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Rev 11,Draft a of Topical QA Rept, Nonconforming Matls, Parts or Components.
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/21/1996
Shared Package
ML17354A533 List:
NUDOCS 9706250304
Download: ML17354A546 (10)


TOPICAL QUALITYASSURANCE REPORT T R 15.0 Rev. 11 Draft A NONCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS OR COMPONENTS 10/21/96 FPL Date Pa e 1 of 5 15.1 GENERAL RE UIREMENTS Measures shall be established to control materials, parts, or components which do not conform to requirements in order to prevent their inadvertent use or installation. These measures shall include, as appropriate, procedures for identification, documentation, segregation, disposition and notification to affected organizations. Nonconforming items shall be reviewed and accepted, rejected, repaired or reworked in accordance with documented procedures.

15.2 IMPLEMENTATION 15.2.1 Program Quality Instructions shall define the responsibilities and methods for identifying, documenting, segregating and providing disposition for nonconforming items. Throughout plant life, FPL may delegate any portion of the identification and control of nonconforming items and services to an Architect/Engineer (A/E), constructor, NSSS vendor or other contractor. In any case, FPL retains the responsibility for assuring that requirements are met, and shall assure that the contractor's actions conform to requirements set by FPL.

15.2.2 Documenting and Controlling Nonconformances All nonconformances shall be documented and reported for corrective action.

Measures shall be delineated in Quality Instructions which control further processing, installation, or operation of. nonconforming items. These measures shall include:

a. Physical identification of the item as nonconforming;
b. Segregation, of nonconforming items until disposition is properly provided.

Where physical segregation is not practical, suitable tags, marking or documentation shall be used to assure control.


9706250304.-970612 PDR noaCZ 0S0O025a

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TOPICAL UALITYASSURANCE REPORT TQR 15.0 Rev. 11 Draft A NONCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS" OR COMPONENTS 'Date 10/21/96 Pa e 2 or 5 The control of, and the documentation generated by the identification, disposition, correction, and: verification of nonconformances may be transferred between processing methods. Adequate controls shall be established to assure traceability between processing methods and the identified nonconforming item and to prevent inadvertent cancellation of the corrective action implementing document.

15.2.3 Documentation Documentation of the nonconforming item shall: identify the item; describe the nonconformance; show disposition of the nonconformance and inspection requirements; and,include the signature of the person approving the disposition.

15.2.4 Evaluation and Disposition Nuclear Engineering, or other delegated organizations, as specified by procedure, shall evaluate nonconformances and provide disposition for them based on the results of the evaluations; Nonconforming conditions which cannot be made acceptable utilizing existing design documents shall. be evaluated by Nuclear Engineering for disposition. These evaluations and dispositions shall be reviewed, approved and documented in accordance with procedures.

An evaluation to determine the disposition of nonconforming items shall be performed. The evaluation shall-determine whether an item is to be accepted as-is, repaired, reworked or rejected; A. technical- evaluation shall be performed when an item is accepted as-is or is repaired to an-acceptable, condition. Records of the disposition of these items shall: be made part of the nonconformance report. This, evaluation shall assure that the final condition does not adversely effect safety, operability or maintainability of the item, or of the component or system in which it is installed.

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TOPICAL UALITYASSURANCE REPORT T R 15.0 Rev. 11 Draft A NONCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS -OR COMPONENTS Date 10/21/96 Pa e 3 of 5 The A/E, or other contractors on-site, shall be required .to inform FPL as specified in procurement documents prior to use or installation of a nonconforming item. The nature and extent of a nonconformance and the reason

.d'l for proposing its use or installation shall be justified. Nonconforming items I'" * -i". i d *p condition, shall be so identified; Nonconformance reports for those items shall be made part of the item records and forwarded with the materi items to FPI..

The determination of the need and the advisability of releasing nonconforming caateri4e-er- items-, shall be initiated by the Site Vice President, and approved by Nuclear Engineering. The following factors may be appropriate considerations in making this determination:

a. Effect on the orderly progress of work ifmatual-er- items are released;
b. Safety of personnel;
c. Suitability of mater@i-ee items in "as-is" condition, i.e., probability of eventual satisfactory resolution of the nonconformance without repair, rework, or replacement;
d. Accessibility of mater&-er- items after release;
e. Cost. of removal and repair of replacement should matual-er- items eventually have to be removed, repaired, or replaced;
f. Impact on plant safety.

Items shall be reworked or repaired in accordance with documented'procedures and'hall'e verified by reinspecting the item as originally inspected or by a documented method which is at least equal to the original inspection method.

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TOPICAL UALITYASSURANCE REPORT T R 15.0 Rev. 11 Draft A NONCONFORMING MATERIALS, PARTS OR COMPONENTS Date 10/21/96 Pa e 4 of 5 Nonconformance reports shall, be periodically reviewed to identify quality trends. The results of these analyses. shall be reviewed with appropriate members of upper-level management.

15.3 RESPONSIBILITIES 15.3.1 Direct reports of the President, Nuclear Division, and Department Heads of organizations supporting the Nuclear Division are responsible for:

a. the generation of instructions/procedures to implement requirements for the identification, control, disposition, and verification of nonconformances within their purview;
b. 'dentifying and documenting nonconforming items within the scope of their departmental responsibilities;
c. submitting nonconformances requiring design evaluations to the appropriate engineering organizations;
d. tracking and control of open nonconforming items within the:scope of their departmental responsibilities;
e. p HgNl ii d fy g h* I f nonconforming items within the scope of their departmental


f. periodically assessing quality trends related to nonconformances.

15.3.2 The Site Vice President is responsible for:

a. supplier notification and follow-up of nonconformances requiring supplier corrective actions.
b. initiation of release of nonconforming material for use.

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TOPICAL UALITYASSURANCE REPORT TQR 15.0 Rev. 11 Draft A NONCONFORMING MATERIAL'S, PARTS OR COMPONENTS 10/21/96 FPL Date Pa e 5 of 5 15.3.3 The Director Nuclear Assurance is responsible for:

a. periodically assessing .quality .trends related to nonconformances and reviewing the results of these assessments with appropriate members of upper-level management.

15.3.4 The Vice President Nuclear Engineering is responsible for:

a. the review, evaluation, and disposition of nonconformances submitted by other departments;
b. approval of release of nonconforming items;

'c. supplier notification and follow-up of nonconformances requiring supplier corrective actions.

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