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Forwards Copy of Final Exercise Rept for 971007-08 Full Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plan site-specific to Shearon Harris Npp.No Deficiencies Identified
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1998
From: Copenhaver J
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Reyes L
Shared Package
ML18016A292 List:
NUDOCS 9802040188
Download: ML18016A293 (4)


f ~ Federal Emergency Mana'gement Agency Region IV 3003 Chamblee-Tpcker Rd Atlanta, GA 30341 January 12, 1998


Mr.'Luis Reyes Regional Administrator .RII,.',

Nuclear Regu'latory Commission.,

61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite .23T85 At~lanta;,. Georgia; .; 30303

Dear Mr. Reyes,

~ 41 ~

Enclosed is a copy of the final exercise report for the October 7-8, 1997>>- full participation plume exposure pathway exercise of the offsite gadiological emergency response plan/ site specific to .the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant. This report addresses the evaluation of the plans and preparedness for the State of North Carolina and the counties within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone.'The State of North Carolina,'he Risk Counties of Chatham, Harnett, Lee and Wake, and the'ost Counties of Alamance and Randolph participated in the exercise. The final exercise report was prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region IV staff. Copies of this report will be forwarded to the State of North Carolina, FEMA Headquarters and NRC Headquarters by my staff.

There were no Deficiencies identified 'during the exercise.

Three Areas Requiring Corrective Action (ARCA) which were identified during the 1995 exercise remain unresolved and three additional ARCAs were identified during this exercise.

Region IV staff will coordinate with the State of North Carolina to correct the ARCAs on or before the next biennial exercise.

Based on the results of the October 7-8, 1997 exercise, the off-site radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of North Carolina and the affected local jurisdictions site-specific to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant can be implemented and are adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken off-site to protect the health and 9802040%88 980l26 PDR ADOCK 05000400 F PDR


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safety of the public in'he event. of .a 'radiological emergency at the site. The .Title .44 CFR, Part 350, approval of the off-site radiological emergency response plans and

~ - preparedness for.;,t;he,.State of North Carolina site-specific to thq<$ hearon,Harris Nuclear Power Plant, granted on'Apri'1

~ 29, 1989,, will re'main,in effect.

Should you -have questions,.please contact Robert E. Perdue at 770-220-5464.

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