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Pressure Response Effect of Variable Low Temp Overpressure Protection W/Replacement Porvs.
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/20/1989
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ML18054B007 List:
EA-FC-809-13, EA-FC-809-13-R01, EA-FC-809-13-R1, NUDOCS 8909280102
Download: ML18054B012 (45)


  • ATTACHMENT V Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 PRESSURE RESPONSE EFFECT OF VLTOP WITH REPLACEMENT PORVs (EA-FC-809-13, Rev. 1)
  • September 22, 1989 44 Pages TSP0889-0101-MD01-NL04

Proc No GRE-02 DESIGN REVIEW SIGNOFF JlEcEJVEo At:t:achment: J Revision l

  • EA: -FC-809-13 ft,...,./.

VL TOP SEP 211989 NUCLEAR UCEN~i~~ ~5"0~ 'IO~'IO~°"

WIT~ RaPL.-.c.l'1'11NT Page l of l PORV:,


EsTA~L15'-' PaR.Nui;~Aa.1..a. VLTOP .4c:.'1uAT10N Sir Po1,.1c; PROCEDURE UTILIZED:


BoT" MA'.'.>>:a Ao1>1T10~~ AND V.r ~.UANC.ll* Wllll AD0~1s;~o IN P1U'/1£)U~


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  • fm0486-000ld-91

EA-FC-809-13 page 1 of Z. 'l EN6INEERINB ANALYSIS Rev 1


Pressure Response Effects of VLTOP with Replacement PORVs Methodology:

The analysis is completed in four parts, described below. One p*rt determines pressure overshoot, another the PORV flows, another the recommended LTOP set points, and the last, the Tech Specs limit.

Part I calculates t~e rate at which Pzr pressure would increase for permissable heating rates CPCS and Pzr>, and mass addition rates. It also calculates an equivalent gpm for all effects, for use in Part III

- Valve Opening Reguirements. Mass addition rates both with and without HPSI are calculated over the 230 to 3SO degree PCS temperature range.

Part II calculates the water flow for a single PORV to op*n full stroke, for use in Part III and Part IV.

Part III calculates the App*ndix G pressure limits for PCS temperatur*s with allowance for temperature and pressure errors of S degrees and 30 psi respectively, and an allowance for pressure overshoot. These are the LTOP setpoints. The setpoints are plotted, and then a new plot of a smooth curve is prepared which envelopes all of th* set points. This second curve is the recommended LTOP set point curv*.

Part IV calculates the Appendix G pressure limits for PCS tamp*ratures without temperature and pressure error, but with allowance for pressure overshoot. These values are plotted, and produce the LTOP Tech Specs Limit curve (3-4 in the T.S *. change request>.

During the preparation and review of this analysis, several questions were raised, and answered. The more significant of these are included below:


a> The longest PORV full stroke time was* utilized in calculating time until required flow, for all cases, even though Pzr liquid would hav* to be saturated to produce such a stroke time. Times with subcooled liquid are computed to be substantially shorter.

b> PORV flow figure used was that for only 310 psia in the pressurizer, regardless of LTOP set point. Further, PORV backpressure was assumed to be 115 psia conti-nuously, even though it will likely be much lower ini-tially, and cannot be sustained at that level due to the quench tank rupture discps 90 psig set point

  • EA-FC-809-13 p*ge 2 of 21
  • Rav 1 c) Prassurizer he*ting rate w*a assumed to be 200 deg/hr, as permitted, but actual maximum heating rate when pressurizer is w*ter-solid is substanti*lly lower.

d) The Bulk Modulus of Elasticity, k, w*s not recalculat*d for every temperature above 200 degrees, but rather was

  • stepped'down, such that over much of the temp*rature range it is higher than actual, resulting in calculation of a higher than actual rate of pressure increas*.

e> No PORV flow is assumed to occur until the valve is full open; ie, flow is stepped, not ramped.

f) PCS volume is assumed to be that resulting from 29.3"/.

average steam generator tube plugging, worsening th*

pressure increase rate over that with the current level of plugging c~2~.S7.>


The T.S. curve represents the pressure at which the PORV must be actuated in order to prevent exclHtding the Appendix G limit, considering the pressure overshoot during tha time it takes for the valve to open. The amount by which the set

  • point must be reduced below this value to offset potential error, drift, etc. may vary under the influence of cali-bration temperature, and instrument sensitivity. The requirement is that LTOP cicuitry set point be reached at the same time or before the T.S. limiting pressure is reached. With this approach, surveillance tests should never find an LTOP set point in excess of the T.S. limit.


The LTOP set point which would be necessary to protect the SDC system would be too low.

SOC is designed for SOO psig

  • The LPSI pumps can add as much as 197 psi to the system pressure
  • The LPSI pump discharge is ~ ~s71.3 elev *
  • Pzr pressure CLTOP pressure input> is measured ~

~650 elev *

  • Elevation difference adds ~34 psi to indicated system pressure
  • Potential pressure error of LTOP instrumentation (narrow range> is ~24 psi

EA-FC-809-13 page 3 of 2 '!>

R*v 1 The set point of LTOP to protect SDC system would therefore have to be C500 psig + 15> - 197 24 = 260 psia.

Actual operating pressure would have to be reduced below this value to prevent inadvertent opening of PORVs, and to keep alarm <LTOP> cleared.

SDC system RVs will provide adequate protection against charging without letdown <133 gpm> in coincidence with PCS heating ~ 40 deg/hr C2S gpm) and Pzr heating ~ 60 deg/hr

<9 gpm>. RVs are 3164 <133 gpm>, 3162 <~ gpm>, 0402 <15 gpm>, and 0403 <1S gpm>. ER-PAL-89-040 will resolve their set points to account for elevation head and ensure SDC overpressure protection without ralianca on the PORVs.

  • 4> LTOP limit is shown a single curve for he*ting and cooling.

Which is limiting?

Based on revised App*ndi>< G limits <through 1a8E19 nvt>,

and on permissable rate of change, tha LTOP limit is sat by cooling constraints below ~280 dag F, and by ha*ting con-straints above "'290 deg F. The exact crossov*r point depends upon wet'her or not instrument error *llowances are included, and is also affected by the assumed heating or cooling rate. For the rates assumed <maximum p*rmissabl*

rates for the PCS temperature>, all pressure limits were from the 1/4t Appendix G calculations. Future changes in permissable rates, or in Appendix 6 limits could result in the 3/4t values being more limiting. Tharefora, any change in permissable heating/cooling rates, or in vessel fluence, should prompt investigations into the posiblity of the 3/4t values being more limiting, and into a shift in the cros-sover point in which values are limiting <heating or cool-ing>.

Part I - Pressure Increase Rates for Various PCS H*ating Rates and Pump Start Combinations Objective:

  • oetermine the rate of Pressurizer pressure increase for inadv*rtant pump starts when PCS is water-solid as input to calculate Pzr presssure overshoot during LTOP actuation tima.

Analysis Input:

a> Pzr heating rate = 200 degrees/hour.

b> PCS heating rates = 20 deg/hr up to 170 deg F. <raf 4>

40 deg/hr from 170 to 250 deg F.

60 deg/hr from *2so to 3~0 deg F.

100 deg/hr from 350 to 532 deg F.

EA-FC-809-13 Poart I R*v 1 4 of %. )

c> Ra.t* of Pzr pr. .ssure incre*se, psi/sec = KS<-dV/V), fro~ ref 1, where V =PCS volume= 10,311.7ft3, from ref 2 & 3, .and dV = Swell and additions, converted to ft3/s9C, .and K = Bulk modulus of elasticity for wa.ter <see attacment 1>

d) dV is calculated for Swell from the rela.tionship dV = <Vf-Vf')/VfSVpcs/t or <Vf-Vf')/VfiVpzr/t , r where Vf = fluid specific volume ~ temp of interest, .and Vf'= fluid specific volume~ temp of interest + 10 deg, and Vpcs, or Vpzr = the affected volume, and t = the elapsed time for the temper*ture change, in seconds Vpcs = PCS volume - Pzr volume = 8,80Sft3, from ref 2 Vpzr =Pressurizer volume= 1,503.7, from ref 3 e> dV is calculated for additions from the rela.tionship dVchg, or dVhpsi = gpm I gal/ft3 I siK:/min = ft3/sac, where dVchg = charging flow = 133gpm, and dVhpsi = High Pressure Sa.fety Injection Flow fro* ref 6, and gal/ft3 = 7.48, and sec/min = 60

  • f> HPSI pumps delivery as a function of Pzr pressure is ta.ken from reference 6.

g> Constants used in the .analyses are:

A= Vpcs/t = 8,80811,800 = 4.8933 *** ft3/sec over the range of 50 to 170 deg F

= B,808/900 = 9.7866 *** ft3/sec for 170 to 250 deg

= 8,808/600 = 14.68 ft3/sec for 2SO to 350 deg

= B,808/360 = 24.466 *** ft3/sec for 350 & up B = Vpzr/t = 1,503.7/180 = 8.3539 for .all teap*ratures c = K/V = 305,000/10,311.7 = 29.S780S2 psi/ft3 ~ ~o deg F.

[C is recalculated each 10 deg F from 50 to 200 deg F, then @ SO deg C interv.als; se. .attachment 1]

K = Bulk modulus of elasticity for w.ater; see .att.achlDltllt 1

EA-FC-809-13 I Rev 1 page 5 of 2. l Assumptions:

a) All HPSI pumps are disabled~ PCS temperatures <260 deg F <ref 4>.

b> Steam Generator tuba plugging will not reduce PCS volume below.

10,311.7 ft3, which corresponds to 29.3% average fraction of tubes plugged <ref 2>. [PCS volume with 23.68 ~ 24.49% SG 1 ~ 2 plugging respectively = 10,403.95ft3l c> Inadvertent start of charging is in coincidence with isolation of letdown, maximum Pzr heating rate, and m.aximum PCS heating rates.

d> Inadvertent start of HPSI is in coincidence with inadvartent gtart of charging, maximum Pzr he.ating, and maxi*u~ PCS heating.

&!) PCS is w.ater-solid at beginning of tnansient.

f) PCS heating rates are the m.aximums permitted <ref 4).

g> No reduction in mass addition riite is tt1kGin tilS Pzr pressurei rises above initial pressure.

h> Initial pressures .ara t.aken as equal to the shutdown cooling LTOP set point from SO to 350 d99rees, then t.aken as over 80 psi l*ss expected LTOP set points, to maximize HPSI deliv*ry.

i) Pressurizer fluid is takmn as being in equillibrium with tha PCS until both are heated to 200 deg F; then, Pzr fluid is t.akan as b*ing near saturation, to maximize volume change from Pzr heating.

j) Delivery from two HPSI pumps to the PCS is twice that from one HPSI pump.

~---- -

Rq,IJ J_

EA-FC-809-13 Pilrt I P*9* .'- of :_;5 Con!5tants on tflt* P*lil** A-_:1'~05_]) e-~~1~22 c--~1.:..~~~~ K*Jgl""'C~~

'.::-. '11> 1 /")-, 'r r

!.!~3~_\_ ___ J_~'(_~f___ _

PCS tempeature ~~- Vf -~~psia = ~'.!i~L Vf'@~_~l~psia F*zr temp~~- Vf @ JL~sia = ~EL6-!i 'vf '@_:. __ & ___ psi a =

dVhps1 = .!'.IL~gpm/7.48/60 = --~t3/sec dVchg = 133qpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVPC:S = .12!009'}1.01£~'.:L.*A = -*P.!].!_ft3/sec dVtot+C = -~~~~'*C =

dvp::r = .12100'?_.l/. 0..f,.!,L*B = .!£!J-:_~t3/sec 1Jti.!JS.._p-=.1 I sec r dVt~t = ..:1~.i.§_ ft3/sec PCS tempeature ~- Vf @)L_fl_psiil = ~~tt_:..Vf'@_~~l1:2psia P::r temp ~1- Vf@ ~psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ &___ psia =

dVhosi = _LV~pm/7.48/60 = ______ +t3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r!se=

dVpcs = . 000~{/. 01'-.<Z,~A = ..:~.£2.!_ f t3/sec dVtot*C = _:2~'!:'- ""c =

dVp::r = . 000e.L 1

  • 0 ./~~y,e = ..:.g.!1~1:::.f t 3 I sec 'Z.:J....zyJ_::i:isi /sec dVtot -- -~-J.!_~- ft 3/ sec PCS t-:moeati.Jre lq_ Vf @ 7_!g_psia = .:.~!V_~_} Vf '@ffi'.P-.~?~.e,psia *= .f?C{~~

F::r temp ..h-, Vf e __ psia = ----- Vf**@ ___ 8c ___ psia = -----

jVhpsi = ~gpm/7.48/69 2 _:: ___ ft"5isec d\)chg = 1339pm/7. 48/69 :z

  • 2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .000q}1.01~_)-*A = ~e~2~_ft3/sec dVtot*C = _*_!.~.!~*C =

dVp::r =

  • 0Q!0q]/. 0L~!}*B = .!£'.!.:C.f_ft3/sec /Q *.P_'lr.f_psi /sec dVtot = ~J_l:.!J_ ft3/sec NOTES:

~ x; J_ - a EA-FC-8"-13 P.ilrt I ~ o I P*Q* ~ of ~J A-_'!._&_c;_]_1, B*~.:..~~"JL Const.-nts an th2* Pata** C* 11."1'1'3'1 JI. rt~1' 1<a


'3'2.'/ 1 t-i;r.

~. o' '3


, v PCS tempeature £Q_ Vf ~ ll~psia = :...~~~ Vf'@.5.P-..&l~~psia Pzr temp ta_*vf 4i! ___ psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ ~ ___ psia =

dVhpsi = .!.:"(~pm/7.48/60 = _-====..ft3/sec dVc:hg = 133qpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpc:s = .12100EY. 01(~*A = ...!!.~~-ft3/sec. dVtot*C = :...2..~_L.8_ *C dVp;:r = .12100~_.:r. 0.i~~*B = ...J~.i.~.:L ft3/sec l.!.~J1_~!Sl /Se'= r dVt::it =  :.2:.'!:b_ ft3/sec PCS tempeature Jp_t? Vf @ ~.£..psi ii = ~./~ Vf '@L~_"&J£~psi :i = *.P.!.f~.!

Pzr temp _l~*vf@ ___ psiil = ----- Vf'8 ___ &___ psia =

dVhpsi = ~~m/7.48/60 = __-=::::_ft3/sec dVc:hg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r~3e=

dVpc:s = .000~21.01~~*A = _!.P-.~../_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~J_)J.£.~C =

dVpzr = .000~~/.0/~..l-*B"" ~.2.LJJ._ft3/sec lQ.lJJ!L~si /sec:

dVtot = 1..l.3-.L.f/_ ft3/sec i=*cs temoeature /~_1~ Vf @ )_(p_psi a = ,g§.../.l_ Vf '@L~_-'cJ~e_psi a Fzr temp l..e.t.J."Vf

  • ___ psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ &___ psia =

~Vhpsi = ~pm/7.48/6e = -~t3/sec dVc:hg =

  • 133gp*/7. 48/6e_ * . 2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .00li!*A = ~Q.Lhl_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~_f_~.LL°*C =

dVpzr = .000(~1.0lfU_*B = ~~~~1::ft3/sec dVtot = ~]_2-_Jf_ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*o0*_~_!_:_7J_ft3> = '~1~~/Jgpm NOTES:


EA-FC-809-13 Part I le~/

P*G* _a of ~~

Constants on 1:M* P*Q~I A-_'I.:.~:!_])__ B*~~-J:.:~f- C*;YS.- K=--~ 3 /, ,;z7

'!2 .'J'C.'71 :r 1 l, '1B ~


PCS tempeature ljg:_ Vf @ .7-(..P-_p!Si a = ,g,!/_,-Z,.-::_-Vf '@~~~.&.2!<2psi a Pzr temp l_f_y_" Vf @ ___ psi a. = ----- Vf '@ ___ ~ ___ psi a dVhpsi = _A(~pm/7.48/60 = -~t3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVccs = .000~j1.01f(?:*A = ._Q[~L_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~~-"=..7.L*C =

dvp=r = .000~~/.0!~~8 = ~~~~]:Tt3/sec dVt~t = .!.'lJJj_ ft3/sec PCS tempeature ~7.g_ Vf @ ~~epsi* = ,~L.!.!L Vf'@L~~\2L~psia 0

P=r temp~~* Vf@ ___ psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ &___ psia =

dVhpsi = -~~pm/7~48/60 = .::... ____ ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .. 2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r~se=

dVpcs = .000QJ!.01~LZ..*A = ._o...f_?:-L_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~J~J2_~c =

dVp=r = . 000~t1. 0.[f~*B = ._c_1=:_~~-ft3/sec /o.§~:_'- __ psi /sec dVtot = .;.}_'2-_J_~ ft3/sec F=*cs t~moeat1.Jre Fzr temp 1

!?:Vf Vf*


@ '!.~~psi a = ~~~.!

___ psia = _____

Vf '@ ___ ~g~psi a = .o/6 2.8 Vf'@ ___ &___ psia =

jVhpsi = ~~gpm/7.48/60

  • __:::_ft3/sec dl)'=hg =* 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press ~ise=

dVpcs = .000Q~.01{~*A = ..:.2i~l_ft3/sec dVtot *C = :_1_13-J_ *C =

dVpzr = .00~~.0~-~~*B = ..:.Pl:.£2':ft3/sec 1§..:.~!LJ_psi / sec dVtot = ..:1]3.Lft31sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~.J-L.ft3> = /~j~~'t_:'{pm NaTEs~-----------------------------------------------------------------

  • \
                                                            *=-.            . >>    -

EA-Fc-eaq-13 P*rt I~t~/ PAQ* ..1. of "3_] Const*nts on t~* P*Q** A-_~:_~731 j)*_~}_f'l_t_ Ca l/.8/2 I K*_~28,ol :r

JI. 'l.-2 3r;.

3J. 2. 'J ~*o

                                                                                          ~ t ~-. 0, 122. 08'-



PCS tempeatur* {~<! Vf@ 2~epsi~ = ~C::t(.~~ Vf'@L~~£.}£eJ>sia Pzr tempt~~: Vf@ ___ psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ ~ ___ psia = dVhps1 = !/Jl_gpm/7. 48/60 = ___"'::=='ft3/sec: dVchg = 133qpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec: RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVccs = .000~[i.01~~~*A = _*Pl_~~ft3/sec: dVtot*C = ~J. .:t:r_Q*C = dVpzr = ~000Q.{!.01~-~-*B = -~~~~~ft3/sec: ((.;_,]'J~.1.§s i I sec I I dVtot = ~1]l.:9_f t3/sec


EqLtivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~.?...!_~ft3> .=/f~:___ gpm 1Li; "J PCS tempeature (~~~Vf@ ~~~psi~ =.q~.}_1. Vf'@~~:&l~~psia = .c;1/GZS Pzr temp Lf~*vf@ ___ psi~=----- Vf'@ ___ &___ psi~ = dVhpsi = ~~gpm/7.48/60 = ______ ft3/sec dVc:hg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r1se= dVpc:s = . 000q_(! . 01t;f1 *A = JP.!.~-_o_ ft3/sec dVtot*C = :..l}fr$*C = dVp::r = .000e.s'.7.0Lt.!l*B = _:P-7:.~~f t 3 I sec: /~*-"!~~_:psi /sec: r dV~ot = ..:.11~.J- ft 3 /sec 0 PCS t~mceature ty_o_ vf@ i'.J.2.psia =-!~'le_ Vf'@~~}(~psia 0 F::r temp L~~*vf 9 ___ psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ &___ psia =

 ~Vhpsi = ~~gpm/7.48/60 ~           ______ ft3/sec dVchg    =
  • 133gp*/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .00~/.01~(*A ~ ~!'J]J_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~1~'{8:*c = dVpzr = .00~'.0L~*B = ~£l~~-ft3/sec: /~:...1'J_~psi /sec dVtot = ~!~{§_ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~~!~~ft3> =l~i.JJ-+/-~pm NOTEs;-----------------------------------------~-----------------------

                                 *-- ....--    ~-a'*-~-              --~*r EA-FC-809-13 P*rt I R.c.11 /
  • Ccnstmants an*...... PA9** A-.)..!_]-~~~-

pa;* *L~ of ~~ B* ~1~-:_!_'l__ C*.Jo,'f'l6.'>

                                                                                   .,10. '- )~()
      ---------------------------------------------- --1~.:..!~!}~ _____!C1_Ll~L __ __

PCS tempeature ~~ Vf

  • 1~~psia = *-9'~~~.Z"Vf'@~~~&J~~sia = ~~1'§-~7 I<*_ J 17 1 11 I
                                                                                                           ] It;,. , I J '-

Pzr temp 1J::;_*vf@ ___ psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ ~ ___ psia = ____ _ dVhps1 = L1{&gpm/7.48/60 = _::=__ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= i) dVpcs = . 000f'P. 0~~!f*A = _.g2-Jl_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~ic~.?:"*C dVpzr = .000q.£/.~~...£<i*B = ..:~~.!i'_ft3/sec /f".:..~:H.lps1 /sei:: dVtat = ..:].2.!.~1=t3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~1.£:~~-:tt3l =lfl:..b~~~m PCS tempeature /.$,P_~Vf @)_(~_psi*= .g~:t:J- Vf'@!~~&~~psia Pzr temp ~_:Vf@ ___ psi*=----- Vf'@ ___ &___ psia = dVhpsi = _'1'~gpm/7.48/60 = ______ ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60  :::r .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r~se= dVpcs = .000~.}!.01~'4.-*A = ~~'ij_.=L'_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~~~~2-*C = oVpzr = .000cZt-'t.0~_9'J_*B = ~~~£5-:'ft3/sec .!~::f~r/j_p s i /sec dVtot = ..:.J.1_3_}ft3/sec PCS temoeature (Jg~ Vf@ ~~~psia =.q~~=~*vf*@~~~~psia Pzr temp Cjp_*vf

  • ___ psia = ----- Vf'@ ___ &___ psia =

dVhpsi = ~~pm/7.48/68

  • ___ _:::::Tt3/sec d\)Chg = 1339P*/7.48/611
                                          -         .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = . 00~f I. 01~(~*A = .:..~I.r~ft3/sec dVtot*C = *}.f._1=/__ *C =

  • dVpzr = . 1210~~./. 0 .L~.:f. +B = ..:.!2!£1_ ft3/sec (q..:.!f-'...i:psi /sec dVtot = .:~f..!-.J_ f t3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48+60+~}..f_~{_ft3> =/~~~!~gpm NOTES;-1)-'T':~~~~~~f'c_s,-:;i~~;-~~J~-1-::-;~-~~-;~--io~~---------

EA-FC-809-13 P*rt I f11.11 j P*Q* J./_ cf 3-' Constants on tld~ P*rJ** A-_"l.:r!a_b_~- e-~. . . 1~2~- c-~.!~!~~- K*-~~~~~~ 2c;.4131' .]QJ, 2.)7 PCS tempeature ~~~ Vf

  • lj'g_psia = -E~~ Vf'@~~.:~2~~psia = ._:i~~~z Pzr temp 'W...L* Vf @ :r_!'_psia = ..:.":t.LFJ.l.~.Nf '@!~~~3.L~psia = :..<2dl.2.5 dVhps1 = ~-gpm/7.48/60 = _ _:-___ ft3/sec dVchg = 133qpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE cf Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .12100qrt. 01~2=-*A = _._q_~(."Yt3/sec dVtct*C = '-~Q'-~~c = dVpzr =

  • 000L0; 0~~~*B = _*E~~I:_ft3/sec t~..:.~.:..~ip~1 /sec dVt~t = ..:.~e!~ft3/sec
                 .         ~                                        d            .

PCS tempeature ~~- Vf @~~psi*=~!~~ Vf'@~~&!~~psi~ = ~_!~~~ Pzr temp "(f(l~ Vf @ .1(.Qpsia = t..C!.1.§~Vf '@,!~"8c_3~~sia = ..:.~t:.~.J:J dVhpsi = ~~-gpm/7.48/60 = ______ ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE cf Pzr Press r:~e= dVpcs = .12100~}-/. 0~.J_*A = ..:.Q~{q_ft3/sec dVtct*C = ~t~~f?-*C = dVo::r . = . 000~. 0&1:~*8 = ..!~~~-:,/y t 3 /sec // :!J'_~~-psi /sec dVt.ct = .:.:fg_'I~ ft3/sec PCS temoea~*.1re 2].E~ Vf @ ~~psi a = *:'~.J-~ Vf '@~1E~2!:_~psi a.= '~L~~-Z F z r temp 'f{g~ Vf e J,e~_psi a = L.<UJJ.i'-1' Vf . @~~_:Scl!'."_ps i a = ..!g.fpj :? dVhpsi =~l~_gpm/7.48/60

  • __""".::':::::::f3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of F'z r Press rise=

dVpcs =

  • 000!_°!1. 01e~~*A = ~~~~-ft3/sec dVtot*C = _;_'f_!}}J'_ *C =

dVpzr = . 000ltf. 0L~11'tB = ..!Q~~.l:Tt3/sec /~:J...!!.l::Psi /sec dVtct = .:.~~]!_ f t3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*a0*_:.<:f£.12_ft3> =/~~jgpm NOTES:

                                 -      --*~*""~'*             __.....,,,.

EA-FC-809-13 P~rt I Rcvi P*Q* 1~ of ~1 Const.ant* an"l:Mw pages A- ~_".1-SGJ: B*-~:...~£"-3-1. C*-~Z.:..~L!~ K*-~~}... _~~7 _________ _;---------------~--:..----------------~----~----_;,- _____ _ PCS te~peatur* ~le~vf@ ~q_psia = ~~- Vf'@3~ci&!~_psia = .Jd'_~./ Pzr temp :f{q_vvf @ ~C~psia = ~~~Vf'@~1~J~epsia = ~2~8£3 dVhpsi = ~_6-gpm/7.48/60 = _____ _:Tt3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVocs = . 000~/. 01!f!l.*A = -'-~~~ft3/sec dVtot *C = _._'l'25-=l *C dVpzr = .000~:/~0L~~*B = -~~_G~t3/sec 1i...'.~~=~c~s11 se'= dVtot = ~:Lt.Ill_ ft3/sec PCS tempeatul'."'e 7._!~: Vf @ ::'.2_psi a = c.P.f~JL Vf * @~~"'1_:'8cJ.CPSi a = *2L~fZ Pzr temp~.?-. Vf @J'_(q_psi~ :a .P.L~_4!:0Vf'@:!1~°"-..q2J>si~ = .;..QL§_'i'J dVhpsi = ~~pm/7.48/60 = ______ ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r~se= dVpcs = .000~/.01~J~*A = -~'2Y~_1,ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~~~z.)_*C = dVpzr = .000:...[./.0j~j1911-B = ~.£.~t3/sec dVtot = _.Y.!'J.}_

                                             .         ft3/sec PCS temoeature 25~ Vf 9 ~~-psia               :a  ~~£2,2 Vf"@~~~~~psia = *~~~-~

Pzr temp '!.c.P_: Vf 8 lf_o_psi a = :9.L~~ Vf '@1'.{~3c~1'_psi a = _:.:'L'.~l ~


dVhpsi = -~1qpm/7.48/68 = ______ ft3/sec dVchg =

  • 133gp111/7. 48/60 :a
  • 2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=
  .1) dvpcs   =  .000Qfl.1.01f~V _:..~0.l_ft31sec                                   dVtot*C = -~~l~i*C =

dVpzr = .000~.i1'.0~B = ~-2~~-?::ft3/sec l~J..?.t{psi /sec dVtot = -~~!~Lft3/sec t;"&':>- Equi valent gpm = <7.48*60*--~~l~Jft3) = ~1~ __ gpm NOTES:

   *                                                                                                            -~,-=-q EA-Fc-eaq-13 Part I           ~<<v{

P*Q* ~of 1~* Const*nt:s on . . . . . P*9** A- j'j_*.§-~-- B* .tz:J~.::~J- C* _2..J..:..CJ!2.!._ I<=- -~!.1.. 1-J!i


PCS tempeatur* ~_o_° Vf 9 ~_!)_psi a = ,_p_!]E'!-Vf "@l~\.J~~psi a = :...~.Lt!.' F'zr temp ttf'p_! Vf @ ~-psi a = ~~!2.t~ Vf '@~~Sc.L1.cEPsi a = :..c-.£~2_"'3 dVhpsi = ~}~gpm/7.48/60 = -~r~~ft3/sec dVchg = 133qpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVccs = .0002!1.01~~*4 = ~~zr..7:.ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~:!~~*c : dVp::r = .000L~l.0L~~*B = -~q_~~ft3/sec ! __ p~1 /ser::

  • dVt~t = 2d~~ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48+60+_~:/l~-ft3> =ltlJ~!fJgpm PCS tempeature ~~*vf @J_,.~psi* = .PirL~ Vf'@~_°'&Z~psia = ~~.J-~.S P::r temp ~L~~ Vf@ :ztp_psia = ~Q.l~f'@~~lL~psi* = ~~~3 dVhpsi = /°"J.~~gpm/7. 48/60 = ~-+2~..Y'.ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r~se=

dVpcs = . 00~_!/ .11'1c~~*A = ..:.~rh?_ ft3/sec dVtot+C = ~..:L~.?~c = dVp::r = . 000(.>_/. 0.!.§'..t£-B = ..:.E£~'Cf t 3 /sec '1~~!~~-psi /sec dVtot =


PCS temoeature. ~-* Vf 9 .2(.Q.psi a = .qB-_¥::," Vf '@~:~.J~.epsi a =. ~ZJ..:7' F::::r temp ¥.Le.~ Vf

  • U'.P-PSia = 1,2L@te Vf '@~~&.}_,g:>~ia = ~~L~5 .3 dVhpsi =~11::2gpm/7.48/6a a ~~]L@,l4t3/sec d\lchg = 133gpm/7.48/6a .~ .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .00121Q21.1111'2~f°*A = ..!!.Cf£'_ ft3/sec dVtot+C = 1~l~~9-*C = dVpzr = . 012!0~/. 0L~~*B = .:..~~f.1:ft3/sec '; 2. .:.!!_!_~_psi / sec dVtot = iJ~Ji2£ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48+60+_!~~~ft3> =liLJ~1~~~ NOTES: l) 8o'f"H "IPS1 f'<rtifS ore. ab/e : Se.~ p1t7e. lo +.,. r,\1.c.s o.f. P2r l1re~s i t'\C' r c.ll>c.. c./o /-1 f' S.1 .f"r*"""' 2.~o o f;e1 J S'O 0

                     *----***---.~@§!$:~**.~-                       *     . . . . 91wr._.       -- - - . ..;z;r.,.*z.......

EA-FC-899-13 P.;art I e<<.¥ 1 P*Q* l'i.. "Qf 3} Consti&nts on tlft. P*9** Pt-_/.!l_~fr~-- 8*_8~2£}...Z. C*_22'~~.Y-.~- K*_!_:-.}~-42-7

~-~~~!-----~~~_>~~2 ___ _

PCS tempeature ~~ Vf * }~~psia = 2~c!~ vf*@~Scl~psia =,~Lt~_3 F'zr temp 'ti.ti: Vf@ l(~psia = -~L~~Vf'@~k,_98c_e.@sia =-~~L~5J dVhps1 = 4~~gpm/7.48/60 =  !~l'..1..i..ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVccs = .000~~/.01~lf*A = -~~t?-=ft3/sec dVtot*C =-J~~~~*C = dVp=r = .000Li/.0l~~B = ~_o_q-]::ft3/sec dVti::it = *~::.!.!_~ ft3/sec PCS tempeature ~_" Vf @ J _(_q_psi .;a = ,~.]-"-~ Vf '@Jpi~Sc~~psi a =, ~!..c£..} Pzr tempi("'_:- Vf @ 3~!_psioa = :PL~~ Vf *~Y-&i.;'~~sioa = ~~b/J_'J dVhpsi =l,i..~~-gpm/7.48/60 = -~rL~ift3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Pre:sLJse= dVpcs = . 000L~!. liHt~3*A = .t..'l.~~']-- f t3/sec dVtot*C = ld..~-~ c 0 dVpzr = .000!_'f"l.0L~~B = ..:.~.!~J=:f t3/sec 'f t:JJ.9-_psi /sec


PCS temoeature.3{~~ *vf@ .2(-"_psia = *£~~-~ Vf'@~~:~lC~psia =*~!=E.:7 F' z !"' temp ~.c~:. Vf * ]L-'?-PS i a = -~L~te Vf . @~~Scl"'.!_P s i a = ~'2.~~-9 3. dVhpsi = 4~~gpm/7.48/68 = _t.J-~JYft3/sec dVchg =' 133gpm/7. 48/60 =

  • 2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr P~ess r-1se=

dVpcs = .000JL1.01~~}*A = ~_gJ3:}~ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~:!]:~_:-*c = 7'!.:.~1!~si /sec dVtot = l.i11C°f t3/sec _. '1.1'c.+I Equivalent gpm = C7.48*o0*..6Ll-]~_ft3> =~~~cf_: __ gpm NOTEs~----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 C f't:.~ :s.c~ ".S K ~c;J' .{N1.._ Jo 1, 'l..77 i-c 2.Cf"l, >-I 7

EA-FC-809-13 P*rt I ~tll 1_ P*Q* /.£ of ~ Con st .ant* ~ ~., A-_/_{f'!___ a*?_*J£..!J_ c- -~~~f.!.~ K* _2_'-l_~._~4__1J


PCS tempeatur* I~~~Vf *3~~-psia =*~~~.i- vf *@~~~&l~~sia = ~~-~~~ Pzr temp ~: Vf * ,W_psia = .:...~~ Vf *@~_k°8c.Z!'.:'~psia = :.~~~.:?.3 dVhpsi = ~-t._~~gpm/7.48/60 = ~~J!~.i4t3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVccs = .000J{1.01~i*A = -~~L..f:'ft3/sec dVtot*C = J~..!?:_~c = dVpzr = .00012/.~L~l~B = ~_o§§i:'ft3/sec dVtot = PCS tempeature 11£~ Vf @ l.CQJ>si * =.bLB~ Vf '@~lr}~psi a = ._c._fr..fLC-Pz r temp 'f(cz.~ Vf @~p_psi* = !..°-.~.z!l,,Vf'<ltY-&d!.~Psia = ~~L..,..5'"3 dVhpsi = 4l~~gpm/7.48/60 = -~1i~ift3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r~se= dVpcs = .0001L1.01zr~A = ~..9~l.9_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ]~~t~i*C = 7'Y....:~.:~-Gsi /sec dVtot = 3-.JrJ.:t_ ft3/sec PCS tempeature l_cp_" Vf

  • S_(-"'_psi a =- .~0:8,.(i;. Vf * @l&~~q_psi a = *2..!:i:J'_+-

Pz ~ temp 'IL~'! Vf 8 1L'2_psi a = :J?Lflt.f> Vf '@~~~l~ps i a = _::o_~@.l: :I' jVhpsi = ~1~gpm/7.48/69 =- ~~*~1ttft3/sec dVchg =, 1334Jp*/7. 48/611 =-

  • 2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs dVpzr dVtot

                               = ~2i£i_ft3/sec
                               = ~~.f~:}:ft3/sec
                                  ~Jl-iS_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~J.!i~-*C =
                                                                    ~"l.:~"!J:.~psi /sec c;1ol Equivalent gpm .., *c7.48*60*_-!-J.f.L8_ft3>        =' J.,:]_'_gpm 1


EA-FC-8Ql9-13 P*rt I R.c.11 f P*Q* l£ of ~J Constants an i;llt.* P*ra** A-_'!_*i,!!~_?:_ B*-~:..~~!.J_ C*l2~~~~- l<*-~:'..3~.->.:.f..7 1_) PCS tempeature ~~'!, Vf 9 ~-psia = ~~l!!_~ Vf'@-~'\~psia 0

                                                                                             = ~~~~E~

F*zr temp '1j_g~ Vf * ~~psi a = :d~!:.~ Vf '@~!fi&:~psia = ~~~~~3

2) dVhps1 = _r~~gpm/7.48/60 = l~~=~-ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 =- .2963ft3/sec RATE cf Pzr Press rise=
1) dVpcs = .000~~/.01t~i*A = -~~]'_°!'ft31sec dVtct*c = _z~~~Ji.c =
1) dVp=r = .000~~/.0_~~*8 = -~~-S:/_ft3/sec &~:....~~~psi I sec dVtot = ~~~!:-!tft3/sec

EqL1ivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~.f.J-J.i_ft3> = IJit:..!_!gpm 0 PCS tempeature )§_~ Vf @ ~~~si * = *2Lao-'l. Vf '@1~"-~~si ~ =- *!?L~. L-C. Pzr temp53~~ Vf@ ~..P._psia =.w~Yf'@~'"lc2..lc_~si* = ~°-~L~~ dVhosi = lf2c2gpm/7.48/60 = L:..i2~_ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r!se= dVpcs = .000l~/.01~i*A = -~~-~!:"ft3/sec dVtot*C = 3~l~1~C = dVpzr = .000~/.0~(!*8 = ~~L.!:_o_ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*_~.}_c:>.J.,g_ft3> =~~_"-~gpm 1. '"" PCS temoea~ure ~&f'Vf

  • l,L~~psi a = .£!.~.Y-
  • Vf '@~~ll'S>si a = .-E'..L~~ ~

Fzr temp 5_~_0 Vf * '-1-CS!.PSia = *~~!?'L_ Vf '@~~~~U..E'..!PSia = &U:~3-J. dVhpsi = ~~"p_gpm/7.48/60

  • 1~~~£..£ft3/sec dVchg =
  • 1334;ap11117.4S/60 =- .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .000.lJ!.01f!l*A = _._!J£3_ft3/sec dVtct*C. =  !~~~.3--*C = dVpzr = . 000Jy. 0..:~'1.L*B = _._fJ._'t.1_ ft3/sec dVtat = L~~~~-ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*_l~~}..3=ft3> =8J1~1L~;m Nai=Es;-~5-8-~-:~-"'h~:=:-;-r;c-s@-/;o-;;/A~~--;:;Q-~;:;_~-;_-~-:.--p~-"-P~-~~--"'J~~~

               'l 10 (' l  ,~   {-a  ~CH) (Jr,'~

i.) ,i-dPs:Z ,..,~s.+ &~ 0 r~~h1~ ~-+ -tL.. ~~ -t.,,..,r . .t~.r.:iovc:._

                         ~- -~,?"'~-*n*a~"**.1111111~..,z*_*+/-zl!.
                                                                !!l!~iel:~-~-~--11!-- ..-~

EA-FC-eaq-13 Part I ecvl page  !..r of ~J

  • Const*nt* on ~ft!* pav-1 A-]-_'7..!:ii~l: B* -~...:2£2~ c- _V ,.)-1 ~ t<* _3._v_~.._~._, 1

tempeatur* ~~ Vf

  • 1~~_3>sia ~,:'~-~- Vf'@l~~&c~~~sia 0

Pcs = ~~~~~f 0 Pzr temp ~~~ Vf * ~!:,~si a = :3_':.!.!;9 Vf '@~~_:&~~si a = ..!.9.3.+/-ES:- dVhpsi = ~~~gpm/7.48/60 = ~.r-~ZZ.ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 ,.. .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVpcs =

  • 000~~/. 01~~~*A = .:...!.ri_7=ft3/sec dVtot*C = L3_~:_/_*c =

dVpzr =

  • 000Ji/. 0_2-.:_~~*B = ~J.)_'t.=tf t3/sec ~~_._?.:_~psi /sec dVt-:Jt = .l.:..I!£{..ft3/sec*
  • c,~ Io Equivalent gpm = C7.48*60*_/~J,~L_ft3> = '!L~_gpm

PCS tempeature °3J£: Vf @ l1_7'_:1£psi a =,'!_~-~ Vf '@1'f'-'~&c~~psi :1. = ._~_9_-,0 Pzr temp5_h_0 Vf @/~<r~~psia = !..9_i...=!i Vf '@~~~l:!~sia =,a~:.+/-.~- t) dVhpsi = __Q_gpm/7.48/60 = ______ 'ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 2 .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r~se= dVpc:s = . 000Ll/. 01~2Z--,A = _*.!J-.J_j_ ft3/sec dVtot*C = -~~~~~c = dVpzr = . 000jf./. 03.R.~*B = _.:..0..:.!.l ft3/sec /4.:..f.'.:~_c.._psi /sec dVtot * {, 1.1.~t3/sec

                                                      ------                               "'¥ "3 Equivalent gpm            =     <7.48*60*-~f_1._~_"tft3> =2J1~ __ gpm
    >='CS t~moeature '{_~-~ Vf @.'J.?~~psia 2 .gf..~'t Vf '@7'{fl~~~~sia                                         =   ,£!()~-~~

Fzr temp~~-* Vf *~~~psi a = *!.1.1~~ Vf '@'i2P_~L,~sia = ~~~.]._!~-

    *jVhpsi  =   --~-9pm/7. 48/68
  • _=:::::_ ft3/sec dlJc:hg = 1339p..17.4816a ..
  • 2963ft3'/sec RATE of Pzr p,V. ~

dVpcs = . 000j-j1. 0t@ft*A = _.:..Lk~lft3/sec dVtot*C = .!..f.:f.]- - *C = dVpzr = . 0000. 0_b.!,~*B = _*lff.S!_ f t 3/ sec /I .:.~'!.'!:_~psi J sec dVtot = ..:.f.;i.1~ f t 3 /sec NOTES: 1

                   ?~,.      Pttc.-!>.)  >/-/PSI               >4 . . f..o{+ h&dic.1 ... ~11 fcufh.t~ c..... tv-."bc.l".,,..,_

t' .. o ~ N. r s. ..!...

2) C r o.., *,, ~ n.S /\. c.~ ~cs.J .(;."""" <ld., <:>' l7 '6-c.- I 'ii 6 ,CJ '-1 '3

EA-FC-809-13 Part I /(rz.vJ.

  • P*CJ* L~ of Constants on tMs P*CJ** A-_7=..'i._!.!:~J:.. B*.~.3~!,2:_ C*.IJ..;.~:!_7._7.._ K=-_1_~£"-~~-"3
3 dVhps1 = -~-gpm/7.48/60 -
                                            = ______ ft3/sec dVchg      =    1 3.3gpm/7. 48/60          =   .2963ft3/sec RATE of P'Zr Press rise=

dVccs = .121001~/. 01~!.*A = _._Jj.7:_o_f t 3 I sec dVtot*C = ~~~~J-*C = dvp:::r = . 000..:tv. 03~ ... e = -~(f~:_c;_ f t3/sec ..:.3.<t._!~p*.n /sec dVti:it = ..:.f~§_9_ft3/sec PCS tempeature !_1=1: Vf @1,~~psia = .~!f?-_ Vf '@!~:&c~~sia = ,o/9?2. P:::r temp ~.£..'Vf @/.t!~~psia = :.P3l~1 Vf'@~~&~~psia = ~~~~..£1-dVhpsi = _9__ gpm/7.48/60 = __ ..::::.ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/6121 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of F'zr Press r~se= dVpcs = . 12100 L~I

  • 1211 ~ 'fl'r.A = _.:_L.~..:.£"f t 3 I sec dVtot*C = ~~J]._°t*C =

dVp::r = . 12100~"! I . 0_Z.J~_l*B = _._f~_cti_ ft 3 I sec lf__::jj_'{'7_psi /sec dVtot = _..:k_1..~1:f t3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*_.:.k.i;1=.ft~> = ~~~!!-~im 0 PCS tempeature ~~~ Vf*@~~~psia = -EL~t~ Vf'@!'.~"~~sia = *3~Z~~ F:::r* temp (,_i~:_ Vf e '~BP*i a = ._p_L.J!.'!.. Vf *@~~_:&~psi a = _,_g!,;f~J..- dVhpsi = _Q__ gpm/7.48/69 = __-:::-__ ft3/sec dlJchg = 133gpm/7.48/60.= .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVpcs = .12100{.[1.1211~t~*A = -~~-~~ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~2~_-*C = dVpzr = .000~i/.0!~e~B = -~1:.~2..ft3/sec 11...!.3-}_~psi /sec dVtot = ~..}J2~_ft3/sec I c;c;otJ Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~11~~-ft3> =l:~ __ gpm NOTES:


_a;r- a -- -!..~

  • PCS tempeature "i.:i!. Vf * /~p9i a = *.£Q..='::L Vf * @~~_"&:l~.!P9i a* = ,_uJ__:_t-1 Pzr temp CLe~ Vf @ /~sia = ~.].~~~ Vf '@f~.:~~!_psia = ..... ~!:-_!'.§.s-dVhps1 = _q__ gpm/7.48/60 = _ _:-____ ft3/sec dVchg = 133qpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .0001'_'t1.01z£i*A = ~-'L_i~]_ft3/sec dVtot*C = -*~~~*C = dVp=r = .000~~/.0)._llP.2"'8 = ~~_!.£~_ft3/sec 1'2._.j_~..J(p!:.i /sec dVti:Jt = .J..]-_'(<!j_ ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = (7.48*60*_...:..ti".7'_ft3l =J_l_~~-~~m PCS tempeature 'f2'!!: Vf @/~psi a = *~~~- Vf * @!'~_:'V_j~psi a = *-~....Z.~.?' Pzr temp'!~~ Vf @/~~psia = *~£e Vf'~'l't&l~Psia = ~~~~ dVhpsi = -~--gpm/7.48/60 = ______ ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r1se= dVpcs = .000~:-/.01!~_:...A = ...:.-~~-ft3/5ec: dVtct*C = ...!_}_)_7_o_ *C = dVp::r = . 0_2.~~*B . 1.2.3 ft3/sec

                                      = ------                             tt:E.!!~  -__ psi /sec dVtot     =                            ~..?_=i7.Q..ft3/sec Eau1valent gpm       =  <7.48*60*_:_~~I~_ft3> :s1l~:_ __ gpm    "> .

PCS temoeature Vf

  • ___ psia = ----- Vf*@ ___ ~ ___ psia =

F::r temp ___ Vf e __ p5ia = ----- Vf'@ ___ &: ___ psia = dVhpsi = ____ gpm/7.48/69 = ______ ft3/sec dVchg = ' 133cjip111/7.48/69 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of F'zr Press rise= dVpcs = .000 /.01

                            --- +A    = ------ ft3/91!C                  dVtct*C = ------ *C           =

______ psi/sec dVpzr = .000 1.0 *B = ------ ft3/sec dVtot = ------ ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60* _______ ft3> = _____ gpm NoTEs~-----------------------------------------------------------------

EA-FC-81119-13 Part I fq,_v { P*Q* ~ of ~1 Constants on tJl't* P*Q*~ A-_i~~~e; __ e--~~~_J.J_ C*_7.J~j1].J_ K*-1-~~~~ _____ !~~:~~~~~-~1t~~~-f!~~-~ir'.J__t)_~_t!_e.~~1~~t!_..:!..e!!_~~~!':_ ____ ~2____ _ PCS tempeatur* ~~~ Vf * ~~-psia = ~~~~t" Vf'@!~~&2~~psia.., ~£Ll~~ Pzr temp il.P.! Vf

  • 3_!'..Q_psia = ._~~J~Vf '@!~:8c_l-"£psia = ...:.:'..!'~~'::!.

dVhpsi = 1/~gpm/7.48/60 * -~-:=::_ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 * .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVpcs = .000~/.01]~].A = -~o_?-~ft3/sec dVtot*C = -~~~exf-*C = dVp=r = .000i~*0l~~B*B = -~~~f~ft3/sec dVtat = -*-~'!.~ft3/sec

                                                                        *'>*1S-Equivalent gpm.., <7.48*60* _ _:~_:t'_oJ:ft3>.              =11!.: __     gpm PCS tempeature ~~~ Vf @l.!E_psia = *~~~~ Vf'@_~~~~~psia = ,_?_!_?:_~~

Pzr temp 'ti~~ Vf @ lj'~psia = !-~.lLf,,- Vf '@.!"_~]~psi a = ..:.EL~.Z ~ dVhpsi = ~~-gpm/7.48/60 = ______ ft3/s*c dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 * .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r!se= dVpcs = .000~/.01l-1'*A = ~~]..]_Q_ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~-'f.Yf2*C = dVp=r = .000L~.0L~*B * ~Ei~1:.ft3/sec 12~~:'.~~-psi /sec dVtot ...!._Y_<l_p_o_ ft 3 /sec PCS t~moeature ~~ Vf *lL£_psia = *.2~!~Vf'@~~8c}.f,qpsia = -.!!~11:! F z r temp '2..:. Vf

  • 1-"'psi a = --~~n Vf '@~~3c!~~psi a = ~g_(~J J
 .jVhpsi = HAgpm/7. 48/68 *           --~t3/sec dVchg     =   133gpm/7.4B/69      = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .001at2i1.01?.!-[*A = ~~.I-.~~ft3/sec dVtot*C .= ~~_3.JY-_*C = dVp=r -

           = . 000{~/. 0.l~.!-~B   = _:P_'}_=tf t3/sec dVtot     =                          -~~!!~ft3/sec 2.11J' Equivalent gpm       =  <7.48*60*-~~!ff_ft3>                =l'fJ.:. ___  gpm NOTES:
 *~--   .. I":"" ..
                                           ,..... "'."..- l4.i ~ ~:Z'.~~c~~
                                                                                                                    ---      µI_ * .

EA-FC-889-13 Pu-t I 2 a. a Rc.v l. pAQ* 2 I of

                                                                                                                           --            '2 J K=- Jo> '27f



y '" PCS tempeature ?Jg_" Vf @ J.~_q_psi a = *~L't:+/-i Vf '@l.~ --~psi a = . o/;z.'i' 3 Pzr temp ~i?_" Vf @J~P-_psia = :_~~.JE Vf '@t'~~"&J~epsia = :.~?'ffeJ~5 dVhpsi = _1!'~pm/7.48/60

  • _:::=:::-_ft3/S@C dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 =- .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise=

dVpcs = .000~[/.01t~i*A = -~~C£~ft3/sec dVtot*C = :.~lz~C = dVpzr = . 000.(}1. 0ll~*B = _._o§.§_~ft3/sec I'!:ps1 /sec dVtat = _:...'l~£.~ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = C7.48*60*-~~)_9_'?:::.:ft3> = IJJ~~~gpm

                                  '7"                  .                                           "                                        .,

PCS tempeature ~~~ Vf@ l~~psi* = *E~rJ} Vf*@l~&ll~psia = ~q~f2°~ P:zr temp 'I_/~~ Vf @ l~~psi* =- :.O~le- Vf *@_!'!'_:&_!~psia = _-;PL.11.J.J. dVhpsi = _'1/~gpm/7.48/60 = __ :::=::ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press r!se= dVpcs = .000L~!.01~*A = _._g.ff_'l_~ft3/sec dVtot*C =  :..Y-~t~C = dVpzr = .000Li/.0L~i~*B * -~o_j~J:._ft3/sec l~.;.!.E~Lpsi /sec dVtct =

  • Cl'l':f1. ft3/sec
                                                            ------                        rQ~~

Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~~~1:.2.::...ft3> .. ~~--gpm PCS temoeature 3_12:: Vf @ ]f.,q_psi a =- ,~...l..£1 Vf '@l:g,~~~~-psi a*= .:.~(,,_2.§ Y Pzr temp ~~~ Vf *).£~_psi a = :....~9.1£,, Vf *@:-~....JLaPSla = -'-~L.B'i.3 dVhpsi = ij_6:_~pm/7.48/69

  • ______ ft3/sec dVchg ~' 133gp*/7.48/69 * .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Pres~e=

dVpcs = .000ll!.01l~*A = -~~~-ft3/sec dVtot*C = ~~Jd'_L~ dVpzr -

                    = .000{~/.0~~*8                      =  ~..?iJ_~ft3/sec                                    /~~~~fpsi /sec dVtot         =                                       ...:_t.l_).:..aL. ft3/sec
                                                                     -                    2.'199 Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60+_:_~~:.?J_ft3> =2£.'t.~ __ gpm NOTES:        1)                  *r    r, ..,. , {t"'            1        _    ("'                      c::c  ..!..     ..,  r,            c; 1,.- (' .., ,,

c..""~~/7 "7 .., .., c.-o ,.,"', 1 s*,/

                                 "" ....1 <:-0"  '"'>       ,                         1--~      >o->,,, .. //

EA-FC~809-13 Part I~~vl P*Q* 2...~ cf ~1 Ccnst*nts on tttt

  • pa9*1 A- _d_d~.~-- B* -~:}_::!.!_ C* -~-=_:,~:_~~ I<=- -~~2:~3_:~ 7 0

PCS tempeature ~~~ Vf 9 l~~psia = *2~'?£.cj Vf'@l~\2~ePsia =~~~CJ F*zr* temp 'i.&_* Vf @ :!(~_psi a = ~<2/_~~Vf '@!'~~.k!::'Psia = .:..9~~'1.3 dVhpsi = -~~gpm/7.48/60 = ______ +t3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of P~r Press rise= dVocs = .000~11.01'lt_i*A = -~~~S:ft3/sec dVtct*C = -~'0~~'""*C = dVpzr = .0001i/.0l~la*e = _.:..~~klf't3/sec /O_.~~-tJp51 /ser:: dVtot = _._tr'_s.:Y.).:ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~-~~_:'~3> =Z~!~~:~~m PCS tempeature ~~~ Vf@ ~~psia = iE!~~Vf'@!~"-2.C~si~ 0

                                                                                        = ~~_;._~'

Pzr temp 'f!!:!'~Vf@ ~~-psi*= ~~!~Vf'@~~'1il~~psia = ~~~~~3 dVhpsi = ~gpm/7.48/60 = -=--~--ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of F'zr Press r ~ se= dVpcs = .000l~/.01tt.0tA = _,f22LO_ft3/sec dVtct*C = -'-~-"-~*[ = dVpzr = .1211210~*. 0j~ze..,e = -.!..~....1:ft3/sec 1£.:...~~-s.J,si /sec dVtot = ~-'{)~te+t3/sec 1~>1-Eou1 val ent gpm = <7.48*60*-~~f~~-ft3> zZ~~~--gpm PCS temoeat*.Jre 3_~_" Vf.@ ~.!_psi a "'*~l.~~ Vf "@!~'\]~~psi a = *-~+/-?~ Fzr temp '(/p_*vf @J,.c2_psia =*£~!.!e Vf'@~~~]~~p!!ia = :..~C~.3 0 dVhpsi = .1/~gpm/7.48/60 = -~-ft3/sec dVchg = 133gpm/7.48/60 = .2963ft3/sec RATE of Pzr Press rise= dVpcs = .000JL1.01~*A = _._o.3-_~~ft3/sec dVtct*C = _,._<:_..[12"tC = dVpzr = -

               .000~~'.0f&1~*B       =   ~!~1:ft3/sec                         /~,:~_3,Y-'.psi / sec dVtct     =                            ~~~].i_ft3/sec Equivalent gpm = <7.48*60*-~~~'}_<{ft3> =Z~~~--gpm                ~ff' NOTES:    i) 1-1 es z
    • ~J. ffAn1 r~ a . . e orcr-A6 i~f'ln,, 3.;.-o" e\ Abo,,,C? c.. .




EA-FC-809-13 Rev 1 Part I Rev 1 p.age U of t1 Pressurizer pressure rat& of. change is d*fined for the Assumptions taken.


1> FLUID MECHANICS, Daugherty and Franzini, 7th edition, c. 1977 I

2) ANF-88-107, Palisades LOCA-ECCS Analysis for 2530 """'t Oper*tion with Increased R*dial Peaking and 29.3% Ste*m Gen*rator Tub* Plugging
3) Palisades Plant Functional Description M10, Pri**ry Cool.nt System, rev 1 4> Palisades Plant Technic*l Specifications Ch*ng* Request, 1989, affecting HPSI Operability Requirements, and PCS He-ting and Cooling Rates
  • 5) ASME Steam Tables, 4th edition, c. 1979
6) Letter to DJVandeWalle, CPCo, from WDMeinert, CE, 1 Jan 79, P-CE-4538; Attachment 1, HPI SYSTEM DELIVERY - ONE HPI PUMP Tt-ROUGH FOUR HPI VALVES

A IT ~c. ii~'.-, r d.. ru

 @)            consumers Power

AUIClaA#"S J AiiUU PAL:SADES NUCLEAR PLANT ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WORKSHEET EA - P. c. *eoc; Sheet _ _.___ of 1 "'!.. ~fl.11 ( 1-By Date 0 Original Issue I C4, c"t:..A ,-._ r&4 Bct1..1<. MoD"'-".J "" 4,~sr1c 1ry P#~ tv4T~~ 4 r

      /t> *~ ;-..V rr~~           vA c:. .s       F~ _, S'~ /! ro -l. oo 0 /Z / AN 1> .4 r                         >o
  • c.
     , ,.v 11/11( """ c..J      ,,: ~d--      .z. 00 * / 2    ro    it..11 c;)
  • r .

F 1111:. T~ /l'l/°~A II r"f~Lr ;/:1fU~ ~'o. fl r(,I z.,o* fl, "'~ 4".J A-l'e. "~ fer~/Jq~

   .,f"r~ -6.,1~ (, ( a.C r~.C*,.-...c.c.1. F#r r~/'~12A-r~~.4..J ~11t.1u.-,

2.vv p rll '($" o

  • p 1111 (cc -e..J " ,. 41:. CA I c"' 1..1-J' {:,.,,.._ j '* f.J, .,' ~ i .. 1, La.



C. Z. o..f S',

  • /~/,/-<- I./ ~s 11 le '"4-' {o-t" 3 2. *I ts*I 120°) ~~ tc.-o*.J so ) "'-le... ,Ad
      ;.,,, n~c..vs:-. .(,,. IO" 1"1C:.t'~t1V( v~/".,'* A/~-.> -t...,,,,1.1, I. I AA.1. !

7 vcll /~-e.s ~r. 15 f ' :If)/ Mi.J2 ISOOfr:a/ S* ~"~ .';, (c..,.t=W',..f;r--,.'""' 1,

1 r "fct ~ r -<k ~ -r ~ 10 Is- ;4 . 71, e t ~ /."" le'l',./°"'IJ ~""!~

Afr4.I-/- ,* ~ t tf."I' n b~ ; ~ {e.;o 1~ /1tr~' ~ ,A f'I' ,~ >".e * .f VtJt (, ?o t"  ! i--O?f'Tf.a.r-"'~ ...~ ~ f"-e.&.t:"~ ".(:' ,* >-.. f.e,.91{-, 3 /0 f S ;if r~ re..s~ * /? S '1- df "the "'~ -{",.,.._ /s-1 s ,'f# -f.o /S'()o ~s, ~ ( '1.10 - 1.J.-j/ ( 1~-00 -1r) :? * /1Br C"' J.1wA.c.. 1#7'1.JC.~"-4..T~ V4L'-'IL.S ,41e~ /)~A.Jv4t:> pt-1(.tJ"'°' r4/1t..4. /./

      ~)        p. Q (.. '-cJ """ * :

ilLPlf (Y IS' ~S*'d

                                                                           " <Y      /S'o~ I'~ ~ii
                                                                    ~Q.t'; "cce      r..,,,,(l
  • eorrn 3619 9-87

A ,/ 4c. .~ ,.+"J ~ ,i.; ' i. r.:;, PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EA - P. c -~o'f - 1 3 ~~i ANALYSIS CONTINUATION SHEET Sheet 2. of 2-Rev# _ _ _ _ _ __ Reference C.:imrr,;";

                                                                                                                                              ~e v         l s... o        2.,~, t>>o       "J ~, t:1CJO       'Jc::>,, 000     l~    11'00      "3 ;Jo   CJt;I 0    l/~~000
     ~o           2.'t~,""-'C.>    J'l.P1   O(JC)   "l 13I ~1-ff      ] O'OJ 0'1CI    l  l.O_.. 00(.)      l ' 3I  11>

J]D* /$....,,0

    -;.o         l~oou            iii,ooo           3~'" l.         1.10)000        l~Z. 1 000          'l lOI "f(,, t  "l.Z ~ <./<i'j
    ~o           l  1.(:1, °" 0   l J    z, ooo     'l2.~,   '+'7                                           33~ ~r; I
                                                                                                                          "'52.'f "}~'1.
                                                                                                                            -    I
    '1   0                                          ~25, 071                                            "S~o;r~        3:Z.1-,o'y Jo~                                              lZ.+J 385-                                             ll;,111         3l~ 'l~Z
                                                   "!l.'f,,c;t                                                                  "

3'3 I, ,1-J

   //O                                                                                                   l :l TJ 'j i.

12..0 l'Sl, 1 OO() J "1J.1 uoo JlJ,..7sr (Jo '33~1 000 JaSJooo '32.~ 100 3~~ ooo 11'1;,ooo '31~,,~- 13/1 01t..

u.,, ooo
   /%                                                                                                     l 3' 1 ~-o l        ~e,o'J~

I >'o 'lZ ~ oo t. '33>, ~ 3~1 o'2.

  /~t>                                                                                                      3Jo .s.~oo    3.Z~1 09'
                                                    'J4oJooo 1

1 1-o J. 11-" "":. 'l<1, ,~- "3 ";Ii I I l?J 0 :J '"1 "" 0 '3 i.<1,~ 3/, j (lf, I 'I 0 J 11, 0 0 () "3 -z.1, 81-.s;' 3 '311' I 2.10 Jq8~"t:>O '1 l1J "oo 3/0 /&f;, 1 (,4(..C:~t.i4iO.J(* Jr::. ('l"'""' re+s i~b/-c C..i_ J~'f.a-.J (<.* P. - P\ /(( V, .. Va.)/~ ) ~ (".a i**p.t.a,.c. .;. f ~ ,*._)

         "'~*~ ~ ~ P~ ~~<. ~ ... ~+1'!.11Jpke .. c.l, "'""J. ~ ~ l{. ~,.'ft..
        ~f-4.c.i{;, v11/<"1tt.S ~;WI.~ et.f-t/,e                             rtltll.c...f."V.-t:.      f'"(f../l"lr~l.

P~~-- ,e.+e.i..-~c.-4. 5 1 c.~1111'U..$11;J {Ac.~,...(;."""' ,~,.. 1:-o f~: ~ ("/.503 '1'138

   ~ /Oo 0 C.,.. I< ~ (z>- - "2..2.!>-)/@.o~.?'tS-- /.o~z.<1eJ//.0'{1.YS")l.1'1. ~--oJ ?rl'~
                                ~-303, Z..9~

1~-o*c., ~ ~ .. ~o;ft. otJ'iJ8* '*"'1'1r'J/1.o&'i18)l.1"1.:to'1r.,:tl ~ 2..¥1.,St?

  ~ 2oo~C, 1<, .. - 2#()/((t./5'~~1-/.ll,'lf.)/J.1~S'r/)Yc1o/.roir11B ~ lf-C, o'i~

l>'"?:> *c ,, .t:: r: - 1.."oA( /.l. v q - /. l.I ~~ / I. '-'l'icu) II./ ..)C:> 1 ~ ! ~ 11 'J ~ 1 "- Form 3650 6-89

EA-FC-809-13 Part II Rev 1 paag* 1 of 4 EN0INEERIN6 ANALYSIS


Pressure Response Effects of VLTOP with Repleacement PORVs Part II - PORV FLOW versus TIME for NEW PORVs <Target Rock> Objective: Determine the water flow aft&r reaching full stroke position for the new PORVs, as input to calculate pressurizer pressure overshoot during LTOP actuation. Analysis Input: a> PORV Cv = 219 at full stroke Cref 1> b> PORV main disc slew <stroke> tima = 0.20 seconds <ref S> c> PORV solen.oid and pilot chamber reiiction time = 1.68 seconds <r*f ~> d> Instrument channel reaction time = .2 seconds <ref 3> e) PORV full stroke effective area= 5.7732 squeare inch*s <r*f 2) f) PORV lift and effective areea versus time from reference S * (

  • g> PORV flow Assumptions:
                = Cv*Sqrt dP

( a> Available dP = Pressurizer pressure - Quench Teank pressure b> Quench Tank pressure = 100 psig C90 psig RuD setting +10 psi margin> c> PORV stroke time will lessen with increasing subcooling; ie, longest response timeCl.68 seconds> with associated stroke time C0.20 sec-onds> from the computer model will envelope times with lower pres-surizer temperatures. That is, time for full valve stroke will be less with sufficient subcooling of the fluid in the PORV control chamber. Calculations: Begin of page following

EA-A-N--89-1~-02 P~rt II R*v 1 p~ge 2 of 4 PORV FLOW versus TIME

                                  <From Reference 5>
1) 2) 3> 4) 5) 6) 7)
GraphlLift IEffect.IEff.ct. Area: Cv ISqrt dP :sqrt Time: milsl Area l/F.S.Eft Ar. 1<219t4>>1~310 >>.pl~700
9) 10> 11) 13)

IAdjustedlTotall Flow= Cv*Sqrt dP ---->

Time  : Time: = 5) S 6)
                             = 5> I 7>
  -------- ----- ______ =_5>_1_8>
1) 2> 3) 4> 5> . 7) 8)

IGraphlLift lEffect. :Effect. Areal Cv .Sqrt dP :sqrt dP :sqrt dP Time: mils: Are~ l/F.S.Eft Ar.1<219* > :a310 s.p:~700 s.p Cvt~r\ ~

9) 10) 11> 12) 13)

IAdjustedlTotall Flow = ----> FlON ~:Flow ~:Flow ~

Time  : Time: = 5> 6~ 310 spl700 spl900 sp
                             = 5>      >

_s_8> ____________________ ------ ------------ 2> 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

GraphlLift IEffe * :Effect. Area: Cv :sqrt dP :sqrt dP :sqrt dP Time: mils: Ar.* l/F.S.Eft Ar. 1<21914>>1@310 s.p:a700 9.p
9) 11> 12) 13)

Flow = CvtSqrt dP ----> FloN ~:Flow ~:Flow ~

Time: = 5>
  • 6> 310 spl700 spl900 sp
                             = 5)
  • 7>
  -------- ----- ______ =_5>_1_8> ____________________ ------ ------------
2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7> 8)
GraphlLift IEffect.IEffect. Area: Cv :sqrt dP :sqrt dP :sqrt dP Time: mils: AraA l/F.S.Eft Ar.I (219*4>>1~310 s.p NIA 11,0001 S.77321 1. 0 219 13.96
9) 10) 11> 12> 13)

IAdjusted:Totall Flow= CvtSqrt dP ----> Flow ~:Flow ~:Flow@

Time  : Time: = S> t 6> 310 spl700 spl900 sp 1 ' 880 : 2' 080 : = s)
  • 7) 3' 057

________ : ___________ =_S>_*_B> ________________ GPM_I ______ ------------

  +o EA-A-NL-89-1~-02 Part II Rev 1 page 3 o~ 4 PORV FLOW versus TIME RESULTS TIME :STROKE:EFFECTIVE AREA:Cv      IVdP   lflow lVdP    :flow :VdP  :flow msecl miis : Cinterp sq in) ICfromlPzr ~ lCgpm> :Pzr@ l Cgpm>lPzr ~ lgpm
 ----- ------                 lAre*>l 310           ZOO         l900 2,080  1,000   5.7732         219    13.96  3,0~7  <----not evaluated---->


EA-FC-809-13 Rav 1 P*rt II pag* 4 of 4


The expected PORV flow versus dP identified above is conserv*tively calculated due to the *ssumptions made.


1> Target Rock Test Data, Fascimile Transmitted 11 July 1989, 1345 2> Target Rock Test Oat*, Fascimile Transmitted 26 July 1989, 1453 3> Combustion Engineering Propos*l for V&riable Set Point LTOP, Pro-posal #88-240-AIA, Section II.4, page 6

4) Palisades Instrument Index, M-311, sha2t 01-31
5) Letter, L. E. Demick, MPR Ase. Inc, to J. L. Topp9r, CPCo, 12 Sep-tember 1989, #98-108-07, COMPUTED STROKE TIMES forPALISADES REPLACEMENT 6> Letter, L. E. Demick, MPR Ase. Inc, to J. L. Topper, CPCo, 18 Sep-tember 1989, #98-108-09, VALIDATION of DYNAMIC MODELING APPROACH &nd PROGRAM for the REPLACEMENT PORVs at PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT *
         -  - ~: ...:-::

MPR ASSOCIATES. INC. September 12, 1989 98-108-07 Mr. James L. Topper Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Ml 49201


C011Puted Stroke TI11es for Palisades Replacement Power Operated Relief Valves


GWO 8304, File -011, -317.0

Dear Mr. Topper:

In accordance with our telephone conversation of September 12, 1989 and my subsequent discussion w1th Mr. Ashworth of CPCo, we have computed the expected opening stroke t;llMls for the Palisades replacement Target Rock Power Operated Relief Valves {PORY) for several LTOP set points assum;ng saturation cond1t1ons in the pressurizer. These computations included the effects of the RCS pressure ramp rates that have been calculated by CPCo personnel at these LTOP set points. The follow;ng su11111arizes the results of the computations and identifies the conditions analyzed. Co11 Pressure Pressur1zer Energize Deprassur1za Slew Total Set Point Tap Ramp Rate Tim T1* T1me T1me (psia) (*f) (psi/sec) (sec) (SIC) {sec) (sec) 330.0 426.1 93.0 0.23 l.45 0.20 1.88 500.0 467.1 93.0 0.26 1.41 0.16 l.83 1000.0 544.6 63.0 0.32 0.97 0 .10 1.39 These analysis assume no subcoo11ng in the fluid at the LTOP set point and, therefore, represent an upper li*it on the temperature cond;tions of the pressurizer when the satpoint pressure is reached. We consider this assumption to be very conservative yet the analyses indicate that the valve will open within 2 seconds. As indicated in prior analyses any subcooling of the fluid will reduct the total valve response time. This 1nfor111t1on will be included in the final report. If you have any questions or require further info,..at1on please give me a call.


L. E. Demi ck 1050 CONNtCTIC.UT AVl!:NUI'.:. N.W. WA&Jo;tNGTON. C.C. <!0036 202.*6 !59.1320

3E::: !S '3S 1S:47 NUCLEAR *_'.C

  ..cP 18 '99   1~: 19    r'FR ~ D. C.

Septlllber 18, 1989 98-108*01 Mr. J111es L. Topper Con1W111rs Pow.r Co.piny 1945 West P1rn111 Road Jackson, MI 49201 SubJ1ct: Ya11dat1on of Oyn..1c Mode11ng ~proach ind Pragraa for the Replac...nt Power Operated Re111t Valves at Pal111d11 Nuclear Power Plant


GW08304, F1l1 *011, -317.0 In accordance w1th our t1l1phon1 conversation af Septellblr 18. 1989, the purpose of thts 11tt1r 11 to conft,.. our confidence 1n the accuracy and validity of the ca11put1r progr.. and th* approach, which havt bltn used to calculate the opening and clo1t"9 t1 ..* for tht replac ...nt PORV's to bt

  • 1n1t111ed in Palt11d11 thta fall. Tht1 con,1d1nc1 1s based tn part on the results of calculatton1 of th* stroke t1 ..a of s1m11ar v1lv11 in tests p1rforllld by EPRI at ~11* fact11tt11 1n Norco, Caltforn1a. Th1s1 calcul1t1on1, reported tn a 11tt1r to CPCo datad Septtllbtr 15, 1989 (98*108-08), showed good corrtlatton with the test data. Variations bltwe1n the calculat~ and t11t data vert also g1n1ralty in th*

con11rv1t1v1 d1rtctton, 1.g., calculatld opening ti11es for the water tests

    ..,.. 91n1rally slower than the t11t data.

W1 hav* also calculated th1.r11pon11 of the P1lisad11 r1plac1111nt valves over a w1dt range of f1u1d condtt1on1 and consider th1 var1at1ons to bl con11stent wtt~ 1xpectatfon1 for thts valve d11tgn. e.g., 110rt rapid response for 1t1* condttions than for sub-cooled water al\d lllOrt d1l1ytd response for saturated water cond1t1ons. These data w1r1 reported to CPCo in l1tt1r1 d1tld S1ptlllber 7. 1911 (98-108*01) and S1ptlllbtr 12, 1989 (98-108*07). ' We 1nt1nd to include cQllpltt* doc:11111nt1tton of the va11dat1on b1sis

    'or the CQllPUtlr progr.. and thl valvt inodels tn our final report on tht r1pl1c191nt v1lv1 stroke t1 .. 1n1l1111. In the m11nt1111 if you have any qu1stion1 conc1rn1ng th111 ..tt1r1 or requir* further infort11tion, p111s1 giYI .. I Clll.
 ++o EA-FC-809-13 P~rt III Rev 1
  • EN6INEERIN6 ANALYSIS P~9* 1 of 4


Pressure Response Effects of VLTOP with Replacement PORVs Part III - Recommended LTOP Set Points for Variable LTOP Protection Objective: Determine the LTOP set points to preclude exceeding Appx. 6 Limit9, considering :

  • Permissable heating/cooling rates
  • Signal processing time
  • PORV response time
  • Instrument inaccuracies, calibration errors,* Mld drift
                 . Potential Quench Tank backpressure Analysis Inputs:

a> Pressurizer temperature rate of change is 200 degrees F/hr b> Primary Coolant System temperature rate of change is: 20 deg/hr when < 170 degrees F 40 deg/hr when 170 to 250 degrees F 60 deg/hr when 250 to 350 degrees F 100 deg/hr when 350 degreas F and greater c> Appendix G limits from EA-A-PAL-89-98 d) Instrument inaccuracies, calibration errors, and drift are less than 5 degrees and 30 psi <reference S> e> Volume change, equivalent gpm, Bulk Modulus of Elasticity, and pressure increase rates from Part I of this analysis f) Time for PORV flow to equal equivalent gpm from Part II of this analysis g> Appendix 6 Limit Equations from reference 4

EA-FC-809-13 P*rt II I Rav 1

  • Assumptions:

a> Signal Processing D*l*y is 200 milliseconds <reference 3) page 2 of 4 I b> PORV response time is 1680 mill.iseconds <reference 6> c> PORV full stroke opening time is 200 milliseconds <reference 6) d) PORV Cv at partial stroke is proportion*! to effective *rea e> Quench Tank pressure will not exceed 100 psig HPSI pumps are inoperable when shutdown cooling is onstre*m g> HPSI pumps are inoperable when PCS is < 260 deg F r Calculations: Equation 1, Heating Limited Plim = C17.206xC26.78+Cl.233xExpC.014Sx<T-86-dT114>>>>>-B4 Equation 2, Cooling Limited

  • Plim = <17.206xC26.78+Cl.233xExpC.0145xCT-86+dT114>>>>>-<5.85xdTmax>-84 Where Plim = Recom~endad set point in PSIS before allowance for over-shoot, T = PCS temperature, degrees F dTl/4 for He*ting Cooling dTm*x for Cooling 20deg/hr 6.3 4.4 10.1 40deg/hr 12.4 9.0 20.s 60deg/hr 18.2 13.9 31.8 100deg/hr 30.0 23.6 54.0
         <---from Part !---------------------> <Part II>C7x8> p.s1&-                         ps/A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PCS lHtg/ClglPumpsldV/seclEquivl K lR*te oflTima forlPresslAppx GlM*x Temp:Rate :oper-:Cu.ft lgp~ :Press IPORV flolO'shtlLimit :Perm degFldeg/hr labia: :Incra*s:=Equival: psi :-Temp&lSat

psi/sec: gpm :Press :Pnt lin sec'sl _____ lError~:
                         . 'lO"/(, /37-      .ii 4:ii;ij-- &.1               ,,    311     ii-,
                         . lo"/&. f3~      S,1,1, 'f.lZYt                  zo      313. 51"° l I    .3 3 '- J 2 f
                        '3 'l.11
                        * '3121'   '""

l'IO SU., ot ttf. ,,8$'13 z f 3 3 8 3 3/

  • 3210 141./ '3Z1,~ lfJ./81'f l f "31./1.. 3 35'
                        .'32'if    t11a    Z9, l~ /() *'SI Zt>             2 2.  ~I( S'    3 3~

110 .l'Z'li t '18 331,<.1' I() SS':J'C. l 2 3 SO 3 'I Z. ll..O

  • 3 l 'to I 'f8 333,11 1q *" ~' z. a 3 s-s 3 v-:r

EA-FC-809-13 Part I I I page 3 of 4 Rev 1

  • 1
               <---from Part 2           3 PCS Htg/ClglPumpsldV/seclEquivl K :Rate of Temp Rate degF deg/hr lable :

lOper-:Cu.ft lgpm 4


I l 6

Press llncreas 7
                                                                                                 <Part II> <7x8>

8 9 Time for Pr*sslAppx 61Max PORV flo O'sMt Limit :Perm

                                                                                                 =Equival psi -Temp&ISet 10          11 I psi/sec           gpm                     Press IPnt

____ ------- ----- ------ ----- ____ ------- in sac's ----- Errors f'3o

   /C(<.;,           I _

2,c:> 3C'4.J I . ""J.'J.';/ I /<;,'/ :3~/,G11l.: /<:1,82.1/

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       ~ )°#l                             *1-3Cfol          3Ji..:      'V: 11.. 111.S':                ~    I     Z7-:3,04'e:3_,o!>_.>_

EA-FC-809-13 Part III p*g* 4 of 4 Rav 1


Attachment 1 graphs the results of these calculations, *nd illustrates values <Actual S*t Point> which will envelope these calculated values.


1) Target Rock Test Data, Fascimile Transmitted 11 July 1989, 1345 2> Target Rock Test Data, Fascimile Transmitted 26 July 1989, 1453 3> Combustion Engineering Proposal for Variable Set Point LTOP, Pro-posal #88-240-AIA, Section II.4, p&ge 6 4> EA-A-PAL-89-98, Palisades Pressure and Tamper&tur* Limits S> EA-FC-809-19, LTOP Temperature and Pressure Loop Errors
6) Letter, L. E. Demick, MPR Ase. Inc, to J.L. Topper, CPCo, 12 Sep-tember 1989, #98-108-07, COMPUTED STROKE TIMES for PALISADES REPLACE-MENT PORVs 7> Letter, L. E. Demick, MPR Ase. Inc, to J.L. Topper, CPCo, 18 Sep-tember 1989, #98-108-09, VALIDATION of DYNAMIC MODELIN6 APPROACH .and PROGRAM for the REPLACEMENT PORVs at PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT

LTOP SETPOINTS 3,000 . *... .*.. .* . .*. . :. . .'.. .*.. .' ...* . . .*.. .*.. .*.. .* . ..*.:.

  • o*
  • o * *o * ..,
  • o * .,. * * * * * * ** * *
  • r * *' * * * ** * -. * * * *' * * * "* * ...
  • o * - * ** * ' * '* * * * ,. * ** * * * * * * - * * * - * '* * * * ** * ,. * *
  • o*
  • 2,800 *.* *.* *.* * . * : . : *.* *.* *.* *.. : * : *.* *.* *.. : * : *.* *.* * . * : . : *.* *.* *.* *.. : * : *.* ... : . : *.* *.* *.* *.. : *. *.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~                                                                               ~

2,600 .............. - . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . ....

 . 2,400       *:* *:* *:* *:*: *:* *:* *:* :* '.*:* *:* *:* *:* *:*: *:* *:* *:* *:*: *:* *:* *:* *:* :*:* *:* *:* *:* *:* '. *: *:* *:* *:* :* .*..
  • 2 200
  • o* "*' 'o * 'o *.
  • _. * *' *,* '* * .. *, * ,* '*' "o' ., *I'*'.,.'*' 'o *. * .. * *' '*** .. *I**'*,*'***,* .. *,**,**,* .. *'* o' *,

2:000 *..** *** <: '. : * ** ** *: :** *** *<:.....

                         ... * .. -. . :           .  ;    .. - ... *..                 *, .     :                             " :                 ****.. : : : *** *** ** *: : ~ P ~/lt~~I
                                                                                                     ..* ...... . : ..* ...... *.. : . : ...... *.. *.. : ..* ...... *.. : . : . .. . . . . *.. : ..* ..                                                                                          * : Actual S P 1,800       . *- -** ...... '.                     *..
               ',*       *,*    'o'    'o   *I',*",'*,**,\*;",*                                             'o*       "o  * ' ,
  • I ' o" *,* *,**,*I*,**,**,*',*'*'*,**,**,' 'o' 1 * .' 'o' * '.' \ *' "." *,

1,600 .. .. 1,400 . ,* .,. .,. *,.' . .- . "*,* *,. ' . r." *,* *,*-.. ' . ,* *,* *,* ". ' . ,*." *,* ". ' . : . ,* *,* *.* *,. ' . .- ,. *,* ". ' . r." *,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      "Tl        ni

z l>

i co' to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..1)      0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...0 IN u.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      )>         -'


                  .....................................                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    p-0 200     .**        ***    *.....         :   ......             ***     "     . . . . . . . .*          ***       *,.    ** . i   ...      *,*-..         ** . i   ..... *          ***    * **     -..:         . **    ***    ...    *,.;        . **      ...      ***      *. . . . . . . .      .          ~     lo 0
                                                                                                                                     ;                                                                                                                            '.       . . . . . . . ..                                .;    ~

0 o , o o o o o o o o ' o ' -j 0-+--.,r-r-,-,----..--,r---r--,.--,--,-,r---r---,---.--,-,~~--..--.-,--r-r-o-T-.-.--r--r-T-,-,--,--r-r--,-,r--r-i O O O 0 I 0 I I I 0 I t I 0 I I 50 90 140 190 240 290 340 390 430 Degrees F

LTOP SETPOINTS 2,400 . : -; . .. . .. - .. . . . .. . *. . *. . : . : . : . .- ..* . .. .. . .. . *. . *. . *. . ~ . : .  ; ..* . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . *. . *. .  ; . : . : . : ..* . .. .

             'o'   ',*    ',*  *,*   *,*   *,*   *,*  *,*'I*          f   ' (   ",*   * ,* '1'   *,*   *,*     "**"\*\'I*                       I*,*",**,**,**,**,*'**\*                              I*     I'      I*,"*,**,*                 ,

2.200 .................................... 2.000 1,800 1,600 ",* * *' ",' "*' ",* *,* '*'",'\'I* f ',* ',* '*', "*' *, * 'o **,I.' I 0 f

  • r * ,* *** *.* "*" *** *,**,*-.*I* I* t ,* * .- * ,* *,

1,400 *'1 1.200 . * - . *. . * * . * . * * . . ' . . * . .* . : . : .  ! * ** . *. * ** * * * . * . . * . . * . .* . : . : . : . . . . *. . * . . * . . * . * * . . * . . * . .* . :  : . *. . *. * *. . * . .

  • 1,000 . . .. . .. ... ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ct (I) 600 400 200 . . ~ . : . : .  ;  ; ~ . : .  : . ;

             * .t' '   o" " o' ' o * ' * ' "o "  ', ' "o '   ~  '  t
  • I ' , * .t' ' o' " o' "* ' 'o " 'o * 'o ' .. " I ' I " I " o* ' o" * , * * * * * , * *, * *, ' ~
  • I
  • I ' ~ * .t' ' .' * *' " o 0

50 90 130 180 230 280 330 380 430 Degrees F

ACTUAL LTOP SET POINTS w/SDC ISOLATED 2,200 *.**,**.*  :*.**.**,* *.**.**.* -.*.**,**.* ~  :*.**.**.* *.**.**.* ~ *.**.* *.~ 2, 100 2,000 . *. * * . . * . :  : *. . * . . * . : . *. . '. . '. . * . :  : . *. . * . . * . :  : *. .' . .' . .*. . *. . '. .* . .'  : . * . .' . . -.1: ... .'. 1,900 - .* - .- ".  :  : ... ".' *.. *. . .- .. * .. .  : .. * .. * ... *.  :  : - .. ".' "... . .* ... *..  : ..... --.r *. .: 1,800 1,700 . *. _. . . * . : . : . * . .' . .' . . " _. . . *. : . : . ._ .'. " . : . : . * . .'. *" *. . *. _. . . * . : . . *. . ._ .'I .-. . *. 1,600 . : .. * *,. *.. : . : ... *.* *.. *. . : .. * ... *.. : .. * .. * * .. -.. : . ; .. * .. * *.. *.  : ..* .. * * .. *.. ; . : . . -1.- *..... : . : 1,500 1,400 . '. . '. . . . .' . : . *. . . . . . . .* . .' . *. . '. .' . .' . : . '. . '. . . . .' . : . *. . ... '. .' . : . .. . '. . . . .' . : . '. 1*. . . . .* . : .... '. 1,300 ..* . . . . . . *. . : . ; . . . ._. *. . -,  : ..* .... * . *. . . : . . . . . . *.. : . : ...... *. . . : . _. . . . ._ . : . I . " " . " . . : . : 1,200 1, 100 . *- . . . . . . :  : .... *....... : .. . ' . . . . . . . :  : . *. . * . . *. :  : . *. . . . . *. :  : . *. . . . . . - .1: ... .'. .. . ... ... 1,000 ... ". " . ..  :  ; .. * - .' " . *.  : . : ". " - ..  : ... ". " .  :  ; .... .' " . ..  : ...... * .. 6 .  ; ... '. .... 900 800 ." ... .  : . " . *. ..' .  : .... *.. " .  : . '.. * ....  : .  : . " . ' .. '.  : . : . . :/.' . .* .  : . *.....  : ..' ...... '""

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ;:: rn :.:.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~I Cl:    700  . ..     .  . .              .. *  . ...
                                                   .           ;           .'  " . ..   : .:    ... "    . *.   ': .:    .. * ... *....   ~     .:    ...   *. .       ;       .. * ". " .               . i      Tl I"\


 -      600                                                                                                                                                                                                   ...0 Q)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               -o UJ 500
             . '. .' .... : .       ...... .'. : .                . '. .' . . * . .'. : .'. .' . . * . .'.         ... . *. -Yo.'. : .          .' . .' . . * . .'.      . *.             ... : . *. . *.      \H    ..J>

a.. 400 *: ... *.* ........ ...... *.*

                                         *:                       *: *,*       *.* *.*  .....  *.-*.*      ...... , ...        *,* ......       *:    *.*   ...........        *:         ..... .             ~*

300 ..... "' 200 n'° ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ""Q 100  ..* *.* *..                  . .*  *.* *..           .  .* *.* *.*           ..* *.* *.* *. - :       ... *.* *.* *....            . .* *.*                                  *..         . .*     < ~~

Q 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j ..... 50 90 140 190 240 . 290 340 390 430

                                                                            . Degrees F


  • ENGINEERING ANALYSIS EA-FC-809-13 Part IV Rev 1 page 1 OF 4


Pressure Response Effects of VLTOP with Replacement PORVs Part IV - Limiting Pressures versus Temperatures for Tech Specs Objective: Calculate the pressure at which PORVs must be actuated as a function of PCS temperature to prevent exceeding the applicable Appendix G limit. Analysis Inputs:

1) Pressure overshoot during LTOP actuation~ from Part III of ~his ana-lysis 2> Appendix G limits from reference 1 Assumptions:

ll PCS heating and cooling rates will be limited to - 20deg/hr at PCS temperatures < 170 deg F 40deg/hr at PCS temperatures from 170 to 250 deg F 60deg/hr at PCS temperatures from 250 to 350 deg F I 100deg/hr at PCS temperatures of 350 F and greater

2) Pressurizer heating and cooling rates will be 200deg/hr for all PCS temperatures Calculations:

The following equations define the Appx G limit~ as corrected for elevation difference between the limiting RPV weld and the pressurizer~ and for the dP created by operation of the Primary Coolant Pumps. a) Heating Limited - Plim = (17.206xC26.78+(1.233xEXP(.0145x(T-81-dT1/4))))J-54

EA-FC-809-13 Part IV Rev 1 page 2 of 4 b) Cooling Limited - Plim ==

 <17.206xC26.78+C1.233xExpC.0145x<T-81+dT1/4)))))-(5.85xdTmax)~54 Where T == PCS temperature, and dT1/4 for heating                 ;i)20deg/hr      40deg/hr             60deg/hr         lOOdeg/hr
                        ==                      6.3            12.4                 18.2             30.0 dTl/4 for cooling
                        ==                      4.4              9.0                13.9             23.6 dTma>: for cooling
                     ==                       10.i             20.5                 31. 8            54 The above equations indicate that cooling is more limiting than heating for temperatures at or below 285 deg F; ie, calculated values from 280 to 290 deg for 60deg/hr rate of change are as follows:

Heating Cooling 280 698.6 685.6 281 702.9 692.4 282 707.2 699.2 283 711. 6 706.2 284 716.07 713.3 285 720.5932 720.5719 286 725.1 727.8 287 729.8 735.2 288 734.5 742.7 289 739 ..3 750.4 290 744.1 758. 1 Therefore, limiting values will be calculated with the heating equation from 290 degrees and greater, and with the cooling equation from 280 degrees and less. eqLI. b equ. a from Part III 1 2 ...."".!' 4 5 6 7 PCS Rate: Limit Limit : Overshoot LTDP T.S. Limit Comments Temp w/HPSI w/o HPSI w/HPSI de F si


si A ____ si A

   >'"'"""O                                        ,,                         35'1-                    C> II <<-t" s lt.oo i f. * ., ccf

C/ 2. 0

z. 4 3 .>£3
                                                                               '3~ 0
                                                                                                       *""' ; )\ ; ii a/

80 ,., 3~3 Par tP_.uJ r; f

                                                                                                         '3 to rs Jft
   ~o                                               Z.4                         3

EA-FC-809-13 Par-t IV Rev 1 page 3 of 4 o equ. b equ. a from Part III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PCS :Ratel Limit : Limit :overshoot :LTOP T.S. Limit: Comments Temp: of :cooling:heating:w/o HPSil w/HPSilw/o HPSI w/HPSI: degFlChng: psiG psiG psi psi psiA psiA If.IC> : ir,*/~f' '31-?- 'Z z. 3b' l 10: 3ez. Z'Z. 3_:; 'f 12..o: l8"1- 'Z. 2.. l 37-7 l  :

    /3o:                       'l~        <f                                    z '3                       :           3/:;)s-      :                I I 'to:                     "'to I                                            z '!>                     -- ***- *-   . ""--*----**------L 31z
    '!>():                      '109                                             z ?.                 - . l__ ____ 'l_C!__{__       : ______:

I (,o: i( I 'l 2. > '110 I ;.o l ft>j'};,. 3 ~ S" Z3 I Sol 388- z. 't

    / 90 _!_ ___ - : ---- 't.e_'t____ -                                        z '!>

2.ool ~2..3 : 2.G.

2. to:
__ _ . *- z. 'i
z. 3o: 'l.....!..'f~r _ _ 2S t "°:
2. s."O: (,cl/J,r :
5'2. 'I S" Z?.

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EA-FC-809-13 Part IV Rev 1 page 4 of 4 NOTE: 3/4 t values are not limiting for the rates of change of interest~ being higher in every instance, for the rates of temperature change assumed, and for the RPV fluence through 1.8E19 nvt.


1) PCS Pressure Temperature limits, August 89 revision, EA-A-PAL-89-98

L TOP LIMIT CURVE 2,800 ........... ,........ ....... ~-~-4.. ..... *-.*- __ ....... *.- ................ . 2,400 .... - .. - . . . . .... 2,000 .

                                                                                                        . . . . .    .       .   . . - .             .   . .       . . . . . . . . . . .      . .         . . . . . . . . .  ~  .   . - . . .

T 1.600 .. - . - - . . . . . .. . . . - ........ . ..... - .... . ii 1,200

     ~            .. . ..           . - - . .            .
                                                             ~   . .  .     . . -    . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                . .* . . .    . . . . ..  . ,/  . . . . . . .

I ' 0 o ' '

r. 800 . . . . . - ..... , . . . . . . . - - ...- - . . . . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . . . . *.* .......... *.*... . ....... " ...... .

a> 400 ~*....;_*;,..;..*

                            . .;...;..*. ..;..,;.**~**~*;,...;_
                                                             .. .;...;.*.........-----:----...~-~-~-                             . . . . . . . . . . .     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      . ......... .

511 !A 0-+-.---,-~r-..--,----,r---r---.-ir-r--,---,r-r--,--,-,--r-r~-.-.---.--,---.---,---,-,---,-,--r~,.-,-r-r--r--i z 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 PCS Degrees F}}