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Notification of NRC Triennial Heat Sink Performance Inspection (05000483/2019001) and Request for Information
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/2019
From: Vincent Gaddy
Region 4 Engineering Branch 1
To: Diya F
Ameren Missouri
Gaddy, Vince
IR 2019001
Download: ML19023A203 (7)

See also: IR 05000483/2019001


January 22, 2019

Mr. Fadi Diya, Senior Vice President

and Chief Nuclear Officer

Ameren Missouri

Callaway Plant

8315 County Road 459

Steedman, MO 65077




Dear Mr. Diya:

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff

will conduct a triennial heat sink performance inspection at your Callaway Plant from

March 4 - 8, 2019. The inspection will consist of two reactor inspectors from the NRCs Region

IV office for one week. The inspection will be conducted in accordance with NRC Inspection

Procedure 71111, Attachment 07, Heat Sink Performance.

Experience has shown that this inspection is resource intensive both for the NRC inspectors

and your staff. In order to minimize the impact to your onsite resources and to ensure a

productive inspection, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for this inspection.

Please note that the documents are requested to be provided by February 25, 2019. Also,

appropriate personnel knowledgeable of heat exchangers should be available to support the

inspectors at the site during the inspection.

We have discussed the schedule for this inspection activity with your staff and understand that

our regulatory contact for this inspection will be Randy Pohlman of your licensing organization.

If there are any questions about this inspection or the material requested, please contact the

lead inspector, Chad Stott, by telephone at 817-200-1526 or by e-mail at

This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject to the

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information collection

requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, control number 3150-

0011. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a

request for information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document

displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget control number.

F. Diya 2

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 2.390 of the NRCs

Agency Rules of Practice & Procedure, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available

electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly

Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is

accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public

Electronic Reading Room).



Vincent G. Gaddy, Chief

Engineering Branch 1

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket No.: 50-483

License No.: NPF-30

Enclosure: Triennial Heat Sink Performance Inspection Request for Information

cc: Electronic Distribution to Callaway Plant


SUNSI Review ADAMS: Non-Publicly Available Non-Sensitive Keyword:

By:CAS Yes No Publicly Available Sensitive NRC-002


NAME CStott WCullum VGaddy NTaylor VGaddy


DATE 1/22/19 1/22/19 1/22/19 1/22/19 1/22/19

Request for Information

Triennial Heat Sink Performance Inspection

Callaway Plant

Inspection Report: 05000483/2019001

Inspection Dates: March 4 - 8, 2019

Inspection Procedure: IP 71111.07, Heat Sink Performance, Triennial Review

Inspectors: Chad Stott, Reactor Inspector

Wes Cullum, Reactor Inspector

Information Requested for the In-Office Preparation Week

The following information should be made available to the lead inspector, Chad Stott, by

February 25, 2019. Please note that additional information may be requested during the onsite

portion of the inspection. It is preferable to have the information provided in electronic format,

although the information may also be sent to the Region IV office in hard copy to the attention

the lead inspector. Also, we request that you categorize the documents in your response with

the numbered list below. If any requested documents are large and only hard copy formats are

available, please inform the inspector, and provide the documentation during the first day of the

onsite inspection. Additionally, requested documents such as corrective action program

documents are to be for the time period from the current onsite inspection back to the previous

triennial heat sink performance inspection. Requested documents such as surveillances,

maintenance tasks, or thermal performance tests are to be the last three performances of those

activities. If the requested documentation does not apply to the sample selection for this

inspection, no response is necessary. If the information requested above will not be available or

if there are questions regarding this information request, please contact the lead inspector as

soon as possible.

The following heat exchangers/heat sinks have been selected for inspection:

  • Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger EEG01B
  • Component Cooling Water Pump Room Cooler SGL11A
  • Containment Cooler SGN01A

I. For the selected heat exchangers that are directly cooled by the service water system,

as applicable:

1. Method and results of heat exchanger performance testing (last 3 results)

2. Method and results of heat exchanger inspection and cleaning (last 3 results)

3. Procedures for heat exchanger operation

4. Relevant updated final safety analysis report and technical specification pages

5. Relevant heat transfer calculations

6. Tube plugging maps, tube plugging criteria, and allowable tube plugging

7. Evaluations of water hammer in susceptible heat exchangers

8. Results from periodic flow testing or flow balancing (last 3 results)

9. Eddy current test reports and visual inspection records (last 3 results)

10. List (with descriptions) of corrective action program documents (last 3 years, all trains)

11. Heat exchanger data sheets and design basis documents

II. For the selected heat exchangers that are directly cooled by a closed loop cooling

water system, as applicable:

1. Procedures for heat exchanger operation

2. Relevant updated final safety analysis report and technical specification pages

3. Relevant heat transfer calculations

4. Evaluations of water hammer in susceptible heat exchangers

5. Chemical treatment program for corrosion control

6. Results from periodic flow testing or flow balancing (last 3 results)

7. Tube plugging maps, tube plugging criteria, and allowable tube plugging

8. Eddy current test reports and visual inspection records (last 3 results)

9. List (with descriptions) of corrective action program documents (last 3 years, all trains)

10. Heat exchanger data sheets and design basis documents

III. For the selected heat sink samples, as applicable:

For an above-ground UHS encapsulated by embankments, weirs, or excavated side slopes:

1. Results of inspections for seepage, settlement, rip rap protection, etc. (last 3 results)

2. Third party dam inspections (last 3 results)

3. Calculation(s) of sufficient reservoir capacity

4. List (with descriptions) of corrective action program documents (last 3 years)

For underwater UHS weirs or excavations:

1. Results of inspections for settlement, movement, or sediment intrusion (last 3 results)

2. List (with descriptions) of corrective action program documents (last 3 years)

For an UHS such as a forced draft cooling tower or spray pond:

1. Calculation(s) of sufficient reservoir capacity

2. Results of periodic monitoring and trending of sedimentation (last 3 results)

3. Method and results of performance monitoring of heat transfer capability (last 3 results)

4. Method and results of performance monitoring of UHS structural integrity (last 3 results)

5. List (with descriptions) of corrective action program documents (last 3 years)

Service water system (SWS) and UHS:

1. List (with descriptions) of design changes involving the SWS and the UHS (last 3 years)

2. Procedures for a loss of SWS or UHS

3. Relevant updated final safety analysis report and technical specification pages

4. Methods and results of macrofouling treatment and control (last 3 results)

5. Methods and results of biocide treatment and control (last 3 results)

6. Methods and results of chemistry monitoring (last 3 results)

7. Evaluation(s) of strong-pump weak-pump interaction in susceptible system designs

8. Results from periodic flow testing or flow balancing (last 3 results)

9. Design basis leakage rate assumptions

10. Results of monitoring of safety- to nonsafety-related portions (i.e., leakage of interface

valves) of the SWS (last 3 results)

11. List (with descriptions) of corrective action program documents, including thru-wall pipe

leaks (last 3 years)

12. Results of ultrasonic tests and visual inspections of SWS piping (last 3 results)

13. Results of buried or inaccessible pipe testing, inspection, or monitoring program (last 3


14. For closed cooling water systems, trend data from make-up systems (last 3 results)

15. Results from program used to detect protective coating failure, corrosion, and erosion

(last 3 results)

16. Results of safety-related traveling screen and strainer performance tests (last 3 results)

17. Results of service water pump bay silt accumulation monitoring (last 3 results)

18. Results of service water pump bay level instrumentation calibrations (last 3 results)

19. Design basis documents

Inspector Contact Information:

Chad Stott, Lead Wes Cullum

Reactor Inspector Reactor Inspector

817-200-1526 817-200-1563

Mailing Address:

U.S. NRC, Region IV

Attn: Chad Stott

1600 East Lamar Blvd.

Arlington, TX 76011-4511