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Expresses Concern Over Potentially Serious Const Deficiencies at Facilities.Requests NRC Intervention to Stop Const & Initiate Thorough & Comprehensive Investigation
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 06/14/1979
From: William Ford
To: Hendrie J
Shared Package
ML19247A375 List:
NUDOCS 7907310193
Download: ML19247A379 (2)


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June 14, 1979 :j .



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Dear Mr. Chairman:

fm I am, quite frankly, very disturbed over the recent dis- E closure of potentially-serious construction defici.encies at .5 the Marble Hill nuclear power plant across the Ohi.o River from  ;

Kentucky near Madison, Indiana. According to pubI.ished reports !E the allegation has been mada that a construction worker was E ordered to' cover up defects in the concrete used to build the  !.gi reactor containment walls. In addition, your agency hus con- jr.g firmed that the construction contractor was cited for failing [E to maVe the proper repairs. p-ns The charges which have been made are unsetM fTig , at the {E least. The question which continues to 3.inger in my mind is [F whether or not this one incident was an isolated. coccurrence. [.!.l .

There is no way for me to determine if this is the case or if, indeed, there are other examples of unsatisfac-tory work-p g-manship which have gone undetected. This, I hope, is a t source of major concern to you as it is 7 .::

The fact of the matter is tht entirely too I=any doubts [

have been raised to justify continued construction of this project at the present time. I am requesting Viat your agency ;_.

intervene i=medi itely, take whatever steps necessary to halt ;a; further construction, and initiate a thorough, coImprehensive is E

investigation under your direct supervisien to ascertain ,

beyond any shadow of a doubt that all Federal safety stand- E ards have been met and that the construction of the plant so EM-far is in fula accordance with a31 existing Federal require- ._

ments. _.

To merely take Public Service of Indiana's word that all -

m defecta have corrected and that the plant is now in com-plete iaderal compliance is, simply, not sufficient. A full investigation by your agency u the only alternative that can T@

satisfy the doubts that have been raised. -




. 2-O J.



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i - - Two June 14, 1979 -

If there is a lesson to be learned from the recent Three-Mile Island incident, :tt is that no mistakes--I re-peat, no mistakes-can be tolerated in either the siting, construction or operation of nuclear generating facilities.

As far as nuclear energy is concerned, there is no such excess as over-precaution, and I think you would agree. The consequences are too devastating for us to take even the slightest chance of allowing potentially serious structural defects to go undetected and ur. corrected.

l While this request may be unusual, I trust you will not find it unreasonable. I urge that you assign the highest i possible priority to determ.tning the f act.= in this matter and then taking whatever corrective action may be deened necessary.

Sincerely, Y )/W The Honorable Joseph Hendrie Chairman , Nuclear Regt . tory Commission Matomic Building 1717 E Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C . 20555

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