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Requests Util License to Load Fuel & Conduct Low Power Testing Be Stayed
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/11/1982
From: Thompson F
To: Gleason J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML20054N068 (1)



b L


- r. s g ,, t e c .

'^0~ 730 East Second Street Bloomsburg, PA 17810 t 11 July 1982 L L

'82 R 14 p059 -

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. 7/ZW b 3

James P. Gleason, Chairman UdR[ J '[jg. m.

p U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9ASCH y Washington, D.C. 20555 j f

re: Docke t No s. 50-387-OL; 50-388-OL j i

I am writing, as a citizen directly affected, to request that you, j or whatever agency has the authority to do so,' stay PP&L's license j to load fuel and conduct low level testing at the Susquehanna Steam )

Electric Plant for the f ollowing reasons: (


1. The residents of Columbia county have had no opportunity to publicly participate in the formulation of the emergency Evacuation plan that so greatly involves them. PP&L has al-ready distributed booklets describing the plan as if it were in place, and yet the Columbia county plan has not been publicly f accepted. Surely a plan that depends to such a great extent i upon the cooperation of Colunbia county facilities and personnel i 9

for its implementation must, to be effective, have the approval

  • of those who are involved. Hearings on the plan af ter fuel

. loading and startup make a mockery of the democratic process supposedly being pursued.

2. When the- hearings on. the envirommental impact statement u were held, little or no attention was given to the stress that h the plant's operation will cause residents of the area--the courts have ruled that .TMI 1 may not be restarted without care-ful weighing of the stre ss that such a startup will cause. I submit that PP&L's nuclear power plant will cause immeasurable stress to the residents of Columbia and Luzerne counties, and that the fuel loading and startup should not be permitted until hearings have been held on the stress f actor.
3. The startup of the plant will cause undue economic hardship i With an extremely large encess capacity i on PP&L 's customers.

for it,s own needs, PP&L will be increasing customers' rates l by 40% or more, for electricity that will not be needed for i years, benefiting only PP&L's stockholders. It is not in the  !

j public interest to allow a public_ utility to remain unaccount-able to the populace it supposedly is licensed to serve.  !

l I urge your careful, immediate consideration of the above reasons for staying PP&L's Dmminent loading of fuel.

Sincerely, L

8207150318 820711 '

A'  ! ,,M b DR ADOCK 05000387 ,

PDR Florence N. Thompson l l

cc: NRC, FEMA, PEMA, PA Consumer Advocate, Senators Heinc, Specter  !

WS' O3