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MONTHYEARML20217N6221998-04-24024 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Investigation Conducted by Oi. Violation Noted:Safeguard Event Log,Required to Be Maintained by Licensee,Was Not Complete & Accurate in All Matl Aspects ML20137B6021997-03-18018 March 1997 Notice of Violation Identified in Correspondence Between 961105 & 970212.Violations Noted:Conducted Requalification Program Such That Annual Operating Test Not Provided for Fourteen Plant Licensed Operators in CY96 ML20134B6741997-01-27027 January 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961110-1221.Violations Noted:Vital Area Access Control & Badge Sys Requirements of Util Security Plan Were Not Implemented for Listed Examples ML20133A4491996-12-11011 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960815-0903.Violation Noted:On 960814,vital Area Access Not Physically Controlled in That Positive Access Control Over Photobadge Keycards Compromised,Creating Opportunity for Unauthorized Access ML20133A4341996-12-11011 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Investigation Repts 1-94-006R & 1-94-053 on 940218-960430 & 941121-960425.Violation Noted: Licensee Through Former Manager of Nsr,Discriminated in Nov 93 & May 94 Against Former Onsite Safety Review Engineer ML20138H3031996-02-29029 February 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961005-1113.Violation Noted:Alert for Loss of Annunciator Event Was Not Promptly Declared as Required by Ecg, Introduction & References, Section ML20135B2681995-04-11011 April 1995 Notice of Violation from Investigation 1-93-021R.Violation Noted:C Vondra Deliberately Caused Pse&G to Violate 10CFR50.7 by Discriminating Against Two Employees for Engaging in Protected Activities ML20071G7921994-06-30030 June 1994 Notice of Violation from Insp on 940613-17.Violation Noted: on 940616,SFM Failed to Search Vehicle Properly Until Questioning by NRC Prompted Supervisory Direction to Correct Search Deficiency ML20135A9461994-03-0909 March 1994 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000.Noncompliance Noted:On 931012,maint on Breaker for electro-hydraulic Pump Was Conducted W/O Supervisor Ensuring Equipment Was Tagged & Safe to Work on ML20058P9361993-10-15015 October 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 920614-0725.Violation Noted:Licensee Determined Several Instances in Which Personnel Assigned to Fire Watch Patrols Failed to Perform or Complete Function as Required by TS & Falsified Records ML20154D4561987-06-15015 June 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 831205-06 & 840116-20. Violations Noted:Fire Protection Features Not Provided for Certain Redundant Trains of Equipment &/Or Cabling Located Outside Primary Containment ML20207S4181987-03-12012 March 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 870127-0223 ML20212B9751987-02-20020 February 1987 Notice of Violation from Insp on 870112-16 ML20202F1361986-04-0707 April 1986 Notice of Violation from Insp on 860224-28 ML20054J6681982-06-14014 June 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820512-0608 ML20054F1101982-05-28028 May 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820122 ML20053D3781982-05-19019 May 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820406-0511 ML20050C4231982-03-22022 March 1982 Notice of Violation from Insp on 820208-11 & 17-18 1998-04-24
MONTHYEARPNO-I-99-043, on 990916,Hurricane Floyd Was Approaching Ccnpp,Sgs,Hcgs & Ocnpp.Hurricane Was Centered at Latitude 36.0 North & Longitude 76.6 West & Moving north-northeast at Approx 25 Mph.Plants Remain at Power1999-09-16016 September 1999 PNO-I-99-043:on 990916,Hurricane Floyd Was Approaching Ccnpp,Sgs,Hcgs & Ocnpp.Hurricane Was Centered at Latitude 36.0 North & Longitude 76.6 West & Moving north-northeast at Approx 25 Mph.Plants Remain at Power IR 05000272/19990011999-04-0101 April 1999 Insp Repts 50-272/99-01 & 50-311/99-01 on 990117-0307.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support PNO-I-98-057, on 981130,util Commenced Shutdown of Salem Unit 2 to Repair 21 RCP Seal.Resident Inspectors Observed Portions of Plant Shutdown & Plan to Observe Continuing Maint Activities on RCP Seal1998-12-0101 December 1998 PNO-I-98-057:on 981130,util Commenced Shutdown of Salem Unit 2 to Repair 21 RCP Seal.Resident Inspectors Observed Portions of Plant Shutdown & Plan to Observe Continuing Maint Activities on RCP Seal IR 05000272/19982021998-07-0909 July 1998 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-272/98-202,50-311/98-202 & 50-354/98-202 on 980420-23.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Conduct of Security & Safeguards Activities ML20217N6221998-04-24024 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Investigation Conducted by Oi. Violation Noted:Safeguard Event Log,Required to Be Maintained by Licensee,Was Not Complete & Accurate in All Matl Aspects ML20217E7851997-07-25025 July 1997 Investigation Rept 1-96-024 on 970725.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Allegations Re Failure to Make 10CFR73.71 Notification by Station Security Dept ML20202D0971997-03-31031 March 1997 Investigation Rept 1-95-013 on 970331.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Investigated:Allegation Re Pse&G Intentionally Operated Outside Design Basis & Failed to Make Timely Notification to Nrc,Per 10CFR50.72 ML20137B6021997-03-18018 March 1997 Notice of Violation Identified in Correspondence Between 961105 & 970212.Violations Noted:Conducted Requalification Program Such That Annual Operating Test Not Provided for Fourteen Plant Licensed Operators in CY96 IR 05000272/19970031997-02-0505 February 1997 Attachment to Insp Repts 50-272/97-03 & 50-311/97-03 ,consisting of 970205 Slide Presentation Inadvertently Omitted from Repts ML20134B6741997-01-27027 January 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961110-1221.Violations Noted:Vital Area Access Control & Badge Sys Requirements of Util Security Plan Were Not Implemented for Listed Examples IR 05000354/19960101997-01-27027 January 1997 Insp Rept 50-354/96-10 on 961110-1221.Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Security Program Plan ML20133A4341996-12-11011 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Investigation Repts 1-94-006R & 1-94-053 on 940218-960430 & 941121-960425.Violation Noted: Licensee Through Former Manager of Nsr,Discriminated in Nov 93 & May 94 Against Former Onsite Safety Review Engineer ML20133A4491996-12-11011 December 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 960815-0903.Violation Noted:On 960814,vital Area Access Not Physically Controlled in That Positive Access Control Over Photobadge Keycards Compromised,Creating Opportunity for Unauthorized Access IR 05000272/19960131996-12-0303 December 1996 Insp Repts 50-272/96-13 & 50-311/96-13 on 960812-0920. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Engineering Performance Issues That Require Resolution Prior to Plant Restart ML20138H3031996-02-29029 February 1996 Notice of Violation from Insp on 961005-1113.Violation Noted:Alert for Loss of Annunciator Event Was Not Promptly Declared as Required by Ecg, Introduction & References, Section ML20135B2681995-04-11011 April 1995 Notice of Violation from Investigation 1-93-021R.Violation Noted:C Vondra Deliberately Caused Pse&G to Violate 10CFR50.7 by Discriminating Against Two Employees for Engaging in Protected Activities IR 05000272/19940341994-12-23023 December 1994 Insp Repts 50-272/94-34,50-311/94-34 & 50-354/94-28 on 941212-15.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Security Plan & Implementing Procedures,Previously Identified Item, fitness-for-duty & Contingency Plan Implementation ML20071G7921994-06-30030 June 1994 Notice of Violation from Insp on 940613-17.Violation Noted: on 940616,SFM Failed to Search Vehicle Properly Until Questioning by NRC Prompted Supervisory Direction to Correct Search Deficiency IR 05000272/19940161994-06-30030 June 1994 Insp Repts 50-272/94-16,50-311/94-16 & 50-354/94-16 on 940613-17.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Protected Physical Barriers,Detection & Assessment Aids,Protected & Vital Area Access Control of Personnel,Packages & Vehicles ML20135A9461994-03-0909 March 1994 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000.Noncompliance Noted:On 931012,maint on Breaker for electro-hydraulic Pump Was Conducted W/O Supervisor Ensuring Equipment Was Tagged & Safe to Work on PNO-I-93-068, on 931203,ALCO Emergency Diesel Generator Cylinder Cracking Discovered.Health Physics Technician Noticed Coolant Leaking from Number 3 Cylinder Sleeve on Right Bank of Cylinders (3R)1993-12-0707 December 1993 PNO-I-93-068:on 931203,ALCO Emergency Diesel Generator Cylinder Cracking Discovered.Health Physics Technician Noticed Coolant Leaking from Number 3 Cylinder Sleeve on Right Bank of Cylinders (3R) PNO-I-93-062, on 931112,informed That Current 30-day Contract Extension W/United Govt Security Officers of America Will Expire on 931115.Licensee Indicated That They Have Adequate Personnel Trained & Available to Satisfy Security Plan1993-11-12012 November 1993 PNO-I-93-062:on 931112,informed That Current 30-day Contract Extension W/United Govt Security Officers of America Will Expire on 931115.Licensee Indicated That They Have Adequate Personnel Trained & Available to Satisfy Security Plan PNO-I-93-060, on 931102,fire Reported in 230 Volt Lighting Transformer in Turbine Bldg.Caused by Loose Electrical Connection.State of Nj Has Been Notified1993-11-0303 November 1993 PNO-I-93-060:on 931102,fire Reported in 230 Volt Lighting Transformer in Turbine Bldg.Caused by Loose Electrical Connection.State of Nj Has Been Notified ML20058P9361993-10-15015 October 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 920614-0725.Violation Noted:Licensee Determined Several Instances in Which Personnel Assigned to Fire Watch Patrols Failed to Perform or Complete Function as Required by TS & Falsified Records IR 05000272/19910991993-07-29029 July 1993 Initial Draft SALP Repts 50-272/91-99,50-311/91-99 & 50-354/91-99 for 911229-930619 IR 05000272/19930181993-06-30030 June 1993 Physical Security Program Insp Repts 50-272/93-18, 50-311/93-18 & 50-354/93-17 on 930607-11.No Safety Concerns or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Security Program Plans & Protected & Vital Area Physical Barriers PNO-I-93-032, on 930627, Licensee Resolved Latest Issue Re Card Failures in Rod Control Power Cabinet.Licensee Completed Root Cause Evaluation & Briefed AIT on Site.Press Release Planned within 2 Wks1993-06-28028 June 1993 PNO-I-93-032:on 930627, Licensee Resolved Latest Issue Re Card Failures in Rod Control Power Cabinet.Licensee Completed Root Cause Evaluation & Briefed AIT on Site.Press Release Planned within 2 Wks PNO-I-93-030, during Startup of Plant from Recent Refueling Outage Multiple Failures Experienced in Sys. Augmented Insp Team Dispatched to Investigate Failures.Team Expects to Complete Work in 1 Wk1993-06-0707 June 1993 PNO-I-93-030:during Startup of Plant from Recent Refueling Outage Multiple Failures Experienced in Sys. Augmented Insp Team Dispatched to Investigate Failures.Team Expects to Complete Work in 1 Wk IR 05000272/19930021993-03-25025 March 1993 Insp Repts 50-272/93-02,50-311/93-02 & 50-354/93-02 on Stated Date.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operations,Radiological Controls,Maint & Surveillance Testing,Emergency Preparedness & Security IR 05000272/19920211993-01-27027 January 1993 Exam Repts 50-272/92-21OL & 50-311/92-21OL on 921214-17.Exam Results:All Six SRO Candidates Passed All Portions of Exam & Issued Licenses PNO-I-92-075, upon Investigation of Alarm Printed Out on Auxiliary Typewriter on 921213,operators Determined That Cpu for Overhead Annunciator (Oha) Had Failed to Perform, Resulting in Loss of Oha Sys for 1 H & 41 Minutes1992-12-15015 December 1992 PNO-I-92-075:upon Investigation of Alarm Printed Out on Auxiliary Typewriter on 921213,operators Determined That Cpu for Overhead Annunciator (Oha) Had Failed to Perform, Resulting in Loss of Oha Sys for 1 H & 41 Minutes ML20086H3621991-11-26026 November 1991 Physical Security Insp Repts 50-272/91-29,50-311/91-29 & 50-354/91-22 on 911104-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Previously Identified Items,Followup Actions in Response to 910410-14 Regulatory Review & Security Programs IR 05000272/19910101991-04-26026 April 1991 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-272/91-10,50-311/91-10 & 50-354/91-07 on 910401-05.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support,Security Programs Plans & Audits & Protected Area Access Control of Personnel IR 05000272/19900231990-11-0707 November 1990 Insp Repts 50-272/90-23,50-311/90-23 & 50-354/90-19 on 900925-28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previously Identified Items PNO-I-90-056, on 900722,potential Design Deficiency in Main Steam Isolation Sys Noted.Units Shut Down Until Final Analysis & Appropriate Corrective Actions Completed1990-07-23023 July 1990 PNO-I-90-056:on 900722,potential Design Deficiency in Main Steam Isolation Sys Noted.Units Shut Down Until Final Analysis & Appropriate Corrective Actions Completed IR 05000272/19900061990-03-15015 March 1990 Insp Repts 50-272/90-06,50-311/90-06 & 50-354/90-04 on 900226-0302.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiological Environ Monitoring & Meteorological Monitoring Programs,Including Mgt Controls for Programs ML20246C4001989-08-15015 August 1989 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-272/89-19,50-311/89-17 & 50-354/89-15 on 890710-14 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Actions Taken in Response to Regulatory Effectiveness Review on 890410-14 ML20247B6651989-05-0909 May 1989 Mgt Meeting Rept on 890307 & 0413.Major Areas Discussed: Status of Plant,Training & Safety Programs & Self Assessment Programs IR 05000311/19870291988-03-23023 March 1988 Enforcement Conference Rept 50-311/87-29 on 880212. Violations Noted.Major Areas Discussed:Insp Rept 50-311/87-29 Re Safe Shutdown in Event of Fire IR 05000272/19880061988-03-18018 March 1988 Partially Withheld Physical Security Insp Repts 50-272/88-06,50-311/88-06 & 50-354/88-04 on 880201-05 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Procedures,Security Organization & Mgt Effectiveness IR 05000354/19860991988-03-0404 March 1988 SALP Rept 50-354/86-99 on 861201-880115 PNO-I-88-020, on 880216,CA Mcneill Named Executive Director - Nuclear W/Responsibility of Directing Nuclear Operations, Including Nuclear Dept Reorganization & Restart Efforts of Peach Bottom1988-02-16016 February 1988 PNO-I-88-020:on 880216,CA Mcneill Named Executive Director - Nuclear W/Responsibility of Directing Nuclear Operations, Including Nuclear Dept Reorganization & Restart Efforts of Peach Bottom IR 05000272/19860991988-02-0505 February 1988 SALP Repts 50-272/86-99 & 50-311/86-99 for Oct 1986 - Dec 1987 IR 05000254/19870251987-11-23023 November 1987 Insp Repts 50-254/87-25 & 50-265/87-25 on 870922-1105. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Implementation of Generic Ltr 85-06 Re ATWS Mitigation Sys (25020) & Onsite Followup Events IR 05000272/19870261987-11-0909 November 1987 Exam Repts 50-272/87-26OL & 50-311/87-26OL on 870915-17.Exam Results:All Four Senior Reactor Operator Candidates Passed Written & Operating Exams ML20217F8541987-10-27027 October 1987 PNS-I-87-017:on 871026,fireman Received Call of Bomb Threat at Plant.Search of Facility Proved Negative PNO-I-87-099, on 871023,licensee Notified Region I of Addl Uncertainties in Onsite Electrical Distribution Sys Design W/Potential for Breaker Coordination Problems.Unit Shutdown Commenced on 871023.Analysis Underway1987-10-26026 October 1987 PNO-I-87-099:on 871023,licensee Notified Region I of Addl Uncertainties in Onsite Electrical Distribution Sys Design W/Potential for Breaker Coordination Problems.Unit Shutdown Commenced on 871023.Analysis Underway IR 05000272/19870271987-10-20020 October 1987 Insp Rept 50-272/87-27 on 870921-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas inspected:post-mod Test Program for Forthcoming Refueling Outage,Including Engineering Change (1EC) Packages,Mod Test Procedures & Test Specs IR 05000272/19870211987-08-17017 August 1987 Requalification Evaluation Repts 50-272/87-21OL & 50-311/87-26OL on 870615-19.Exam Results:Two Senior Reactor Operators & Three Reactor Operators Passed All Portions of Exam.Program Found Unsatisfactory,Per NUREG-1021 PNO-I-87-075A, on 870812,visual Insp Identified No Significant Corrosion of Reactor Vessel Studs After Finding Leak on 870807.Further Insp of Degraded Vessel Components Will Be Formalized After Cleaning Affected Areas1987-08-13013 August 1987 PNO-I-87-075A:on 870812,visual Insp Identified No Significant Corrosion of Reactor Vessel Studs After Finding Leak on 870807.Further Insp of Degraded Vessel Components Will Be Formalized After Cleaning Affected Areas 1999-09-16
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Public Service Electric and Gas j
Company During an NRC investigation conducted by the NRC Office of Investigations, a violation of NRC requirements was identified..In accordance with the " General i
Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, l
Appendix C, the violation is set forth below:
l 10 CFR 50.5 requires, in part, that any employee of a licensee may not engage in deliberate misconduct that causes a licensee to be in violation of any regulation.
10 CFR 50.7, Employee Protection, subsection (a), prohibits discrimination by a Consnission licensee against an employee for engaging in certain protected activities.
Discrimination includes actions that relate to compensation, terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. Protected activities include, but are not limited to, providing information to an employer on potential violations or other matters within the NRC's regulatory responsibilities.
Contrary to the above, you deliberately caused Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) to violate 10 CFR 50.7 by discriminating against two employees for engaging in protected activities.
The employees, Mr. Bert Williams, and Mr. Paul Craig, who were Safety Review Group (SRG) engineers, were engaged in a protected activity in that they attempted to file an incident report at Salem concerning whether consnercial grade air supply pressure setpoint regulators, which control service water flow to the containment fan cooling units, were qualified seisaiically, properly classified in an information system as safety-related, and properly configured.
Beginning on December 3, 1992, as the then General Manager-Salem Operations, you subjected Mr. Williams and Mr. Craig to discrete actions which created a hostile work environment affecting the conditions of their employment, as evidenced by the following:
During your meeting with the SRG engineers on December 3,1992, you were unsuccessful in convincing the SRG engineers to modify, amend or otherwise revise the IR. You angrily told the SRG engineers to get out of your office after one of them indicated to you that he would consider filing a safety concern if an incident report was not processed.
Your actions contributed to a hostile work environment directed to the two SRG engineers because your actions could have had a chilling effect on those employees (or other employees who may have become aware of or witnessed this event) raising safety concerns; h20 4 961120
,,0'NEILL96-351 -PDR
.i l
Enclosure 2
You directed the OM to prepare a memorandum to the GM-QA/NSR for your signature, requesting that the SRGs be removed from any l
involvement in Sales licensed activities, and their aberrant behavior evaluated.
Your actions contributed to a hostile work environment involving the two SRG engineers because your intention to submit such a memorandum could have had a chilling effect on those employees (or other employees who may have become aware of, or witnessed this event) raising safety concerns; 3.
You signed the memorandum to the GM-QA/NSR on December 4,1992, and mailed it on December 14, 1992 upon return from vacation, even l
though in the interim, l
The then General Manager, Hope Creek, cautioned you about the sending of the memorandum; and b.
The OM did not mail the memorandum on December 4,1992, but he d it until you returned from vacation on December 14, 1992, which provided you an opportunity to reconsider the action.
The memorandum contributed to the hostile work environment because it had the potential to inhibit the SRG engineers, and any other employees who may have become aware of the memorandum, from raising safety concerns; and 4.
You did not retract the memorandum until February 8,1993, after the Senior Vice President-Electric became aware of th issue and L
initiated an investigation, even though the GM-QA/NSR had a number l
of meetings or telephone calls with you to resolve the issue.
This is a Severity Level II Violation (Supplement VII).
No response is required unless you become involved in NRC licensed activities.
If you become involved in such activities, you must provide l
a response which includes your reasons as to why the NRC should have i
confidence that you would not engage in activities that would create a l
hostile work environment or result in violation of NRC requirements in the future.
Dated at King of Prussia, Pennsylvania l
this lith day of April, 1995 e
e l
I i
P' 9
/@# 8 igg %
[ g'th/'/(o%f i NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20555 No.
95-41 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel. 301-415-8200 (Wednesday, April 12,1995)
$80,000 FOR ALLEGED VIOLATION AT ITS SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has cited Public Service Electric & Gas Company, (PSE&G) for an alleged violation of NRC requirements at its Salem Nuclear Generating Station, in Lower Alloways Creek, N.J.
The staff has proposed a fine of $80,000.
The NRC staff proposed the fine after determining that two safety review group (SRG) engineers at the plant suffered harassment and intimidation after raising safety concerns on December 3, 1992.
The two engineers questioned whether the commercial grade air supply pressure setpoint regulators, which control service water flow to the containment fan cooling units, were seismically qualified, were classified properly in an information system as safety-related, and were configured properly.
Based on investigation, the NRC staff concluded that the then-Ganeral Manager-Salem Operations (GMO) and the then-Operations Manager (OH), engaged in a number of discrete acts, that created a hostile work environment for two SRG engineers who attempted to -f41e an incident report on a safety concern in accordance with station proceduret. After the OM and GM-50 met privately for approximately 15 minutes, the two SRG engineers were called into the meeting.
During the meeting, the GM-S0 became frustrated as he was unable to convince the SRG engineers to modify, amend, or otherwise revise their proposed incident report.
When matters reached an impasse, one of the engineers indicated that he (the engineer) could document the matter as a safety concern. The GM-50 took this statement as a threat, became more angry, ordered the two SRG engineers to get out of his office, and threatened to have site security officers remove them.
The next day, the GM0 signed a letter prepared by the OM requesting that the two safety engineers be removed from any further involvement with the Salem station.
The NRC staff has determined that the actions are a violation of the requirement that prohibits licensees from discriminating against employees who raise safety concerns.
"A hostile work environment-+s not conducive to the raising of safety j
concerns by individuals, and can potentially have an adverse impact on the safe operation of the facilities," Region I Administrator Thomas T. Martin
said in a letter written to PSE&G officials.
"As such, a hostile work
\\/ L
/j environment at a licensee facility, cannot and will not be tolerated."
q w
Mr. Martin also expressed concern that senior management at PSE&G did not resolve the issue "promptly and effectively" after becoming aware of it in late December 1992 and early January 1993.
t "The former Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer initially failed to recognize the significance of the issues and to monitor resolution and the former Vice President, Nuclear Operations, exercised poor judgment by abstaining from any involvement in the resolution of the issues," Mr. Martin said.
The NRC staff has classified the alleged violation as Severity Level II, because senior plant management was involved in creating a hostile work environment. The normal fine for a Severity Level II violation is $80,000.
j The NRC staff also recognized that PSE&G identified the alleged violation and has taken a number of steps to correct it and prevent recurrence, including removing both the former GMO and the former OM from involvement with the Salem station.
PSE&G has 30 days to pay the pro part of it or all of it be withdrawn. posed fine or to request in writing that The company also has 30 days to admit or deny the alleged violations and to describe the actions it has taken or plans to take to prevent recurrence.
The states of Delaware and New Jersey have been informed of this enforcement action.
The Office of Public Affairs is offering daily press releases via Internet.
If you are interested, please send enall to OPMNRC. GOV or call Gladi Ordaz, 301-415-8200, U.:. Nuclear Regulatory Connisson, Washington, DC 20555.