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Notice of Violation from Insp on 791113-15
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/04/1980
Shared Package
ML18081B215 List:
50-272-79-31, 50-311-79-36, NUDOCS 8003190962
Download: ML18081B220 (3)


APPENDIX A NOTICE OF VIOLATION Pub1 ic Service Electric and Gas Company.

Docket Nos*. 50-272.

50-311 Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted* on November* 13-15, 1979,. i-t appears that one of. your activities. was not conducted in full compliance with. NRC regulations as. indicated below.

This item is an Infraction.

lo CFR 50, Appendix* B, Criterion YI.; Document Control states, "Measures shall be established. to control the is.suance of: documents,. such as instructio.ns, procedures,. and drawings, includi_ng. ch~nges thereto, which prescribe all activities affecting quality. These, measures shall assure that documents, includfog chi;'!,_nges, are reviewed for adequacy and approved for rel~ase* 5y authorized personnel and are distributed to and used at the location where the prescrifled activity* ts. performed.n Quality-Assu-rance Manual Xnstruction ('.JA! 6:... l',

11 Bocument Control" and:

. Sal em Operational QA Pr_ogram** Administrative Procedure (AP} lT Section

  • 6. o "Document *control" implement the requirements of 1 Q. CFR 50 Appendix B. Cri.teria. the Salem Nuclear Generattng Station.-

Quality Assurance Manual. Instruction ~AI 6.-l,,. "Document: Control",

states. in. part.. all PSE&G* organizations. conducti_ng. quality.-related activiti*es. shall document: measures. to-control documents.~. These:

measures shall provide *for the followflig:.** control of obsolete*

and superceded documents, availability of documents at locations where the activity is oei_ng performed._ and: use of.latest revision

. docu11Jents 11 Additionally,. AP-17~ section 6.5,.

11Requtrernents 11 states. in.-part, ndocument: control measures shall include-provisions for means, of. ascertaini_ng that* proper* documents are oei_ng~ used.

11 tfle.aoove, tfie following* was noted tn* a, revtew of document maintenance on No.vem5er 13, 1979::

As of* Novemoer* 13, 1979-~ no current* copy of' 49 CFR Part l 00 to l99,. "Transportation" was on site *. These *regulation~. provi:de rules* and ~egulations for shipment of radioactive ma.terials.



Approximately two year old copies of 10 CFR 20 and 49 CFR 100 to 199 were in use at the field location where radioactive waste activities were being performed.

The two year old copies of 49 CFR 100 to 199 wera used to provide guidance for revisions of procedures detailing packaging~ handling, and shipping of radioactive material.

No formalized.. method of document control was in. place to assure ap-propriate* d.istribution* and use of current: revision burial license and package certification of* compliance' documentation. including packaging, dr.awing.s: and. regµlations. Additionally,. one. controlled copy of' 10 CFR 20 was on site, however,. it and. its: changes~ and revisions were not being_ distributed to. location of use, Le. Health Physics...

Quality*Assurance Manual Instruction QAI 6-1,. "Document. Control" requires in section 4 11 Implementation 11

, that measures. shall be. provided for coor-d.ination of documents to preclude confli.cts and omissions.

Contrary to the* above;. a, review of documents on November 14, 1979 indicated that interfacing documents, used by the Maintenance*and. Health Physics Departments were not coordinated to preclude omissions-.


Maintenance Procedure. M7E~ Revision 2,.

11Radioactive Solid Waste Shipment...

and Radiation Protection Instruction No. PD-15.7.004, Revisi_on 3, 11Shipment of Radioactive. Material,

11 established by the licensee to ensure compliance wi:th NRC,. DOT and burial* site requirements for radioactive waste shipping and disposal, were: not coordinated. to preclude the fo*llowing omissions:


Burial site: Timttations includi_ng; limits on free-- standing water limits, for-transurani cs l i mi ts-for* taxi c chemicals limits ori absorbed oil methods: to determine above


  • .b.

Compliance with Applicable Shipping Cask Certificate of Compliance

  • including:

total weight heat 1 wood shoring. (where. necessary) securing of drain lines and access plugs c *..

  • Provisions.. to provide carriers of exclusive use LSA shipments specific instructions. for maintenance of shipment.

d* *.

  • Loadi_ng instructions for LL-50-100 package*