reviewed By Conc.

Measured Corrected Biocide Sample Time Water Temp Absorbance Absorbance ppm Initials

.3t t 2.3 V B-13'age 1 Revision of 1

~~12 HP 6020 QR.318 ATTACHMEMZ 1

/ 5 Sample Location Date Reviewed By Conc.

Measured Corrected Biocide Sample Time Water Temp Absorhance Absorhance ppm Initials V B-l4 page 1 of 1 Revision V B-15

A Report on the Acute Toxicity of Indiana Michigan Power-Cook Nuclear Plant Whole Effluent Toxicity Tests to Daphnia magna Eri" B. Gillespie, Bioassay Group Manager Biological Group Environmental Services, Inc.

6404 MacCorkle Avenue, SW St. Albans, WV 25177 (304) 768-2233 (304) 768-9988 FAX V B-16


6404 MacCorkle Avenue, SW St. Albans, WV 25177 BIOASSAY REPORT FOR INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COOK NUCLEAR PLANT ESI TEST NO.95-171, 95-172 Daphnia magna September 17 - 19, 1995, 48 Hour Static Whole diffluent Toxicity Test Water samples of Indiana Michigan Power - Cook Nuclear Plant, unit 1 and 2 effluent were collected by Indiana Michigan Power, Cook Nuclear Plant for use in a 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> acute whole effluent toxicity test. Samples were collected as required by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to assure no toxic amounts of a molluscicide used for zebra mussel infestation control were released during a treatment. A grab sample from Lake Michigan was collected to be used as the dilution water/control water for the tests.

Effluent samples were collected at the beginning, the fourth, the eighth, and the twelfth hour of the treatment. These eight sample were composite in to one container for testing.

Samples were picked-up by Environmental SeMces on September 16, 1995 at approximately 2130 hours0.0247 days <br />0.592 hours <br />0.00352 weeks <br />8.10465e-4 months <br />. The sample arrived to the laboratory on September 17, 1995 at 0720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br />.

Testing of the samples began at 1520 hours0.0176 days <br />0.422 hours <br />0.00251 weeks <br />5.7836e-4 months <br /> on the 17 of September 1995.

LAKE HI D N/ L WA Lake Michigan water was used as a control group and the dilution water in the test. The water was collected by Cook Nuclear Plant personnel and filtered to remove the native zooplankton and phytoplankton. Lake Michigan water is described as clear, colorless, no odor, no sediment and no particulate. The temperature of the dilution water was 4'C upon arrival to the laboratory.

Effluent collected from unit 1 and 2 on September 16, 1995 is a composite sample collected from each discharge tunnel during the twelve hour treatment. Four equally spaced equal

volume water samples were collected. Samples from each unit were then composite into one sample for testing. Unit 1/2 effluent sample is described as clear, colorless, no odor, no sediment and no particulate present. The temperature of the sample was 3.8'C upon arrival to the laboratory.


'8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> whole effluent toxicity test for AEP - Cook Nuclear Plant, were done according to Waters to F heater and Marine a, EPA protocol "Methods for Me rin the Acute Toxicit of Effluent and Receivin EPA/600/4-90/027F'. The tests measured the immobilization rather than the death so an EC rather than an LC>> was calculated.

Immobilization for this test is defined as, if after gentle prodding or swirling of the test vessel, the organism fails to exhibit normal swimming behavior within the water column for five (5) second, then the organism will be considered immobile/effected.

The effluent was tested at 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25.%.and 0% (control) and was diluted with the filtered Lake Michigan water collected on'September 16, 1995.

I A test series was also included using Lake Michigan water and bentonite clay. The bentonite clay is used to detoxify the molluscicide used in the treatment. This sample was prepared by Cook Nuclear Plant personnel at the same ratio as the clay to water ratio in the detoxified waters in unit 1 and unit 2. This mixture was tested at the same concentrations noted above for the unit 1 and unit 2 sample. Filtered Lake Michigan water was used as the dilution water for this sample also. I RF~UL~T Whole effluent toxicity bioassays are utilized to determine if an effluent is acutely toxic to the test organisms. The testing conducted on unit 1 and unit 2 was to assess the toxicity of the molluscicide used for zebra mussel infestation control.

Indiana Michigan Power - Cook Nuclear Plant unit 1/unit 2 effluent was found not to be acutely toxic, or effective to the mobility of the Daphnia magna. No Daphnia magna died or displayed any adverse effects during exposure period.

The bentonite clay detoxified sample collected also indicated no acutely toxic effects or inhibition to the mobility of the Daphnia magna during the exposure period.

The EC>> for the unit 1/unit 2 sample is > 100% and the EC>> for the detoxified sample is also ) 100%. The LC50 was also calculated. Unit 1/unit 2 sample the LC50 is > 100%

and for the detoxified sample the LC50 is > 100%.

Chemical and physical analysis of samples are in Appendix A. Copies of laboratory bench sheets are in Appendix B. Chain-of-custody forms are in Appendix C.

V B-l8


BIOMONITORING REPORT FORM FRESHWATER ACUTE BIOASSAY Permit No. DSN: Unit 1/2 ESI ¹: 95-171 Facility Name: Indiana Michigan Power Cook Nuclear Plant Facility Location: Bridgeman, Michigan Contact Person: Eric Mallen Contact Phone: (616) 465-5901 ext. 1540 Testing Laboratory: Environmental Services, Inc.

6404 MacCorkle Avenue, SW St. Albaas, WV 25177 (304) 786-2233 Fax (304) 768-9988 WV Laboratory Certification No: 022 Bioassa 'fications:

Effluent Type (eg. Final or Prechlorinated): Final Test Type (Static or Renewal): Static Test Duration (hours): 48-hrs.

Test Organism: Common Name: Water Flea Scientific Name: Daphnia magna Test Endpoint: EC50, LC50 u m o Final Re ul Testing Dates: 9/17-19/95 ECSO (% effiuent): > 100%

LC50 (% effluent): >100%

Survival in 100% Effluent: 100%

Acute Toxic Unit (TUQ:(1.0 Toxicity Limit: LC50 (% effluent): 100 %

NMAT (no measurable acute toxicity): NA Test concentration with highest mortality / % mortality: NA Acute Toxic Unit (TUg: 1.0 Control Survival (%): 100%

Test Temperature Maintained + 2 C? Yes Dissolved Oxygen Maintained >/= Minimum? Yes Loading Factor </= Maximum Allowed? Yes Two or More Trend Deviations? No erti ti n Accuracy of Report Certified by: /5- f5 v B-j.9 Eric B. Gillespre Date Biological Group Mgr.

Environmental Services, Inc.

ESI //: 95-171 Da Test Organism Source: In-house Test Organism Age at Start of Test: <24-hrs.

Initial Number of Organisms: 120 Total Acclimation Period (hrs): 0 hrs. Dilution water quality similar to culture water Exposure to 100% Dilution Water: NA Mortalities During Acclimation: 0 Number of Effluent Test Concentrations: 5 Test Concentrations (% of effluent): 6.25, 12.5,25.0, 50.0, 100.0 Number of Replicates / Test Concentration: 4 Number of Test Organisms / Replicate: 5 Volume of Test Solution (Liters): .025 f e lin Plant Sampling Location: Unit 1/Unit 2 Starting Date and Time: 9/16/95 0920 Ending Date and Time: 9/16/95 2120 No. Grab Samples in Composite: 4 grabs per unit 8 total Interval between Grab Samples (min): 240 minutes Testing Location: St. Albans, WV Effluent Receiving Water: Lake Michigan Dilution Source: Lake Michigan Substitute Source Approved by MDNR? NA Prelibation/Collection Location: Lake Michigan Preparation/Collection Dates: 9/16/95 V B-20

Environmental Services, Inc.

ESI ¹: 95-171 Effected Data (Number)/Survival Data Test Conc. Exposure Time (hrs)

% effiuent 24 CONTROL 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 OIS 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 OIS 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 12.5% 0/5 0/5 0/5 10 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 12 OIS 0/5 0/5 25.0% 13 0/5 0/5 0/5 14 0/5 0/5 OIS 15 0/5 0/5 0/5 16 0/5 0/5 0/5 50.0% 17 OIS OIS 0/5 18 0/5 0/5 0/5 19 0/5 OIS 0/5 20 0/5 OIS 0/5 100.0% 21 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 24 0/5 0/5 0/5 Bi a Re u

~4hr ECSO: ) 100%

I.CSO: ) 100%

Calculation Method (48 hr): NA 95% Confidence Interval (48 hr): NA Acute Toxic Unit (TUg:(1.0 Note: The data satisfy the Statistical assumptions inherent in the specified method and the EC50 is therefore valid.

v B-23

Environmental Services, Inc.

ESI 4: 95-171 hler Was organism stress observed during the test? No Were any exposure chambers aerated during the test? No u lemen Inf rmati n Effluent Clarity: Clear Sediment: None Description Color: ., Colorless Particulate: None Odor: None Other: None V B-22


BIOMONITORING M2'ORT FORM FRESHWATER ACUTE BIOASSAY le Permit No. DSN: Detox Sample ESI 4: 95-172 Facility Name: Indiana Michigan Power Cook Nuclear Plant Facility Location: Bridgeman, Michigan Contact Person: Eric Mallen Contact Phone: (616) 465-5901 ext. 1540 Testing Laboratory: Environmental Services, Inc.

6404 MacCorkle Avenue, SW St. Albans, WV 25177 (304) 786-2233 Fax (304) 768-9988 WV Laboratory Certification No: 022 Bi assa ifi tion Effluent Type (eg. Final or Prechlorinated): Fmal, Detoxified Sample Test Type (Static or Renewal): Static Test Duration (hours): 48-hrs.

Test Organism: Common Name: Water Flea Scientific Name: Daphnia magna Test Endpoint: EC50, LC50 um f Final Result Dates: 9/17-19/95 'esting EC50 (% effluent): > 100%

LC50(% effluent): > 100%

Survival in 100% Effluent: 100%

Acute Toxic Unit (TUQ:41.0 Toxicity Limit: LC50 (% effluent): 100%

NMAT (no measurable acute toxicity): NA Test concentration with highest mortality / % mortality: NA Acute Toxic Unit (TUQ: 1.0 n l Control Survival (%): 100%

Test Temperature Maintained + 2 C? Yes Dissolved Oxygen Maintained ) /= Minimum? Yes Loading Factor </= Maximum Allowed? Yes Two or More Trend Deviations? No erti cati Accuracy of Report Certified by:

Eric B. espie Date Biological Grcup Mgr.

V B-23

Environmental Services, Inc.

ESI ¹: 95-172 ni Da Test Organism Source: In-house Test Organism Age at Start of Test: <24-hrs.,

Initial Number of Organisms: 120 Total Acclimation Period (hrs): 0 hrs. Dilution water quality similar to culture water Exposure to 100% Dilution Water: NA Mortalities, During Acclimation: 0 T~~TDD Number of Effluent Test Concentrations: 5 Test Concentrations (% of effluent): 6.25, 12.5,25.0, 50.0, 100.0 Number of Replicates / Test Concentration: 4 Number of Test Organisms / Replicate: 5 Volume of Test Solution (Liters): .025 Plant Sa'npling Location: Detoxified sample Starting Date and Time: 9/16/95 2120 Ending Date and Time: 9/16/95 2120 No. Grab Samples in Composite: NA Interval between Grab Samples (min):

Testing Location: St. Albans, WV DiI Effluent Receiving Water: Lake Michigan Dilution Source: Lake Michigan Substitute Source Approved by MDNR? NA Preparation/Collection Location: Lake Michigan Preparation/Collection Dates: 9/16/95 V B-24

Environmental Services, Inc.

ESI k 95-172 Effected Data (Number)/Survival Data Test Conc. Exposure Time (hrs)

% effluent 24 CONTROL 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5

'/5 0/5 0/5 6.25% 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 OIS 0/5 0/5 0/5 12.5% 0/5 0/5 0/5 10 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 12 0/5 0/5 0/5 13 0/5 0/5 0/5 14 0/5 0/5 0/5

'/5 15 0/5 0/5 16 0/5 0/5 0/5 50.0% 17 0/5 0/5 0/5 18 0/5 OIS 0/5 19 0/5 0/5 0/5 20 0/5 0/5 0/5 100.0% 21 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 0/5 24 0/5 0/5 0/5 Bioa Results:

48 hr ECSO: ) 100%

LC50: > 100%

Calculation Method (48 hr): NA 95% Confidence Interval (48 hr): NA Acute Toxic Unit (TUg: Q.O Note: The data satisfy the Statistical assinnptions inherent in the specified method and the EC50 is therefore valid.

Environmental Services, Inc.

ESI 4: 95-172

~M Was organism stress observed during the test? No Were any exposure chambers aerated during the test? No u lem n Inf rmation.

Effluent Clarity: Clear Sediment: None Description Color: Colorless Particulate: None Odor: Noae Other: None

~A" i'A V B-26




ST.ALBANS, WEST VIRGINIA Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19/95 ESI Test No.: 95-171 'Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTRATION: Control TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 ALIVE a 5 5 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 5 ,5 5 TEMP. C 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 pH 7.79 7.62 8.31 7.79 7.62 8.31 7.79 7.62 8.31 7.79 7.62 8.31 DO(mg/l) 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 340 360 b 340 360 c 340 360 d 340 360 CONCENTRATION: CONTROL AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.7 0.9 26.0 24.0 pH: 7.91 0.29 8.31 7.62 DO(mg/1): 8.3 0.1 8.3 8.2 COND. gMHOS/CM): 350 10 360 340 V B-28

~ ~

Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19/95 ESI Test No.: 95-171

~ Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTRATION: 6.25%

TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 ALIVE a 5 5 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 d 5 5 5 TEMP. C a 26.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 I b c

d 26.0 26.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 pH 7.83 7.73 8.35 7.83 7.73 8.35 7.83 7.73 8.35 7.83 7.73 8.35 DO(mg/1) a 8.2 8.3 b 8.2 8.3 c 8.2 8.3 I COND. (UMHOS/CM) d 8.2 a 260 8.3 300 i b c

d 260 260 260 300 300 300.


AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.7 0.9 26.0 24.0 pH: 7.97 0.27 8.35 7.73 DO(mg/1): 8.3 0.1 8.3 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 280 20 300 260 I V B-29

Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19/95 ESI Test No.: 95-171 Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTRATION: 12.5%

TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 ALIVE a 5 5 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 d 5 5 5 TEMP. C 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 pH 7.97 7.79 8.33 7.97 7.79 8.33 7.97 7.79 8.33 7.97 7.79 8.33 DO(mg/1) 8.2 8.3 8.2 8,3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 ~

COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 300 320 b 300 320 c 300 320 d 300 320 CONCENTRATION: 12.5%

AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.7 0.9 26.0 24.0 pH: 8.03 0.22 8.33 7.79 DO(mg/1): 8.3 0.1 8.3 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 310 10 320 300 V B-30



~ l



t l





l l





indiana Michigan Power Company Cook Nuclear?'ant One Cook Place Bridgman, Lll 49<06 6l6 465 590'/s INDIANA MlCHIGAN POWER Mr. Fred Morley, District Supervisor Mr. Thomas Leep, District Supervisor Surface Water Quality Division Michigan Department of Natural Resources 621 North Tenth Street P. 0. Box 355 Plainwell, MZ 49080 May 4, 1995 Re: Cook Nuclear Plant NPDES Permit No. MZ 0005827

Dear Messrs. Leep and Morley,

The draft NPDES Permit published March 24, 1995 contains, at Part E, Section A.12 S ecial Condition, a requirement to submit a "Zebra Mussel Control Plan" which includes a six week chlorination study.

The attached draft plan addresses the specific requirements as referenced in this S ecial Condition of the draft Permit.

The study is scheduled to begin on May 15, 1995. At the completion of the study, we will supply the data to your of fice within approximately 5 weeks. If the results demonstrate the discharge limits contained in the draft permit are met, we will commence with continuous chlorination of the Service Water Systems, in anticipation of receiving written notification from your office, as stated in the draft permit. Zt essential for zebra mussel control that Service Water System chlorination not be interupted.

Please contact John Carlson, Environmental Supervisor, at (616) 465-5901 ext. 1153, or me at (616) 466-2546 with any questions or comments you have on the study plan.

Sincerely, Diane M. Fit raid Environmental, Safety & Health Superintendent.

Attachments Sylvia Heaton - MDNR Lansing Tim Unseld - MDNR Plainwell Greg Danneffel - MDNR Plainwell v c-j.

This page left intentionally blank.

V C-2

Cook Nuclear Plant Bridgman, Michigan Zebra Mussel Control Plan Chlorination Study 1

V C-3

~di I~ d Nly d Ihl ly p <<h cooling systems must be maintained in a clean condition.

C kN I Pl The strategy developed to maintain these systems consists of two key elements:

1. Control of zebra mussels in the Service Water Systems.

The Service Water Systems (SWS), consists of the Essential Service Water (ESW) and Non-Essential Service Water (NESW). Zebra mussel settlement in the SWS can endanger the safe shutdown and safe operation of nuclear related systems.

2. Slime control in the Main Condensers of the Circulating Water Systems.

Formation of slime in the main condensers of the Circulating Water Systems (CWS) results in decreased thermal performance.

We propose to implement a chlorination program, which allows us to effectively control zebra mussel settlement and slime build-up, by continuously chlorinating the service water systems and intermittently chlorinating the circulating water systems. This proposal is based on studies from Canada and at the Cook Plant which show that zebra mussel veligers and translocaters are controlled by the low level continuous dose of chlorine.

This proposal is submitted in fulflllment of Special Condition Part I, Section A. 13, of the el draft NPDES permit issued on March 24, 1995. It is also based on previous correspondence from the MDNR (Greg Danneffel and Sylvia Heaton) which require a "Zebra Mussel Control Plan" to be submitted which includes a six week chlorination study. The study must demonstrate that chlorination of the SWS does not result in the discharge of toxic levels of chlorine. The study will demonstrate that total residual chlorine (TRC) is not discharged at levels, greater than 0.006 mg/1 through Outfalls 001 and 002, other than during periods of intermittent chlorination of the circulating water systems.

I k N Ih NB hll N'd h I' B lldkjjjlN C I Pl d County, Michigan (Town 6S, Range 19W, Section 6.) The plant draws in Lake Michigan water via three 16'iameter intake tunnels. Each tunnel is approximately 0.5 miles long.

Seven circulating water pumps (three for Unit One and four for Unit Two) move the water at a combined maximum flow rate of 1.6 million gpm. The flow discharges via two discharge tunnels, one 16'n diameter and the other 18'n diameter.

The SWS consists of ESW and NESW. The design flow rates for the NESW is approximately 9000 gpm per unit for a total maximum flow of 18,000 gpm. The ESW flow combined is approximately 15,000 gpm maximum. The ESW and NESW systems are internal discharges to the CWS. The SWS discharge enters the CWS before the water exits the discharge tunnels. Typical ratios of circulating water flow to SWS are found in the V C-4

attached Table ¹2, "Theoretical Circulating Water TRC Values".

Actual ESW and NESW flows are much less than the maximum during normal operations, therefore, the ratios are greater than shown in this study. Our results will document the typical flow as measured during the study. Maximum rated ESW flow is 5000 gpm, (Unit 1), 10000 gpm (Unit 2), and maximum rated NESW flow is 9000 gpm for each unit. Normal flowrates for the NESW and ESW systems willbe lower. The study willbe used to calculate ratios and predict TRC levels at the outfall.

The chlorination system delivers a sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOC1) to the injection points using individual positive displacement pumps. Each pump delivers -12% NaOC1 solution to the appropriate NESW, ESW or CWS.

3Weth~od The following Cook Plant sampling procedures will be used to collect samples for the study.

~ 12 THP 6020 LAB.037 "Liquid Sampling"

~ 12 THP 6020 CHM.304 "Essential Service Water System" The following Cook Plant procedure will be followed during chlorination of the SWS.

~ 12 THP 6020 LAB.200 "Circulating Water Essential Service Water and Nori-essential Service Water Chlorination" TRC analysis will be performed using one or more of the following Cook Plant procedures.

~ 12 THP 6020 LAB.213 "Operation and Calibration of the Model 1770 Chlorine Monitor"

~ 12 THP 6020 INS.006 "DR/2000 Analyses"

~ EPA 330.1 methods Spiked and replicate samples, as appropriate, will be included with the study. Data generated from the study will be controlled by the following procedures.

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.001 "Quality Control"

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.010 "Analytical Results".

Analysis quality control will be performed via the following procedures.

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.003 "On-line Instrument Quality Control"

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.004 "Control of Volume Devices delivery"

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.005 "Reagent and Standard Control" All procedures are available for review upon request.

3 V C-5

~Procedur ~

SWS TRC discharge will be maintained within a range of approxiniately 0.3 to

~4 0.6 mg/1 during the study. Outfall 001 (Unit 1) and 002 (unit 2) discharge samples will be collected and immediately analyzed for TRC. The CWS and SWS water will again be tested for TRC demand during the study to verify 1994 results. These analyses and demand studies will demonstrate that the limits of 0.006 mg/1 TRC have not been exceeded.

i n r Table 42 Given: Unit One SWS [TRC] =0.3 ppm Unit One SWS flow=0.14 MG/minute Unit One circulating water flow=0.69 MG/minute Calculate Unit One circulating water PRC] at discharge. Time of reaction: 2 minutes.

(Reaction time is based on the time it takes water to flow from the discharge vaults until it reaches the lake.)

'Uni One circ water [TRC] (mg/l) SVS [TRC] x SVS Flow (MG/min)

C Uni C One circ. flow (MG/min)

Unit One circ. waCer [TRC] (mg/l) 0.3 mg/l x 0.014 MG/minute 0.62 MG/minute Unit One circulating water tTRC] (at discharge vault) = 0.006 mg/1 with no demand factored in.

Table C3:

Demand factor from previous tests = 40% of original value at the two minute reaction time.

So: 0.006 x 0.40 = 0.002 mg/1 Final calculated TRC for Unit One discharge into the lake: 0.002 mg/1 TRC.

V C-6

D.C. Cook Plant Chlorination Plan February 1995 Eam le 1 i nf r nit2: nfi rati n 1fr mTa le 2and 3 Table P2'iven:

Unit Two SWS [TRC] =0.3 ppm Unit Two SWS flow=0.19 MG/minute Unit Two circulating water flow=0.92 MG/minute Calculate Unit Two circulating water PRC] at discharge. Time of reaction: 2 minutes.

(Reaction time is based on the time it takes water to flow from the discharge vaults until it reaches the lake.)

Uni Two circ. wa f TRCj SVS [TRCj x SVS f'low C

Uni C Two circ. flow Uni C Two circ. water iTRCj 0,03 +9/l x 0.19 MG/>>>.

0.92 MG/min.

Unit Two circulating water tTRC] (at discharge vault) = 0.006 mg/l with no demand factored in.

Table P3:

Demand factor from previous tests = 40% of original value at the two minute reaction time.

So: 0.006 x 0.40 = 0.002 mg/l Final calculated TRC for Unit Two discharge into the lake: 0.002 mg/l TRC.

5 V C-7

D.C. Cook Plant Chlorination Plan February 1995 tud R A report containing data from the study will be submitted to Plainwell MDNR for review.

Circulating water TRC discharge data will be included. The TRC results from outfall 001 and 002 samples will show that the SWS can be continuously chlorinated without exceeding the set limit of 0.006 mg/l TRC. The results will reflect the calculated results from Table g3.

The study is scheduled to begin on May 15, 1995. The six-week study will be done during a moderate-to-slight TRC demand period (spring), as compared to the higher TRC demand periods seen later in the year when more biota is found in the water column. The "Task Sheet" included as Attachment 4 describes, in more detail, what willbe accomplished during the study.

Continuous chlorination of the SWS vill not be interrupted, provided the study results confirm we can meet the 0.006 mg/l discharge limit. The need to continue with chlorination is based on monitoring data which shows that, as a result of interruptions, zebra mussel veliger settlement increases dramatically.

6 V C-8

I~ D.C. Cook Plant

~ ~


Chlorination Plan February 1995 List and Description of Attachments Table ¹1 "Chlorine Demand Study" is the result of a demand study on Nov. 11, 1994 using circulating water. The data indicates that additional TRC is utilized by the biota found throughout the circulating water systems and by the existing biotic population in the lake water itself. The demand will lower the final TRC concentration which will allow the Cook Plant to meet the limits of the permit.

2. Table ¹2 "Theoretical Circulating Water TRC values" shows calculated values of the SWS during normal operations. Table ¹2 also shows the calculated dilution effects (with no TRC demand) of the circulating water on outfaBs 001 and 002 during normal plant operation. This dilution indicates that with SWS concentrations of 0,3 mg/l TRC, the discharge at outfalls 001 and 002 will be 0.006 mg/1 or less. At SWS concentrations of 0.6 mg/l TRC, the discharge will be 0.012 mg/1. This represents the theoretical TRC assuming no demand throughout the system.
3. Table ¹3 "Theoretical TRC values with demand factors included" indicates that when the demand from Table ¹1 is factored in, the final value will be within the permit limits. For example, the final discharge with the addition of natural TRC demand will be: 0.003 mg/1 TRC for an average SWS TRC concentration of 0.3 mg/I, and 0.005 mg/l for an average SWS TRC concentration of 0,6 mg/l.

4, 6 Week Chlorination Study "Tasks" is a one page summary of the important tasks needed to successfully complete the study.

1 7

V C-9

~ - ~ .. ~ ~

~ ~ ~ I . ~ ~ 'I ~ I . ~ I ~ I I I' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I . ~ ~ ~ ~ I' I ~

I I I I I I I I I I I ~

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I l I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I e I I II I I I I ls ~ I I e I I I I ~ I le I I ~

I s ~ I I I


I lol ~ I I I I lo I II I I I I ~ I I I I I I I ~ I I ~

I I I I ~ I I I I ~ I I ~ I I II I III I I I I I I I I I I I I ~

I I o ~ I I I << I I I ~ I I sll I II I II ~ I I I I el I e I I ' I I ~ I 'I I << I I I I I ~ ~

I I I I gf~l I I

Table ¹2 Theoretical Circulating Water TRC Values (No demand)

No actual chlorination to the circ water.

Ratio in Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Circ. Water Ratio in Unit discharge discharge discharge discharge Unit 1 Unit 2 Circ. discharge (circ. 2 TRC when TRC when TRC when TRC when Circ.Water Water flow flow:NESW/ESW Circ. Water SWS CI2 SWS CI2 =0.3 SWS CI2 SWS CI2 Confi urations flow m m flow dischar e =0.3 m m =0.6 m =0.6 m Normal tin Conti u ratlona for C ook Plant.

¹1 both units runnin 920000 49 48 0.006 0.006 0.012 0.012 (aff NES WOES W dI'sch to l Indv. foreba 0.3/49 0.3/48 0.6/49 0.6/48

'2 both units runnin 33 36 0.009 0.008 0.018 0.017 I Minimum di7ution.

(minimum number of pumps) NES WOES W flows to fndv foreba 0.3/33 0.3/36 0.6/33 0.6/36 Maximum NESW and ESW Flows m Unlt1 Unit 2 NESW 9000 ESW 5000 Total 14000

Table 0 3 Theoretical TRC Values With Demand Factors Included Final values when ad'usted for demand from test Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 discharge discharge discharge discharge Unit 1 Circ. Unit 2 Circ. TRC when TRC when TRC when TRC when Water flow Water flow SWS CI2 SWS CI2 SWS CI2 SWS CI2

' Chlorine demand from table ¹1 ime = 2 minutes. =0.3 m =0.3 m =0.6 m =0.6 m Confi urations.. m Normal 0 atln Conf l uratlona for D.C. Cook Plant. TRC W.3 TRC W.6 TAC K.3 TAC ~0.6

'1 both units runnin 690000 920000 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.005 a (all NESWIESW disch to Indv. foreba 0.006/0.4 0.006/0.4 0.012/0.4 0.012/0.4

¹2 both units runnin 460000 690000 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.004 0.003 0.007 0.007 Minimum dilution.

(minimum number of pumps) NES WIESW ftovrs to Indv foreba 0.009/0.4 0.008/0.4 0.018/0.4 0.017/0.4


D.C. Cook Plant Chlorination Plan February 1995 Attachment C4 6 Week Chlorination Study

~T~i~K Continuously chlorinate the service water systems (SWS) for a six week study period. Target dosing at the outlet of the SWS is 0.3 - 0.6 ppm TRC.

Collect samples.

ESW near Cl, injection point three times per day.

NESW near CI> injection point three times per day.

ESW prior to discharge three times per day.

NESW prior to discharge three times per day.

Circulating Water three times per day to ensure PRC] (LLD.

3. Analyze samples for TRC.

~ Use a method approved by the Plainwell District Supervisor.

4. Complete additional demand calculations NESW grab {at injection point) - NESW grab (prior to discharge) = demand ESW grab {at injection point) - NESW grab {prior to discharge) = demand
5. Submit study results to MDNR upon completion of the six week study.

Six week data for Units 1 and 2 circulating water discharge TRC.

Six week data for Units 1 and 2 NESW and ESW TRC.

Demand study based on the above calculations.

Calculations demonstrating discharges at the Cook Plant are below the calculated 0.006 ppm when demand is factored in.

V C-13

American Etectric Power 1".cow riuc,eaf?'ar'i

't"e f:cctt P'ace Df CC ar I ~9 tv6 w)1 IIRllf AJH ERICAN ELECTRIC POWER Mr. Fred Morley, District Supervisor Mr. Thomas Leep, District Supervisor Surface Water Quality Division Michigan Department of Environmental Quality 621 North Tenth Street P. O. Box 355 Plainwell, Ml 49080 March 15, 1996


Cook Nuclear Plant NPDES Permit No. Ml 0005827

Dear Messrs. Morley and Leep:

The NPDES Permit effective June 29, 1995 contains, at Part I, Section A.13 ~Secret C~ondi ion, a requirement to submit a "Service Water Systems Chlorination Study."

The enclosed study addresses the specific requirements as referenced in this S ecial Condition of the Permit.

The study began on May 15, 1995, and concluded on July 9, 1995. The results demonstrate the discharge limits contained in the permit are met, and we will commence with continuous chlorination of the Service Water Systems, in anticipation of receiving written notification from your office, as stated in the permit. It is essential for zebra mussel control that Service Water System chlorination not be interrupted.

Please contact John Carlson, Environr ental Supervisor, at (616) 465-5901 ext.

1153, or me at (616) 466-2546 with any questions or comments you have on the study.

Sincerely, Diane M. Fitz e Environmenta, Safety 8 Health Superintendent Enclosures c: Sylvia Heaton - MDNR Lansing Tim Unseld - MDNR Plainwell Margaret Fields - MDNR Plainwell V C-14

bc: J.P. Carlson w/o enclosure B.K. Zordell w/o enclosure C.E. Hawk w/o enclosure D.O. Morey w/o enclosure R.M. Claes w/o enclosure MDEQ Files V C-15

Page 2 Messrs. Morley and Leep March 15, 1996 I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted on this and all attached documents; and based on my inquiry of.

those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are for submitting false information, including the possibility of firie and significant penalties ~)gal imprisonment.

A.A. Blind


Site Vice President V C-16

"SERVICE WATER SYSTEMS CHLORINATIONSTUDY" Demonstration of Compliance with Chlorine Effluent Limits for Service Water Systems at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Indiana Michigan Power Company NPDES Permit No. MIOOOS827 Bridgman, Michigan March 1996

Table of Contents yI Page I. Executive Summary 1 II. History/Objectives III. Study Site 3 IV. Methods Used A. Theoretical Circulating Water (Total Residual Chlorine)

Chlorine Demand Study ............................... 5 V. Data ~ 6 A. Study data collection I ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 B. Theoretical calculations 7, VI. Conclusions . 9 VII. List and Description of Tables VIII. List of Attachments ~ . 10 IX. List of References .......... ~ 10 Page 1 of 1 V C-18

lo Cook Nuclear'lant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 Executive Summary The objective of this study is to demonstrate that continuous chlorination of the Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water Systems for zebra mussel prevention does not result in the discharge of toxic levels of chlorine to Lake Michigan via Outfalls 001 and 002.

The study took place over a six week period, using multiple samples taken over each 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period. Total residual chlorine (TRC) was measured using USEPA Approved Methods 330.1 (titration), 330.5 (spectrophotometric), and the Orion electrode model 97-70.

The study results demonstrate that TRC is not discharged to Lake Michigan at levels greater than 0.006mg/l through Outfalls 001 and 002 other than during periods of intermittent chlorination of the noncontact condenser cooling water. Therefore, as stated in NPDES Permit No. MI0005827, Part I, Section A, Special Condition 13, the intermittent TRC limits will apply for monitoring purposes for Outfall 001 and 002.

We will continuously chlorinate the service water systems with a target of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l TRC.

l Page 1 of 10 V C-19

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 II. History/Objectives'n order to safely and efficiently operate the Cook Nuclear Plant, non-contact cooling systems must be maintained free from biofouling organisms. The strategy developed to maintain these systems consists of two key elements:

1. Control of zebra mussels in the Service Water Systems.

The Service Water Systems (SWS) consist of Essential Service Water (ESW) and Non-Essential Service Water (NESW). Zebra mussel settlement in the SWS can endanger the safe operation and shutdown of nuclear related systems.

2. Control of slime forming bacteria in the Circulating Water Systems.

Formation of slime in the main condensers of the Circulating Water Systems (CWS) results in decreased thermal performance, resulting in power generation losses.

We have tested a chlorination program that effectively controls zebra mussel settlement and slime build-up by continuously chlorinating the service water systems and intermittently chlorinating the circulating water systems. This program was based on zebra mussel control studies performed in Canada and at the Cook Plant that showed zebra mussel veligers and adult translocaters are controlled by a low level continuous dose of chlorine. Intermittent chlorination of the circulating water systems has been effective in controlling the development of slime forming bacteria.

This study is submitted in fulfillment of Part I, Section A, Special Condition 13, of the NPDES permit issued on June 28, 1995. The study was conducted according to the study plan submitted May 4, 1995 to Messrs. Thomas Leep and Fred Morley of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. This study demonstrates that chlorination of the SWS does not result in the discharge of total residual chlorine (TRC) at levels greater than 0.006mg/l through Outfalls 001 and 002, other than during periods of intermittent chlorination of the circulating water systems.

Page 2 of 10

i Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 III. Study Site Cook Nuclear Plant is located on the Lake Michigan shoreline in Berrien County, Michigan (Town 6S, Range 19W, Section 6). The plant draws in Lake Michigan water via three, 16 ft diameter intake tunnels. Each tunnel extends into Lake Michigan approximately 0.5 miles. Seven circulating water pumps (three for Unit One and four for Unit Two) move the water at a combined maximum flow rate of 1.645million gpm. The flowdischarges into Lake Michigan 0.25mile from shore via a 16 ft diameter tunnel for Unit One and an 18 ft diameter tunnel for Unit Two.

The SWS consists of ESW and NESW. The maximum measured flow rates during the test for the NESW was 6000 gpm per unit for a total maximum flow of 12,000 gpm. The Unit One ESW flow was measured at 6500 gpm, Unit Two ESW was s'Kccs measured at 5500 gpm. The ESW and NESW systems are internal discharges to the Schmo CWS. The SWS discharge enters the CWS before the water exits through tunnels. During the testing period, a total flow of SWS to the Unit One the'ischarge CWS was measured to be 12,500 gpm. The total SWS flow rate to the Unit Two discharge vault was measured to be 11,500 gpm. Figure 1 below 'depicts the three center intake tunnels and the two outer discharge tunnels. The NESW and ESW I

discharge points are also noted on the figure.

~ s I'I cams I <

ill Figure 1 ~

o I 'I'~sl I

r I

1 I

r I


c J

'r Lg + Qlat, VM 4

,I .> O'I /

cc ssc csccclc NESW lIESW OIscharzu DIscharge I~

+ ciic wf1 twit apM ~

wl ccclew assed cc sec a c

V+~II c~ le%% SCWCL efTE Dccla+64 Outfall wane ~

ccM4w RchcC Outfall OO" 001 c ~


~Page 3 of 10 V C-21

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 The chlorination system delivers a sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOC1) to the injection points using individual positive displacement pumps. Each pump delivers approximately 12% NaOCI solution to the appropriate location; NESW, ESW or



IV. Methods Used The following Cook Plant sampling procedures were used to collect samples for the study.

~ 12 THP 6020 CHM.303 "Circulating Water" (Attachment ¹3)

~ 12 THP 6020 CHM.304 "Essential Service Water System" (Attachment ¹3)

The following Cook Plant procedures were followed during chlorination of the SWS.

~ 12 THP 6020 LAB.200 "Circulating Water Essential Service Water and Non-essential Service Water Chlorination" (Attachment ¹3)

TRC analyses were performed using one or more of the following Cook Plant procedures.

~ 12 THP 6020 INS.013 "Chlorine Monitor" (Attachment ¹3)

~ 12THP 6020 INS.006 "DR/2000 Analyses" (EPA Method 330.5)'(Attachment


~ Amperometric Titration (EPA Method 330.1)'Attachment ¹3)

Replicate samples have been included with the study. Data generated from the study was controlled by the following procedures.

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.001 "Quality Control" (Attachment ¹3)

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.010 "Analytical Results" (Attachment ¹3)

Analysis quality control was performed via the following procedures.

~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.003 "On-line Instrument Quality Control" (Attachment


~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.004 "Control of Volume Delivery Devices" (Attachment


~ 12 THP 6020 ADM.005 "Reagent and Standard Control" (Attachment ¹3)

Page 4 of 10 V C-22

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 k

Representative Outfall samples are collected by submersible pumps placed 20ft into each discharge tunnel (see Figure 1) and routed through 2" stainless steel piping to a pair of Orion Model 1770 chlorine monitors. The chlorine monitors are located in the Northwest corner of the screenhouse building. This location provides shelter from the weather and is located near the sodium hypochlorite dosing controls. The sample delivery piping is checked weekly for chlorine residual demand in sample delivery piping by collecting a sample at the Outfall and analyzing it on the Orion 1770. The results are then compared to the on-line reading. When necessary, the piping is flushed to remove any accumulated debris or macrofouling.

A. Theoretical circulating water [TRC] was calculated by inserting known data into the equation below'nd solving for the unknown quantity.

Calculate Unit One circulating water [TRC] at discharge vaults.

Otfall OO< l~C1 mg/l (Uni t One SWS [TRC] m CWS flow

/l x Avesta MGM + Average e SWS FlowMGM Unit One SWS Flow MGM)

The flow rates for the CWS were calculated in million gallons per minute (MGM) using pump curves and heat reject data for the month of June 1995.

Flow rates from the SWS were measured by using an ultrasonic testing device that directly attaches to the discharge of each system. This provides the fiow rate of the SWS as it flows into the CWS. The SWS fiows directly into the CWS at four separate locations (two per unit) and mixes with circulating water prior to exiting via the appropriate discharge tunnel to Lake Michigan.

Each system was measured daily for a period of one week and an average flow was calculated, The flow rate is expressed in million gallons per minute (MGM). The SWS [TRC] values were based on average [TRC] for ESW and NESW grab samples during the six week study.

B. Chlorine Demand Study The chlorine demand study was conducted during the same interval by sampling at the chlorine injection point and prior to the SWS discharge point.

The results of the study are detailed in Tables 2a, 2b,2c and 2d. The average demand was then subtracted from the theoretical value. The resulting value is a prediction of the [TRC] as contributed by the various service water systems to Outfall 001 and 002 at the discharge point into Lake Michigan.

V. Data Page 5 of 10 V C-23

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 A. Study data collection The study began on May 15, 1995, and was interrupted from June 19, 1995 to July 2, 1995, due to on-line monitor sample line macrofouling/shell accumulation. Service Water System TRC discharge was maintained within a range of approximately 0.146 to 0.989 mg/I during the study. Table 1 and

'able la summarize the data collected during the six week study; The

'ndividual service water systems and TRC concentrations from each unit outfall were arranged by date in this Table to illustrate the results of the study. Outfall 001 (Unit One) and 002 (Unit Two) discharge samples were collected and immediately analyzed for TRC. Unit One discharge samples ranged from <0.001mg/1 to 0.004mg/l. Unit Two discharge samples ranged from (0.001mg/I to 0.002 mg/l.

Service Water System (SWS) demand tests, results and discussion.

The SWS was tested for demand during the first five weeks of the study. A sample .was taken near the injection point and the exit point of each SWS.

Samples were analyzed using EPA Method 330.5'nd a demand value for each system was calculated. At the measured flow rates, the time between sample points is approximately 1 minute on average for the individual systems.

The lake water demand averaged 0.05 mg/l when the outlying values from Table 2b were removed (making the demand average more conservative).

Both Units'WS had similar demand values. The demand values were included to calculate the piedicted TRC concentration at the Outfall discharge. Based on these demand studies and additional dilution water from the CWS, expected values will fall below 0.006mg/l as proven in Table 1 and Table la. Supporting data is also found in Reference ¹2, Vol II (Fig 6.4, Table 6.4, p. 151 - 152, 158 - 159)(Included as Attachment 4).

Page 6 of 10 V C-24

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 B. Theoretical calculations Exam le Calculation for Unit One:

Conditions from the six week study period:

Unit One SWS [TRC] = 0.52 mg/I Unit One SWS flow = 0.013 MGM Unit One circulating water flow = 0.72 MGM Calculate Unit One circulating water [TRC] at discharge vaults.


No demand factored into the equation.

OOi [TRC] mg/g Sh'S [TRC) mg/I x SAS Flow MGM (Unit One CWS flow MGM + Unit One ShS Flow MGH)

Outfall OO1 [TRC] mg/l- 0.52 m /1 x 0.013 MGM (0.72 MGM + 0.013 MGH)

=0.009 mg/I TRC Unit One circulating water [TRC] (in discharge vault) = 0.009 mg/I with no demand factored in.

Calculate Unit One circulating water [TRC] at discharge vault including demand factor.

Average demand factor from Tables 2a, 2c,2d = 0.05mg/l.

So: 0.009mg/I -0.05mg/I = 0 mg/I TRC The measured demand for the water willconsume excess chlorine, and the resulting discharge at the Outfall discharge will be 0 mg/l.

Predicted TRC value at Unit One discharge tunnel: 0 mg/I Average measured TRC value at Unit One discharge tunnel: 0.002 mg/I Estimated TRC value at Unit One Outfall discharge: 0 mg/I Page 7 of 10

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 Exam le Calculation for Unit 2:

Conditions from the six week study period:

Unit Two SWS [TRC] = 0.47 mg/1 Unit Two SWS flow = 0.012 MGM Unit Two circulating water flow = 0.94 MGM Calculate Unit Two circulating water [TRC] at discharge vaults.

No demand factored into the equation.

SSZ AC] mg/l x SWS flow MGM

/l (Unit Svo CWS flow MGM + Unit Svo SWS flow MGM) 0.47 tng/1 x 0.012 MGM gy~ii Gg2 1~Cj (0.94 MGM + 0.012 MGM)

=0.006 mg/1 TRC Unit Two circulating water [TRC] (at discharge vault) = 0.006 mg/1 with no demand factored in.

Calculate Unit Two circulating water [TRC] at discharge vault including demand factor.

Avera'ge demand factor from Tables 2a, 2c,2d = 0.05mg/1 So: 0.006mg/1 -0.05mg/1 = 0 mg/1 TRC The measured demand for the water willconsume excess chlorine, and the resulting discharge at the Outfall discharge will be 0 mg/1 Predicted TRC value at Unit Two discharge tunnel: Q mg/1 Averagemeasured TRC value at Unit Two discharge tunnel: (0.001mg/I Estimated TRC value at Unit Two Outfall discharge: 0 mg/1 P'age 8 of 10 V C-26

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan i March 1996 VI. Conclusions The data presented in Table 1 and Table la shows that the SWS TRC concentrations have reached 0.989mg/1 at the discharge point to the circulating water system, while measured [TRC] at Outfalls 001 and 002 have not exceeded 0.006 mg/1. The calculated concentrations of Outfall 001 TRC would be 0 mg/l when SWS TRC =

0.52mg/l. Average TRC for Outfall 001 was 0.002 mg/l for the monitoring period.

The difference was attributed to the relatively short time chlorinated Service Water has to react with unchlorinated Lake Michigan water in the CWS prior to the Outfall sample point. Demand studies performed during the six week study show that the measured values at the Outfalls willbe reduced to zero by the time it travels through the discharge tunnel and reenters Lake Michigan. The six-week study was done during a moderate TRC demand period, as compared to the higher TRC demand periods seen later in the year when more biota is found in the water column.

The study results demonstrate that TRC is not discharged to Lake Michigan at levels greater than 0.006mg/I through outfalls 001 and 002 other than during periods of intermittent chlorination of the noncontact condenser cooling water. Therefore, as stated in NPDES Permit No. MI0005827, Part I, Section A, Special Condition 13, we 80 request that the intermittent TRC limits willapply for monitoring purposes and while the Plant continuously chlorinates the service water systems.

VII. List and Description of Tables

1. Table 1: Service Water System, Outfall 001 and Outfall 002 [TRC] in mg/I.
2. Table la: Outfall 001 and 0026 Week TRC Data
3. Tables ¹2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, Demand Studies. These four similar tables contain inlet and outlet TRC data for each individual service water system. The data from Table 2b was found to be statistically different from the other data and was not used to calculate demand.

Page 9 of 10

Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan March 1996 VIII. List of Attachments Attachment 1: Amperometric / Cl> analyzer study. A complete log of the redevelopment of EPA Method 330.1 by Cook Plant personnel. The attachment contains low level comparisons of grab samples vs. the Orion model 1770 analyzer.

2. Attachment 2: Instrument Reliability. On-line vs. grab sampling comparisons are included in this attachment. Various other reliability tests are also included in this attachment.

Attachment 3: Methods used. Copies of the procedures used to complete the six week chlorination study.

X. List of References "EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastewater" 1983

2. "Report on Acceptable Levels of Chlorine Discharges at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant" Volumes I and II 1977 Indiana and Michigan Power Company, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2.
3. "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" 1992,18th ed. Edited by A.E. Greenberg, L.S. Clesceri; and A.D. Eaton.
4. "The effects of Intermittent Chlorination on the Biota of Lake Michigan" 1977, A.S. Brooks and G.L. Seegers.

Page 10 of 10 V C-28

Table 1 Service Water System, Outfall 001 and Outfall 002 [TRCJ in mg/I U-1 SWS TRC Outfall 001 TRC U-2 SWS TRC Outfall 002 TRC NESW ESW NESW ESW Date (mgll) (mg/l) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/I)

Week One 5/15/95 0.200 0.693 0.001 0.153 0.683 <0.001 5/16/95 0.409 0.631 <0.001 0.329 0.697 <0.001 5I17/95 0.407 0.683 <Q.001 0.490 0.787 <0.001 5/18/95 0.410 0.61 0.003 0.353 0.627 <0.001 5/19/95 0.413 0.644 0.003 0.385 0.644 <0.001 5/20/95 0.360 0.53 0.002 0.320 0.493 0.001 5/21/95 0.257 0.393 0.001 0.233 0.47 0.002 Week Two 5/22/95 0.319 0.422 0.002 0.330 0.467 0.001 5/23/95 0.305 0.433 0.002 0.366 0.508 <0.001 5/24/95 0.340 0.456 0.002 0.400 0.490 <0.001 5/25/95 0.427 0.494 0.002 0.433 0.530 <0.001 5/26/95 0.338 0.397 0.003 0.402 0.448 <0.001 5/27/95 0.372 0.443 0.003 0.358 0.471 <0.001 5/28/95 0.239 0.512 0.001 0.334 0.146 <0.001 Week Three 5/29/95 0.412 0.604 0.002 0.218 0.604 <0.001 5/30/95 0.507 0.739 0.004 0.424 0.687 <0.001 5/31/95 0.649 0.720 0.004 0.598 0.758 <0.001 6/1I95 QA83 0.557 0.004 0.443 0.610 <0.001 6/2/95 0.433 0.439 0.002 0.386 0.453 <0.001 6/3/95 0.409 0.439 0.004 Q.342 0.475 <0.001 6/4/95 0.375 0.439 0.003 0.417 0.405 <0.001 Week Four 6/5/95 0.293 0.533 0.002 0.355 0.573 <0.001 6/6/95 0.573 0.753 0.003 0.455 0.666 <0.001 6/7/95 0.587 0.790 0.002 0.470 0.617 <0.001 6/8/95 0.557 0.600 0.002 0.433 0.270 <0.001 6/9/95 0.570 0.877 0.003 0.503 0.347 <0.001 6/10/95 0.587 0.767 0.004 0.544 0.421 <0.001 6/11/95 0.542 0.570 0.002 0.512 0.559 <0.001 Week Five 6/12/95 0.784 0.438 0.001 0.420 0.473 <0.001 6/13/95 0.989 0.645 0.002 0.525 0.793 <0.001 6/14/95 0.791 0.730 0.003 0.429 0.453 <0.001 6/15/95 0.748 0.686 0.004 0.444 0.416 <0.001 6I16I95 0.639 Q.545 Q.QQ3 0.297 0.258 <0.001 6/17/95 0.609 0.471 0.003 0.382 0.438 <0.001 6/18/95 0.551 0.402 0.003 0.588 0.338 <Q.001 Week Six 7/3/95 0.644 0.658 0.002 0.805 0.271 <0.001 7/4/95 0.523 0.580 0.003 0.63 0.447 <0.001 7/5/95 0.467 0.517 0.002 0.707 0.577 <0.001 7/6/95 0.370 0.343 0.001 0.433 0.320 <0.001 7/7/95 0.327 0.287 0.001 0.43 0.307 <0.001 7/8/95 0.540 0.493 0.003 0.633 0.523 0.001 7/9/95 0.540 0.487 0.001 0.633 0.513 0.001 High 0.989 0.877 0.004 0.805 0.793 0.002 Low 0.20Q 0.287 <0.001 0.153 0.146 <0.001 Avg 0.483 0.558 0.002 0.437 0.501 <0.001 The weekly study period from 6/19 to 7/2 chlorination was interrupted due to on-line analyzer malfunction.

V C-29

Table 1a Outfall 001 Six Week TRC Data 0.010 Discharge limit 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 E

0.005 O

0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 I

Outfall 002 Six Week TRC Data 0.010 0.009 ~Discharge gmg 0.006 0.007 m 0.006 E

0.005 O

0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 I='Is)Nmll Ilmliilllmi V C-30

Table 2a Demand Studies U-I ESW inletTRC (mg/l) U-1 ESW Outlet TRC (mg/l) Calculated demand (In - Out)

Appproximate sample Times Appproximate sample Times 3:00 13:00 19:00 AVG 3:00 13:00 19:00 AVG Week One 5/15/95 0.760 I.200 0.740 0.900 0.620 0.920 0.540 0.693 0.207 SI16I95 Q.7&0 0.60S 0.552 Q.646 0.800 0.469 0.625 0.531 0.014 5/17/95 0.640 0.820 0.790 0.750 0.680 0.770 0.600 0.683 0.067 5/18/95 0.760 0.670 0.440 0.623 0.740 0.570 0.520 0.610 0.013 5/19/95 0.7IO 0.693 0.620 0.674 0.650 0.641 0.640 0.644 0.031 5/20/95 0.360 0.&90 0.760 0.670 0.390 ~ 0.570 0.630 0.530 0.140 5/21/95 0.380 0.360 0.400 0.380 0.370 0.470 0340 0.393 -0.013 Week Two 5/22/95 0.670 0.350 O. I 72 0.397 0.520 0.320 0.425 0.422 -0.024 5/23/95 0.433 0.374 0.507 0.438 0.444 0388 0.466 0,433 0.005 5/24/95 0.545 0.390 0.585 0.507 0.468 0.4 I 0 0.490 0.456 0.051 5/25/95 0.502 0.485 0.522 0.503 0.509 0.556 0.4 I 8 0.494 0.009 5/26/95 0.472 0.4& I 0.520 0.491 0.4 I 6 0392 0.382 0.397 0.094 5/27/95 0.609 0.270 0.966 0.615 0.483 0.330 0.515 0.443 0.172 5/28/95 0.636 0.340 0.986 0.654 0394 0.320 0.82 I 0.512 0.142 Week Three 5/29/95 0.637 0.459 0.820 0.639 0.$ 860.488 0.740 0.604 Q.034 5/30/95 0.940 0.6I4 I.OOO 0.851 0.770 0.606 0.840 0.739 0.113 5/31/95 0.920 0.863 0.68Q 0.821 0.820 0.711 Q.630 Q.720 0.101 6/I/95 0.570 0.540 0.400 0.503 0.670 0.490 O.S IO 0.557 -0.053 6/2/95 Q.470 0.4Q4 0.521 Q,465 0.400 0393 0.525 0,439 0.026 6/3/95 0.395 0.340 0.60 I 0.445 0.463 0.478 0.375 0.439 0.007 6I4/95 0.536 0.560 0.335 0.477 0.577 0.429 0.312 0.439 0.038 Week Four 6595 0.356 0.510 0.830 0.565 0.409 0.400 0.790 0.533 0.032 6/6/95 0.600 0.932 I.0OQ 0.844 0.590 0.860 0.810 0.753 0.091 6/7/95 0.870 0.660 0.880 0.803 0.840 0.720 0.810 0.790 0.013 6/8/95 0.3 I 0 0.930 0.760 0.667 0320 0.670 0.& IQ 0.600 0.067 6/9j95 0.950 0.860 0.890 0.900 0.930 0.770 0.930 0.877 0.023 6/10/95 0.9 I 0 0.889 0.740 0.846 0.&40 0.82l 0.640 0.767 0.079 6/11/95 0.750 0.646 0.560 0.652 0.750 0.580 0.3&0 0.570 0.082 Week Five I 5 0.720 0.598 0.699 0.672 0.660 0376 0.278 0.438 0.234 6/13/95 0.6&2 0.$ 45 0.666 0.731 0267 0.915 0.752 0.645 0.086 6/14/95 0.6 I & 0.634 0.674 0.642 0.768 0.705 0.717 0.730 -0.088 6/15/95 0.772 0.489 0.5 I I 0.591 0.738 0.635 0.684 0.686 -0.095 6/16/95 0.563 0.620 0.$ 10 0.664 0.365 0.570 0.700 0,545 0.119 6/17/95 0.603 0.610 0.641 0.618 0.4 I3 0380 0.621 0.471 0.147 6/18/95 0.404 0.414 0.409 0.377 0.440 0.390 0.402 0.007 High 0.900 0.877 0.234 Low 0.38Q Q.393 -0.095 Avg 0.630 0.574 0.056 V C-31

l '

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Table 2c Demand Studies U-2 ES m etTRC (mg/1 -2E OutetTRC mg/ a cu ate eman Appproximate sample Times Appproximate sample Times 3:00 13:00 19:00 AVG 3:00 13:00 19:00 AVG Week One 5/15/95 0.040 0.370 0.270 0.227 0.44Q 0.950 0.660 0,(83 -0.457 5/16/95 0.520 0.349 0.894 0.588 0.800 0.567 0.724 0.697 -0.109 5/17/95 0.960 0.700 0.910 0.857 0.$ 20 0.830 0.710 0.787 0.070 5/18/95 0.790 0.760 0.500 0.683 0.700 0.680 0.500 0,627 0.057 5/19/95 0.800 0.707 0.660 0.722 0.650 0.632 0.650 0.644 0.078 5/20/95 0.290 0.720 0.410 0.473 0.410 0.410 0.660 0,493 -0.020 5/21/95 0.540 0.620 0.410 0.523 0.460 0.590 0.360 0.470 0.053 Week Two 5/22/95 0.600 0.260 0.156 0.339 0.530 0.350 0.520 0.467 -0.128 5/23/95 0.659 0.483 0.608 0.583 0.515 0.490 0.520 0.508 0.075 5/24/95 0.537 0.550 0.648 0.578 0.489 0.480 0.502 0.490 0.088 5/25/95 0.536 0.556 0.540 0.544 0.575 0.588 0.428 0.530 0.014 5/26/95 0.576 0.517 0.643 0.579 0.403 0.449 0.491 0.448 0.131 5/27/95 0.484 0.420 0.570 0.491 0.466 0.460 0.486 0.471 0.021 5/28/95 (0.001 031Q <0.001 Q.IQ3 0.081 0280 0.076 0.146 -0.043 Week Three 5/29/95 0.014 0.448 0.770 0.411 0.090 0.943 0.780 0, 04 -0.194 5/30/95 0.570 0.668 0.700 0,646 0.700 0.580 0.780 0.687 -0.041 5/31/95 0.920 0.957 0.810 0.896 0.840 0.773 0.660 0.758 0.138 6/1/95 0.700 0.860 0.4$ 0 0.680 0.680 0.740 0.410 0.610 0.070 6/2/95 0.410 0394 0.571 0.458 0.400 0302 0.656 0,453 0.006 6/3/95 0.490 0307 0.513 0.437 0.525 0.428 0.4'll 0,475 -0.038 6/4/95 0.412 0.549 0.262 0.408 0.449 0.414 0.353 0.405 0.002 Week Four 6 5/95 0.326 0.440 0.950 0,572 0.349 0.430 0.940 0.573 -0.0 1 6/6/95 0.620 0.547 0.900 0.689 0.610 0.517 0.870 0.666 0.023

. 6/7/95 0.770 0.770 0.350 0.630 0.870 0.760 0220 0.617 Q.Q13 6!8/95 0.210 0.960 1.110 0.760 0.170 0.380 0.260 0.270 0.490 6/9/95 0.930 0.860 1.050 0.947 0.420 03SQ 0.290 0347 0.600 6/10/95 0.910 0.877 0.640 0.809 0.290 0.313 0.660 0.421 0.388 6/11/95 0.940 0.465 0.410 0.605 0.660 0.508 O.S10 0.559 0.046 Week Five 61 95 0.630 0.475 0.450 0.518 0.270 0.612 0.537 0.473 0.045 6/13/95 0.426 0.481 0239 0.382 1.16Q Q.451 Q.767 0.793 -0.411 6/14/95 0.460 0.352 0.442 0.418 0.410 0.465 0.483 0.453 -0.035 6/15/95 0.460 0.284 0.297 0.347 0.413 0.391 0.444 0.416 -0.069 6/16/95 0.392 0.390 0.410 0.397 0.193 0.270 0.310 0.258 0.140 6/17/95 0.411 0.560 0.311 0.427 0.413 0.400 0.501 0.438 -0.011 6/18/95 0.240 0.730 0.676 0.823 0.273 0.340 0.401 0.338 0.485 High 0.947 0.793 0.600 Low 0.103 0.146 -0.457 Avg 0.559 0.516 0.042 V C-33

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Attachment ¹1 Amperometric/C12 Analyzer Study sed ASTM D1253-86 and EPA Method 330.1 7-19-95 Standardization of PAO solution Chemical ID g's: PAO-6279(Theo. N=0.00564+0.00003)

KH (IO3) 2-6267 Amperometric Titrator NCPC-001 was used Prep. of 0.1' KH(IO3)~: 3.257g diluted to 1002.5g w Locally Deionized Water(LDW)

Prep. of 0.005N KH(IO3)i: 25.071g 0.1N to 501.4g LDW Standardized against -o.00564 PAO:

Trial KH ( IOg) g ml. PAO Obs. PAO N 19.997 18.030 .005545 22.8060 20.500 .005562 21.8152 19.556 ~ 005578

  • values were not within 0.25% so test was repeated cepared new 0. 1N and 0. 005N KH(IO>) i:

.6245g KH(IO,)2 to 500.0g w/ LDW then 25.0012g 0.1N to 500.0g w/ LDW Trial KH (Io,), ml . 'AO Obs. PAO N 20.0000 18.168 .005504 20.0000 18.010 .005552 I, 20.0000 values are still not within 0.25%..

determine consistently at that concentration.

dardize with 0.0282N KH(IO3)z.

18.068 .005535 Noted that endpoint is difficult to Decided to attempt to stan-L V C-35

7-20-95 Prep. of 0.0282N KH(IO,)~: 0.9167g KH(IO,)~ diluted to 1000.4g w/ LDW Trial g of 0.0282N ml. of PAO Obs. N of PAO KH (I03) 2 6.9871 35.370 .005571 8 '691 45.348 .005578 6.0795 30.874 .005552 Avg. = .005567N

  • Trials 16c2 are w/in .25'.; N3 was within 0.5'. and was used to calculate avg.

N PAO calculated N of .005567 is 98.7. of the theo. N of .00564. Since a N of

. 00564 yields a direct conversion from ml. to ppm TRC (1 ml. PAO=lppm TRC),

all results should be multiplied by .987 to determine actual [TRC] .

Initial standard prep and analysis: Used HACH ampoules containing-10 ml of

57. 6ppm Cl~.
17. 3623g 857. 6ppm diluted to 1000ml = 1. 000ppm (This was prep' 7-18-95)

[Theo] ml PAO [Obs] std prep 1.00ppm .942 .914 91.4 200ml, no dil'n 0.50 . 474 .468 93.6 100ml to 200ml 0.25 .242 .239 95.6 50ml to 200ml 0 05 F .048 .047 94.0 10ml to'00ml Prep'd fresh std. to investigate low bias.

1000ml = O.S59ppm Cl, 9.8629g I 57.6ppm diluted to

[Theo] 011 PAO [Obs] O'0/T std prep 0.559 0.554 0.547 97.8 200ml, no dil'n 0.280 0.280 0.274 98.0 100ml to 200ml 0.028 0. 030 0.030 105.8 10ml to 200ml 0.012 0.012 0.012 100.0 4.3ml to 200ml 0.559 0.560 O.SS3 98 ' 200ml, no dil'n T he second because set of results compare more favorably than the first-possibly stock std was prepared fresh.

I i

V C-36

Prepared another fresh standard in an attempt to duplicate earlier results.

Diluted 9. 9336g 8 57.6ppm to 1002ml = 0.571ppm

[Theo] IAl PAO [Obs]  %'0/T std prep 0.571 0.550 0.543 95.1 200ml, no dil'n 0.286 0.268 0.265 92.5 100ml to 200ml Reran std prep'd on 7-20-95 (Theo. = 0.559ppm) 0.559 0.514 0.507 *Amp. titrator was improperly set up 0.210 0.207 96.3 77ml to 200ml Prepared new std- 10.026g 8 57.6ppm diluted to 1000ml w/LDW = 0.577ppm ml PAO [Obs]  %'0/T std prep 0.577 0.562 0.555 96.1 200ml, no dil'n Using a freshly prepared standard did not yield significantly better i results a second time.

Although PAO N and Cl~ standard results are obviously biased low, they are generally within 5% of so I chose to proceed with testing of outfall and On-Line Analyzer[Theo] comparisons.

V C-37

7-21-95 (cont)

The following samples were taken from designated sample points .for Outfalls i

00ls or 002s(unless otherwise noted-some samples were obtained by. dipping a ample bottle into the Circ Water Discharge Forebay sample points-"dip")

ample analysis was initiated within 2 minutes of sample time (unles~

~I 5

otherwise noted).

SAMPLE TIME ml of Obs On-Line Comment PAO [Cl,] Reading Outfall 001 0930 .096 .095 0.17 analyzer unstable after spike up to.55ppm Outfall 001 1010 .096 .095 .10 Outfall 001 . 1020 .104 .103 .103 (dip)

Outfall 001 1145 .166 .164 suspect, electrode poisoned from previous sample (17. 5ppm Cl,) L Outfall 001 1148 .052 .051 .095 Clz injection S/D analyzer response is I 1135; delayed Outfall 001 1152 .020 .020 .020 Outfall 001 1155 .008 .008 .008 Outfall 001 1206 .002 .002 .002 Outfall 002 0930 .142 . 140 Outfall 002 1005 .116 . 114 .105 Outfall 002 1044 .114 .113 .105 (dip)

Outfall 002 1159 <.002 <.002 <.001

. 144ppm std 1050 ,. 162 .160 111% (39.5ml 8 .577ppm to 200011 W/LDW

. 144ppm std 1055 . 142 . 140 97.3% (39.5ml 8 .577ppm to 200ml W/LDW V C-38

8-3-95 Prep'd new std w/ 9.9900 g 8 57.6 ppm 1 8 w/ LDW = 0.575 ppm s td ~Sample Time ml PAO Obs (Cl ] On-Line Comments Reading 20'l

(.57s) std ~ 562 .555 96.5%

40 ml ~ 200 . 118 . 116 100, 9%

(.11s) 18 ml ~ 200 .050 . 049 94.2%


TRS (Outfall 0705 . 108 . 107 Ood)

Outfall 001 0923 .002 .002 . 0012 outfall 001 0940 .002 .002 . 003 Outfall 001 1110 .004 .004 . 0025 Outfall 002 0930 . 142 . 140 (Dip)

Outfall 002 0940 . 136 . 134 (Dip)

Outfall 002 1115 .168 .166 (Dip) erunQ1120 1115 . 158 .156 rerun1123 1115 .152 . 150 TRS (outfall 0956 .028 .028 OOD) 200 ml std 1130 .560 .553 (95. 7%)

(.s7s) 29 ml ~ 200 1134 .086 .085 102.2%


V C-39

8-10-95 Prep'd new std w/ 10.068 g 8 57.6 ppm 1 l = 0.580 ppm td/Sample Time ml PAO Obs [Clz] On-Line Comments Reading 33 ml std ~ 200 .082 .081 1st run (96 9%

IAl (. 096) .094 .093 rerun (84.4%.)

57.5 ml' 200 . 156 . 154 92.2%

(. 167)

Outfall 001 0854 <.002 <.002 <.001 Outfall 001 0915 .002 .002 <. 001 Outfall 001 0935 .002 .002 . 0021 Outfall 001 1143 <.002 <.002 <.001 Outfall 002 0857 <.002 <.002 <.001 Outfall 002 0859 .002 .002 <.001 Outfall 002 0905 .002 .002 <.001 Outfall '002 0938 .206 .203 .16 Outfall 002 0943 .222 .219 . 175 Outfall 002 0948 .202 ~ 199 ~ 185 utfall 002 0952 .222 .219 .19 Outfall 002 1138 did not .0055 run 200 ml std (.580 .558 . 551 95.0%


V C-40

D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan February, 1996 Attachment ¹2 Instrument Reliability Sample line QA testing and resolutions: On-line instrumentation Outfall 001 and 002 sample line verifications during the start of the 5th week revealed some problems with macrofouling. The samples collected from the sample pipe did not agree with the samples dipped from the same location. The matter was further complicated by attempting spectrophotometric methods (EPA 330.5)'at low TRC levels for further verification. It was finally determined that turbidity in the samples were giving false high TRC levels. The detection limit of 0.006 mg/1 could not be met using spectrophotometric methods.

Continuous chlorination was temporally halted while the sampling line that draws water from the plant outfall was cleaned of accumulated mussel shells. Intermittent chlorination was continued using grab samples from the outfall sample points and spectrophotometric methods (intermittent TRC levels are usually 0.01to 0.018mg/1 and are within the method's range). The outfall sample piping was placed on a maintenance schedule that includes weekly hot water flushes to kill any macrofouling that may create a demand for free chlorine from the sample inlet to the analyzer. Grab samples are also taken at the outfall sample point and analyzed with the Orion 1770 on-line meter, readings are then compared with samples taken at the end of the sample delivery pipe. Grab vs on-line comparisons have been satisfactory since weekly hot water flushes have started. Continuous chlorination was restarted on July 3, 1995 ~

Comparison of on-line instruments to EPAmethod 330.5(spectrophotometric method): The additional verification samples were performed during intermittent chlorination when the Outfall TRC concentration is within the limits of detection of EPA method 330.5.

Comparison methods 'at TRC levels <0.01 mg/1 are not possible due to turbidity interferences using 100 mm cells with the Perkin Elmer Lambda 12 Spectrophotometer.

The Hach Dr-2000 will not detect TRC levels below 0.01mg/1. During the dates of June 23, 1995 through July 7, 1995, comparisons were made using EPA 'method 330.5. The comparisons between the Orion 1770 on line analyzer and the Hach Dr-2000 analyzer were satisfactory. EPA method 330.1 (amperometric titration) was used to compare samples below 0.01 mg/l.

Comparison of on-line instruments to EPA method 330.1 (amperometric methods). Low level TRC analysis ((0.01mg/1) is difficult to do other than by on-line methods. Several methods were researched by the Cook Plant in order to monitor on-line analyzer performance. As discussed earlier, turbidity interferences made low-level comparisons during continuous chlorination an impossibility. Although we were confident that the analyzers worked in the 0.01 to 0.02 mg/1 range, we attempted to verify operation by performing comparisons at the levels commonly encountered during continuous chlorination (0.001 to 0.006 mg/1). Amperometric titration (EPA method 330.1)'hemicals and Page 1 of 2

D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan February, 1996 apparatus were ordered in July and we began testing of the method by July 19, 1995. contains the complete study and the results of the comparisons at low levels of TRC. The results of the study conducted on July 27, August 3, and August 10, 1995 showed that the Orion on-line chlorine analyzers were accurate at TRC levels below 0.01 mg/I.

MDEQ compliance and audit results comparison {May 1995): On May 22, 1995, the MDEQ conducted a compliance sampling inspection. The TRC levels detected by the inspectors matched the TRC levels reported for the day by Cook Plant:

Sample time (Cook/MDEQ) 08:00/12:15 19:00/19:00 Outfall 001 TRC (mg/l)

(Cook/MDEQ) 0.002/ < 0.01 0.003/<0.01 Outfall 002 TRC (mg/I}

(Cook/MDEQ) < 0.001/<0.01 < 0.001/ < 0.01 Results of NIST traceable standards: On-line analyzers were checked weekly for proper response to traceable standards (0.01mg/l and 0.03mg/I). No significant deviations were noted.

Page 2 of 2

D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant IO Service Water System Chlorination Plan February, 1996 Attachment ¹3. Methods used These plant procedures are available on request.

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D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant Service Water System Chlorination Plan February, 1996 Attachment ¹4.

Selected portions of "Report on Acceptable Levels of Chlorine Discharges at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant" Volumes I and II 1977 Indiana and Michigan Power Company, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2.

Page 1of 1 V C-44

TABLE 6-4. DATA FROM- CHLORINATION PLUME SURVEY DONALD C. COOK PLANT AUGUST 7. /4 Mini Ran er Yards Temperature Chlorine Sample Time C mg/1 1 479 458 1321 22.0 0.000 2 501 450 1323 23.5 0.000 3 541 478 1325 23.8 0.000 4 467 447 1330 22.4 0.000 524 463 1334 22.2 0.017 6 546 489 1336 22.2 0.024 7 511 453 1338 21.7 0.027 8 '455 443 1341 21. 6 0.117 9 421 422 1342 21. 6 0 '29 10 487 438 1343 21. 6 0.000 11 580 458 1347 21. 6 0.063 12 613. 508 1348 21. 4 0.000 13 581 566 1349 21. 4 0.080 14 484 670 1351 21. 9 0.000 15 437 583 1352 22.0 0.000 16 517 46& 1354 21-9 0.000 17 525 467 1355 21.5 0.126 18 521 475 1356 21. 3 0.104 19 666 537 1358 21. 3 0.085 20 663 642 1400 21. 4 0.027 21 627 714 1401 21. 6 0.000 22 741 776 1404 21. 9 0.000 N3 924 722 1407 21. 7 0.029 24 868 664 1408 21. 5 0.000 25 715 $ 69 1410 21. 5 0.000 26 676 73& 1411 21. 4 0.062 27 665 807 1412 21. 8 0.000 28 658 880 1413 21. 9 0.000 29 570 734 1415 21. 9 0.000

- 30 612 1417 22.0 0.000 31 748 599 1418 21. 9 0.000 32 853 613 1419 21. 5 0.011 33 641 682 1420 21. 5 0.000 34 998 690 1421 21. 5 0.000

TABLE 6-4. Continued Hini Ran er Yards Temperature Chlorine Sample Time OC mg/1 35 776 -535 1423 21. 6 0.000 36 649 504 1424 21. 6 D. 000 37 575 548 1425 21. 6 0. 004 38 527 713 1427 21.6 0-001 39 572 868 1428 22.0 O. 000 40 872 1165 1430 22.0 0.000 41 1008 1238 1431 21. 9 0.000 42 1045 1225 1432 21. 7 0.000 43 1033 1170 1433 21. 5 0.000 1065 1072 1435 21. 5 0.000 a5 1198 1061 1437 21. 5 0-000 46 1255 1090 1438 21. 5 0. 005.

47 1347 1131 1439 21. 6 0.000 48 1336 1103 1440 21. 6 0.000 49 1042 810 1442 21. 6 0.000 50 897 647 1443 21. 7 0.000 51 699 563 1444 21.7 0.000 52 689 706 1447 21.5 0-000 53 809 868 1448 21.9 0.000 54 944 1021 1449 22.0 0.000 55 1097 1230 1451 21-6 0.000 56 1105 1289 1452 21. 6 0.000

~ ~7 94D 1200 1454 21-6 0.000 58 822 1042 1455 21. 8 0.000 59 710 833 1456 21. 9 0.000 60 593 723 1457 22. 0 0.000 61 509 586 la58 22. 0 0.000 62 563 367 1501 21. 5 0.000 63 408 454 1503 21. 7 0.000 64 656 967 1507 21. 9 0-000 65 800 1127 1508 22.0 0.000 66 1035 12&3 1510 21.9 0-ODO 67 953 1112 1512 21.8 0.000 6& 936 1033 1513 21 9 0.000

m m m m m w &m TABLE 6-4. Continued Mini Ran er Sample Yards B'ime Temperature OC Chlorine mg/1 69 942 969 1514 21. 7 0.000 70 1037 931 1516 21 ~ 8 0.000 71 1100 939 1517 21. 6 0.000 72 1421 1091 1520 21.7 0.000



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piggy 6-$ Sapple statiop locations

. estimafed 'outer bounds of intheLake chorine Michigan off the Donald C. Cook plant showing correspond to sample numbers in Table plume, 6-4.

Aug. 7< 1974. Station numbers gg 0

8~ HMHEMATICAL PLUME MODELING by Dr. Kwang K. Lee Introduction A mathematical aede3. has been developed to predict the distribution of residual chlorine in an effluent, plume so that it may be possible to minimize objectional environmental effects and sti11 achieve fouling control. Unlike a thermal effluent which is continuously discharged, chlorine is injected into the cooling water in discrete, interrupted, intervals to provide shock fouling treatment. Since the chlorination is applied intermittentLy rather than continuously, the residuaL chlorine plume behaves like a train of transient clo'uds meandering through the thermaL plume.

In addition to advection, dilution, and diffusion within the thezpua1 plum, chlorine also undergoes chemicaL degradation The rater of reaction or decay depend on temperature, light intensity, and the chlorine demand of. the receiving water (Section 'T this report) ~ Consecgxentlyi the effect of thexmaL plume on ~ characteristics and dishxihution of residual, chlorine must he coupled with rates of chlorine decay. Hith-out adequate knowledge of thermal plume behavior, and the kinetics of chlorine decay proper assessment of the impact:

of chlorine. residual on receivtng waters cannot." he determined V C-49

Zn view of the interlocking action between a thexmal plume and chlorine kinetics, and adecpxate model of the phenomenon may consist of three steps: namely, the design of a thexmal plume model which is capable of including both the dynamic characteristics of thermal plume.and the transient.

behavior of residual chloriner secondly, a ch1orine kinetic model and finally the incorporation of the two interrelated models.

The analysis of chlorine residuals in a thermal effluent discharged by an once-thxough cooling system must: be based on valid mathematical, physical and chemical assumptions in mdeling. Host of the available models of thermal discharges

. are based on the applications of classical theory on steady C

state turbulent: jets. Policastxo and Paddock, (1972) provided valid comparison between the available jet models and experimental data. The jeC aadels are generally acceptable for a steady statei initial-aamentum dominated. jets into an infini.te1y'arge receiving water. However, the jet;. modeI A

cannot. account, for its own influence on the surroundings, and

/g the physical boundaxy\ conditions of the receiving. water cannoh affect the entraimaant conditions of the jet:. Despite the mathematical. simplicity of the jet: aadels, they are not adecluate nor compatible the 5 of vali.d chlorine residual distribution characteristics Therefore, a far-field thermal plum madel would be the only accept+le alternative

-3.52 V C-50

9 ~ SUKCAEK The results of this research indicate that many Lake Michigan organisms can tolerate intermittent chlorination t

at concentrations comparable to those observed in the lake.

Toxicity tests with six species of important Lake Michigan fish indicate that the fish are more sensitive to chlorine at, elevated temperatures . This is exemplified by the results of tests with alewife and yellow perch where both species mchibited a ten-fold increase in sensitivity as test tempera-tures were increased from 10 to 30 C. The range of 30-minute LC-50 values for all fish tested was 8 mg/1 at 10 C for yellow perch to 0.287 mg/1 for coho salmon at 20 C. Estimatedze mortality levels were approximately one half the LC-50 values ranging from 0.18 mg/1 or the alewife to 0;43 mg/1 for the yellow> perch.

Bdhavioral observations indicated that mast fish are lethargic while exposed to chlorine with the. salmonid species somewhat\ ~

naze active than others. Most species came to the.

surface,.'of the test aquaria to cd p.Zoz air. durhxg the exposure period. Mortality was delayed following exposure to chlorine in several of the species tested, however, considerable int~

and intra-specific differences, were noted. Except= for. the.

perch at 10 C fish losing their ecgxilibrium rarely recovered, following exposure to chlorine.

The invertebrate species tested were. gdb.era11y less.

sensitive to mtezmittent chlorination than were the fish


The LC-50 values generally decreased with increasing tempera-ture. The range of LC-50 values observed was appxoximately

.15 5/1 15 5 ~1~ ~h'* '5 '.54 5/1 at. 10 C for Limnocalanus mac~xa. Estimated "safe" values (TX-5) ranged from,2.4 to 0.53 mg/1.

Lake Michigan phytoplankton showed a significant loss of f

active chlorophyll a and a pezmanent, reduction of carbon uptake rates following 30 minute exposures to chlorine at levels above 0-5 mg/1. Chlorine concentrations less than 0.1 mg/1 produced only slight losses in chlorophyll a and, following an initial reduction in carbon uptake rates, nearly complete recovery was observed. Concentrations between 0.5 and 0.1. mg/1 generally produced intermediate responses.

Laboratory studies to detezmine the persistence of 1

chlorine in Lake Michigan water indicatedthat following chlorine additiop there is an initial zapi,d decrease in chlorine concen-tzations within 1-2. hours to levels approximately one half oR 14 the ini:axial concentrations. Low levels of. chlorine were detectablh for much longer periods. Degradation rates were j~

more rapid under wazm lighted conditions as opposed to cold<

Field surveys at, six Lake Michigan power plants indicata, that chlorine degrades rapM.y within the bounds of. the theruMLL 1 effluent- plume. The maximum chlorine concentzati.on observed.

was 0.376 mg/1. Chlorine was generally not~tectable longer

~5 than- 1-.?. hours..while the maxuaum area. of the~orine plume..'was only a fraction of. the. observable= tkmzmxl pt,uma.

V C-52

r Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant ESI Test No.: 95-171 Date: 9/17-19/95 Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTRATION:


~: 25.0'Fo moURSj a

0 5

24 5

48 5

5 5 c 5 5 5 d 5 5 5 TEMP. C 26.0 24.0; 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 I pH 8.00 8.00 7.84 7.84 8.31 8.31 8.00 7.84 8.31 8.00 7.84 8.31 DO(mg/1) a 8.2 8.2 b 8.2 8.2 c 82 8.2 d '8.2 8.2 COND.(UMHOS/CM) a 300 310 b 300 310 c 300 310 d 300 310 I CONCENTRATION:



AVG STD 24.7 0.9


26.0 MIN 24.0 pH: 8.05 0.20 8.31 7.84 l DO(mg/1):


8.2 305 0.0 5

8.2 310 8.2 300

Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19/95 ESI Test No.: 95-171 Organism: Daphnia magna CONCEKI'RATION: 50.0%

TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 ALIVE a 5 5 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 d 5, 5 5 TEMP. C 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 pH 8.03 7.91 8.31 8.03 7.91 8.31 8.03 7.91 8.31-8.03 7.91 8.31 DO(mg/1) 8.2 8.3 8.2 . 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 300 320 b 300 320 c 300 320 d 300 320 CONC EN'EDITION: 50.0%

AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.7 0.9 26.0 24.0 pH: 8.08 0.17 8.31 7.91 DO(mg/1): 8.3 0.1 8.3 8.2 COND.g2vKHOS/CM): 310 10 320 300 V B-32

i Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant ESI Test No.: 95-171 Date: 9/17-19/95 Organism: Daphnia magna I CONCENTRATION:

ALIVE TIME: (HOURS) a 100.0%

0 5

24 5

48 5

b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 5 5 5 TEMP. C 26.0 24.1 24.0 26.0 24.1 24.0 26.0 24.1 24.0 26.0 24.1 24.0 pH 8.13 7.95 8.30 8.13 7.95 8.30 8.13 7.95 8.30 8.13 7.95 8.30 DO(mg/1) 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 300 320 b 300 320 c 300 320 d 300 320 CONCENTRATION: 100.0%

AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.7 0.9 26.0 24.0 pH: 8.13 0.14 8.30 7.95 DO(mg/1): 8.3 0.1 8.3 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 310 10 320 300 V B-33



ST.ALBANS, WEST VIRGINIA Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19/95 ESI Test No.: 95-172 Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTRATION: Control TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 ALIVE a 5 5 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 '5 5 d 5 5 5

'IEMP. C 26.0 24.3 24.0 26.0 24.3 24.0 26.0 24.3 24.0 26.0 24.3 24.0 pH 8.12 8.04 8.15 8.12 8.04 8.15 8.12 8.04 8.15 8.12 8.04 8.15 DO(mg/1) 8.0 8.2 8.0 8.2 8.0 8.2 8.0 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM) 300 310 300 310 300 310 300 310 CONCENTRATION: CONTROL AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.8 0.9 26.0 24.0 pH: 8.10 0.05 8.15 8.04 DO(mg/1): 8.1 0.1 8.2 8.0 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 305 5 310 300 V B-34

l Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant ESI Test No.: 95-172

'ate: 9/17-19/95 Organism: Daphnia magna l CONCENTRATION:

ALIVE vms: movRS>


a 0

5 24 5

48 5

5 5 c 5 5 5 5 5 5

'I TEMP. C a 24.9 24.0 24.0 b 24.9 24.0 24.0 c 24.9 24.0 24.0 d 24.9 24.0 24.0 pH a 8.26 8.09 8.18 b 8.26 8.09 8.18 c 8.26 8.09 8.18 d 8.26 8.09 8.18 DO(mg/l) a 8.1 8.3 b 8.1 8.3 c 8.1 8.3 d 8.1 8.3 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 300 310 b 300 310 c 300 310 d 300 310 EVICTION:

'ONC 6.25%

AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.3 0.4 24.9 24.0 pH: 8.18 0.07 8.26 8.09 DO(mg/1): 8.2 0.1 8.3 8.1 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 305 5 310 300 V B-35

Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19/95 ESI Test No.: 95-172 Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTIMTION: 12.5%

TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 ALIVE a 5 5 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 5 5 5 TEMP. C 26.0 24.1 24.0 26.0 24.1 24.0 26.0 24.1 24.0 26.0 24.1 24.0 pH 8.22 8.10 8.23 8.22 8.10 8.23 8.22 8.10 8.23 8.22 8.10 8.23 DO(mg/I) 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.2 8.3 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 290 300 b 290 300 c 290 300 d 290 300 CONCENTRATION: 12.5%

AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.7 0.9 26.0 24.0 pH: 8.18 0.06 8.23 8.10 DO(mg/1): 8.3 0.1 8.3 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 295 5 300 290 V B-36

i Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19195 ESI Test No.: 95-172 Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTRATION: 25.0%

TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 e %W ALIYE a 5. 5 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 d 5 5 5 TEMP. C 25.7 24.4 24.0 25.7 24.4 24.0 25.7 24.4 24.0 25.7 24.4 24.0 jj pH 8.23 8.23 8.12 8.12 8.24 8.24 8.23 8.12 8.24 8.23 8.12 8.24 DO(mg/1) a 8.1 8.2 b 8.1 8.2 c '.1 8.2 8.1 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 310 320 b 310 320 c 310 320 310 320 .



'IEMP C: 24.7 0.7 25.7 24.0 pH: 8.20 0.05 8.24 8.12 DO(mg/1): 8.2 0.1 8.2 8.1 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 315 5 320 310 I'

V B-37

Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant Date: 9/17-19/95 ESI Test No.: 95-172 Organism: Daphnia magna CONCENTRATION: 50.0%

TIME: (HOURS) 0 24 48 ALIVE a 5 5. 5 b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5 d 5 5 5 TEMP. C 25.7 24.0 24.0 25.7 24.0 24.0 25.7 24.0 24.0 25.7 24.0 24.0 pH a 8.26 8. 15 8.27 b 8.26 8.15 8.27 c 8.26 8.15 8.27 d 8.26 8.15 8.27 DO(mg/l) a 8.0 8.2 b 8.0 8.2 c 80 8.2 d 8.0 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 300 310 b 300 310 c 300 310 d 300 310 CONC ETIOLATION'EMP 50.0%

AVG STD MAX MIN C: 24.6 0.8 25.7 24.0 pH: 8.23 0.05 8.27 8.15 DO(mg/1): 8.1 0.1 ~ 8.2 8.0 COND. (UMHOS/CM): 305 5 310 300 V B-38

i Client: Indiana Michigan Cook Nuclear Plant ESI Test No.: 95-172 Date: 9/17-19/95 Organism: Daphnia magna i CONCIMIRATION:

. ALIVE TIME: (HOURS) 100.0%

a 0

5 24 5

48 5

b 5 5 5 c 5 5 5

. d 5 5 5 TEMP. C 26.0 24.8 24.0 26.0 24.8 24.0 26.0 24.8 24.0 26.0 24.8 24.0 8.24 8.17 8.29 8.24 8.17 8.29 8.24 8. 17 8.29 8.24 8.17 8.29 DO(mg/1) 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.2 COND. (UMHOS/CM) a 310 320 b 310 320 c 310 320 d 310 320.


AVG STD MAX MIN TEMP C: 24.9 0.8 26.0 24.0 pH: 8.23 0.05 8.29 8.17 DO(mg/1): 8.2 0.1 8.2 8.1 COND. /THOS/CM): 315 5 320 310 l V B-39


~ ~

V B-40

Environmental Services Inc.

6404 MacCorkle Ave.

Ie St. Albans, West Virginia 25177 Sample/Dilution Water Description sheet Client Name: Cook Nuclear Plant Sample ID: Final EEuent OutM No.: U1/U2 Outhll TestNo.: 95- 171 t 'I Chlorine:


Sample Condition Upon Arrival Chlorine Adjusted:

Salinity Adjusted:

pH: pH Adjusted:







~ ~

D.O. Initial:

~ ~ . z. c. D.O. Adjiusted: Aeration Period:

Sample Description Clarity: clear cloudy Sediments: Organic, Qocculent, heavy, Gne 0

glor: bla k, white, brown, red, blue, green culates: Organic, Qocculent, heavy, Gne, yello,n ne other none 0

Odor: organic hemical, petroleum, sour, sweet, none er.'hlorine:

Dilution Water Description Chlorine Adjusted:

t Salinity:



Salinity Adjusted:

pH Adjusted:




D.O. Initial:

~ ~ I ~ D.O. Adjiusted: Aeration Period:

Dilution Water Description Clarity: clear loudy ents: Organic, Qocculent, heavy, Gne none Color: bla k, e, brown, red, blu e, green lates: Organic, Qocculent, heavy, Gne,

..liow non'ther none Odor: orga 'emical, petroleum, sour, swee none V B-4j.



CONC. NUMBER OF D.O. pH Temperature Conductivity OR VESSEL ORGANISMS AER'B mg/L) (C) (umhos) Alk. liard.

NUMBE 0 24 48 72 96 0 24 48 72 96 24 72 96 0 24 48 72 0 24 48 72 96 0 0 control 360 5 5 b yQ 3 G 6.25%

Q.O 5 5 743 125%

10 gg,o 5 5 23 12 5 5 Ql 25.0%

14 15 EQ 16 /

initials: r AT AT QCsi off Comments:


CONTACI Eric Mallen ENDING DATE 9/19/95 TIME: 'P ~+

AHMTEST NO.: 95-171 TQXICANT! Ul/U2 Outfall 1EST ORGANISM DILUTIONWATER USED: Recieving Water SPECIES: Daphnia magna TEST TEMPERATURE: 25 +/- IC AGE: >24-hrs.

CONC. TEST NUMBER OF D.O. pH Temperature Conductivity OR VESSEL ORGANISMS A4VB mg/L) (C) (umhos) Alk. Ilard.

NUMBE 0 24 48 72 96 24 48 72 96 0 24 72 96 0 24 48 72 96 0 24 48 72 96 0 0 50.0% 17 55 3i 24>> 7~to /%0 18 f.b3

~x. 2't.o 19 20 100.0% 21 A,K t~L.

22 t3 1St 5 5 i 52-24 s.a M auo t'%


yc'r ar QCsi n off Comments:

Environmental Services Inc.

6404 MacCorlde Ave.

St. Albans, West Virginia 25177 Sample/Dilution Water Description sheet Client Name: Cook Nuclear Plant I Il ID:~D D P IIN, ~DII I kp IIII kk TestNo.: 95- 172 Sample Condition Upoa Arrival Chlorine: Chlorine Adjusted:

Saliaity: Salinity Adjusted:

pH: pH Adjusted:





~ D D.O. Initial: z ~ D.O. Adjiusted: Aeration Period:

Sample Description Clari . c ear, loudy eats: Organic, Qocculent, heavy, Gne none Color: black, white, brown, red, blue, green lates: Organic, Qocculent, heavy, Qne, yello none, other noae er Odor: organic chemical, petroleum, sour, sweet, noae Dilution Water Description Chlorine: Chlorine Adjusted:

Salinity: Salinity Adjusted:

pH: pH Adjusted:





D.O. Initial: D.O. Adjiusted: Aeration Period:

Dilution Water Description Clarity c ear, loudy Sediments: Organic, Qocculeat, heavy, Qne none Color: hite, brown, red, blue, green ates: Organic, Qocculent, heavy, Gne, yello, none, ther none'ther:

Odor: orga, mical, petroleum, sour, sweet, none V B-44


CONTACT: Eric Mallen ENDING DA'II.': 9/19/95 '11M E: hS++

ESI 1ESTNO.: 95-172 TOXICANT: Clay/Lake Michigian Water TEST ORGANISM DILUTIONWATER USED: Recieving Water SPECIES: Daphnia magna TESTTEMPERATURE: 25+/-1C AGE: >24-hrs.

CONC. TEST NUMBER OF D.O. pII Temperature Conductivity OR VESSEL ORGANISMS AER'E mg/L) (umhos) Alk. liard.

NUMBE 24 48 72 96 24 48 96 0 24 48 72 96 24 48 72 96 0 24 48 72 96 0 0 control 8ZS 5 p,

.tt CPl .0 io o


5 .3 5

z. 5 125%

~ 2< ~b 5 ,Zt .b 25.0%


initials; Aa QCsi n off Comments:


9/17/95 TIME: t CONTACT: Eric Mallen ENDING DA 17'. 9/19/95 TIME:

AIIM'INST NO.: 95-172 TOXICANT: Clay/Lake Michigian Water TEST ORGANISM DILLONWA1HR USED: Recieving Water SPECIES: Daphnia magna ZEST'IKMPERATURE: 25 +/-1C AGE: >24-hrs.

CONC. 1E NUMBER OF ~f D.O. pH Temperature Conductivity OR VESSEL ORGANISMS ALR'E mg/L) (umhos) Alk.

NUMBE 24 48 72 96 24 48 72 96 0 24 48 72 96 24 48 72 96 0 24 48 72 96 0 50.0% LQ iL.O 100.0%

(el initiahu QCsi n off Comments:


~ 0 0

V B-47


SAMPLERS: (Signature) rn OK 6 gO gO 0

uj rf Z o~ y+++ <+ t,- <i d' lu + Otu ~+


~ CQ DO iu cc KQ u.



~ rite Rellnq sh by: (Signature) Date /Time Received by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Date / Time Received by: (Signature) 4g Relinquish by: (Signature) Date / Time Recelv Labor at by: Date / Time Project Manager/Phone e:

(Si uro 3OA


DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 8c 2 OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTALMONITORING PROGRAM 1995 ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1 to DECEMBER 31, 1995 Prepared by Indiana Michigan Power Company aIld Te1edyne Brown Engineering Aprii 15, 1996

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE S Ummary o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 1 I Introduction .............................................. 3 II. Sampling and Analysis Program.............................. 5" III. Summary and Discussion of 1995 Analytical Results ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 4 A. Airborne Particulates................................ 15 B Airborne Iodine .................................... 17 G Direct Radiation - TLDs...................... ~...... - 18 D. Surface Water ...................................... 18 E. Groundwater............ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ ~ ~ o 20 F. Drinking Water..................................... 24 l>>

G. Sediment .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 H Milk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 26 I HSh o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 26 J.~ Food Pl Oducts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ ~ 27 IV. Conclusions... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ 28 V. References ........................ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 32


APPENDICES APPENDIX A - Radiological Environmental Monitoring.....;.".........'. 34 Program Summary - 1995 APPENDIX B - Data Tables ..................................... 39 APPENDIX C - Analytical Procedures Synopsis ........................ 66 APPENDIX D - Summary of EPA Interlaboratory Comparisons ........... 76 APPENDIX E - REMP Sampling and Analytical Exceptions............. 104 APPENDIX F - Land Use Census .................................. 108 APPENDIX G - Summary of the Preoperational Radiological............ 115 Monitoring Program APPENDIX H- Summary of the Spike and Blank Sample Program...'.... 119 APPENDIX I - TLD Quality Control Program .................... 131


LIST OF FIGURES Onsite REMP Monitoring Locations...............'............. l1 Offsite REMP Monitoring Locations..............

Fish Sampling Locations .................................. 13 Milk Farm Survey Table 111 I Residental Land Use Survey Table .......................... .. 112 Milk Farm Survey Map..................... .. 113 Residential Survey Map ............................... ~ - ~- ..114 I LIST OF TRENDING GRAPHS Average Monthly Gross Beta in Air Particulates................

Direct Radiation - Quarterly Tritium in Groundwater TLD's........................... ..19

................................. ~ ~ .. 21 I

Tritium in Drinking Water ................................. .. 25 EPA Cross Check Program Quality Control TLDs .................................... 133

LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE B-l Concentrations of Gross Beta Emitters in Weekly................... 40 Airborne Particulates B-2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Quarterly.................... 44 Composites of Airborne Particulate Samples B-3 Concentrations of Iodine-131 in Weekly Air Cartridge............... 46 Samples B-4 Direct Radiation Measurements - Quarterly TLD Results............. 50 B-5 Concentrations of Iodine, Tritium and Gamma Emitters............. 51 in Surface Water B-6 Concentrations of Tritium and Gamma Emitters in .. .... 53 Groundwater B-7 Concentrations of Gross Beta, Iodine, Tritium and.................. 56 Gamma Emitters in Drinking Water B-8 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Sediment .... ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 58 B-9 Concentrations of Iodine and Gamma Emitters in Milk.............. 59 B-10 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Fish ....................... 62 B-11 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Food/Vegetation .......... ~ ~ - 63 B-12 Gamma Spec LLDs and Reporting Levels ......,.................. 64




This report summarizes the collection and analysis of various environmental sample media in 1995 for the Radiological Environmen-tal Monitoring Program for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant.

The various analyses of most sample media suggest that there was no discernible impact of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant on the environment. The analysis of air particulate filters, charcoal cartridges, direct radiation by thermoluminescent dosimeters, fish, water, milk and sediments from Lake Michigan, drinking water, and food products, either did not detect any radioactivity or measured only naturally occurring radionuclides at normal background levels.

Tritium, measured at low levels in on-site wells, appears to be the only radionuclide attributable to the plant operations. However, the associated groundwater does not provide a direct dose pathway to man.

The description and conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program was moved from Technical Specifications to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual during 1995. This move was approved on 02/10/95, Amendment No. 189 to Facility Operating License No.

DPR-58 and Amendment No. 175 to Facility Operating License No.



I. INTRODUCTION The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REM P) is conducted in compliance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21 and 4.1, licensing commitments, and Technical Specifications. The REMP was developed in accordance with the NRC Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position (BTP), Rev. 1, November 1979. A synopsis of the sampling program and maps can be found in Section II, Sampling and Analysis Program. This report represents the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Units 1 and 2.of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant for the operating period from January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995.

A. The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant of American Electric Power Company is located on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan approximately one mile northwest of Bridgman, Michigan. The plant consists of two pressurized water reactors, Unit 1, 1030 le% and Unit 2, 1100 MWE. Unit 1 achieved initial criticality on Januaxy 18, 1975 and Unit 2 achieved initial criticality on March 10, 1978.

B Objectives The objectives of the operational radiological environmental monitoring program are:

l. Identify and measure radiation and radioactivity in the plant environs for the calculation of potential dose to the population.
2. Verify the effectiveness of in-plant measures used for controlling the release of radioactive materials.
3. Provide reasonable assurance that the predicted doses, based on effluent data, have not been substantially underestimated and are consistent with applicable standards.
4. Comply with regulatory requirements and Station Technical Specifications and provide records to document compliance.

II. SAMPLING AND AIGLLYSISPROGRAM II. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Table 1 summarizes the sampling and analysis program for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant for 1995. For each sample medium, the table lists the sample locations, including distance and direction from the center of the two units, and the station identification. The station identifications for the sampling locations are shown on Figures 1 and 2. Also for each sample medium the sample collection frequency, type of analysis, and frequency of analysis are listed.


ONS-I (T-01) 1945 A. ISO ONS-2 (T-02) 2338 A.

ONS-3 (T-03) 2407 A.

ONS-4 (T-04) 1852 A.

ONS-5 (T-05) 1895 A. 48'0'18'89'10'6'20 ONS-6 (T-06) 1917 fl.

ONS-7 (T-07) 2103 A.

ONS-8 (T-08) 2208 fl.

ONS-9 (T-09) 1368 A.

ONS-10 (T-10) 1390 ft. 149'27'14 ONS-11 (T- I I ) 1969 A.

ONS-12 (T-12) 2292 A. 63o New Buffalo (NBF) 15.6 ml SSW Quarterly Direct Radfatfon/Quarterly South Bend (SBN) 26 2 mi SE Dowagiac (DOW) 24.3 mi ENE Coloma (COL) 18.9 ml NNE Intersection of Red Arrow Hwy. & Marquette (OFT- I) 45 mi NE Woods Rd, Pole ¹B294-44 Stevensville Substatfon (OFT-2) 3.6 ml NE Pole ¹B296-13 (OFT-3) 5.1 ml NE Pole ¹B350-72 (OFT-4) 4.1 ml E Intersection of Shawnee & Cleveland, Pole (OFT-5) 4.2 ml ESE

¹B387-32 Snow Rd., East of Holden Rd., (OFT-6) 49 mi SE

¹B426-1 Bridgman Substation (OFT-7) 25 mi S California Rd., Pole ¹B424-20 (OFT-8) 4.0 ml S Ruggles Rd., Pole B369-214 (OFT-9) 4.4 ml ESE Intersection of Red Arrow Hwy., & (OFT-10) 3.8 mi S Hildebrant Rd.,Pole ¹B422-152 Intersection of Snow Rd. & Baldwfn Rd., (OFT -11) 3.8 mi S Pole ¹B423-12

TABLE 1 (Cont.)

DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT- 1995 RADIOLOGICALSAMPLING STATIONS DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM PLANT AXIS CoHection Location Station Distance Direction De rees Fre uen Air Charcoal/Particulates ONS-I (A- I) 1945 Il.

ONS-2 (A-2) 2338 ft. 18'8'0' ONS-3 (A-3) 2407 It.

ONS-4 (A-4) 1852 ft.

ONS-5 (A-5) 1895 It. 18'89'100 ONS-6 (A-6) 1917 ft. Weekly Gross Beta/Weekly New Buffalo (NBF) 15.6 ml SSW 1-131/Weekly South Bend (SBN) 26.2 ml SE Gamma Isotopic/

Dowagiac (DOW) 24.3 mi ENE Quarterly Composite Coloma (COL) 18.9 ml NNE Groundwater Onslte (W-1) 1969 ft.

Onslte (W-2) 2292 ft. 11'3'07o Onsite (W-3) 3279 ft.

Onsite (W-4) 418 ft. Quarterly Gamma Isotopic/Quarterly 301'90o Onslte (W-5) 404 ft. Tritium/Quarterly Onslte (W-6) 424 ft. 2730 Onslte (W-7) 1895 ft.

Onslte (W-8) 1279 ft. 189'3'20 Onslte (W-9) 1447 ft.

Onslte (W-10) 4216 ft. 129'53o Onslte (W- I 1) 3206 ft.

Onslte (W-12) 2631 ft.

Onslte (W-13) 2152 ft. 162'82'640 Onsite (W-14) 1780 ft.

Steam Generator Groundwater Steam Generator Storage Facility (SG-1) 0.8 ml Steam Generator Storage Facility (SG-2) 0.7 ml Gross Beta/Quarterly 95'2'3'2o I I] -r +

Steam Generator Storage Facility (SG-4) 0.? ml Quarterly Gross Alpha/Quarterly Steam Generator Storage Facility (SG-5) 0.7- mi Gamma Isotopic/Quarterly I

TABLE 1 (Cont.)

DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT- 1995 RADIOLOGICALSAMPLING STATIONS DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM PLANT AXIS Collection Location Station Distance Direction De rees Fre enc Anal Is/Fre en Drinhin Water St. Joseph Public Intake (STJ) 9.0 ml Daily Gross Beta/14 Day Composite Gamma Isotopic/14 Day Composite 1-131/14 Day Composite Lake Township Public Intake Station (LTW) 0.4 ml Tritium/Quarterly Composite Condenser Circulating Water Intake L-I Intake Lake Michigan Shoreline L-2 500 lt. S Dally Gamma Isotopic/Monthly Lake Michigan Shoreline L-3 500 ft. N Composite

~ ~Sediment Lake Michigan Shoreline SL-2 500 ft. S Lake Michigan Shoreline SL-3 500 ft. N Semi-annually Gamma Isotopic/Seml-Milk-Indicator Schuler Farm Baroda Schuler 4.1 ml SE 14 Days 1-131/Sample Warmbien Farm Three Oaks Warmbien 7.7 ml S Freehllng Farm Buchanan Freehllng 7.0 mi SE Schutze Farm Buchanan Schutze (a) 7.0 mi SE Milk-Bach round Wyant Farm Dowagalc Wyant 20.7 ml E 14 Days Gamma Isotopic/Sample Llvlnghouse Farm La Porte Llvinghouse 20.0 ml S 1-131/ Sample ia) Droppe,program 04/28/95.

TABLE 1 (Cont.)


~ash Lake Michigan ONS-N .3 mi N 2/year Gamma Isotopic Lake Michigan ONS-S .4 mi S 2/year Lake Michigan OFS-N 3.5mi N Lake Michigan OFS-S 5.0 mi S Gra /Broadleaf Nearest sample to Plant Sector A & B At time of harvest Gamma Isotopic at in highest D/Q land sector time of harvest.

~Gra es C)

In a land sector containing grapes Sector K At time of harvest Gamma Isotopic at approximately 20 mlles from the Plant time of harvest.

and 180'rom the sector with the highest D/Q.

Composite samples of Drinking and Surface water shall be collected at least daily.

Particulate sample I)lters should be analyzed for gross beta activity 24 or more hours following Alter removal. This will allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air or water ls greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples for any medium. gamma isotopic analysis should be performed on the individual samples.

Please note the following defenitlons:

Weekly at least once every seven (7) days Monthly - at least once every (31) days Quarterly - at least once every ninety-two (92) days Semi-annually - at least once every one hundred eighty-four (184) days

FIGURE 1 On-site REMP Monitoring Locations D



g (

o'c '


~ I/ . 0 I 'ILD T-02 AIR ONS-2 I



HELL W-I T(.O I-11 TLD T-03 I AIR ONS-3 HELL W-9 TLD T-12 ELL SG-5 '(







..q 0 r




" 'r


~cJQ ~

I TLO T-Ot, ~



TLO T-09

'v. I)- r'~"



~ r (

( WELL M-13 HELL W-11 l I-. >

LAKE TWP HELL LEGEND ONS-1 - ONS-6: Air Somplino Stations T-01 - T-12: TLO Somo(inp Stotlons H-1 - W-14: REMP I/S Groundroter Mails SG-l, SG-2, SG-4I SG-5: REMP Non T/S Gr oundsoter Walls SWL-I, 2, 3: Sw'foes Motor Somp(lno Stotlons SL-2, 3( Sediment Somo(ing Stotions 11

FIGURE 2 LEGEND OFF SITE RElP MOHITORIHO LOCAtIO Bockcround Alc /TI.D locotlons Offa)te TLO locotlone Bockcreund Hill>> Forao Drlnklnc Woter IOCOtlons Indicator )IIII>> Force COLOMA SUBSTATION BACKGROUND AIR / TLD >>lone>>






MMgicol~ f~

f>>yol \




y /


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>>{>>co ~

TofEE IW($





/cook/>>>>)2 ~ iaenooo/eeuoep.)8)

).9.96 dlo/rff u>>I ~ d>>Q Io oi>>per>>ceded t>>f Ig

2. s to>>>>coo/t)err i en I 88 12

i ~


) II'4) I I


'I i~


ag )LTii...-i.sà 4 "c


<</ %7~

J El~



'/ a






AND DISCUSSION OF 1995 ANALYTICALRES LTS A discussion of the data from the radiological analyses of environmental media collected during the report period is provided in this section. Analyses of samples for 1995 were analyzed by Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. (TI) in Westwood, New Jersey. The procedures and specifications followed at Teledyne Brown Engineering are in accordance with the Teledyne Brown Engineering Quality Assurance Manual and.are explained in the Teledyne Brown Engineering Analytical Procedures. A synopsis of analytical procedures used for the environmental samples are proved in Appendix C. In addition to internal quality control measures performed by Teledyne, the laboratory also participates in the Environmental Protection Agency's Interlaboratory Comparison Program.

Participation in this program ensures that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental samples are performed. The results of the EPA Interlaboratory Comparison are provided in Appendix D.

Radiological analyses of environmental media characteristically approach and frequently fall below the detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods. Teledyne Brown Engineering analytical methods meet or exceed the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) requirements given in Table 2 of the USNRC Branch Technical Position of Radiological Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979.

The following is a discussion and summary of the results of the environmental measurements performed during the reporting period.

Comparison is made where possible with radioactivity concentrations measured in the preoperational period of August 1971 to the initial criticality of Unit 1 on January 12, 1975. A brief summary of the preoperational program is found in Appendix G.

A. Airborne Particulates Airborne particulate samples are collected with a constant flow oil less pump at 56 LPM using a 47 mm particulate filter. Results of 15


0 30

'0 0

~.2S '

ci 20 10 0


..1/89 '/89 '. '/90 '/90'.1/91 7/91; 1/92':.:. 7/92'- -.1/93- " 7/93-.:.1

., /9 4':... "7/94 '/96': "7P5.- '.': -"': . '=' '! '-


Indicators ~ ---0--- Controls

gross beta activities are presented in Table B-1. The measurement of the gross beta activity on the weekly air particulate filters is a good indication of the levels of natural and or manmade radioactivity in the environment. The average gross beta concentration of the six indicator locations was 0.022 pCi/m with a range of individual values between 0.010 and 0.057 pCi/m. The average gross beta concentration of the four control locations was 0.021 pCi/m~ with a range between 0.010 and 0.047 pCi/m. In Trending Graph 1 the monthly average gross beta concentrations for the indicator locations and for the control locations are plotted. The gross beta concentrations in air particulate filters in 1995 were lower than at the end of the preoperational period when the effects of recent atmospheric nuclear tests were being detected.

Air particulate filters were composited by location on a quarterly basis and were analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. Beryllium-7; which is produced continuously in the upper atmosphere, by cosmic radiation, was measured in all forty samples. The average concentration for the control locations was 0.123 pCt/ma and the /

values ranged from 0.086 to 0.163 pCi/m~. The average concentration for the indicator locations was 0.124 pCi/m~ with a range of 0.090 to 0.162 pCi/m. These values are typical of beryllium measured at various locations throughout the United States. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in four of the twenty-four indicator quarterly composites with an average concentration of 0.011 pCi/m and,a range of 0.003 to 0.030 pCi/m~. Potassium-40 was measured in four of the sixteen control quarterly composites with a concentration of 0.006 pCi/m~ and a range of 0.003 to 0.011 pCi/m. No other gamma emitting radioactivity was detected.

B Airborne Iodine Airborne particulate samples are collected with a constant flow oil less pump at 56 LPM using a 47 mm particulate filter. Charcoal cartridges are installed downstream of the particulate filters and are used to collect airborne radioiodine. The results of the weekly analysis 17

of the charcoal cartridges are presented in Table B-3. All results were below the lower level of detection of 0.07 pCi/m8 with no positive activity detected.

G Direct Radiation - Thermoluminescent Dosimeters Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) measure external radiation exposure from several sources including naturally occurring radionuclides in the air and soil, radiation from cosmic origin, fallout from atomic weapons testing, potential radioactive airborne releases from the power station and direct radiation from the power station.

The TLDs record exposure from all of these potential sources. The TLDs are deployed quarterly at 27 locations in the environs surrounding the D. C, Cook Nuclear Plant. The average value of the four areas of each dosimeter (calibrated individually after each field exposure period for response to a known exposure and for transit exposure) are presented in Table 8-4. Those exposure rates are quite typical of observed rates at many other locations in the countxy. The average annual measurement for the control samples was 4.33 mR/standard month with a range of 3.4 to 5.2 mR/standard month.

The annual accumulation of indicator samples had a measurement of 4.17 mR/standard month with a range of 3.3 to 5.4 mR/standard month. The 1995 annual average in the environs of the Donald C.

Cook Nuclear Plant is at the low range of the exposure rates (1.0 to 2.0 mR/week) measured during the preoperational period. The results of the indicator and control TLDs are in good agreement and are plotted in Trending Graph 2.

D. Surface Water A 125 milliliter surface water sample is collected from the intake forebay and from two shoreline locations, all within 0.3 mile of the two reactors and were composited daily over a monthly period.

The thirty-six samples were analyzed for iodine-131 by the radiochemical technique described on page 71. All results were less than the lower limit of detection of 1 pCi/1, The quarterly composite 18

.Trendiog'Graph - 2; .'..-" ..:,'; , ==;,


'*8 -': 6 I


M, ~

'-Q--0 0 .. -'-'.. '-4 A

Q-, 4



  • 3 s s

s Q)

E 0

0180 ',":"Qf/9Qi '.:.'0181" .:0751'",-t- '1 j92:.' 7$ 2',:.',1/93".- - '--. 7i93:.;;:: 1/9'4 *'.::.7j94.:'.-'>>: . gi99'",. '. 705':::;::- ",""';=.i"='.;


tS TLD controls 4 TLD Indicatars

was analyzed for tritium by liquid scintillation method described on page 70. Tritium was detected in 3 of the 36 samples analyzed with an average concentration of 310 pCi/liter and a range of 220 to 370 pCi/liter. This is slightly higher than the 2 measurements in 1994 which had an average concentration of 185 pCi/liter. During the preoperational period tritium was measured in surface water samples at concentrations of approximately 400 pCi/liter. Naturally occurring potassium-40 and cesium-137 were not measured during 1995.

Naturally occurring gamma emitting isotopes were detected using gamma ray spectroscopy.

E. Groundwater Water samples are collected quarterly from fourteen wells, all within 4300 feet of the reactors. First, a static water elevation is determined and three well bore volumes are purged from the well using a groundwater pump, or equivalent. A two liter sample is then obtained. The samples are analyzed for gamma emitters and tritium.

The results are presented in Table B-6. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured during 1995 in one sample with an activity of 50.7 pCi/liter. There were no other gamma emitting isotopes measured. The groundwater wells W-4, W-5, W-6, W-11, W-12, W-13 and W-14 had measurable tritium activity throughout 1995.

Tritium was measured in 16 of the 56 samples at the locations with an average concentration of 1105 pCi/liter and a range of 200 to 7000 pCi/liter. The annual concentrations of tritium in wells W-1 through W-7 are plotted in Trending Graph 3. An additional six wells were added to the program during 1992 and one well in 1993. The results are plotted quarterly for 1995 in Trending Graph 3.

Tritium concentration in groundwater wells during the preoperational period typically averaged 400 pCi/liter.


'a a

Trending Graph - 3 TRITIUM IN GROUNDWATER 4000

., 3500 3000-I a


. 00-2000

~ 0 Q

i '500

', I


Q= -"',"i'= ~

=1,000 j



500 0'P.

, -5980 =1981, 19 : $ 983- ]984 f985 '1986:1987 1988 1989 "1990-,'1991 '1992 "1993 ',199$ ;,,1'I95:0/95="..7l95'a.,1085,";

Trending Graph - 3 (Cont.)


'I I

10000 8000









, "0 1980 .1981 1982 1983 1984-1985 l 9S6;1987.: 1988 -1989.1990 1991.:=1592 1993" 1994~ 1195'-. 0/95 '/95. 10/95-.

~ Well-4 -+ Well-5 Well-6 Nell-7

Trending Graph -;3 (Cant.) .



=" -', 70OO.


  • 0'- ',-'- ~ ~

.-': 0 6000. *

"0 4OOO GO 3000.

- ~ e' - '2000


'4-~ ~w 1/92'; 4/92 '/92']0/92 -'1/93 5/93,8/93" $ ]/93 '

1/94 ='/94. 7/94,1 0/94-':"1/95". 4/95"- ',7/95 .;10/95*- -":-:"..'. ',: ..

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1 Well-8 Nell-9 Well-10 Well-11 -Ll- Nell-$ 2 Well-13 Well-14 Well 1g added t6 the pr'ogragi Iri1993:;;-';: .'o sample cotlected Janrrap.=-'1994.-:: -.:-, -;,;;,:-.',;:..'.;"::--:-..-::.,'.-.:.,='.

Daily samples are collected at the intake of the purification-plants for St. Joseph and Lake Township. The 500 ml daily samples at each location are composited and analyzed for gross beta, iodine-131, and gamma emitters. On a quarterly basis the daily samples are composited and analyzed for tritium. The results of analyses of drinking water samples are shown in Table B-7.

Gross beta activity was measured in all twenty-six samples from the Lake Township intake with an average concentration of 3.52 pCi/liter and a range from 2.1 to 7.6 pCi/liter. Gross beta activity was measured in all twenty-six samples from the St. Joseph intake with an average concentration of 3.48 pCi/liter and a range from 1.8 to 7.0 pCi/liter. No gamma emitting isotopes or iodine-131 were detected.

Tritium was not measured in any of the four samples from either location. Tritium (or LLD values) in drinking water are plotted in Trending Graph 4.

There were no drinking water analyses performed in the preoperational program.

G. Sediment Sediment samples are collected semiannually along the shoreline of Lake Michigan at the same two locations as the surface water samples. Two liters of lake sediment are collected using a small dredge in an area covered part time by wave action. The sediment samples are analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy, the results of which are shown in Table B-8. In April, one sample was collected from location SL-2 and SL-3. Gamma ray spectroscopy detected naturally occurring potassium-40 in both samples. The average potassium-40 concentration was 3885 pCi/kg (dry weight) with a range from 3390 to 4380 pCi/kg (dry weight). Thorium-228, also naturally occurring was measured in both samples with an average concentration of 530 pCi/kg (dry weight) with a range from 502 to 557 pCi/kg (dry weight).

Radium-226 was also measured in both samples with an average 24


2000 1500-O 0"


, 0 ~ 5, ~

~ ~

CJl 1

1000-W CL C~; ,

  • r F 500-

~ ~eo~

+ '8IL o ~~ + + I@I ~ i~a 0 ~~

4t ~ -%"

01/5S.' -07/8 9-'" 01/90'. 07/90 01/91' 10/91'. '-4/92 '0P32' 4/93'. '"I0/93'.:=":;4/94", ',"10$ 4'"4j95:,; .'40/95:::,"'.";-." ".: -":-

~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ Jg$ ~ III~ I +lte Tp~sNp k St. Jpssph

activity of 684 pCi/kg and a range of 657 to 711 pCi/kg (dry weight).

All other gamma emitters were below the lower limits of detection.

H. Milk Milk samples of one gallon are collected from a bulk tank (e.g.

500 gallons) every fourteen days from six farms located between 4.1 miles and 20.7 miles from the site. Milk samples are preserved by adding 40 grams per gallon of sodium bisulfite when the samples are collected. The samples are analyzed for iodine-131 and other gamma emitters. The results are shown in Table B-9. Iodine-131 was not measured in any of the '137 samples analyzed.

During the preoperational period potassium-40 was measured in all samples with a range from 520 to 2310 pCi/liter, a range comparable to that in 1993. Iodine-131 was measured in four samples with concentrations between 0.2 and 0.9 pCi/liter. Cesium-137 was measured in numerous samples with concentrations between 7 and 64 pCi/liter.

During 1995 the average potassium-40 concentration for the control locations was 1352 pCi/liter with a range of 1170 to 1580 pCi/liter. The indicator locations had an average concentration of 1392 pCi/liter and a range of 1100 to 1940. There were no detections of iodine-131 during 1995. Cesium-137 was also not detected during 1995.

I. Fish Using gill nets in approximately twenty feet of water in Lake Michigan, 4.5 pounds of fish are collected 2 times per year from each of four locations. The samples were then analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in all samples with an average concentration of 3519 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 2820 to 4500 pCi/kg (wet weight). Cesium-137 was measured in seven of the eight fish samples with an average 26

concentration of 30.5 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 14.6 to 58.5 pCi/kg (wet weight).

J. Food Products Food samples are collected annually at harvest, as near the site boundary as possible, and approximately twenty miles from the plant.

Each sample consists of 3 pounds of grapes and 3 pounds of broadleaves. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in all four samples with an average concentration of 2823 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 1720 to 3900 pCi/kg (wet weight).

Cosmogenically produced beryllium-7 was measured in two of the four samples with an average concentration of 1960 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 1420 to 2500 pCi/kg (wet weight).



IV. CONCLUSIONS The results of the 1995 Radiological Environmental Monitoring-Program for the Donald C, Cook Nuclear Plant have been presented. The results were as expected for normal environmental samples. Naturally occurring radioactivity was observed in sample media in the expected activity ranges.

Occasional samples of a few media showed the presence of man-made isotopes. These have been discussed individually in the text. Observed activities were at very low concentrations and had no significant dose consequence. Specific examples of sample media with positive analysis results are discussed below.

Air particulate gross beta concentrations of all the indicator locations for 1995 appears to follow the gross beta concentrations at the control locations. The concentration levels are actually lower than during the preoperational period. Gamma isotopic analysis of the particulate samples identified the gamma emitting isotopes as natural products (beryllium-7 and potassium-40). No man-made activity was found in the particulate media during 1995. No iodine-131 was detected in charcoal filters in 1995. I Thermolumines cent dosimeters (TLDs) measure external gamma radiation from naturally occurring radionuclides in the air and soil, radiation from cosmic origin and fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, and radioactive airborne releases and direct radiation from the power plant.

The average annual TLD results were at normal background exposure levels.

Surface water samples are collected daily from the intake forebay and two locations in Lake Michigan. The samples are analyzed quarterly for tritium, and monthly for gamma emitting isotopes. No gamma emitters were detected during 1995. Tritium was measured and the concentrations were at normal background levels.

Groundwater samples were collected quarterly at fourteen wells, all within 4300 feet of the reactors. The three wells within 500 feet had measurable tritium which is attributed to the operation of the plant. The highest concentration measured in 1995 was 7000 pCi/liter while the 29


highest concentration measured during 1994 was 1700 pCi/liter. The increased tritium concentration occurred during the first and second quarters and was attributed to draining a portion of the component cooling water (CCW) system to the turbine room sump which discharges into the onsite absorption pond.'ell W-14 is adjacent to the pond and monitors the aquifer at this location. Gamma emitting results were less than LLD and by the third quarter tritium results were less than the LLD of 2000 pCi/liter.

Potassium-40, a naturally occurring nuclide was not observed during 1995.

No other gamma emitting isotopes were detected.

Samples are collected daily at the intakes of the drinking purification plants for St. Joseph and Lake Township. Samples composited daily over a two week period are analyzed for iodine-131, gross beta, and measured for gamma emitting isotopes. Samples are also analyzed quarterly for tritium.

No iodine-131 or gamma emitting isotopes were detected. Gross beta was measured in all fifty-two samples at normal background concentrations.

Tritium was not measured in any of the eight quarterly composite samples collected during 1995.

Sediment samples can be a sensitive indicator of discharges from nuclear power stations. Sediment samples are collected semiannually along the shoreline of Lake Michigan at two locations in close proximity of the reactors. The samples were analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy and only naturally occurring gamma emitters were detected. There is no evidence of station discharges affecting Lake Michigan, either in the sediments or in the water, as previously discussed.

Milk samples were collected every fourteen days from six farms up to a distance of 20.7 miles from the site. The samples were measured for iodine-131 and other gamma emitting isotopes. Although I-131 was measured during 1989 there were no measurements of iodine-131 in milk during 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992 or 1991. Potassium-40 was measured in all milk samples at normal background levels. Cesium-137 was not detected in 1995.

Fish samples collected in Lake Michigan in the vicinity of the nuclear plant were analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. The only gamma emitting 30

isotope measured was cesium-137 which was found in low concentrations in seven samples.

Food products, consisting of grapes, and broadleaf vegetation were collected and analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. No gamma emitting isotopes were measured during 1995.

The results of the analyses have been presented. Based on the evidence of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant is operating within regulatory limits. Tritium in seven on-site wells appears to be the only radionuclide which can be directly correlated with the plant. However the associated groundwater does not provide a direct dose pathway to man.




1. Data Tables from 1985-1988 CEP-AEPSC Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Reports.
2. Eberline Instrument Company. Indiana Michigan Power Company, "D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - 1974 Annual Report",

May 1975.

3. American Electric Power, 12 PMP 6010 OSD.001, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.
4. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 4.8 "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", December 1975.
5. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.21 "Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants, April 1974.
6. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.4 "Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plants", April 1975.
7. USNRC Branch Technical Position, "Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Rev. 1, November 1979.








Airborne Gross Beta 530 21.8(318/318) ONS-2 Onslte 2338 It. 23.0(53/53) 21.4(212/212)

Particulates (Weekly) (9.9-57) (1 1-51) (10-47)

(1E-03 pCI/m3)

Gamma 40 Be-7 40 124(24/24) SNB 26.2 ml SE 133(4/4) 123(16/16)

(90-162) (96. 1-163) (85.8-163)

K-40 40 10.9(4/24) ONS-5 Onslte 1895 ft. 29.7(1/4) 6.06(4/16)

(2.71-29.7) (2.58-11. 1)

Direct Radiation Gamma 105 (mR/Standard Dose 4. 17(89/89) OFT-8 4.0 ml S 5.13(4/4) 4.33(16/16)

Month) Quarterly (3.3-54) (4.8-5.4) (3.4-5.2)


Ratio of samples with detectable acuvity to total number of samples analyzed





H-3 12 310(3/12) SWL-2 Intake 340(1/4) -(0/0)


Groundwater Gamma 56 (pCI/liter)

K-40 56 50.7(1/56) Well 6 424 ft. 50.7(1/4) -(0/0)

Th-228 56 (0/56) N/A -(0/0)

H-3 56 1 105(16/56) Well 14 1780 ft. 4550(2/4) -(0/0)

(200-7000) (2 100-7000)

Drinking Water Gross Beta 52 3.50(52/52) LTW 0.4 ml S 3.52(26/26) -(0/0)

(pCI/liter) (1.8-?.6) (2.1-7.6) 1-131 52 -(0/52) N/A N/A -(0/0)

Gamma 52 -(0/52) N/A N/A -(0/0)

H-3 -(0/8) N/A N/A -(0/0)

(a/b) Ratio of samples with detectable activity to total number of samples analyzed.




K-40 2 3885(2/2) SL-2 4380(1/1) -(0/0)

(3390-4380) 0.3 ml S Cs-137 2 43.4( I /2) SL-3 43.4( 1 /2) -(0/0) 0.2 ml N Ra-226 2 684(2/2) SL-2 711( /2) 1 -(0/0)

(657-71 1) 0.3 ml S Th-228 2 530(2/2) SL-2 55?(1/1) -(0/0)

(502-557) 0.3ml S Milk Gamma 137 (pCl/liter)

K-40 137 1392(85/85) Freehllng 1406(26/26) 1352(52/52)

(1 1 00- 1940) 7.0 ml SE (1270-1540) (1170-1580) 1-131 137 -(0/85) N/A N/A -(0/52)

Cs-137 137 -(0/85) N/A N/A -(0/52)

(a/b) Rat)o of samples wfth detectable actMty to total number of samples analyzed. I




K-40 35 19 (8/8) OPS-South 3660(2/2) -(0/0) 0 (2820-4500) 5.0 ml S (2820-4500)

Cs-137 30. 5(7/8) OFS-South 53. 5(2/2) -(0/0)

(14.6-58.5) 5.0 ml S (48.4-58.5)

Food/Vegetation Gamma (pCI/kg wet)

Be-7 1960(2/4) ONS-V 2500(1/1) -(0/0)

(1420-2500) Variable K-40 2823(4/4) ONS-V 3900( 1 /1) -(0/0)

(1720-3900) Variable Cs-137 -(0/0) N/A N/A -(0/0)

(a/b) Ratio of samples with detectable actlvlty to total number of samples analyzed.



JANUARY 95 01/09/95 29+ 2 34+ 3 24 2 2 301 2 29 2 2 26+2 27 + 2 35 k2 32k 2. 3022 302 7 01/16/95 27+ 2 35+ 3 23 k 2 27+ 2 30 k3 26+ 2 24+ 2 26 2 2 26+ 2 32+ 2 282 7 01/23/95 01/30/95 18+ 2 I9+ 2 22+

20+2 2 13+ 2 15+ 2 I52 2 17+ 2 16 X 2 t

15+ 2 l7+ 2 17+ 2 18+ 2 17 23+

t 22 152 2 182 2 16+2 2223 162 5 23 2 192 6 FEBRUARY 02/06/95 31+ 2 36 2 3 26+ 2 29k 2 38 X 2 30 2 2 25 2 2 3112 292 2 31+2 312 8 02/13/95 24k 2 29+ 2 17 k2 281 2 3413 25 S2 25 2 2 29 R 2 27k 2 24+2 261 9 02/20/95 302 2 3223 21+ 2 28+ 2 37+ 3 31 k3 26+ 2 22 2 2 25k 2 31+2 28K 10 02/27/95 23+ 2 23 k 2 15 2 2 171 2 26 2 2 23+ 2 17 2 2 17 2 2 18' 18 2 2 20% 7 MARCH 03/06/95 23+ 2 23k2 192 2 22+ 2 29k 3 202 2 2222 2122 19+ 2 22k 2 22k 6 03/13/95 03/20/95 202 2 19+ 2 2412 21+2 192 2 212 22k 202 2 212 212 2 22+

192 2 2312 14%2 2422 19i2 23k 202 2 2lt 2 22k 192 4 3

03/27/95 04/03/95 112 2 18k 2 1522 2122 12 2 2 162 2 2

12 t 2

2 21 2 2 10 i 162 2 2

2 132 18k 2

2 2

1422 1812 1422 18%2 2

10% 2 16% 2 20% 2 12% 2 17% 2 122 3 182 4 QuarterAvg. 22k 12 26k 13 1929 22k 12 25k 17 22+ 11 21%9 232 12 212 13 23k 13 22k 4

TABLE B-1 tCont.)


04/10/95 19+ 2 20 2 2 20+2 1522 1722 18%2 2022 21 k2 19% 2 19 %2 192 3 04/17/95 14+ 2 1422 16 k 2 13 2 2 12 2 2 15 2 2 16 f 2 17 2 2 142 2 14 2 2 15% 3 04/24/95 12+ 1422 11+2 11+2 9.9+ 1.7 k2 1622 13 2 2 112 2 13 k 2 132 4 05/01/95 14+

2 2 13+ 2 13 + 2 12 + 2 14 + 2 14 13 i2 13 i2 14 22 131 2 13+ 2 13% 1 05/08/95 05/15/95 12 2 2 122 2 13 2 2 17 2 2 13 15 2

2 2

2 11 k2 14 2 2 11 i 2 12 2 2 13 15 2 i 22 1412 15+ 2 14 k2 t

17 2 ll 142 k 2 2

15 2 2 15 2 2 132 4 15% 3 05/22/95 14+ 2 13 k 2 12 2 2 13 t2 2 2 13 + 2 13 + 2 12 +

11 +

2 12 k 2 ll k2 14 k 2 122 102 2 12 2 2 12 k 2 13% 2 12+ 2 05/29/95 13 2 2 11 2 2 12 4 2 11 2 13 2 2 2 JUNE 06/05/95 18+ 2 19 2 2 17 2 2 11 k2 19 2 2 19 22 18 %2 17 2 2 152 2 19 2 2 17i 5 06/12/95 132 2 13 2 2 ll 2 2 11 22 13 t 24+ 2 2 1012 13 k 2 1422 2422 122 2 22k 12 22 25 2 2 l2% 3 22k 5 06/19/95 23 k 2 23 2 2 24 2 2 22 k 2 20 2 2 16 2 2 2 06/26/95 20+ 2 2522 23k2 2222 2422 21 k2 25 k 2 28 2 2 23k 2 25 k 2 24k 5 07/03/95 13 22 1522 ll k2 13+2 1222 11 k2 13 2 2 14 k2 12% 2 14 k 2 132 3 Quarterly Avg. 15 + 7 1629 1529 1448 1529 15+7 162 8 1719 142 8 I6i 9 152 2

TABLE B-1 ICo>>l.)


07/10/95 07/17/95 15+ 2 37k 3 18 2 2 34 k 2 15 + 2 34 i 32 14 + 2 31 2 2 12 + 2 31 2 2 15 i 31 2 2 2 17 2 2 32 k 2 14 2 2 29 k 2 13k 2-302 2 142 2 32k 2 152 4 32k 5 07/24/95 07/31/95 21+


2 2

20+ 2 28+ 2 18 +

22 + 2 18 + 2 23 + 2 19 2 2 23 2 2 18 + 2 22 + 2 19 2 2 24 + 2 i

24 2 27 + 2 16 + 2 25 i2 19 k 2 24 i 2 19%

24k 4

4 AUGUST 08/07/95 17+ 2 17+ 2 17+ 2 48+ 6ia) 17m 2 15k 2 16% 2 19 %2 16% 2 16% 2 172 2 08/14/95 29+ 2 29+ 3 28+ 2 27k 2 27k 2 24k 2 26 2 2 26 k 2 24k 2 29k 2 27k 4 08/21/95 202 2 2212 19+ 2 21' 23k 8Ib) 162 2 19 k2 19 42 182 2 18k 2 202 4 08/28/95 22+ 2 20 2 2 20 2 2 22k 2 20% 2 22k 2 24 k 2 22 2 2 202 2 192 2 21% 3 09/04/95 38+ 3 31 k3 28 2 2 33k 2 29k 2 34k 3 30 2 3 32 a 3 30k 3 32k 3 32k 6 SEPTEMBER 09/11/95 27t 2 27 2 2 25 2 2 25k 2 272 2 21% 2 27k2 2522 22k 2 24% 2 25k 4 09/18/95 22+ 2 22 k 2 20 2 2 24k 2 212 2 18% 2 23%2 22%2 20% 2 22k 2 21k 09/25/95 10/02/95 132 54+

2 3

1322 51 k3 13 i2 46%3 13k 55k 2

3 13k 2 49k 3 llk 2 402 3 1322 47%3 15%2 4323 12k 412 2

3 Ilk 2 47k 3 134 47k 3

2 10 QuarterlyAvg. 26k 23 26220 23k 18 26k 22 24k 19 22k 17 24k 18 24k 15 22k 16 24k 19 24k 18 (a) Equipment malfunction: low sample volume and not Included ln averages.

Ib) Power off: low sample volume.

TABLE B-1 (cont.)


Average 2 s.d.

OCTOBER 10/09/95 10/16/95 19 + 2 38+ 3 18 2 2 3723 18 t2 34+3 18 + 2 57+ 4 19 35k i 23 17 2 2 32k 3 18 + 2 31+2 18 2 2 34%3 212 2 31k 2 172 2 34k 3 182 2 362 15 10/23/95 20+ 2 23+ 2 16+ 2 17+ 2 19 t 2 22 k 3 19 f2 18 2 2 202 2, 172 2 I9i 5 10/30/95 16 + 2 22 2 2 17 k 2 18 + 2 20 k 2 18 k 2 17 i2 18 k 2 17% 2 172 2 I8% 4 NOVEMBER 11/06/95 21+ 2 18+ 2 20 R 2 202 2 212 2 20K 2 21~2 22 a 2 172 2 182 2 20% 3 11/13/95 26k 2 21 k2 23+2 202 2 22k 2 23k 2 23+ 2 23 2 2 23k 2 25k 2 23k 3 11/20/95 24k 2 23+ 2 21 k2 25k 2 24k 2 221 2 24 2 2 26 2 2 202 2 21% 2 23k 4 11/27/95 34k 2 29 2 2 29k 2 32k 2 30+ 2 292 2 31 k2 31 f2 282 2 282 2 302 4 12/04/95 25+ 2 30 2 3 25+ 2 25k 2 25+ 2 23k 2 25+ 2 26 2 2 23k 2 24k 2 25k 4 PECEMBER 12/ll/95 24k 2 2122 2022 21k 2 27k 2 24k 2 2522 26 2 2 25k 2 242 2 24k 5 12/18/95 482 3 37%3 4223 382 3 412 3 412 3 43%3 39 k 3 412 3 47k 3 42k 7 12/21/95 29k 5 2424 2525 212 4 29k 5 212 4 2124 29k4 152 3 22k 4 24k 9 12/27/95 192 2 1722 1722 18' 18% 3 16% 2 1322 18 2 2 12% 2 18% 2 162 7 01/01/96 27k 3 22%3 2223'5k 3 23k 3 26k 3 2023 27 k 3 27k 3 26+ 3 25k 5 QuaxterAvg. 26 0 17 24J13 24J15 25k 22 252 13 242 13 24215 25J13 23k 15 24k 16 24+ 15 AxumalAvg. 23 k 18 23k 16 20% 15 22k 19 22k 17 21% 14 212 14 22k 14 20% 15 22k 16 22k 16

TABLE B-2 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITI'ERS'N QUARTERLY COMPOSITES OF AIRBORNE PARTICULATES Results in Units of IO 3 pCI/m3 2 2 sigma Stations Nuclides First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Average 01/02/9604/03/95 04/03/9507/03/95 07/03/95-10/02/95 10/02/9501/01/96 12s.cL ONS-I Be-7 125 2 13 117 2 12 146 R 15 108 2 11 124 2 32 K-40 <5 <5 < 7 5.10 4 1.87 5.10 5 1.87 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 ONS-2 Be-7 151 k 15 115 2 12 149 2 15 103 k 10 130 R 48 K-40 <6 6.00 k 2.02 < 7 < 10 6.00 k 2.02 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 ONS-3 Be-7 121 2 12 92.6 R 9.3 136 2 14 96.9 2 9.7 112 k 41 K-40 < 10 < 10 < 7 <8 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 ONS-4 Be-7 150 2 15 106 2 11 162 2 16 107 2 11 131 k 58 K-40 <4 < 3 <8 < 6 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.4 < 0.3 Cs-137 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 ONS-5 Be-7 141 2 14 97.7 R 9.8 153 2 15 91.6 2 9.2 121 k 61 K-40 <4 29.7 E 3.4 <7 <7 29.7 E 3.4 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 Typical LLDs are found ln Table B-12. All other gamma emltters were <LLD.

TABLE B-2 (cont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS'N QUARTERLY COMPOSITES OF AIRBORNE PARTICULATES Results In Units of 10 3 pCI/m3 2 2 sigma Stations Nucades First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Average ol/02/9504/03/95 04/03/950?/03/95 0?/03/95-10/02/95 10/02/9501/Ol/95 L2ad.

ONS-6 Be-7 162 2 16 122 2 12 141 k 14 90.0 2 9.0 129 R 61 K-40 2.71 2 1.54 <5 < 7 <4 2.71 a 1.54 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 Be-7 141 2 14 108 2 II 163 k 16 85.8 2 8.6 124 E 69 K-40 <5 <5 < 7 '

<4 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.3 <0.2 < 0.2 Cs-137 < 0.2 < 0.2 0.2 < 0.2 SBN Be-7 161 2 16 111 2 11 163 2 16 96.1 2 9.6 133 2 69 K-40 5.87 2 2.82 <6 <8 2.58 k 1.41 4.23 k 4.65 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 DOW Be-7 120 2 12 95.8 2 9.6 146 2 15 92.1 R 9.2 113 k 50 K-40 < 9 <9 <6 4.68 2 2.28 4.68 k 2.28 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 Be-7 126 2 13 110 k 11 146 2 15 95.4 k 9.5 119 k 43 K-40 < 4 <5 < 7 11.1 2 2.6 11.1 k 2.6 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 Typical LLDs are found in Table B-12. All other gamma emitters were <LLD.

TABLE B-3 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF IODINE-131 IN WEEKLY AIR CARTRIDGE SAMPLES Results In Units of 10-s pCI/ms + 2 sigma STATION CODES COLLECTION ONS- I ONS-2 ONS-3 ONS-4 ONS-5 ONS-6 SBN DOW DATES JANUARY 95 Ol/09/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <6 < 10 <8 < 10 < 10 < 10 01/16/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 01/23/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 < 10 < 20 < 10 < 10 01/30/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 <8 < 20 <9 < 10 < 10 < 30 FEBRUARY 02/06/95 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 <8 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 02/13/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 < 20 <9 < 20 < 20 < 20 02/20/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 < 10 < 7 < 10 < 10 < 10 02/27/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 MARCH 03/06/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 7 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 03/13/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 7 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 03/20/95 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 7 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 03/27/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 <8 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 04/03/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 <8 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8

TABLE B-3 (Cont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF IODINE-131 IN WEEKLY AIR CARTRIDGE SAMPLES Results In Units of 10-s pCI/ms k 2 sigma STATION CODES COLLECTION ONS-I ONS-2 ONS-3 ONS-4 ONS-5 ONS-6 NBF SBN DOW DATES 04/10/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 04/17/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <6 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 04/24/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 05/01/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 MAY 05/08/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 05/15/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 05/22/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 <9 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 05/29/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 JUNE 06/05/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 06/12/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 <9 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 06/19/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 06/26/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 07/03/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10

TABLE B-3 (Cont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF IODINF-131 IN WEEKLY AIR CARTRIDGE SAMPLES Results In Units of IO-s pCI/ms + 2 sigma STATION CODES COLLECTION ONS-I ONS-2 ONS-3 ONS-4 ONS-5 ONS-6 SBN DATES 07/IO/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 <9 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 07/17/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 07/24/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 7 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 07/31/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < IO < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 AUGUST 08/07/95 < IO < 10 < 10 < 50 (a) <9 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 08/14/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 08/21/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 20 < 50 (b) <9 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 7 08/28/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 09/04/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 EPTEMBER 09/11/95. < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 09/18/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 <9 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 09/25/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 10/02/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 <8 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 Ia) Equtpment malfunctton; low sample volume.

Ib) Power off; low sample volume.

TABLE B-3 (Cont.)


< 10 < 10 <8 10/16/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 30 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 10/23/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 10/30/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 < 10 , < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 NOVEMBER 11/06/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 < 7 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 ll/13/95 < 10 <9 < 10 <9 < 7 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 <8 11/20/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 < 10 <8 < 10 < 10 11/27/95 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 10 < 7 < 10 < 10 < 20 < 10 <9 12/04/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 7 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 7 DECEMBER 12/11/95 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 < 10 <9 12/18/95 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 7 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 10 12/21/95 < 30 < 30 < 30 < 30 < 20 < 30 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 12/27/95 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 30 < 20 < 20 < 20 01/01/96 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 10


A-I 4.2 2 0.2 4.0 R 0.8 3.9 2 0.5 3.6 E 0.4 3.9 k 0.5 A-2 4.6 E 0.4 3.9 R 0.2 4.0 2 0.3 3.8 R 0.2 4.1 2 0.7 A-3 3.8 R 0.3 3.4 k O.l 3.5 k 0.4 3.4 R 0.2 3.5 2 0.4 A-4 4.8 i 0.3 3.8 2 0.3 4.1 2 0.4 3.9 k 0.4 4.2 A 0.9 A-5 4.5 k 0.4 3.7 R 0.2 4.0 2 0.4 3.7 2 0.2 4.0 E 0.8 A-6 4.2 j 0.5 3.7 a 0.1 4.2 2 0.4 3.6 2 0.3 i 3.9 0.6 A-7 4.5 i 0.2 3.7 2 0.4 4.1 2 0.4 3.7 2 0.3 4.0 2 0.8 A-8 4.6 R 0.6 3.8 R 0.3 4.1 a 1.4 3.7 2 0.3 4.1 A 0.8 A-9 4.4 2 0.3 4.0 R 0.2 4.2 2 0.5 3.8 R 0.4 4.1 2 0.5 A-10 4.1 i 0.2 3.3 2 0.2 3.6 2 0.6 3.4 k 0.1 3.6 R 0.7 A-11 4.4 2 0.8 3.8 2 0.2 4.4 2 0.3 3.7 2 0.5 4.1 R 0.8 A-l2 4.8 2 0.4 4.0 2 0.3 4.6 2 0.2 3.8 2 0.5 4.3 k 1.0 OFS-1 4.2 2 0.3 3.6 2 0.2 4.1 2 0.1 3.5 R 0.2 i 3.9 0.7 OFS-2 OFS-3 4.2 i 0.6 3.6 2 0.3 4.2 2 0.3 3.9 2 0.4 i 4.0 0.6 4.4 2 0.4 3.9 k 0.1 4.3 a 0.3 4.2 R 0.3 4.2 2 0.4 OFS-4 OFS-5 4.6 2 0.4 i 3.9 0.2 (a) 3.8 2 0.7 4.1 k 0.9 4.9 2 0.3 4.0 2 0.2 4.5 2 0.9 4.1 R 0.8 4.4 % 0.8 OFS-6 5.2 2 0.4 4.6 R 0.3 5.3 k 1.0 5.0 k 0.7 5.0 2 0.6 OFS-7 4.5 2 0.3 3.7 2 0.2 4.4 2 0.4 3.5 2 O.l 4.0 k 1.0 OFS-8 5.4 R 0.6 4.8 2 0.2 5.2 2 0.9 5.1 k 0.4 5.1 k 0.5 OFS-9 OFS-10 4.7 2 0.5 4.2 2 0.2 4.9 2 0.8 4.4 k 0.4 i 4.6 0.6 4.5 R 0.2 (a) 4.3 k 0.4 3.6 R 1.0 4.1 + 0.9 OFS-11 5.3 i 0.6 4.5 2 0.5 5.4 R 0.6 (a) 5.1 a 1.0 NBF 4.7 2 0.5 4.2 R 0.2 4.8 R 0.2 4.4 2 0.1 4.5 2 0.6 SBN 4.8 k 0.3 (b) 4.9 2 0.6 5.2 2 0.8 4.9 k 0.5 5.0 + 0.3 DOW 4.6

  • 0.4 3.5 k 0.2 4.1 2 0.3 3.7 2 0.5 4.0 k 1.0 COL 4.3 2 0.5 3.4 R 0.2 4.2 2 0.3 3.6 2 0.2 3.9 k 0.9 Average k 2 s.d. 4.6% 0.7 3.9 2 0.8 4.4E 1.0 3.9% 1.0 4.2R 1.0 (a) TLD mlsslng.

(b) Collection dates 02/27/95-04/02/95. Orlglnal TLD was mlsslng and replaced 02/27/95.

Standard month = 30.4 days.

TABLE B-5 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF IODINE, TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMITTERS'N SURFACE WATER Results ln Units of pCI/liter k 2 sigma STATION Collection Date I-131 K-40 SWL-1 01/31/95 < 0.2 < 60 < 200 (Condenser Circ.) 02/28/95 < 0.08 < 50 03/31/95 < 0.3 < 50 04/30/95 < 0.3 < 60 < 200 05/31/95 < 0.3 < 50 06/30/95 < I < 100 07/31/95 < 0.2 < 50 370 k 130 08/31/95 < 0.3 < 80 09/30/95 < 0.7 < 60 10/31/95 < 0.2 < 60 220 k 120 11/30/95 <1 < 50 12/31/95 < 0.3 < 100 SWI 2 01/31/95 < 0.2 < 100 < 200 (South Comp) 02/28/95 < 0.3 < 100 03/31/95 < 0.6 < 70 04/30/95 < 0.3 < 70 < 200 05/31/95 < 0.2 < 90 06/30/95 < 0.9 < 50 07/31/95 < 0.1 < 90 340 R 130 08/31/95 < 0.4 < 60

.09/30/95 < 0.8 < 100 10/31/95 < 0.2 < 50 < 200 ll/30/95 <1 < 90 12/31/95 < 0.7 < 50

~teal LLDs are found tn Table B-12. All other gamma emttters were below <LLD.

TABLE B-5 (cont.)


{North Comp) 02/28/95 < 0.2 < 200 03/31/95 < 0.6 < 60 04/30/95 < 0.3 < 90 < 200 05/31/95 < 0.4 < 40 06/30/95 < I < 50 07/31/95 < 0.1 < 80 < 200 08/31/95 < 0.3 < 60 09/30/95 < 0.7 < 50 10/31/95 < 0.4 < 70 < 200 11/01/95 < I < 60 12/31/95 < 0.8 < 40 Typical LLDs are l'ound ln Table B-12. Alt other gamma emitters were below <ILD.

TABLE B-6 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMITTERS'N GROUNDWATER Results in Units of pCI/liter + 2 sigma STATION Collection Date I-131 K-40 Well W-1 01/29/95 < 0.2 < 70 < 200 04/30/95 (b) 05/18/95 (d) (c) < 100 < 200 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 50 < 200 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 50 < 200 Well W-2 01/29/95 < 0.2 < 100 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 60 < 200 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 70 < 200 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 80 < 200 Well W-3 01/29/95 < 0.2 < 50 < 200 04/30/95 (b) 05/04/95 (d) < 0.3 < 60 < 200 08/01/95 < 0.2 < 50 < 200 10/29/95 (b) 11/05/95 (d) < 0.3 < 60 < 200 Well W-4 01/29/95 < 0.3 < 50 920 2 150 04/30/95 < 0.8 < 70 760 2 250 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 80 450 2 160 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 100 200 2 130 Well W-5 01/29/95 (a) 02/02/95 (d) < 0.2 < 80 950 2 160 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 50 520 R 190 07/30/95 < 0.4 < 50 390 A 240 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 60 330 k 150 Well W-6 01/29/95 < 0.2 50.7 E 26.2 430 2 120 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 50 670 R 170 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 100 < 200 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 50 520 k 130

'ootnotes located at end of table.

TABLE B-6 (Cont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMITTERS'N GROUNDWATER Rcsttlts In Units of pCI/liter + 2 sIgma STATION Collection Date I-131 K-40 Well W-7 01/29/95 < 0.3 < 80 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 90 < 200 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 70 < 200 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 100 < 200 Well W-8 OI/29/95 < 0.4 < 60 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 80 < 200 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 80 < 200 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 100 < 200 Well W-9 01/29/95 < 0.5 < 50 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 90 < 200 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 60 < 200 10/29/95 (b) 11/13/95 (d) < 0.3 < 100 < 200 WeH W-10 01/29/95 < 0.6 < 50 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 80 < 200 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 50 < 200 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 70 < 200 Well W-11 01/29/95 < 0.4 < 100 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 80 < 200 0?/30/95 < 0.3 < 100 290 2 160 10/29/95 < 0.3 < 60 < 200 Well W-12 01/29/95 < 0.5 < 90 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 100 < 300 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 60 1900 2 200 10/29/95 < 0.4 < 60 < 200

TABLE B-6 (Cont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMITI'ERS'N GROUNDWATER Results in Units of pCI/liter + 2 sigma STATION Collection Date I-131 K-40 Well W-13 01/29/95 < 0.5 < 100 < 200 04/30/95 < 0.5 < 60 < 300 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 90 250 R 150 10/29/95 < 0.4 < 100 < 200 Well W-14 01/29/95 < 0.3 < 40 7000 k 300 04/30/95 < 0.4 < 70 2100 2 200 07/30/95 < 0.3 < 50 < 300 10/29/95 (e) 11/13/95 (d) < 0.3 < 50 < 200 Average 50.7 + 26.2 1105 2 3332 i 2 s.d.

Ia) Pump broke: sample not collected.

tb) Power outage; no sample available.

Ic) I-131 analysts Inadvertently not performed by laboratory.

id) Replacement sample.

ie) IVelt not In service.

'Fyplcal LLDs are found In Table B-12. AII other gamma emltters were LLD.

TABLE B-7 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA. IODINE, TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMITTERS'N DRINKING WATER Results In Units of pCI/liter 2 2 sigma COLLECTION DATE Gamma S Iod1ne-131 LTW 01/19/95 3.6 R 1.0 < LLD < 0.2 < 200 02/02/95 4.4 k 1.0 < LLD < 0.2 02/16/95 3.7 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.3 03/02/95 3.5 + 0.9 < LLD < 0.3 03/16/95 3.0 + 1.0 < LLD < 0.2 03/30/95 2.7 2 1.0 < LLD < 0.4 04/13/95 3.6 i 1.1 < LLD < 0.2 < 200 04/27/95 4.4 2 1.1 < LLD < 0.3 05/11/95 3.7 i 1.0 < LLD < 0.3 05/25/95 7.6 2 1.3 < LLD < 0.4 06/08/95 4.6 + 1.2 < LLD < 0.3 06/22/95 7.4 k 1.1 < LLD < 0.3 07/06/95 2.5 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.2 < 200 07/20/95 2.1 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.3 08/03/95 2.5 i 0.9 < LLD < 0.2 08/17/95 3.3 1 1.0 < LLD < 0.6 08/31/95 3.2 R 0.9 < LLD < 0.4 09/14/95 3.2 2 1.0 < LLD < 0.3 09/28/95 3.1 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.2 10/12/95 2.4 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.4 < 200 10/26/95 3.1 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.5 11/09/95 2.5 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.4 11/22/95 2.5 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.4 12/07/95 3.1 i 1.0 < LLD < 0.3 12/21/95 2.8 2 1.0 < LLD < 0.4 01/03/96 2.9 i 1.0 < LLD < 0.6 Average 2 2s. d.

3.5 f 2,7 Vjptcat ILDs are found in table B-12.

TABLE B-7 (Cont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA. IODINE. TRITIUM AND GAMMA EMITI'ERS'N DRINKING WATER Results ln Units of pCI/liter+ 2 sigma COLLECTION DATE Gross Beta Gamma S c Iodine-131 STJ 01/19/95 3.7 + 1.0 < LLD < 0.2 < 200 02/02/95 4.4 i 1.0 < LLD < 0.2 02/16/95 3.6 R 1.0 < LLD < 0.3 03/02/95 3.0 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.3 03/16/95 7.0 i 1.3 < LLD < 0.3 03/30/95 2.9 2 1.0 < LLD < 0.2 04/13/95 3.3 2 1.1 < LLD < 0.3 < 200 04/27/95 3.3 i I.I < LLD < 0.3 05/11/95 3.5 2 1.0 < LI.D < 0.4 05/25/95 2.9 i 1.0 < LLD < 0.4 06/08/95 3.0 + 1.1 < LLD < 0.4 06/22/95 3.0 i 0.9 < LLD < 0.3 07/06/95 3.0 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.2 < 200 07/20/95 3.3 2 1.0 < LLD < 0.3 08/03/95 3.4 2 1.0 < LLD < 0.3 08/17/95 6.6k 1.2 < LLD < 0.7 08/31/95 3.3 f 0.9 < LLD < 0.3 09/14/94 3.2R 1.0 < LLD < 0.3 09/28/95 3.1 2 0.9 < LLD < 0.2 10/12/95 1.8 % 0.9 < LLD < 0.4 < 200 10/26/95 3.2 R 0.9 < LLD < 0.5 11/09/95 3.0 i 0.9 < LLD < 0.4 11/22/95 3.7 + 1.0 < LLD < 0.4 12/07/95 2.8 2 1.0 < LLD < 0.6 12/21/95 3.4 t I.l < LLD < 0.3 01/03/96 3.0 f 1.0 < LLD < 0.6 Average 2 3.52 2.1 2s. d.

LLDs are found In table B-12.

TABLE B-8 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS'N SEDIMENT Results In Units of pCI/kg (dry) + 2 sigma Station Collection Date Be-7 K-40 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 SI -2 04/27/95 < 200 4380 2 440 < 20 711 2 344 557 2 56 SL-3 04/27/95 < 200 3390 R 360 43.4 2 15.4 657 2 334 502 R 50 Average 3885 2 1400 43.4 k 16.4 684 R 76 630 2 78 X2 s.d.

Typical LLDs are found in table B-12. All other gamma emitters were <LLD.


< 0.2 1160 2 120

< 0.2 1330 i

< 0.2 130 1470 i

< 0.2 150 2 130

< 0.3 1370 2 140

< 0.4 01/20/95 K-40 1-131 1360 + 140

< 0.2 1270 i 130

< 0.2 1460 i 150

< 0.1 1460 2 150

< 0.1 1290 i

< 0.2 130 1350 k 140

< 0.2 02/03/95 K-40 1-131 1300 + 130

< 0.2 1240 2 120

< 0.1 1480 i 150

< 0.2 1350 i

< 0.2 130 1260 i 130

< 0.3 1450 k 150

< 0.2 02/17/95 K-40 1330 i 130 1290 2 130 1390 i 140 1320 S 130 1190 i 120 1280 2 130 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.4 03/03/95 K-40 1-131 1480 i 150

< 0.2 1280 k 130

< 0.2 1410 k 140

< 0.2 1270 i

< 0.2 130 1300 2 130

< 0.2 1390 2 140

< 0.2 03/17/95 K-40 1-131 1460 i 150

< 0.2 1340 2 130

< 0.1 1460 2 150

< 0.2 0.2'330 1380 2 140

< 0.2 1400 i

< 0.2 140 1390 i

< 0.2 140 03/31/95 K-40 1-131 1320 i 130

< 0.3 1230 i

< 0.2 120 1460 2 150

< O.l 1430 i

< 0.1 140 1300 i 130

< 0.1 1280 k 130

< 0.1 04/14/95 K-40 1250 + 120 1420 2 140 1460 2 150 1480 i 150 1480 2 150 1360 R 140 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 04/28/95 K-40 I-131 1340 2 130

< 0.2 1430 i

< 0.2 140 1450 f

< 0.2 150 1390 2 140

< 0.2 1260 2 130

< 0.2 (a) 05/12/95 K-40 1-131 1390 2 140

< 0.2 1940 2 190

< 0.2 1400 i

< 0.2 140 1320 i 130 1340 i

< 0.1 130 (a) All cows sold: no longer partldpatlng In program.

~tea s are found In table B-12. All other gamma <<mlt ters were <LLD.

TABLE B-9 ICont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCFNTRATIONS OF IODINE AND GAMMA EMITTERS'N MILK Results in Units of pCI/liter + 2 sigma STATION CODES COLLECTION ANALYSIS SHULER WARMBEIN FREEHLING LIVINGHOUSE SCHUTZE DATES 05/26/95 K-40 1440 + 140 1220 + 120 1400 2 140 1410 + 140 1370 2 140 I- 1 31 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.2 06/09/95 K-40 1-131 1460 2 150

< 0.3 1390 2 140

< 0.4 1270 j 130

< 0.3 1400 2 140

< 0.3 1310 2 130

< 0.2 (a) 06/23/95 K-40 1170 2 120 l510 + 150 1360 2 140 1230 + 120 1410 2 140 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 07/07/95 K-40 1100 X 110 1490 + 150 1470 2 150 1450 2 150 1250 k 130 1-131 < 0.2 < O.l < O.l < 0.2 < 0.2 07/21/95 K-40 1430 + 140 1420 2 140 1400 2 140 1510 2 150 1380 2 140 1-131 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.4 08/04/95 K-40 1440 1 140 1450 + 150 1330 2 130 1230 2 120 1580 2 160 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.1 08/18/95 K-40 1-131 1530 t

< 0.4 150 1320 2 130

< 0.4 1270 2 130

< 0.4 1330 2 130

< 0.3 1240 2 120

< 0.3 09/Ol/95 K-40 1-131 1430 2 140

< 0.2 1610 + 160

< 0.2 1340 f

< 0.3 130 1210 2 120

< 0.2 1370 2 140

< 0.2 09/15/95 K-40 1390 2 140 1350 2 130 1360 2 140 1580 2 160 1260 k 130 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.1 09/29/95 K-40 1310 2 130 1290 2 130 1510 2 150 1340 2 130 1170 2 120 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.1 ' 0.1 (a) All cows sold: not partlctpattng ln program.

'Pjptcai LLDs are found In table B-12. Allother gamma emit ters were <LLD.

TABLE B-9 ICont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF IODINE AND GAMMA EMITTERS'N MILK ResUlts ln Units of pCI/liter 2 2 sigma STATION CODES COLLECTION ANALYSIS SHULER WARMBEIN FREEHLING LIVINGHOUSE SCHUTZE DATES 10/13/95 K-40 1460 2 150 1590 + 160 1380 + 140 1270 X 130 1380 2 140 (a) 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 10/27/95 K-40 1490 X 150 1470 2 150 1540 + 150 1450 2 150 1260 k 130 I-131 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.3 11/10/95 K-40 1-131 1380 + 140

< 0.2 1350 i I30

< 0.2 1420 2 140

< 0.2 1490 2 150

< 0.2 1230 f

< 0.3 120 11/24/95 K-40 1-131 1360 2 140

< 0.3 1390 i

< 0.2 140 1370 2 140

< 0.2 1310 2 130

< 0.3 1370 2 140

< 0.3 12/08/95 K-40 1480 2 150 1390 2 130 1360 + 140 1330 k 130 1570 k 160 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.1 < O.l < 0.2 < 0.1 12/22/95 K-40 1340 2 130 (b) 1470 R 150 1400 2 140 1180 2 120 1-131 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 la) All cows sold; no longer parttctpattng ln program.

lb) No sample available.

~Ical LLDs are found tn table B-12. All other gamma emltters were <LLD.


TABLE B-10 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITI'ERS'N FISH Results In Units of pCI/kg (wet) 2 2 sigma Collection Date Station Descri tion Be-7 K-40 Cs-187 Ra-226 T?L-228 05/31/95 ONS-N Sucker < 50 3820 k 380 14.6 2 3.8 < 100 < 10 05/31/95 ONS-S Sucker < 50, 4180 R 420 21.7 2 4.3 < 100 < 10 05/31/95 OFS-N Sucker/Trout. < 30 3250 2 330 48.4 2 4.8 < 70 <6 05/31/95 OFS-S Sucker < 60 4500 k 450 27.5 k 5.6 < 100 < 10 10/30/95 ONS-N Sucker < 100 3040 2 300 20 < 300 < 30 10/30/95 ONS-S Sucker <90 3030 2 300 17.8 2 7.8 < 200 < 20 10/30/95 OFS-N Lake Trout < 100 3510 t 350 58.5 2 13.1 < 200 < 20 10/30/95 OFS-S Sucker < 100 2820 2 280 24.7 2 9.9 < 300 < 20 Average S519 k 1200 SO.S 2 SS.l 1 2 s.d.

Typtcal LLDs are found tn table B-12. AH other gamma emltters were <UD.

TABLE B-11 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS'N FOOD/VEGETATION Results In Units ol'CI/kg (wet) 2 2 sigma COLLECTION DATE Station Descrl tlon Be-7 K-40 I-131 Cs-137 09/25/95 ONS-G Grapes < 40 1720 k 170 < 6 <5 09/25/95 OFS.G Grapes < 50 2610 2 260 <8 09/25/95 ONS-V Broadleaf 2500 R 250 3900 k 390 < 20 < 20 09/25/95 OFS-V Broadleaf 1420 t 250 3060 X 320 < 40 < 30 Average 2 19602 1627 2823 2 1818 2 s.d.

~Ical LLDs are found fn table B-12. All other gamma emttters were <ILD.

TABLE B-12 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT GAMMA SPECTROMETRY LOUVER LIMITS OF DETECTION AND REPORTING LEVELS Isoto e TI LLD Tech S ec LLD Re t Level TI LLD Tech S ec LLD Re t Level Vc ctatlon - I -wc Water- tcr Cerium-144 60 N/A N/A 30 N/A N/A Barium/La-140 10 N/A N/A 50/10 60/15 200 Cesium-134 10 60 1000 7 15 30 Ru,Rh-106 80 N/A N/A 50 N/A N/A Cesium-137 10 60 2000 6 18 50 Zr,Nb-95 10 N/A N/A 10/15 30/15 400 Manganese-54 10 N/A N/A 5 15 1000 Iron-59 15 N/A N/A 15 30 400

-Zinc-65 20 N/A N/A 10 30 300 Cobalt-60 10 N/A N/A 5 15 300 Cobalt-58 10 N/A N/A 5 15 1000 Iodine-131 20 60 100 10 1 2 Iodine-131 (a) 1 1 Cerium-144 30 N/A N/A 0.007 N/A N/A Barium/La-140 50/10 60/15 300 0.005 N/A N/A Cesium-134 7 15 60 0.002 0.06 10 Ru,Rh-106 50 N/A N/A 0.010 N/A N/A Cesium-137 6 18 70 0.002 0.06 20 Zr,Nb-95 20 N/A N/A 0.002 N/A N/A Manganese-54 5 N/A N/A 0.002 N/A N/A Iron-59 15 N/A N/A 0.002 N/A N/A Zinc-65 10 N/A N/A 0.002 N/A N/A Cobalt-60 5 N/A N/A 0.002 N/A N/A Cobalt-58 5 N/A N/A 0.002 N/A N/A Iodine-131 10 1 3 0.040 0.07 0.9 Iodine-131 (a) 1 1 (a) Analysis by radiochemistry and based on the assumptions ln Procedure PRO-032-11.

Charcoal Trap

TABLE B-12 (cont.)

INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT GAMMA SPECTROMETRY LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION AND REPORTING LEVELS Isoto e TI LLD Tech S ec LLD Re tLevel TI LLD Tech S LLD Re t Level FISH - Ci -wet Sediment Soil - Ci Cerium-144 200 N/A N/A 150 N/A N/A Barium/La-140 200 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A Cesium-134 20 130 1000 30 150 N/A RU,Rh-106 200 N/A N/A 200 N/A N/A Cesium-137 20 150 2000 30 180 N/A Zr,Nb-95 40 N/A N/A 40 N/A N/A Manganese-54 20 130 30000 9 N/A N/A Iron-59 40 260 10000 50 N/A N/A Zinc-65 40 260 20000 60 N/A N/A Cobalt-60 20 130 10000 20 N/A N/A Cobalt-58 20 130 30000 20 N/A N/A Iodine-131 100 N/A N/A 30 N/A N/A Gross Beta/Tritium LLDs and Re o Levels Gross Beta Air Particulates 0.01 pCI/m3 0.01 pCI/m3 N/A Drlnklng Water 2 pCI/1 4.0 pCl/I N/A ti -- C Surface Water 200 2000 20,000 Ground Water 200 2000 20,000 Drlnklng Water 200 2000 20,000 (b) Based on the assumptions ln procedure PRO-042-5.


ANALYTICALPROCEDURE SYNOPSIS Appendix C is a synopsis of the analytical procedures performed during 1995 on samples collected for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. All analyses have been mutually agreed upon by American Electric Power and Teledyne Brown Engineering and include those recommended by the USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.8,BTP, Rev. 1, November 1979.

ANALYSIS TITLE PAGE Gross Beta Analysis of Air Particulate Samples.... 68 Gross Beta Analysis of Water Samples ........... 69 Analysis of Samples for Tritium (Liquid Scintillation).................... 71 Analysis of Samples for Iodine-131 ........... 72 Milk or Water ............................. ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ---- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 72 Gamma Spectrometry of Samples . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 73 Milk and Water . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 73 Dried Solids other than Soils and Sediment Phh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

73 I

Soils and Sediments .......................................... 73 Charcoal Cartridges (Air Iodine) 73 Airborne Particulates................... 73 Environmental Dosimetry................................... ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~- 75 67

GROSS BETA ANALYSISOF SAMPLES Airb me Particulate After a delay of five or more days, allowing for the radon-222 and radon-220 (thoron) daughter products to decay, the filters are counted in a gas-flow proportional counter. An unused "air particulate filter, supplied by the customer, is counted as the blank.

Calculations of the results, the two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD):

RESULT (pCi/m3) ((S/T) - (B/t))/(2.22 V E)

TWO SIGMA ERROR (pCi/m3) = 2((S/T2) + (B/t2))1/2/(2.22 V E)

LLD (pCi/m3) 4.66 (B/t/T) >/2/(2.22 V E) where:

S Gross counts of sample including blank B Counts of blank Counting efficiency T Number of minutes sample was counted t Number of minutes blank was counted V Sample aliquot size (cubic meters) 68



K The procedures described in this section are used to measure the overall radioactivity of water samples without identifying the radioactive species present. No chemical separation techniques are involved.

One liter of the sample, is evaporated on a hot plate. A smaller volume may be used if the sample has a significant salt content. If:-.

requested by the customer, the sample is filtered through No. 54 filter paper before evaporation, removing particles greater than 30 microns in size.

After evaporating to a small volume in a beaker, the sample is rinsed into a 2-inch diameter stainless steel planchet which is stamped with a.

concentric ring pattern to distribute residue evenly. Final evaporation to dryness takes place under heat lamps.

Residue mass is determined by weighing the planchet before and after'mounting the sample. The planchet is counted for beta activity on an automatic proportional counter. Results are calculated using empirical self-absorption curves which allow for the change in effective counting efficiency caused by the residue mass.


2.0 DETECTION CAPABILITY Detection capability depends upon the sample volume actually represented on the planchet, the background and the efficiency of the counting instrument, and upon self-absorption of beta particles by the mounted sample. Because the radioactive species are not identified, no decay corrections are made and the reported activity refers to the counting time.

The minimum detectable level (MDL) for water samples is nominally 1.6 picocuries per liter for gross beta at the 4.66 sigma level (1.0 pCi/1 at the 2.83 sigma level), assuming that 1 liter of sample is used and that >1 gram of sample residue is mounted on the planchet. These figures are based upon a counting time of 50 minutes and upon representative values of counting efficiency and background of 0.2 and 1.2 cpm, respectively.

The MDL becomes significantly lower as the mount weight decreases because of reduced self-absorption. At a zero mount weight, the 4.66 sigma MDL for gross beta is 0.9 picocuries per liter. These values reflect a beta counting efficiency of 0.38.



Water Ten milliliters of water are mixed with 10 ml of a liquid scintillation "cocktail" and then the mixture is counted in an automatic liquid scintillator.

Calculation of the results, the two sigma error and the lower limit detection (LLD) in pCi/1:

RESULT (N-B)/(2.22 V E)

TWO SIGMA ERROR 2((N + B)/ht)1/2/ (2 22 V E) 4.66 (B/dt)>/ /(2.22 V E )

where: N the gross cpm of the sample B the background of the detector in cpm 2.22 conversion factor changing dpm to pCi V volume of the sample in ml E efficiency of the detector bt counting time for the sample 71

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR IODINE-131 Milk or Water Two liters of sample are first equilibrated with stable iodide carrier. A batch treatment with anion exchange resin is used to remove iodine from the sample. The iodine is then stripped from the resin with sodium hypochlorite solution, reduced with hydroxylamine hydrochloride and extracted into toluene as free iodine. It is then back-extracted as iodide into sodium bisulfite solution and is precipitated as palladium iodide. The precipitate is weighed for chemical yield and is mounted on a nylon planchet for low level beta counting. The chemical yield is corrected by measuring the stable iodide content of the milk or the water with a specific ion electrode.

Calculations of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/1; RESULT (N/6t-B)/(2.22 E V Y DF)

TWO SIGMA ERROR 2((N/ht+B)/ht) 1/2(2.22 E V Y DF)

LLD = 4.66(B/b,t) / /(2.22 E V Y DF) where: N = total counts from sample (counts) b,t = counting time for sample (min)

B = background rate of counter (cpm) 2 22 = dpm/pCi V = volume or weight of sample analyzed Y = chemical yield of the mount or sample counted DF = decay factor from the collection to the counting date E = efficiency of the counter for I-131, corrected for self absorption effects by the formula E Es(exp-0. 0085M) /(exp-0. 0085Ms)

Es efficiency of the counter determined from an I-131 standard mount Ms = mass of Pdl2 on the standard mount, mg mass of PdI2 on the sample mount, mg 72

GAMMASPECTROMETRY OF SAMPLES Milk and Water A 1.0 liter Marinelli beaker is filled with a representative aliquot of the sample. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.

Dried Solids other than Soils and Sediments A large quantity of the sample is dried at a low temperature, less than 100'C. As much as possible (up to the total sample) is loaded into a tared 1-liter Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.

Fish As much as possible (up to the total sample) of the edible portion of the sample is loaded into a tared Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.

Soils and Sediments Soils and sediments are dried at a low temperature, less than 100'C.

The soil or sediment is loaded fully into a tared, standard 300 cc container and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.

Airborne Particulates The thirteen airborne particulate filters for a quarterly composite for each field station are aligned one in front of another and then counted for at least six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.


A mini-computer software program defines peaks by certain changes in the slope of the spectrum. The program also compares the energy of each peak with a library of peaks for isotope identification and then performs the radioactivity calculation using the appropriate fractional gamma ray abundance, half life, detector efficiency, and net counts in the peak region. The calculation of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/volume of pCi/mass:

RESULT (S-B)/2.22 t E V F DF)

TWO SIGMA ERROR 2(S+B)1/2/(2.22 t E V F DF) 4.66(B) / /(2.22 t E V F DF) where: S Area, in counts, of sample peak and background (region of spectrum of interest)

B Background area, in counts, under sample peak, determined by a linear interpolation of the representative backgrounds on either side of the peak length of time in minutes the sample was counted 2.22 dpm/pCi detector efficiency for energy of interest and geometry of sample sample aliquot size (liters, cubic meters, kilograms, or grams) fractional gamma abundance (specific for each emitted gamma)

DF decay factor from the mid-collection date to the counting date 74

ENVIRONMENTALDOSIMETRY Teledyne Brown Engineering uses a CaS04.Dy thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) which the company manufactures. This material has a high light output, negligible thermally induced signal loss (fading), and negligible self dosing. The energy response curve (as well as all other features) satisfies NRC Reg. Guide 4.13. Transit doses are accounted for by use of separate TLDs.

Following the field exposure period the TLDs are placed in a Teledyne Isotopes Model 8300. One fourth of the rectangular TLD is heated at a time and the measured light emission (luminescence) is recorded. The TLD is then annealed and exposed to a known Cs-137 dose; each area is then read again. This provides a calibration of each area of each TLD after every field use. The transit controls are read in the same manner.

Calculations of results and the two sigma error in net milliRoentgen (mR):

RESULT D = (D)+D2+D3+D4)/4 TWO SIGMA ERROR 2((D D)2+(D2 D)2+(D3 D)2+(D4 D)2)/3)1/2 WHERE: Dl the net mR of area 1 of the TLD, and similarly for Dg, D3, and D4 Dl I1 K/Rl -A the instrument reading of the field dose in area 1 K the known exposure by the Cs-137 source R1 the instrument reading due to the Cs-137 dose on area 1 average dose in mR, calculated in similar manner as above, of the transit control TLDs D the average net mR of all 4 areas of the TLD.



EPA INTERLABORATORYCOMPARISON PROGRAM Teledyne Brown Engineering participates in the EPA .

Interlaboratory Comparison Program to the fullest extent possible. That is, we participate in the program for all radioactive isotopes prepared and at the maximum frequency of availability. In this section trending .

graphs (since 1981) and the 1995 data summary tables are presented for isotopes in the various sample media applicable to the Donald C.

Cook Nuclear Plant's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.

The footnotes of the table discuss investigations of problems encountered in a few cases and the steps taken to prevent reoccurrence.


EPA INTERLABORATORYCOMPARISON PROGRAM 1995 Environmental Collection Teledyne Brown Date Media Nuclide EPA Result(a) En ineerin Result(b) Deviation(c) 01/13/95 Water Sr-89 20.0 2 5,0 19.00 k 2.65 -0.35 Sr-90 15.0 2 5.0 14.00 2 0.00 -0.35 01/27/95 Water Gr-Alpha 5.0 2 5.0 5.00 2 1.00 0.00 Gr-Beta 5.0 2 5.0 6.00 2 1.00 0.35 02/03/95 Water l-131 100.0 2 10.0 88.33 2 2.31 -2.02 (d) 02/10/95 Water Ra-226 19.1 2 2.9 20.67 2 0.58 0.94 Ra-228 20.0 2 5.0 18.67 2 0.58 -0.46 03/10/95 Water H-3 7435.0 2 744.0 7066.67 2 115.47 -0.86 04/18/95 Water Gr-Beta 86.6 2 10.0 80.33 2 2.52 -1.09 Sr-89 20.0 2 5.0 20.67 2 1.15 0.23 Sr-90 15.0+ 5.0 14.67 2 0.58 -0.12 Co-60 29.0 2 5.0 31.67 2 2.08 0.92 Cs-134 20.0 2 5.0 19.67 2 1.73 -0.12 Cs-137 11.0 2 5.0 11.67 2 1.53 0.23 Gr-Alpha 47.5 2 11.9 39.67 2 2.52 -1.,14 Ra-226 14.9 2 2.2 15.67 2 0.58 0.60 Ra-228 15.8 2 4.0 13.00 2 1.73 -1.21 06/09/95 Water Co-60 40.0 2 5.0 42.33 2 2.52 0,81 Zn-65 76.0 2 8.0 82.33 2 3.51 1.37 Cs-134 50.0 2 5.0 46.67 2 2.08 -1. 15 Cs-137 35.0 + 5.0 37.67 2 1.15 0.92 Ba-133 79.0+ 8.0 74.33 2 2.08 -1.01 06/16/95 Water Ra-226 14.8 2 2.2 15.00 2 0.00 0.16 Ra-228 15.0 2 3.8 14.00 2 0.00 -0.46 07/14/95 Water Sr-89 20.0 2 5.0 18.33 k 1.53 -0,58 Sr-90 8.0 2 5.0 8.0 2 0.00 0.00 07/21/95 Water Gr-Alpha 27.5 2 6.9 18.33 2 1.53 -2.30 (e)

Gr-Beta 19.4 2 5.0 19.33 2 1.53 -0,02 08/04/95 Water H-3 4872.0 i 487.0 4866.67 2 152.75 -0.02 08/25/95 Air Filters Gr-Alpha 25.0 2 6.3 23.67 2 1.53 -0.37 Gr-Beta 86.6 2 10.0 84.67 2 1.53 -0.33 Sr-90 30.0 2 5.0 25.33 2 0.58 -1.62 Cs-137 25.0 + 5.0 27.00 2 1.00 0.69 09/15/95 Water Ra-226 24.8 2 3.7 27.33 a 1.15 1. 19 Ra-228 20.0 2 5.0 14.67 k 0.58 -1.85 Note: Footnotes are located at end of table.


EPA INTERLABORATORYCOMPARISON PROGRAM 1995 Environmental Collection Teledyne Brown Date Media Nuclide EPA Result(a) Engineerin Result(b) 09/29/95 Milk Sr-89 20.0 2 5.0 23.33 2 3.06 1.15 Sr-90 15.0 2 5.0 16.33 2 0.58 0.46 1-131 99.0 2 10.0 103.33 2 5.77 0.75 Cs-137 50.0 2 5.0 54.67 2 2.52 1.62 Total K 1654.0 2 83.0 1683.33 2 136.50 0.61 10/06/95 Water 1-131 148.0 2 15.0 150.0 + 0.00 0.23 10/27/95 Water Gr-Alpha 51,2 k 12.8 37.00 2 3.00 -1.92 Gr-Beta 24.8 2 5.0 25.33 + 1.53 0.18 Footnotes:

(a) EPA Results-Expected laboratory precision (1 sigma). Units are pCi/liter for water and milk except K is in mg/liter. Units are total pCi for air particulate filters.

(b) Teledyne Results - Average 2 one sigma. Units are pCi/liter for water and milk except K is in mg/liter. Units are total pCi for air particulate filters.

(c) Normalized deviation from the known.

(d) The normalized deviation marginally exceeded the warning level and an apparent trend in the results appeared. The cause was a probable high bias in the beta counting effiCienC. Check source control charts did not indicate any changes in the counting equipment. so the I-131 calibration was suspected. New 1-131 calibrations were performed July 3 through 6. 1995 after receiving a new standard from the EPA. The intercomparison sample data sheets were recalculated with the new efficiencies and the average result was in excellent agreement with the EPA (96 pCi/1 versus the EPA value of 100 pCi/1). The discrepancy in the I-131 efficiency between the current calibration and the previous one (aside from the uncertainty in the standard) appears to be an abnormally low yield in the preparation of the standard for the older calibration which created a high bias in the counter efficiencies. The bias was less than ten percent. therefore further corrective action or revision of previously reported data is deemed not necessary.

(e) The mineral salt content of the water used by the EPA to prepare the samples has been shown to vary substantially throughout the year. Absorption curves to account for mount weight may vary from the true absorption characteristics of a specific sample. Previous results do not indicate a trend toward "out of control" for gross alpha/beta analysis and the normalized deviation from the grand average is only -0.36. The normalized deviation from the known for TBE-ES does not exceed three standard deviations and internal spikes have been in control. No corrective action is planned at this time.



-20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 D Tl+3Sigma 0 EPA+ 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATES (pg. 1 of 1) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 Tl I3 Sigma o EPA+ 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM STRONTIUM-90 IN AIR PARTICULATES (pg. 1 of 1) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

-10 20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 o Tl+ 3 Sigma o EPA+ 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-137 IN AIR PARTICULATES (pg. 1 of 1) 80 60 40 20 20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 a Tl+ 3 Sigma o EPA+ 3 Sigma

m w-& & w w w w w W w m m m m m i4)

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM STRONTIUM-89 IN MILK(pg. 1 of 1) 100 80 60 40 20 20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 TI%3Slgma o EPA a 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM STRONTIUM-90 IN MILK(pg. 1 of 1) 80 60 40 20 20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Tl+ 3 Sigma EPA+ 3 Sigma

M W W W W m m m m EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM POTASSIUM-40 IN MII K (pg. 1 of 1) 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 a Tl 13 Sigma 0 EPA k 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM IODINE-131 IN MILK (pg. 1 of 1) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 D

20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 Tl+ 3 Sigma o EPA 2 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-137 IN MILK(pg. 1 of 1) 100 80 60 40 20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 Tl k 3 Sigma 0 EPA X3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS ALPHA lN WATER (pg. 1 of 1) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 j D 20 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Tl+ 3 Sigma 0 EPA k 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS BETA IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 260 220 180 140 100 60 20 20 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 Tl 2 3 Sigma o EPA t 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM GROSS BETA IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2) 220 200 180 160 140 L

tD 120 0 100 80 60 40 20

-20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 TI 2 3 sigma o EPA+ 3 sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TRITIUM IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 o Tl + 3 Sigma o EPA a3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TRITIUM IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2) 5000 4000 3000 2000 O


-1000 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 D Tl %3sigma 0 EPA f3 sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM IODINE-131 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 1) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 a 9 a 20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 Tl+ 3 Sigma o EPA k 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM COBALT-60 IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 100 80 60 40 20 0

-20 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 o TI+ 3 Sigma o EPA+ 3 Sigma


  • 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0

-20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Tl k3 sigma o EPA k3 sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-134 IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 100 80 60 40 20

-20 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 Tl i 3 Sigma 0 EPA+ 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-134 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2) 100 80 60 40 20

-20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 D Tl 2 3 sigma EPA I3 sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-137'N WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 120 100 80 60 40 20

-20 1988 1989 1990 1 99.1 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 TIX3Sigma o EPA k 3 Sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM CESIUM-137 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 2) 80 60 40 20

-20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 TI k3 sigma 4 EPA X3 sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM STRONTIUM-89 IN WATER (pg. 2 of 2) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

-10 20 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 0 Tl+ 3 Sigma o EPA k 3 Sigma


O 40 O

CL 20

-20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 0 Tl a3 sigma EPA k3 sigma

EPA CROSS CHECK PROGRAM STRONTIUM-90 IN WATER (pg. 1 of 1) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10


-20 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 a Tl k 3 Sigma 0 EPA k 3 Sigma


PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS REMP deviations for 1995 are listed at the end of this appendix. Where possible, the causes of the deviations have been corrected to prevent recurrence.

Only one deviation involved air samplers during 1995 and it concerned a tripped electrical breaker at station ONS-5 on 08/21/95. The breaker was reset and sampling recommenced. The breaker tripped was determined to be a result of a powerline transient. This was the only occurrence of this type in 1995.

From Ol/Ol/95 through 03/20/95 collection of surface water samples from locations L-2 and L-3 was intermittent due to hazardous conditions caused by shoreline ice. Icy conditions returned to the shoreline on 12/09/95 and samples were not collected the rest of the year.

There were four incidents involving TLDs in 1995. On 02/20/95 the background TLD was discovered to be missing from the South Bend location.

The cause appeared to be vandalism (persons unknown reached over the chain-link fence and removed the TLD and its cage) and preventive action included moving this and other like TLDs to an inaccessible section of the fence. A replacement TLD was placed at this location on 03/02/95.

On 07/02/95 TLD OFT-10 was not located on electrical pole PB422-15 or on the ground surrounding the pole. It appeared that the cause was either vandalism or tampering. A replacement TLD was mounted approximately ten feet higher than the previous one had been.

On 10/01/95 TLD OFT-04 was not located on electrical pole 88350-72 or on the ground surrounding the pole. It appeared that the cause was either vandalism or tampering. A replacement TLD was mounted on the pole that same day.

On 01/Ol/96 TLD OFT-11 was not located on electrical pole 4B423-12 or on the ground surrounding the pole. Once again, it appeared that the cause was either" vandalism or tampering. A replacement TLD was mounted on the pole that same day. As preventive action all cages holding TLDs on electrical poles, were rehung using stainless steel wire and nails. This was in addition to existing velcro on the cages and poles.

There were several incidents involving groundwater samples in 1995 although all samples were collected within the 25% grace period allowed by the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.

On Ol/29/95 the pump used for well W-5 broke before the sample could be obtained. On 02/02/95 a replacement pump was used for sample collection.


On 04/30/95 there was no power to wells W-1 and W-3. Power was restored and W-3 was sampled on 05/04/95 and W-1 was sampled on 05/18/95.

The well sample obtained from well W-Ol on 05/18/95 failed to meet the I-131 LLD. Teledyne Brown neglected to perform the analysis in a timely manner to meet the required detection limit. This was brought to their attention by plant personnel on 06/30/95. This type of error had never occurred during the several years that Teledyne had been performing REMP analysis for American Electric Power.

On 07/30/95 there was no power to well W-3. Power was restored the next day and the well was sampled on 08/01/95.

On 10/29/95 wells W-3 and W-9 were without power. Well W-14 had been disconnected as a new well was in the process of being drilled at this location. A sample from well W-3 was subsequently obtained on 11/05/95 and W-9 and W-14 were sampled on 11/13/95.

There were only two incidents involving milk samples during 1995. On 04/28/95 the Schutze farm "sold the herd" thus ending their participation in the REMP milk sampling program. At that time and through the end of 1995 there were three indicator farms and two background farms participating in the program. On 12/22/95 the milk sample from the Warmbein farm (indicator) was not obtained. The farmer had not been milking his herd due to health problems.

Required lake sediment samples were not obtained from locations SL-2 and SL-3 on 10/16/95. This was not discovered until after the 25% grace period. The 1996 sample schedule was checked and sediment sample collection is scheduled for 04/16/96 and 10/16/96.


REMP Exceptions For Scheduled Sampling And Analysis Durh+ 1995


Location Descri tion Date of Sam lin Reason(s) for Loss/Exce tion ONS-5 Air Particulate/ 08/14/95 Power off "Air iodine 08/21/95 L2 Surface Water 01/01/95- ~ Lake Shoreline frozen. Sample collection 03/20/95 was intermittent.

Surface Water Ol/Ol/95- Lake Shoreline frozen. Sample collection 03/20/95 was intermittent.

L2 Surface Water 12/09/95- Lake Shoreline frozen. Sample collection 12/31/95 not performed.

Surface Water 12/09/95- Lake Shoreline frozen. Sample collection 12/31/95 not performed.

SBN TLD First Qtr. Original TLD missing and replaced on 03/02/95.

OFS-10 TLD Second Qtr. TLD missing.

OFS-4 TLD Third Qtr. TLD missing.

OFS-11 TLD Fourth Qtr. TLD missing.

W-5 Groundwater 01/29/95 Pump was broken. sample collected on 02/02/95, W-l, W-3 Groundwater 04/30/95 'owe'r outage; samples collected on 05/04/95 and 05/18/95 W-1 05/18/95 1-131 analysis by rad chem not performed.

W-3 07/30/95 Power outage, sample collected on 08/01/95.

W-3 10/29/95 Power outage, samaple collected on 11/05/95.

W-9 Power outage. sample collected on 11/13/95.

W-14 Driving new well, sample collected on 11/13/95.

Schutze M1 1 k 04/28/95 All cows sold; no longer participating in program.

Warmbein Mi 1 k 12/22/95 No sample available.

SL-2 Sediment 10/16/95 Sample not obtained.

SL-3 Sediment 10/16/95 Sample not obtained.





OF THE 1995 LAND USE CENSUS The Land Use Census is performed to ensure that significant changes in the areas in the immediate vicinity of the plant site are identified. Any identified changes are evaluated to determine whether modifications must be made to the REMP or other related programs. No such changes were identified during the 1995 Land Use Census. The following is a summary of the 1995 results.

MilkFarm Surve The milk farm survey is performed to update the list of milk farms located in the plant area, to identify the closest milk farm in each land sector, and to identify the nearest milk animal whose milk is used for human consumption. The milk farm survey for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant was conducted on September 22, 1995.

In 1995 there were four deletions to the Michigan Department of Agriculture's list of dairy farms in Berrien County Michigan. One of the deleted farms participated in the REMP Milk Sampling Program during the first part of 1995.

The previously identified milk animal, a goat owned by Sue Dorman continues to be the closest milk producing animal to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant whose milk is used for human consumption. The closest edge of the animals pasture is 13,425 feet from the Plant's centerline axis.

Residential Surve The residential survey is performed to identify the closest residence in each land sector surrounding the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. The residential survey was completed on September 22, 1995. There were no new residential building permits issued by Lake Township during 1995. In addition a door-to-door survey was then conducted using a local area map.

The closest residence to the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant in each sector remains unchanged from the previous year.


Broadleaf Suxve In accordance with Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, broadleaf vegetation sampling.,is performed in lieu of a garden census. Broadleaf sampling is performed to monitor for plant impact on the environment.

The samples are obtained at the site boundary. The broadleaf analytical results for 1995 were less than the Technical Specification LLDs.



Distance Sector Year Miles Name Address N/A No milk farms N/A N/A No milk farms N/A B a N/A No milk farms N/A b N/A No milk farms N/A N/A No milk farms N/A ~

N/A No milk farms N/A D 13.9 William Nimtz 3445 Park Rd., Eau Claire 5.1 Gerald Totzke 6744 Totzke Rd., Baroda a 10.5 Andrews University Berrien Springs b 10.5 Andrews University Berrien Springs 6.8 Lee Nelson RFD 1, Box 390A, Snow Rd.

Baroda 6.8 Lee Nelson RFD 1, Box 390A, Snow Rd.

Baroda G a 4.1 G. G. Shuler & Sons RFD 1, Snow Rd., Baroda b 4.1 G. G. Shuler & Sons RFD 1, Snow Rd., Baroda 7.0 George Freehling 2221 W. Glendora Rd., Buchanan 7.0 George Freehling 2221 W. Glendora Rd., Buchanan a 7.7 Jerry Warmbein 14143 Mill Rd., Three Oaks b 7.7 Jerry Warmbein 14143 Mill Rd., Three Oaks K a 12 Kenneth Tappan Rt. 2, Kruger Rd, Three Oaks b 12 Kenneth Tappan Rt. 2, Kruger Rd, Three Oaks All other sectors are over water.

(a) Reporting Year (b) Year prior to reporting year.

Figure 5 INDIANAMICHIGANPOWER COMPANY - DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Residential Land Use Survey - 1995 Sector House (1) In Feet Street Address 2161 11-11-0006-0004-01-7 lier Drive, Rosemary Beach 2161 1 1-1 1-0006-0004-01-7 lier Drive, Rosemary Beach 2165 1 1-1 1-0006-0004-09-2 lier Drive, Rosemary Beach 2165 1 1-1 1-0006-0004-09-2 lier Drive, Rosemary Beach 3093 11-1 1-6800-0028-00-0 Lake Road. Rosemary Beach 3093 1 1-1 1-6800-0028-00-0 Lake Road, Rosemary Beach D 5733 1 1-1 1-0005-0036-01-8 7500 Thorton Drive 5733 1 1-1 1-0005-0036-01-8 7500 Thorton Drive 5631 1 1-1 1-0005-0009-07-0 7927 Red Arrow Highway 5631 1 1-1 1-0005-0009-07-0 7927 Red Arrow Highway F 5392 11-11-0008-0015-03-1 8197 Red Arrow Highway M 5392 1 1-11-0008-0015-03-1 8197 Red Arrow Highway 3728 1 1-11-0007-0013-01-4 LMngston Road 3728 11-11-0007-0013-01-4 LMngston Road 4944 11-11-8600-0004-00-1 Wildwood 4944 1 1-11-8600-0004-00-1 Wildwood 3366 1 1-1 1-0007-0010-02-3 LMngston Hills 3366 1 1-1 1-0007-0010-02-3 LMngston Hills 10 3090 11-1 1-0007-0010-03-1 Livingston Hills 10 3090 11-11-0007-0010-03-1 Livingston Hills (1) House I indicated Is the reference number used on map when obtaining the raw field data.

(a) Reporting Year (b) Year prior to reporting year.


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OF THE PREOPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM A preoperational radiological environmental monitoring program was performed for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant from August 1971 until the initial criticality of Unit 1 on January 18, 1975. The analyses of samples collected in the vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant were performed by Eberline Instrument Corporation. The summary of the preoperational program presented in this appendix is based on the seven semi-annual reports covering the period. The purpose of this summary is to provide a comparison of the radioactivity measured in the environs of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant during the pre-start up of Unit 1 and the radioactivity measured in 1995.

As stated in the report for the period of July 1 to December 31, 1971, the purposes of a preoperational radiological monitoring program include:

(a) "To yield average values of radiation levels and concentrations of radioactive material in various media of the environment.

(b) To identify sample locations and/or types of samples that deviate from the averages.

(c) To document seasonal variations that could be erroneously interpreted when the power station is operating.

(d) To indicate the range of values that should be considered "background" for various types of samples.

(e) To "proof test" the environmental monitoring equipment and procedures prior to operation of the nuclear power station.

(h) To provide baseline information that will yield estimates of the dose to man, if any, which will result from plant operation."

The discussion that follows is for the various sample media collected and analyzed in both the preoperational period and during 116

1995. Analyses performed during the preoperational but not required in 1995, are not discussed.

The gross beta activity in air particulate filters ranged from 0.01 to 0.17 pCi/m~ from the middle of 1971 to the middle of 1973. In June of 1973 and'n June of 1974 the People's Republic of China detonated atmospheric nuclear tests. As a result there were periods during which the gross beta results were elevated to as high as 0.45 pCi/m~ with no statistically significant differences between indicator and background stations. By the end of the preoperational period the values were approximately 0.06 pCi/m~.

The gamma ray analyses of composited air particulate filters showed "trace amounts" of fission products, Ce-144, Ru-106, Ru-103, Zr-95, and Nb-95, the results of fallout from previous atmospheric nuclear tests.

Cosmogenically produced beryllium-7 was'also detected.

The direct radiation background as measured by thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) ranged between 1.0 and 2.0 mrem/week during the three and one-half years period.

Milk samples during the preoperational period were analyzed for iodine-131 and by gamma ray spectroscopy (and for strontium-89 and strontium-90). All samples had naturally occurring potassium-40 with values ranging between 520 and 2310 pCi/liter. Cesium-137 was measured in many samples after the two atmospheric nuclear tests mentioned above. The cesium-137 activity ranged from 8 to 33 pCi/liter.

Iodine-131 was measured in four milk samples collected July 9, 1974.

The values ranged between 0.2 and 0.9 pCi/liter.

Lake water samples were collected and analyzed for tritium and by gamma ray spectroscopy. Tritium activities were below 1000 pCi/liter and typically averaged about 400 pCi/liter. No radionuclides were detected by gamma ray spectroscopy.


Gamma ray spectroscopy analyses of lake sediment detected natural abundances of potassium-40, uranium and thorium daughters, and traces of cesium-137 below 0.1 pCi/g which is attributed to fallout.

Gamma spectroscopy analyses of fish detected natural abundances of potassium-40 and traces of cesium-137, the latter attributed to fallout.

Drinking water analysis was not part of the preoperational program.



TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING QUALITY'ONTROLPROGRAM The goal of the quality control program at Teledyne Brown Engineering is to produce analytical results which are accurate, precise and supported by adequate documentation. The program is based on the requirements 'of 10CFR50, Appendix B, Nuclear Regulatory Guide 4.15 and the program as described in Quality Assurance Manual IWL-0032-395 and Quality Control Manual IWL-0032-365.

All measuring equipment is calibrated for efficiency at least annually using standard reference material traceable to NIST. For alpha and beta counting, check sources are prepared and counted every day the counter is in use.

Control charts are maintained with three sigma limits specified. Control of the alpha-beta counting equipment is described in procedure PRO-032-27, "Calibration and Control of Alpha/Beta Counters". Backgrounds are usually measured at least once per week.

The gamma spectrometers are calibrated annually with a NIST traceable standard reference material selected to cover the energy range of the nuclides to be monitored and to include all of the geometries measured.

Backgrounds are determined every other week and check sources are counted weekly. The energy resolution and efficiency were plotted at two energy levels on charts and held within three sigma control limits. From January 1, 1995 December 31, 1995 the energy levels were 59.5 and 1332 KeV. This procedure is described in PRO-042-44, "Calibration and Control of Gamma Ray Spectrometers".

The efficiency of the liquid scintillation counters is determined at least annually by counting NIST traceable standards which have been diluted in a known amount of distilled water and various amounts of quenching agent.

The procedure is described in PRO-052-35, "Determination of Tritium by Liquid Scintillation". The background of each counter is measured with each batch of samples. A control chart is maintained for the background and check source measurements as a stability check.

Preparation of carrier solutions and acceptability criteria are contained in procedure PRO-032-49 "Standardization of Radio-chemical Carrier 120

Solutions". Preparation of efficiency calibration standards and check sources is described in procedure PRO-032-27, "Calibration and Control of Alpha/Beta Counters".

Results are reviewed before being entered into the data system by the Quality Assurance or Department Manager for reasonableness of the parameters (background, efficiency, decay, etc.). Any results which are suspect, being higher or lower than results in the past, are returned to the laboratory for recount. If a longer count, decay check, recount on another system or recalculation does not give acceptable results based on experience, a new aliquot is analyzed. The complete information about the sample is contained on the work sheet(s).

No deviations from written procedures occurred during 1995 121

Results of Duplicate Analyses for 1995 Sam le e Anal sis First Anal sis Second Anal is Air Particulates Gr-Beta 2.0 + 0.2 E-02 2.2 + 0.2 E-02 Results in Units of 1.1 + 0.2 E-02 1.4 + 0.2 E-02 10-3 pCi/m3 2.0 + 0.2 E-02 2.2 + 0.2 E-02 1.6 + 0.2 E-02 1.3 + 0.2 E-02 1.4 + 0.2 E-02 1.4 + 0.2 E-02 1.3 + 0.2 E-02 1.4 2 0.2 E-02 1.3 + 0.2 E-02 1.4 + 0,2 E-02 1.4 + 0.2 E-02 1.4 + 0.2 E-02 1.2 + 0.2 E-02 1.2 + 0.2 E-02 1.2 + 0.2 E-02 1.1 + 0.2 E-02 1.1 + 0.2 E-02 1.1 + 0.2 E-02 2.4 + 0.2 E-02 2.4 + 0.2 E-02 1.4 + 0.2 E-02 1.2 + 0.2 E-02 3.0 + 0.2 E-02 3.0 + 0.2 E-02 2.4 + 0.2 E-02 2.7 + 0.3 E-02 2.9 + 0.2 E-02 3.0 + 0.3 E-02 2.0 + 0.2 E-02 2.3 + 0.2 E-02 2.5 + 0.2 E-02 2.6 + 0.2 E-02 1.3 + 0.2 E-02 1.5 + 0.2 E-02 1.7 + 0.2 E-02 1.7 + 0.2 E-02 2.2 + 0.3 E-02 2.3 + 0.3 E-02 2.1 + 0.2 E-02 2.2 + 0.2 E-02 2.6 + 0.2 E-02 2.4 + 0.2 E-02 2.3 + 0.2 E-02 2.3 + 0.2 E-02 4.7 + 0.3 E-02 4.7 + 0.3 E-02 1.9 + 0.2 E-02 2.0 + 0.2 E-02 Air Particulates/ Iodine-131 L. T. l. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 Charcoal Filters L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 9. E-03 Results in Units of L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 10-3 pCi/m L. T. l. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. 'T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. l. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 9. E-03 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. l. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. l. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. l. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 8. E-03 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 7. E-03 (a) All gamma results less than the detection limit (LLD).


Results of Duplicate Analyses for 1995 (cont)

Sam le e Anal sis First Anal sis Second Anal is Air Particulates/ Iodine-131 tl L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 Charcoal Filters L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 3. E-02 Results in'Units of L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 10-3 pCi/m3 L. T. 8. E-03 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 1. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 L. T. 2. E-02 Surface Water Gamma (a) (a)

Results in Units of H-3 L. T. 2. E02 L. T. 2. E02 pCi/liter Ground Water Gamma (a) (a)

Results in Units of H-3 7.6+ 2.5 E 02 6.7+ 1.8 E 02 pCi/liter Gamma (a) ( )

H-3 L. T. 3. E02 L. T. 3. E02 I-131 L. T. 8. E-01 L. T. 8. E-01 Drinking Water Gr-Beta 3.5+ 1.0 E 00 3.1 + 1.0 E 00 Results in Units of Gr-Beta 28+ 1.0EOO 3.0 + 1.0 E 00 pCi/liter Gamma (a) (a).

Gamma (a) (a)'a)

I-131 (a)

I-131 (a) (a)

Milk K-40 1.32+ 0.13 E 03 1.27+ 0.13 E 03 Results in Units of K-40 1.25+ 0.12 E 03 1.43+ 0.14 E 03 pCi/liter K-40 1.39+ 0.14 E 03 1.45 + 0.15 E 03 K-40 1.34+ 0.13 E 03 1.23+ 0.12 E 03 K-40 1.31 + 0.13 E 03 1.54 + 0.15 E 03 I-131 (a) (a)

I-131 (a) (a)

I-131 (a) (a)

(a} All gamma results less than the detection limit (LLD).


Teledyne Brown Engineering In-House Spiked Sample Results - 1995 Water ike Levels Ci L Acce table e Ci l Gross Alpha 1.1 + 0.5 E Ol 0.6 - 1.6 E 01 Gross Beta 2.1+ 0.5 E Ol 1.6 - 2.6 E 01 Gamma (Cs-137) 2.2+ 0.3 E 04 1.9 - 2.5 E 04 H-3 (LS) 1.3+ 0.4 E 03 0.9 - 1.7 E 03 (1/1-6/30/95 H-3 (LS) 1.2+ 0.4 E 03 0.8 - 1.6 E 03 (7/1-10/24/95)

H-3 (LS) 1.5 + 0.5 E 03 1.0 - 2.0 E 03 (10/25-12/31/95)

Analysis Gross Beta Tl 0 Date Activi Ci 1 72885 01/04/95 1.9 +0.1 Eol 73599 01/11/95 2.1 +0.1 Eol 74376 01/18/95 2.0 +0.2 E 01 75039 01/25/95 2.1 +0.1 Eol 75543 02/01/95 2.0 +0.1 Eol 75941 02/08/95 1.7 +0.1 Eol 76667 02/15/95 2.1 20.1 Eol 77216 02/22/95 2.2 + 02E01 77620 03/01/95 1.7 +0.1 Eol 78069 03/08/95 1.9 +0.2 E 01 78912 03/15/95 1.7 +0.1 Eol 79261 '3/22/95 1.6 +0.1 Eol 79645 03/29/95 1.8 20.1 Eol 80185 94/05/95 2.0 +0.1 Eol 80856 04/05/95 2.0 +0.1 Eol 81808 04/19/95 3.4 +0.2 E 01 82167 04/26/95 2.3 +0.2 Eol 82919 05/03/95 2.0 +0.2 E 01 83676 05/10/95 2.0 + 0.2 E 01 84371 05/17/95 1.8 +0.1 Eol 85196 05/24/95 1.8 +0.1 Eol 86172 05/31/95 2.2 %02 E 01 86722 06/07/95 2.1 +0.1 Eol 87824 06/14/95 1.7 +0.1 Eol 88456 06/21/95 1.9 20.1 Eol 89162 06/28/95 1.6 +0.1 Eol 89683 07/05/95 1.6 +0.1 Eol 90252 07/12/95 1.8 +0.1 Eol 91420 07/19/95 2.5 + 02E01 92015 07/26/95 1.5 +0.1 Eol 92679 08/02/95 2.4 +0.2 E 01 93092 08/09/95 1.9 +0.1 Eol 93998 08/16/95 1.7 +0.1 Eol 124

TI 0 Anatyais Date A~Ci Gross Beta 1

94421 08/23/95 2.2+ O.l E Ol 95022 08/30/95 1.9+ O.l E 01 95640 09/06/95 2.2 + 0.2 E Ol 96305 09/13/95 2.0+ O.l E Ol 97469 09/20/95 1.9+ O.l E Ol 98098 09/27/95 2.1+ O.l E Ol 98755 10/04/95 2.1 + 0.2 E Ol 99407 10/ll/95 1.6+ O.l E 01 00319 10/18/95 1.9+ O.l E Ol 01030 10/25/95 2.1 + 0.2 E Ol 01808 11/01/95 1.8+ O.l E Ol 02307 11/08/95 1.9+ 0.1 E Ol 03161 11/15/95 2.5 + 0.2 E Ol 03595 ll/22/95 2.3 + 0.2 E Ol 04730 12/06/95 2.6 2 0.2 E Ol 05604 12/13/95 2.0+ O.l E Ol 05953 12/20/95 2.4+ 0.2 E Ol 06466 12/27/95 2.3 + 0.2 E Ol 06806 01/03/96 2.0+ 0.2 E Ol TI 4 SPIMW - GAMMA (Cs-137)

~l 72890 Ol/04/95 2.20 2 0.22 E 04 73604 01/11/95 2.27+ 0.23 E 04 74381 01/18/95 2.24 + 0.22 E 04 75044 01/25/95 2.15 + 0.22 E 04 75548 02/01/95 2.27+ 0.23 E 04 76672 02/15/95 2.28+ 0.23 E 04 77221 02/22/95 2.09 + 0.21 E 04 07625 03/Ol/95 2.22 + 0.22 E 04

~ 78074 03/08/95 2.26+ 0.23 E 04 78917 03/15/95 2.00 + 0.20 E 04 79266 03/22/95 2.31 2 0.23 E 04 79650 03/29/95 2.28+ 0.23 E 04 80190 04/05/95 2.24+ 0.22 E 04 80861 04/12/95 2.30 + 0.23 E 04 81817 04/19/95 2.19+ 0.22 E 04 82172 04/26/95 2.21 + 0.22 E 04 82924 05/03/95 2.09+ 0.21 E 04 83681 05/10/95 2.30+ 0.23 E 04 84376 05/17/95 2.26+ 0.23 E 04 85201 05/24/95 2.19+ 0.22 E 04 86177 05/31/95 2.26+ 0.23 E 04 125


TI 0 D Activi Ci 86727 06/07/95 2.20 + 0.22 E 04 87765 06/14/95 2.22+ 0.22 E 04 89461 06/21/95 2.25+ 0.23 E 04 89688 07/05/95 2.21 + 0.22 E 04 90257 07/12/95 2.32 + 0.23 E 04 91425 07/19/95 2.26 + 0.23 E 04 92020 07/26/95 2.27+ 0.23 E 04 92684 08/02/95 2.16 + 0.22 E 04 93097 08/09.95 2.09+ 0.21 E 04 94003 08/16/95 2.16+ 0.22 E 04 94426 08/23/95 2.26 + 0.23 E 04 95027 08/30/95 2.26 + 0.23 E 04 95645 09/06/95 2.27+ 0.23 E 04 96310 09/13/95 2.23 + 0.22 E 04 97474 09/20/95 2.26+ 0.23 E 04 98103 09/27/95 2.32+ 0.23 E 04 98760 10/04/95 2.34+ 0.23 E 04 99412 10/11/95 2.36 + 0.24 E 04 00324 10/18/95 2.22+ 0.22 E 04 01035 10/25/95 2.34+ 0.23 E 04 01813 11/01/95 2.30+ 0.23 E 04 02312 11/08/95 2.21+ 0.22 E 04 03166 11/15/95 2.21 + 0.22 E 04 03600 11/22/95 2.29+ 0.23 E 04 04151 11/29/95 2.23 + 0.22 E 04 04735 12/06/95 2.14+ 0.21 E 04 05609 12/13/95 2.19 + 0.22 E 04 05958 12/20/95 2.54 + 0.25 E 04 06471 12/27/95 2.47+ 0.25 E 04 06811 01/03/96 2.23+ 0.22 E 04 SPIKES - TRITIUM - (H-3) 10ml TI 4 CI I 72887 Ol/04/95 1.2 + O.l E 03 73601 Ol/ll/95 1.37 + 0.15 E 03 74378 01/18/95 1.40+ 0.15 E 03 75041 01/25/95 1.39+ 0.15 E 03 75545 02/01/95 1.29 + 0.15 E 03 75943 02/08/95 '1.19+ 0.15 E 03 76669 02/15/95 1.36 + 0.15 E 03 77218 02/22/95 1.33 + 0.15 E 03 77622 03/Ol/95 1.22+ 0.14 E 03 78071 03/08/95 1.46 + 0.15 E 03 78914 03/15/95 1.07 + 0.15 E 03 79263 03/22/95 1.27 + 0.16 E 03 126

SPIKES - TRITIUM - (H-3) 10ml TI ¹ D ~tie a 79647 03/29/95 1.31 + 0.16 E 03 80187 04/05/95 1.21 + 0.15 E 03 80858 04/12/95 1.34 + 0.15 E 03 81814 04/19/95 1.21 + 0.15 E 03 82169 04/26/95 1.45 + 0.15 E 03 82921 05/03/95 1.31 + 0.16 E 03 83678 05/10/95 1.47 + 0.17 E 03 84373 05/17/95 1.37 + 0.17 E 03 85198 05/24/95 1.27+ 0.17 E 03 86174 05/31/95 1.36+ 0.16 E 03 86724 06/07/95 1.54 + 0.17 E 03 87762 06/14/95 1.35 + 0.16 E 03 88458 06/21/95 1.54 + 0.17 E 03 89164 06/28/95 1.14 + 0.16 E 03 89685 07/05/95 1.14+ 0.17 E 03 90254 07/12/95 1.19+ 0.17 E 03 91422 07/19/95 1.33+ 0.19 E 03 02017 07/26/95 1.19 + 0.18 E 03 92681 08/02/95 1.27 + 0.18 E 03 93094 08/09/95 1.23+ 0.17 E 03 94000 08/16/95 1.23 + 0.17 E 03 94423 08/23/95 1.56 + 0.18 E 03 95024 08/30/95 1.27+ 0.17 E 03 95642 09/06/95 1.62 2 0.18 E 03 96307 09/13/95 1.66 + 0.19 E 03 97471 09/20/95 1.13 + 0.17 E 03 98100 09/27/95 1.17 + 0.17 E 03 98757 10/04/95 1.30 + 0.18 E 03 99409 10/11/95 1.03+ 0.16 E 03 00321 10/18/95 1.22 + 0.19 E 03 01032 10/25/95 1.44 + 0.17 E 03 01810 ll/Ol/95 1.47 + 0.17 E 03 02309 11/08/95 1.46+ 0.16 E 03 03163 ll/15/95 1.39 + 0.17 E 03 03597 11/22/95 1.42 + 0.16 E 03 04148 11/29/95 1.48 + 0.16 E 03 04732 12/06/95 1.44 + 0.15 E 03 05606 12/13/95 1.63+ 0.16 E 03 05955 12/20/95 1.29+ 0.15 E 03 06468 12/27/95 1.32 + 0.14 E 03 06808 01/03/96 1.44+ 0.15 E 03 127

Teledyne Brown Engineering In-House Blanlm Sample Results - 1995 Water GROSS BETA BLANKS Analysis Gross Beta TI ¹ Date A~ti '

72884 Ol/04/95 L. T. 8. E-01 73598 Ol/ll/95 L. T. 7. E-01 74375 01/18/95 L. T. l. E 00 75038 01/25/95 L. T. 8. E-01 75542 02/01/95 L. T. 7. E-01 75940 02/08/95 L. T. 7. E-01 76666 02/15/95 L. T. 7. E-01 77215 02/22/95 L. T. 7. E-01 77619 03/Ol/95 L. T. 7. E-01 78068 03/08/95 L. T. 9. E-01 78911 03/15/95 L. T.. l. E 00 79260 03/22/95 L. T. 8. E-01 79644 03/29/95 L. T. 8, E-01 80184 04/05/95 L. T. 8. E-01 80855 04/12/95 L. T. 7. E-01 81811 04/19/95 L. T. l. E 00 82166 04/26/95 L. T. 9. E-01 82918 05/03/95 L.,T. 9. E-01 83675 05/10/95 L. T. l. E 00 84370 05/17/95 L. T. 8. E-01 85195 05/24/95 L. T. l. E 00 86171 05/31/95 L. T. 9. E-01 86721 06/07/95 L. T. 8. E-01 87760 06/14/95 L. T. l. E 00 88455 06/21/95 L. T. 6. E-01 89161 06/28/95 L. T. 6. E-01 89682 07/05/95 L. T. 7. E-01 90251 07/12/95 L. T. 6. E-01 91419 07/19/95 L. T. 7. E-01 92014 07/26/95 L. T. 9. E-01 92678 08/02/95 L. T. 9. E-01 93091 08/09/95 L. T. 8. E-01 93997 08/16/95 L. T. 7. E-01 94420 08/23/95 L. T. 8. E-01 95021 08/30/95 L. T. 9. E-01 95639 09/06/95 L. T. 7. E-01 96304 09/13/95 L. T. 6. E-01 97468 09/20/95 L. T. 8. E-01 98097 09/27/95 L, T. 9, E-01 98754 10/04/95 L. T. 8. E-01 99406 10/ll/95 L. T. E 00 128


Ax~osis Tl ¹ Date, A~Ci Gross Beta .

1 00318 10/18/95 L. T. 8. E-01 01029 10/25/95 L. T. 8. E-01 01807 ll/Ol/95 L. T. 9. E-01 02306 ,11/08/95 L. T. 8. E-01 03160 ll/15/95 L. T. 1. E 00 03594 11/22/95- L. T. 5. E-01 04145 11/29/95 L. T. 8. E-01 04729 12/06/95 L. T. 8. E-01 05603 12/13/95 L. T. 7. E-01 05952 12/20/95 L. T. 8. E-01 06465 12/27/95 L. T. 8. E-01 06805 01/03/96 L. T. 8. E-01 TRITIUM - (H-3) - BLANKS TI ¹ is Date ~ICi 1 72889 Ol/04/95 L. T. 2. E 02 73603 Ol/ll/95 L. T. 1.48 E 02 74380 01/18/95 L. T. 1.51 E 02 75043 01/25/95 L. T. 1.61 E 02 75547 02/01/95 L. T. 1.60 E 02 75945 02/08/95 L. T. 1.73 E 02 76671 02/15/95= L. T. 1.53 E 02 77220 02/22/95 L. T. 1.55 E 02 77624 03/Ol/95 L. T. 1.57 E 02 78073 03/08/95 L. T. 1.49 E 02 78916 03/15/95 L. T. 1.85 E 02 79625 03/22/95 L. T. 1.72 E 02 79649 03/29/95 L. T. 1.68 E 02 80189 04/05/95 L. T. 1.69 E 02 80860 04/12/95 L. T. 1.59 E 02 81816 04/19/95 L. T. 1.61 E 02 82171 04/26/95 L. T. 1.50 E 02 82923 05/03/95 L. T. 1.65 E 02 83680 05/10/95 L. T. 1.75 E 02 84375 05/17/95 L. T. 1.79 E 02 85200 05/24/94 L. T. 1.90 E 02 86176 05/31/95 L. T. 1.70 E 02 86726 06/07/95 L. T. 1.73 E 02 87764 06/14/95 1.77 + 105E 02 88460 06/21/95 L. T. 1.66 E 02 89166 06/28/95 L. T. 1.76 E 02 89687 07/05/95 L. T. 2.06 E 02 129

TRITIUM - (H-3) - BLANKS (Cont.)

TI 4 is Date 90256 07/12/95 L. T. 1.91 E 02 91424 07/19/95 L. T. 2.41 E 02 92019 07/26/95 L. T. 2.32 E 02 92683 08/02/95 L. T. 2.19 E 02 93096 08/09/95 L. T. 2.34 E 02 94002 08/16/95 L, T. 1.99 E 02 94425 08/23/95 L. T. 1.70 E 02 95026 08/30/95 L. T. 1.81 E 02 95644 09/06/95 L. T. 2.21 E 02 96309 09/13/95 L. T. 1.87 E 02 97473 09/20/95 L. T. 1.87 E 02 98102 09/27/95 L. T. 2.03 E 02 98759 10/04/95 L. T. 2.31 E 02 99411 10/11/95 L. T. 1.77 E 02 00323 10/18/95 L. T. 2.45 E 02 01034 10/25/95 L, T. 2.02 E 02 01812 ll/Ol/95 L. T. 1.75 E 02 02311 11/08/95 L. T. 1.61 E 02 03165 11/15/95 L. T. 2.08 E 02 03569 11/22/95 L. T. 1.70 E 02 04150 11/29/95 L. T. 1.77 E 02 04734 12/06/95 L. T. 1.58 E 02 05608 12/13/95 L. T. 1.51 E 02 05957 12/20/95 L. T. 1.55 E 02 06470 12/27/95 L. T. 1.41 E 02 06810 01/03/96 L. T. 1.43 E 02 130


TLD QUALITY'ONTROLPROGRAM Teledyne Brown Engineering performs an in-house quality assurance testing program for the environmental TLD laboratory. On a quarterly basis the QA manager or a qualified designate exposes groups of TLDs to three different doses using a known exposure rate from a cesium-137 source.

Typical exposures are between 20 and 80 mR. The TLDs are read on each of the three Model 8300 Readers in the environmental TLD laboratory and the calculated results are reported to the QA manager. The QA manager evaluates the results and writes a report discussing the performance of the laboratory.

For 1995 all results were within the requirements of Regulatory Guide 4.13, Section C. The standard deviations of three measurements at each exposure for each reader was less than 7.5%. The percent deviation of the average of the three measurements from the known exposure at each exposure for each reader was less than 30%. The accompanying graphs indicate the normalized deviations of the average measurements from the known exposures at each exposure for each reader.




Cl I-a 0.5 ~

'5 0

r Cl E


~4 g ~G'-

C -0.5 0


'0 8

C5 E -1.5 0



~ ~

1/89 7/89 1/90 7/90 1/91 7/91 1/92 9/92 1/93 7/93 2/94 9/94 3/95 10/

95 Reader-205 W Reader-211 Reader-242 Reader-9150 Reader-9150 was permanently removed from service during the first quarter 1993.


CO 1.5 O



I-C l'

0 a

0.5 Q

E ,/

I0 0

CO '4.@ e ~

I 0 -0.5

,S d) o E



~ ~

1/ 7/ 1/ 7/ 1/ 7/ 1/ 9/ 1/ 7/ 2/ 9/ 3/ 10/

89 89 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 Reader-205 -9 Reader-211 Reader-242 Reader-9150 Reader-9150 was permanently removed from service during the first quarter 1993.


CO 0.4 0


Ol O 0.2 I-C 0

C 1 O -0.2 i i E

0 -0.4

~e a


-0.6 C5 0'l

'0 -0.8 8

E 0

R -1.2



1/ 7/ 1/ 7/ 1/ 7/ 1/ 9/ 1/ 7/ 2/ 9/ 3/ 10/

89 89 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 Reader-205 W Reader-211 E5 Reader-242 Reader-9150 Reader-9150 permanently removed from service during the first quarter 1993.




I-O 0.5 E

O I g.

65 l

0) o I

-0.5 hl G$


t'1.5 1/89 7/89 1/90 7/90 1/91 7/91 1/92 9/92 1/92 7/93 2/94 9/94 3/95 1$

95 Low Dose Middle Dose High Dose






~ ~


-2 1/89 7/89 1/90 7/90 1/91 7/91 1/92 9/92 1/93 7/93 2/94 9/94 3/95 10/

95 Low Dose -9 Middle Dose High Dose

m m m m m m -



O 0.5 CI I-C 0

C /



E s

0 -0.5


se c0 I

Cl I C

0'l 0 l I ~

Cim Ii E -1.5 z0

-2 1/89 7/89 1/90 7/90 1/91 7/91 1/92 9/92 1/93 7/93 2/94 9/94 3/95 10/

95 Low Dose W Middle Dose Ei High Dose



l I