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States Reasons for Intervention in Proceedings
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/1979
From: Lemanowicz I
To: Bechhoefer C
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 7901250039
Download: ML19261A461 (3)





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//. '*r. "tarles 3ecnneef er, 23:;,g Scard'~sn


. 3. ' Safety uclear and t a i-

Licensin?.nission Esgulatory Co ,@


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+v q N Oear Sir:  % w \,a As a preli=inary ;re requisite, a id in ec:pliance with govern:;nt re gulations, the Citizens Against *:uclear Oan5ers in the attacted docu=ent( a) state for the record the timely re a s =n( s ) for inte rvention in the ;roceedings be fore the Esfety and

'f.5. :uclear Eegulatory Agency and te rcre the ateri:

Licensing fo:rd in the catter of: 7ennsylvania ?ower and Lignt Inc. (Applicants)

Oonpany, and A11esteny Electric Cooperative, ocket *:os. 50-387 and 50-3SS; Per its *:es. c??R-101 and 0??R-102.

l i Yours truly i .

- 7 --e.~w 3

yrs. Irene Ls:snowie:

Ch air;e re en 790125003]


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Serving as a ;ubli: interest ad hoc grou; to ir.unciate the ::ncerns of =any citi: ens living in relative lese proximity to Sales ownsnip, 3elieving that the goverr.:ent has thus far fai?.ed to adecuately protect people f:cs the risk of nuclear dangers, tn :t :ight occur as a result of the o;eration of the Applicanta' at:-1 ;cwer plant, Teter ined to intervene in the interest of ;ublic health and safety, The Citizens Against nuclear angers hereby allege, centend, and aver the following:

Whereas, the 3111 of Rights guarantees that "The Inu=eration in the Constitution of certain righta, shall not be ccustrued to deny or dispara6e others retained by the people."

Whereas, one of those rights retained by the people is tne rignt to life, and this rignt extends to the life of the unborn baby; whereas, len6-ters exposure to low-level at==1e radiatien can cause da:a6e to husan chec osc=es and to unborn babies of pregnant wo:en, ulti=ately resulting in so=e cases of =1scarriage er physically and/or brain ia: aged offspring;

Whereas, the sustained dischar6e of icw-level radiatien, wcether


accidental or fron nor=al release, fees the o;eration of the Applicants' t

Salem Township atomic power plant will ;ose a lon6-ters threat to the life and health of all wo en of eb11dbearin6 a6e and their future progeny, within a fifty =ile radius of the Sale: Township site;

'!hereas, to prevent a possible future epidemic of defective births within a radius of fifty =1les of Sale =, a' corti:n :ay becc:e a standard recc:: ended procedure to cope with this persistent radiation ;teble:;

Whereas, abortion violates the ethical, =cral, re'11gious and social conscience and buran instincts of :any ;ee;1e, especially for the reason cited above; Therefore, the App 11canta by the operation of the ste:1c plant at Sales Township 'will be subjecting a generatien of A:erican wc:en living within a fifty lle radius of the site to the particular rist of tearing an abnor=al child;

  • herefore, the Applicants =ay in time be required by the courts to pay the lifelon6 specisi costa of caring fcr these abner =si en11dren, includin6 but not li:ited to institut10 a1 care, if a;;reval for the operating license is granted by the nuclear ?.egulat:ry ::::issics; Therefore, aborti:n e s the ulti= ate solution to the radi?*t:n proble: is absolutely unacceptable as it violates the c:nstitutional rignt to life retained by tne people!

, C.


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Serving as a ;ublic interest ad noe grcup to * ._nciate the concerns .

of any citi: ens living in relative close proxt:it7 to Sales !cwnship, 2elievin6 that the govern =ent hos thus far failed to siequately

rctact ;eople from the risk of nuclese dangers, that =igit occur as a result of the o;eratien of the Applicants' stemic power plant, Ceter=ined to intervene in the interest of ;ublic health and safety, The Citizens Against nuclear
angers hereby alle6e, centend, and aver the fo11owi 6:

Whereas, en Cece=ter 16, 1978, Nuclear Her:1stery co==1ssion inspectors allowed a sbi;sent of hi6hly enriched uranius to leave New York City and be flown to Co==unist Ru=ania, knowin6 full well that secutriy seals placed on each of four canisters had been broken; Whereas, the four canisters contained five kilogra=s of wea;cus-

  • grade nuclear =aterial, sufficient to build a s=all ato:ic bomb; Whereas, the " inspectors" replaced the breken seals without checkin6 wcether any of the enriebed uranius fuel rods had been re=oved,

' and then sent the canisters en to Consunist Ru=ania, and Jithout i

L:=ediately notifyin6 of ficials in Washin6 ton; "thereas, this deplorable and irresponsible action endangering A=arica's national security is only the latest in a long litany of fcul-ups and cover-u;s by the Nuclear Regulatcry Oo==13sien;

  • herefore, the questions are being asked: Can, and will, the Atomic Safety and Licensin6 Soard ?anel act in a responsible and objective :anner in the atter of the A;;11 cants' ope rati36 license for the ! ale: Township atomic ;ower ;1 ant? Can tais 7anel so= enow assure the interveners and the genersi public it is capable and qualified to render decisions in the ;ublic interest ;ertaining to public safety and ;ublic health 7 Cr, are the ;ublic hearings to be a ritualistic, well renearsed, charade to placate the press and buttress the bureaucracy? The Nuclear Regulatory Oc==issicn may set a way with bungling tuin6s up over Ru=ania, but they better not try it at 3 ell 3end alon6 the Susquehanna River!